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Thread: Startling Revelation (NC-17) *Epilogue part 2 updated 5/21/07*

  1. #61
    Members Kitty Black Cat's Avatar
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    in the province of Québec, in Canada

    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 3-13-06 Part 2 of chapter 3 * (NC-17)

    Oh my GOD!!!!!! This is so so so so so so so good!!!!!!!! I really loke your story. And I love how you put Lois. I normally don't like her that much but in this fic she rules! The plot is going great, you're writting it very well and I can't wait to see what happens next!!! Please write more soon!!!!

  2. #62
    The Masked Phantomess Senior Member Augustine86's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 3-13-06 Part 2 of chapter 3 * (NC-17)

    I adore this fic! I love it, love it, love it! I think it's perfect and it makes me cry remembering it's not how it goes really on Smallville! WHY????????????????????????????

    Of course, you must update soon, like yesterday or last year. And keep up Chloe's awesome characterization and the nice little details you add. I love 'em.

  3. #63
    Members Jinx_Jamerson's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 3-13-06 Part 2 of chapter 3 * (NC-17)

    This is great! Keep going!

  4. #64
    NS Full Member persephone47's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 3-13-06 Part 2 of chapter 3 * (NC-17)

    Great start, I can't wait for the next update(s). The phone call with Lois was so funny.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "The only way to get ideas for stories is to drink way too much coffee and buy a desk that doesn't collapse when you beat your head against it..."
    -- Douglas Noel Adams

  5. #65
    NS Full Member
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 3-13-06 Part 2 of chapter 3 * (NC-17)

    cute story and im glad that they are reviving their verbal judo. lois is just kickass in this story. keep writing please.

  6. #66
    NS Full Member
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 3-13-06 Part 2 of chapter 3 * (NC-17)

    This is great...Lex really needs somebody on his side. I'm glad Chloe kinda forgot her "Get Lex" plan and was sincere with him...y'know...the article could've been manipulative on her part, but not if she really feels that way. Or maybe I'm just justifying it 'cause I'm for anything that will bring Lex closer to Chloe...and away from Lana!

    I agree with those who like Lois better in this fic than on the show - (not that I watch the show much anymore) - and I'm glad to say I hate Lana just as much as ever! When fanfic writers make Lana nicer....it freaks me out.

    Thanks for making your fic funny...I've been missing funny Chlex... the Humor forum has been sadly neglected. So if I have to take some NC-17 with my Humor, I guess I can handle it.

  7. #67
    NS Full Member teb85's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 3-13-06 Part 2 of chapter 3 * (NC-17)

    Fantastic updates ! I love the verbal judo between Lex and Chloe and the way you write Lois is great, she really makes me laugh ! Can't wait for more !!

  8. #68
    Kill Lana
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    12 Nov 2005

    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 3-22-06 Chapter 4 * (NC-17)

    Thanks again for all the feedback! Sorry I haven’t posted in a while. School has been keeping me busy! Here’s the next chapter. Enjoy!

    Chapter 4

    “Lets bring it in with a full lotus. Close your eyes, and breathe in deeply, before letting it out slowly.”

    “I need to get laid.”

    Chloe opened one eye, and glanced over at Lois, surprised at the exclamation. “What?”

    “You know,” Lois said opening one of her eyes also. “Laid? As in Sex. I want to fuck.”

    “Now move into a seated twist.”

    Chloe switched positions. “That’s nice to know.”

    Lois did the same. “I’m serious. Taking up yoga will eventually make us extremely flexible. What’s the point of knowing how to put your legs behind your head if you can’t show it off in bed?”

    “Move into a seated angle.”

    “I’m marveling at the fact that I get your point.”

    Lois glared at her. “Like you haven’t thought about it once.”

    “I have,” Chloe admitted as she stretched her arms out above her head. “Once or twice. But, this was your idea to do this.”

    “Yeah. In case you’ve forgotten, I did this for you. You know, just in case a certain bald billionaire comes to his senses.”

    Chloe just smiled. “That’ll be the day.”

    “By the way. You haven’t even done what I suggested to you have you?”

    “I’ve been busy.”

    Lois raised an eyebrow at her. “Busy or scared?”

    Chloe glared at her. “Busy. I’ve been entirely too busy to deal with this right now.”

