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Thread: Life Less Ordinary (R) - Sequel to Nightswimming

  1. #1
    Demented Detective Senior Member newbatgirl's Avatar
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    19 Jan 2004
    West of Gotham

    Life Less Ordinary (R) - Sequel to Nightswimming

    A/N: This is the sequel to my fic Nightswimming. If you haven’t already done so, read that first, then meet me back here.

    OK, for the rest of ‘y’all, this one picks up seven months after that one ended but it flashes back to various points during that time gap. Flashbacks will be in italics. If you get confused by anything just send me a PM or post here and I’ll try to clear it up. Feedback is my life source. Comment early and often. Thanks.

    Title: Life Less Ordinary
    Author: newbatgirl
    Rating: R for a couple of love scenes, maybe some language.
    Pairing: Chlex (There’s something besides Chlex?)
    Disclaimer: Time Warner/DC can have them back when I’m done. There might be a few scratches on Lex, though. Hee-hee.
    Summary: Seven months after a chance meeting ignited their old feelings, Chloe and Lex are trying to make their long-distance relationship work. Again, not really a song fic but loosely inspired by the song “Life Less Ordinary” by the band Carbon Leaf. Apologies to my fellow REM fans. Also, I have never seen the movie by the same name so it was not an inspiration to me.

    Live a life less ordinary
    Live a life extraordinary with me
    Live a live less sedentary
    Live a life evolutionary with me

    Chapter One

    Offices of the San Francisco Chronicle…late afternoon…

    Chloe tapped her foot impatiently as her editor skimmed over a hard copy of her latest story. Jen was perched on the edge of Chloe’s desk twirling a red pen in her hand and she seemed to be taking her damn sweet time about it as far as Chloe could see. And it was well after five, dammit.

    Normally Chloe wouldn’t care what time it was, she wasn’t a clock-watcher and journalism wasn’t a clock-watching kind of job. But today was different. It was the Friday before a holiday weekend. A holiday weekend that Lex was coming to spend with her. He was planning to fly in that night, as soon as he wrapped up some important meetings. Judging from the last email he had sent her, he would arrive in a few short hours, giving her just enough time to finish up at work, fight the evil Bay Area traffic home, shower and change. So, of course, Jen-the-Anal-Editor-Thompson picked today of all days to be nitpicky about her diction!

    Jen raised her eyes from the pages in her hand, and flicked her short brown hair from her eyes. “Am I keeping you from something, Sullivan?”

    “Well, now that you mention it, it is getting kind of late.”

    “Since when is…” Jen checked her watch, “five-oh-eight late for you? You work much later than this all the time. The layout staff swears you’re not human.”

    Chloe moved things around on her desk. “Maybe I just have things to do this weekend,” she said vaguely. She had to be careful, Jen was not only her editor, she had become a close friend, and she could often tell when she was not being 100% truthful. Her relationship with Lex was not a secret, but it wasn’t something they wanted broadcast on the evening news either. So far the only people who knew were members of Lex’s staff who spoke to her occasionally…and Clark. Chloe hadn’t even told her father; that was something that didn’t sit well with her but she had her reasons.

    “Hmmm, something or *someone* to do this weekend?” asked Jen, waggling her eyebrows.

    “Oh, grow up, you perv.”

    “Hey, watch your mouth there, young lady, I’m your boss, not to mention fifteen years old than you.”


    “Whatever, anyway, I’ve seen the signs. Hushed phone calls on your cell. Every once a while you, Ms. Workaholic, decide to cut out early, usually on a weekend. Then you come on Monday glowing like a Christmas tree, decorated, I might add, with a few love bites. Conclusion: you’ve got a guy stashed somewhere, am I right?”

    “You have an overactive imagination.” Chloe retorted, trying and failing to stop herself from blushing. ‘Shit, I thought I covered those. Damn Lex and his lips anyway. OK, I sooooo didn’t mean that last part.’

    “Hallelujah! Chloe Sullivan is being well and royally laid! So what’s with the secrecy? He’s not married, is he?

    “No, he is NOT!” exclaimed Chloe then winced when she realized what she had all but given away. “Shit!”

    Jen threw down the pages in triumph and wiggled a little against the desk. Chloe groaned. Her boss was thirty-seven going on twelve sometimes, particularly when it came to ‘hot scoops’ as she called them. Chloe realized that her personal life now qualified as one. ‘Shit.’

    “Soooo…what’s his name, what’s he do?”

    “Jeez, nosy much?”

    “Ye-ah, a reporter, remember? We get paid to do the nosy thing here.”

    Chloe looked at her watch again. “Well, this is my personal life, not a breaking story.”

    “Sheesh, calm down, Chlo, I was asking as your friend, too? Why all the hush-hush?”

    “Sorry, Jen. I know you care…it’s just…complicated. He’s kind of high-profile, so we really don’t want to shout it from the rooftops yet, you know?”

    “OK, like that’s supposed to make me *less* curious! Now I need details. Define high-profile.”

    “I’d really rather not.”

    Jen pressed on, undaunted. “Movie-star high-profile or musician high-profile? Oh God, please don’t tell me he’s politician high-profile.”

    “No, more like Fortune 500 high-profile.”

    “Jesus, Sullivan, you’re dating a tycoon? Never would have thought that. Who is he?”

    “Feyx fdoooother,” murmured Chloe.

    Jen rolled her brown eyes. “Care to repeat that for us non-canines?”

    “Lex Luthor.”


    “Shhhhh, please, Jen!”

    “OK, OK, sorry. It’s just… You’re dating the head of Luthor Corp? Wow! How did you guys meet? How long have you been dating?”

    “We’ve been dating about seven months now and how we met is…complicated.”

    “Seven months! And you’re just telling me now? Sullivan, I thought we were friends!”

    Chloe frowned. Now she felt guilty on top of everything. “I’m sorry, Jen…I had to…” She was interrupted by the ringing of her cell phone. She looked at the Caller ID, it read ‘Lex – Cell.’

    “Hello?” she said into the phone, feeling Jen’s eyes boring into her head.

    “Hey, it’s me. I’m calling to tell you that the meeting ran late. I’m still at the office. I’m leaving in a few minutes but I still have to get to the airstrip and everything.”

    “Oh, OK. So what time do you think you’ll get in?”

    “Not until late, but likely before midnight. We’ll probably have to scratch having dinner out, though. I’m sorry.” said Lex. He actually did sound apologetic and it made her feel better. Chloe liked going out places with him when he visited, it made their relationship seem more normal. He wasn’t well known on the West Coast so they didn’t have to worry about tabloid reporters as they would have to in Metropolis.

    “It’s OK, don’t worry about it. Do you need me to pick you up?”

    “No, I’ll take a cab like last time, I’ll see you soon, OK?”

    “OK. Bye”


    Chloe pressed the ‘end’ button with her thumb and looked up at Jen.

    “That him?”

    “Yeah, he’s running late. Looks like I’m not in too much of rush after all. So feel free to tear that story apart.” Chloe slumped back in her desk chair and bit her lip. Then she looked back up at her friend, remembering what they had been talking about before Lex called. “Jen, I’m sorry about not telling you sooner…”

    Jen ruffled Chloe's hair a bit. “Don’t sweat it, kid. I can tell this isn’t easy for either of you. I understand. How often do you get to see each other?”

    “Every couple of weeks, if we’re lucky. Things have been crazy lately, though. It’s been almost a month since he last came out.”

    “Well, from the look on your face and the way you snatched up that phone, he’s worth it, isn’t he?”

    Chloe didn’t hesitate before she answered. “Yeah, he is.”

    Jen looked at Chloe for a minute. “Listen, why don’t you just cut out now, go home and take a long bath and relax until he gets in? You’ve been killing yourself here. I’ll finish editing this on my own.”

    “Are you sure?”

    “Positive. Now, go.”

    Chloe’s face lit up and she quickly snatched up her purse and phone and grabbed her suit jacket from the back of her chair. “Thanks so much Jen, I owe you.”

    “Damn right you owe me. You and I have an appointment next Friday with a quart of mint chocolate chip and you’re giving me A to Z on this great romance. You got me?”

    “You’ve got a deal.” said Chloe. It would actually be nice to have to someone to talk to about this.


    Lex began stacking the files he would need for the flight into his briefcase. He tried to keep the work he did while he was with Chloe to a minimum. That was their time. However, he tried to make effective use of the time during the flights. The reality was there were never enough hours in the day to do all he wanted to do at Luthor Corp. He closed his briefcase and shut off his desk lamp. It was already after seven in Metropolis. Traffic should be minimal so he should be able to get to the airstrip in good time. He was relieved that he had thought to remind his staff to put his suitcase in the limo that morning. Having to stop at the penthouse again would only delay him further.

    As he rode the elevator down to where his car was waiting, his cell phone rang. He dug it out of his pocket and checked the caller: ‘C. Kent.’


    “Hi, Lex. It’s Clark.”

    “Hi, Clark. What can I do for you?”

    “Hey, do I usually ask you for something when I call?”

    ‘Yes, you do.’ “No, Clark, you don’t. Sorry, I’m just in a hurry to get to my plane.”

