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Thread: Lex wants children (G) complete

  1. #1
    Join Date
    10 Jul 2005

    Lex wants children (G) complete

    Title: Lex wants children
    Summary: Lex wants children
    Pairing: Chlex
    Disclaimers: I do not own Smallville

    Chapter One

    Chloe was in the kitchen of the mansion getting a mug for some coffee. She normally didn’t care for Lex’s helpers. She liked to do things on her own. The coffee pot started whistling. Chloe put the pot on a different burner, and proceeded to make her coffee. Lex comes in the kitchen and takes his coat off. Chloe looks at him while she’s making coffee. Lex comes over and kisses her forehead.

    “Hey honey. How was your day?” Lex asked as he took a seat at the head table. Chloe shrugged.
    “Well not working is a bore. I must’ve been at the Talon for more then five hours surfing the net.” Chloe said as she finished her coffee, and joined Lex at the table. Lex smirked and put his hand on top of hers, and clenched it in his hand. The warmth of her hand succumbed his. Lex smiled brightly at her and she smiled back.
    “There’s kareoke at the Talon tonight. I thought we could go. Just to get out of the house.” Chloe blew her hair out of her face.
    “Sure. I bet Martha would love me drinking all the coffee again. I must’ve gone to the bathroom a hundred times.” Chloe said as she rolled her eyes. Lex chuckled.
    “Chloe, you can have all the coffee you want.” Chloe smiled.

    The Talon 7:00PM

    The Talon was hoping that night. There was hardly a seat in the place.

    “That’s weird.” Chloe began.
    “What?” Lex asked.
    “The Talon was dead when I was here.” Chloe shrugged it off and continued to get in line for another cup of coffee.
    “Maybe they’re here to see Clark do the mashed potato again.” Chloe burst out laughing.
    “I think he had way too much caffeine. Either that or way too much Lois.” Don’t get me wrong Chloe did love her cousin, but Clark and Lois were impossible. Even though they were a couple, they argued more then Chloe and Lex did.
    “No offense but that was just wrong.” Chloe and Lex looked at each other and snickered.

    “Hey guys.” Clark said as he came up behind them with Lois.
    “Hey potato.” Chloe said as she ruffled Clark’s hair. Clark glared at Chloe and Chloe put her hands up like she was surending to the police.
    “I think party boy had way too much caffeine that night.” Lois said with a smile. Clark rolled his eyes.
    “What did you get Clark? I think it was a coffee smoothie loaded with sugar and caffeine.”
    “I hope we’re not going to get the same dance and song tonight Clark.” Lex winked at Clark.
    “All I want is a coffee. What’s wrong with coffee?” Clark said as he shrugged his shoulders.
    “Sometimes coffee can make you do stupid things.” Chloe added.
    “Like get married…” Chloe trailed off and looked at Lex with a huge smile.
    “What’s wrong with getting married? I thought you loved me?” Lex complained.
    “Oh I do. Sometimes there are some things that just make me wanna,…” Chloe stopped in mid sentence. They have only been married a year.

    “What?” Lex asked curiously with a little force behind his words. Chloe didn’t want to say what her tick.
    “Nothing.” She backed down and looked ahead of the line. They were getting close to getting coffee. Precious coffee. Lex was intrigued. There was no backing down now. Not when he was so close.
    “No Chloe. It is something. I wanna know.” Lex said seriously as he placed his hand on her shoulder. Chloe sighed.
    “Alright but you’re not gonna like it.”
    “Try me.” Lex said sternly with a slight hiss. The way he said it was enough to turn her on.
    “You think you’re never wrong.” Chloe said as she folded her arms across her stomach. Clark and Lois were having fun listening in on their conversation.
    “When have I thought that Chloe?” Lex asked a bit more angered.
    “Does credit card ring a bell?” Chloe snapped. Lex stammered a bit and looked to the side.
    “Uh huh. That’s what I thought.”

    “What credit card?” Clark asked curiously. ‘You can’t just leave a story there Chloe!’ Clark thought.

    Chloe and Lex drove up to an ATM machine. They were on they’re way to Metropolis and they would need some money. You’d think Lex would keep a couple hundreds on hand but nope. They had to rush and they didn’t have time to stop but Chloe insisted that they get some money out.

