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Thread: Jaded (NC-17)

  1. #1
    Members Lady Aquitaine's Avatar
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    Jaded (NC-17)

    Hello All: Here is a new story...Hope you like... :biggrin:


    Title: Jaded
    Rating: NC-17 (Soon)

    Disclaimer: Again own nothing!

    Part 1

    The shrill ringing of the phone finally penetrated the deep slumber of Lex Luthor, bald, billionaire playboy, President and CEO of LexCorp. He growled when the image of a certain feisty and very, very naked blonde reporter began to recede from his mind and reality began to set in.

    Damn! Lex exclaimed as he turned over onto his side and blearily glanced at the clock. 3:00 AM.

    “This had better a fucking emergency!” Lex muttered as he vividly remembered the image of Chloe Sullivan’s glistening body as she writhed underneath him screaming his name in pleasure. Clearly remembering the desire in her vivid green eyes and the seductive smile on her lips, Lex felt his body harden painfully and the image stayed with him for a few seconds before the ringing of his cell phone interrupted. He sat up in his large king-sized bed and turned on the light.

    “Luthor!” Lex answered by way of greeting, a plan forming in his mind on how to verbally decimate whoever was calling.

    “Lex?” a soft feminine voice came through the receiver. Lex stopped breathing for a moment. Shock reverberated throughout his body and he felt his mouth uncharacteristically hang open.

    “Lex, are you there?” the voice once again questioned when Lex didn’t immediately reply. Shutting his mouth with a snap, Lex shook his head in wonder.

    “Lana?” Lex questioned still uncertain if he was hearing the voice correctly.

    “Lex! Oh, Lex! I’m so glad you are there.” Lex heard relief fill her voice.

    “Lana? What’s the matter? What is going on?” Lex asked hearing other voices in the background.

    Where in the hell is she? And at 3:00 in the morning.

    “Well, Lex…You see…” Lana’s voice drifted off. Uncertain of how to proceed.

    God, Lana, this is no time to act the delicate young miss. Tell him already!...a familiar disgruntled voice called from far away.

    “Chloe?” Lex murmured. Confusion evident on his handsome features.

    “I’m trying…Will you give me a minute? You just can’t spring this on him.” Lana replied her voice slightly faded as she answered Chloe.

    Yes you can! This IS Lex Luthor! Not Clark Kent! If anything, this should be a brief stroll down memory lane.

    Was that an insult? He asked himself.

    “Chloe… he’s on the phone.” Lana muttered in a slightly lower voice not realizing Lex could still hear her clearly.

    Bossy little bit. Ain’t she? … An unfamiliar male voice chimed in.

    “Tell me about it! Try living with her.” Lana answered the male voice, her voice filled with exasperation.

    Ouch! Bummer! …another male voice chimed.

    Hello…In the same room…Thank you!…Don’t you have something to do? Chloe sarcastically exclaimed.

    “Lana, what is going on?” Lex asked once again trying to get control of the conversation.

    “Well Lex…” Once again her voice drifted off.

    Lana, sometime this year please!

    “Lex, you see…” Lana began only to be interrupted by Chloe’s voice.

    Oh, for crying out loud! Give ME that phone!...Chloe griped.

    Lex heard a brief muffle before he heard the sensual voice of the object of his x-rated dreams.

    “Lex. Chloe. Lex, we need you’re help!” Chloe went on in a no nonsense tone.

    “All right! For the last time! What is going on?” Lex growled as his frustration was beginning to mount.

    “Hey! Do not take that tone with me, mister! I’m getting there.”

    “Chloe!!” Lex stressed her name while trying to control his temper. Chloe Sullivan was the only woman who could thoroughly exasperate him one minute and want to ravish her the next.

    “Okay! Geez, don’t get your britches in a twist! We need you to come down to the Metropolis PD Precinct on 39th and Ocean. We’ve been mistakenly arrested and we need you to bail us out.” Chloe said disgustedly.

