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Thread: Autumn Storms | Rated: R (Completed)

  1. #1
    ~edit~ ...oh bum. i did it again, forgot to put the rating in the actual title. Eep! all i can do is apologise for being retarded, when this one gets deleted i'll do it again properly i promise ...

    ‘Autumn Storms’
    By A-u-r-o-r-a
    Rating – R (atm)
    Disclaimer – HA! Un-bloody likely. This isn’t exactly how I think the writers would see it ^_^ so no, I own nothing to do with them
    Summery – I wont give too much away, but this is more than a story straining Lex and Clark’s friendship than any real Chlex. Sorry guys! But I have woven her in, don’t worry…


    ~~ Early Autumn. In the middle of a long cold night, a silver Porsche was ripping through the small country town with a speed some may find frightening, others exhilarating. Lex Luther and Clark Kent were the latter, they were similar in this sense, as they were in many ways… ~~

    “This is so cool, Lex. I can’t believe we’re going to Metropolis” Clark smiled warmly at Lex who was driving his Porsche madly through the thunder of Smallville. Headed for the big city

    “I cant believe your dad let you come with me” Lex said, smiling as he saw Clark looking awkward out of the corner of his eyes, he kept his eyes on the road

    “Lex he doesn’t hate you…” Clark started, uncertainly. Lex looked at him and raised an eyebrow

    “Ok so you guys don’t meet eye to eye sometimes, but he’s beginning to see you’re not your dad” Clark was staring out into the night through the windscreen. His face a soft blue in the darkness. Lex smiled inwardly

    “Lets hope so”

    The car zoomed past a sign that read “Welcome to Smallville” Clark began to laugh to himself

    “You know, Chloe was so mad that we were going to a concert in Metropolis without her” Clark leaned his elbow on the car door and scratched at his eyebrow awkwardly. Lex laughed and thought warmly of her

    “I’ll do the exact same on her birthday” He said and glanced towards Clark. The two friends smiled at each other for a while, then Lex focused his attention back on the road. Clark stared out of the window as they began to drive over the long bridge that goes over Smallville valley. He thought affectionately of how Chloe had sulked to badly she refused to talk to him all day. He turned to Lex, who looked like he was concentrating very hard on something

    “You know she wouldn’t…” he started brightly

    “Shh!” Lex interrupted and listened to what Clark thought was nothing. Suddenly Lex slammed on the brakes and the car came to an ungraceful halt in the middle of the bridge

    “Clark get out the car” Lex whispered darkly and got out himself. Clark looked confusedly at him but did as he was told. Outside the thunder was coming down in wave after wave of icy rain. A rumble of thunder could be heard in the distance. Lex was inspecting his car all over

    “Lex what is it?” Clark said loudly over the rain

    “I think…” Lex started, as he looked under the left wheel “…there’s a bomb on the car”
    Clarks eyebrows raised and he backed slowly away from the Porsche. Using his see-through vision he scanned the car, it wasn’t easy finding a mechanical object in amongst a load of other mechanics, as they all looked alike to him. But he saw something suspicious under the exhaust pipe.

    “Lex!” Clark shouted “Try underneath the car” and trying not to make it too obvious, he pointed near the back. Lex walked casually around and Clark began to back away, knowing it was already there. His hair was soaking wet and he had to open his mouth in order to breath properly. If he could he would of used his heat vision to melt the mechanics but Lex was right there…he couldn’t risk it. Presently Lex came back up again, panic in his eyes

    “Clark run!” He shouted frantically. Clark may have seen the mechanics but he couldn’t see the timer. It read 00:04.
    Lex started running madly to the other side of the bridge, and Clark had to run at human pace which he remembered just in time. Without realising the seriousness of the bomb the two reached the other side of the road and began to run along the wall of the bridge


    A phenomenal noise of shattering metal shot through Lex’s ears. Blinding light surrounded the entire area with fire-bolts and as with any explosion, a force was expelled from the Porsche. Pushing its way past everything until it reached Clark and Lex.
    It slammed into them, Clark was thrown into the Air and Lex was pushed against the wall of the bridge.
    As Clark was thrown further than he thought he suddenly saw the wall of the bridge disappearing behind him, he was being forced over the edge! His arms flailed wildly in-front of him as he flew through the air at an angle towards his certain death.
    A strong hand caught him and Clarks body crashed against the outside of the wall. Below his feet the river valley looked dark and eager to take Clark into his death. He looked up into the face of Lex, who was bleeding above his eye, holding him tight with one hand, the other was supporting his own body weight on the bridge. Lex was silhouetted against the blazing fire of the car behind him, but his grip on Clark seemed strong

