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Thread: Losing Myself in You (NC-17 / *Complete*)

  1. #21
    NS Full Member teejei's Avatar
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    Re: Losing Myself in You (NC-17 / Part 2 Updated 10/22)

    egad. *whew* this sure beats turning the heater on tonight!

    oh, and you owe me new underwear.

  2. #22
    NS Full Member
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    Talking Re: Losing Myself in You (NC-17 / Part 2 Updated 10/22)

    You can't just leave it there!! More please.

  3. #23
    NS Full Member kirt30's Avatar
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    Re: Losing Myself in You (NC-17 / Part 2 Updated 10/22)

    love this story so much

  4. #24
    Wannabe Lover of Da 'Baum Donutte's Avatar
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    Re: Losing Myself in You (NC-17 / Part 3 Updated 10/26)

    Sorry it took awhile to update...

    Rating: NC-17
    Disclaimers: Don't own them, just the story
    Part 3 - Losing Myself in You


    "Lex, oh my god," panted Chloe, still breathing heavily.

    Lex lie parallel to her, propping his head up with his hand, gazing at Chloe in her post-orgasmic glow. He simply smiled and replied, "Nothing but the best for you, Chloe."

    Lex's flattering statement caused Chloe to flush slightly, moreso than she already was. She flipped over on her side and proceeded to prop up her own head in her hand. "Lex Luthor, you are such an animal!" she exclaimed, a rather sultry look in her eyes. "I had no idea," she finished.
    "Oh, really now?" Lex asked, with a raise of the eyebrow. "An animal, eh?"

    "Grrrrrowl," Chloe replied, doing her best animal imitation, baring her teeth at him.

    Lex couldn't help himself anymore. He didn't know what it was, but this woman turned him on more than anyone ever had before. He gently grabbed her wrists, and began to flip her on her back and pin her to the bed, when there was a knock at the door. FUCK!!!! thought Lex.

    "Umm, who is it?" Chloe said, trying hard not to laugh at Lex's frustration.

    "You ok in there?" said the voice on the other side of the door. The guy at the reception desk, thought Lex with a snarl.

    "Fine!!!" Chloe jumped off the bed and went to the closet to put on one of the terrycloth robes provided there. Wow, she really does know this place, thought Lex. Kinky... Chloe put the chain on the door and then opened it. "We're fine in here! Is there a problem?" Chloe asked.

    "Sorry, ma'am; got a call about a commotion up here. Was asked to check it out. Won't bother you again," the guy said, and made his way away from their room. Chloe closed the door, breathing a sigh of relief.

    "Were we really that bad?" Lex asked, pondering what kind of hourly motel has people that are concerned with noises coming from others' rooms.

    "You think my screaming did it?" Chloe said, a shy smile playing across her features. She shook her head slightly, then said, "I don't know about you, but I'm hungry." Noticing the sudden look on Lex's face, she reiterated, "For FOOD."

    "Of course!" said Lex, hardly disappointed, knowing he would have something to look forward to afterwards. "But, since we've used up the first two hours, I insist on paying the rest," he said, a serious look on his face.

    That wicked smile that just totally hardened Lex every time he saw it appeared on Chloe's face again. "How do you know we're coming back?"

    "Um, well," tried a (rarely) flustered Lex. "I guess I just assumed.." he said, turning quite red; for him anyway. "Of course we aren't coming back." he said definitively, regaining his composure.

    Chloe was loving this too much. "Lex, do you really think I'd let this night go by without us fucking at LEAST once?"

    Lex's jaw dropped. Chloe burst out into laughter. A look of mock annoyance appeared on his face. "What the... You did that just to embarrass me! You vixen you..." he said, before swooping Chloe up in his arms and into a very embracing kiss. When they separated, both totally gasping for air, Lex said breathlessly, "Dinner. Now."

    Chloe nodded her agreement, and still breathing heavily, grabbed her clothes to go get dressed in the bathroom. Still breathing heavily himself, Lex started getting dressed by the bed. He said to himself, "Down boy. You'll get yours later." Upon that he stuffed his engorged cock painfully into his pants. His head snapped around when he heard Chloe giggling behind him.

    "It doesn't matter how old you guys are; you all talk to your dicks," said Chloe, laughing.

