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Thread: Measures-NC17

  1. #41
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Béatrice's Avatar
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    Paris, FRANCE
    I'm so loving this fic. :biggrin: Poor Chloe. :crygreen: :crygreen: She's all alone since Gabe's death and Lionel is persecuting her.

  2. #42
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Gab dead :crygreen: please make it Lex asking. I dont want Lionel near her again.

    Hope :cryblue:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  3. #43
    NS Full Member Nadia_'s Avatar
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    Oh I already love this story! I have the feling that I'm going to cry reading it, but still is impossible to stop reading! Agreeing with the chorus: Please let it be Lex!!! And update soon! :biggrin:

  4. #44
    Just a Guest!
    Okay, so I've been off SV for a while, but I'm so glad I took the time to read this. What a wonderful play of desperation and angst you've got building here. Looking forward to more.

  5. #45
    NS Senior Member Senior Member sydsvaughn's Avatar
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    Oooh.... I'm waiting for more!


  6. #46
    NS Full Member zelda's Avatar
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    A/N: Okay I've heard people upset at the killing of Gabe Sullivan, but let me assure you that it was not done gratuitously, or just to make Chloe alone.

    Chloe walked into the dressing room and found Mitch there, with the girls. In his club, there was no such thing as privacy from the owner. On the other hand, he didn’t gawk or leer, he was a business man, plain and simple. As bosses went, he wasn’t too bad either. He treated the girls as employees and not like hookers. When Chloe walked in he handed her a garment bag.

    “You’ll be traveling tonight, Dani.” The other dancers looked as surprised as she was. “You can change here, then take Big Mike and he’ll drive you in the limo.”

    “Where am I going?”

    “A hotel suite, a couple of guys traveling on business, want to impress some foreign clients so they asked for something special.”

    “And you want me to do it?” She exchanged looks with the other girls. Amateurs didn’t work offsite.

    “You seemed to be what they had in mind.” He shrugged and left the room. Chloe stared after him stupidly.

    “Do foreigners usually ask for hostesses?” She looked at June, a petite, Korean girl who shook her head.

    “Nope, they usually want the girls who give a little extra.”

    “Mitch knows that I don’t offer anything extra.” Chloe said coldly.

    “I ain’t the one who assigned you. So don’t get snippy, just be glad that your luck seems to be changing.” She took in Chloe’s jeans and sneakers with a glance. “I heard about the dance you gave earlier, Jake said you tipped him a hundred.”

    “Yeah, the guy must have been drunk,” snickered Belle, a girl who looked so much like the Disney character that she’d taken to wearing shiny gold gowns and adopting the stage name.

    “Bite me.” Chloe went into the back to change and when she opened the garment bag, she was more than a little surprised at the contents, but she got ready. She applied her makeup with a less lavish hand than for the stage, and curling her hair in Shirly Temple style and pinning it away from her face. She hadn’t seen the outfit that Mitch had given her on anyone else before, and the shoes were a little different too. But she guessed that this was someone’s idea of a fantasy, maybe that’s why she’d been picked. She wasn’t as perfect as some of the other girls, she had all her own moving parts.

    Chloe joined Big Mike, the security guard in the alley behind the club. She was dressed in chocolate brown, fitted trousers, a sheer, white shirt with wide brown stripes, and a single-button blazer that nipped in at the waist. She’d even been lent a long strand of pearls that she looped around her neck twice and let hang down to her sternum. She had brown, high-heeled pumps that looked like Mary-Janes. Her undergarments were regulation stripper gear, brown bra and panties with garters and cream-colored stockings.

    Mike gave her a friendly whistle and opened the back door for her. Chloe smiled and got in. They drove through the city and stopped outside The Edge City Towers, the finest hotel in the whole city. When Mike opened the door for her, she stepped out and spotted a familiar face.

    “Lex?” Her earlier benefactor was walking down the front steps. He was dressed in a sharp business suit and gave her a small smile when he met her at the curb.

    “You know this guy, Dani?” Mike shifted closer, seeing the look of shock on Chloe’s face.

    “Yeah, I know him.” Lex approached and lifted Chloe’s hand, kissing the back of it briefly.