    “You were the one who was supposed to bring the money Lex. What’s with you?” Chloe shouted as they both got out of the car.
    “Chloe, would you shut up? I know what I’m doing.” Lex said as he angrily swiped his card.
    “How much are we taking out?” Lex said angrily and waited for Chloe’s response.
    “A million.” Chloe spat and rolled her eyes. Lex sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
    “I think 25 thousand sounds good.” Chloe leaned on the side of the glass. She blew her hair out of her face again. ‘I need a hair cut.’ She thought.
    “I don’t think that will be enough.” Chloe said stubbornly. Lex was getting agitated. He sighed again.
    “Chloe, I know what I’m doing. I think 25 grand is enough.”
    “Right Lex. You’re never wrong.” Chloe said sarcastically.
    “You should be thankful that I have money and let you use it.” He spat as the money poured out of the machine. Chloe looked away and rolled her eyes.
    “You let me use it because you love me.”
    “More then that Chloe.” Lex said as he gathered the money, put it in his wallet and took her hand.
    “What if you get pregnant? That’s why I’ve started that savings account.” Lex smiled.
    “Pregnant? Lex, you want children?” Chloe said shocked. Lex nodded his head yes. Chloe was baffled. She’s never been pregnant before. She was scared at the thought.
    “I, I don’t know what to say.” Chloe said as she looked at him passionately.
    “Say you agree.” He rubbed her hand.
    “But we’ve never….”
    “I know.” He whispered.

    On the ride to Metropolis Chloe was pondering their last conversation. ‘Children? Lex wants children? I’m not sure I’m ready…. Well we have made out by the fire, but not actually done it.’ Chloe began to drift asleep.

    A few hours later of shopping and having a good ol time in Metropolis… Lex was counting his money.

    “49, 50…” Lex was worried. They only had 50 dollars left. How could they have spent 25 grand in one day?
    “Chloe, did you take any money?” Lex asked seriously to his wife. Chloe licked her ice cream cone and looked at Lex as they walked the streets of Metropolis.
    “No Lex. Why are we out?” She asked as she continued to eat her ice cream.
    “No, we have 50 dollars left. I have to fill the tank, and we haven’t eaten dinner yet.” Lex said more worried now.
    “I told you 25 wasn’t enough.” Chloe said. Lex sighed irately.
    “Chloe.” Lex groaned.
    “You’re never wrong Lex.”

    Clark looked at Lex with a serious face, then a smile.

    “You two are impossible.” Clark said. It was finally there turn for coffee. ‘I beg to differ Clark.’ Chloe thought as Lex paid for there coffee. The two managed to get a table.

    “So when do you want those kids Chloe?” Lex asked with a smile.
    Please leave reviews! Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    05 Apr 2005

    Re: Married to a billionaire (G)

    thats is cute, really sweet. I loved it.

  3. #3
    Lex's Devoted Love Slave darkangel's Avatar
    Join Date
    11 Jun 2005

    Re: Married to a billionaire (G)

    Cute fic. Keep on writing them

  4. #4
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002

    Re: Married to a billionaire (G)

    How in the world do you spend 25,000 in one day? Sorry to burst lex bubble you can't take out more than $500 from the ATM. Anymore than that you will have to go to the teller. But this was a cute story.

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  5. #5
    Join Date
    10 Jul 2005

    Re: Married to a billionaire (G)

    Thanks for the reviews guys... hfce, in my story you can. More is on the way.

  6. #6
    NS Full Member kcsgirl82's Avatar
    Join Date
    30 May 2005

    Re: Married to a billionaire (G)

    Please update as soon as possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. #7
    NS Full Member meg20's Avatar
    Join Date
    11 Nov 2004

    Re: Married to a billionaire (G)

    That's a nice story!

  8. #8
    NS Full Member Goldielocks's Avatar
    Join Date
    07 Oct 2005

    Re: Married to a billionaire (G)

    plz ud again

  9. #9
    storie girl Senior Member starmoon's Avatar
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    A, A

    Re: Married to a billionaire (G)

    great so far please update soon.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    10 Jul 2005

    Re: Married to a billionaire (G)

    Chapter Two
    Summary: Chloe is unsure about having kids, so she seeks Martha’s help.

