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Thread: Nightcap (NC-17)

  1. #11
    NS Senior Member Senior Member sydsvaughn's Avatar
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    04 Mar 2003
    Did I mention how much I love this fic? If not, consider it mentioned now. So glad you're posting this and I cannot wait to read more!


  2. #12
    Imperial Dragon Senior Member Impress's Avatar
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    Imperial Palace
    yeah you brought it over here. So enjoying this story. But then you already knew that. Post soon.

  3. #13
    Just a Guest!
    Originally posted by scifichick774@Jun 13 2003, 06:43 AM
    ‘Not yet.’

    Why that little... I hope he tries something and Chloe rips his balls off. Nobody breaks up the Chlex! Stupid red y-front wearing interloper.

    Anyway, liking this very much, very original. Update soon? Please?

  4. #14
    Just a Guest!
    “So what happened…actually…*happened*?” Lana asked, her face growing paler with every word.

    “Yeah,” Chloe confirmed, trying to concentrate on her sympathy for the friend in front of her instead of the immense anger she felt toward Clark for not telling people the truth before they left his party. She snapped out of her thoughts and watched as Lana shook her head back and forth in weak denial.

    “But --- no,” she protested.

    “Lana ---”

    “*No*, Chloe. I was only dreaming,” Lana said more adamantly as she tried to convince herself of the validity of her statement. “How else would you explain the fact that I woke up here and not…somewhere else?” Chloe drew in a deep breath and released it slowly before answering.

    “Trevor gave you a ride home after you passed out from having your stomach pumped at the hospital,” she replied. “Do you remember any of that?”

    “I – I ---” Lana stammered, “--- how did you know about that? It was just a dream. I ---” Lana trailed off with a nervous frown, her eyes darting around the Sullivans’ living room, subconsciously looking for a way to get out of what happened.

    “Think about it, Lana. I mean, aren’t you…sore?”

    Lana crinkled her brow. Maybe the thing with Trevor had actually happened, and she had just been half asleep for it. But she reasoned that the rest of it couldn’t possibly have happened, as Chloe clearly had a completely different idea about what had gone on. After all, why would she be *sore*?

    “My throat *does* hurt a little, but I figured I was just coming down with something,” Lana said.

    Chloe opened her mouth to comment, but quickly shut it and gave Lana a forced smile.

    “So-ooo many ways I could interpret that statement,” she said, “but I’ll be nice and say that I’m pretty sure we’re talking about different things.” Lana’s eyes widened as she realized what Chloe was saying.

    “Oh! You meant…”


    “Oh, God,” Lana groaned in a panicked voice. “It really happened! What am I going to do, Chloe?” Chloe reached out and comfortingly touched Lana’s arm.

    ‘Stupid Clark,’ she thought. ‘I can’t believe he let everyone go home thinking that they were still dreaming --- okay, yes I can. What a jerk.’

    “Chloe, what am I going to do?” Lana repeated.

    “Don’t worry, Lana, everything’s going to work out,” Chloe said. “Trevor’s looking into who could have done something like this, Clark is *finally* going door to door and telling people the truth, and Lex is ---”

    “Lex! Oh, my God!” Lana exclaimed. “You – you and – you had ---” Chloe barely restrained her wince with Lana’s appalled tone.

    “We slept together,” she confirmed, mimicking Lex’s way of pushing all visible emotion away from his face. Lana opened and closed her mouth a few times, gaping like a fish as she struggled for words.

    “You – is that what you meant by sore?” she finally asked. Chloe tilted her head to the side as she gave Lana a questioning look.

    “Well, yeah,” she answered. “Aren’t ---”

    “He was your *first*?!” Lana blurted out. “Oh, God, Chloe. I had no idea. And here I was, rambling on about me and Pete and worried because we didn’t use protection, when ---” Chloe’s eyes grew large and she had to force herself to resist the urge to run away as quickly as she possibly could.

    “Pete – last night – not your ---” she incoherently babbled. Lana shook her head and gave her friend a sympathetic look. Chloe swallowed down the bitter bile that suddenly rose to her throat. “Clark?” she squeaked in what was almost a whisper. She told herself that she didn’t like him anymore, but old feelings were hard to get rid of, especially jealousy.

    “Oh, no – no,” Lana protested, her hands waving in front of her for effect. “I never slept with Clark. I was talking about Whitney.”

    “Oh,” Chloe said in surprise. Lana gave her a half-grin that seemed apologetic more than anything.

