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Thread: Parallel Universes And Passionate Embraces (NC-17)

  1. #11
    Queen of Lurkdom Sezza's Avatar
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    26 Mar 2003
    Ok, this is too good not to comment on, I am lovin it. Seriously.

    Tally peered over his shoulder and spotted Chloe. “Hello, are you Helen?”

    Chloe laughed. “No!”

    Tally’s light gray eyes narrowed and Chloe got the weird feeling that she was trying to look into her soul. Her laughter died in her throat. “Well, you should be,” Tally said finally with a significance that had Chloe gaping at her. Lex looked equally stunned.
    That had to of been my favourite part of this fic so far.

    Can't wait for more, and Lex is Chloe's fiance?

    Well, well, well, isn't that intreging? Come back soon, i am a smut lovig fanfic reader so update soon.


    Chlex is my obsession

  2. #12
    Administrator Senior Member Julie's Avatar
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    This sounds really good!!! More!!!
    Be sure to follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook for latest updates and news!

  3. #13
    bored and dangerous Senior Member sabby's Avatar
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    Sittin by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere...
    Uhm what they said! I love these alternate Realities, more soon please


  4. #14
    Just a Guest!
    Thanks all!!!!

    Parallel Universes and Passionat Embraces- Part 2

    Chloe woke to the warm sensation of sunlight on her face. She opened her eyes and realized that she was in a hospital. Lex was slumped in a chair next to her, snoring softly. He looked exhausted. Chloe wondered how long she’d been unconscious. It appeared to be dawn.

    She struggled to sit up, but too much movement made her head hurt so she lay back down.

    Hearing her move, Lex woke up. A grin lit up his face. “Chloe, you’re awake! God, I was so worried.” He grabbed her hand and held her knuckles reverently to his lips.

    A tingle shot up Chloe’s arm and she jerked her hand out of his grasp in shock. What was he doing?

    Lex’s eyebrows furrowed and he frowned. He determinedly grabbed her hand again. “What’s wrong?” He paused as if struggling for the right words. “You’ve been so distant lately. Whatever I’ve done, I’ll change, make it better. Just talk to me. Don’t shut me out.”

    “What are you talking about?” She stared at him, wide-eyed.

    “I feel like you’ve been avoiding me lately.”

    “No, I haven’t!”

    Lex smiled. “You haven’t? I’m glad. I’m taking some time off. I think we need to work out some of our issues.”

    “We have issues?” She was really confused.

    “We won’t soon. When I heard you’d been in an accident, I’d never been more scared in my life. I can’t imagine living in a world without you in it.” He kissed her fingertips gently and at the little jolt of awareness she wretched her hand away again. This time Lex didn’t grab her hand. He just gazed at her, looking unspeakably sad. “There it is again. Don’t you like it when I touch you anymore?”

    “What are you talking about?” Her head was starting to hurt again.

    “It’s been weeks since we last made love.” Chloe gasped quietly but Lex didn’t notice. He continued in a low, intense voice that made her skin tingle, “I ache for you. When I should be concentrating on work all I think about is your legs wrapped around my waist as I bury myself in you. When I’m in meetings I wonder where you are and what you’re wearing. I don’t know how much longer I can stand celibacy. I need you.”

    “Are you insane?” she asked and then cringed at the hurt expression on his face.

    “Maybe I am.” His voice was bitter.

    The pain that Chloe felt by hurting him took her by surprise. She had no idea what he was talking about but she hesitantly reached out and touched his cheek. It was smooth and warm to the touch. Lex held her hand to his face, a chaotic mass of emotions blazing in his eyes.

    “I don’t think you’re insane,” she told him. “I think I’m the nuts one.” And that was the truth. She wondered if she was still unconscious and imaging everything.

    Lex smiled.

    Suddenly overwhelmed with exhaustion, she tried to suppress a yawn. Lex stood up. “I’d better let you rest. I’m going go home and sleep for a couple hours myself. When I get back you better still be asleep, getting better.” He paused at the door and turned around. “I love you, Chloe.” He left quickly, almost as if afraid of what she would say.