    “Would you like something to eat?” Chloe asked quickly changing the subject. Lex looked at her seriously, and placed his hand on hers.
    “Chloe, I’m serious.” He said as he rubbed her hand. Chloe sighed and looked Lex in the eye.
    “Can I at least think about it?” Chloe asked as she bit her lip nervously.
    “You’re nervous aren’t you?”
    “What? No.” Chloe said looking away.
    “Chloe, it’s alright. I understand.” Chloe looked at Lex.
    “Aww Lex. That was so sweet. Thank you.” Chloe said as she cupped his hand in her cheek, and kissed him.
    “Let me know ok?” Lex asked serious again.
    “I will.”

    The Talon

    Martha is busy getting drink orders when Chloe walks up to the counter.

    “Hi Chloe.” Martha says as she greets her. Chloe gives a cherry smile.
    “Mrs. Kent, can I talk to you about something. Privately?” Chloe asked hoping that she could get Martha away for a while.
    “Sure Chloe. Let me get these drink orders out. Lois!” Martha shouted Lois’ name and Lois came, looked at the paper that had the number on the tray, and took the coffee to table 4.
    “I love this new system that Lex thought up. We numbered the tables now. When Lois writes down the persons order, she also writes down the number. It makes it a whole lot easier.” Chloe smirked a smile. I thought of it… I wonder if I should say anything?
    Chloe just kept her mouth shout. When Lois came back with more drink orders, Martha told Lois that she was going to talk with Chloe in the office, and that she would be in charge.

    Chloe and Martha entered the Talon office. It had papers everywhere on the desk. Chloe chuckled.

    “I guess Lex doesn’t believe in a tidy office.” Martha chuckled too.
    “When he looks for something, sometimes the office can get quite messy. Then he leaves me to clean it.” Martha frowned and sat at her desk.
    “Don’t let him do that Mrs. Kent. You have my permission. I’ll clean the office tomorrow.” Chloe offered. Martha looked at Chloe a bit shocked.
    “Chloe, you don’t have to clean the office.”
    “Please. I insist. I’m bored stiff at home.”
    “Ok. You’ve known me long enough to call me Martha, Chloe.”
    “Ok Martha. This conversation must be kept confidential.” Chloe said seriously.
    “I understand Chloe.”
    “I mean it Martha. I don’t want Jonathan, or Clark knowing.” Martha nodded her head yes. Chloe took a deep breath and sighed.

    “Lex wants children. But I’m not sure if I’m ready yet.” Martha was speechless. Chloe was only 21. But then again they are married.
    “Did you tell him?” Martha asked.
    “No. I’d tell him I’d think about it.”
    “Hmm.” Martha was unsure of what to say.
    “Well, you love him right? Sex is supposed to be special right?” Chloe nodded her head. “So what are you worried about?” Chloe shrugged her shoulders.

    That night when they were in bed, Chloe was thinking about what Martha told her.

    “Lex, I’m ready.” Chloe said out of the blue. Lex looked at her startled.
    “Ready for what?” He said with a smile. Chloe smirked and winked.
    “Ooh. That. Well why didn’t you say so?” Lex was very happy about having a child.
    “Are you nervous?” Lex asked.
    “A little.”
    “Don’t be.” Chloe smiled at Lex.

    The next morning Chloe meets Lex in the kitchen. She smiles at him sitting at the table drinking coffee. Chloe reaches in the cabinet for a mug, and goes to make herself some coffee.

    “So how did you sleep?” Lex asked as he sipped his coffee.
    “It was one of the best nights of my life. It was also a little weird.”
    “Weird? How can it be weird?” Chloe shrugged her shoulders.
    “It just was.” She didn’t want to tell him the real reason.
    “Come on Chloe out with it.”
    “You got your answer Lex Luthor. You wanted a child, now let’s pray we get one!”
    “Well we didn’t use protection.” Lex snickered. Chloe laughed.


    Eight weeks later….

    Chloe comes running in the office screaming, “Lex I’m pregnant! Lex I’m pregnant!” Lionel was talking with Lex and Chloe’s face turns bright red. Lionel clears his throat.

    “Well congratulations Ms. Sullivan. Lex, I’ll call you later.” Lionel said and left them a lone. Lex gave Chloe an odd look. Chloe looked at him the same way.

    “Well that was nice.” Lex said.
    “How embarrassing.” Lex went to give Chloe a hug.
    “I’m so proud of you Chloe.” Chloe was confused.
    “Proud of what Lex?”
    “We’re going to be a family.”

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