    Lex’s hand was a mess of blood, sweat and rain, Clark could feel the adrenaline pumping heavily through his palms and up his arms. Looking up in terror he saw Lex’s shoulders tensing unbelievably as he used every ounce of strength to pull Clark back up over the bridge
    A massive bolt of lightning streaked behind Lex and cast him into shadows for an instant, in shock, Lex’s grip on Clarks hand began to slip…

    “Clark! I need both your hands!” Lex shouted over the heavy rainfall, he was blinking the rain furiously out of his lashes, below him his best friend was swinging dangerously, Lex’s strong hands the only thing to stop him from plummeting into the valley below. A second bolt of lightning, louder than the last, smashed itself across the sky.
    Lex looking down into the face of Clark in anger and terror, why wasn’t he strong enough to pull him back? He inhaled deeply and gave a loud groan as he strained himself to haul Clark over the edge, but it was no good, Clark may as well have weighed a tonne.

    In desperation Lex leaned his entire torso over the edge of the bridge and extended his other hand. He didn’t speak, as the thunder was too loud, he only looked anxiously into the face of his best friend with violent eyes, urging him to give his other hand.
    Clark saw Lex’s body leaning precariously far over the wall and gave him a look of warning, but Lex was blind to any kind of refusal now.
    With clenched teeth and dark determined eyes, Lex yelled over the thunder as raindrops dripped down from his eyelashes onto Clark’s forehead
    “Give me your other hand!” He shouted, stretching his body as far as it could go, he knew this was his only chance now. Clark’s eyes were wide and black in terror, his fear of flying mixing in with a fear of heights was causing his heart to beat furiously against his chest. With a final outcry he swung his other dripping hand up towards Lex’s

    They caught each other in a solid grip of friendship, and as Clark looked up into Lex’s dark pupils he saw a flood of Luther pride and strength sweep across his face, he let out a gentle whispered laugh of relief, until suddenly he felt himself being lowered down slowly. Lex’s look of triumph vanished and panic returned.

    “Lex! Straighten up!” Clark yelled, as Lex was slowly being pulled over by Clark’s weight.

    “I…cant!” Lex yelled desperately, a third lightning bolt flew behind Lex, silhouetting his black outline against a violet night sky. His teeth clenched in strain as his feet came completely off the ground and Clarks eyes widened as he saw Lex’s body slid over the edge of the slippery wall, the next moment the two of them had broken their connection and were tumbling down with the rain to the river valley below…

    ~~ Somebody save me,
    Let your warm hands break right through -
    Somebody Save me, I don’t care how you do it -
    Just stay (Stay with me)
    Stay, Come on,
    I’ve been waiting for you
    Just stay (Stay with me)
    Stay, Come on… ~~

    As Lex’s body twisted as he ripped through the air, falling further and closer towards the flowing river below, a specific kind of peace surrounded him, as if in final resolution.
    The extremity of the cold air rushing past him as he fell was unbearable. His watery eyes could make out the rushing river below, and saw a blinding reflection of a lightning bolt reflected in the gushing river. He had no idea where Clark was, falling at the same pace, a little behind him perhaps? Closing his eyes, he could only think of sorrow for him. He hadn’t been strong enough, he couldn’t hold on
    ‘So this is the pre-death moment’ he thought to himself, and for the first time in his life he found no way to fight and gave in.
    The river was becoming closer. In 10 seconds his body would slam into the water and all bones in his body would smash like splinters.
    ‘I’m sorry Clark…’ was the one thought that wouldn’t let go

    Until then he had not seen Clark falling through the air with him, and presumed him already gone, dead, his corpse on the ground waiting to welcome Lex. Not wanting to view the ground as it slammed into his fragile form on impact, he closed his eyes from what he thought would be his last sight.

