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Thread: Smallville {G-R} *08 Jan 2006* S01E03

  1. #11
    The Masked Phantomess Senior Member Augustine86's Avatar
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    Re: Smallville {G-R} *10/20*

    I'm in love... with a fanfic. I don't care what society will think about it, I just love it with all of my heart. We will be sunned from society, and most likely frowned upon and all that, but I'm willing to stick by my fanfic's side.

    Of course, you must update. If not all this love of mine will be in vain...

  2. #12
    NS Full Member Gaia's Avatar
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    Re: Smallville {G-R} *10/20*

    You really have a thing for stories don't you? This one is again amazingly done.
    Update soon!

  3. #13
    Fic Tease Senior Member Blaire023's Avatar
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    Re: Smallville {G-R} *10/20*

    A/N: I may have forgotten to mention this before...but...Clark is still super alien geek. So the storylines that end abruptly like the one before did when Chloe and Lex got to the dance and everyone was fine, is because Clark is behind the scenes taking action. Chloe is not the alien or super girl or whatever. She was, however, affected by the meteor shower with strength. She's just discovering this though so sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Her story will be told later, though. So just for you curious people, that's her big secret. Also, if you get a chance, go back and watch the pilot. The Lex from the pilot isn't even half as hot as the Lex we get to see in season 5. *Rawr*

    "Bug Boy" [aka Metamorphosis]

    Chloe stopped abruptly as she entered her bedroom. She slung the towel she was using to dry her hair onto her computer chair and eyed the little gold box sitting on her bed with apprehension. She kept her eyes on it as she moved toward her bed, dropping onto a corner of her mattress and tucking the edge of the towel wrapped around her body between her legs.

    Warily, she pulled the little blue ribbon and opened the lid.

    Chloe gasped with delight as dozens of blue and green butterflies fluttered out.

    "Wow." She whispered into the empty room.

    So beautiful. She laughed in delight as one landed daintily on her finger and she got up from her bed to open the window. Once open she let the butterflies free, watching them escape, all except the one perched on the tip of her index finger.

    She smiled and studied its wings before it too flew away.

    Chloe walked back over to her bed and peeked inside the box for a note.

    There wasn't one.

    "A car first and now this?" Chloe asked herself. No, this didn't seem like something Lex would do. Sure, she'd saved his life, but then, he'd saved hers too.

    Pete was another possibility however unlikely since she'd been with him since the dance until he followed her home.

    Chloe shrugged and put the box on her nightstand, then changed into the loose t-shirt and thick wool socks she'd grabbed from her dresser.

    She was too tired to list all her possible admirers. She'd work on it tomorrow.

    Chloe woke up the next morning to the loud pounding of a fist on her bedroom door.

    "Wake up, honey. Farmer's Market in fifteen minutes. Get up and get ready."

    Chloe groaned and rolled over, ignoring the sunlight streaming through her window. "I'm up!" She yelled over to the door.

    Gabe pressed his forehead against his daughter's bedroom door. "But are you really up? Or are you just staring up at the ceiling?"

    With a mumbled excuse Chloe rolled over and sat up on the edge of her bed. "Happy now?"

    Gabe replied that he was indeed and she heard his footsteps traveling down the hallway.

    As Chloe got dressed, her mind kept returning to the present the night before.

    Fifteen minutes later she was filling a travel mug so she could wake up on the way there. When her dad walked into the kitchen she pushed her hair out of her face and looked up at him. "Hey dad, did you notice anything strange last night?"

    Gabe raised his eyebrows as he took a sip from his own coffee mug. "What kind of strange?"

    Chloe shrugged as she grabbed her purse and made for the door. "When I got home last night there was a present sitting on my bed."

    Gabe stopped in mid-stride and looked at his daughter. When she continued to stare back at him he huffed out a breath. "Well? What kind of a present?"

    Chloe grinned as she walked out the door and over to her dad's car. "It was a gift wrapped box of butterflies."

    Gabe locked the front door then followed Chloe down to the car. "I didn't let anyone in."

    As he started the car, Chloe just looked out the window. "Well as far as I can think, it was either Lex Luthor or Pete."

    Gabe smiled as he paid attention to the road in front of him. "Ahh, yes, well, who would you rather it be?"

    Chloe elbowed her dad and continued her musings.

    It wasn't long before they reached the Farmer's Market and once there Chloe hopped out of the passenger side of the car and waved goodbye to her dad.

    Less than five minutes passed when she caught up with Pete. "Hey."

    Pete slung an arm over her shoulders as he led her over to the Kent produce stand.

    She caught the twinkling sound and saw the pretty bright colors out of the corner of her eye. She turned to where a butterfly wind charm was blowing softly in the breeze.

