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Thread: Signed, Sealed, Delivered – You’re Mine (NC17)

  1. #131
    Luthor's Power Senior Member Sab_Luthor's Avatar
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    Luthor's manor
    oh my goody goodness. this fic rocks. it's so so great i loved it. i read all these 11 chapters in one time.
    please don't let us wait till december you have to update more

  2. #132
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Ami Rose's Avatar
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    San Luis Obispo, California
    Love it... :yay: Please continue!
    *Coffee Break 9:00 to 5:00 Daily.
    *Heaven doesn't want me and hell is afraid I'll take over.
    *Are you crazy?
    *From zero to insane in 1.5 seconds!
    *If I agree with you, then we'd both be wrong!

  3. #133
    NS Full Member
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    A/N: Just a reminder that I started writing the Lois parts of this before the current season of Smallville aired. Thus I had no SV-version of Lois to go on and had to use the version of Lois most near and dear to my heart – first season Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman version. She’s definitely tougher, more jaded, and, yes, she’ll do anything for a story.

    A/N2: I’m tickled that so many of you are adoring Lana in this fic. I didn’t set out to make her so likeable, its just happened and I’m glad that none of you are upset about it. *grin*

    A/N3: Not beta'd. My beta has been very busy lately so I'm posting this now and will update when she gets the beta back to me.

    ~*~Part 11b~*~

    The club was dim, filled with music, but at least there wasn’t any smoke, Chloe silently chalked up at least one ‘good point’ to the establishment Lana had chosen for the bachelorette party. The room that they were in, some kind of antechamber to the main club she assumed, was just as she’d thought it would be. Corinthian columns flowed from floor to ceiling in each corner. At the top of each column was a flowing expanse of white silk that spread inward to the center of the room, where each piece met and disappeared into the ceiling. It gave the effect of clouds. Or so she knew she was supposed to think.

    That was it. Either this was meant to look like Olympus or some kind of fluff bedecked Hades.

    Lana was talking to the host behind the podium, gesturing toward her. Yes, this was her bachelorette party. Yes, she just wanted to escape. Clubs like this could be fun, yes, but not with Lana. Not with an untold number of her coworkers.

    And not just days before she was supposed to marry Lex. He’d go nuts if he found out where she was. Absolutely nuts. She wouldn’t put it past him to either come down here himself to drag her out of the club or get someone to do it for him.

    She was guessing he’d do it himself, though.

    For once, the prospect of pissing him off didn’t please her in the slightest. Maybe she was getting tired of fighting the inevitable… maybe it was something else.

    “C’mon!” Lana yelled above the music. “Cupid says we have a private room in the back.”

    ‘Cupid’ being the blonde stud muffin that had greeted them the second they walked into the club. The one that was wearing just a little bit of a toga with a nice little wreath around his pretty little head. He was hot, she could admit it, and a part of her was wondering what the actual dancers looked like if he was just the –host-.

    “Great,” Chloe chirped a little too brightly judging by the look Lana shot her. The one that reminded her all too keenly of a kicked puppy dog. This wasn’t Lana’s fault, after all. The other woman had absolutely no experience with bachelorette parties and had just done what was most commonly done.

    Although that ‘Toys for Brides’ demonstration was definitely a new one, unless she was so far out of the bachelorette party loop that she’d completely lost touch with what went on at a more traditional pre-marital affair of this type.

    Toys for Brides, strippers and the like aside, Lana had done her best and the least she could do was act like she wasn’t completely miserable.

    After all, the men were definitely nice to look at.

    She walked next to Lana as they set foot into the club proper, watching with nothing short of amusement as the pink princess turned her favorite shade of neon pink.

    “You just gonna stand there and gawk?” Chloe teased, following the brunette’s line of sight the largest stage in the room. The one were a dark haired god of a man was currently stripping off some already very skimpy armor. Ares, she told herself with a snort.

    “I… well… I…” Lana stammered, eyes still glued to the stage.

    “You knew this was a strip club, right?” Chloe grabbed hold of Lana’s elbow, pulling her gently towards the back rooms. Lana nodded. “And yet you’re so shocked to see the man-flesh?”

    Lana’s mouth closed, her eyes narrowing. “Go on and mock me. You’re just jealous of my innocence.”

    Chloe’s brows rose until she caught the twinkle in her friend’s eyes. “Uh huh, that’s right. I too wish I could wear pink, pet unicorns, and blush like a maiden. Too bad my maidenly days are long gone. Maybe I should return the white wedding dress and get something more in a reddish hue?”

    “You still rate red?” Lana asked innocently. “I would have thought black would be more appropriate.”