    “Oh, I’ll try to make it quick then. It’s just that I’m sending out some resumes to some more newspapers and I was wondering…”

    “You’d like to list me as a personal reference.” finished Lex.

    “Well, yeah. What do you say?”

    Lex sighed. This was the big difference between Clark and Chloe, Chloe would never ask him to do this and he respected her all the more because of that. Clark seemed to think nothing of it. Still, he did owe Clark a lot. When you got right down to it, his relationship with Chloe could be traced right back to Clark Kent, whether the younger man realized it or not. Which he probably didn’t.

    “Sure, just give them my office number, not this one, OK?” The last thing Lex needed was Clark giving his private cell number to a newspaper of all things.

    “Thanks, Lex. I really appreciate this. So…uh, where you headed?”

    By this time, Lex was at his car and he paused as the chauffer opened the door for him and he folded himself in. “I’m heading to visit Chloe, Clark.” He waited for Clark’s inevitable clumsy reaction. Though he had told Clark about their relationship several months ago, he knew the younger man wasn’t entirely comfortable with it, no doubt in part because his own relationship with Chloe had become so strained.

    “Oh, I see. Well…uh...tell her I said hi, OK?”

    ‘You could tell her that yourself if you weren’t such a coward.’ He almost said the words out loud but, really, he had had this conversation with Clark several times already. He really didn’t have the energy for it tonight. “I will, see you later, Clark.”

    “OK, bye Lex.”

    Lex tossed his phone on the seat next to him and leaned back. In just a few hours, he’d be with Chloe. And it would make all the difference in the world. Despite the distance and the obvious logistical challenges, with Chloe most things were surprisingly easy. They had just three rules: No extravagant gifts. No surprise visits. No interviews.

    The first rule was hers and he was constantly trying to get a better handle on Chloe’s definition of ‘extravagant.’ His attempts to pull some strings to get her a larger apartment had resulted in their first real fight, and though the making up had been quite good he wasn’t willing to risk her wrath on that score again. Still, she accepted smaller gifts from him such as CDs or books he thought she would like, and, more frequently, lingerie. The latter because she insisted that it was a gift they could both enjoy. He certainly wouldn’t argue with her on that.

    The second rule was his idea. He wanted her to know that he respected her privacy and her need to lead her own life. He knew how crazy he went when people invaded his privacy and he sensed that Chloe would feel the same.

    The third rule was a mutual one. Chloe said she didn’t want to seem like she was exploiting their relationship to advance her career and Lex didn’t want to have to constantly be on guard about letting things slip in his conversations with her. Making it a rule was the obvious solution.

    So with a few minor pitfalls along the way, things were working and they had been for seven months. A smile spread over his face as he recalled his first visit to see her, a little more than six months ago…


    Six months earlier…a private airstrip in San Francisco…

    Lex looked at his watch for the third time. Chloe was late. Twenty minutes late. Five minutes was understandable, ten was a bit irksome. Twenty made him worry.

    “Sir?” said his pilot from behind him, “Would you like me to call you a cab?”

    “No, not yet. I’ll wait a little while longer…” replied Lex calmly. He was not used to waiting and from his last conversation with Chloe, he had thought she was as anxious to see him as he was to see her. She would have told him if she changed her mind…wouldn’t she? At least before he got on the damn plane and flew all the way… ‘Aw hell!’ he thought to himself. Lex was not used to self doubt. This would not do. He shifted a bit on his feet and checked his watch…again.

    The sound of squealing tires caught his attention and he whipped his head around. Peeling towards him was a small red car, a modest, but sporty sedan. The blond hair visible through the driver-side window left no question as to who was behind the wheel. One of the airplane maintenance vehicles cut in front of the sedan in an attempt to get to the runway, and Chloe stuck her head out the window to tell the other driver exactly what she thought of the action.

    “Sir, it looks like your ride is here.” said the pilot, trying very hard not to smile.

    “Looks like.” replied Lex, dryly. “I’ll see you on Sunday…if I survive that long.”

    “Good luck, sir” sad the pilot, before slipping away.

    The car screeched to a halt a few yards from where Lex waited. Chloe popped out, talking a mile a minute and walking just as fast.

    “Lex, I am soooo sorry I’m late. The mayor called a press conference late in the day and the reporter who usually covers the City Hall beat is on vacation and Jen asked me to do it and well, I couldn't really turn her down because she might not ask me again. So anyway, I did it and then I got caught in all sorts of hell trying to get out of midtown. Do you have any idea what traffic is like here at this time of day? Well, no, of course you wouldn’t but the point is…”

    By this time she was right in front of him and he raked his eyes over her as she spoke. She was flushed and her hair was wild around her face, probably from speeding with the window open to get there. She wore a burgundy pantsuit and he could see the cream colored camisole she wore under the jacket peeking out just a bit. In short, she looked incredible. Even better than he remembered. Unable to stop himself, Lex caught her around her waist as she was mid-sentence and kissed her. Hard.

    He felt her stiffen a bit then relax into the kiss, gripping his shoulders through his jacket. She opened her mouth against his, inviting him inside and he accepted immediately, pressing one hand against the back of her head to deepen the contact. She gave a soft moan and her hands drifted upwards to cup his face.

    When she pulled back, he grinned at her. “You can finish telling me that story again whenever you want but I needed to give you a proper hello.”

    Chloe was panting and even more flushed now. “Hello to you, too. Sorry you had to wait.”

    His hands roamed over her hips. “It’s OK. You can make it up to me.”

    They chatted about trivial things on the drive back to her apartment. Chloe pointed out landmarks, complained about traffic and shouted the odd obscenity at other drivers. Lex watched her.

    When they arrived at her building, she parked and led him upstairs to her space on the second floor. She gave him a quick tour. Two bedrooms, one for her, the other converted into an office, kitchen, living room, decent view. Absolutely horrific Bay Area rent, she explained, but she was lucky since it wasn’t far from her office. She had decorated it nicely, as well. Colorful fabrics everywhere, overstuffed pillows on the sofa, several walls lined with brimming bookshelves and framed vibrant prints. Like Chloe herself, it wasn’t overly feminine but it was by no means a dull or streamlined space.

    Chloe suggested that he shower and change while she made arrangements for dinner. Since Lex had been on the go since early that morning, a shower suddenly seemed like a great idea. It would unwind him enough to enjoy the evening out with Chloe no matter where they went. With that in mind, he pulled a clean dress shirt and pants from his suitcase, laid them on her bed and went to take a hot shower.

    Some time later, Lex emerged, feeling much more relaxed. He wrapped a towel around his waist and went to Chloe’s bedroom to dress. She was nowhere to be found so he assumed she was still calling to get reservations for dinner or perhaps dressing herself. He pulled on his boxers, socks, pants and belt and then reached for this shirt…only to find it missing.

    “Chloe? Did you see the shirt I left here?” No answer. “Chloe?” Lex listened more carefully. He could hear music coming from the living room so he walked in that direction, still shirtless and still sans his shoes.

    He walked down the hallway towards the living room, now much darker than before. In fact the only light in the room seemed to be coming from two small table lamps flanking the sofa…and about a dozen small candles distributed around the room. Chloe was lighting the last of them, a large one in the center of the coffee table and she was wearing his shirt. And nothing else.

    She raised the match to her lips and blew it out, then smiled when she spotted him in the doorway.


    “Hi, yourself. That’s my shirt.”

    “So it is. You don’t mind, do you?”

    “Won’t *I* be needing it?”

    “I doubt it.”

    “I thought we were going to dinner.”

    “I thought it might be better if we stayed in…I ordered take-out. Should be here soon.” She rose and approached him, the French blue of his shirt contrasting nicely with her creamy skin. She stopped right in from of him and placed both hands on his bare chest. “We can eat out tomorrow. I’d rather stay in tonight and…make it up to you for this afternoon.”

    “No argument here,” he whispered a second before covering her lips with his. They kissed slowly, savoring the taste and feel of one another and swaying slightly to the soft music playing, Lex ran his hands down her back, stroking her through the thin fabric.

    When they finally parted, she grinned up at him. “Do you want your shirt back?” she teased.

    “Nah. It looks better on you. You can keep it…for now. I make no promises about later, though.”


    Chloe’s Apartment…Later that evening…

    Chloe shifted again on the sofa, a book open and virtually ignored on her lap. She had come home, and been bathed and dressed in one of her favorite *presents* from Lex for some time now. Chloe was not a patient person by nature. It was bad enough that she had not seen Lex for nearly a month but add in the fact that he was late and she was ready to crack.

    Finally, she heard steps outside her door and a muffled knock. She was off the couch and in front of the door like a shot. She tore it open to reveal a rumpled Lex Luthor. He immediately stepped inside and set down his bag, then wrapped his arms around her. They stayed that way for a few moments, just holding one another.

    “I’m sorry I’m late…” said Lex finally but she pressed her finger to his lips. “It’s OK. Do you want anything to drink? Some food?”

    He shook his head. “No, just you.”

