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Thread: He won't die if you do what I say (PG-13)

  1. #21
    Join Date
    15 Feb 2005

    Re: He won't die if you do what I say (PG-13) chap 3 up

    this story is soooooo good. i can't wait to read about what happens next.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    10 Jul 2005

    Re: He won't die if you do what I say (PG-13) chap 3 up

    Chapter Four: Relieved
    Lionel’s limo was blown away and it tipped over and he and the limo was bashed around a bit. It was a Saturday and the plant was closed for maintenance. The driver was unconscious but Lionel was bruised and he may have a broken arm. The limo was tossed upside down. Lionel groaned and he was still alive. He unbuckled his seatbelt and he plopped onto the inside of the roof hitting his head. He quickly got out of the car with a limp and went to check on the driver. He open the drivers car door and the driver’s hand flopped down. Lionel began to worry and he quickly dialed 911 on his phone that was still working.

    In the terminal Chloe and Lex ran for their lives as they were being shot at. They kept doing their best to dodge the bullets that came their way. There was another bang and Chloe felt something that stung the back of her leg. She screamed and fell to the ground. She began bleeding in her leg and Lex quickly grabbed her hand and she began to run while limping.

    “Don’t give up on me now Chloe.” Lex said worriedly as they rushed for the front doors to the terminal. Chloe felt so much pain that she just wanted to stop and lie down. The two men were still chasing them and a near by officer aimed and shot Max in the back. He went down and Jim who was the follower started to run away from the policemen that were after him. Lex stopped and so did Chloe. They were both panting and they turned to look around and saw Max on the floor apparently dead. Jim was being arrested and the couple felt relieved. Chloe’s leg was now smothered in blood and she yelled in pain and sank to the floor. An officer rushed to her with a first aid kit and began whipping up the blood.

    “Lex, it hurts so bad.” She began to feel faint from the loss of blood.
    “Chloe don’t you dare give up on me. I need you.” Chloe squeezed Lex’s hand. The officer got out his tweezers and began tugging on the bullet that grazed the back of her leg. He got it out and more blood started gushing out of her leg and onto the floor.
    “We need to get her to the hospital.” The officer said and Lex quickly dialed 911.

    “The following flights are now available, California flight B.” The announcer over the PA system said. Lex didn’t care about his vacation right now. All he cared about was saving the love of his life.

    In the hospital Lex waited with Chloe in her room. She was bandaged up and had been giving extra blood from Lex. Lionel came in the room and Lex was relieved that his father was alive.

    “Dad are you ok?” He said as he got up off his chair. He wanted to hug him but thought it would be embarrassing.
    “I’m fine son. I just have a broken arm and a bruised head. How is she?” Lionel asked a little concerned.
    “She passed out from the loss of blood and now I’m just waiting and hoping she’ll wake up.” Lionel smirked and patted his son on the shoulder and before he could leave Lex spoke.
    “Dad, I’m glad you’re ok.” Lionel turned around to face his son and smiled at him and Lex gave a smile back. Lionel left.

    “Lex.” Chloe moaned as she shifted in her bed and Lex came rushing to her side. She fluttered her eyes open.
    “Chloe, thank God you’re alive.” He said and gave her a deep kiss.
    “What about our trip?” She asked and was looking forward to getting away.
    “Chloe, we can go anytime. I’ll be taking care of you during your recovery.” Lex informed her.
    “I love you Lex.” Chloe said with meaning.
    “I love you too.”

    The End!

    Thank you for sticking with me on this story and giving me your feed back. I'm glad you enjoyed this story.

  3. #23
    Mrs Dean Winchester Senior Member pipersmum's Avatar
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    Re: He won't die if you do what I say (PG-13) Complete

    Really glad we got a happy ending

  4. #24
    NS Full Member ggdoll18's Avatar
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    30 Apr 2005

    Re: He won't die if you do what I say (PG-13)

    haha cute

  5. #25
    NS Full Member
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    13 Jan 2004

    Re: He won't die if you do what I say (PG-13)

    I'm glad everyone was ok even Lionel. Very cute story!

  6. #26
    Chlexaholics Unite! Senior Member Ann's Avatar
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    Re: He won't die if you do what I say (PG-13)

    Very sweet! I love that Lionel was good in this one. I actually liked him!

  7. #27
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Little Miss Vixen's Avatar
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    Re: He won't die if you do what I say (PG-13)

    What a great story. I need to see Red Eye definitely.

  8. #28
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    23 Nov 2002

    Re: He won't die if you do what I say (PG-13)

    That was a great ending.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  9. #29
    storie girl Senior Member starmoon's Avatar
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    Re: He won't die if you do what I say (PG-13)

    i am gald they both survived all of this mess and they should have just taken a privte jet.

  10. #30
    NS Full Member itsjustXchar's Avatar
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    18 Jun 2005

    Re: He won't die if you do what I say (PG-13)

    I hate when your stories have endings! :-(

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