    Lois muttered something under her breath.

    “Now move into a dog tilt, and slowly breathe in again.”

    “What was that?”

    “I never pinned you for being a coward Chloe Sullivan.”

    “I am no coward.”

    “You are too,” Lois taunted stretching her arms above her head. “Here you have Lex Luthor right where you need him, and what do you do? Nothing. Nada. Zip-”

    “I get it,” Chloe cut in annoyed. “What’s your point?”

    “My point is, you’re a scaredy cat. Too scared to do something as simple as becoming Lex’s friend, and you can’t even do that.”

    Chloe knew she couldn’t deny it. She had thought long and hard about what Lois told her what she had to do next. She was afraid. She didn’t know if she could risk her feelings with Lex again. She knew she couldn’t bear to handle him hurting her again.

    “Look,“ Lois started. “I know you’re a little apprehensive about all this, but sometimes, and I’m no expert on this, but sometimes you have to take risks when you’re in love. I mean gigantic risks. That is, if you want to get what you want.”

    Once again, Lois was right. Chloe did want tog et what she wanted. What she deserved. She dropped her arms, and turned to look at Lois. “How do I go about doing this again?” She asked, and Lois smiled.

    “Use that Sullivan charm of yours.”

    Chloe frowned. “Meaning?”

    “Meaning you have to do something he wouldn’t expect. I don’t know how you even talk to him. I tried verbally sparring with him, and I’m still picking my face off of the floor.”

    “Oh yeah.” Chloe laughed as she remembered the ‘Muffin peddling college dropout’ label Lex had so cuttingly remarked.

    She stopped laughing the longer Lois glared at her. “You have to admit. It was funny.”

    “Whatever,” Lois said while reaching over to switch the television off. “Let us quit this yoga crap and grab a latte downstairs.”

    “Okay. Hey Lois, didn’t you sleep with that water boy who saved your life that day at the lake?”

    “I thought we agreed to never to discuss that.”

    Chloe laughed some more.


    Chloe paused in her typing as she heard the familiar whoosh of air from behind her.

    “What do you want Clark?”

    “There’s no sneaking up on you anymore is there?”

    “Not when there’s a sudden gust of wind in a room without windows. How’d you know I was here?”

    “Lana told me.”

    “Of course.” She turned in her chair, raising an eyebrow at the bouquet of wildflowers in his hand. “What are those?”

    Clark seemed to collect himself before holding out the flowers to her. “I’ve been calling you for a week and half, and since you didn’t want to speak to me I figured I’d come to you. I don’t want you to hate me anymore.”

    “I’m sorry,” He continued, taking a deep breath. “I shouldn’t have yelled at you. I shouldn’t have asked you to put your job over me. It was wrong and it was selfish of me. I’ll try to never do it again. Please. Forgive me?”

    Chloe silently stared at him. Clark really was pathetically cute sometimes, and if she wasn’t so butt crazy in love with Lex, she’d probably still be in love with him. This certainly was a first for him. The old Clark wouldn’t have even bothered to apologize. Wouldn’t even bother to see her side of things. She realized her little boy was all grown up.

    She stood, taking the flowers from him. “I really want to smash these flowers over your head, but I’ll take them anyway. Plus, I never hated you,” she said softly. “I was just tired of you always judging me for doing my job.”

    He nodded, and hugged her. “I know. I’m stupid like that. You’re the only friend I’ve got Chloe.”

    It was the truth, and Chloe just realized that now. She tightened her arms around him, suddenly feeling very sorry for that. “I know Clark. I know.”


    “Ms. Sullivan, I told you Mr. Luthor is very busy.”

    Lex looked up from his paperwork, and paused surprised to see Chloe barging into his study.

    “Hi.” She waved over at him with a small smile.

    “Mr. Luthor, I’m sorry, but she wouldn’t listen to me.”

    “Its all right Helga.”

    Helga nodded, and flashed Chloe a glare before turning and leaving.

    “Bye Helga!” Chloe called before turning and walking further into the study.

    “Hi, Lex.” She greeted, walking in front of his desk.

    He sat back in his chair. “Chloe,” He started coolly. “This is a surprising visit. What brings you to this side of Smallville?”

