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Thread: Curbside Pickup (PG-13)

  1. #1
    NS Senior Member Senior Member sydsvaughn's Avatar
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    Curbside Pickup (PG-13)

    Okay, updating this post to give this story a category. (New chapter is several posts below&#33

    Category: Romance

    Title: Curbside Pickup
    Rating: PG-13 (will get higher though)
    Pairing: Chlex
    Spoilers: Futureish (senior year for the gang) No real spoilers
    Summary: Lex gets more than he bargained for when he finds Chloe stranded on the side of the road

    Disclaimer: Not mine. No characters are, I'm just borrowing them for fun!

    Chapter 1

    Chloe Sullivan breathed deeply of the night air, enjoying the warm breeze that still blew across her skin, even though the hour was late. Somehow, the twinkling lights of Smallville seemed hypnotic from her perch on the hill high above it. It really was a beautiful town, although the last thing she'd imagined doing on the night of her Senior Prom was admiring it from afar.

    In another life, she would happily be on Clark's arm, his cherished and adored girlfriend, the king and queen of the prom. She would be wrapped in his arms, held tightly against his muscled body as they danced into the wee hours of the morning, lost in each other's eyes. Lana and Pete would have happily been accompanying them through dancing and then a late night snack at the Talon. Her father would be ecstatic, Clark's parents happy and all would be right with the world.

    In another life.

    But in this one, she found herself alone, no date for the Prom, having to live with the knowledge that this year, Clark had taken his girlfriend Lana. She wouldn't kid anyone and say it didn't hurt to see her best friend fawning all over the girl he'd been obsessed with for years. It hurt more because she knew, somewhere inside, that if Lana hadn't ever existed, she would have had a chance with Clark. But ever since the two had gotten together, she'd forced herself to try and get over her childhood infatuation with the boy she could never have. It wasn't easy and there were times she wanted to break down and cry out her fears and frustrations, but she'd stayed strong. And slowly, slowly the pain had begun to fade and she'd begun to realize that her destiny lay apart from Clark's.

    But knowing that and accepting it were two different things. And she'd been doing so well this year. She'd managed to hide her hurt as Clark, Lana and Pete talked about Prom and what they would do. She, of course, had been included, they'd even tried to find her a date, but in the end, she'd begged off. Over their objections, she'd managed to convince them that she really didn't see why Prom was such a big deal. Instead, she'd told them she had arranged to spend the weekend with Lois in Metropolis.

    She had to give herself credit, it was a great acting job. She'd almost convinced herself that her friends could see through her act, but then had bitterly realized that they were more relieved than anything. They didn't have to worry about Chloe being a fifth wheel at Prom. It hurt, but she could handle it. After all, she had always been the odd one out in the group, no matter how close she and Clark seemed.

    In all fairness, she had made a half-hearted attempt to see if Lois would be around that weekend, only to be told that Lois was "entertaining" her latest boyfriend and really didn't want company at her apartment. Accepting defeat, she'd kept up the farce, refusing to let her friends know she now officially had no plans and nothing to do on Prom night. She'd even been conned into buying a stylish new dress by Lana, who had assured her that she needed something new for a "night out" in Metropolis.

    She hadn't had the heart to refuse … which was why she now found herself dressed in the clingy blue strapless number that hugged curves most people were probably not aware she had. She'd smiled wryly looking in the mirror earlier, knowing that people might be surprised to see that Chloe Sullivan was not such a little girl anymore. In fact, she looked like a sophisticated young woman with her hair swept into a loose twist and the diamond pendant her father had given her sparkling at her neck.

    All dressed up and nowhere to go.

    She sighed morosely as she leaned back against the hood of her car. She'd had to get out of Smallville, knowing the last thing she needed was someone to see her and realize her Metropolis plans were a bust. She'd figured she'd drive into the city anyhow, get a room at one of the hotels and spend the weekend moping in front of satellite TV. Her father believed she was spending the weekend with Lois and she saw no reason to tell him otherwise. Besides, the farther away from Smallville she was, the less she'd have to deal with the sight of her friends having a wonderful time without her.

    Some strange urge had made her put the dress on and do her makeup before leaving, although what she couldn't name. Everything had gone to plan until she'd reached the top of the hill several miles out of town and her car had suddenly sputtered to a stop. Several attempts later, she realized it was hopeless and that she was going nowhere for the moment. She bitterly realized she'd have to call a tow truck. So much for her dignified escape from Smallville.

    Unfortunately, her cell phone refused to work and several frustrated attempts later she threw the phone to the ground. Stomping her foot, wincing at the pain the high heels she wore caused at the motion, she turned to look back over the town. It wasn't that far, she could probably walk… but not in heels.

    Which meant she was stuck on the side of the road until someone came along to help. She could only hope it wasn't a rapist or mugger. She'd seen too many horror films to not know what happened to stranded young women alone on the highway.

