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Thread: The Hollow Men NC-17

  1. #31
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Béatrice's Avatar
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    Paris, FRANCE
    I hope they won't wait Clark and start without him. :chlexsign2:

  2. #32
    Destroyer of Mullets
    Join Date
    04 Jan 2004
    Doesn't Chloe have crappy luck with boyfriends?

    It's almost as if someone didn't want her relationships to last. Huh. Can't think of anyone at the moment who might have a vested interest in her and a couple of financially rewarding scholarships going spare...


  3. #33
    NS Full Member campbti's Avatar
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    13 Feb 2004
    Fabulous, as always. Ok, Clark has to show up just so we can laugh at how badly he takes the threeway. But I'm ok if Chloe and Lex get a headstart. :biggrin:

    More please. :chlexsign2:

  4. #34
    NS Full Member
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    13 Jul 2003
    show me the

    great update, but i'm ready for clark to walk in and realize he's a fifth wheel.

  5. #35
    NS Senior Member Senior Member carebear72884's Avatar
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    yeah! chloe and Lex alone, I am glad Clark isn't going to be there(or so I hope)

  6. #36
    Join Date
    05 Feb 2004
    Originally posted by lexchloe@Dec 19 2004, 12:41 AM
    Chloe and Lex alone, together, sex on the brain, oh the possibilities!!! Am I the only one hoping he doesn't show and that the threesome is going to turn into a twosome?
    No, i am really hoping for a twosome too! :biggrin:

  7. #37
    NS Full Member zelda's Avatar
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    Hurry up and update!!!

  8. #38
    NS Full Member
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    A/N: Blue: Here's another chapter about the messed up trio. Please let us know what you think about the characterizations. We tried to give a plausible plot and I'd like to know if we're succeeding. Thanks and enjoy!

    A/N:Sabby: Ok, new day, new chapter, and this time it's not just Chloe. Hope you'll enjoy the Chlex and yeah, what Blue said. Feedback isn't only appreciated, but craved. And we don't have a problem with long feedback. Look at us, we can't do short, so why should you?

    During the drive, Chloe had kept her mind blissfully blank. She didn’t think about what had gotten her to this point or what she was about to do. Her body just went on autopilot, making the familiar drive without any thought.

    She didn’t bother locking her car before walking determinedly to the front door. Chloe rapped on the door and waited for it to open. When it did, her mouth was open, ready to trade barbs, but she faltered when she saw Enrique staring at her. She hadn’t expected anyone but the three of them to be there that night.

    Closing her mouth, she plastered on what she hoped looked like a natural smile and then nodded at the man standing before her. It was odd, he didn’t look like he had aged a day since she had been in high school. Other than the graying at his temples, Enrique still looked middle aged and very fit. He gave her a cool look and Chloe instantly knew that he knew.

    When the doorbell had sounded, Enrique had been in the kitchen, enjoying his meal. Looking at the clock above the counter, he'd lost all appetite, thrown his napkin aside and made his way to the front door. It could only be one person and Enrique did not look forward to the consequences the planned event would have.

    Master Lex had been very tightly wound the better part of the day and it hadn't taken much to figure out the reason behind all this when he'd been informed that Mister Clark Kent and girlfriend were coming to visit and stay the night.

    Enrique allowed himself a sigh, before he put on his passive expression and opened the door.

    “Miss Sullivan,” he nodded regally. “Mister Luthor is waiting in his study.”

    She was alone and that did not bode well. Chloe Sullivan had changed quite a bit since the last time he'd seen her.

    She looked older and more worn around the face, her once bright smile was now something merely pasted on for effect and not half as pleasant to see. Dark circles surrounded her eyes, not hidden well by the make up she was wearing.

    “May I take your coat?”

    Chloe could see the older man studying her and ignored it. She was sure that she would be forced to endure much more intense scrutiny from Lex. Taking off her coat, she said, “You’re looking well, Ricky.”

