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Thread: One Stone (PG-13)

  1. #11
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    Good action chapter! Nice to see that they work well as a team. Update soon.


  2. #12
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    26 Feb 2003
    that was well worth the wait. GO TEAM CHLEX!!! :chlexsign2:

  3. #13
    Just a Guest!
    Can I just say that this is one of the coolest action fics I have ever read. I can wait to see what happens next, there better be some serious chlex romance scenes, seeing as how this is pg-13, so no smuttiness. :crygreen:

  4. #14
    Just a Guest!
    Chapter 4: Questions and Answers

    The night life in Metropolis rushed by them in a blur as Lex sped out of the city and onto one of the main arteries that would take them back to Smallville. They had been reliving their adventure for most of the drive, Lex constantly reminding Chloe of how badly that had gone.

    "At least it looks like we’ve lost them" Lex stated as he craned his head around to look out the back window of the car for anyone following them.

    "Yea well I have no idea how they would be able to find us since we’ve been driving at 100 since we pealed out of there" Chloe commented, tugging on her seatbelt for emphasis. Lex cocked a brow but followed her request and slowed the car down.

    "We were almost killed back there but my driving scares you?" Lex asked skeptically.

    "What can I say, I like to go for the non-obvious" Chloe commented, shrugging her shoulders and propping her feet up on the dashboard.

    "You don’t have anything to say about what happened back there?" Lex asked in bemusement, trying to mask his surprise. For a moment, waiting in the close, dark confines of the air vent Lex had begun to think that something horrible might happen to Chloe. He found that it worried him much more than he would have expected. He genuinely enjoyed her presence and her wit and he couldn’t help but admire her ambition. It was much like his own.

    "Well I do have a few things to say about you feeling me up" Chloe said casually, running a hand through her hair to push it out of her face.

    "I wasn’t feeling you up, I was helping you into that vent. Believe me Ms. Sullivan, if I was feeling you up you would know about it." Was there a challenge in his voice? He reminded himself that Chloe was Clark’s friend; Clark’s 16 year old friend in fact. It would be good to keep that in mind.

    "Right, well next time I’ll be sure to get that memo" Chloe responded, rolling her eyes. Then a huge, 100 watt grin lit up her face as she fished around in her pocket and pulled out the tape recorder.

    "I got the story of a century right here on tape. No meteor infected mutants, no wall of weird, just honest to goodness corruption" Chloe said, a gleam in her eye as she began to rewind the tape. "I hope it didn’t stop when I fell" she mumbled in concern as the sound of the whirling tape filled the car.

    "Well that was quite a drop. Nice to know that we’ve got not only breaking and entering, but also killing an innocent air vent on our rap sheet for tonight" Lex said, taking his eyes off the road to glance over at Chloe. She was staring intently at the rewinding tape as the streetlights cast her alternatively into light and shadow.

    "That air vent had it coming" Chloe muttered, half her attention on the rewinding tape. The sound of the tape clicking into place at the beginning snapped her back into focus. She grinned and glanced over at Lex before pressing the play button. Immediately the sounds of clinking machinery filled the car and then a familiar voice.

    "I wonder if this thing is on. How does Chloe use this?" Clark’s voice as he apparently fumbled with the tape recorder. Chloe’s eyes grew to twice their normal size as Clark’s voice continued.

    "Oh it’s on. Ok, practice makes perfect right? So I’m walking into the Talon and Lana’s standing at the counter and I walk over and I say ‘Hey Lana, how’s it going? How’s the….coffee…and stuff? I like your pink shirt.’ Oh God I sound gay! Next I’ll be complimenting her on her shoes and asking her if she wants to go for makeovers. Focus Kent. Just go in there and ask. Ahem So I walk into the Talon and Lana’s at the counter and I walk over. ‘Hey Lana, how would you like to go on a date Friday night? Really? Great I’ll pick you up at 8.’ Perfect…kinda. Ok how do you erase this?" More fumbling and the sound of the tape recorder switching off.

    "What the hell was that?" Chloe asked in disbelief as she fast forwarded through more of the tape.

    "Sounded like Clark’s daily affirmations" Lex commented with a chuckle. Chloe shook her head and tried not to laugh.