    Chloe nodded. She slid her hands underneath the lapels of his jacket and pushed the garment off his shoulders. Catching it before it could fall to the floor, she tossed it on a nearby chair. Then she took his hand in hers and tugged on it. “Come, then.” He followed her without a word, letting her lead him to her bedroom, where they could shut out the rest of the world.

    End Chapter.

  2. #2
    Demented Detective Senior Member newbatgirl's Avatar
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    19 Jan 2004
    West of Gotham
    A/N: With regards to flashbacks, except for the one in Chapter One, they are not in chronological order, so assume that they could have taken place anytime during the seven month gap. They’re arranged more according to theme than anything else.

    Chapter Two

    Chloe’s bedroom…later that night…

    Lex gripped Chloe’s thighs as she eased herself on top of him. She was straddling him as he half-lay, half sat against the headboard of her bed. Their faces were only inches apart, and their eyes locked as she adjusted her body until he was fully sheathed within her. He gave a groan of unsatisfied pleasure at the action.

    Chloe leaned forward and braced herself on his shoulders to kiss him deeply. As their mouths joined, Lex slid his hands up from her bare thighs to run them over her torso, encased but just barely in a short, deep blue nightgown. As much as he enjoyed seeing Chloe bare, sometimes he asked her to leave her provocative nightwear on as they made love. He loved the feel of silky fabric moving under his hands and between their bodies. It didn’t hurt to know that he had chosen them for her. It was almost as exhilarating as watching her move above him, as she was doing now. He pulled back from their kiss to do just that.

    Her hair was now thoroughly tousled and her skin already turning pink from their movements. She rose up and down on him and smiled slyly when she saw him watching her. ‘That’s it,’ he thought. That was the image of her he kept in his mind during their weeks of separation. Knowing he could come back to her and see her like this kept him going during the long days and even longer nights alone in Metropolis.

    Leaning forward, he began leaving wet kisses down her neck and across the areas of her chest left deliciously exposed by her nightgown. Skimming a finger across her collarbone, he pushed one thin strap off of her shoulder and let his lips follow the same path, licking and sucking the skin there. He smiled against her skin when he remembered her early light-hearted chastising of him for being careless of where he left his marks. She didn't seem to be all that concerned about it now. She moaned at the feel of his tongue on her flesh and bucked against him, tightening her muscles around him as she did. Lex’s body reacted immediately.

    “Yes, Chloe…again…”

    She repeated the action, smiling again when his eyes slid shut at the pleasure she caused him.

    “God, I’ve missed being inside you,” he breathed, bringing his hands back to her hips so he could help guide her movements.

    “I know, Baby...too long…”

    Outwardly Lex didn’t react to her endearment, though he felt something deep inside his chest tighten. Neither of them were given to flowery terms, they rarely called each other anything other than their names. However, they broke many conventions when they were in bed.

    Chloe’s head fell forward as she began to move faster. And Lex matched his upward thrusts to hers. He let her control the pace but he met her movement for movement, shifting slightly to give her just the angle he knew her body craved. Her pleasure was his; after countless times together he knew that fact better than he knew his own name. They moved like that for a long while, just enjoying the new pace and the pleasure it sparked.

    Their mouths came together again, harder than before and as their mouths slid over one another’s, Chloe moved her hands to his back to pull him closer. Lex felt her soft, silk-covered curves against the firmness of his chest and the tension in his lower body threatened to explode.

    ‘No.’ he thought. ‘Too soon.’ He deliberately slowed his movements and with his hands on her hips, encouraged Chloe to do the same. She was reluctant at first.

    “Lex, please…” she whimpered against his cheek.

    “Shhh, Love, Don’t rush it…” he told her. She nodded and rolled her hips against him, each time harder than before. He felt what she was doing and moved his hand between their bodies to help her. His nimble fingers found their target and he began to stroke her, gently at first, and without stopping his own motions.

    “Yes, again, Lex, please…”

    He was more than happy to oblige, particularly when he saw her throw her head back in response and felt her tighten around him again. The more he stroked her, the more forceful and erratic her movements became. She was close, he could feel it and he was more than ready.

    As if reading his mind, Chloe raked her nails over his shoulders. “So close, Lex.” she moaned.

    “I know, let it go…just let it go.”

    Their bodies slammed together again and again, forceful yet lingering as they each tried to prolong the pleasure of flesh meeting flesh. Soon, Lex felt her break against him, jerking almost violently. She let out a husky scream of his name that sent him over the edge. A fire swept through every nerve in his body. His vision grew cloudy as waves of pleasure centered where his body met Chloe’s washed over him, draining him of almost every ounce of energy. He growled something resembling Chloe’s name somewhere in his pleasurable haze. He felt her collapse on him and with his last remaining strength; he pulled her down close beside him.

    “Ummmmm, I missed you,” she murmured when she was settled.

    Inhaling deeply, Lex smoothed her dampened hair. “Yeah, I got that part.”

    Chloe responded with a sleepy, frustrated grunt against his chest and he smiled. “And I missed you, too.”

    Some months earlier…Chloe’s bedroom…

    As if on autopilot, Chloe folded another one of Lex’s shirts and placed it into his suitcase. He was standing behind her, she knew – she could feel his eyes on her.

    “Chloe. You don’t have to do that. I’ll finish it when I’m dressed.”

    She stole a glance at him but didn’t meet his eyes. He was buttoning his shirt.

    “I don’t mind.”

    “Yes, you do.”

    What was she supposed to say? That the packing was busy work, something she could do for him so she wouldn’t have to watch him get dressed and ready to leave her? It didn’t make sense to her, how could she explain it to him?

    Chloe felt him come up behind her and soon his hands were on her shoulders, causing her to shiver a bit.

    “I’m sorry.”

    “Stop apologizing, it’s not your fault.” His arms slid down around her waist and she covered his hands with her own.

    “It’s just a labor dispute; I can call back and have someone else handle it.”

    “It’s a major dispute and I know you. You want to handle this yourself and you’ll be mad as hell if someone else screws it up.” Chloe hoped the finality in her tone hid her pain. They were supposed to have another whole day together. Another day of doing absolutely nothing – together. Then came the blasted call on his cell.

    He turned her in his arms. “You’re right, of course, but that doesn’t mean I want to leave.”

    “Good, just because I understand doesn’t mean I want you to go.”

    He pressed his lips to hers and kissed her urgently; she felt his frustration at the situation and she wondered if he felt hers.

    “I’ll make it up to you?” he said when they pulled apart.

    “I’m counting on it,” she replied, pushing on his chest, “Now go find your shoes.”

    “Yes, ma’am.”

    “And when you find them, bring them here so I can beat you with them for calling me that, mister.”

    “Ah, kinky. Now she tells me.” She heard him mutter as he went to search the living room for his shoes.

    Shaking her head, Chloe turned back to his suitcase, still lying open on her bed. She spotted two items in the corner of the case. A t-shirt and sweatpants perhaps put there by Lex’s butler, thinking that he would need them to work out in on his trip.

    ‘Well, I took care of the exercise part…’ she smirked to herself, then a thought struck her and she pulled both items from the case. She shook them out and re-folded them properly. Just as Lex re-entered the room, she turned to her dresser and began to clear space in one of the drawers. Once she had done so, she reached for Lex’s clothes and laid them neatly in the drawer. Feeling Lex’s interested gaze, she fought to keep her voice neutral as she spoke.

    “You should probably have something comfortable to wear for when you came back.” When he didn’t respond, she looked up; he was staring intently at her.


    “Nothing…” shaking himself a bit, then he reached into the case and pulled out a pair of white gym socks and tossed them to her. “Here, don’t forget these.”

    Chloe caught them in the air with both hands, then she smiled.


    Chloe awoke slowly, becoming aware of the incredible warmth surrounding her. Smooth, firm warmth. ‘Lex.’, she thought as she raised her head. Sure enough, he was asleep beneath her, his arms wrapped loosely around her and his face turned slightly away.

    Chloe tried to stretch a bit but the muscles in her body immediately reminded her of the previous night’s activities. ‘But what was a little soreness when you had Lex as a lover?’ He was attentive and caring and he knew instinctively when she wanted he him to be gentle…and when she didn’t. The dull ache in her lower body told her that last night had been somewhere in between.

    Groaning slightly, Chloe extracted herself from his embrace to sit up and she looked down at herself. She was still wearing her nightgown. That made her smile a bit. She should have known that he’d want her to leave this one on, he loved her in blue. She leaned down to brush a kiss over his cheekbone and when she pulled back she ran her thumb over his still-swollen lips. He didn’t even stir. That was unusual. Lex was a light sleeper. He usually felt it when she got out of bed before him.

    ‘So tired,’ she thought. Between working and flying out to see her, he was probably wearing himself out. Trying to stamp down the guilt she felt at that, Chloe rose and went to her dresser. She opened *his* drawer, which now contained extra boxers, dress socks and other items, and pulled out his sweat pants and a t-shirt. She laid them on the bed beside him before tugging on her robe and heading to the bathroom.

    She washed her face and brushed her teeth quickly and hung her toothbrush back in its place, next to his.