    He had always protested when she had called him that in high school. No doubt his breeding and training railing against the fact that she called him by a nickname. But, she had proceeded to call him that, undeterred by his token protests. Eventually, he had stopped correcting her. He either admired her for her tenacity for ignoring both himself and Lex or has simply given up. Chloe was never certain about which one it had been. Until today. The disappointment came off of the man in waves.

    It was not in his place to criticize her openly, but his jaw tightened involuntarily. Taking the coat from her and hanging it into the rack behind the mirror, he wished he could send her on her way home and end this childish behavior before it truly started. “Thank you for the compliment, Miss Sullivan. If you would follow me?”

    He turned his back to her and started walking at a more brisk pace than strictly necessary. If only he was allowed to speak his mind on those matters, he would have been able to convince Master Lex how idiotic this entire scenario was. But it was no use and technically shouldn't be his concern. 'Such a terrible waste, though.'

    Opening the study doors, he stepped inside, searching out his boss to announce her arrival to him.

    “Miss Sullivan here to see you, Mister Luthor,” he spoke in a tone without inflection.

    The corner of his mouth sunk slightly in displeasure as he watched his employer look up fast enough to cause whiplash, his eyes passing him fleetingly to seek out Chloe, childish glee apparent in his eyes, if not in his nonchalant expression. It was truly pathetic.

    Suppressing another sigh, he nodded at Master Lex's dismissive wave of the hand and left the room. Closing the door behind Miss Sullivan's back was one of the hardest things he'd ever done. Hopefully, the consequences wouldn't be as dire as he expected them to be.

    Looking behind her at the closed door, Chloe ignored Lex for a moment, considering the man who had just left them alone. “You told him,” Chloe said, turning around to look at Lex. “Interesting choice.”

    Lex hadn’t moved from behind his desk and she watched as his eyes ran over her body. He didn’t even bother to hide it, either. He was blatantly taking in her body and she remained quiet as he did so. She couldn’t very well rebuke him for doing so, especially under the circumstances that brought her to his doorstep.

    Chloe didn’t fidget under Lex’s gaze. During the past few years she had become accustomed to such looks. While Lex was distracted by looking at her, she studied him. Chloe couldn’t pinpoint that last time that the two of them had been in a room together. It had been at least a year ago. Most likely closer to two.

    She could still see the coiled power that the man possessed. He always struck her as some type of predator ready to strike at the precise moment of weakness. And, she had been drawn to it. But, she had never acted on her own instincts, instead playing it safe.

    Really seeing her after such a long time had an interesting effect on him. She'd changed a lot during the years, losing some of her vibrance, growing dark circles under her eyes instead. Her mouth was set in a hard line, as opposed to the blinding smile she used to wear on her face.

    Silently taking the change in, he didn't answer to her accusation right away. Obviously it disturbed her to think somebody would know about this ménage a trois. She should know better than to think he'd announce this to anyone specifically. He had his own reputation to secure.

    “I told him that you and Clark would be coming over and staying for the night.”

    He slowly got up from his chair and motioned for her to join him on the couch next to the fire place. It couldn't hurt to get a little more comfortable. Apparently, the actual event of the evening wouldn't start for a while.

    “I take it, Clark has been held up by more important matters for the moment?”

    Chloe walked over to the couch and sat down on it. As she unceremoniously took off her shoes she said, “Well, he’s being held up. As to its importance,” she shrugged as she sat back up, “that’s hard to pin down.”

    It was nice to not have to pretend that everything with Clark and herself was perfect. She was really tiring on the fake smiles that she had to plaster on her face. She had come very close to decking Mr. Kent when he asked in a non too subtle gesture when she and Clark would be making it ‘official’ as he put it.

    She leaned back on the couch and wasn’t surprised to find Lex’s arm draped around the back of it. He hadn’t been one for respecting personal space with Clark or herself. Then again, she was the one who had chosen to sit on the couch. But, playing coy didn’t seem to fit in with the program for the evening.

    Lex watched her get comfortable on his couch with an amused smirk. For a moment he wondered if the situation could have been a regular occurrence if he'd made a move much earlier.

    “You look tired, Chloe. Big story keeping you from getting a good night's sleep?”