    "Did you get me a present yesterday?" When Pete just stared down at her, Chloe sighed. "I didn't think so."

    Pete raised a brow at Clark and shrugged, then got back to the conversation they were having about the football team.

    Chloe made her way over to the wind chimes and gently touched the stained glass wing of a butterfly.

    "Did you know that butterflies only live about 8 hours?"

    Chloe jumped in surprise; turned towards the voice and came face to face with Lex Luthor.

    "Is that right?" At the regal lift of his brows she smiled and sent a butterfly spinning. "So they're like the rock gods of the insect world?"

    Lex laughed and touched a butterfly. "I suppose so."

    Chloe bit at her bottom lip in indecision. "I really appreciated the present, Lex."

    Lex looked at her in surprise. "Did you hit your head last night?" When she just looked at him in confusion he went on, "You already thanked me for the car."

    Chloe shook her head, "Oh, no. Not the car." She stopped herself when Lex's expression turned to confusion.

    "Then what present?"

    Chloe waved her hand in the air to shoo away the topic. "Never mind. I just got a present from an anonymous person and I figured...well, you're really the only one I know who could pull something like that off."

    Lex leaned forward, "What was it?"

    "Excuse me." Chloe and Lex both leaned away from each other at the intruding voice. "Chloe?"

    Chloe searched through her memory to place a face with a name. "Greg?" She asked cautiously. At his smile, she smiled in relief. "Sorry, I didn't recognize you without your glasses."

    "I got contacts." His smile spread and she seemed to size him up.

    "Well, they suit you." She grinned and looked from Lex to Greg and back again. "Oh! Greg, this is Lex. Lex...Greg. So," Chloe turned to Greg and tilted her head to the side, "what can I do for you?"

    "Actually, I was wondering if you could help me with my English paper."

    Chloe hissed through her teeth. "Mr. White getting to you, huh?"

    He nodded and laughed. "Yeah, and I thought you know, with you being a reporter, you'd have to have some basic writing skills."

    Chloe laughed and missed the surprise on Lex's face at the admission. "I'd be happy to help you out."

    "Cool. So, my house tonight? 7 o'clock?"

    Chloe cleared her throat. "I think the library would be better."

    Greg nodded, "Library tomorrow, then?"

    Chloe smiled. "Sure. Sounds good."

    He grinned and looked from Lex to Chloe, "It's a date then."

    Chloe pursed her lips as she watched Greg walk away.

    "So that's how high school boys do it these days?"

    Chloe rolled her eyes and hit Lex lightly with the back of her hand before she turned to face him. "And how did you do it in high school, Mr. High and Mighty Luthor?"

    Lex grinned as he leaned in close and whispered, "I did it in many different ways, Chloe."

    Chloe shivered as he pulled back and caught his smile. She made a disgusted sound as she turned and started walking away, sure he was following her. "That was just mean, Luthor."

    Lex laughed behind her and thought about the earlier comment the boy had made about her being a reporter. He'd have to follow up on that lead.

    The next day Chloe hurried through the halls of school towards the Torch office. As she rounded the corner and started down the stairs her shoulder knocked into another body. Chloe mumbled an apology as she raced to her destination. "Chloe!"

    Her head whipped around and she pasted on a smile. "Hey, Greg."

    "I've been waiting for an hour; I thought you'd forgotten about me." His sheepish smile nearly made Chloe roll her eyes. And then she remembered.

    "Oh, the library. I'm so sorry. I just have a billion things on my mind, is there any way we can get together after school?"

    In her mind it wasn't a question. She really needed to finish the paper's layout before the end of her lunch period.

    As she turned back around to start off to her destination a hand landed on her shoulder. "Hey. Are you blowing me off for your boyfriend?"

    Chloe stared dumbstruck at the boy in front of her. "I...what?" Her brows knit together as she shook her head. "No, I'm not blowing you off. I have to finish up some stuff for the Torch's edition."

    She saw the tick in his jaw as he nodded.

    Chloe turned around and rolled her eyes thinking, 'boyfriend, what boyfriend?'

    When she reached the Torch office two people were waiting for her. Both of whom she was surprised enough to see that she stopped mid-stride. Lana sat on the red vinyl couch in one corner, flipping through a fashion magazine; Lex on the other side of the room, hovering over her drawing board, flipping through pages of old articles.

    Chloe cleared her throat and looked from Lana to Lex. "All right, if this is an intervention I want a clear pathway to the door."

    Lex smirked and turned around, leaning against the layout board. He motioned with his hand for Lana to go first.

    Lana smiled at Chloe and stood up, twirling a lock of hair around her finger. "I actually wanted to talk to you about Saturday night." Chloe shook her head in confusion. "The uhm..." Lana cleared her throat and held her head up high, "With Whitney in the cornfield."