    Though stunned by his declaration, she fell quickly asleep. She woke late that afternoon. Lex was sitting by her bed again, watching her. She wasn’t surprised. She knew that she should be unnerved by the realization that he’d been staring at her while she slept. Instead, she felt flattered and safe.

    “When am I going to be able to leave the hospital?” she asked him.

    “Not for at least another day. Doctor Swardson said that he’s going to check in later and see how you’re doing. You might be coming home tomorrow. Besides your mild concussion, all you have are some scrapes and bruises. Thank God. It could have been worse. Why did you crash?”

    Chloe didn’t want to be in the hospital any longer than she had to be, so she told him a deer ran across the road and she swerved to miss it.

    Something caught her eye. She looked over at the bedside table. Sitting on the glossy table was the beat-up medallion.

    “Oh, yeah. Where did you get that?” Lex asked. “You were wearing it during the accident.”

    “Aunt Tally.”

    Lex looked bewildered. “Aunt Tally's in town? Why hasn’t she seen me? It’s been years since I’ve seen her! Why have you seen her and not me?”

    Chloe frowned. What was going on? How could Lex not have seen her? Why did Lex say he loved her? Nothing was making any sense.

    “Because your Dad doesn’t like her?” she guessed.

    “Yeah. He’s been sued so many times he’s not too fond of lawyers, especially ones as respectable and resolute as she is. He doesn’t like the fact that she’s not corruptible.” Lex smirked.

    “Wait. She’s a lawyer? I thought she was a hippy.”

    Lex laughed. “Aunt Tally? Are joking? Her entire wardrobe consists of pantsuits.”

    “Hmmm. So, you’re saying she’s not into magic or mysticism?”

    “Um, yeah, that’s what I’m saying.” He was still grinning at the thought. “Are you sure you got the medallion from my aunt?”

    Damn right she was. But she said, “Um, maybe I heard her wrong. Maybe she said her name was Sally.”

    “So, some strange hippy woman named Sally randomly gave you a medallion and you took it?” Lex arched one eyebrow skeptically, a smile still on his lips.

    “Yeah, I did. Why shouldn’t I have? It’s just a hunk of ugly metal!” she said defensively, folding her blanket across her lap and trying not to make eye contact with him. She didn’t want to burst out laughing and blow her cover.

    “This is Smallville, Chloe. You know better than anyone how odd it is here,” Lex reminded her. “I wouldn’t trust any odd stranger. Who knows what could be wrong with him or her.”

    “Yeah, yeah,” she grumbled petulantly.

    Lex smiled and leaned over to kiss her on the cheek. Chloe started in surprise but Lex either decided not to comment on it or didn’t notice. “Sorry for the lecture. I just don’t want you to get hurt,” he said warmly.

    Chloe could feel a blush warm her cheeks and Lex chuckled in delight. “I haven’t seen you do that for some time.”

    “Yeah, well, don’t have a heart attack about it.” She toyed with her blanket some more.

    “I’ll try to contain myself.”

    “I’m sure you will,” Chloe returned, attempting to be mildly sarcastic but she was still unnerved by her strange reaction to Lex.

    Someone knocked on the door.

    “Come in,” Chloe called.

    A doctor came in. He was quite handsome, the kind of doctor that you think you’d only see on TV. He smiled at her. “You look much better today, Miss Sullivan.”

    “I feel much better.”

    He checked her pulse and held a stethoscope to her chest as he asked her all sorts of questions. “Well,” he said after a while, “I just want to run a few more x-rays and maybe a CAT scan to make sure everything is all right. If it is you’ll be able to leave tomorrow.”

    “Great,” she said.

    “Make sure you make her take it easy over the next few days and call me if anything is wrong,” the doctor told Lex.

    Lex nodded. “She won’t lift a finger. I’ll make her stay in bed.” His eyes were heated as he looked at her and a shiver ran through Chloe.

    As the doctor left the room Clark walked in.

    “Chloe! How are you feeling?” he asked and rushed to her bed. Chloe was glad she didn’t have a crush on him anymore or she might have given more meaning to his concern than was actually there.

    “Pretty good considering I crashed into a tree,” she said wryly.