    “We went out for almost two years and ---”

    “*So* don’t need the details,” Chloe interrupted. Lana giggled, but her amusement with her friend’s statement quickly disappeared and her face twisted into a worried expression. “What?”

    “You – you said that last night was your first time,” Lana started carefully. Chloe gave her a small smile.

    “I think we’ve established that,” she said in a somewhat teasing voice.

    “So, you’re probably not on the pill either?” Lana asked, biting her lower lip nervously and then looking down and off to the side. “At least I won’t have to go through the pregnancy thing alone,” she mumbled to herself in a whispered voice. She raised her head again and then shook it lightly at Chloe. “I should have known better. I should have known that this is Smallville, and like you say, anything can happen here. I should have asked my doctor about putting me on birth control. I mean, you never know what’s going to happen, right?”

    “Wrong,” Chloe argued and jumped out of her seat to start pacing the room. “I know exactly what’s going to happen in respect to my sex life – or at least I did. Every guy I went out with was either a meteor mutant or my dates would be interrupted by Clark Kent’s ‘fantastic’ timing. I never had to worry about anything happening because Clark was my own living, breathing birth control – whether it be his bad timing or his constant lectures about who I shouldn’t date, which includes just about everybody by the way. He just didn’t…work…last night.”

    Lana frowned and bit back the small amount of jealousy she felt with Chloe’s words. The fact that Clark had always been so upset about whatever Chloe was doing or who she was dating had been one of the reasons they had never gotten past the trust issue between them. She knew that Clark liked her, but she suspected it was only for her looks, for the image she projected, rather than the person she actually was; whereas with Chloe, he cared about her as a friend, possibly even more and hadn’t realized it yet, and that’s why he was so hard on her. He couldn’t stand to see Chloe making what he considered to be mistakes, especially when it came to dating someone other than him.

    “He tried to,” Lana finally brought herself to say. Chloe stopped pacing and narrowed her eyes.


    Lana took a deep breath and looked at Chloe with substantial apprehension.

    “Clark tried to stop you, but I – I kind of distracted him,” Lana answered, now chewing so nervously on her bottom lip that Chloe thought she might draw blood. “I’m sorry. I really did think I was just dreaming and ---”

    “I’m not.”

    Lana blinked.

    “You’re not what?”

    “Sorry,” Chloe clarified. “It was something that both of us have apparently wanted for a while.”

    “B-but, I thought you liked Clark,” Lana said with confusion. “And what if you’re…you know?” Lana asked, motioning to Chloe’s stomach. Chloe waved Lana’s comment away with a flick of her hand.

    “Just because we slept together, it doesn’t mean that he…fertilized anything. And the same goes for you and Pete. You shouldn’t worry about it unless you miss your period or start throwing up or something.”

    “But ---”

    “Besides,” Chloe cut in, “on the off-chance that I *was* ovulating, Lex is probably sterile anyway.”

    “Chloe ---”

    “I mean, he was at ground zero when the meteors hit. All that radiation had to have ---”

    “Chloe!” Lana said again, this time louder so Chloe would actually pay attention. Chloe’s body swiveled so she could look at Lana, but Lana could see the distinctly concentrated look in her friend’s eyes and knew that even if she spoke, there was a good chance that Chloe would just shut her out and continue her rambling inwardly rather than outwardly. Still, she had to take a chance.


    “I’m not like you,” Lana said.


    “I can’t just wait and see – I need to know – I can’t do this,” Lana rambled in a panicked voice. “Oh, my God. I can’t do this.”

    “Lana, just calm down,” Chloe said. “You’ll be fine – we both will. Okay?” Lana frowned again.

    “At least Lex seems like a pretty progressive guy. I’m sure he’ll abide but whatever you decide.”

    Chloe raised an eyebrow.

    “Did you just say ‘abide’?” she asked, the humor evident in her tone. Lana pursed her lips and threw a decorative couch pillow at her.

    “It’s on my ‘word of the day’ calendar, okay?” she huffed. Chloe laughed and shook her head, holding up her hands to wage off any further attacks.

    “Okay, okay,” she said and walked back to the couch, choosing to sit on the oversized arm rather than sink back down into the comfortable cushions. “But, like I said, I really don’t think you have anything to worry about. And, if it turns out that Pete is as virile as he claims to be,” she paused and shot a bemused smile at Lana, “then…I’ve known him for a long time, Lana. He’s old fashioned, but…just don’t worry about it. Okay?”