    They reached the private room labeled Aphrodite’s Den just as Chloe landed a playful slap on Lana’s arm. “Just you wait, missy. One of these days you’ll find a man that can make you see colors…”

    “Here’s hoping he can make me feel something, too,” Lana quipped. “I can just shut my eyes if they’re no colors…the feeling something I really have to insist on at this stage of my life.”

    “Somewhere under all that frilly pink fluff is a closet pervert just waiting to be let loose,” Chloe snickered, opening the door to the private room. She forced herself to smile at the garish decorations, the congratulations banner with her name on it, and her coworkers sitting around looking like the cat that got the cream. The smile faltered at the table in the back. The one that included the life-sized anatomically correct mannequin for the Toys for Brides demonstration.

    “Maybe tonight’s the night for letting loose,” Lana muttered dazedly.

    Chloe sighed and rubbed her eyes. “There’s alcohol, right?”


    “The Sullivan bachelorette party.”

    “Your name?”

    “Lois Lane.”

    The host of the club glanced down at the list on the podium, rifling through a few sheets before looking up at her again. “I’m sorry, you’re not on the list.”

    Lois’ eyes narrowed. “Look… Cupid. I’m her cousin. Her favorite cousin. She probably just forgot I was coming.”

    “Sorry. The Sullivan party is by invitation only. If you’re not on the list, I can’t send you back there.”

    Lois fumed silently, counting mentally to ten before she opened her mouth again. “Fine. I can sit out front though, right?”

    “Of course,” Cupid smiled, exposing rows of perfectly white teeth. “Enjoy yourself, ma’m.”

    “Ma’m?” Lois muttered to herself as she entered the club. Maybe she was dressed a little too conservatively tonight. She pulled absently at her suit jacket before sliding it off, shifting her purse from one hand to the other as she draped the jacket over her shoulder. There, that was a little better. Maybe if she looked more like she belonged she could get someone to take her to whatever back room Chloe was in.


    The statements had to be wrong.

    Lex looked down at the credit card statement again, frowning as the charge appeared to jump out at him. The only person that had access to that card other than himself was Lana and there was no way that she had used it at…

    The look of confusion on Lex’s face faded to mild bewilderment, then to shock, then something similar to outrage.

    When Lana had asked to borrow one of his credit cards to throw Chloe a bachelorette party he’d told her to keep Chloe out of trouble.

    A strip club was definitely not keeping Chloe out of trouble.

    He inhaled slowly, forcing his breaths into a deep, steady patter, slowing the racing of his heart. Well, they hadn’t left that long ago and couldn’t have been at the club for very long at all at this point. He was only lucky that he had his credit card company send his statement via e-mail every night for his perusal, otherwise he might not have caught this in time.

    In time to do what, a little voice in the back of his mind asked him. In time to storm down there and act like the enraged fiancé that he was? Act as jealous and overbearing as Chloe was no doubt expecting him to be?

    He settled back into his chair, stretching his legs out under the desk as he contemplated his next move. The office in the Smallville manor still smelled fusty. It had been a long time since he’d graced this place with his presence and if it were not for Chloe he wouldn’t even be doing it now.

    But that was neither here nor now. She was at a strip club even as he sat there… doing only God knew what and with whom.

    Would she… Lex sat up suddenly, swallowing hard as a single disturbing thought raged through his brain. This would be the perfect time for her to get back at him. To make him hurt as much as he’d hurt her so long ago. She could easily get any man she set her sights on, even if only for one night or a few minutes. It wouldn’t take very long for her to exact her revenge if that was what she wanted to do.

    Would it be what she wanted, though? One night of meaningless sex just to hurt him?


    Chloe wasn’t like that. As much as she would want to hurt him, to make him feel her pain, she would never lower herself to that level.

    She was better than him, in that regard.

    Screw that. She was better than him in all regards. A better friend. Fuck. She was a better human being, even.

    Whatever she was doing at that club, it wouldn’t be on the same level as what he’d done to her.

    And while it was still hard to think about her being there, looking at those men…

    … he could live with it and hope that she had a good time.

    He wouldn’t storm down there. He wouldn’t send anyone to get her or call her cell phone or do any of the things that she would expect of him.

    Because with love came trust.

    And he trusted that she would never hurt him the way he’d hurt her.

    No matter how much he deserved it.


    Chloe stared in open-mouthed horror as the woman hosting the Toys for Brides portion of the night’s entertainment, who had in a rather chirpy voice announced that she was Athena, showed them once again how to put the… Pleasure Ring… on the mannequin.