    At least the night was warm and there was very little chance of being accosted by a criminal on these roads. Now a meteor freak was something else. She shivered at the thought of some of the things and people she'd seen over the past few years.

    Sighing, she closed her eyes and decided to examine her life now that there was nothing but the open air to distract her. She wondered how she'd gotten to the point she was lying to her friends about almost everything. She hated the awkwardness that was now between her and Clark, and the unspoken guilt she knew Lana felt at being unable to control her own feelings for Clark. Sadly, she'd rather spend time apart from them than try to deal with the tension in their presence. She could only thank whomever for the fact that she had been accepted to Metropolis University and planned to start with summer classes. Anything to get out of Smallville and away from her past.

    It was sad to suddenly feel like an unwelcome visitor in the place she called home. Although to be honest, she'd never really felt she fit in. No matter how you tried, she figured it was harder than most thought to take the Metropolis out of a girl.

    Her ears suddenly perked up at the sound of an engine in the distance. Saying a quick prayer that urban legends stayed just that, she moved to the side of the road and waited for the car to appear. She debated for a moment whether she should try the "show a little leg" trick that seemed to work so well in the movies. Then again, there was always the possibility the movies never examined, that the oncoming car could simply run over the outstretched leg. Deciding it was better to be safe than sorry she settled for the tried and true distress call for one stranded on the side of the road. She began waving her arms and yelling "stop!" as a pair of headlights came into view. A sigh of relief emerged from her throat as the lights slowed and the car slid to a stop in front of her.

    She closed her eyes as she realized that only one person in Smallville would be driving the state of the art vehicle now stopped next to her. It figured.


    "Hey Lex, feel like playing hero tonight?"

    She knew it was cheesy, but it seemed to fit the moment. She unconsciously held her breath as his tall figure emerged from the car. Her breathing stopped as she took in the fact that Lex was wearing a dark suit that framed his broad shoulders to near perfection. The soft glare of the headlights gave him an almost supernatural aura, his dark eyes piercing through the blackness of the night into her own, his bald head reflective in the headlight's glow. He was overpoweringly masculine as he stared at her and she suddenly felt herself the true hopeless female. She also found herself wondering when Lex had become so attractive.

    "Chloe, what happened? Are you okay?"

    She forced back sudden tears as she heard the true concern in his voice. It was something she hadn't heard from any of her so called friends in months, and it was a welcome sound. But she couldn't break down, not in front of Lex at least. She had to be strong.

    "My car kind of stalled. I can't get it to start and my cell phone is dead here. So, can you give me a ride?"

    She bit her lip unconsciously as she saw him studying her form, feeling a not unpleasant shiver run down her spine as his gaze traveled her body.

    "Of course. And where might I ask are we going?"

    She sighed, realizing there was no way he'd take her to Metropolis, but knowing she couldn't go home. She truly had nowhere to go now and the thought was depressing.

    "Chloe, it's not brain surgery."

    She remained quiet, knowing Lex needed an answer, but too conflicted to decide. She didn't want to go home and face her father and her friends, but where else could she go?

    "Okay, I'm going to assume from your outfit you were either on your way to a hot date in Metropolis, on your way back to a hot date in Smallville, or simply looking for a hot date by dressing up like a knockout and hoping a handsome stranger would rescue you from the side of the road."

    Chloe couldn't help but laugh at his final option. Although she had to admit, she'd pretty much accomplished the "handsome stranger" rescuing her scenario, only without the stranger. Still, she figured he deserved the truth.

    "Wrong on all counts. I was actually headed to Metropolis to wallow in self pity while the rest of my friends enjoyed their Senior Prom."

    She sighed at the confused look Lex gave her.

    "You were headed to Metropolis to wallow in self pity dressed to the nines? Interesting form of self-pity Chloe."

    She smiled at the light amusement in his voice, realizing she suddenly felt a bit better.

    "I had to tell them something so they wouldn't think I was sitting at home on Prom night, pitying myself."

    Lex's laughter sent another pleasant tingle down her spine.

    "Well, I'll say one thing for you Chloe Sullivan, you know how to indulge in self-pity. Very prettily I might add."

    She felt a blush rise to her cheeks at Lex's compliment. Looking over at his amused face she couldn't help but smile in return. She already felt better.

    "Thanks Lex, I knew I could count on you to understand. Now tell me, why are you so dressed up? Hot date in Smallville yourself?"

    His laughter seemed to warm some part of her she hadn't even realized had been cold.

    "Actually, I'm headed home after a meeting from hell with my father. And all meetings with Lionel Luthor are in full business dress."

    She smiled and leaned against the front of his car, eyeing him the way he'd eyed her earlier.

    "Well, allow me to say full business dress looks good on you Lex. Not that most everything doesn't."

    She muttered the last words, but she suspected he'd caught them if the amused twitch of his lips was anything to go by.

    "Well then, since you have no place to go, and I happen to be free, how about I take you to a fabulous dinner and make you forget about your high school prom night from hell?"

