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Thread: Life Less Ordinary (R) - Sequel to Nightswimming

  1. #11
    Let's rub Lex's head! TheDragonLady's Avatar
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    I want a Gabe-Daddy and a Lex-Pooh. That'd be so friggin cool.

  2. #12
    NS Full Member
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    29 Mar 2004
    chloe's broody, hmmm do i see lex being chained to a bed sometime soon?

    here's hoping

    love lea

  3. #13
    Demented Detective Senior Member newbatgirl's Avatar
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    A/N: Since you all asked so nicely, here's some more. Hope you enjoy reading it but if that doesn’t work you can pour it over your pancakes. I'm a big fat sap, this I know. That's just the way I'm made. Some tension is coming. You’ll have to wait and see.

    Chapter Five

    Chloe's apartment…the following Friday night…

    "So…what do you think?" asked Chloe, before taking a huge bite of her ice cream.

    "I think your life makes mine look like a particularly riveting game of Scrabble." grumbled Jen.

    They were sitting in Chloe's living room, and Chloe was giving Jen the promised 'A to Z' on her relationship with Lex. She'd spared a few minor details, namely her pregnancy scare a few months earlier, but she did include the details about Lionel and all that happened in Smallville so long ago. Jen needed to know the whole story in that regard, Chloe decided.

    "Oh c'mon, Jen. You and Tim have a great marriage."

    "Yeah, but we go to the movies and we feed the cat. He doesn't whisk me off to luxurious inns in Napa on his jet."

    "We've been over this, that's not why I'm with him."

    "I know, I know, I'm sorry. So where were we? Oh yes, you were feeling guilty for some ridiculous reason."

    "It's not ridiculous," protested Chloe. "Lex has been killing himself for months to come out here and what have I been doing?"

    "Besides having more sex than I've had in the last two or three *years*?"

    "You are so going to be wearing this ice cream in exactly two seconds."

    "OK, I'll stop, I mean it this time. You know if you feel so guilty, go see him for a change."

    Chloe shifted on the couch. She had thought of that, too. It was the obvious solution. But could she do it?

    "I don't know if I can. I may not even have the vacation time…"

    "Bullshit, I'm your boss and I know you have the time. Sullivan, you have more vacation days stored up than the whole department. Now what's stopping you?"

    "Nothing…I just…"

    "Chloe, what are you afraid of?"

    Chloe's gaze snapped back to her meet her friend's she opened her mouth but no sound came out.

    "Chloe, you're one of the bravest people I know but I can't help but think that you’re letting the ghost of Lionel Luthor dictate your life."

    "I'm not."

    "Then what is it then?"

    'I wish I knew,' thought Chloe. "Hand me the phone," she said extending her hand in Jen's direction.

    "What are you doing…?"

    "Just hand me the fucking phone before I change my mind!"


    Some months earlier…an Inn in Napa Valley, CA…very late evening…

    Chloe took another long sip of the wine room service had sent up. It was delicious; of course the fact that it was her third glass might have something to do with that opinion. She was on the patio of their room in an unbelievably beautiful Inn in the Napa Valley. In the weeks prior, Chloe had been working day and night on a story. It had finally broken, much to the relief of everyone who had to deal with a rampaging Chloe during the time. When Lex arrived for his visit, he announced that he was taking her on a much-needed vacation, if only for a couple of days.

    When she tried to protest that such a gesture violated their first rule, he argued that, like the lingerie, this was a present they could both enjoy. She had been packed a ready to leave less than an hour later.

    After a day of exploring the Napa countryside, neither of them had been up to dinner out so they ordered room service. And, as was their habit when ordering in, the actual eating got interrupted by other things. Now they were both starving…and somewhat loosened up by the bottles of local wine that the innkeepers left lying about. She heard Lex moving around inside behind her, rummaging through the leftovers from their earlier dinner.

    "Find anything?" she called over her shoulder.

    "I found many things," replied Lex, stepping through the French doors, wearing only his pajama pants. "You know, I don't seem to recall ordering chocolate cake with dinner."

    Chloe's head shot up at the mentioning of the word 'chocolate.' The fact that it was followed by the word 'cake' only served to hold her attention more.

    "They sent chocolate cake?"

    "Yes, maybe they just send chocolate cake to all couples who order room service."

    "I knew there was a reason I liked this place."

    Lex sat down next to her on the cool floor, where Chloe had spread a blanket. Gingerly, he set down a tray filled with several different foods.

    "I wasn't sure what you were in the mood for, so I just brought everything…cheese, fruit…"

    "Lex, I thought you knew me better than that."

    Lex rolled his eyes, "Yes, of course, my mistake…" he handed her a small plate with a large slice of chocolate cake and a fork. "There you go."

    Chloe gave a derisive snort before digging in. "Silly man."

    "So what have you been doing out here?" Lex picked up the half-empty wine bottle and raised an eyebrow at her. "Besides getting buzzed on the local wine, that is."

    Chloe cut another bite of cake off her piece. "What? They didn't send it up for us to just *stare* at it. It's wine, you drink it."

    "Clearly, and you didn't answer my question."