    The mind can become confused in moments like these. Start to see things that aren’t really there. But something was holding him, something was grabbing him around his waist…an arm. An arm?
    Lex opened his eyes and in a flash turned his head to see what the hell was going on. There he was. With a determined look and narrow eyes Clark Kent was holding him steadily. No fear was in his eyes, no emotion at all as a matter of fact.
    If Lex could have been more terrified than the moment he fell this was it. He couldn’t move, he couldn’t breath, he simply stared at Clark with an open mouth watching his hair flapping wilding in the blasting wind.

    ‘Weren’t we supposed to be dead by now?’ he thought

    Pulling his gaze away from Clark he turned to see the ground below. What he saw made him gasp inwards and his whole body felt like collapsing; They were no longer going down, they were going…across.
    The midnight air was now flowing harshly over his body as they flew forwards, Lex could see the winding river going past his perspective as they flew over the golden fields of Smallville, shivering with the wind in the night.
    All he could do was gaze in awe at what was happening, Clarks grip on him felt like an Iron Vice. Skimming over evergreen trees they seemed to be heading for a forest, Lex’s eyes watered at the incredible speed they were moving at and he was forced to shut them

    He wished he hadn’t

    With an almighty impact the two slammed into the ground at an angle, their bodies skimming over the wood and leaves of a forest floor. If Clark could fly, this was his first, as he certainly was no expert at landing. Clark’s hold on Lex vanished. He didn’t see where he went.
    With an ounce of strength left in him Lex managed to bring his arms over his head to give himself some sort of protection as his body skimmed along the forest floor like a rock on ice.
    His body stopped skidding after a while and he tumbling over and over on the ground, letting out cries of pain and he felt umpteen of bruises being created on his tender skin. A second later and another pummelling impact was slammed into his body as his entire form crashed against a large boulder in the forest. And then at last he was still.

    A few crickets chirped noisily in the forest, and other woodland noises kept the night alive as he lay there. Opening his eyes he winced and brought his hand up to feel the back of his head where he had smashed into the boulder, no blood. There was no blood. All of his body ached as he sat up like a weary animal after an exhausting battle. His shirt was badly ripped and his arms were covered in nasty looking grazes. Breathing harshly he strained his vision through the darkness of the trees to look for Clark

    Had what just happened really happened? Clark Kent could… fly? As the thought entered his mind Lex began to lose control of his conscience

    ‘Clark!!’ He shouted in annoyance into the dark forest as the trees began to swirl and the dark night began to entrance him to rest. Against his will he collapsed onto the floor, the comforting smell of woodchips and earth filled his head. As his eyes began to roll back in his skull his mind tried desperately to lull him to lose conscience, his lust for sleep was unbearable.
    But what was stronger than his lust? His will.

    “Clark!” Lex shouted in one final desperate long tone into the night. And then, just before his eyelids could close and take him, he squinted to see an odd looking black object lying about 30 feet away, a part was slowly rising and falling
    The silhouette of Clark. Lex blinked softly at him, gazing at him for a long time, re-assuring himself he was still there. Until once he blinked for too long and didn’t open his eyes again.


    Three times Lex blinked his eyes open, the blinding light was too harsh, too bright
    Too fake… ‘Where am I?’ he thought, confused. An irritating beeping noise was steadily keeping a rhythm beside him

    “Ah your awake.” Said an unfamiliar voice. Lex waiting until his eyes could adjust to the light of a…hospital, he was in hospital! The smell of disinfectant and clean floors made him frantic with frustration. He stared at the nurse.

    “Where is he?” Lex whispered darkly

    “Where is who? Oh, your father’s just outside shall I let him..”

    “Clark Kent! Is he all right? Is he alive you’ve got to tell me!” He interrupted, his voice was rising and the nurse looked disapprovingly down at him, recognising his menacing tone. She looked harshly at him for a long time before replying calmly

    “Would you like your father in here or not?” She said, in a whisper of patronisation. Lex couldn’t stand it any further
    “That’s it…Clark!” he growled and started to writh around in his bed, pulling out all heart moniters from his chest, pulse moniters, straps, bandages…

    “Claaark!” Just as he was about to swing his feet out of bed a shooting pain in his left stopped his body from all movement like a restraint, he let out a yelp of pain and screwed up his eyes

    “Mr Luther!” The nurse said angrily, hurrying to his side and placing the heart moniters back. Whilst Lex had pulled them out the long note of death had beeped on the machine and a few doctors and nurses had poked their heads around the curtain.