    “Just stay in character for a little while.” He whispered, then gave a significant look over his shoulder to the group of gentleman standing at the doorway of the hotel. Mike didn’t look pleased. “I needed a date for dinner, and I knew that Dani has a brain,” he explained. Mike nodded cautiously. “She’ll be joining me for dinner here, then I’ll have her beep you when we’re ready.” Mike nodded again and got back in the car.

    “I can’t believe you’re doing this to me.”

    “I just want you to be your usual, charming self.”

    “Don’t tell them my real name.” She took the elbow he offered her and she walked up the stairs beside him. The men looked vaguely European, and curious. They didn’t appear to be overly lascivious when she was introduced to them.

    “Chloe Sullivan, this is Hans Grube, from Germany and his associates.” Lex introduced them in turn and she shook each hand that was held out to her. “Chloe is a good friend of mine and a very gifted journalist.” Chloe’s smile nearly dropped. He’d called her a journalist in front of these men. Were they playing some kind of kinky game where she’d interview them while dancing later?

    Lex led them all into the restaurant in the hotel where they were seated immediately at the best table. Lex ordered for Chloe and began conversation. Hans spoke excellent English, but his colleagues did not. This was where she came in. Chloe’s mother’s side of the family was German, and although she didn’t have any contact with them, she did learn to speak some German. She was rusty, but able to hold up the end of a conversation with the men. They weren’t talking business at dinner anyway, just politely curious about her and Smallville.

    “I worked for the newspaper in my High school,” she said to one man, wondering how much of the conversation Lex understood. “I guess I’ve always been interested in finding the truth.”

    “Chloe’s being modest,” Lex cut in, in better German than she herself spoke. “She ran the newspaper and its staff, she also found time to write for the Daily Planet in Metropolis.”

    “Just for a little while,” she said stiffly. Lex’s father had taken care of her budding journalistic career.

    Dinner went fairly smoothly for Chloe, despite the feeling that she was on a different planet. After dessert, the gentleman all took turns bidding her goodnight and left the restaurant.

    “Did you enjoy your dinner?”

    “Nicest meal I’ve had in a long time.” Chloe wasn’t lying, the food had been fabulous.

    “Very well, why don’t you beep Mike and tell him to join us in the penthouse.” Lex had obviously been informed that bodyguards accompanied the dancers when they made “House calls”.

    Lex placed his hand at the small of Chloe’s back and guided her to the elevators. She dialed Mike’s phone and sent a message to his beeper with the suite number.

    “I shouldn’t have agreed to go with you to dinner,” Chloe said, standing stiffly beside Lex. “After all, you’re only paying for my body, I should charge you extra for the use of my brain.”

    “Maybe your brain is all I’m interested in tonight.” Lex was suddenly cold. When the elevator doors opened, he stepped out and walked down the hall, not waiting to see if Chloe was following. She walked after him slowly, wondering how long it would take Mike to get upstairs.

    “Come in, make yourself comfortable.”

    “Not likely.”

    “Watch it,” he warned. “I’m still paying for your time.” He opened the door to a sumptuous suite with thick carpeting and a killer view. He shed his jacket and walked to the bar. Chloe stood in the open doorway, waiting for Mike. “By the way, Mike won’t be joining us. I paid Mitch a lot of money to have you all to myself tonight.”

    “Sorry to hear that.” Chloe turned and walked back down the hall to the elevator. A hand closed on her elbow and Lex spun her around. “I don’t do the extras Lex, and I don’t like being here without security.”

    “We need to talk, and we can do it here, in private, or I can start showing up at work and talking to your friends.”

    “What do I care if you talk to a bunch of strippers?”

    “I’m not talking about the Silver Spoon.” He smiled when he saw her eyes widen slightly. “I know about your other job.”

    Chloe followed him back to the suite. She knew when she was out maneuvered. She was just disappointed that it seemed to happen so often now.

    “I still don’t do extras.” Lex didn’t reply. He just led her into the suite and closed the door behind them. She decided to just keep her mind on her work and went to the stereo that took up an obscene amount of space against one wall.

