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Thread: Do I have to say the words? (NC-17)

  1. #41
    Just a Guest!
    Originally posted by carebear72884@Feb 13 2004, 12:22 AM
    Ok, i see you point you are right, but ewww...lionel cute and sexy??? I know you didn't mean it that way, but Lionel and cute and sexy don't belong in the same sentence anyway.
    My point exactly. It freaks me out, it freaks you out. It ought to freak everyone out. However, add our reactions together and you get how freaked out Lex would be. It's like the nightmare from hell.

    moultipass darling, please give us more!

    The Lark

  2. #42
    NS Full Member
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    04 Nov 2003
    A/N: short again, I know. I’m gonna try to hurry up for the next one. : Hope you like it.


    Chapter 3: Friendly acquaintances

    When this world’s closing in
    There’s no need to pretend
    Set me free, darling rescue me

    Two weeks later
    Chloe had made it her job’s life to avoid Lex. She was pretty good at it, now. After a few encounters in the first three days following their conversation, she’d started making plans, and they’d worked. Like she asked Clark if Lex was working, if he was in Metropolis, those kind of things, to know when she could go to the Talon. Which had resulted in Clark thinking she liked Lex, but she didn’t care. Once, he’d sought her out and found her at the Torch, so she’d decided she’d spend as little time there as she could. She wrote her articles at home, where she knew Lex wouldn’t come, and she used the Torch office only when necessary, to print an edition or to do research she couldn’t do from anywhere else. Now, she was at the Talon, drinking her coffee, congratulating herself for managing to avoid the billionaire for two weeks. She jumped slightly when she heard a voice behind her.
    “You look pleased with yourself, Miss Sullivan.”
    “That’s because I am, Mister Luthor.”
    ‘Or I was’ she thought.
    “Any particular reason?”
    She shook her head.
    “Any particular reason why you’re here, Lex? Clark said you were in Metropolis for the day.”
    Lex smirked.
    “Keeping tabs on me, Chloe?”
    She just rolled her eyes. Yes, she was, but not for the reasons he’d think. He sat down next to her, not bothering to ask if she’d rather be left alone.
    “Actually, I was talking to Clark yesterday, and he told me that lately, you’ve been asking him a lot of questions concerning my schedule. I thought I might as well speak with you. So, what do you want to know?”
    Chloe raised her eyebrows. What, was he saying she could ask him anything, and he’d answer? No, probably not. There was a spark in his eyes that said he knew why she’d ask Clark all those questions. Well, good for him, but she wasn’t gonna admit it! And she wasn’t going to answer his question either. So she decided to go with irony.
    “Is it wrong that I want to know what Smallville’s favourite billionaire does while we’re living our way too normal lives?”
    “Am I your favourite billionaire, Chloe?”
    “Well... I have to admit you’re definitely sexier than Bill Gates.”
    A smirk crossed his features.
    “You think I’m sexy?”
    “I said you were sexier than Bill Gates, there’s a difference.”
    They stayed silent for a while before she stood up and said:
    “I’m sorry, Lex, I’ve just remembered I have something to do for the Torch.”
    He nodded in understanding.
    “Ah yes, the Torch. You haven’t been there a lot lately, have you?”
    “Yeah, well... that’s why I have to go now, because...”
    He caught her wrist before she could go and she stopped mid-sentence. She locked eyes with him, trying to read his intentions. For once, he wasn’t smirking, he looked completely honest and open, which surprised her.
    “Look, Chloe. I’d like you to forget what I said two weeks ago. I didn’t think you’d make a big deal out of it. I don’t want you to avoid me because of it. I like speaking with you, you’re one of the few people I can banter with, I don’t want to lose that.”
    She looked at him suspiciously.
    “Are you saying you want us to be friends?”
    He shook his head.
    “I’m saying I want us to be friendly acquaintances, like we were before. Not the kind of friendship you have with Pete, but not the kind of non-relationship we’ve had for the past two weeks either.”
    Chloe seemed to think about it for a few seconds and he waited for her answer. She hesitated, but then she decided she had nothing to lose. Besides, Lex seemed sincere. She nodded once and he let go of her wrist.
    “I still have to go, but I’m glad we sorted things out.”
    He smiled and watched her leave. When he heard her car pull out of the Talon parking, the smile turned into a smirk. ‘I can’t believe she fell for that.’



  3. #43
    Miss Innocent-Or? 2005 Senior Member ColumbiaBlue's Avatar
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    When he heard her car pull out of the Talon parking, the smile turned into a smirk. ‘I can’t believe she fell for that.’
    *cough* Sleazeball!! *cough cough*


    ~Manda :

  4. #44
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    :lol: That's my Lex!

  5. #45
    NS Full Member marrycherry's Avatar
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    Originally posted by moultipass1@Feb 15 2004, 01:27 AM
    ‘I can’t believe she fell for that.’

    :huh: what are u going to do Lex? :huh:

    anyway i love this story so far and hope the next update would be here soon (and larger, much, much larger) ok?


  6. #46
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    I love you Lex :lol: good update . :clap:

    Hope :
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  7. #47
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    06 Oct 2003
    I'm so glad that Chloe fell for Lex's lie!! It will definitely make the next chapter interesting!! :biggrin: Thank you for the great update, I am really enjoying your story!! Please post more soon!! :chlexsign4:

  8. #48
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    19 Oct 2003
    I cannot believe she fell for that either ! Its one of the oldest tricks in the book . You lull a girl into having a false sense of security and then BAM... you have got her right where you want her .

  9. #49
    Just a Guest!
    Originally posted by ColumbiaBlue@Feb 15 2004, 01:45 AM
    *cough* Sleazeball!! *cough cough*
    hmmm... I suppose so, although I tend to think of Lex as more Ultra-sneaky as opposed to sleazy.

    Chloe, Chloe, Chloe, have you learned nothing. The man wants you. His name also happens to be Luthor and Luthors alway get what they want. You know better than underestimating Luthors. And you definatly ought to know better than to try to stand in the way of what a Luthor wants. You're so lucky the man's in love with you or he'd win you and dump you just because you said you wouldn't have him. So don't be stupid, there's always an alterior motive behind Lex's actions!

    This was wonderful, my darling moultipass! We must have more. :chlexsign3: I'm curious though...have you been comunicating with Gough and Miller? They seem to be using your ideas in an upcoming episode(Truth). I had no idea you were that influential. You really must push them for chlex since they're stealing plots from your fanfiction.

    The Lark

  10. #50
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    04 Nov 2003
    I'm curious though...have you been comunicating with Gough and Miller? They seem to be using your ideas in an upcoming episode(Truth). I had no idea you were that influential. You really must push them for chlex since they're stealing plots from your fanfiction.
    I wish! :biggrin:

    Moultipass :chlexsign4:

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