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Thread: Bored Beyond Belief NC-17, PWP

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    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    20 Apr 2003

    Bored Beyond Belief NC-17, PWP

    A/N: Blue: Thank Sabby for this one. I think she got sick of thinking of story points and planning ahead and this is what happens. Enjoy!

    A/N:Sabby: Uh, yeah, this is pretty much what happens when I don't want to write something, or get sick and tired of a certain kind of story line. I believe my exact words were: No fighting, no scheming, no fucking angst! Just a simple night on the couch. Or something like that. Have fun *G*

    Lex stared at the movie, watching as some poor shmuck ran away from an ocean of enraged wanna be brides.

    “This is dull,” he commented blandly, turning to his company. “I mean, seriously, the whole point of the movie is what?”

    They'd finally found a night in their busy schedules they could spend together and just relax, but instead of relaxation, it was boredom that was seeping into his system, making him almost lethargic. He turned his gaze on his TyNant bottle, contemplating it with the attention of the very bored.

    “I don’t know,” Chloe said from her position on the couch. “I haven’t been paying attention for the last 20 minutes.” She was curled up in a ball and was leaning her head against a plush pillow propped up on the arm of the couch.

    “I am so bored,” she said, moving her body so she was on her back and could peer over at Lex. “Isn’t there anything better to do?”

    Usually she and Lex had a good time together. They would argue and bait one another, it was a good friendship, but they both seemed to be off of their game tonight.

    Lex took a swig from his water, then set it down in his lap, pealing off the little plastic sticker on the side. “We've seen about every single movie in my collection, the pool table is still recuperating from your last attempt at playing. And it's Tuesday, so clubbing isn't really an option.”

    He let his head sink against the backrest of the couch and slowly turned to face Chloe. “I think it's safe to say that this is the most boring day I've had in months,” he stated. “No offence.”

    It was pathetic, really, to think that he, the most eligible bachelor of the year, if media was to be believed, was sitting at home on a weeknight bored out of his hairless skull. He should be out and about, or at least entertained. Chloe's toes poked him in the outside of his thigh and interrupted his contemplations.

    “None taken,” Chloe mumbled automatically. She had to agree with Lex. When they had set up a night to just enjoy each other’s company in the past, it had been a success. Maybe they were both just stressed out from the week.

    She didn’t feel like leaving. Besides, if she did, she knew how her night would end. And it was better to get home late and pass out then to get herself off furtively while trying not to think of the man sitting beside her.

    “We could give Enrique increasingly odd orders and see how long it takes him to snap,” she offered. “Then again, that’s just plain mean.”

    Thinking, she said, “OK, if you could be doing anything now, what would it be?” The good thing about being with Lex was that he had the means to do whatever he wanted on a moments notice. If he said he’d like to be in Paris, that could easily be arranged.

    Unfortunately, Lex had given Enrique the night off, so torturing his very stoic manservant was not an option. He gave Chloe's question a little thought, contemplating his options. Technically he could do anything, but what he really wanted was. Chloe's toes poked him again and he absently picked up her feet and dropped them in his lap.

    Returning to his thought process, he took another swig from his water. Well, if he could do anything right now, something that was always picking up his mood and taking up enough time to kill boredom.

    “I'd be having sex,” he stated flatly. “A lot.”

    They'd never passed the friendship barrier, even though Lex had thought about it more than a few times, but in the grander scheme of things, he'd never been at a lack for female company and Chloe had had her own dalliances. There'd never been a reason to step over the boundary of platonic friendship.

    Chloe pulled her upper body up a little so she could look at Lex properly. He was serious and she knew it. He was also just answering her question and not coming on to her. But she also knew that if she expressed interest in that same realm that he was in an odd enough mood that he might agree to it.

    “Hmmm,” she said. “That sounds a whole lot better than what we’re doing now. And that way,” she added, “I wouldn’t have to take care of myself when I get home. If you live up to your reputation, that is.”

    Not wanting to take things too far, Chloe only slid her foot over the inside of his thigh instead of his crotch.

    Lex arched an eyebrow in Chloe's direction, slowly turning his head to face her. “Is that a challenge?”

    He was slightly surprised that Chloe had to jerk off, he'd always figured the way she'd been dating left and right that she wasn't in need of something like that. Then again, he didn't lack for sexual trysts in his life either and still jerked off on occasion.