    “I prefer slow music.” Lex said, sitting on the couch, drink in hand. Chloe flipped through the selections on the satellite radio till she found something she could work with. The station was entitles “Soft Blues” and it was currently playing some Etta James. She rolled her shoulders, trying to relax them and closed her eyes, the song came to an end and Little Richard’s version of “Goodnight Irene” came on. She didn’t have a routine for slow music, so she just improvised.

    Lex watched as Chloe’s body took on a more relaxed stance, then she turned and walked over to him slowly. She stood in front of him and unbuttoned the jacket, sliding it off her shoulders, swaying slightly in a sensuous way. She tossed the jacket at him and smiled when it landed on his head, He didn’t move as it slid down over his face and landed in his lap. He raised an eyebrow at her, she ignored him and turned her back, unzipping the trousers and letting them fall to the floor. The shoes were sleek enough to be able to kick the pants at Lex without getting caught. This time, he reached out and snagged the pants in the air, before they hit him in the face.

    Chloe rolled her hips and unbuttoned the shirt, slowly revealing the bra, when she got to the last three, she just ripped it open, enjoying the way his head snapped back before he could control it. She let the garment slide off her arms and fall to the floor behind her. Then she took a step forward and pivoted, bending at the waist with her feet planted apart and trailed the shirt back up her legs with one hand. She did a quick spin and whipped the shirt at the couch. It missed and flew over. He smiled a little and sipped his drink.

    Chloe was pretty good for an amateur, Lex noted. She seemed a little more at ease here than in the club, but she’d been ambushed by his presence. He had some questions for her and would have preferred her to be a little more on her guard. Tense people let things slip when it came to body language.

    She approached the couch in just the undergarments he’d picked for her and knelt on his lap as she had earlier. She moved against him and he responded, pushing his hips up a little, but sipping his drink calmly. He rested his arms on the back of the couch and just let her move.

    Chloe reached behind her to unsnap her bra, she saw his eyebrows go up. This was the part she was dreading. Holding her breath, she slipped it down her shoulders and tossed it behind her. Then she leaned back, raising her hands over her head as the song ended. Now that he’d seen the grand finale, she could leave.

    Chloe made to get up, but Lex clamped his hands around her upper arms. She fought down a wave of panic. Mike wasn’t here; she was alone.

    “Why did my father go to see you today?” Lex kept his eyes trained mostly on Chloe’s face, he was human though and they sneaked downward a few times while he waited for her answer. She tried to get up instead. He tightened his grip and sat up straighter. “What is your current relationship with him, Chloe?” She struggled to get away, but he wrapped an arm around her waist and pressed her front to his. “No one’s coming to save you tonight. It took almost no effort to arrange, and probably less money than you’d think.”

    “Let me go.”

    “Not until I get some answers.”

    “There are no answers.” Chloe felt panic start to rise in her. The words whispered in her head again. ‘Swallow you whole.’ She struggled in earnest, but only succeeded in getting herself dumped onto the floor. Lex still had one of her arms and jerked her to her feet. She covered her naked breasts with one arm. He tossed her at the couch and spoke to her with annoyance.

    “For Christ’s sake, Chloe, I’m not a rapist. Get dressed and calm down. He didn’t turn his back on her but watched as she gathered up her garments and put them back on. “You’re in this line of work, you should be prepared for more trouble.”

    “Well, I don’t usually dance, Lex, and I was assured that I’d be guarded.”

    “Are you that stupid?” he snapped. “This business is about profit. Your boss thinks he can profit from this, and you’re disposable as an amateur dancer. Nobody cares about you.”

    “I’m well aware of that.” Dressed, though not as neatly as before, Chloe wiped away the tears that had escaped her eyes. “Why this elaborate charade just to ask me questions about your father?”

    “I wanted to prove a point.”

    “You Luthors and your fucking points!” She shouted. “Every time you want to prove a point to someone, or each other, someone I love gets hurt. You can keep your money, I know Mitch will, I’m leaving.”

    “Don’t make me drag you back here again, Chloe, I swear I’ll tie you up to keep you here if I have to.”

    “I didn’t invite your father over for tea if that’s what you think.” She crossed her arms over herself. “He broke down my door when I wouldn’t talk to him.”