    “If you don’t contain yourself I shall have to call security. Do you understand?” Lex opened an eye to look at her, he was still panting in pain

    “Is that clear?” she barked

    “Yes…” Lex breathed, and allowed himself to be put back in bed. All monitors and wires were replaced. The nurse left and Lex was left to lie in annoyance and frustration. Why was he here? How did he get here? Where was Clark?

    Refusing to see Lionel, Lex let himself go home alone that night, assuring every nurse and doctor alike that he was fine and reminded them he could leave whenever he wished. They reluctantly let him go with a warning to take it easy.
    Calmly he strolled out of the hospital doors with a few stitched above his left eye and a couple of bruises. The only explanation he had received was that an anonymous caller had rang the hospital saying that Lex Luther was lying unconscious on the side of the road…on the Smallville bridge over the valley.
    Strolling steadily and confidently into the street Lex thought things over, could this all have been in his mind? Hit by a car, the doctors had said. Lucky to be alive
    Lucky to be alive.
    Well, you’ve have to be damn lucky to be alive after a 250ft drop into a valley. A drop? No, they didn’t drop. They flew. Clark Kent had caught up with Lex in mid fall, and flown him to safety in the forest.

    Lex stopped walking and shook his head, laughing at himself. Maybe he had hit his head harder than he thought. He carried on strolling, deciding to take the long walk back to the Luther mansion alone.

    Yes, no Chloe at the moment, as i said. This is Chlex believe it or not, but as i warned, the main character here is our beloved Lex, anyway...to be continued ^_^

  2. #2
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    Good start I love it. More please :

    Hope :chlexsign2:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  3. #3
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    Hmmm...I can't wait to see where you're going to take this one. Update soon.


  4. #4
    Just a Guest!
    Interesting so far and I can't wait to see how you add Chloe into the mix.

  5. #5
    ‘Autumn Storms’
    By A-u-r-o-r-a
    Rating – R (atm)
    Disclaimer – HA! Un-bloody likely. This isn’t exactly how I think the writers would see it ^_^ so no, I own nothing to do with them
    Summery – Chloe's getting curious about Lex. What's he been up to?...

    The Kent farm was bathing warmly in the morning sunshine. The smell of coffee drifting out into the garden as Martha brought a pot to the kitchen table where Clark was cleaning on his elbows, hand clutching the side of his head

    “…I can fly?!” He whispered, more to himself than to his mother, who was watching him carefully

    “I guess so” She replied, sounding a little too unsure herself as she sat down slowly. Jonathon was yet to come downstairs, and Clark was not looking forward to explaining this to his father

    “Clark why didn’t you tell us about this before?” He raised his head from his hands and looked tenderly at his mother

    “I didn’t know I could do it before! I swear I just willed myself to do it and…I could, do it” Clark blurted out. Martha put a hand on his back

    “I’m just grateful you’re not hurt. Falling from the valley bridge…I never even thought you…” She stopped herself, Clark spoke to the table
    “…could survive that, I know” He said miserably “What am I going to do mom? How am I going to explain this to Lex, he saw the whole thing!” Absent-mindedly he picked up a piece of bread from the table and began to stare at it, toasting it angrily

    “What about the car?” Martha asked

    “I threw it into the river”

    “Well Clark you’re just going to have to convince him it didn’t happen. You did the right thing by getting him to the hospital…perhaps you should go and find him?” Martha hinted gently. Clark looked at her, defeated. She was right. He couldn’t just let this be left at loose ends. Sighing to himself he turned the bread over and began toasting the other side

    ~~ Somebody save me,
    Let your warm hands break right through -
    Somebody Save me, I don’t care how you do it -
    Just stay (Stay with me)
    Stay, Come on,
    I’ve been waiting for you
    Just stay (Stay with me)
    Stay, Come on… ~~


    The Talon was uncommonly busy that afternoon, and finding comfort in a crowd, Lex was reading a newspaper quietly in the corner. The pages were folded out a little too widely, concealing most of his body. He looked like a newspaper with hands

    “That’s funny, I’m sure he was here a minute ago…” Lana’s beaming smile caught Lex’s eye as he slowly lowered the paper. He looked up at her and smiled
    “Do you still want this?” She indicated the double espresso in her hand

    “Lana, thanks. Busy day today. I wasn’t sure If you would remember me over here” He said, enjoying the warmth of the espresso cup around his hands

    “Well you’ve become pretty hard to miss, Lex. Anyone would think you’ve cut eyeholes in that newspaper” She started laughing softly at him and he couldn’t help but grin. Looking around her to check the other waitresses could cope for a moment, she sat down opposite him

    “I’m sorry, its just that if I get asked another damned question about my accident…” He sighed down. A glow of sunlight reflected from the windows was creating an luminous glow behind Lana’s hair.

