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Thread: Survival, NC-17, - Aug. 2, 2009 - Epilogue added

  1. #21
    Let's rub Lex's head! TheDragonLady's Avatar
    Join Date
    29 Jan 2004
    Excellent... More, please!

  2. #22
    Just a Guest!
    Amazing. Truly amazing.


  3. #23
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
    Join Date
    24 Oct 2003
    The amount of emotion you've captured is just incredible, and the love that's quietly building up in between their loneliness is just so heartachingly sweet. Beautiful writing, and more please.

  4. #24
    Captain Lexy's wench hickchick's Avatar
    Join Date
    05 Sep 2003
    this is a great story so far.

    please update soon!

  5. #25
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
    Join Date
    06 Oct 2003
    Excellent new chapter!! I only wish their peace could last!!! :chlexsign4:

  6. #26
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Béatrice's Avatar
    Join Date
    26 Jul 2003
    Paris, FRANCE
    they are so sweet!!! I hope they'll feel better soon. :chlexsign3:

  7. #27
    Join Date
    09 Mar 2009
    Caught in the RAAAAAAAAAIN
    Survival - NC-17
    NC-17 Fanfiction
    Post-Episode for Covenant (Season 3 Finale)
    SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers abound, up to the current episode in U.S./Canadian release. Possible AU, but I won't know how far off-track I'm going until the fall, Season 4 premiere.

    Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series.

    A/N: This would be where the NC-17 starts up. Fair warning, Chloe and Lex are going to be having some sex. They might not have very good reasons for doing so in some estimations. I think if you consider their very extreme circumstances and their characters they might choose to go this way. As usual, constructive criticism welcome. Please avoid reading this if you are underage or offended by graphic sexual content.

    Chapter 3

    Chloe woke up in darkness in a room that wasn’t her own. She recognized a certain stiffness in her hands and the overall unfamiliarity of her surroundings. Shifting around, she found a warm male body resting against her right side and wondered sleepily who it was. She spent several minutes floating peacefully above her memories before she was abruptly plunged back into reality. Stifling a moan, Chloe started to sob, burying her face against Lex’s shoulder.

    Awakened by her shaking, Lex wrapped his arms tightly around her and held on. Despite her palpable distress, Chloe made only the smallest sounds of grief. The agonizing choked sobs continued for several minutes, while he murmured trite comforts and stroked her hair.

    “Chloe, it’s alright. It’s alright.” Lex was relieved when her shaking finally subsided into silence made rough by her sniffles. Running his hand up and down her back, he folded her against his chest. She didn’t react except to move her elbows to his sides and allow him to pull her close.

    Chloe calmed slowly, drawing in the feel of Lex at her side and his arms around her. His body was amazingly warm to her, and she realized it had been weeks since anyone had touched her. Her face was pressed into the light stubble on his neck and she felt surrounded by his arms. Dragging a deep breath in past her sore throat, she imagined molecules of his scent entering her body and felt warmed by the idea.

    As her hands unwound from their tense fists and rested open upon his chest, Lex leaned back slightly and tried to see her expression. There was a different mood from her now, something less like grief and more like the vibrant Chloe he had known before she had become a pawn in his father’s ambitions. He struggled with words to ask her what she was feeling, but ended up simply stroking his hand over her prominent cheekbone. She had lost an unacceptable amount of weight, he estimated she weighed at least 15 pounds more the last time he had seen her two and a half weeks ago.

    “Do you want some water?” He broached the question quietly, without loosening his grip. Her weak smile and head shake were followed by her furtive attempt to wipe away the tears lingering on her eyelashes. “Here.”

    Leaning back, Lex fished in his trouser pocket with one hand, came up with a silk handkerchief and dabbed carefully over her obligingly closed eyes.

    He watched as the tangled eyelashes dried and became soft, dark fans against her cheeks. Tracing her features with his eyes, Lex realized the strain of the past month hadn’t robbed her of the lucious quality he saw in her face.