    It was Saturday and still early but the paper was waiting outside her apartment door. Her paper, the Chronicle. She went to get it, and then padded into the kitchen to start the coffee. Coffee was a must and not just for her. Lex was not much of an eater in the morning but he needed his coffee.

    ‘Man after my own heart.’ She thought, measuring out a pot. Then she heard water running in the bathroom and felt her pulse skip a bit. ‘Who am I kidding? He’s got it.’ The coffee had finished brewing by the time she heard Lex shut off the water in the bathroom. She poured two cups and added milk and sugar to hers and just sugar to his. She had just finished stirring when she felt his arm around her waist from behind.

    “Morning.” he said against her neck.

    “Good morning.”

    “How long have you been up?”

    “Only a few minutes, I didn’t want to wake you, you looked like you needed the rest.”

    Lex took his coffee from her but didn’t comment. Instead, he kissed her neck again and sat down at the kitchen table with a part of the paper.

    Chloe wasn’t about to let the subject drop that easily.

    “How have you been sleeping lately?”

    “About as well as usual.” came his cryptic reply and she growled a bit. She hated when he did that.

    “Well, then you must be working too hard.”

    “Chloe, I’m fine.”

    “You’re worn out, Lex.”

    Lex peered at her over a corner of the Chronicle. “Has it occurred to you that you wore me out, last night?”

    “Flatterer, and yes it did.”


    “And, you, Mr. Luthor, have incredible stamina. I’ve seen you wake up ready to take on the world after a night far more strenuous than last night.”

    “So you’re saying there was something wrong with *my* performance?”

    She knew what he was doing, he was trying to distract her with quips, but it wasn’t going to work.

    Chloe grabbed the paper from him with an exasperated sigh and slid onto his lap. “I’m not kidding, Lex. Between flying out here every few weeks and running Luthor Corp, you’ve been wearing yourself out.”

    “I’m fine.” He raised her chin so her eyes met his. “Really. I just need to catch up on some rest, that’s all.”

    “Well, what can I do to make sure you get some rest while you’re here?” Chloe reached up to lock her hands behind his neck.

    “Wear a different nightgown.” Lex replied, running his hands over the silky material. Her robe and nightgown were a matched set and both pieces ended only mid-thigh.

    “Lex, please be serious for minute.” Despite her protests, her skin was beginning to tingle wherever he touched her.

    “I am being serious; you’re not leaving much to the imagination here.”

    “Well if you had a problem with it, you should have gotten rid of it last night.”

    Lex laughed against her cheek and sighed. “Fair point.”

    “You didn’t answer my question.”

    “Caught that, did you?”

    “I’m swift that way.”

    “I knew I should stay away from fast women,” quipped Lex. He then shifted his demeanor and suddenly he was very serious. “Chloe, believe me when I say the best place for me to relax is with you. I sleep better when I’m with you. You don’t have to do anything special for me while I’m here, just stay close to me.”

    Chloe could feel tears stinging the back of her eyes. ‘What is it with this man that he can make me cry with just a few words?’ Before she could even think about answering her inner query, he was kissing her again, knocking the breath and the ability for rational thought right out of her. His lips moved slowly and sensuously over hers, deepening the kiss when their need to taste each other became too great. Still, Chloe could feel that he was holding back. If he hadn’t been, they would have surely ended up on the floor. They kissed until the burning in their lungs signaled the need for oxygen. Chloe pulled back and blinked as she tried to recall what they had been talking about. ‘Something about staying close…’

    “OK, you’ve got a deal.” she assured him. When she tried to get up to get her coffee, Lex tightened his arms around her waist. “Hey!”

    Chloe smiled at him in understanding. “If you insist.” She reached over to pull her mug towards her and then snuggled closer to him. As he drank from his own mug, he rubbed her back with his free hand.



    “How long are you willing to do this?”

    “Do what?”

    “*This.* This long distance thing. The flying back and forth, the planning it takes for us just to see each other…”

    “I’m willing to do this as long as you are, Chloe.”

    Chloe gave a very unfeminine grunt of frustration. “You and your cryptic answers. Tell me the truth, are you sick of this? I think we both know this is not a normal relationship.”

    “Who’s to say what’s normal? And who’s to say that either of us would want it anyway?”

    Chloe raked her teeth over her bottom lip. He had a point. She detangled herself from him and got up to refresh her coffee. She also did it so she could think more clearly, which was next to impossible when sitting on Lex’s lap.

    “Chloe, where’s this coming from?”

    “I…I guess I just feel guilty, you’re taking the brunt of the distance part of this relationship. I feel like, in a way, I’m stringing you along. I’m not completely oblivious, Lex. I know I’m going to have to make some kind of decision about us at some point. We can’t go on like this forever…” She turned to see Lex opening his mouth but she cut him off.

    “And no, you haven’t been pressuring me; you’ve been great. I’ve been thinking about this on my own for a while now. I love spending time with you and I miss you so much when you’re not here…”


    Chloe looked at him sharply.

    “It wasn’t my turn to talk yet?” Lex asked with some humor in his voice. “I heard a ‘but’ coming in there.”

    “No, you’re right, there’s a ‘but’. There’s so much here that I’m not ready to give up yet. My job, my…” she trailed off, not sure she wanted to finish the sentence out loud as she had finished it in her head.

    “Your freedom,” finished Lex.

    ‘Damn.’ “Do you have to be a genius all the time?” Chloe grumbled, sinking back into a chair.


    “Of all the men in the world, I fall for the egomaniac.”

    Lex smiled and crouched in front of her chair. “Chloe, I don’t want you to feel bad about me coming out here. It makes more sense this way. My job is just more flexible that way. And as for the future, I’m not going to lie to you, I want more. But whether that’s tomorrow or next year, that’s up to you. What I don’t want is for you to feel like you’re giving in to pressure or guilt from me or from yourself. And what I *really* don’t want is for you to give up something that’s important to you, especially your freedom.”

    Chloe looked down at their hands, which had somehow entwined while he was talking.

    “Give me a little more time,” she said after a long silence.


    “Give me a little more time and then I think I’ll be ready to…”

    “Chloe, I just said…”

    “No, Listen to me. I just need some more time to get my head together and I’ll be ready.”

    “Ready for what?”

    “For whatever comes next.”

    Lex stared at her for a few long moments, and at first she thought he was going to fight her on this. Instead he shook his head and tightened his hands around hers. “If that’s what you want.”

    “It is.” Chloe then dropped his hand and stood up abruptly, her sudden movement causing Lex to fall backwards onto his ass. “And I want to tell my dad,” she declared, striding across the room towards the phone.

    “Huh? What? Chloe! Wait a minute!”


    Lex scrambled to his feet, no easy task in his bare feet and on Chloe’s slippery kitchen floor.

    “What are you doing? I thought that you wanted to keep this between us for a while. We agreed.”

    Chloe pulled the phone off the hook. “I did and we did but now I want to tell him. I want him to know, I don’t like keeping things from him.”

    Lex pulled the phone from her hands. “Are you sure about this? You did say that you were worried about he’d react. Especially after what happened…”

    Chloe frowned. Her father didn’t exactly hold anything or anyone with the name Luthor in high regard anymore, even though Lex had done everything in his power to keep them safe after that awful summer in Smallville. That was why she had been reluctant to tell him about their relationship. ‘Well, one of the reasons.’

    Chloe took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. “Whatever his reaction, I have to tell him.” She pulled the phone back from him pressed her thumb to the first button to begin dialing, only to have Lex pull it from her hands again.

    “Oh, for the love of God, Lex! Give me the phone!”

    “What do you say we tell him in person? Face to face? It might go over better.”

    “Have you lost your mind?”

    “Evidently, but I’m still right, it would go over better, wouldn't it?”

    Chloe mulled the prospect for a long moment. She did owe her father an explanation for keeping this from him for so long, and she did owe him a visit. Between work and her time with Lex, she hadn't been up to Seattle very often in the past few months. “Are *you* sure about this?”

    “Does he own a gun?”

    “My father doesn’t believe in guns.”

    “Then, I’m sure.”

    “OK. In person it is, then.”

    She watched as Lex used her phone to dial his pilot. He told him to get the plane and a flight plan ready to take them to Seattle later that day. Chloe decided that there were certainly worse things than having a plane at your beck and call. When Lex disconnected, he gave her a faint smile.

    “We should get ready. The plane will be waiting for us.”

    “I suppose I should have mentioned that Dad’s into cooking these days.”

    “What does that have to do with anything?”

    “Knives. Lots and lots of knives.”


    End Chapter.

  3. #3
    Demented Detective Senior Member newbatgirl's Avatar
    Join Date
    19 Jan 2004
    West of Gotham
    A/N: Where are my Gabe-lovers in the audience? This one's for you guys.

    Chapter Three

    Some months earlier…Luthor Corp offices…late evening

    Clawing desperately at his tie, Lex burst through the door of his office. He pushed back on it so it slammed with a loud bang that suited his mood. Lex slumped into his chair muttering curses to himself.

    ‘Fucking jerks. What the hell do they expect from me? *I* saved this company and their asses and this is how they treat me? FUCK!’

    The buzzing of his intercom interrupted his internal rant.

    “Yes, Barbara, what is it?”