    If she was really up to it, and didn't whine about being respected in the morning, because that was pretty much a given in their case; he'd definitely take her up on her backhanded offer. The foot sliding over his jeans distractingly close to his groin sure felt like an invitation.

    Chloe chuckled at Lex’s tone of voice. He was getting all puffed out and offended. “Oh,” she said, slowly, “I don’t know, it could be.” If she was going to make a fool out of herself she might as well make a huge fool out of herself.

    She unbuttoned the first button on her cardigan sweater. And then the second. And then the third. By now, it was obvious that she only wore a bra under the sweater. “Are you up for it,” she asked, her foot now sliding into his lap.

    He had damn well better be. She was now not bored. She was aroused and if he turned her down she’d have to excuse herself for a few minutes to take care of business.

    Definitely an invitation then. A slow grin curled up on his lips. He held on to her feet as he leaned forward and placed the bottle on the low coffee table before he relaxed back into his previous sprawl, face turned towards Chloe.

    “Believe me,” he stated slowly as he reached out to undo the last two buttons on her cardigan. “If I wasn't up before, I sure am now.”

    He tugged the open halves of the fabric aside, then smoothed his hand over her naked belly. Simple black cotton bra over full breasts. He definitely approved. His eyes narrowed slightly as he grinned, watching Chloe's reaction.

    Very pleased at the turn of events, Chloe closed her eyes and pushed her upper body up into Lex’s touch, hoping that he’d take the hint. He kept his one hand running over her stomach, the thumb brushing over her belly button.

    Chloe realized that their contact would be made better if she repositioned herself. She grabbed Lex’s hand and covered it with her own, briefly leading it to cup her groin. The heel of his hand struck her in an excellent spot and Chloe gasped while pushing against it before letting go.

    She got her feet out of his lap and pulled herself into an upright position. “Lex, while I’d love to ride you into oblivion on the couch I think your bed is roomier, shall we?”

    He'd gotten quite turned on by that little display of hers, not to mention the mental image her comment provoked. There was no question that he'd be far from bored in a few minutes if he let Chloe have her way with him. Licking his bottom lip he got up from the couch and held a hand out for her. “Oh yes, we shall.”

    As soon as she'd grabbed his hand, he hauled her up against him, placing a possessive hand on her ass. He'd always wondered if it felt as good as it looked. Giving it a friendly pat, he decided it definitely did.

    Holding her in that way also had the benefit that it brought their faces close enough to kiss. He wondered if he should risk that already. Some women had strange conceptions when it came to the value of kissing as opposed to having sex. Lex figured there was only one way to find out. He closed the distance slowly, leaving Chloe enough time to pull away.

    Chloe eagerly met Lex’s lips when they touched hers. Their first kisses were soft and tentative. Maybe he thought that she’d bolt at the contact but after a minute or so, she teased his lips with her tongue and he parted them obligingly.

    She rocked her hips against his as her tongue explored the inside of his mouth. Her hands were clutching at his back and she could feel his hands squeezing her ass. Her hands traveled down his back and made their way to the front of his shirt. Thankfully, he was wearing a sweater so she didn’t have to deal with tiny buttons.

    Her hands roamed under the hem of the sweater and pushed the material up. Their kiss was broken as he helped to take off his sweater. She ran her hands up his chest, flicking her thumbs over his nipples and then grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him back to her mouth.

    She sucked his lower lip into her mouth and then nipped at it. Rubbing her now hardened nipples clad only in a bra against his chest, Chloe said, “I think we mentioned something about your bed?”

    Abruptly, she stepped away from him and then brushed past his body. She gave his ass a slap and asked, “You coming?”

    “Not yet,” he answered, shaking his head as he followed Chloe through the living room into the hallway.

    He caught her around the waist and leaned down to nibble her neck as he marched her forward and into his bedroom.

    “I like that scent, what is it,” he murmured the question into her ear as he flicked the clasp of her bra.

    Not waiting for the answer, he brushed the straps from her shoulders and kissed the soft skin where shoulder met neck. He trailed his fingertips up the outside of her arms and cupped her breasts underneath the loose cups of her bra.

    Chloe laughed a little at the question. The sound intensified as Lex hit a sensitive spot on her neck with his nose. “You should know, it was your gift to me for my last birthday.”