    "That’s really not funny, I tell him not to play with my tape recorder" Chloe said, letting out a laugh herself. She flipped the tape back into play and Spencen’s voice filled the car, loud and clear. Chloe let out a sigh, flipped the tape off, and fell back into her seat in exhaustion.

    Lex glanced over at Chloe as the petite blonde closed her eyes and leaned back into her seat. Now that they were on a fairly deserted country road he could barely make out her profile. 'She must be exhausted’ Lex thought. He himself was strangely energized by the whole evening and felt as if he would never sleep that night. Lex wondered idly what Clark would think when he heard about what happened.

    "You deserve someone better than Clark." It had slipped out of his mouth without him even realizing it. Chloe’s eyes popped open and she turned to stare at Lex in surprise.

    "What makes you say that?" Chloe asked defensively.

    "It’s obvious you have feelings for him" Lex remarked quietly watching as the country side began to look more familiar.

    "Oh really? I didn’t realize I was wearing my ‘I heart Clark’ sandwich board" Chloe snapped bitterly. "How is it so obvious?"

    "The way you look at him mostly. Like somehow everything is better when he’s around. And the way you look when he’s pining over Lana, like someone ripped out your heart" Lex said, glancing over to look at the surprised expression on Chloe’s face.

    "-And started dancing the macarena on it? You’re pretty noticing aren’t you?" Chloe asked, the bitter edge receding a bit from her voice.

    "The way you look at Clark…I’ve always wanted to find someone I felt that way about. I’m envious" Lex said honestly. Amazing that he was being completely open with someone that, for all intents and purposes, he barely knew. Maybe it was because Chloe didn’t judge like everyone else did. She just accepted you the way you were.

    "Oh yea, you’ve got a lot to be envious of" Chloe said sarcastically. "It’s going so well for me."

    "At least you’re putting yourself out there," Lex commented. Chloe bit her lip and looked thoughtful for a long moment, her eyes trained on the road in front of them.

    "You said I deserve someone better than Clark? Why?" she finally asked, her voice sounding surprisingly small. Lex thought for a moment about how best to express in words what he had noticed about the teenage population of Smallville.

    "Clark is too hung up on Lana to see how much you care about him. No matter what you do it’ll always be Lana that he sees, that he wants to be with. Even if the two of you ever got together you’d always wonder if you were just a replacement for Lana. Besides the fact that he’s overprotective. He wasn’t crazy about the idea of you doing the interview" Lex said, watching as the forest around them thickened. It wouldn’t be long now until they were back in Smallville. He felt a stab that their adventure would be over so soon.

    "You’re making him sound like he was jealous or something" Chloe stated, pulling her feet from the dashboard and sitting up straighter in the seat. "He wouldn’t have anything to be jealous of, would he?" she asked a bit mischievously.

    Lex smirked and was about to answer with something cheeky when a dark car came up on the passenger side and hit them hard. Lex cursed and shifted frantically, trying to get away from the other car. The huge truck slammed into Lex’s sports car again and drove them closer to the woods on the side of the road. Mother Nature picked this moment to let lose and rain began to splatter the windshield. The wipers worked frantically to clear the rain as Lex slammed his foot on the gas to try and out run their attackers. It looked almost as if it had worked and the truck disappeared behind them. Lex let out a steady breath and relaxed his hands on the wheel.

    He hadn’t expected the truck to slam into the back of the tiny car and send them into a tailspin into the woods. The car flipped over once and landed in the woods with a crunch.

    Chloe looked over at Lex, panting slightly, hair frazzled.

    "Yea," Chloe said dryly, "looks like we lost them."



    The winds buffeted the car and howled around them like angry spirits. Inside the car, however, the atmosphere was more relaxed than it had been earlier. To take their minds off their impending death by freezing Chloe and Lex had decided to play word games. Chloe let out a snorting giggle as they finished their current game.

    "That was an unappealing laugh" Lex said, watching as Chloe tried to pull herself into a tighter ball. He wished he could offer her some warmth but he only had on a thin sports jacket that was barely keeping him from freezing himself. At least Chloe had a fleece jacket, which she had been working on wrapping around her entire body for the last ten minutes. So far she only had her arms and one leg inside the jacket and was trying to wiggle the second one in.