    “Mr. Luthor, will you be needing me anymore tonight?” His poor executive assistant sounded terrified. She knew when he was in a bad mood and now was definitely one of those times.

    “No. You can go home. Thanks for staying through the meeting…You may come in a couple of hours later tomorrow if you want.”

    “Thank you, Mr. Luthor. Good night.”

    Lex checked his watch and automatically did the time zone conversion in his head. ‘She might be home by now…unless she’s on a story. Better try the cell.’

    He reached for his phone and punched one of the speed-dial buttons. She picked up on second ring.

    “Chloe Sullivan.”

    ‘Full name. Must not have checked her Caller ID.’

    “It’s me, can you talk?”

    “Yeah, I just walked in the door, I had a few things in my hands…just let me put them...OK. Now I can talk. What’s up?”

    “Nothing, I just wanted to hear your voice.” ‘Understatement of the decade.’ Already he could feel the anger and tension dissipating from his tired body. She had that effect on him.

    “Oh…right, you had your board meeting today…I guess it didn’t go too well.”

    “You could say that.”

    “Well, go ahead, vent. That’s what I’m here for.”

    “Chloe, I’m not dumping this on you, it’s just the same old crap.”

    "Well then who better to dump it on than your girlfriend?”


    “You still with me here, Lex?”

    “Yeah…it’s just that...that’s the first time either of us has used that term.”

    “Oh, well, does that bother you?”

    “No, you just caught me off guard. I can’t really think of a better term, can you?”


    “It’s certainly true but I think it’s too much information to just throw out at other people.”

    “You’re right. Significant other?”

    “Too clinical.”


    “Too vague, sounds like we’re playing tennis or forming a law firm.”

    “Lady/Gentleman friend.”

    “Those are fine, if we plan on having this relationship take place in a movie from the fifties.”

    “I could get you one of those cute little fedoras that the men wore back then.”

    “How about not?”

    “Well, it sounds like we’re sticking with the old boyfriend/girlfriend thing, then.”

    “Sounds like.”

    “Maybe we should get pink and blue t-shirts made to that effect.”

    “I’ll get my assistant right on it. Right after hell freezes over.”

    Chloe’s laughter rang out over the line and Lex had to smile.

    “So are you going to tell me about your meeting?” she asked, more seriously.

    “It’s the same problem I’ve been having for months. There are these last two holdouts from my father’s old board and I can’t seem to get through to them. They never pass up a chance to tear me down. Our earnings are up, profits are up. What the hell do they want?”

    “To unnerve you and they’re doing a damn good job.”


    “They’re probably telling you that your decisions aren’t sound and hinting, but not saying right out, that you’ll never run the company as well as your father did.”

    “That’s exactly what they’re doing, constantly.”

    “Good. They’re right.”

    “Excuse me?”

    “Lex, your father ran his company on blood and lies. If that’s the definition of running it well then you don’t want it. Ever. Am I right?”

    “Well, of course not but...”

    “It’s your company now, run it your way and it will succeed, I know it will. But, in the meantime, whatever you do, don’t let those two jackasses leave, you hear me? You need them on your board.”

    Lex could see where she was going with this but he let her finish because he wanted to hear how she would say it.

    “They’re your anti-conscience. Whenever they start getting too happy with what you’re doing, you’ll know you’re doing something wrong and you have to shift course. They’re your reminder of what you don’t want to be.”

    Lex was silent for a minute as her words sank in, then he smiled. “Thanks, Chloe. I needed that.”

    “Yeah, well, you would have probably figured it out on your own, when you calmed down.”

    “Maybe.” ‘But it meant more to hear it from you.’

    “Are you OK now?”

    “Yeah, I just realized that my girlfriend is brilliant.”

    “Hey, what do you mean ‘just’?”


    A quiet suburb, North of Seattle…later that day…

    “Lex? Lex?”

    He heard Chloe calling his name, and Lex snapped out of his memory.


    “We’re here.”

    Lex turned in the passenger seat of the rental car to look at the vaguely familiar two-story brick house surrounded by carefully kept gardens.

    “It looks different from the pictures,” he mused out loud, then winced slightly when he realized what he had said. He turned back to look Chloe who, instead of glaring at him, as he had expected, was only smiling. Then he remembered that he had told her about having had her watched for the first year she and Gabe were in Seattle. She hadn’t been mad then, either.

    “Dad went all ‘Bob Vila’ on it a few years back. New windows, new doors, completely gutted the kitchen.” She unbuckled her seatbelt and put her hand on her door. She looked at Lex expectantly. “Ready?”

    “Not really. Are we sure he’s here?” Lex replied, undoing his own seatbelt. Chloe had insisted on driving since she knew the city better and Lex decided it wasn’t worth the fight.

    “I called him while you were in the shower and told him that I was coming for a visit.”

    “You didn’t happen to mention any other guests?”

    “It didn’t come up.”


    They both got out of the car and met on the sidewalk. Chloe shrugged at his jibe.

    “Would you prefer that give him time to prepare an ambush? C’mon, we’ll get our bags later.” She took his hand and led him up the front walk, which was lined with colorful plants and flowers. “Dad’s pretty proud of his garden. He’s got loads of vegetables out back, too.”

    “I don’t doubt it. I’m sure the diced up remains of your former boyfriends make excellent fertilizer.”

    “Le-ex…” she said in warning tone.

    “So, how come he never took a Ginsu to your little friend Mark?”

    “I have no idea.”

    “You know, right now would be a good time to tell me that you were kidding about the knives.”

    Chloe fished in her bag for her keys. “I would, if I had been, but I wasn’t.”

    Lex frowned. “Have you ever seen the Space Needle? Let’s go check it out. Right now.” He was only half joking.

    “I’ve seen it. Many times.” replied Chloe, unlocking the door.

    “Well *I* haven’t. Call me crazy but seeing one of the world’s most spectacular views is higher on my To-Do list than being filleted by Gabe the Samurai Chef.”

    “Now who’s the chicken? This was your idea.”

    “That was before you told me about the knives.”

    “Quiet!” ordered Chloe, as they stepped into the foyer. “Dad?” she called out. “Are you home?”

    “Chloe? Is that you? I’m in the kitchen.” Chloe began leading Lex through the house towards the kitchen.

    “I was just making us some lunch…” From the kitchen came the distinct sound of something thumping against wood. Something that sounded suspiciously like a knife hitting a chopping board. Repeatedly.

    Lex stopped walking and raised his eyebrows. “Why don’t we talk to him out here? Fewer sharp objects.”

    Chloe smiled up at him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

    “You really are nervous, aren’t you?”

    “No. Not at all.” argued Lex, wrapping his own arms around her. “I just happen to like my blood on the inside of my body. It’s a personal preference I’ve picked up.”

    “Calm down.”

    “I’m the epitome of calm, don’t I look calm?”

    “The phrase ‘deer in the headlights’ comes to mind.”

    Lex opened his mouth to respond but he heard Gabe’s voice drifting in from the kitchen again, and getting closer. Too late Lex realized that Chloe wrapped around him was probably not the first thing Gabe should…

    “Chloe, sweetie, I was just chopping us up a…” said Gabe as he hurried in, wiping his hands on a dishtowel.

    “…Lex?” The older man stopped short when he saw that Chloe was not alone.




    “Well, now that the introductions are over…” said Chloe and then quickly shut up when both men glared at her.

    Lex pulled one hand from around Chloe’s waist to extend it to his former plant manager.

    “Gabe…nice to see you again.”

    Gabe ignored the gesture and instead focused his gaze on his daughter. “Something you care to explain, Chloe?”

    “I have something to tell you.”

    “You don’t say.”

    “Dad, Lex and I have been…seeing each other for a while now.”

    “Seeing each other?”

    Lex inwardly cringed. Gabe really wasn’t going to make this easy on them.

    “Dating,” clarified Chloe with a voice so confident that Lex momentarily forgot which one of them ran the multi-billion dollar corporation.

    “Dating? Since when? And don’t you still live in Metropolis?” he asked Lex who was caught slightly off guard at actually being acknowledged. He tried to hide it, though.

    “Ah…since a few months ago and yes, I do.”

    “So how…” began Gabe, then Lex’s words sunk in. “Months? MONTHS!?”

    Chloe seemed to sense the coming explosion and immediately pushed on Lex’s chest. “Lex, I think now would be a good time for you to get our bags from the car.”

    “Are you sure?”


    “Pretty sure, yeah.”


    Chloe felt Lex brush a kiss on her forehead before he took the keys to the rental from her and slipped out the front door again. She felt her father’s intense gaze on her the entire time.

    “Months?!” he repeated, as soon as the door shut.

    “Please stop saying that.”

    “I will when it stops being true. Why did you lie to me?”

    “I didn’t lie to you.”

    “Did I or did I not ask you if you were seeing anybody new?”

    “You see, you really can’t call someone I’ve known for eight years ‘new’ per se.”

    “Don’t you ‘per se’ me, young lady! That may have worked when you were a teenager… Jesus, when did this happen?”

    “San Diego.”

    “What San Diego? You mean that conference you went to six months ago?”