    "I've been catching up on my stargazing. I'm a little behind." Chloe handed Lex the rest of her cake and began searching through the tray for something else to nibble on.

    "Are you?"

    "Yes, and I'm guessing that you are, too."


    "Yes, you. You're a stargazer, too, though lately, I doubt you've had the time."

    "That's a interesting assumption to make about me. Most people wouldn't associate me with something that…romantic."

    "I'm not most people. Besides, you're sitting on a moonlit balcony eating chocolate cake and drinking wine with your girlfriend. Mr. Luthor, the jig is up."

    Lex couldn't contain the smile and the eventual laugh that spilled from his mouth.

    "Anyway," continued Chloe, re-filling her glass, "it's an assumption I made a long time ago. Anyone as interested as you are in unlocking any and all secrets of the universe has to be a stargazer. Right?"

    He stared at her for a moment, and then smiled again. "You do get very philosophical when you're drunk, Miss Sullivan."

    "I'm not drunk, just a little vuzzed."


    "That's what I said."

    "Well, if wanting to unlock the secrets of the universe makes me stargazer, wouldn't that have made my father one, too? I knew the man all my life and I think that's one term I could never apply to him. Maybe there's a flaw in your theory there."

    "No, the theory is perfectly valid, you're wrong about your father."


    "Your father never wanted to unlock the secrets of the universe. He just wanted to control it and he didn’t care how he did it. Nope, there wasn't a stargazing bone in his body." She leaned back against the wall, her wineglass in hand, satisfied with the alcohol-induced logic of her answer. "That's one way you're different from him."

    "Just one?"

    "Well, there are plenty of other ways."

    Lex crawled a bit closer to her. "We have all night, why don't you tell me them?"

    Chloe cocked her head to one side as she saw him getting closer. "I'd love too. Just bring some more of this wine on your way over, will you?"


    Lex tossed his watch on his nightstand and it skidded a bit, colliding gently with a framed photo positioned there. He then undid his cuffs and wearily began unbuttoning the front of his shirt.

    It had been a trying week, it being one day shorter only meant he had to cram more into the four remaining days. He'd flown back from San Francisco late Monday night and managed only a few hours sleep before he needed to be in the office Tuesday morning for an early conference call. Even he thought he looked like death when he saw his reflection in the mirror that morning. Chloe would have pitched a fit. And, of course, argued with him on the very obvious point that the extra time had been well spent. Gabe Sullivan was now aware of their relationship and even halfway approved of it. While Lex knew full well that it wasn't the Middle Ages and he didn't need a father's approval to spend time with his grown daughter, it was good to have all the same. Very good. Well worth the lost sleep.

    Sleep, that was what Lex needed now. He tugged his shirt off and then his pants, socks and shoes. He collapsed on top of the bedcovers in his boxers, trying to summon the energy to settle underneath them. Then the phone rang.

    His head lolled to the side facing the telephone on his nightstand. Few people knew this private number; fewer still would dare dial it at this hour. He knew who it was.

    He reached for the phone. "Hello?"

    "Did I wake you?" she asked, not bothering with a greeting.

    "Would you be sorry if you did?"

    "Perhaps, or maybe I'm just a jealous shrew, calling to make sure you’re alone."

    "Oh, I'm alone, that you can be sure of, I'm tired and cranky and no one else would want to be around me at this time of night."

    "Besides me."

    "Besides you and no, you didn't wake me, although three more minutes and that would have been a different answer."

    "I'll be quick about this then; I just need to ask you a question."

    "And that is?"

    "Do you have room in that penthouse of yours for a guest?"

    Lex sat up in bed. He was awake now. He mulled her words for a beat, than answered "Depends on the guest, and the duration of the stay."

    "If it were me, for about a week or so?"

    He blinked. "Are you serious, Chloe?"

    "Yes, I am."

    "Well, then I think something could be arranged," he grinned evilly, "Perhaps a cot or something in the study."

    "A cot! You wouldn't dare!"

    "You're keeping me awake at this ungodly hour and I can't make love to you. You're lucky it's not the floor!"

    "Fine. Good night, Lex."

    "Good night, Chloe."

    End chapter.

  4. #14
    Escapeism Artist Senior Member asharnanae's Avatar
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    :biggrin: Man oh man I love this chappy!! Lexs coment about sleeping on the floor! heheheheh! Great stuff as always. :

  5. #15
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Finally Chloe takes the initiative. Its about damn time. :

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  6. #16
    NS Full Member
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    Your sap will never go on my pancakes, I love it too much to send it straight to my thighs :lol: Great stuff!!

  7. #17
    Captain Lexy's wench hickchick's Avatar
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    awww, Chloe is so sweet for going to visit Lex.

    great update!

    can't wait to read more!

  8. #18
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Béatrice's Avatar
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    Great chapter!!! :biggrin:


  9. #19
    ~Hell On Wheels~ buddyfozzy's Avatar
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    Aww, they are so sweet together

    Great chapter! :yay: :worship2: :yay:

  10. #20
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    Great chapter!!! I'm glad that Chloe is going to see Lex for a change!! :biggrin: I love how happy it made him!! :yay: I can't wait for more of this incredible story!! :yay: :chlexsign3: :yay:

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