    She looked down and sighed when she felt Lex’s hands start to massage her breasts. She pushed her hips back against him in the same rhythm he was setting up with his hands. “Hmmm…that’s nice,” she murmured. The tingly heat that she felt in her body wasn’t too overwhelming yet and she was enjoying it.

    While she liked what Lex was doing, she wanted to be able to feel more of him. To do that they both needed to get naked. She moved one of his hands from her breast to the fastenings of her jeans.

    Her head lolled back and caught movement out of the corner of her eye. She looked over and could see herself and Lex reflected in the standing floor length mirror. They looked damn hot.

    “It smelled different on that plastic stick,” he commented about the perfume, then flicked his tongue against the shell of her ear. “Not half as good.”

    Getting the message her impatient hand was sending, he flicked the button of her jeans. Instead of taking the zipper by the little hook, he slid his hands under the fabric and pushed it down to cup her groin. Good thing she'd chosen an old pair of jeans. The zipper gave easily against his knuckles and slid down pretty much of its own accord. Lex smirked into Chloe's neck.

    His hand slid further inside and he pushed against her opening through the fabric of her panties. He could feel the wetness already soaking through the thin material.

    Chloe bucked against Lex’s probing fingers a few times before getting some control of her body. She haphazardly kicked at the jeans that were now around her ankles and Lex held her steady as she stepped out of them. She had shucked her panties off for good measure and was now completely naked.

    Lex started to put his hand back to its original position but Chloe shook her head and got out of his grasp. “Not until you drop them,” she said, gesturing to his pants. She wanted to see what she’d been feeling for the past few minutes.

    Lex stepped back and spread his hands invitingly. “Be my guest,” he offered with a grin.

    As Chloe turned around he got a good look at her naked front for the first time. He licked his lips as he slowly let his gaze wander over her body. Lex definitely didn't feel a lick of boredom anymore. Instead, he felt a growing urge to tackle Chloe, throw her on the mattress and indulge himself, a lot, preferably, the entire night.

    Smiling, Chloe sidled up to him. She worked at his pants quickly but carefully. They dropped to the floor and she went for the boxers next. She slid them down his thighs, cautious to avoid the impressive erection that was tenting them. Once they hit the floor, she ran her hand over his cock.

    “Very nice,” she said. Forgetting about her own need for a little bit, she continued to move her hands up and down his shaft. Her right had made a detour to cup his balls and then went back to his tip where some moisture had formed. She flicked her thumb over it and then brought it to her mouth.

    Lex was watching her every move so she made a big show of flicking out her tongue and rasping it over the droplet.

    That was the last straw. The way she looked him straight in the eyes while licking his precome off her finger did it. “Tease,” he growled, then removed the hand from his cock and swooped in to grab her around the waist. Lifting her up bodily, he took the few steps towards the bed and threw her onto the mattress.

    He liked the way she bounced on top of the red comforter, her breasts jiggling on top of her chest, so he pounced. Straddling her thighs, he dove down for her chest, taking one nipple into his mouth and suckling on the small bud. When Chloe gave a contented purr, he bit down lightly.

    She yelped slightly at the pain that accompanied Lex’s bite but it wasn’t too bad. She avoided his head because she was unsure how he felt about being touched there. Lex was wrong about one thing. She wasn’t a tease and he’d find that out later when she gave him a blowjob that would cause him to meltdown.

    Chloe raised her hands above her head and stretched out a little, delighting in the room that they had. Three other people could fit in the bed comfortably. Before things got too far, Chloe decided to voice some practical matters. “I assume you’ve got boxes and boxes of condoms stored in this place, right?”

    “Seeing as how I don't always have the time to run tests on my partners,” he drawled as he reached over for the nightstand.

    Granted, he usually didn't take his conquests into his private bedroom, either, but thankfully he kept a stash in there anyway. He pulled the box out and shut the drawer.

    Returning to his place on top of Chloe, he threw the box onto the mattress for the moment. Bracing himself on his hands, he looked down and back up the naked skin, laid out for him like his favorite dessert.

    “Now, where were we?”

    Chloe tilted her head to the side, feigning deep thought, “Well, I was right about here,” she said, wrapping one hand around Lex’s cock and pumping it, “before you so rudely interrupted me.”

    Lex closed his eyes and moved his hips twice before getting control over himself again. Which was really too bad. Chloe liked him wild. Made her feel powerful to know that she could make him that way.

