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Thread: The Proverbial Ladder (PG)

  1. #1
    O.T Man-Whore Brian's Avatar
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    The Proverbial Ladder (PG)

    Summary: My very first fanfic, i'm not sure I did the topic justice, but it inspired me so... yeah . This is based on Elidyay's challenge in the fanfiction challenges section of the board:


    Ellidyay: Here's the challenge, based on my fury.

    Chloe and Lex are in an established relationship. But Lex has been lying to her. A big lie. A huge tremendous lie. Not that he's cheating on her or has cheated on her. But something.

    She finds out. Either he tells her or she figures it out but it ALL comes out into the open. You decide from there what happens? Do they live happily ever after? Do they split up?

    Must haves:
    *Tthe line "How can you tell me you love me, how can you make love to me, and then lie to my face?"
    *Chloe hitting him
    *Some sort of resolution, even if its not a happy one.

    Any rating


    Here's the fic:

    The Proverbial Ladder

    Chloe looked at the piece of paper in her hands, at first glanced over carelessly, presumed to be scrap, when her eyes caught on Lex’s name. She looked back to the spot where it was placed by the door, her gaze accusing, as if it was somehow responsible for what was written plainly, in black and white, right in front of her.

    The air cooled around her as she took a calming breath, reading it over once more and willing herself to be wrong. For it to just be a huge misunderstanding or a mistake, like it was so often with them. But there weren’t any conclusions to jump to, conclusions were staring Chloe right in the face and all she could do was wish them away.

    There was Lex’s signature. It was loopy to the point of pretentiousness, and Chloe had told him often.

    “It’s a girly signature, Lex,” she complained, holding it up close, “It looks like Lana threw up on it.”

    His nose wrinkled in distaste, “Chloe,” he reproved, “Please don’t say her name while I’m naked.”

    She giggled, shoving the cheque back at him, “I’m just saying it’s a very feminine signature. And it looks like you’re over-compensating for something.”

    He shrugged, putting the piece of paper on their bedside table, “I’ve had it since I was a child.”

    “You had a signature like that when you were a child?” she said with incredulity, “No wonder you’re so weird.”

    “I’m the weird one?” he said, his tone matching hers before he switched to falsetto, “Oh Lex, don’t talk about Lana that way! She’s like a sister to me!”

    “I don’t sound like that!” she shrieked, smacking him on the shoulder, “My voice is alluringly husky!”

    “Husky, sure, you’re a regular Barry White.”

    “It is!” she squeaked, pouncing on him but finding him unmoveable, “It was enough to get you into bed.”

    “Honey, looking at me cross-eyed is enough to get me into bed. Especially with that body.”

    Chloe leaned up and kissed him, her naked body settling warm over his. He pulled back and took her face in his hands.


    She shuddered at the memory. That was the day she had gotten the job. Tears burned her eyes and the contract crumpled within her fist. Oh God, she’d been so happy, so happy to finally do something on her own, she made it to the top all by herself.

    In the past, climbing the proverbial ladder had always been made easier by others. There was Clark, who would carry her up it, Lana, who would shout instructions from the sidelines, her dad, who would pull her up, one rung at a time and then Lex, who would pay someone to install an escalator.

    ‘Not this, not this,’ she moaned sarcastically to herself. She’d do this without help from anyone. She’d make editor of the Daily Planet if it killed her. Sadly, she wasn’t far off the mark.

    “I have to make editor, Lex,” she’d said, in a fit of stress while she redesigned the layout for the fifth time, “I have to, this is my last chance, I have to…”

    They’d been stupid, desperate words. Words that too much caffeine, too little sleep and too much competitiveness had inspired. But he’d heard them. Loud and clear. While at the time his only response had been a short neck massage and a reassuring ‘You will’.

    She did the following week. And he knew. He knew too fucking well and now, as she looked at the contract, she knew why. This stupid bit of paper said it all, and the rest rushed back with startling clarity.

    Quincy Higgins, the former editor of the Daily Planet, saying ‘Well done’ and shaking her hand with a sour look on his face.

    The rest of the staff avoiding her, and saying as little as possible during meetings.

    Perry White’s unexplained disappearance two weeks later.

    Lex’s smug look when she told him the news.