    “Well, I was just in the neighborhood, and I figured I’d come by and keep you company.” she held up a bag of food with a smile. “I bought Chinese.”

    Chloe reveled in the look of surprise on Lex’s face, but it was gone just as fast as it appeared.

    “Keep me company?”

    She nodded. “Uh huh.”

    “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a little busy. So if you could just-”

    “Yes,” Chloe cut in. “Helga told me, and by the way, I don’t think she likes me very much.”

    “She just takes her job seriously.”

    “Which is why you hired her.”

    They both shared a small smile before she turned away with the bag of food in her hand.

    “Chloe, what are you doing?” He inquired watching as she moved toward the leather chair.

    “Well, I’m about to eat Chinese food.” She answered removing her jacket. “You’re welcome to have some. It is why I came by.” She flashed his confused face a smile, and sat down reaching for the bag again.

    “Chloe,” He started slowly, as if here were talking to a child. “I told you I was-”

    “Busy, Yes. On a Sunday afternoon. Which is pretty lame by the way.” She started pulling cartons out of the bag, chancing a glance at him and smiling inwardly at the annoyed look on his face. She didn’t care what reaction she was getting from him as long as it wasn’t his cool unmoved attitude he seemed so inclined to use.

    He sighed. “Chloe-”

    “Sorry,” She said cutting him off again. She reached for the chicken and broccoli along with the chopsticks. “That was rude. Look, don’t mind me. Pretend I’m the furniture. I’ll just sit here and eat quietly while you work.”

    She chanced another glance at him unsurprised to see he was pinching the bridge of his nose. She grinned, and began to happily munch on her food.

    Chloe’s stomach was doing some serious flip flopping, but still continued to eat, glancing at him through lowered lids. He was looking good as always. Wearing a cream colored V neck cashmere sweater that hugged his arms showing off his very nice muscles. He seemed to be taking on an air of indifference now. Ignoring her while he typed on his laptop.

    fifteen minutes pass.

    She wanted to groan in annoyance. She knew the question as to why she was here was eating a him. She also knew he wouldn’t ask. He’ll just sit there ignoring her until she became so uncomfortable or bored that she would just give up and leave.

    He obviously must’ve forgotten who he was dealing with.

    She hummed to herself as she switched cartons, placing the chicken and broccoli down for the beef lo mein. She glanced at Lex again frowning when she noticed he was now busy writing something in one of his file folders. She hummed even louder. Her frown turned to a smile when she noticed the slight pause in his writing.

    Ten more minutes pass.

    “You know the rumors about you are greatly exaggerated. You’re extremely boring.”

    This time Lex paused completely, and slowly looked up at her. “Excuse me?”

    Chloe let out a little huff. “You Lex Luthor, are boring. I mean here I am, visiting you, and you don’t even try to entertain me. You just ignore me.”

    “I don’t remember inviting you over,” He said, sounding offended. “And I’m certainly not your entertainment.”

    Chloe repressed her giggling. “You’re right on both, but could it kill you to be a little bit more nicer to me?”

    Lex pressed his lips together tightly, and briefly closed his eyes. “Why are you here Chloe?”

    She hid her triumphant smile. “Well, Lex, isn’t it obvious?”

    Lex only stared at her, and she sighed.

    “I told you before we were friends once. So I figured why not try and be friends again? I know you don’t have any friends,” She smirked. “Well, besides Lana, and I know a lot of terrible things happened between us, but water under the bridge right?”

    Lex blinked. And blinked again.

    Chloe was seriously thinking how much of a mistake she was making, but she continued on. “So, friends?”

    Silence filled the room. Awful awkward silence that made Chloe’s stomach tie in knots. Lex sighed loudly before sitting forward.

    “Is that Lo mein?”

    Chloe started surprised. “Huh? Yes.”

    He stood up, and walked from behind his desk. “Chicken or Beef?”

    Chloe smiled. “Beef of course.”

    He reached for the carton, and she handed him his own set of chopsticks, smiling when he sat down beside her.