    He was glaring down at her, no doubt ready to make some sarcastic comment when she said, “And I just got tested.” She kissed him gently on the lips. “Results all negative.” She wasn’t into risky behavior but one could never be too careful. Then again, deciding to fuck your best friend on a whim could be considered risky behavior.

    Chloe adjusted her position under Lex, moving her legs further apart so he could rest in the cradle of her thighs, and kept up the light pressure on his erection. “But I’d like this to be here,” she said, brushing the tip of erection against her core, “sometime very soon.”

    Lex bit down on his bottom lip, suppressing a moan as he felt the tip of his cock slipping through her wet folds. “If you actually want me to use a fucking condom, you'll have to stop that,” he ground out.

    Her grip on him tightened and Lex suppressed another sound of pleasure, then decided enough was enough. Letting his weight come down on her body fully, he crushed their lips together. The kiss wasn't gentle and it wasn't supposed to be. He let go and ravaged her mouth with lips, tongue and teeth.

    “Though, I can promise you there's no chance you'll catch anything from me,” he murmured as he released her mouth to nip along her jawline down to her neck. “It's been a while and I got tested right after.”

    This was not exactly the usual sex-talk for him, but with Chloe, it somehow didn't matter. They both knew about each others trysts and there was no reason to be coy about anything. Actually, he wouldn't mind doing without the rubber, but if Chloe wanted to make sure, it was her call.

    Without even realizing she was doing it, Chloe bared her neck to Lex to give him better access. She was usually the aggressor but she didn’t mind Lex taking control at this moment. Especially with what he was doing with his mouth now. She knew that she didn’t have to tell him not to leave marks. Lex’s vast experience would ensure that she didn’t have any bruises. Unless she asked for them.

    Chloe lightly ran her nails over the nape of Lex’s neck as he kissed her collarbone. Her hips were undulating and she could feel her inner thigh brush against Lex’s cock now and then. She wanted to feel him truly inside of her.

    Her mind made up, she reached over to the box of condoms. Her movement drew Lex’s attention and she made sure that he was watching as she chucked the box across the room. “I don’t think that we’ll be needing these, then.” She smiled down at Lex and was rewarded with a huge grin from him. There was no need to discuss whether she would become pregnant or not. Lex knew that she was on the pill because of their various cerebral discussions about sex that had taken place over the course of the years.

    “And,” she said, grabbing his face and then kissing him soundly, “I don’t think I need anymore foreplay, either. We can explore later, for now why don’t you get going and fuck me?”

    Lex's brows jerked up quickly at Chloe's statement. She'd used the same voice he usually got to hear when they were wrestling over the remote control, trying to settle which program to watch. He licked his lips as he ground down against her once more. He'd never be able to hear that voice again without getting a hard on.

    “As you wish,” he said as he shifted his hips. (author is being horrible about Princess Bride quotes)

    With a quick jerk and thrust Lex sheathed himself inside her to the hilt. His eyes closed and an involuntary groan escaped his lips as her cunt constricted around him.

    “Fuck, you're tight!”

    Once she stopped making strange noises, Chloe would respond to Lex’s comment. But for now she had to concentrate on breathing. And not begging Lex to move. She had seen that he was big but she had never felt this full.

    As she tried to speak, only a moan escaped her throat. Her neck was arched backwards and she brought it upright again before trying to communicate. “Like that do you,” she asked breathlessly. She knew she’d pay for it later but that didn’t stop her from squeezing her internal muscles for good measure.

    She had barely begun to relax them before she cried out as Lex thrust forward brutally. Chloe didn’t know if it was an involuntary response or punishment but she didn’t give a damn. It felt amazing. Lex now had her hands pinned above her head and was looming over her body. She should have known that even when they were in bed together that it would be a fight.

    The feeling was awesome; tight, wet heat surrounding his dick and it felt like her muscles were trying to suck him back in, every time he withdrew only to swallow his length greedily when he thrust forward and into her again. Lex's shoulder muscles trembled from the strain as he braced his weight, pushing Chloe deeper into the mattress.

    “Should have done this years ago,” he rasped out.

    He withdrew until only the tip of his cock remained inside, then slowly sank into her again, inch by agonizing inch. His eyes closed at the feeling and a slow groan rose from his throat. He'd never known himself to be so fucking noisy, but it was nothing in comparison to the sounds coming from Chloe. The low keening and mewling noises escaping her parted lips were incredibly arousing.