    Miss, there’s no mistake about a prostitution charge…one of the male voices explained.

    “Do you mind? I am TRYING to have a conversation. Go file some reports!” Chloe huffed into the phone.

    Oh God! This is a nightmare…Lex heard Lana’s voice moan with despair.

    “Jail? Jail!” Lex’s voice rose another notch. “What do you mean you’re in jail?”

    “Lex, hon, Actions first…Questions later…So put on whatever you have to and get down here quickly…Okay…Bye…Oh, Lana wants to talk with you…” and with that Chloe was off the phone.

    Why the little witch!

    “Lex?” Lana voice came once again through the receiver.

    So Officer… Burrows, is that correct?...Lex heard Chloe’s voice as she began to question one of the police officers.

    Yes miss…Officer Burrows responded.

    So, Officer Burrows, would you like to comment on the rampant corruption taking control of the Metropolis Police Department? Chloe asked innocently.

    “Hurry!” Lana groaned as she hung up the receiver.

    Lex stared into space as the insanity of the situation hit him. Somehow he was not surprised that the spunky blonde reporter was the ringleader of this mess.

    Probably instigated the whole situation. Prostitution! Just then the true meaning of the words Chloe uttered about it being a ‘stroll down memory lane’ hit him and he couldn’t help the grin that formed on his face. He almost felt pity for the officers on duty. Chloe Sullivan was a force to be reckoned with and he was actually looking forward to clashing with spunky blonde.


    “I can not believe this! The incompetent bastards! You’ll hear from my lawyer!” Chloe Sullivan roared as she glared at the bars before her.

    “What lawyer?” Lana asked.

    “I don’t know. They always say that in the movies.” Chloe shrugged.

    “Chloe! This is serious!” Lana cried her patience begin to slip away.

    “What? I’m not supposed to exercise my freedom of speech by stating the simple truth!” Chloe exclaimed.

    “Chloe, you’ve done enough ‘exercising’ of speech for one night!” Lana voiced as she dropped her head into her hands.

    “Lana, don’t worry. Lex will be here very, very soon.” Chloe cheerfully exclaimed.

    “It’s a good thing he’s is staying in Metropolis for the weekend. What would we have done if not?” Lana asked horrified.

    “Well there’s always your Aunt Nell? Or Clark.” Chloe replied cheekily. Lana glared at her.

    “You’re actually enjoying this, aren’t you? We are in JAIL! JAIL! I can’t believe this. I, Lana Lang, am in jail! And for Prostitution! Me! A prostitute.” Lana yelled.

    “Lana, dear, I think the way you are dressed may have had something to do with it.” Chloe grinned. The other two women in the cell chuckled at Chloe’s remark.

    “I can’t believe I let you talk me into that crazy scheme of yours.” Lana jumped up from the bench she had been sitting on and began pacing the small cell.

    Chloe’s hands immediately went to her hips.

    “I…” Chloe began “Did not TALK you into anything? You insisted on coming with me remember.”

    “Only because you insisted on going off on this deranged scheme of yours. But you know you’re right. This is all my fault. I shouldn’t have come.” Lana’s voice shook.

    Chloe rolled her eyes. PLEASE! She is such a drama queen!

    “Lana, we’ve only been here for a little over an hour. Don’t you think you’re overreacting just a tad bit?”

    Lana turned towards Chloe and narrowed her dark eyes.

    “Overreacting! No I don’t think I’m overreacting! WE ARE IN JAIL! And what’s worse was we could have been upstairs with the officers, comfortably awaiting Lex but NOOOO…You HAD to go there. You had to start accusing them of corruption! You HAD to piss them off. Well I hope you are FUCKING happy!” Lana screeched.

    Chloe stood still for a moment. She had never seen Lana Lang totally loose her temper before. It was quite strange…

    “Lana, do you know that when your pissed off you’re left eye begins to twitch uncontrollably?” Chloe asked.

    “Aaaah! Shut up! Shut up! Do NOT talk to me!” Lana moved to sit back on the bench.

