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Thread: She Overwhelms My Senses - PG-13 - (Completed)

  1. #1
    NS Full Member
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    Here's the sequel to He Overwhelms My Senses. Enjoy. : ) PMD.

    Title: "She Overwhelms My Senses"

    Author: PMD

    e-mail: mary.davidson@sympatico.ca

    Rating: PG-13 (for situations)

    Category: Lex/Chloe, romance, friendship, Lex’s POV, futurefic, AU, Vignette

    Spoilers: Craving, Kinetic, Leach

    Summary: Lex is overwhelmed by love.

    Disclaimer: To whomever owns Smallville and the characters, I’m just borrowing, will give them back, not making any money with their use in this story, so don’t sue me. To whomever owns the scent Fire and Ice, I’m just borrowing, will give it back, not making any money with its use in this story, so don’t sue me.

    Archive: At The_BaldTruth. If anybody else wants it, they have to ask the birthday girl or me.

    Feedback: Yes I would love feedback.

    Author Notes: Happy Birthday Kelly. This is for you sweetie---an OT piece from Smallville because you were one of the first to cheer me on with my new venture. Hope you enjoy it. And Kelly, again, thanks for all your support.

    "She Overwhelms My Senses" – by PMD

    I’m sitting here, just drinking coffee, minding my own business, checking over some reports, when I sense her.

    All of my senses are acutely trained on her. I don’t know when it happened---was it the first time I took her hand and said hello or was it the first time we did our famous verbal judo? All I know is that something I thought was humanly impossible for this Luthor has happened.

    My father says that we are above this sort of thing; needing people, wanting people in our lives. Loving somebody beyond reason---but he’s wrong. I need her, I want her----I love her beyond reason.

    I look up and watch her, standing by the bar, ordering her usual. She smiles at Lana and then looks around, sensing somebody is watching her. She looks straight at me and gives me a smile. Then turns back to take the offered coffee. I go back to my work, thinking she is leaving now, since the coffee is in a Styrofoam cup.

    "Hey Lex---too busy today with work or can I join you?"

    I look up at her and smile. "I guess I’ve got time for you today, Sullivan."

    She sits. "Gee I’m honored, Lex. So, whose on the Luthor hit list today?"

    "Nobody you would know."


    There's silence between us, both of us staring at each other, daring each other to say something. Finally, I do.

    "Don’t you have to be somewhere?"

    "No---why do you ask?"

    "Coffee---Styrofoam cup."

    "Oh----I think I like the taste of coffee out of Styrofoam better than a coffee mug."

    "There’s a difference in taste?"

    "Yes, want to try it?"

    "Sure." I reach for the cup and our hands touch. The spark of life I get from this slight brush makes my heart beat faster and I feel alive. She blushes slightly as I take the cup.

    I take a small sip and I know she’s lying---but it’s a good lie. There’s no difference between the coffee in a mug or in a Styrofoam cup so maybe she just wants to be around me for a bit. And I’m happy for that realization. So, I’ll play along.

    "You’re right. It has a more sensual taste. Unless maybe it’s because---"

    "Because?" she asks, a husky tone to her voice now. I’m turning her on just by going along with her lie.

    I lean over to increase my affect on her---and to return her coffee. I take in her scent---a uniqueness that is Chloe. Vanilla with a touch of---I can’t quite place it. "Nice perfume," I say, as I back away.

    "It’s called Fire and Ice. And you’re avoiding the question, Lex. Maybe it’s because----what?"

    "Maybe it’s because you tasted it before I did." That does it Lex---you’re about to be slapped again. The last time that happened you deserved it. And you certainly deserve it now.

    "Lex, are you flirting with me?"

    "Would you slap me if I was?"

    She now leans towards me and gestures that I meet her halfway. Then she kisses me---a deep one. I can taste her essence and the coffee that lingers on her palate. We both moan at the intensity and have to back away eventually or die. But what a way to go.

    We both sit back on our seats, breathless from this kiss. "Lex?"


    "You overwhelm my senses."



    "You overwhelm mine too. Want to get out of here?"


    As we leave the Talon, I know one thing that will always be true---she will always overwhelm my senses because---from this day forward---I will love her. And surprisingly, she feels the same---if that kiss is any indication.

    The End.

  2. #2
    bored and dangerous Senior Member sabby's Avatar
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    Sittin by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere...
    Oh this is good, too! But isn't it more like a prequel to he overwhelms...? Cause if he said I love you before that it wouldn'T sound liek this was their first kiss and he just seems to realize it then and there how much he loves her and ok I'm starting to ramble... I'll stop now.

    Again great vignette. And you know already I want to read more from you ASAP!


  3. #3
    Just a Guest!
    This was good.

  4. #4
    NS Full Member
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    25 Nov 2002
    That was great!

    *You overwhelm my senses*

    Now that sounds like a classic line.

  5. #5
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    Hmmmm---maybe I should have called it more a companion to He, than a sequel. : ) Well, you live and you learn. <g> And I&#39;ve got a million stories that I wrote---actually, more like over a hundred but it feels like a million. <bg> I did tell you guys, I&#39;ve got MR&#39;s sense of humor, right? So, what do you guys want next---post eppy (did one for the one shown tonight on Big Sunday and surprisingly, I made it chlex <g>), romance, friendship, songfic? So, glad everybody enjoyed this piece. Boy, I tell you, watching MR on screen with AM, it&#39;s amazing. And to think only one little scene in Tempest got me writing and then Kinetic really got me writing Chlex. :: sigh :: We need more scenes like this, this year. All I can say is Thank God for Fanfic&#33; And AU is such a wonderful concept. : )

    PMD---whose trying to figure out how to open her mailbox here

  6. #6
    Just a Guest!

    You know I love everything you write hon. Great job&#33;

  7. #7
    bored and dangerous Senior Member sabby's Avatar
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    Sittin by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere...
    Oh so you have more in store huh? Well there&#39;S only one thing to say then

    "Give it to me baby&#33; Aha aha&#33;" (sorry baaaaad joke I know *sighs*)

    And make sure there is some with smut in it, cause I am a sucker for smut scenes&#33;


  8. #8
    NS Full Member
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    So glad everybody enjoyed this. Sorry, I don&#39;t do smut---it&#39;s my muse and something bad happened to me when I tried to do it once, in another fandom. I can read it but I can&#39;t write it. Well, we all have our special talents. : ) I love doing verbal judo and my strong voice is Lex. And you will see that in a minute---in the friendship section. : )


  9. #9
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    Thank you for this story&#33;&#33; Since I just reviewed "He Overwhelms My Senses," I just had to do the same for this story and tell you how much I enjoyed it&#33;&#33; I really like reading your stories&#33;&#33; :chlexsign3:

  10. #10
    Members RenaissanceQueen's Avatar
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    Chappaqua, NY, USA
    Ye gods, woman&#33; That was fan.tas.tic&#33;

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