    Clark attempted a smile. He glanced at Lex, and his smile faded. “Can I speak with you alone for a minute?” he asked her though he was looking at Lex.

    “Sure, I guess so.” She looked at Lex, who sighed in resignation and left.

    Clark knelt and buried his head in her lap.

    “Clark!” she protested in shock.

    He lifted his head and looked up at her. “Sorry. I was just so afraid you were going to die. Your accident has made me realize that life is short. I can’t just keep quiet about my feelings for you.”

    “Your what?!”

    “I love you. God, everybody knows. I'm so obvious. Tell me if there’s any chance that you might someday feel the same way.”

    “You must be joking. What about Lana?”

    Clark looked confused. “What about her? Lana is beautiful, yeah, but she’s a lesbian. She came out a couple years ago. Are you sure you’re feeling all right?”

    “She’s a what?!” A gurgle of hysterical laughter bubbled in her throat. She had to be dreaming. Nothing that funny could be true. She decided to milk her dream for all it was worth. “So you’re with…”

    “No one. I’ve been in love with you for years, though.”

    Please. And pigs can fly. “And Lana is a lesbian. Who’s Pete with?”

    “Huh? Pete moved away years ago. He joined a biker gang and skipped town. He sent me a post card from Tennessee last week.”

    Chloe laughed. This was too good. “What about Helen?”

    Clark gave her a worried look. “I think they need to do some more tests on you. Are you sure you don’t have amnesia?”

    “I’m fine,” she said impatiently. “I’m just trying to reorient myself. What about Helen?”

    “Helen is a lesbian, too. She and Lana have been dating the past year now.”

    “And Lex is with…”

    “You, duh! You just got engaged. I’m going to go get a doctor.” He stood up.

    “No!” she ordered and Clark paused. “Sorry if I’m freaking you out, I’m just making sure nothing changed while I’ve been unconscious.”

    “You’ve only been unconscious for a day.”

    “Yeah, well, you never know. Now, I thought I heard you wrong. You’re saying that Lex and I are engaged?”

    He nodded. “And you’ve been living together since your dad went off to search for your mom a year ago.”

    Chloe sat back in her bed, completely floored. Clark reached out and grabbed her hand in concern. Chloe barely noticed. Her dad was gone. She and Lex were engaged. What was going here?

    It felt like she’d woken up in another world. She gazed back at the medallion on the bedside table. Tally’s words echoed in her head. “It will take you were you need to go…where you really belong.” A chill swept through her as an impossible idea came to her. No, it couldn’t be. But it made a strange sort of sense.

    She was in another dimension.


  5. #15
    Just a Guest!

    It just keeps getting better and better. Helen & Lana together, Clark in love with her but it's completely unreciprocated, Pete joining a biker gang (snicker). Love this fic!

    Please write more soon!

  6. #16
    Canon Whore Not An Addict's Avatar
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    28 Dec 2002
    Kansas, U.S.A.
    *collapses in laughter* Oh my god . . . Lana and Helen are dating . . . *dies*

    *revives, laughs some more*

    Seriously, this is so great. I can't wait for more! I wanna hear how Lex and Chloe got together, etc. And the smut! Lots and lots of Chlexy smut. The sexual undertones were absolutely wonderful here. I have to give this a wholehearted :worship2:

  7. #17

    this is too hilarious. you could BE a smallville writer with an insane plot like this!

    all we need is a freak of the week ^_^ :huh:

  8. #18
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    This is wonderful I love it. More.... :biggrin:

    Hope :
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  9. #19
    NS Full Member drina's Avatar
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: can't get over the fact that Lana and Helen are both lesbians and dating each other!

    This alternate universe is good, but in the original universe, does it mean that there's no more chloe?

  10. #20
    mina murray
    Just a Guest!
    Lana is beautiful, yeah, but she’s a lesbian.
    Bwah!! :lol: That's great! Oh well, if you can´t kill Lana, I guess Lesbic!Lana it´s the best next thing. And she hooked up with Helen. He! :hehe: Maybe now that they´re together, you can off them at the same time! :badboy:

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