    Chloe rolled her eyes. "Yes, well, it isn't you who should be apologizing." She walked over to her desk and swung her bag off her shoulder, letting it plop down onto her desk. "And he's lucky I didn't press charges."

    Lana nodded solemnly before letting go of her hair. "I realize that, and I know he should be the one in here, but I just wanted you to know that I don't personally have a problem with you."

    Chloe arched a brow and looked up from her keyboard where she was typing in her passwords. "O-kay."

    Lana smiled and clasped her hands together. "So we're okay then? Friends?"

    Chloe glanced away, over to Lex, silently pleading with him to save her. When he continued to smile and look away Chloe shrugged. "Ah, sure."

    Lana rushed over to her and hugged her. "Good. I'm glad."

    Chloe nodded and patted the other girl awkwardly. When Lana bid her farewells and rushed out of the room Chloe shuddered.

    "It's not nice to just stand by while I get accosted."

    "Are you claustrophobic around the color pink?" Lex questioned as he walked over to her desk.

    "I wouldn't call it that." She opened a file and glanced up at him, grinning. "I'd call it nauseated."

    Lex ruffled her already flippy hair before she could jerk away from him. "Next time I'll know to keep copious amounts of the color far from you."

    Chloe smoothed her hair back down and shrugged out of her jacket.

    "So, what did you want, Luthor?"

    "Last name basis, Sullivan?"

    Chloe rolled her eyes and started typing, talking to him all the while. "Only when you get cocky. Then I'm going to have to resort to using your last name. Oh, and did someone stop by here to see me?" Chloe asked off the top of her head.

    Lex stared at her fingers as they flew over the keys. "Yeah. The "It's a date" guy from yesterday stopped by. What did you do, stand him up?"

    Chloe looked up from her monitor and smiled. "Accidentally."

    Lex rubbed at his chest where his heart was. "Ouch. That's got to be an ego killer."

    Chloe laughed and flicked a piece of hair out of her eyes. "Actually I think when he saw you in here he came to the conclusion that you were my boyfriend." Chloe looked up at him to see the shocked expression on his face. She laughed again as she questioned, "How's that for your ego?"

    After talking to Chloe about how she got into reporting and what not it was eventually time for him to take his leave.

    As he drove the winding roads home from the high school his thoughts returned to her earlier comment about that Greg guy thinking he was her boyfriend. Which was absolutely preposterous. Lex shifted into next gear as he chuckled. She was what, 15 years old? Yeah, that probably wouldn't go over well with the residents of Smallville, people who already thought of him as a pariah.

    Lex glanced down to switch the radio on when the car shook with the force of something landing on the roof of it.

    Lex's hands jerked on the steering wheel and the car flipped and skidded to a stop.

    It took him a few moments to gain his bearings, he was upside down, eternally thankful that he had been wearing his seatbelt once again. Lex groaned as he unbuckled himself and crawled out through the window. Once on his feet, he swayed a moment before righting himself and then he felt the air being pushed out of his lungs as someone tackled him from behind. After a few seconds of wrestling with the person he flipped them over and leaned one knee against their chest.


    He stared down into the boys face and yelled as the boy opened his mouth. He ducked out of the way right before a sticky web was shot at him. When he rolled back onto his feet and looked around, he was alone. And yet another one of his cars was wrecked.

    Lex pulled out his cell phone, which thankfully, hadn't been harmed in the crash. As he dialed his security he thought of something else. "Shit." He muttered as he thought of the fucking weirdo getting to Chloe. It was then he noticed another vehicle rumbling down the road.

    Clark's eyes narrowed as he came upon the flipped car and pulled his truck to a stop behind it. He was out of the door and running to the car before he noticed the man standing off to the side, yelling into the cell phone.

    "Hey." Clark said by way of greeting. "Do you need some help?"

    Lex shook his head and came running over. "I need a ride back to the high school."

    At Clark's blank look he tried to explain. "I need to warn someone about this guy." Clark invited him along and on the way to the school; Lex told him what he had seen.

    Clark stared at him for a moment. "Are you sure you don't have a concussion."

    Lex rolled his shoulders. "No. I think I'd know if I had one."

    Clark shrugged. "So who are we off to save?"

    "Chloe...Chloe Sullivan." Lex was currently on his phone, already having called a tow service and his security to get to the high school right away, he tried calling information to get the phone number of the school.

    "Chloe's one of my best friends."

    Lex raised his eyebrows and looked over at the boy beside him before flipping his phone shut. "Do you know her number?"

    "Well, sure." Clark recited it and Lex called Chloe's cell, swearing in aggravation when he got her voicemail.

    As soon as he hung up his phone rang. "Luthor."