    She clenched her eyes shut, trying not to see it, until it was all she could see. His face. This lie. Her whole career, her whole life, was a lie.

    “Chloe? Are you home?”

    Her eyes snapped open and a sort of numb blankness filled her, her fist tightening around the already crumpled sheet.

    “Chloe…” Lex repeated, getting closer.

    Her knuckles faded into the white paper.

    “Are you okay?” he asked, now only inches from her.

    “Am I okay?” she echoed, her voice hoarse, before her hand drew back of its own violation and flew forward, hitting Lex’s jaw with a disturbingly satisfying thump. He said a pained ‘oof’ before stumbling back and dropping his briefcase.

    “What do you think?” she snarled.


    “I’m sorry Chloe, but he was going to give the job to White!”

    “He should have!” she screamed, “He had more experience, he was better than me, Lex, he deserved it!”

    “He was a washed-up old hack,” Lex spat.

    “He wanted his life back on track, Lex. This was his only chance. You stole something from him.”

    “You wanted it Chloe,” he said, “You wanted it badly.”

    “So it’s my fault?” she whispered.

    His face softened, “No, it’s me, I… shouldn’t have done it.’

    “Well, what a fine concession,” she said sarcastically, shoving the damaged contract at him, “You threatened Quincy, Lex, you blackmailed all of them and god only knows how you got rid of Perry.” Much to her chagrin, tears once again threatened to rise but she blinked them back furiously.

    He swallowed, “I…”

    “I don’t want to know.”

    The silence was unbearable, and a growl rose up in Chloe’s throat, “No, tell me. Tell me, I do want to know, tell me everything. Start with telling me…” her breathing hitched and she let the tears come, “Tell me how can you tell me you love me, how can you make love to me, and then lie to my face? Tell me Lex, tell me!”

    “I never lied,” he said thickly, his eyes dark.

    “Every moment you looked at me, any time you were with me… when you touched me, and didn’t tell me, you lied.”

    “I did it for you!” he burst out, throwing the contract aside, “It doesn’t matter anymore, you have the job and it’s yours and no one can take it. You’ve done well, Chloe, you’ve succeeded. Why isn’t that enough?”

    She was shocked into silence for a moment, before her shoulders slumped, “The end justifies the means, is that it?”

    She watched the muscles stir in his jaw and he said nothing.

    “That’s the devil’s argument, Lex.”

    He snapped, picking up an almost empty decanter of brandy and throwing it against the wall, “You’re happy, don’t deny you’re happy. You have everything you ever wanted easily and you didn’t question it. You knew something was wrong and you did nothing. That’s because you love it, you loving having it so easily, so don’t go acting like you’re above this devil, sweetheart.”

    Chloe felt like she just got slapped, and she leant against the wall. When had this happened? Had this been going on around her, all this time, and she just didn’t see? Was she too wrapped up in herself to notice that Lex had become this? That she had become this?

    Lex was there in a second, his arms wrapped around her, “I’m sorry honey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it, it was all a mistake. A huge mistake. You know you deserved it, it was always…”

    “How can I believe a word you say?” she asked him tiredly, gently pushing him off. She looked down at her rumpled Versace suit and grimaced. It would have to do, for now.

    “Where are you going?” he asked shakily.

    “I don’t know. Somewhere, anywhere, I have to think.”

    “Think about what.”

    “Me. Us, mostly me though, I haven’t done that in awhile,” she smiled at him for the first time since he got home, and he turned away like it burned him.

    “You’re making a mistake,” he said quietly, wandering over to his desk, head hung low.

    She shrugged, using her hands to ruffle her immaculate hairdo, “It’s not the first, won’t be the last. But it’ll be mine, can you understand that?”

    He snorted, in a way that suggested he was either mocking her or no, he didn’t understand that. Either way, Chloe didn’t care.

    “I’ll be seeing you.”

    She stepped outside and inhaled. It tasted like relief and freedom and newly cut grass and potential rain and everything Chloe had forgotten until now.

    “I’ll be seeing you,” she repeated, before closing her eyes and jumping off the proverbial ladder for the last time.

    The End.

  2. #2
    Duchess Gonzo
    Join Date
    22 Jun 2003
    Over there, no there

    Re: The Proverbial Ladder (PG)

    Oh wow very nice story. I liked how it flowed and just very very good. Can't wait to see more stories from you.