    “Jesus! Would you please shut the fuck up!” a tall bleached blonde had stood up and shouted at Lana. “How in the hell do you deal with her, Chlo?” The bleached blonde turned in Chloe’s direction.

    “What can I say? I am a saint, Rox!” Chloe teased, her green eyes were twinkling merrily.

    “That’s for sure. If it was me, I would have stuff something down the princess’s throat a long time ago.” She glared in Lana’s direction. Lana stepped back a little.

    A wicked gleam shone in Chloe’s green eyes.

    “Hey, Roxy, where do the ladies in these cells take a leak?” Chloe asked looking around the cell. Lana immediately shot up from the bench. Disgust marring her lovely features.

    “Chloe!!!” Lana screeched at Chloe’s and the other ladies laughter. Chloe couldn’t help it. Lana was just too easy.

    “Chloe!” Lana screamed making Chloe laugh even harder. Tears began to fall from her eyes.

    “S-Sorry Lana, but I just had to do it!” Chloe breathed out between her laughter.

    “Well I’m glad someone is enjoying themselves.” A deep, husky voice called out sending shivers down Chloe’s spine.

    “Lex!” Lana cried. She rushed towards the bars. “Lex, I’m so happy to see you. Please get me out of here. She’s totally lost it! Will you quit laughing?”

    Chloe tried to get her laughter under control but it was very difficult. Lana Lang was to the point of totally losing it and she loved every minute of it. Ah, Clark, you should see your Perfect Princess now. Aaaah! He’d probably cry. She grinned at Lex. Lex couldn’t control the smile that formed on his face. Chloe was so adorable.

    “Hi Lex! Glad to see you made it.”


    So, what do you think?

  2. #2
    Escapeism Artist Senior Member asharnanae's Avatar
    Join Date
    15 Sep 2003
    Cambridgeshire, England.
    :biggrin: wow!! this sunds fantastic aready!!! please update tis super soon, I just cant wait! you are a star!!!!!! :worship2: :yay: :worship2: :yay: :worship2: :yay:

  3. #3
    is pushing daisies Senior Member
    Join Date
    30 Mar 2003
    between heaven and hell
    That was awesome. You should get the next couple of chapters up right away.

  4. #4
    Captain Lexy's wench hickchick's Avatar
    Join Date
    05 Sep 2003
    this is so funny! i was ROTFLMAO! :biggrin:

    i can't wait to read more!

  5. #5
    Just a Guest!
    Great beginning! Now, I've seen Lana in many ways before, but funny? You have swept me of my feet. Please continue my dear Lady. And swiftly if possible.

    Laughingly, The Lark

  6. #6
    Just a Guest!
    Hee hee hee. How very Chloe is it to already know people in jail? And Lex completely ignoring a blubbering Lana to leer at Chloe? Perfect. Also, Lana's line about being a prostitute cracked me up, because...well, because I could totally see that.

  7. #7
    NS Full Member LaLa's Avatar
    Join Date
    14 Nov 2003
    France, Evreux
    .....................what? right now i'm on the floor, come back later to see if i'm physically able to tell u that ur fic ROCK! :yay:

    i want the next part, i want to laugh so loud that my neighboors will have to call the police to tell me to shut up, i want to laugh like a headless hyena - eurh, no, THAT would be stupid and completely unrealistic, but the thing is : moove ur booty Lady A and WRITE! :angry:

    wowo LaLa :chlexsign4:

  8. #8
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    22 Jun 2003
    Glasgow, Scotland
    :hehe: Hahahahaha!

    Oh I love it so far! I know that I'm the last person that should ask for an update soon... but please?

    xadie xx

  9. #9
    Luthor's Power Senior Member Sab_Luthor's Avatar
    Join Date
    10 Jun 2003
    Luthor's manor
    that was a verry funny goody start
    please update more

  10. #10
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    :lol: that was fantatic more please. :clap:

    Hope :
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

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