    “I’ve counted 6 people so far” She grinned

    “Seven. And I’ve got the Planet on my back, too. They’ve convinced themselves it’s the story of the year” Stirring his coffee for no reason he sipped it tenderly

    “…Lex,” Lana started, she looked suddenly very shy of him and slightly apologetic “You were hit by a car at what must have been a pretty harsh speed to knock you unconscious, and you come away with only a few stitches…That’s pretty incredible”
    Lex touched the stitches above his eye, the doctors had said it would cause a scar, Great. He knew what Lana was saying, but he didn’t want to start thinking about what he thought really happened. He didn’t want this town thinking he was crazy as well as an invincible evil mastermind.
    He pinched at the bridge of his nose in frustration and closed his eyes for a moment

    “Anyone would think you’ve turned into Clark!” Lana said, trying to lighten the scene. Lex looked sideways at her and pulled his head up from his hand
    “Stranger things have happened” He replied with a soft smile, and a certain look filled his eyes. The kind of look someone gets when they’re concealing something. Lana had seen it too many times in Clark for it to go unnoticed.
    They sat looking at each other for a while before Lana blinked too many times and got up, suddenly aware of the bustling coffee shop around her. Looking over her shoulder she saw Chloe pushing the door open, looking stressed

    “I think…You’d better make that eight” Lana said, and gave a warning look down at Lex, who suddenly looked like a frightened deer
    “Chloe’s just walked in. And I bet she’s dying to get the story of the century” Lana smiled broadly at Lex who was unfolding his paper again

    “I’m not here” He whispered and went back into hiding


    Chloe rushed into the Torch Office with a Take out mocha in her hand, her hair was done up at the back and straight at the sides, an experimentation of sorts. By-By flicks.

    “Clark!” She exclaimed. He was sitting at her computer, again. Remembering what happened last time she yelled at him for using her computer she decided to let this one go and walked towards him

    “What brings you here? I thought I was the only one making this my second home?” She grinned. Clarks eyes never left the screen

    “I’m just checking up on a few things” He said flatly. Obviously concentrating on something, Chloe’s curiosity was too much to bear and she sneakily sidled up behind him and looked over his shoulder

    “Lex Luther, invincible?” Chloe read aloud from the screen. She gazed softly sideways at him “You could just –buy- a paper, Clark…”

    “Listen to this; ‘Lex Luther proved yesterday that he is not only Smallville’s up and coming billionare-boy, but now seems to be able to cheat death. Lex, son of Lionel Luther was found at the side of the road late yesterday evening, unconscious due to a severe hit and run incident. Doctors are baffled and claim his injuries to be extremely minor…” Clark looked up at Chloe who was frowning at the screen as he read. She had moved a bare arm over his shoulder and was supporting herself. Chloe continued;

    “Lionel Luther was questioned earlier today, and is said to be in ‘No great shock’ and that ‘Lex is a fighter, he’s had his fair share of people trying to kill him over the years, so this comes as no great surprise”… Chloe’s voice trailed off as she felt touched by the story. Lex was certainly intriguing enough.

    “Clark…did you have anything to do with this? I know what your like with sticky situations” she said slowly, looking down at him. Clark had to remind himself to reply the negative

    “All I did was call the ambulance, I cant be everywhere at once!” He tried to joke, but Chloe’s lips were parted and she was looking cautiously at him suspiciously. Her eyes narrowed a little. Clarks fake grin was fading fast

    “Clark, if you knew something about this, you would tell me right?” She said, almost in a warning. ‘Don’t lie to me Clark’ she thought. Clark tried to look away but her eyes were flashing down at him, their faces were now very close together.
    A door clicked open, the two leaped away from each other as repelling magnets.