    Chloe didn’t miss what Lex had said and agreed with it. If she had known how fucking good he was at this…. Sure, there had been rumors about it but mostly from money grubbing women who would do anything to stay in Lex’s bed.

    The slow rhythm that Lex had set up, plunging deep inside of her and then slowly withdrawing only to repeat the motion, was driving her insane. Chloe wanted it harder and quicker. But then again she’d always been one for instant gratification. This felt different and she found her body responding immediately.

    Her hips moved up languidly to meet Lex’s and her hands fisted viciously as it felt as if Lex was getting deeper with every thrust. She honestly wondered if she’d be sore the next day. That hadn’t happened since she’d lost her virginity.

    Chloe didn’t bother to try and be quiet. She didn’t have to worry about what Lex would think of her. She knew where they stood and it was very freeing. When she pitched her hips up and hooked one leg around Lex’s hips, she yelped his name. Wanting more contact between them, she struggled to get her wrists free from his grip. Lex let her go and she immediately wrapped her arms around his back. Her nipples brushed against his chest and Chloe whimpered as the sensation traveled down her body.

    The action had caused him to go even deeper and her clit had gotten some much needed friction. She opened her eyes and looked at Lex above her. He’d never looked better. There was a light sheen of sweat on his upper lip and his face was scrunched up but he looked damn fine fucking her.

    It was embarrassing how fast her orgasm was approaching but she couldn’t do much about that. “Lex. Legs. Shoulders.” She tried to get out more words but it just wasn’t working. She clawed at his back and cursed as she felt Lex hit a very precise spot inside of her.

    Lex could feel the sweat sliding down his back, causing the nail tracks Chloe had left to sting. The pain only heightened the pleasure coursing through his system as he picked up the speed of his thrusts.

    Chloe's command finally filtered through his brain and he slowed down once again until he stilled his hips, buried inside her. Ignoring her moans of protest, he reached behind himself to pry Chloe's legs from around his waist. Lex sat back until he was on his knees, then repositioned her legs until they were laying over his shoulders.

    A low groan escaped from him as he seemed to sink another inch deeper into her, the head of his cock meeting resistance.

    “Fuck,” he breathed out.

    He stayed completely still, sliding his hands down Chloe's legs, slick from sweat, until he reached the end of her thighs. Tightening his grip on the soft skin, he looked directly into Chloe's eyes. And pulled her hips towards him.

    “Oh, fuck.” The one syllable word was dragged across her tongue as she felt Lex’s cock fully fill her. It was almost painful but Chloe got past it after a few deep breaths. She arched her back as her hands fisted in the sheets beneath her body.

    Lex remained motionless and so Chloe started thrusting her hips towards him. Every small movement she made was accompanied by a moan, grunt, groan or whimper. “God, Lex. Amazing.”

    Her legs were shaking slightly as she continued to move her hips towards Lex’s body. He kept still, letting her fuck him and set the pace. She kept her eyes open, watching Lex’s reaction as she changed the angle of her hips and squeezed his cock again.

    She felt a little more in control and so she was finally able to string a sentence together. “I’m so glad we were bored,” she moaned. “And, Jesus, do you deserve your reputation. So close already.”

    Lex's grip on her legs tightened as he tried to stay motionless. Chloe was doing an amazing job of fucking his common sense right out of his brains. He couldn't agree with her words more though, as they finally penetrated his brain. The backhanded complement made him grin, but that didn't mean she'd get away with it.

    Turning his head, he closed his lips over her calf, sinking his teeth into the skin and muscle , then sucking the slightly salty flesh into his mouth. It would leave a mark, but she could bloody well wear pants tomorrow.

    Even as Chloe yelped, then released a drawn out groan, he shifted his weight, letting himself fall forward and forcing her to practically bend in half underneath him until they were nose to nose. “Can't be that good, you're still coherent.”

    With that he closed any further discussion by diving in for another kiss, taking back control from Chloe and setting a fast rhythm, determined to bring her off and drive her into incoherency, at least for a few seconds.

    He squeezed his hand between their bodies, fingers sliding through her wetness to find her clit. His thumb brushed against his own cock where he was thrusting into her, feeling her cunt give way to take him inside. Groaning into their heated liplock, he finally found the tiny nub of flesh that slipped through his fingers with every writhing thrust of Chloe's hips against him. Shifting his hand, he pressed the heel of his palm against the top of her cunt, deciding Chloe was doing the work quite well on her own.