    “See… it just slides right on with the right amount of lubricant,” Athena smiled prettily, her soft voice and innocent smile at direct odds with what her hands were currently demonstrating. “Chloe – would you like to give it a go? The Pleasure Ring is one of the goodies you get to take home with you tonight in your Bride-to-Be Gift Pack!”

    Chloe opened her mouth to vehemently protest putting anything on the mannequins rather sizeable endowment, only to find herself drowned out by her coworkers’ cheering.

    They were dead women, all of them, she silently vowed. If there was one benefit to marrying into the Luthor family it had to be the henchmen. She’d just have her new henchmen off those busybodies one by one.

    With a plastered on smile that only caused Lana to giggle even harder, Chloe took her place next to the mannequin, gingerly accepting the Pleasure Ring that Athena handed her. Feeling as if she could spontaneously combust at any moment, the usually intrepid young woman faced the mock-man, fingering the tiny ring of texturized plastic. She could do this… it was just like putting on a condom…

    Except this was a mannequin… she was in a room full of her coworkers… and she hadn’t had nearly enough to drink to make this even remotely fun.

    She was half-tempted to give the ring back to Athena, blush like a schoolgirl, and return to her seat.

    Unfortunately, she didn’t think her coworkers, not to mention Lana, would ever let her live that down.

    Stretching out the piece of plastic, she slid it over the tip of the mannequin’s length, ignoring her friends’ catcalls. What in the hell would Lex think if she ever came at him with this thing? Probably make her toss it aside before he showed her that they didn’t need toys to keep their relationship hot.

    And there it was again… her thinking of Lex in terms of a relationship… not to mention Lex in terms of sex…

    She quickly rolled the Pleasure Ring down the mannequin, forcing herself to laugh as she turned back to her friends.

    There. The night could only get better from here.

    “Good news, Miss Bride-to-Be,” Athena chirped sweetly. “Zeus himself will be coming shortly for your lap dance.”

    And there it was… the part where the night got even more humiliating.

    Chloe groaned.


    Hours after she’d taken a chair near the stage, Lois looked up as the a crowd came drifting out the back of the club, unable to get her eyes to focus properly. How many drinks had she had while she sat here and waited for her chance to see Chloe? She looked at the glasses on the table, sighing in frustration when she couldn’t make out how many there were, much less if any of the girls leaving the back room were Chloe.

    Well, damn.

    There went that angle.

    And now she was too wasted to drive.

    She glared at the stage as she reached for her cell phone. Maybe Clark wasn’t in bed yet.

    Though how she was going to deal with his sanctimonious and scandalized looks she hadn’t quite figured out just yet.

    ~*~End Part~*~

  4. #134
    Join Date
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    Caught in the RAAAAAAAAAIN

    Go Lex! Some maturity for once. Excellent. There's hope for that man yet.

    Although I hope Lois gets nothing but a hangover from her nasty intentions.
    Her soul is senstive like a finely made tuning fork. It vibrates and resonates with every little hint of trauma, evil and monstrosity that might be humming in the air, and channels it into expressions of fiction... or recomended websites - somethingeasy

  5. #135
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    Lex is wonderful!! I'm so glad that he realizes that Chloe can be trusted!! :biggrin: I'm also glad that Lois got too drunk to do anything!! :clap: Thank you so very, very much for the wonderful update!! I just can't wait for more!! :applause: :chlexsign1: :applause:

  6. #136
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Ami Rose's Avatar
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    OMG! Ares! My favorite athenian! Love this chappy! Please do continue!
    *Coffee Break 9:00 to 5:00 Daily.
    *Heaven doesn't want me and hell is afraid I'll take over.
    *Are you crazy?
    *From zero to insane in 1.5 seconds!
    *If I agree with you, then we'd both be wrong!

  7. #137
    Just a Guest!
    I'm so happy you're back. When I saw that you had updated, I immediately had a mental image of Lana, drunk and dancing onstage with a half naked man. :biggrin: This was great. Welcome back. :yay:

  8. #138
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Great update!

    I am glad Lex has decided to trust Chloe--Good for him :biggrin:

    And I'm glad that Lois' plan backfired--YEAH!!

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  9. #139
    Luthor's Power Senior Member Sab_Luthor's Avatar
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    wow great part i loved when lex wanted to go on the club and take chloe i love a jealous lex.
    more please it's so fun

  10. #140
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Béatrice's Avatar
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    Originally posted by tthjinni@Dec 2 2004, 04:30 AM
    What in the hell would Lex think if she ever came at him with this thing? Probably make her toss it aside before he showed her that they didn’t need toys to keep their relationship hot.

    If this could happen I'll certainly be very very very glad. :biggrin: Ooooooooh please update soon. :worship2:

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