    “Lana” Clark said, his eyes a little too wide for Lana’s comfort. She started to laugh softly at him. Clark and Chloe…when will it end? As much as she loved to see him squirm she decided to put him out of his misery. But she couldn’t wipe the smile off her face as she looked at a very red and embarrassed Chloe

    “Hey” She began slowly “I’ve given myself an overdue lunch break, do you wanna get a free coffee and muffin before they get me back to their evil clutches?” She blinked at Chloe who was tucking her hair behind her ear and busying herself with some random bits of paper

    “Sure!” Clark said a little too loudly. Lana smiled affectionately at the two of them. “Chloe, you coming?”

    “Me? Oh, thanks Lana but I’ve got some stuff to look into…” Chloe answered truthfully, grateful she didn’t have to explain why Clarks lips were inches from hers a moment ago

    “Lex is there…” Lana hinted, knowing Chloe would bite. She did, looking up from her papers she blinked at her in a confused state

    “No…no you see I was in there earlier and he wasn’t…” She started

    “He was” Lana interrupted, her eyes were apologetic. But she was enjoying Chloe’s look of delight. Damn, she shouldn’t of even told her where he was. Oh well, if Lex had to give his story to anyone, it may as well be her

    “He’s in hiding…”

    “Well then what are we waiting for! Clark shift your ass lets go!” Grabbing her dictophone she hurried out of the door, past Clark who was looking suddenly very grim

    “Clark, you coming?” Lana said, holding the door for him. Clarks mind was screaming ‘No!’ but he pulled himself out of his chair with a sigh and closed the Office door behind him…

  6. #6
    On the way over to the Talon Chloe once again felt like a third wheel and strode forward in front, partly to get out of Clark and Lana’s way, partly because she was excited about seeing Lex.
    Looking at the park absent-mindedly she double took. It was him. Her prey had moved. Lex was in the middle of the park. The afternoon was orange and glowed around him. The autumn leaves rustled and danced at his feet, he was lying down on the ground one leg raised. Chloe turned her whole body to look at him. Suddenly remembering where she was she called to the other two

    “Hey, you guys I’ve just remembered I left my journal in the park, I guess I’ll catch up with you later!” Clark watched her disappear into the park, paying no attention to the young man sprawled out on the ground, assuming it was someone else. They carried on towards the Talon, Clark extremely nervous of expecting to see Lex

    Chloe’s skirt flapped against her suede boots as she padded along the grass silently up to Lex, looking down at him she smiled. Loving the fact he didn’t know she was there


    Lex grinned an affectionate smile to himself, recognising her voice he felt no need to open his eyes and took a moment to smell the Autumn that lingered in the daisies and orange leaves as they tumbled around him

    “Can’t a man have a moments peace?” He said, wearily opening his eyes to see her half open lids looking down at him and laughing softly

    “Chloe Sullivan what do you want?”

    “What every other journalist from here to Metropolis wants” She said and laid her bag on the grass. Lex groaned low and deep to himself and covered his hands with his face for a moment before laying them behind his head once more

    “Didn’t the Planet feed your thirst already?” He asked, closing his eyes once more

    “Not really” She replied, her voice was coming from beside him now as she laid down next to him “Mind if I share your spot?”

    “Not at all”

    “The Planet got its information from your dad…” She began, looking up at the overhanging branches, watching a small bird sing loudly in the leaves

    “Ah…Yeh, my father was always one for the limelight. I suppose you’ve read it”

    “I didn’t really pay any attention to it…” She lied, but there was some truth in her words. She wanted to find out what really happened that day. She decided to be blunt and give Lex no chance of escape. Inhaling deeply she took her chance

    “When I was fifteen my dad’s sister was in a car accident. Hit and run, he…never even stopped to see if she was ok.” Chloe looked sideways through the grass to look at Lex’s face. He was listening

    “…Once we got her to the hospital the doctors said for her to be knocked unconscious, the car must have been going pretty fast. They also said it was unlikely for her to make it through the night. She had some kind of internal bleeding to the head I don’t know…”

    Lex tilted his head to the side to look at Chloe. Her own gaze was looking upwards towards the autumn sky. He blinked slowly at her

    “What I want to know Lex, is how you managed to do the same thing. And come out with nothing but a few bumps and bruises” She sighed with a heavy weight and looked sideways. Unaware he was gazing at her. The two looked at each other, and Lex thought for a moment whilst staring into her flashing eyes. He got up suddenly and Chloe leaned up on her elbows to watch him strain in the sunlight.
    He extended a warm hand down to her
    “Lets go for a walk…”