    Holding tightly to Lex, Chloe increased the motions of her hips. She whimpered into Lex’s mouth as they continued to kiss. She didn’t have any technique left in any of her movements. Her lips and tongue moved against Lex’s as her hands ran haphazardly over Lex’s back and she couldn’t feel her legs anymore. Her whole body was working with one goal in mind and her brain didn’t have any excess neurons to use in order to coordinate any of her body parts properly.

    She jerked her hips brutally towards Lex, the action caused the heel of Lex’s hand to apply more pressure where it lay. Chloe broke their kiss and grunted softly as she started to reach her peak. Her orgasm was in reach but she’d have to get there herself. Lex’s hips weren’t moving.

    When she opened her eyes, Chloe saw that Lex was watching her avidly. She knew that he wanted to see if she could come without anymore assistance. Her thrusts became more violent and she started to moan constantly.

    Her cunt started to flutter and she slammed more urgently against Lex. His cock was sliding easily through her body and Chloe wondered how much better it would get if Lex was actually working with her.

    But she didn’t have much time to wonder. On her next thrust she used all of her strength to pitch her hips upwards and Lex’s cock reached her sweet spot at almost the same time that the heel of his hand pushed down hard on her clit.

    Chloe screamed Lex’s name as her orgasm overtook her. She knew that her hips kept moving and that she was babbling unintelligible words and curses but she couldn’t stop herself.

    Her pussy tightened up on Lex’s cock and she heard him hiss. Chloe opened her eyes and squeezed her muscles again, trying to take Lex over the edge with her but she knew from the look on his face that it wasn’t going to work. She saw his resolve and jerked her hips twice more before she felt her cunt relax. She was panting hard beneath Lex and tried to move but couldn’t.

    Lex ground his teeth together, his fingers slipping away from Chloe to close in a tight ring around the base of his cock. It took considerable effort to will himself from the edge though, with Chloe's internal muscles still sporadically spasming around him, but he was determined to give her a fuck she wouldn't soon forget.

    When he finally was back in control, he let go of his cock. Seeing Chloe as limp as her current position allowed, a smug grin curled on his lips. He was far from done with her. Lex slowly leaned back until he could slide her legs from his shoulders. The limbs flopped to the mattress and stayed where they landed. Apparently, Chloe had no intention of moving a muscle, well that wouldn't do in this position.

    Pulling back, he slipped out of her with a slick noise, biting down on his lip to keep from making any sound. The cool air of the room on his prick made him shudder as he sat up on his knees again. Licking his sore lip, he looked down at the prone figure of Chloe, sweat glistening on her skin.

    He could swear she was purring as she opened her eyes to look up at him, obviously waiting for him to make the next move. Grinning sharply, his hand lashed out to land a smack on her hip.

    “Turn over, lazy thing,” he commanded.

    If she had any more energy she would have given him a better tongue lashing for that comment. As it was, all she said was, “Lazy? I’m the one who just did most of the work, Luthor.” She sat up a little and brushed her damp hair out of her eyes.

    She was pleased that she could move a little more now. Her legs were still achy but she turned them experimentally and it wasn’t too bad. Chloe looked down at Lex’s cock which still stood at full attention and said, “But we’ll fight about that later because that cannot be very comfortable.”

    Chloe pulled herself to a sitting position and then turned over to lie down on her stomach. “Like this,” she asked, “or, like this?” With her second question she got onto her hands and knees and then turned back to look at Lex.

    “Depends how long you want this to last,” he shot back, his hands already closing over her ankles and pulling her legs further apart.

    Instead of giving her any more time to get her bearings and come up with more snarky comments, he draped himself over her back and thrust inside her. After a few minutes in the cool air of the room, the heat seemed even more intense. He kept still for a moment, his hands wandering over Chloe's hips and under her to feel her smooth stomach and the soft mounds of her breasts as they filled his palms.

    Placing a kiss on her shoulder blade, he started to move, moving his hips slowly to slide in and out of her cunt as his hands busied themselves kneading supple flesh and stroking over sweat slick skin.

    “I wonder how much it'd take to fuck the snark out of you,” he mused, then sank his teeth into the bit of skin under his mouth.

    He heard Chloe's intake of breath but before she could get out more than the first sound of her answer, he'd pulled completely out of her and slammed himself home. His own groan drowned out hers as Chloe's cunt clamped around him.