    Chloe sighed and leaned in as he wiped her face. This kind of treatment from Lex Luthor, this focused care, was an unimaginable gift. She suspected it was a rare moment, even for the former Mrs. Lex Luthors, to be given all of his attention. She didn’t even care how she must look with her bloodshot eyes and runny nose. She basked in the gentle touch as he trailed the hanky down her face to get the last traces of tears.

    Lex felt mesmerized as his knuckles brushed her lips. She was warm and flushed from sleeping and her hair was mussed, but Chloe Sullivan in any condition was a gorgeous woman. He felt arousal stirring and pushed it away, reminding himself how precarious their positions were likely to be in the foreseeable future. Lowering his hand, he shifted slightly away from her body in what he hoped was a subtle move.

    “Do you have enough room?” Chloe voiced the question without much concern, knowing the stupidly large bed was more than adequate for both of them and a small orchestral arrangement.

    “Yes, I’m fine.” Lex met her eyes briefly, before returning the handkerchief to his pocket and using it as an excuse to look away. There was a suspicious amount of heat between them, and he needed some space to mask its effect, especially since he didn’t have any way to gauge if Chloe was feeling the same way.

    He felt a jolt of arousal as she kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”

    Clearing his throat, Lex tried to adjust the crotch of his pants without alerting her of his problem. “You don’t have to thank me Chloe.”

    She smiled. “I know.”

    This time the kiss landed on his lips, surprising him and putting him off balance. Chloe pushed him over onto his back as she teased the corner of his mouth with her tongue and ran her hands over his chest. He instinctively tried to push her back and found she was offering no resistance, pulling him on top of her as she fell.

    Lex was torn between taking a victory lap or a very cold shower. He knew there was something between them, he knew they were both legally consenting adults, but Chloe had been through so much recently. He didn’t want to lose what they might have on a one-night stand.

    “Mmmm-phhf - Chloe-” He pushed himself up a few inches from her body, his hands sinking into the plush mattress. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

    She grasped his wrists and bent them out, forcing him to let himself drop on top of her. “Mmmm - Sure.” Biting his jaw, she ran her tongue down his neck, sucking lightly on his adam’s apple. She pulled his shirt out of his pants, unbuttoning as she used her teeth on his earlobe.

    Lex pushed her sweater off of her shoulder, planting small kisses along her collarbone. She smelled like tangerine and his own cologne - in short, delicious. Meanwhile, she had pushed his suit jacket and shirt down his arms, cutting off the circulation. He sat back, quickly pulling off his cufflinks and shucking both items. Bare chested, he reached down and levered Chloe into a seated position so he could return the favour.

    Chloe watched as his abdomen tightened when he pulled her up, realizing for the first time just how muscular he was. She had always known he was fit, but she was mystified at how he stayed that way. Now she was even more in the dark unless he was secretly some kind of super hero who fought crime while the citizens of Smallville were asleep.

    Lex unfastened her jeans with one hand, pulling at her sweater with the other. She extended her left arm, pulling it back as she held onto the cuff with the right then shoving the sweater over her head. He pulled on the jeans, hauling them roughly off with her socks.

    He moved back up to find Chloe sporting acres of glowing, smooth skin over a toned body. Even with her recent weight loss she was beautiful, he thought, and he tentatively laced his fingers over her covered breasts. She sighed as her nipples reacted with tension, poking against his palms.

    Chloe arched her back and unhooked the bra, pulling the straps down as Lex removed the cups. He freed her from the garment before settling between her legs and staring openly at her breasts. He torturously ran his tongue just around the aureolas, teasing her with subtlety.

    Unable to manage lying down, Lex stood up and pulled off his pants with enthusiasm. He slowed down only a little to remove his silk boxers, freeing an impressive erection. Chloe found herself staring, then blushed as he caught her.

    Simply smiling, Lex held out his hand and she stood up with his help. He hooked his thumbs underneath her panties, pulling them down and off. Kneeling in front of her, he blew warm air over her clit and tested her wetness with a finger. Lightly pressing inside, he felt her shiver as moisture gathered at her opening.