    He knew for a fact that she hadn't published one single story since she had started dating Clark. It made him wonder what else this less than stellar relationship had destroyed in her.

    She knew that Lex was just trying to get to her…unfortunately, it was working. None of this would have happened if Clark could have gotten his freakass to Lex’s place on time. But, now she’d have to face some sort of inquisition from the man sitting next to her.

    “I think you know the answer to that,” she hissed out. Her passion for journalism had ebbed away since dating Clark. She didn’t know when or how, but one morning she had woken up and realized that there was an actual layer of dust that had settled on her laptop.

    “If you hadn’t, you wouldn’t have asked.” She looked evenly over at Lex. “Besides, I thought I was here because you wanted to undress me, not for a dressing down. There is a difference, you know.”

    Lex answered with a smirk, then slowly got up from the couch, making his way to the wet bar. “I have no intention of dressing you down. I was merely curious, Chloe.” He poured two double shots of cognac into the expensive tumblers. “Why did you give up on your passion? I thought it was your prime goal to discover the truth and present it to the world.”

    He handed her the glass and settled back down next to her, pulling one of his legs up onto the couch so he could face her fully.

    Chloe ran her free hand over her face and then groaned, “Lex, do we really have to talk about this now?” When she looked over and saw that he was nursing his drink and was clearly waiting for an answer she sighed before downing her drink. She’d need it.

    “I lost my focus,” she stated simply. It was the truth. “And, while I’d love to blame it all on Clark, it’s not really fair. He never asked me to stop writing, it’s just something that happened along the way.”

    “Besides,” she fixed him with a look, “there’s another truth that I’ve been looking into these past few months that’s kept me rather busy. Though I doubt that it will ever see the light of day, either. It’s more of a personal mission, you could say.”

    Lex's brow arched in interest and he took a sip of his drink in lieu of asking. However, since Chloe wasn't really forthcoming with further information, curiosity got the better of him.

    “Care to share the terms of this personal mission?”

    Chloe watched Lex’s smooth movements as she said, “Let’s just say it’s discovering the truth about something very close to home. I think it’s important to know who you’ve crawled into bed with.” She paused. “Metaphorically speaking, of course.”

    The alcohol was starting to kick in and she felt her whole body start to feel warm. Chloe knew that she was probably flushed already, even after just one glass. She sank further into the couch and looked back up at Lex.

    “Speaking of which, do you have any practical questions to ask me before we get this started?” Chloe figured getting that out of the way before Clark got there would be advantageous to her. There were still things about her past that he didn’t know and she wanted to keep it that way. Yet, had no problem sharing with Lex. God, she was so screwed.

    Lex's smirk widened. It seemed Chloe was anxious to get to the carnal events of the evening. It didn't surprise him that much, considering that she couldn't have a very fulfilled sex life with the posterboy for farm innocence and moral.

    “Since you mention it, yes. I would like to know how much experience you've had. I don't want to do anything later that you might feel uncomfortable with.”

    He studied her over the rim of his glass, trying to gauge her reaction to his rather blunt question.

    Chloe chuckled a little at his inquiry. “I’m not some blushing virgin if that’s what you’re asking. Clark wasn’t my first.” She paused, letting him take in that information. “I’ve been with…” she paused, counting her men before answering.

    ‘Ok, Drake, Jason, Burke, Eli, Mason, Robert…’ She faltered after them, remembering the last man she’d been with before Clark. Chloe hadn’t recognized him at first, then again, she had only met him briefly in the Talon. But, she never forgot a man that gave her flowers. Especially if it was her favorite type. Bart had been an amazing lover. Chloe had to admit that she had been surprised at that.

    “Seven men.” She paused and then said, “Wait, eight. I forgot Clark.” She shrugged a little at her last comment.

    Lex nodded silently. So that meant, she had slept with every boy she'd been with throughout high school and her first year in college. It still didn't add up though, because his count had only added up to 7. He had to know, because he'd had a hand in almost every single break up. Not that those relationships wouldn't have ended on their own, sooner or later. None of those boys had been worth her if they could be bribed away that easily.