    "What are you talking about Luthor? I have a nice laugh. I like to think it has personality" Chloe said indignantly as the effort of pulling her other leg inside the jacket caused her to momentarily lose balance on the cold leather seat. Lex’s hand shot out to steady her back into place.

    "So it’s your turn to pick the game" Lex stated, settling her back into her seat. She gave him a grateful look for the save. "What will it be this time?"

    "I’m thinking…" Chloe trailed off thoughtfully and bit her lip in concentration. "How about word association?"

    Lex raised his eyebrow and gave her a quizzical look. "Refresh my memory, how do we play this game?"

    "You say two words and I have to pick one of them really fast without thinking" Chloe said.

    "Ah" Lex said, nodding as a smile caressed his features. "I’ll start then." Lex made himself more comfortable on the ice-cold seat and stared straight at Chloe as he fired off his words.

    "Pepsi or Coke?"


    "Chunky or Creamy?"


    "Pink or black?"


    "North or south?"


    "Clark or Lex?"


    Chloe blinked rapidly in surprise as a huge smile split Lex’s features. Then it looked as though she was seriously considering doing him bodily harm. Deciding against it since it would involve getting out of the complicated cocoon in which she was ensnared she settled for glaring at Lex meaningfully.

    "What was that all about?" Chloe asked.

    "I thought I was the one asking the questions Ms. Sullivan?" Lex said, giving her a smart ass look.

    "Smart ass. Fine, you pick the game now" Chloe snapped at him; Lex smirked in reply.

    "Fine but I had some great questions lined up next."

    "Do me a favor and don’t share" Chloe said, rolling her eyes. She glanced out the window and noted with relief that it seemed as if the rain was letting up slightly.

    "How about a game of truth or dare?" Lex said tapping his feet lightly on the ground to stir some circulation into them.

    "So essentially just truth then?" Chloe said, a smile pursing her lips.

    Lex shot Chloe a seductive smile and she felt color flood her cheeks. "I could think of a few interesting dares we could do" Lex said in his best seductive voice. Chloe felt a nervous lump grow in her throat as she tried to swallow around it. Just a game, she reminded herself. He’s just teasing me. She forced herself to give him a pitying smile.

    "So just truth then" she repeated, this time not as a question. Lex leaned closer to her between the two seats and his expensive cologne tickled her senses. "I’ll start then" Chloe said, leaning back a little further in her seat to clear her head.

    "Did you really know there was a Level Three?" Chloe asked, eyes sparkling and reporter instinct now very much in tact.

    "Hey, I told you there would be no interview" Lex said defensively. "But to answer the question, I had no idea about Level Three. Moving on" he squinted at Chloe for a moment before proceeding with his question.

    "What’s it like living with Lana Lang" Lex cut her off before she could answer the question with an immediate response. "I mean, really, none of that ‘she’s my bestest friend’ crap?" Chloe glared at Lex a moment suspiciously. "I won’t repeat anything."

    "It’s…pink" Chloe said, shrugging her shoulders slightly. "She busts into my room at all hours without being invited to do makeovers, or watch gooey love movies. She has the worst taste in music that I’ve ever encountered. She sings musical numbers in the shower. But she makes good coffee and she always covers for me with Dad when I’m going out on a story. You know there was this one time that I was so pissed at Clark that I broke a vase," here Lex raised a questioning brow and overemphasized his action of sliding away from her. Chloe reached out and hit him on the arm playfully. "It was an accident! I’m not naturally violent…most of the time. Anyway, Lana took the fall for that one and boy was my father mad. So she’s not all bad" Chloe finished off. Lex nodded his head.

    "Why would you ask a question like that?" Chloe wondered in puzzlement.

    "Just curious; you and Lana seem to be such different people I found it difficult to believe that it was all sunshine and smiles at the Sullivan residence" Lex stated, drumming his fingers on the wheel.

    "Ok" Chloe began eagerly, "it’s my turn again."

    "Hey, you just asked a question!" Lex protested.

    "That was just follow up" Chloe dismissed easily. She had a question that had been nagging her mind since the last game.

    "In the last game, why did you throw the Lex or Clark thing at me?" Chloe asked.

    "Just curious to see how you’d respond" Lex dismissed with a wave of his hand.

    "That’s a cheap answer!" Chloe argued.

    "I find you very attractive" Lex said shortly, as if he was angry to be admitting it himself.