    Lex, refusing to be embarrassed again stood up straight, hard-on and all, and said, "Let's go, DEAR." Chloe had to stifle a snicker as they headed out the door and to the lobby. Lex tried very hard not to listen to the clerk laugh like crazy the moment they walked out the door, as his hard-on was still quite evident. He proudly marched to his car, and with a slight moan of pain at having to scrunch up his manhood even more, got into the driver's seat. Chloe giggled the entire way to the restaurant.


    "Lex, this place is GORGEOUS," Chloe breathed as she and Lex were being led to their table. He surprised her by taking her to a classy restaurant that, as it happened, was a building that looked like a total dive from the inside. As they walked in, first they passed the bar area, which was very nice in itself. Then they were in the restaurant section, which totally had Chloe in awe.

    "Chloe, you can't mean to say that you've never been in a really nice restaurant before; can you?" Lex queried. "You seem like the classy kind of girl to me," he finished with a smile.

    "Well, yeah, Dad's taken me places before. But never with anyone while on a date. The classiest I've had on a date is The Talon," she answered, a slight rolling of eyes heard in her voice.

    Lex smiled even wider. "Well, I thought you deserved the best," Lex said as he looked around, taking in his surroundings. "It's been awhile since I've been here. It was only once, but I thought it fitting considering our accomodations," he said, referring to their diamond-in-the-rough jacuzzi room.

    Chloe smiled at the thought he had put into picking this restaurant. "You know, you are one sexy man, Lex Luthor."

    Lex quirked at eyebrow. "Oh really?", he replied, shocked at the sudden statement. She surprised him even more when, after looking around slightly, she stood up in the booth they were sitting at, grabbed Lex's shirt, pulled him up to her and kissed him hard, stifling whatever he was about to say. They only kissed for a few seconds before settling back into their respective seats, but the passion left them breathless. "Chloe!"

    "Yes, Lex?" she replied as she caught her breath.

    Lex, who was slightly dizzy from the passion and breathlessness, just said, "Wow."

    Chloe couldn't help but have a triumphant smile on her face. "Is this to mean that I've made the powerful Lex Luthor speechless?"

    "Speechless. Breathless. And horny as hell!" he replied, whispering the last part. He grabbed her hand in his, leaned close and said, "Let's eat fast. I don't know how much longer I can hold out for your hot, sexy body."

    Chloe was suddenly very warm, and very horny. "Let's take it to go; we'll take a bottle of wine with us too."

    "I think that is an excellent idea, Miss Sullivan," Lex replied, fire burning behind his ice-blue eyes. He flagged down the waitress, put in their request, and they finished their glasses of wine while waiting. The food and a chilled bottle of wine soon arrived. Lex paid the bill, leaving a generous tip, and they headed back to his car. Halfway to the car, in the middle of the parking lot, Lex handed the food to Chloe, then grabbed her ass while kissing her. Soon they parted lips, and continued on to the car. They couldn't get back to their room fast enough.


    To be continued...

  5. #25
    Join Date
    05 Feb 2004

    Re: Losing Myself in You (NC-17 / Part 3 Updated 10/26)

    Mega props on the hot under water kiss.

  6. #26
    Wannabe Lover of Da 'Baum Donutte's Avatar
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    Re: Losing Myself in You (NC-17 / Part 3 Updated 10/26)

    Thanks sweets I'm glad you liked it!!! It's going slower than I'd like, but it's a weeee bit faster than the last fic, I think

  7. #27
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Losing Myself in You (NC-17 / Part 3 Updated 10/26)

    Niceeeeeeeeeeee :d
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  8. #28
    NS Full Member kimmie's Avatar
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    Re: Losing Myself in You (NC-17 / Part 3 Updated 10/26)

    Hot, Hot, Hot!!! But why oh why would you stop for food if you had Lex Luthor Ready, Willing and most definitely able in a hotel room??? I know the very last thing I would be thinking about would be food unless it was gonna be spread all over the masterpiece that is Lex!!! MMM I think I'm getting way of track here, I'm suppose to be leaving feedback!!!

    Brilliant Update and I can't wait for more!!!


  9. #29
    Wannabe Lover of Da 'Baum Donutte's Avatar
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    Re: Losing Myself in You (NC-17 / Part 3 Updated 10/26)

    You are leaving feedback! LOL... And I do appreciate it

  10. #30
    Rosenbrit jez3_uk's Avatar
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    15 Feb 2004

    Re: Losing Myself in You (NC-17 / Part 3 Updated 10/26)

    Come on Do!!! You cant just leave it there.....i demand more. Not to mention do i demand more noise to keep the other motel occupants awake!

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