    Rearing up, hands sliding along her body with his movement, he took hold of her hips and repeated the motion, pulling out swiftly only to pound into her with enough force to feel his cock hitting resistance as he bottomed out inside her.

    He could feel the pleasure pooling low in his belly and at the base of his spine, a spiral of heat coiling tighter, pushing him dangerously close to the edge. He wanted to slow himself down, draw out the moment, but he knew that wasn't an option.

    Not when Chloe was making the most wild noises, thrusting back against him and yelping his name like that.

    One of his hands slid down from her hip and under her body to comb through the coarse curls above her cunt, sliding between the parted lips to seek the small nub of her clit as he kept picking up the speed and force of his thrusts into her.

    “Come on,” he spurred her on, rubbing the tiny piece of flesh between his fingers. “Come for me again.”

    Letting himself fall forward onto her back, he changed the rhythm, thrusting into her with short, sharp jabs as he slipped his fingers to press directly onto her clit. Her noises were rising in pitch again and interspersed with breathless exhalations of his name.

    Lex buried his nose in her neck, flicking his tongue over the sensitive skin before moving to place his mouth directly at her ear. “Let me feel you,” he rasped out.

    “Feels so good when you come, so fucking tight.” The tip of his tongue traced over the outer whirl of her ear and he relished in the shudder of her body beneath him and the flutter and squeeze of her cunt around his dick. He was so close. “Come for me, Chloe. Come on, let it go!”

    Chloe was helpless to do anything but listen to what Lex was telling her. She braced her herself against the headboard, her hands wrapping around the wooden slats and pushed back against him. She widened her legs, too, trying to get him as deep as he could be.

    This position left her at Lex’s mercy and he was taking full advantage of it. His thrusts had become even more forceful after he spoke to her and Chloe saw that her knuckles were turning white and she could feel the bite of the wood on her hands.

    She picked up the speed of her hips and distantly was impressed that Lex was able to match her change in tempo all the while massaging her clit. “Harder,” she panted out. “Don’t hold back.”

    A scream ripped from her throat as Lex obliged her. Chloe could hear the bed rocking slightly and the headboard was tapping against the wall. Had the bed been of lower quality it would have been banging against the wall but it was fairly sturdy.

    “Come too, Lex,” she moaned. “No one’s ever come in me before.” She heard Lex growl by her ear when she said that and determined he might like to hear more.

    “You’re the only one,” she panted out. She wanted to be eloquent and precise with her words but the feeling in her lower belly was spreading so she had to change tactics. “No one. Just you.”

    She stopped talking then and bowed her head, closing her eyes as she focused on feeling her orgasm. With only a few more thrusts of her hips it was upon her. She screamed her release along with some instructions for Lex to “take” her, “fuck” her and “come”.

    Her grip on the headboard slipped and her upper body fell to the mattress as her pussy clamped down viciously on Lex’s cock. The angle was exquisite and she screamed again as her orgasm stretched out. She craned her neck and watched as Lex grabbed her hips tightly and thrust primally into her.

    He bared his teeth and groaned her name right before she saw and felt his long strokes turn into short, staccato bursts. Her eyes widened as she watched him shudder, his head falling back as he groaned her name, and then felt heat seep into her body. “Yes,” she moaned as she sped up her hips.

    Chloe could feel her internal muscles squeezing at Lex’s cock and she gasped as she felt another spurt shoot into her body. She moaned his name and kept moving her hips until she felt him soften. After a few more jerks, Lex’s body stilled and Chloe watched him flop forward right on top of her. She let out a small grunt but didn’t complain. It wasn’t as if she intended to move right now. Not with being all sweaty, sated and having Lex still inside of her.

    Lex kept his eyes closed and breathed deeply, inhaling the scent of Chloe and sex as he kept his nose buried in her skin. That had been one hell of an orgasm. He was pretty sure he'd actually seen white light there for an instant. Generally, his body was feeling pleasantly boneless. He was pretty much a dead weight on top of Chloe.

    Cursing the fact that he had to move, he reluctantly pulled out of her and shifted to the side until he was lying next to her on the mattress. Now, Lex had never been a cuddler with his other conquests, but the pleasant warmth of Chloe's body had been nice and during their friendships he'd made exceptions for her left and right in many different regards. Aside from that, he simply wanted her close.