    "Oh" Chloe seemed for once to be at a loss for words. She wasn’t complimented often enough for her to know the adequate response. Should she say thank you? Tell him she thought he was attractive himself? Jump him? She shook her head quickly and turned her attention back to Lex, who seemed curious at her response.

    "Well that’s… a better answer" she finally managed lamely.

    "Don’t people ever tell you how beautiful you are?" Lex was openly puzzled now.

    "Well my Dad and Pete, but they don’t count really. Clark said he thought I was cute once but it was more like how a person would say a puppy was cute than like…beautiful." Chloe seemed stuck on the word for a few minutes before raising her eyes to meet Lex’s.

    "You think I’m beautiful?" she asked. Her voice was so open and vulnerable, as if she was scared to hear the answer. She hated the way she sounded, even to her own ears. I can’t believe I’m fishing for a compliment from Lex Luthor.

    "Of course" he said, as if it was the most obvious answer in the entire world. Chloe felt her face break into a smile in spite of herself.

    A piercing howl broke through the night and this time it felt like the wind had rushed right through the car door and into Chloe. She tried her best to wrap herself in her coat but to no avail. She rubbed her arms numbly and wondered if her friends would ever figure out where she was. Would Lana figure out she was running late and tell her father? It was an unpleasant thought but far better than freezing to death in a car.

    "You’re freezing" Lex observed with concern.

    "Oh, you’re good" Chloe snapped back sarcastically. Lex laughed and reached out a hand to grab her elbow.

    "Come over here" Lex said quietly, starting to guide her closer with her elbow.

    "Pardon?" Chloe asked, snapping her elbow away in surprise. Lex gave her an agitated look and then began to speak slowly, as if communicating with an infant.

    "We are both freezing but if we move closer together we’ll at least have some body heat to warm us up." Now a smile. "I promise I have nothing but noble intentions."

    "Oh, sure" Chloe said, openly disbelieving. She slid over into his seat anyway and realized that he was right. Even though it was freezing it was a lot warmer close to Lex. Lex draped an arm across her shoulders and pulled her closer to him. She tried not to think about the fact that she was snuggling with Lex. ‘It’s for survival’ she told herself.

    They spent the next few minutes in companionable silence. As the awkwardness of the situation began to fade Chloe made herself more comfortable. She snuggled closer to Lex and rested her head against his chest. He was so warm and she was so tired that she hadn’t even realized that she was beginning to drift off until his question roused her.

    "Why did you pick Lex?" he asked, staring down at the small blonde head nestled against his chest. Chloe picked her head up and stared straight into Lex’s eyes.

    "I-" she began but was interrupted by a harsh tapping that sounded behind Lex’s head. It didn’t sound like it was a branch tapping the window this time and they both turned around sharply. The twin beams of light blinded them and caused both to shade their eyes against the glare. Behind the blinding beam of the flashlights stood Clark and Jonathan Kent, neither looking very happy. Chloe felt the blush burn her cheeks and was surprised to notice in the sudden light that Lex was blushing as well.

    "Clark has some impeccable timing, doesn’t he?" Lex asked dryly.



  5. #15
    Just a Guest!
    DAMMIT! hmy: STUPID, STUPID CLARK! And they were just getting comfortable too! :biggrin: Can't wait for more!

  6. #16
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    ARGHHHH!!!! Yet another reason that Clark deserves a beatdown. Well done. Though, it would have been fun to see them play the 'dare' portion of the game. Perhaps next time, eh? Update soon.


  7. #17
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    More please..... :biggrin:

    Hope :chlexsign2:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  8. #18
    Fic Tease Senior Member Blaire023's Avatar
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    <raises her hand to recruit herself in the beatdown of Clark>

    Impeccable timing as always,


  9. #19
    NS Full Member
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    26 Dec 2002
    Damn you Clark Kent&#33; You foiled the Chlex yet again. When will you and Jonathan learn that two people who are gazing intently into each other&#39;s eyes don&#39;t want to be disturbed? Okay, so what&#39;s going to happen now? :yay2: Come on, quick, update soon so I can find out... please?

  10. #20
    NS Full Member
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    26 Feb 2003
    ooooooh. *growls* i&#39;m gonna hurt clark.

    and yeah, well said Carina, update soon so i don&#39;t die of curiosity.

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