    Gabe glared at her and Chloe held up her hands. “Hey, you asked for dates, I’m giving you dates.”

    Gabe crossed his arms. “So you’re telling me there was no conference?”

    “Of course there was a conference. I was there for the conference and Lex was there on business. We ended up at the same hotel and we ran into each other. We got to talking…and things kind of progressed from there…” She decided in an instant that her father did not need the intimate details of their three days in San Diego.

    “So you two started dating seven months ago and you’re just telling me now?”

    “Would now be a good time to point out that I’m an adult and I really don’t have to tell you who I date and don’t date anymore?”


    “Didn’t think so.”

    Both Sullivans turned at the sounded of the front door opening again and Lex re-entered, a bag in each hand. Chloe almost laughed at the picture he made. ‘Lex Luthor, Billionaire Bellhop.’

    He set the bags down in the foyer with his trademark ease and rejoined the pair in the living room. He extended his hand again to Gabe with a look of determination on his face.


    Gabe looked at Chloe who, in spite of herself, was looking at him hopefully.

    Still frowning slightly, he reached out and accepted Lex’s hand but not before grumbling, “You both still have some explaining to do.”


    Gabe mumbled that they should go into the kitchen and get ready for lunch and he headed straight for the bathroom to splash water on his face. He needed to cool himself down if he was going to get through this meal with his daughter and…’Oh God.’

    He bent over the sick and barely resisted the urge to dunk his whole head under the running tap. Cupping his hands under the cool stream, he splashed it over his cheeks and squeezed his eyes shut. ‘Seven months. Seven MONTHS.’ The words just kept repeating in his head. And if he was really honest with himself, they were sometimes followed by the words ‘You’re damn lucky this didn’t happen while she was in high school.’

    Gabe Sullivan was no fool. A lot of people thought he had missed the attraction between his boss and his 17-year-old daughter so many years ago in Smallville, but he hadn’t. But what could he do about it? Forbid her to talk to him? He might has well have painted a big red target on Lex for all the good that would have done. No, his best defense, other than keeping a *very*close eye on her and her friends, was to subtly remind Lex every now and again of her accomplishments. Her *high school* accomplishments. He couldn’t flat out warn Lex off his daughter, especially when the young man hadn’t done anything wrong…yet, but it didn’t hurt to remind him of Chloe’s age as often as he could. As for Chloe, keeping an eye on her proved difficult, she was always off chasing some meteor story or another, or worse. He never dreamed that it would all blow up in their faces in the form of Chloe’s misguided alliance with Lionel Luthor, the devil himself. Now his son was in his house and he was dating Chloe. For the past seven months!

    ‘Oh God.’

    Gabe straightened and looked in the mirror. ‘You can do this. Remember that’s *Lex* in there, not his father. Not his father.’ Gabe rubbed his hands on a nearby towel and squared his shoulders. ‘We’re all adults. We can do this. We’ll talk, we’ll have some lunch and some wine. What kind of wine does one serve with chicken when they’ve just been told that Lex Luthor is dating their daughter? Oh God.’

    When he returned to the kitchen, Chloe and Lex were making a decent effort at setting the table. Not saying a word, Gabe retuned to the counter where he had been preparing the salad.

    Handing Lex some glasses, Chloe turned to father and broke the silence. “Dad? What would you like to drink?”

    ‘Scotch, straight up.’ Gabe Sullivan was not a drinker but now seemed like a good time to start. He looked up from his cutting board to see the young couple staring at him and too late Gabe realized that he had said the words out loud. “Just a joke, sweetie. There’s a bottle of wine in the fridge.”

    Chloe nodded warily and went to get the wine. Lex came up beside Gabe at the counter. “So, Chloe tells me that you’re a chef these days. What are we having?”

    ‘Your shiny little head. On a platter.’

    “Dad, I don’t see the any wine in here,” came Chloe’s muffled voice from inside the fridge.

    Gabe stopped chopping and gestured absently with the knife in his hand.

    “Top shelf, Chloe, behind the juice.”

    “Oh, I see it, thanks.” Gabe looked at Lex and realized that his gesture had brought the tip of his knife right under the younger man’s chin. The unflappable Lex Luthor was now standing stock still with his eyes fixed on the glistening blade. Gabe had to fight the urge to laugh. ‘Take that, Rich Boy.’

    “Ooops. Sorry, didn’t see you there” said Gabe with an evil grin as he withdrew the knife. Slowly. And not before Chloe closed the fridge door and saw them.

    “It’s…OK. My fault for standing so close to the cook. I’ll just…be over there.” Lex side-stepped away and took the wine bottle and corkscrew from Chloe.

    After opening the wine, Lex excused himself to go the bathroom and as Gabe expected, Chloe immediately pounced him as him as he tried to get the food on the table.


    “Yes?” replied Gabe innocently.

    “Ease up with the knife. You’re scaring him!”

    “That worked out rather well, didn’t it?”

    “Dad! Please!”

    “So he’s scared, it might do him good to know what it feels like for a change.”

    “What’s that supposed to mean?”

    “Nothing, never mind. Sit down.”

    “Not until you explain that comment.”

    Gabe sighed deeply. “Do you have any idea how many nights I would lay awake in Smallville worrying about you? About you and him?”

    Chloe’s green eyes were like saucers. “About me and Lex? You worried about me and Lex?”

    “Sweetheart, I may have worked long hours back then but I wasn’t dumb or blind. By the time Lionel went to trial, you were in love with him and he was probably in love with you, too.”

    Chloe opened her mouth to speak but no sound came out.

    “And then there were the nights I would lay awake after we got here worrying that Lionel would still find a way to get you, at least until the bastard dropped dead, that is.”

    Chloe still couldn’t seem to find her voice.

    “Chloe, I know you’re a grown woman and I know you think I’m being unreasonable but you have to look at it from my point of view. Lionel tried to *kill* you! He tried to kill both of us!”

    “But, Dad, that’s LEX in there, NOT his father! You of all people should know that.”

    “Well, he did a damn good impression of him six years ago, didn’t he? He fired me as part of some sick game with his father. The same game that almost got both of us killed.”

    Gabe watched as Chloe’s eyes grow wide again looking at something over his shoulder. He spun around to see Lex standing in the doorway. His face was carefully blank and his hands were deep in his pockets.

    For a moment, no one said anything, and then Lex calmly walked over to the table and looked expectantly at the pair.

    “Are we eating?”

    “Lex…” began Gabe.

    “Well look at that, you got the name right.”


    “Look, Gabe. I didn’t come here for fight. We came so Chloe could tell you the truth because she hates keeping anything from you. I really didn’t expect you to jump for joy over this but I did expect you to give me a chance like you did in Smallville when no one else would. If you can’t do that, just tell me to my face. No games. I don’t play games anymore.”

    “Are you done?” asked Gabe.

    “No, I’m not. For future reference, I’d prefer you actually slit my throat before you compare me to my father.”

    Silence hung over the room again. Finally Gabe ran a hand over his face and looked at his daughter.

    “Why didn’t you tell me?”

    “Uh…I was scared of what your reaction would be?”

    Gabe gave an ironic laugh. “Can’t imagine why you’d be worried about that. I guess I’m being an ass, huh?”

    “No argument here,” said Chloe and Gabe shot a look at Lex.

    “'Ass’ is as good a word as any…I could probably think of some more if you weren’t still holding that knife, though.” All three burst out laughing at Lex’s quip and the unbearable tension in the room seemed to break a little. With a sheepish look, Gabe put down his knife and extended his hand to Lex.

    When he hesitated, Gabe added, “I mean it this time and I’m sorry. I’m sorry for overreacting and I’m sorry for saying what I said. I didn’t mean it. This is a lot to get used to for me. Can we start this over?” Lex took his hand and both men heard Chloe breathe a sigh of relief.

    “Now can we eat?”

    End Chapter.

  4. #4
    Demented Detective Senior Member newbatgirl's Avatar
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    19 Jan 2004
    West of Gotham
    A/N: More for you Gabe lovers. I also couldn't resist a little cameo in here. I'm weak.

    Chapter Four

    Pike Place Market, Downtown Seattle…later that day…

    Chloe dragged Lex through the doors of the crowded public market. She was trying to keep up with her father. Gabe Sullivan was a man on a mission.

    “Tell me again why we’re here,” Lex whispered into Chloe’s ear.



    “Salmon to be exact. Dad said he wants to cook us a special dinner, to sort of make up for being a jerk about this earlier. He said he’s cooking my favorite and this place has the best salmon in the city.”

    “I could have just taken us all out to eat, Chloe…”

    Don’t even think that and whatever you do, *don’t* say that to him,” warned Chloe.

    “Why not?”

    “You saw him at lunch, he’s crazy chef guy these days. Telling him not to cook for us would be like punching him in the gut.”

    “I think maybe you’re exaggerating a little bit.”

    Both Chloe and Lex looked over to see Gabe Sullivan being greeted like a long lost son by the proprietors of the Pike Place Fish stand. There was much backslapping, handshaking, and joking.


    “Well, maybe not.”

    Chloe pushed him towards the stand. “Go.”