    He slung an arm around her and pulled her back against him until her ass was pressed against his groin, his knees neatly tucked up behind hers, their bodies touching from shoulder to shin. When she started wiggling, he threw his leg over hers to keep her still.

    Satisfied with their position, he let his eyes drift shut, enjoying the aftermath of a spectacular orgasm.

    To say that Chloe had been surprised by Lex’s move was an understatement. It wasn’t that she expected him to throw her out of his bed now that they were done, it was that he had never struck her as someone who liked to be close after sex. Mostly because he’d told her that directly more than once in conversation.

    But it wasn’t as if she could move right now. Lex’s left arm was thrown over her head, resting on the pillow, while his other was tightly wrapped around her middle, his finger resting over her belly button. The leg thrown over her own was a little uncomfortable but after a little shifting, it wasn’t bothering her too much.

    Chloe rested her right arm over Lex’s and put her other arm under her head as a makeshift pillow. This wasn’t the most comfortable she’d ever been but she was exhausted so it would do for now. She closed her eyes and wondered if Lex would be around when she woke up.

    He drifted for a while, letting his brain slowly come back online through the murkiness. At the time, he hadn't thought much about it, but now that he was alone with his thoughts, Chloe dozing away in front of him, Lex went back over their little escapade in his mind.

    He'd been pleasantly surprised just how active she was, even though she'd claimed during many discussions that sex was something she enjoyed and enjoyed participating in, a lot. The snark had actually added somewhat of an extra spark and when Chloe had finally lost it she'd been truly breathtaking.

    The only thing niggling uncomfortably, looking back, was that part towards the end. Lex wasn't sure what to think of it. At the time, when she'd told him he was the 'only one' to ever come inside her, he hadn't given it conscious thought. It had simply triggered something inside him, called to his machismo and made him get off on the idea to be the first guy she'd ever let herself be fucked by without a condom.

    Now, with his head clear once more, it looked a lot like she'd just told him that to get him off. A little white lie in the name of the little death. It didn't sit well with him. Heavens knew he would have gotten off without it just as well. Why then did she feel the need to lie to him?

    Truth had been the first issue they'd addressed when their friendship had started. Both burned children, they'd immediately agreed that there would be no lies between them and that half truths had to be avoided at all costs.

    Lex needed to know if she'd been lying to him, and if the answer was yes, he wanted to know why. And, he decided, he wanted to know right now. Moving the arm over Chloe's head, he combed the hair back from her forehead and leaned over her slightly.

    “Chloe,” he said softly, not wanting to exactly shock her out of sleep.

  2. #2
    Let's rub Lex's head! TheDragonLady's Avatar
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    29 Jan 2004

    Re: Bored Beyond Belief NC-17

    I will speak through emoticons, because my brain refuses to function...


  3. #3
    NS Full Member teejei's Avatar
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    Re: Bored Beyond Belief NC-17, PWP

    hmmm...why are there 2 threads of the same topic?


    update soon!

  4. #4
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
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    09 May 2005

    Re: Bored Beyond Belief NC-17, PWP

    Is that it? You can't stop there! Was really good , I was really getting into it & then you stopped. Hopefully, you'll update soon.

  5. #5
    Lex's Gypsy Girl
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    Bible Belt MS

    Re: Bored Beyond Belief NC-17, PWP

    Whewwwwwww! Did I need that this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hot damn!

  6. #6
    Minion of the Chlex BabDreamer's Avatar
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    France for now, and from July 26th, FLORIDA BABY!!

    Re: Bored Beyond Belief NC-17, PWP

    WOW! That was great!!!! Oh It was really hot!
    But how could you stop there???
    You have got to come back right now with the rest!!!! please

  7. #7
    NS Full Member BellaMR's Avatar
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    Re: Bored Beyond Belief NC-17, PWP

    Fantastic. I wish I could do something like that when I'm bored. That's what friends are for, right?

    Can't wait for the continuation.

  8. #8
    Administrator Senior Member Julie's Avatar
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    Re: Bored Beyond Belief NC-17, PWP

    Topic merged with the other story copy...
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  9. #9
    NS Full Member
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    Re: Bored Beyond Belief NC-17, PWP


  10. #10
    michael's toy jaxie926's Avatar
    Join Date
    29 Apr 2005

    Re: Bored Beyond Belief NC-17, PWP

    I just took a break from work. And find this! OMG! wow.
    I dont have time to properly comment. but damn. more please?!

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