    He flicked his tongue over her begging clit, breathing in the scent of her arousal. His cock jumped as she gave a long moan of pleasure. Backing her toward the bed, Lex guided her down onto her back and followed behind her.

    Chloe watched as he ran his hands up her ribcage, cupping her breasts and massaging gently. She knew it wasn’t going to solve things but she wanted this night with Lex.

    Impatiently she pulled him down and arched her hips, rubbing her mound against his cock. Hearing his gasp, Chloe bent her knees and angled her hips to bring his erection in line with her dripping slit. He met her lips in an open-mouthed kiss, plying her tongue with his and easing his hands underneath her shoulders.

    “Chloe . . .” Lex hesitated before lowering himself on his elbows and sinking slowly inside her. They sighed together as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and started moving. Long, controlled thrusts quickly escalated into rougher strokes and they were both out of breath within minutes.

    Chloe was so close to an orgasm she could feel the scream rumbling up her throat. Her hands shifted on Lex’s shoulders, trying to push him faster, and he responded by bursting into a torrent of staccato plunges that contacted her clit each time.

    She came with a scream, dragging her fingernails over his back and tossing her head wildly. He let her ride it out, shaking in the aftermath before pushing her disarranged hair off her face.

    Lex splayed his hands over her hips, stopping her grinding motions with a squeeze. “I want to be deeper,” he gasped over her mouth.

    “Yeah . . .” She moaned a noncommittal answer and tried to coax him into thrusting by rolling her hips. “I want all of you.”

    Lex felt beads of sweat start to form on his skin. He was having trouble maintaining his composure, but he ruefully conceded to himself that was the point of sex. He nipped at Chloe’s lower lip.

    “You’ll tell me if it hurts, right?” His hands slid up to cup underneath her knees.

    Chloe made the same breathless “yeah,” as a response, but he felt her cooperation as he cupped her calves. Pushing her legs forward and straight up from her body, Lex waited as she braced her hands flat on the mattress. Leaning his shoulders into the divots of her knees, he pulled out slowly and then watched as his cock disappeared back inside of Chloe with his slow thrust. She shuddered but didn’t react painfully, and he cupped his hands around her knees to bring her body tighter to his own.

    Holding her still, Lex relished the firm grip her inner muscles had on his cock. He stared as sweat beaded on her quivering abdomen, glistening next to her bellybutton. He called her name and watched as she fought to open her eyes.

    “How does it feel, baby?” He kept her sealed tight to him and flexed his cock, grinning wickedly as she gasped and involuntarily clenched around him.

    “Lex-” She shook hard for a moment and gripped handfuls of the bed sheet underneath her hands. “It’s . . . intense . . . I can feel all of you,” she moaned.

    He angled his hips up and then down quickly, using his hold on her legs as leverage to pull her body with his. Hauling in a deep breath, Lex concentrated on keeping a rhythm that had her alternately gasping and stifling screams.

    Feeling a tightening in his balls, Lex let his thrusts get faster, abruptly withdrawing almost entirely before shoving himself back inside equally roughly. He leaned forward even further, feeling Chloe’s legs bend at the knees as her body folded nearly in half around his.

    Unclawing her hands from the sheet, she reached up to urge Lex’s face down to her own, running her tongue over the roof of his mouth. “Don’t stop,” she gasped as she let him go.

    Barely aware of his weight coming down hard on her exposed body, Chloe was desperate to come with him inside her. He was large, strong, hard and all encompassing, and it was difficult to believe in that moment that she had been unaware of how good this would be.

    Lex stretched his neck to take her left nipple into his mouth, sucking hard as he pistoned his hips. Feeling the tremours in her limbs, he traced his tongue to her other nipple and lapped at it.

    “Are you close?”

    Chloe barely heard his question over the rushing of blood in her ears, but she figured the answer to anything right now was “yes.” She nodded, curling her fingers around the headboard in an attempt to stabilize them. Lex planted his fists on either side of her waist and, impossible as it seemed to Chloe, began to plunge even faster inside her. His breath was coming in gasps and the slick sweat between their bodies made their skin slide smoothly.