    “What, go? Go where?”

    “Over there with Dad. Go talk fish with him. Warm up to him. The whole point of doing this face to face was so you two could get to know each other again and he would feel more comfortable with us.” Chloe pushed on him again but he stood his ground.

    “I *know* that. But I know nothing about fish.” Lex whispered through his teeth.

    “Great, he can teach you. GO!”

    “Wait, where will you be?”

    “Ummm… there’s a great little place here that sells these awesome chocolate covered coffee beans…”

    Lex rolled his eyes. “Say no more, but remember, I’m doing this for you.”

    “I’ll remember and I’ll thank you later.” Chloe wiggled her eyebrows at him before shoving him one more time towards her father and a group of rabid Saturday afternoon shoppers fighting for their share of fresh seafood.

    With a grin, Chloe turned on her heel and made a beeline for the specialty coffee and spice stand at the other end of the market.

    Some time later she emerged from the stand, holding a large bag and munching happily on a few beans that the gracious shop owner had allowed her to sample. For once, she mused, fate had been on her side six years ago when her father was able to land a job in, of all places, the coffee capital of the U.S. All in all, it hadn’t been a bad move for them, despite the initial turmoil. Her father loved his new job and his new home. He had many new friends from the neighborhood and from the plant whom he went fishing with up in British Columbia several times a year. Chloe had only lived in Seattle a year before going off the college but it was nice to be able to come ‘home’ to this place. Although, truth be told, she wasn’t sure where home was these days.

    Her thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of something wrapping around her legs. She looked down to see a pair of small, chubby hands clinging to her knees. The owner of said hands disappeared behind her.

    “What the…” Chloe twisted her body to see who or what had suddenly attached itself to her and she caught sight of the culprit. Beaming up at her was a little girl, no more than two years old. The toddler giggled and circled around Chloe’s legs again, allowing her a better look. The little girl had an unruly mop of shiny brown ringlets and she wore blue denim overalls and a pink shirt.

    “Hello there, what’s your name?” said Chloe, leaning down.


    “Where’s your mommy?”


    “Not really a master conversationalist, are you?”

    The girl giggled again, showing off two rows of tiny white teeth. “Hi!”

    “Alyssa! There you are…Thank god!” Chloe looked up to see a harried-looking woman running towards her, or rather towards the little girl, who promptly called out “Momma!”

    The woman scooped up the child and squeezed her tightly in her arms. “Sweetie, you have to stop running away from me. It’s not safe,” she said reproachfully. Alyssa seemed to think nothing of it, however. She only smiled brightly and rested her head on her mother’s shoulder.

    She turned to Chloe, “Sorry about this, she’s learned how to unbuckle her stroller straps and she climbed out before I could even stop her.”

    “Don’t worry about, I’m glad she ran into me, it slowed her down enough so you could catch her.” replied Chloe, tilting her head to take a better look at the woman. She was older than she was but not by much. She and her daughter had the same hair and eyes. “She’s beautiful.”

    “Thank you. She’s also a handful. Do you have any…?”

    Chloe shook her head. “No, not yet.” ‘Yet? Now where the hell did that come from?’

    “Well, if you ever decide to have any here’s a tip: get good running shoes,” said Alyssa’s mother in a conspiratorial whisper. “You’re young, anyway, you have plenty of time before that happens.” She added absently. “Thanks again.” The woman breezed away and over her shoulder Alyssa gave a jaunty wave.

    Chloe smiled faintly and waved back. ‘Time. Of course I have time.’ Of course, it hadn’t seemed like that a few months ago.


    Some months earlier…Chloe’s Apartment…early in the morning…

    Chloe sat on the edge of the bathtub and tried to look everywhere in the tiny room but at the sink. More precisely, at the small plastic device on the sink. It was official; this was the longest five minutes of her life.

    She could feel her heart threatening to burst out of her chest, pumping so hard she could hear the blood rushing in her ears. She looked down, her fingers were trembling and she sat on her hands to still them.

    She had been feeling run down lately and a little sick but she chalked it up to being tired and not eating properly. After all, she had been working hard on a story about the District Attorney’s conviction rate and had spent most of her time holed up in the dank basement of the county courthouse researching. She had put in so many long hours she didn’t even notice her period had not come until she was five days late. Chloe was hardly ever late.

    After the first few moments of blind panic, she had tried to approach the situation rationally. She had pulled out her planner and backtracked to the dates of her last period and then to the dates of Lex’s last visit.

    Then she had sat down because she felt decidedly dizzy.

    She was on the pill but, as her high school health teacher had said repeatedly, “Nothing is 100% effective.”

    ‘Oh God.’

    In her mind Chloe recalled hearing stories of women who were on birth control but got pregnant anyway because something as innocuous as sinus medicine reduced the efficacy of the pill.

    The she had put her head between her knees.

    After a few deep breaths, she regained control of herself and went to the nearest drug store. She bought three tests, just in case.

    Following a restless night’s sleep, she got up early to take the test. Now she was awaiting the first results.

    ‘This can’t be happening. We aren’t even living in the same city, how can we have a child?’

    Chloe had always considered herself to be pretty liberal about women’s rights but she knew in her heart that she would not even consider *all* of her options. If she was pregnant, she would keep the child…raise it herself. With or without Lex.

    ‘Lex…Oh God. What would he say? Would he be mad?’ She told him that she was on the pill from the start, right before their first time in San Diego.

    But even if he wasn’t mad, she didn’t know if this was what he wanted. Yes, he cared about her but enough to have a child with her? Would he want to marry her? ‘You know he would.’ said her inner voice. The question was would she want to marry him?

    ‘Yes.’ said her inner voice before any other thoughts could run through her head. ‘Wait, what?’

    She looked down at her watch. Five minutes were up. Swallowing hard, she reached for the test. No pink lines in the ‘test’ window. ‘Not pregnant.’

    ‘Not pregnant.’

    Wiping all thoughts from her mind, Chloe quickly repeated the test with the other two devices.

    ‘Not Pregnant’ and ‘Not Pregnant.’

    She left the tests on the counter and sank to the floor.

    Later that day, she got her period. The initial relief she felt was followed by something completely unexpected. Sadness. Disappointment. ‘What the hell? I can’t handle this now. I don’t want this.’ Then why did she suddenly feel empty inside?


    Gabe, with the help of one of the proprietors of the seafood shop, was explaining the differences between Atlantic and Pacific Salmon to Lex, who decided five minutes in that it was certainly possible to know too much about fish. They were about to start in on the differences between farm-raised and wild salmon but the fishmonger had to step away for something urgent.

    That something urgent turned out to be flinging large whole fish across the shop area to his colleagues, much to the delight of the shoppers and crowds gathered.

    Lex turned to Gabe. “You’re kidding, right?”

    “Nope, they’re world famous for this. People come from all over to watch them.”

    “Throw fish?”

    “There’s an art to it.”

    “I’m sure.” Lex watched as one of the workers hefted a huge specimen to another fishmonger. “Think of the potential for injury if it isn’t done correctly.”

    Gabe rolled his eyes. “Yeah, Chloe was similarly impressed.” He signaled his selection to one of the counter people and watched as the man began wrapping his purchase. “So…?” he said to Lex.


    “This long distance thing, how are you guys making this work?’ Gabe asked a bit too casually.

    Lex hesitated, choosing his words carefully. There were some things that a father just didn’t need to know about his adult daughter’s sex life.

    “I fly out here every couple of weeks or so as our schedules allow for it. Phone calls, email, that sort of thing.”

    “I see,” replied Gabe, handing over some money to the counter person. He had seen Lex reach for his wallet and shot him a death glare that left no doubt in Lex’s mind where Chloe had gotten hers from.

    “Lot of frequent flyer miles, I guess?”

    “I use my plane.”

    “Oh…of course. Is that how you two got here today?”


    Gabe made a noise in his throat as he accepted his wrapped package and Lex smirked a bit. Gabe was probably having trouble wrapping his brain around the fact that his daughter’s boyfriend was whisking her around on his own jet.

    “How long do figure you can keep that up?”

    “That’s funny, Chloe asked me the same thing.”

    “And your answer was?”

    “As long as she wants me to.”

    “That’s pretty cryptic.”

    “That’s what she said.”

    Gabe shifted on his feet. “Lex…I guess you know that this kind of caught me by surprise.”

    ‘I’d hate to think you *planned* the knife thing.’ “I caught that part.”

    “Well, not so much the idea of you two, more the timing of it.”

    “Excuse me?”

    “Back in Smallville, I knew that you and Chloe…that you were interested in one another.”

    ‘O-kay, do some damage control, quick.’

    “Gabe, I assure you, Chloe and I never did anything inappropriate when she lived in Smallville.”

    “Calm down, I know that. I just thought you should know that I was aware that you cared about her more than you let on.”

    Lex let out a breath he wasn’t aware he had been holding. He looked around and watched as one of the fishmongers waved a large salmon at the crowd.

    ‘This is too surreal. I’m sitting there talking about *not* sleeping with the 17-year old daughter of an employee even though I wanted to at the time and these idiots are throwing fish over my head.’