    Chloe watched him as he sat there. Eating slowly. Smelling really good. Looking really good. She realized how much she wanted this. Missed his friendship. She knew Lex didn’t have any friends. She couldn’t imagine how lonely It must be to live in a castle with so many empty rooms, and not have someone around to keep you company. She knew it probably sounded stupid because he was Lex Luthor, but then again he was only human, and humans get lonely. She suspected his years of loneliness, and probably constant hurt must’ve filled him with cynicism. She knew somewhere under that brittle persona of his had to be a person filled with warmth and vulnerability.

    “What is it?”

    She blinked, realizing Lex was watching her watch him. She cursed her stupid ability to mind babble. Sometimes she’d just stare into space, and let her mind wander on a certain subject, and she knew she probably was watching Lex as if he were a bug under a microscope. He looked wary. Uncomfortable.

    She really wanted to hug him right now.

    She smiled. “Nothing.”

    If Lex thought it was more than nothing, he didn’t say so.

    She looked around wanting to fill the uncomfortable silence. “Wasn’t there a television in here somewhere?”

    Lex paused before reaching under the table, and pressing a button. A panel opened, and a forty inch flat screen came sliding up from the table.

    Chloe raised an eyebrow. “Very MTV cribs of you.”

    “Thank you.” He switched the television on.

    Chloe’s eyes widened in surprise when she noticed the television was tuned into the Cartoon network. She watched amused as Lex quickly but smoothly switched channels.

    “You didn’t see that.” He said after a few moments, and she nodded holding in her laughter for her sake.

    “Of course I didn’t.”

    He settled on an old black and white Twilight Zone episode. She brought her legs up under her as she lay sideways on the chair to get comfortable.

    “I haven’t seen this one since I was little.”

    Chloe smiled. “I wasn’t allowed to watch this show when I was little. Every time it was bedtime I always ended up crawling into my father’s bed because of nightmares. I still snuck and watched it because Pete and Clark were always talking about it the next day in school.”

    She looked over at Lex to see him watching her with a small smile that made her insides flutter. She cleared her throat, and turned back to the television to where they both watched in companionable silence.

    Suddenly Chloe felt her eyes grow heavy, and she had forgotten how much eating Chinese food made her sleepy.

    Chloe shifted slightly, pulling the small blanket that covered her body up to her neck. Her eyes snapped open in a panic when she realized she wasn’t in her bed. She slowly sat up, and looked around her surroundings remembering she was in Lex’s study. The table had been cleared of all remnants of Chinese food, but the television was still out, but it was on mute.

    “Have a good nap?”

    She looked up to see Lex back at his desk writing in his file folders. He looked up at her with a small smirk.

    She knew she should feel embarrassed about falling asleep, but she didn’t. She was too busy feeling touched that he put a blanket over her. “What time is it?”

    “A little after seven.”

    God he let her sleep for two hours?

    “Why’d you let me sleep so long?”

    He just shrugged. “You looked tired.”

    She raised an eyebrow. She suspected he just did it so he could get back to work. “How long have you been working?”

    He shrugged slightly. “Not long.”

    She slowly stood, stretching her arms above her head. “I better get back to the dorm,” she muttered. “I think I have a paper to type or something.”

    “Yes,” He said with a slight nod. “Don’t want to miss out on that.”

    “Thank you for your hospitality.” She said while putting on her coat.

    He gave her another slight nod. “My pleasure.”

    She smiled at him before walking toward the door.

    “I hope I don’t read any exclusives tomorrow about my watching the Cartoon Network.”

    Chloe paused before turning to Lex with a smile. “No, no there won’t be any exclusives.”

    She turned to go, but paused again. “Hey Lex?”

    “Yes Chloe?”

    “I’ll see you next Sunday.”

    He was silent for a long moment then: “Okay.”


  9. #69
    NS Junior Member hellinean's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 3-22-06 Chapter 4 * (NC-17)

    I m so glad you had updated your story (i really like your story!)
    but you know it is not enough .. i NEED MORE ! LOL LOL please come back soon with a new part!!

    I like how Chloe is trying to make friends again with lex to make him fall for her hehe..
    and i laughed about Lex and cartoon channel lol
    and the part with Lois and yoga was too funny ( i really like Lois in your fic!!)

    Please write more soon!!!!

  10. #70
    NS Full Member meg20's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 3-22-06 Chapter 4 * (NC-17)

    I like this story and Like the way Chloe is taking control of things and she won't let lex off the hook!!!

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