    Chloe stopped talking when she noticed that Lana looked absolutely horrified with everything that had happened and the prospect of what might happen because of it, and she couldn’t help but wonder why she didn’t feel the same way.

    If anything, she felt better about her life than she had in quite a while. But, she supposed that was because of Lex and how he had reacted when they woke up in each other’s arms that morning. Even if it ended up being just a one night stand, even if they didn’t end up having a relationship because of it, Chloe wouldn’t give up the experience for anything. Of course, the look on Clark’s face when he finally seemed to notice that she was a female member of the species hadn’t been bad either.

    Chloe’s lips fell into a small frown when she thought about Clark. She wondered how she could have liked someone like him for so long, and more importantly, why she felt like her business with him hadn’t been completed.


    “What are you doing in Smallville, Dad?”

    Lionel cocked his head at Lex as he walked into his office at the manor.

    “I’ve been waiting for you for the last hour,” he informed him, leaning back in his son’s chair.

    “Fascinating,” Lex said with dry sarcasm, “but it doesn’t answer my question.”

    “Testy,” Lionel teased. With a smirk, he stood up and started to step toward his son. “What’s the matter, Lex? Didn’t you sleep well?”

    Lex clenched his jaw and his spine stiffened.

    ‘As if I couldn’t have guessed,’ he thought to himself. “I presume from your statement that you had something to do with what happened at Clark’s party?”

    Lionel arched an amused eyebrow and one corner of his mouth lifted into a small smirk.

    “Clark had a party?” he asked with mock-innocence. “I’m surprised his parents allowed that – although, since they’re out of town, they probably don’t know about it.”

    “Keeping tabs on your former employee? That’s a little much even for you, isn’t it, Dad? Better be careful or Mr. Kent will bring charges against you for stalking his wife.”

    “I’m surprised you haven’t learned that nothing is too much for me, son,” Lionel sneered smugly. “And as far as Mr. Kent is concerned, I’ll just have to inform him that the surveillance was in his wife’s contract – to make sure she didn’t go straight to any of my competitors with her inside information within six months of departure from LuthorCorp.”

    “Smooth,” Lex said, half-sarcastic and half-impressed.

    “And Martha Kent isn’t the only former employee I’ve been keeping tabs on.”

    “Why does that not surprise me?”

    Lionel picked a remote off of Lex’s desk and with the click of a button, an image of the party popped up on the television screen.

    “I --- I can’t let you go, Chloe. You’re mine.”

    The image flickered and Lex glanced over to see his dad fast-forwarding the tape.

    Lex kissed her and cupped her ass, bringing her legs to wrap around his waist. His hand drifted down under her skirt and pushed aside the thin string of material standing between them. She lifted her hips, positioning herself above his hard, throbbing cock. Their eyes locked and she thrust herself downward, impaling herself on his shaft.

    Lionel paused the recording and leaned his head to the side as he looked for Lex’s reaction to the tape he had just shown him. Finding nothing but a stone-like expression, he decided to push the issue.

    “How long have you been involved with Miss Sullivan?”

  5. #15
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    25 Nov 2002
    Yay! Loved the update :yay: I really want to know how Lex reacts to the tape.

  6. #16
    NS Junior Member
    Join Date
    26 May 2003
    Sooo glad an update came, can't wait 'till the next one...my favorite line
    “It’s on my ‘word of the day’ calendar, okay?”
    Sooooo funny, I can just picture her holding a piece of paper, blank look on her face, saying "What does abide mean?" heheh

    Love it!!

  7. #17
    Just a Guest!
    It's great ! I'm so happy you updated !!!
    Lana sleeping with Whitney :huh: after all we don't know. Maybe !
    Anyway, I LOVE that story

  8. #18
    Imperial Dragon Senior Member Impress's Avatar
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    26 May 2003
    Imperial Palace
    woo hoo an update. Worth the wait too. Good job dear.

  9. #19
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    23 Nov 2002
    Oh my Lord :huh: hmy: what is Lex going to do now. Ohhhhh :goof:

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  10. #20
    NS Full Member Val's Avatar
    Join Date
    07 May 2003
    Yaaaaaayyyy Update!
    And a great one! :biggrin: Thanks!

    And I was: :huh: at the last part, how Lex can keep a stone-like expression, I'll never know! Of course is Lexie and he just rocks! hehehehe
    More soon! :yay2:

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