    “Why is he so interested in you again?”

    “He never lost interest, Lex, you just haven’t been paying attention.” There was accusation in her words.

    “You used to trust me.” He said it softly. “You came to me for help.”

    “More than once,” she replied. “But you were only able to protect me about half the time, those odds aren’t very good in my book.” She turned away. “And I didn’t trust you, I just had no other options at the time. I couldn’t trust the FBI, and you think I’d trust you?” Her voice was bitter. “I just knew that I was worth more to your agenda alive than dead.”

    “You think that’s what this was about?”

    “You got a lot of control when I sent your father to prison, even if it was for only a little while. Control that he’s been slowly taking back from you.” She turned to him again. “But that’s nothing compared to what he’s taken from me.”

    Lex walked around the couch and stood directly in front of her. Her expression wasn’t just pained. It was pure agony and despair.

    “What did he do to you?”

    “He-” she choked on the word. “He killed my father.”

    “The car accident?” She rolled her eyes and a few more tears escaped. “Right, the car ‘accident’.” His voice was quiet again. “Why?”

    “I guess you could say it was revenge, maybe a little self preservation.”

    “Can you elaborate?”

    “No. Can I go now? I can probably make the late train.”

    “You can’t go back to the Silver Spoon.” Lex walked to where he’d tossed his jacket. “That place is going to get you hurt.”

    “In my experience, no place is truly safe.” She shrugged. “At least there, people aren’t pretending to be anything but scumbags and bitches. And besides, I can’t make as good money anywhere else.”

    “This is about money then?”

    “Did you think it was about anything else?”

    “I wondered if maybe you were working on a story or something.”

    “Sorry to dash your hopes, but it’s just the money. Besides, your father saw to it that I can’t get a good job anywhere in Metropolis, and I can’t get a journalism job anywhere under my own name.”

    “I can help you.”

    “I don’t have anything to offer as collateral, I think it just amuses him to hurt me.” She didn’t say any more than that. Lex took out his wallet and handed her a stack of bills.

    “For your work tonight.” She took it and put it in her pocket. “I’ll take you home.”

    “No, if your father is having me watched, which he most likely is, it’ll only make things worse for me.”

    “You used to stand up to him.” Lex’s barb hit home.

    “And look where it got me.”

    After Chloe left, Lex spent most of the night thinking about her. She wasn’t the same girl he remembered. Only a year had passed since she’d put his father in prison, not that it had lasted, but she was completely different. There was a deadness behind her eyes. He only caught faint glimpses of the girl she used to be. There was something going on. His father didn’t leave loose ends and Chloe most definitely qualified. She had to have something on him or she’d be in a grave. Like her father.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    09 Mar 2009
    Caught in the RAAAAAAAAAIN

    Great chapter, though I'm rather displeased with both Lex and Chloe at the moment. She's showing remarkable disregard for her own safety. He's being an ass.

    And the Magnificent Bastard, as much as I love to hate him, really needs to be in a prison cell with a large trucker whose nickname is Horse.
    Her soul is senstive like a finely made tuning fork. It vibrates and resonates with every little hint of trauma, evil and monstrosity that might be humming in the air, and channels it into expressions of fiction... or recomended websites - somethingeasy

  8. #48
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    Originally posted by nonky@Jan 9 2005, 08:48 AM

    And the Magnificent Bastard, as much as I love to hate him, really needs to be in a prison cell with a large trucker whose nickname is Horse.
    As in "hung like a"? :biggrin: What a sad, sad chapter!! I really think Lex should have tied Chloe up and made her stay with him!! If Lionel knows she's dancing for Lex she's going to be in big trouble!! Thanks for updating!! :yay2: :chlexsign4: :yay2:

  9. #49
    NS Full Member Blu_FireFly81's Avatar
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    Somewhere out there.......
    More please!! :goof:

  10. #50
    Insane Troll logic girl lexchloe's Avatar
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    Ok am I the only one who wants to :hammer: Lex? Hellloooo you're meant to be helping her not getting a lap dance. no wonder she won't let him help her. What does Chloe have on the MB ??? More soon please.
    I tried to drown my sorrows, but the little buggers learned how to swim.


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