    “That should make things easier. Any special needs I should consider?” He kept his tone strictly business, hoping for some sort of sign that the real Chloe was still in there and would rise out of the ashes. Her passionless, downright resigned tone was starting to bother him.

    Chloe blinked a few times. She really didn’t know what Lex meant by special needs….but wasn’t about to ask him, either. “I don’t think so,” she said, using her businesslike tone of voice. It helped her to get through this. “If there’s something that you’re doing that I don’t want or like, trust me, you’ll know.”

    She wasn’t shy about her needs, or the lines she drew, either. The men she’d been with had learned that quickly. Clark, especially. She had pretty much told him that she would never go down on him. It wasn’t because she was opposed to it or bad at it, quite the contrary. It was that she held a grudge.

    The first time, he had passed out afterwards. Fine, most men were useless after they came. But, he had moved her head where he wanted it, yanking on her hair, and then balked at returning the favor the next time. Hence, no more head for him.

    Lex's jaw clenched involuntarily at her cold answer. It seemed that she'd lost her passion for everything, not just her professional life.

    “I'm sure you will,” he stated deadpan. It irked him to see that she wasn't even giving him an opening for banter. He missed the snark, the fire. Lex hoped he could get it out of her at least in the bedroom.

    “There's one more thing I want to know.” He narrowed his eyes, scrutinizing her face for the smallest sign of fire left inside this shell of a woman. “Why don't you just leave him? Why subject yourself to a relationship that is slowly but surely sucking the life out of you and leaving you a shadow of the woman you used to be?”

    Chloe tried to maintain herself but Lex had gone way too far. He could ask her about sex, that was fine and she expected it because of what they were about to do. But, that question was out of line for so many reasons.

    “Who are you to judge what’s happened to me you arrogant, self-righteous prick? You never even knew me.” She was really trying not to yell at him, but she could feel her old self starting to kick in.

    “Just because I don’t fuck everything that moves, unlike you,” she hissed the last word, “does not make me empty inside. It just doesn’t make me a whore who’s trying to fill their life with sex so they don’t focus on the fact that no one has ever loved them.”

    Lex watched her rant with growing mirth. There was life left in her after all, and it didn't matter that she wasn't very short of calling him every name under the sun, because damn, she had the spark back in her eyes and had shed the pod persona she'd presented so far.

    She paused. “You want the old Chloe, fine. I think the old Chloe might react like this to your former statement. Fuck you, Lex, good night.” Chloe started to get up off of the couch, hoping that the strong alcohol wouldn’t make her stumble on her way out.

    Before she was even fully off the couch, he grabbed her arm and pulled her back down, sending her sprawling in his lap. He didn't leave her time to protest before he crushed his lips to hers, shutting her up for the moment.

    At first, Chloe was too surprised to react. It had been far too long since someone had just grabbed and kissed her. Lex’s mouth was insistent upon hers and she focused on getting off of him and out the door before….her thoughts ceased when she shifted her weight only to settle on his erection beneath her. She moaned against him and his tongue delved into her mouth. Her hands, which had been on his shoulders intending to push him away, instead tightened on the flesh that she held. Seemingly of their own volition, her hips started to rock against Lex’s body. Seeking out relief for the tension in her lower belly.

    Feeling her rubbing against him like a cat in heat while her tongue started to start her own explorations in his mouth, Lex knew he'd won. He grinned into the kiss as he moved one hand to her ass. Letting the other one stroke up her back until he could get a hold on the back of her neck, he pulled her head away, breaking the kiss.

    “Welcome back.” His own voice came out less sarcastic and more husky than he would have liked, but it worked none the less.

  9. #39
    NS Senior Member Senior Member sydsvaughn's Avatar
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    Yes! An update ... and firey!Chloe is back ... you go Lex.

    Dumb Clark.

    Great update!!


  10. #40
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    I love firey Lex and Chloe. You guys do a great job in bringing that out. But wont Clark be mad that they started without him?

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

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