  3. #3
    Bruce's Favorite Stalker
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    Re: The Proverbial Ladder (PG)

    Whoa, you can't just leave it there. I mean really, you can't.

    “It’s a girly signature, Lex,” she complained, holding it up close, “It looks like Lana threw up on it.”
    His nose wrinkled in distaste, “Chloe,” he reproved, “Please don’t say her name while I’m naked.”
    That part made me giggle. Just too funny.

    On one hand I love what Lex did for her even though it was wrong. On the other hand I loved Chloe's reaction and how she realized that Lex was wrong and that she needed to make her own mistakes, do things on her own.

    Wonderful fic, and yeah, there should definitely be a sequel in the works. One where Chloe comes back and forgives Lex ... catch my drift? Happiness.

    Excellent job.

  4. #4
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    Re: The Proverbial Ladder (PG)

    What a great story!! Very impressive!! I love how Chloe didn't let herself realize how Lex was helping her, but I think it's so sad that they let their relationship go over it!! Please write a sequel!! Chloe could quit her job and get another one, then get back together with Lex!! Please!!

  5. #5
    NS Full Member Krysia's Avatar
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    Re: The Proverbial Ladder (PG)

    Great story! I can see something like that happening in their relationship. Chloe wants something Lex has the means to get it for her, there is trouble. I still believe there is a chance for them , through. Since I don't think that either one of them will give up so easilly.Please write a sequel.

  6. #6
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: The Proverbial Ladder (PG)

    That was so sad. God I hate angst. I want happy.....
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  7. #7
    NS Full Member
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    Re: The Proverbial Ladder (PG)

    Very nice! I love the ladder analogy throughout, and I love that she had the strength to jump, so to speak. I'm sure I'm in the minority, but I hope she doesn't come back.

    I look forward to more of your work.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Caught in the RAAAAAAAAAIN

    Re: The Proverbial Ladder (PG)

    Angsty short fiction . . . Brian, I'm glad you're writing Chlex, but we're short on happy fics. If you're looking for a particular area to focus upon that should be it.

    I was on board with a happy ending sequel, and then Lex revealed his ignorance in what he'd done wrong. He treated Chloe like a pet he was buying a new toy for. That's not the way it works. I wouldn't want my career to be based on a lie and she wouldn't either.

    Quote Originally Posted by Brian
    “I did it for you!” he burst out, throwing the contract aside, “It doesn’t matter anymore, you have the job and it’s yours and no one can take it. You’ve done well, Chloe, you’ve succeeded. Why isn’t that enough?”

    She was shocked into silence for a moment, before her shoulders slumped, “The end justifies the means, is that it?”

    She watched the muscles stir in his jaw and he said nothing.

    “That’s the devil’s argument, Lex.”

    He snapped, picking up an almost empty decanter of brandy and throwing it against the wall, “You’re happy, don’t deny you’re happy. You have everything you ever wanted easily and you didn’t question it. You knew something was wrong and you did nothing. That’s because you love it, you loving having it so easily, so don’t go acting like you’re above this devil, sweetheart.”

    Don't make her go back to that Lex, because power isn't love, even when it seems to do loving things.

    (Incidently, everyone asks for sequels for short stories, it doesn't mean you have to give in. It's quite a compliment but you don't have to worry about too much harassment if you don't write The Proverbial Ladder, Pt. 2.)
    Her soul is senstive like a finely made tuning fork. It vibrates and resonates with every little hint of trauma, evil and monstrosity that might be humming in the air, and channels it into expressions of fiction... or recomended websites - somethingeasy

  9. #9
    Demented Detective Senior Member newbatgirl's Avatar
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    Re: The Proverbial Ladder (PG)

    I typically do not like angst (because I am a big fat sap) but that was awesome!

    I LOVE what you did with this challenge. Chloe was very IC. For such a short story, it had a lot of depth. So happy you are here and writing Chlex!

  10. #10
    NS Full Member star del mar's Avatar
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    NY, NY

    Re: The Proverbial Ladder (PG)

    Wow, I can't believe that was your first story! It was amazing, what a way to make a debut I like it even though it didn't end with all hearts and flowers, but it was realistic and I'm glad that Chloe is going out there and doing it for herself. Good job!!


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