    She took a hold of it. His grip on her was stronger than expected and he pulled her briskly to her feet, bringing her a little too close to him for comfort. She steadied herself inches away from him, staring up at him with huge eyes and parted lips.
    Lex looked down at her smiling, he blinked slowly at her. Secretly enjoying her close company. He suddenly turned his body and began to walk away from her along the sparkling river. Chloe watched him turn back to look at her


    She smiled a large grin and ran a little of the way to catch up with him. The two of them walked for a little while, the leaves fell around their feet through the golden woods and the river sparkled with fishes and lilies. Once or twice Chloe’s bare arm touched Lex’s. She let it happen more than once.

    “Chloe…” Lex started in a whisper, it came out more like a husky secret “…If I were to tell you something, could you promise me in friendship that you would not tell another living soul”

    Chloe kept her head held forward and high, but glanced sideways at Lex, she kept up her walking pace

    “You have my word” she said, almost as darkly as him. She saw him recognise her tone and pretended she didn’t see his impressed smile

    “I understand you’re quite the hacker these days” He began again tenderly

    “It depends on what you want…” she said, thinking she would enjoy this extra bit of homework. Lex stopped walking and looked down at his feet, sighing deeply. Chloe stopped a pace ahead of him, wondering how someone can manage to look at their feet and still look impressive and not look small at all
    He looked up from the floor into her eyes. His pupils were dark and were filled with the colours of the woods. The word she would of used would be…cute…Almost. His gentle smile caused her lips to separate again and she looked questioningly at him.
    Taking a step closer he slowly raised his head like a great grinding mechanism. Once again his eyes locked onto hers and he spoke quietly and tenderly. Running his tongue over his lips he began to explain

    “I want you to look at your wall of weird findings, and search for any unexplained reports made on the Smallville Valley that night. Anything, explosions, loud noises…flying objects…” He gave her the slightest hint by curling his lips into a deeper smile and squaring his jaw just a little. Chloe narrowed her eyes at him and opened her mouth in question

    “…Then I want you to find out everything you can about the Valley Bridge, no matter how small a detail. Afterwards I promise you’ll get your story” He finished and raised his eyebrows at her. Chloe raised her own; challenging him.

    “Lex what are you trying to hide” she said simply and quietly. He gave the smallest laugh and brushed past her, Chloe remained where she was, fascinated by his body language. His whole form seemed to be screaming ‘I have a secret’
    Looking back over his shoulder he gave her a different kind of grin, almost playful

    “Make your way up to the mansion when you’re done” He said. And began to walk away, leaving Chloe speechless. But just then he stopped dead in his tracks

    “Oh, I almost forgot” he said with his back to her, walking back up to meet her face on he extended his hand
    “I have your word” He said bluntly. Very businessman. Chloe squared her own jaw and clasped her hand around his firmly. Very businesswoman. She gave him a side smile of understanding and watched him walk away and out of the park. A small shiver of excitement ran through her spine and tingled at her skin. This was going to be big.

    To be continued...

  7. #7
    Just a Guest!
    Woot! I love it, I just love it. Lex is going to have Chloe do the research and then she's going to get the story. But will she betray Clark and print it? Hmm...
    Please write more soon.

  8. #8
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    That was so good. I can't wait to see chloe and lex unravel the mystery.

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  9. #9
    Fic Tease Senior Member Blaire023's Avatar
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    Chesapeake, Va
    You know what I say? At first, you are conditioned to hate the villain, side with the good guy. But then after siding with Superman and shying away from Lex Luthor in the movies, Smallville comes along. They put a whole new spin on it. And then you see what Lex went through, being betrayed by his first Smallvillian friend. If I were Lex, and Clark had done to me what he will eventually do, I would go evil too. What does the good side hold for you except for more Clark's and Superman's? So back to my original question, know what I say? Bravo to Lex for being all inquisitive guy and hiring the little blonde tornado to do research. Who knows, maybe they'll get more of a comraderie out of this little excursion.


  10. #10
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    Can't wait to see what a team they're going to make and what they are going to uncover. It'll be interesting to see Clark try to explain everything away.


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