    “Why didn’t you say anything?” he asked finally Gabe.

    “Are you kidding? I knew you hadn’t done anything. What would I have said, ‘Lex, that whole not dating my teenage daughter thing? Good job, keep doing that. Oh and can I have next Friday off?’”

    “I see your point. Gabe, I was always aware of her age. I wouldn’t have taken advantage of her.”

    Gabe looked at him intently for a while. “I want to believe you. I really do.”

    “That's encouraging, I suppose,” replied Lex, with a dead serious tone that made Gabe laugh a bit.

    The two men walked through the market for a while, each deep in thought. Finally Gabe broke the silence again.

    “She’s an adult now and this is her decision but I’d be lying if I said that this was what I pictured for her.”

    “This? Meaning me?”

    “Meaning everything. I have an idea of what running that corporation of yours takes and I know you’re still trying to prove yourself to a lot of people. Pair that with the distance thing…”

    “Don’t forget Chloe’s career. She’s not exactly a nine-to-five person either. You know that.” Lex added.

    “Exactly, and I’m not sure it’s what I want for her.”

    “What *do* you want for her?”

    Gabe seemed to hesitate before answering. “I want…I guess I just want what any parent wants for their kid: for her to have a happy, safe and normal life.”

    Lex let his gaze sweep over the crowded public market for a beat before retuning it to Gabe’s.

    “How does two out of three sound?”

    Chloe chose that moment to rejoin them and Lex noticed that she looked a bit dazed, as if she had been deep in thought. He chose not to comment on it.

    She slipped her arm around his waist and smiled up at him. “So do you know everything there is to know about salmon yet?”

    Gabe and Lex exchanged a look.

    “Umm…guys?” said Chloe, when neither spoke. “What’s up?”

    “Fish. Flying fish,” replied Gabe.

    “World famous flying fish. Your father was telling me about the art of throwing fish.” added Lex, knowing that Chloe wouldn’t buy their misdirection. She was smarter than that. But he knew that she wouldn’t press them too hard for an explanation. She was smarter than that, too.

    “So where to now?”

    “Did you get your coffee, sweetie?”

    She gave them a brilliant smile and held up her shopping bag. “Yup. At least a month’s supply.”

    “Well, then we’re going home so I can show you guys what salmon should taste like.”

    Chloe shot Lex an ‘I told you so’ look.


    Sullivan home…several hours later…

    Gabe closed the dishwasher and turned it and gave the counter a final swipe. Dinner had been a success, the food delicious, if he did say so himself, and the conversation much less strained than it had been at lunch.

    Chloe and Lex were obviously comfortable with one another. They had a teasing banter that hinted at intimacy without being too saccharine. Lex seemed genuinely interested in Gabe’s new job and his life in Seattle. He talked briefly about Luthor Corp and his inability to find plant managers as dedicated as Gabe. Something in the way he said it told Gabe it wasn’t a line. Chloe boasted about her recent stories including the fact that most of the San Francisco City Council was afraid of her. Gabe began to swell with pride at this and then glanced at Lex and noticed that the younger man was way ahead of him on that score.

    After dinner, Gabe waved off their attempts to help with the dishes with the declaration that “No one else touches my pans.” They seemed to accept this without further explanation. Chloe grabbed his copy of the Seattle Times and Lex went upstairs to check his voice mail and email messages.

    With the dishes done, Gabe went off in search of his daughter. He found her sprawled on the sofa deeply immersed in the paper, her legs hanging over the arms. It was a teenage stance she never quite grew out of. As he had done when she was sixteen, he tapped on her legs to get her attention, and then sternly motioned for her to put them down. She immediately obeyed, likely more out of habit than anything else.


    “Hey, yourself. Lex still upstairs?”

    “Yeah, he had some things to check on.”


    Chloe laid down the paper. “So, go ahead.”

    “Go ahead with what?”

    “You want to ask me some stuff about me and Lex. So shoot.”

    “OK, Miss Smarty Pants. What am I going to ask?”

    “Oh, I dunno…how he’s treating me…that kind of thing…”

    “Shows how much you know, I wasn’t going to ask that.”

    Chloe’s eyes widened. “You weren’t?”

    “No, it’s obvious he adores you. He’d probably buy you the world if you let him.”

    Chloe actually blushed a bit, briefly. “Yeah, probably, but I won’t let him.”

    “Of course not. But anyway, that wasn’t what I was going to ask you.”

    “What were you going to ask?”

    ‘Do you love him?’ thought Gabe, but he decided against it almost immediately. He had embarrassed both of them enough today, and besides, he already had an inkling of the answer to that question.

    “Are you happy?” he asked instead.

    “Yes.” answered Chloe after a beat.

    ‘Just yes? The normally verbose Chloe Sullivan was giving a single word answer?’

    “Well, I asked because I know this distance thing can’t be easy on either of you and then there’s all the stuff with Lionel, not to mention he eats, sleeps and breathes Luthor Corp.…”

    “Dad…Dad…stop!” interrupted Chloe.


    “Just…‘yes.’ Yes, all of that is true plus God knows how much more, but the answer is still yes. We don’t know for sure where this is going but for now, we’re happy. OK?”

    ‘Oh, well then…’ “OK.”

    “OK? That’s it?”

    “That was my only question. Now can I have the Metro section?”

    Chloe looked at him as him if he had grown another head. Meanwhile, they both heard Lex’s footsteps on the stairs.

    As Lex entered the room, Gabe reached into his shirt pocket, only to find it empty. He looked up and saw Chloe smiling at him.

    “I think you left them on the shelf where you keep your cookbooks. You used them to read a recipe. I’ll get them.”

    “Thanks, sweetie.”

    “You’re welcome, Daddy. Honestly, I don’t know how you ever find them when I’m not here,” she said, getting up from the couch.

    “That’s why I have four pairs.”

    Chloe stopped in front of Lex on her way out. “Anything wrong?”

    “Nothing that can’t wait until I get back to the office on Tuesday.”

    “Good,” she said with a smile before leaving to get her father’s reading glasses.

    Lex settled on the couch and picked up the part of the paper that Chloe had discarded.

    “You two staying until Monday?”

    “That was the plan.” Lex replied, and then raised his eyes. “That is, if that’s all right with you?”

    “I’m going to turn down more time with my daughter?”

    Gabe leafed through the sections of the newspaper, squinting slightly because he truly could not see very well without his glasses.

    “By the way,” he said, finding something that looked like it could be the sports section, “in answer to your earlier question, two out of three is fine with me if it’s fine with Chloe.”

    Lex looked up briefly at Gabe, then back down at his paper, one side of his mouth was definitely curled upwards.

    “That’s good to hear.”

    End chapter.

    A/N: I should be all caught up now. Apologies for any typos, I sometimes don't catch things until the chapters are posted but any edits I've made since the chapters went up the first time are now gone. Let me know if there's anything glaringly bad.

  5. #5
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    Ok new one please....

    Hope :chlexsign1:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  6. #6
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    12 May 2003
    Penn's Woods
    NBG, I'm glad that you reposted--I do so adore this story :biggrin:

    "Don't quote me to me!" Detective Danny "Danno" WIlliams, Hawaii Five-0, episode 1.8 Mana'o

    "This could barely fill up Thumbelina!" SALIGIA by westwingwolf

    My Fanfic Master List

    My livejournal: An Accused Heretic

  7. #7
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Béatrice's Avatar
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    26 Jul 2003
    Paris, FRANCE
    It was good to re-read that fic!!! But Noooow I want to read a [b]new[/] chappy. Pleeeease I beg you. :worship2:

  8. #8
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    24 Oct 2003
    Hm yeah I guess one good thing that came of the board zonking out on us is that we're compelled to look over all the fics again. Really nice work, NBG, and I like how it all fits together and how you have so many interesting and fresh ideas with Chlex in so many settings, but still remarkably in character. Great verbal + bedroom judo, too

    Oh and I especially loved this part:
    “Lex, your father ran his company on blood and lies. If that’s the definition of running it well then you don’t want it. Ever. Am I right?”

    “Well, of course not but...”

    “It’s your company now, run it your way and it will succeed, I know it will. But, in the meantime, whatever you do, don’t let those two jackasses leave, you hear me? You need them on your board.”

    Lex could see where she was going with this but he let her finish because he wanted to hear how she would say it.

    “They’re your anti-conscience. Whenever they start getting too happy with what you’re doing, you’ll know you’re doing something wrong and you have to shift course. They’re your reminder of what you don’t want to be.”

    Lex was silent for a minute as her words sank in, then he smiled. “Thanks, Chloe. I needed that.”
    That was a classic realistic-Chlex-without-angsty-evil-Lex passage. Lovely stuff.

    Update soon please!

  9. #9
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    06 Mar 2003
    Great update! I love the interaction between Chloe, Lex and Gabe. The bit with Chloe and the little girl and the flashback was great.

    Susan S

  10. #10
    Chlex VAMP Writer ruafair's Avatar
    Join Date
    24 Nov 2002
    Dublin, Ireland
    I love this story...... and YAY to Gabe in it.... You write him well..

    Now an update please, pretty please...... :biggrin:


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