    "Sir, we've arrived at the school but there's no sign of her here."

    Lex pinched the bridge of his nose and tried to think. "Did you check with the main office? See if maybe she's in a class right now?"

    "Yes, sir. We've covered all the bases."

    "All right. I'll be there shortly."

    Lex hung up the phone and did a silent prayer. He'd just met the girl and already he was bending over backwards to help her. 'You're getting soft, Lex.' His inner voice decided to torture him. He knew why he was going to so much trouble instead of just letting his people handle it. Chloe Sullivan was a breath of fresh air, and she was his only friend in this crappy little town. It was pathetic, but it was the truth.

    Once they reached the school Lex ran through the halls with Clark by his side to the Torch office. When they reached it Lex informed his security of who had her. He went to a shelf and pulled out a yearbook, flipping through the pages. He remembered Chloe saying that he'd once had glasses.

    "Shit." He tossed the yearbook aside. "I can't find him."

    "What's this guys name again?"

    Lex growled low in his throat. "Greg something."

    Clark thought about it and remembered seeing them talking to Greg Arkin at the Farmer's Market. "Greg Arkin?"

    Lex nodded to his security people whose hands had immediately gone to the phones on their belts. "Do you know where he lives?"

    Clark nodded and started out of the office, running down the hallway.

    Once they got to the house and realized it was empty, Lex ran his hands over his head and took a moment to think. Clark was one step ahead of him and checking the windows.

    "I don't think they're here."

    Clark looked over his shoulder. "We should still go in and check."

    For some reason Lex just didn't feel it in his gut that Chloe was in that house so he shook his head. "They aren't here. Is there any other place he might have taken her?"

    Clark leaned against the window for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, when we were kids we used to play in Greg's tree house."

    Lex ran to the back of the house and looked around at the wooded area. "Which way is it?"

    "Straight down the path."

    Lex started off at a dead run and Clark stared in awe for a moment. He knew who Lex Luthor was and he knew that Chloe had saved Lex's life but he didn't realize until that moment that somehow Chloe had forged a bond with one of Forbes richest men in the nation.

    Using his super speed he got to the tree house way before Lex did.

    Lex ignored his labored breathing as the tree house came into view. He let his adrenaline carry him up the wooden ladder and stopped at the entrance at the sight of Chloe.

    Lex fell to his knees beside her and clawed at the web cocoon wrapped around her body. As soon as the web was cleared from her face he tilted her head back and started mouth to mouth.

    Chloe gasped as air filled her lungs and she struggled to breath. She finally got her eyes to stop fluttering and opened them to look up into startling soft grey ones. "Lex?" Her voice was hoarse and she swallowed convulsively.

    Lex held back the tears of relief that built behind his eyes. Instead he helped her struggle out of the rest of the web and gathered her into his arms, rocking her and holding onto her.

    Chloe's arms went around his neck as she held on. She buried her face into the soft material of his shirt and sobbed, realizing how close she'd come close to actually dying.

    "Lex." Chloe pulled back, letting the tears stream down her face. "Thank you."

    Lex shook his head and laughed. "It's like a twisted game of tag, isn't it?"

    Chloe laughed and leaned into him, leaning heavily on something that felt too incredible to be real.

  4. #14
    Fairy Dust Bitch welshy's Avatar
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    Re: Smallville {G-R} *10/20*

    That was such a great chapter, I hope there's going to be more soon

  5. #15
    NS Full Member Louie's Avatar
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    Re: Smallville {G-R} *10/20*

    wonderful, can't wait till you do more

  6. #16
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Smallville {G-R} *10/25* S01E02

    Yes Lex Luthor Super human. I loved it. I can't until more adventures.

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  7. #17
    NS Full Member kimmie's Avatar
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    Re: Smallville {G-R} *10/25* S01E02

    I adore this fic. Its how Smallville should be, if the powers that be weren't such Lana Lang freaks!!!


  8. #18
    The Masked Phantomess Senior Member Augustine86's Avatar
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    Re: Smallville {G-R} *10/25* S01E02

    Oh, God, I'm more in love with Lex Luthro than I ever thought possible. This is the perfect Smallville, redone and corrected from scratch, all the chapters as we dreamed them. Thank you soooo much and don't forget to update soon!

  9. #19
    Chlex VAMP Writer ruafair's Avatar
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    Re: Smallville {G-R} *10/25* S01E02

    Blaire hun...this rocks.... please stick with this one LOL.


  10. #20
    Destroyer of Mullets
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    04 Jan 2004

    Re: Smallville {G-R} *10/25* S01E02

    Squeeeee! I love it. But I'm torn between this one and All That Was Forgotten. I'm in a quandary. Damn you, Blaire, damn your eyes!

    Update soon. Pleeease?


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