    He was coming unglued and couldn’t seem to dredge up any urge for self-preservation as Chloe’s strong internal muscles pulled at him. Her cries narrowed his concentration to only one thing: making her gasp in pleasure for as long as he could possibly hold out.

    Unfortunately she wasn’t working toward the same goal because soon the desperate spasms of her vagina and the twitching of her hips meant Lex was coming whether he wanted to or not. As Chloe hit her orgasm he felt enormous pressure on his cock and dully heard her unabashed scream, before he was lost as well.

    He locked his arms while the wave of heat poured over them, tensed muscles shaking and lungs heaving. The weakness that followed forced Lex to open his eyes and guide Chloe’s legs down his arms to rest on the bed, before he slumped forward to press his face between her breasts. He felt her sigh and listened to the frantic pulse of her heart, wrapping her in his arms to still her shivers.

    For once in his life Lex didn’t know what to say, and he could only hope that Chloe would start the conversation if he waited long enough. Long enough turned out to be at least fifteen minutes while they clung to each other, until she sardonically broke in with a question.

    “So, it’s the hair, right?” Lex opened his mouth to answer, thought better of it and nibbled on the lower curve of her breast instead. Chloe giggled and nodded to herself. “Who says blonds have more fun? I never stood a chance until I turned to hair dye.” Her languid fingers traced whirls on his chest and back, belying what little anger there was in her voice.

    Lex trailed his fingers over the newly-chestnut locks, then picked up a curl to tickle her nose. “Chloe, I can assure you I never even took your hair colour into consideration.”

    Her arched eyebrow conveyed her disbelief. “Mmmm-hmmm?”

    “It was lovely before, and it’s lovely now,” Lex added. “I don’t know why you wanted to change it in the first place.”

    Chloe stiffened and turned her head away.

    “Doll? What’s wrong?” Lex brushed his lips against her clenched jaw, but she refused to look at him. “Why did you change your hair?”

    Stubbornly she closed her eyes to avoid looking into Lex’s concerned face. “No reason.”

    “Tell me.”


    “Chloe, tell me now.” Lex’s voice rose to a note of mild anger and he angled his head to grate his teeth along her chin.

    “Your father.”

    She waited for a reaction, and when it didn’t come, Chloe cautiously looked up. Lex was hovering above her on his elbows, looking bemused.

    He sighed, loudly, and lowered himself down to hold her closer. “He can’t find you here. I won’t let him.”

    Docilely accepting the hug, she nodded. “I just . . . I felt like I should do something . . . It might give me a few extra seconds when I need them, or maybe I just wanted . . . “

    Lex waited, knowing she would continue in her own time. Finally, after a long moment while Chloe hid her face in his neck, she finished the sentence.

    “Maybe I just wanted to be someone who hadn’t lost her father,” she whispered.

    Tears were unexpectedly present in his eyes, and Lex rolled over so that Chloe was draped across his chest. He thought back to all the days he had wished for a normal home with a family rich in love instead of money. The hardest thing he had to grow up with was knowing he was being short-changed and not having a way out. Chloe was feeling the same way now.

    “I know, baby.”

    She pressed a kiss to his skin before looking up at him.

    “So what do we do now?”
    Her soul is senstive like a finely made tuning fork. It vibrates and resonates with every little hint of trauma, evil and monstrosity that might be humming in the air, and channels it into expressions of fiction... or recomended websites - somethingeasy

  8. #28
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
    Join Date
    24 Oct 2003
    God that was so beautiful. I love every single thing about it. Thank you so much for writing this.

  9. #29
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    15 Aug 2003
    So hot!

  10. #30
    ~Hell On Wheels~ buddyfozzy's Avatar
    Join Date
    03 Jun 2003
    Wow! :yay: :yay2: :yay:

    This story is so beautifully written.

    Great job!!

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