    She felt her heart begin to pound at the look in his eyes and at the thought of having dinner with Lex Luthor. Not that she hadn't been around him before, their verbal judo had become the highlight of her week lately. But there was something different tonight. A tingle in the air of a mutual, if unacknowledged attraction. It was different than anything she'd ever felt around Clark. And she suddenly realized she liked the feeling.

    "Lead on my self appointed, if somewhat tarnished white knight."

    She smiled again at his laughter as he moved around the car to open the door for her. She caught a whiff of the scent that was uniquely Lex and it sent another delightful tingle down her spine. She unconsciously allowed her body to brush against his as she slid past him and into the driver's seat. As she turned to look at him as he shut the door, she thought she caught a flash of something heated in those dark eyes. It sent a wave of what she could only call desire through her body.

    Something told her it was going to be a much better night than she'd planned.


    Lex found his gaze kept returning to the young woman seated next to him in the close confines of his Porsche. He nearly hadn't recognized her until he'd brought the car to a complete stop and found himself gazing into her familiar eyes. It had still taken him a moment to reconcile the image he had of Chloe Sullivan, Smallville's ace reporter, Clark's best friend, with the beautiful young woman flagging his car down from the side of the road.

    He'd known for sure that it was Chloe when he'd heard her soft drawl as she didn't even bother to wait for him to get completely out of the car. Pushing his surprise down, he'd managed to get out of her what she was doing there, trying not to let his gaze become a leer as he noted the way the blue dress hugged her curves and brought out the rose in her complexion. This was definitely a Chloe Sullivan he hadn't expected to see and he had suddenly found himself with an insane desire to know her better.

    That desire was what had prompted him to invite her to dinner. He wasn't accustomed to hanging out with Clark's high school friends. But somehow, tonight, he'd sensed something kindred in Chloe. Something that told him that no matter who her friends were, she still felt alone and almost an outsider in this small town. Not unlike the way he felt most of the time when he was not with Clark or the Kents'.

    Then there was the fact that Lex Luthor was definitely not adverse to spending an evening with a beautiful woman. And in Chloe's case, a beautiful woman who could hold her own with him. He was surprised to admit he found their frequent bouts of verbal judo during his numerous stops in the Talon exhilarating. He found it extremely refreshing that she argued instead of agreed with him, like most everyone he knew did. He liked the fact that she didn't seem impressed with his name or who he was. At times, it was a little frustrating to be honest. But still, she held a hidden fascination he hadn't wanted to admit until this moment.

    He smiled to himself as he wondered when she would realize they were headed for his home instead of a restaurant. He'd meant it when he'd said he wanted to take her to dinner. He just hadn't mentioned the dinner would be at his home, specifically prepared by his personal chef. A quick call that Chloe had assumed were to make reservations had taken care of the matter and he knew things would be ready when they arrived.

    He refused to acknowledge the spark of desire he felt at the knowledge he would be alone with Chloe in his home. But he prided himself on his control and he was pretty sure that no matter how attractive he found this slip of a girl, he wouldn't act on that attraction. Even though she was technically of age at 18. He forced his mind to put those thoughts out of his head as he turned down the road to what Clark referred to as his "castle" and saw Chloe sit up a little straighter in her seat.

    "Umm, Lex, why are we headed for your castle?"

    He smiled at her reference to his home and at the slight unease in her voice as he pulled up to the gates and punched the button to open them.

    "I told you I'd take you to dinner and dinner it will be. My personal chef happens to be preparing it, if that's okay with you?"

    He couldn’t help but feel relief as after a moment of hesitation, she smiled at him.

    "Well, I suppose I'm grateful. If we'd gone somewhere in Smallville, my cover would have been blown. Not to mention your reputation."

    He felt a slight touch of hurt that she thought he'd be concerned about being seen with her in public. But then, he sometimes forgot who he was, especially around the blonde spitfire.

    "Heaven forbid my reputation be ruined."

    His dry reply earned a laugh from her as he pulled to a stop in the driveway. He quickly jumped from the car and walked around to the passenger side, pleased that she remained in her seat until he opened the door for her. Ever the gentleman, he offered her a hand as she made to rise from her seat.

    He jumped at the electric tingle that ran up his arm as their palms touched. He could see she felt it as well as her all too expressive eyes flew to his. For a moment, he lost himself in her gaze and the tingling sensation in his arm. Without realizing it, his fingers twined with hers as he pulled her gently from the car. He felt a rush of pleasure as she didn't try to pull away, but instead tightened her grip on his palm and smiled up at him as he shut the door and led her inside.

    This night was definitely shaping up to be better than he'd planned.


    More to come soon!

  2. #2
    Sugar&Spice of the gutter Senior Member Queen Of Tact's Avatar
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    Oh I like I like... this looks like a chlexy goodness story... Please post again soon...

    "I am scared that I'm always going to be somebody's friend or sister or confidant, but never quite somebody's everything."

  3. #3
    Angel undercover!
    Join Date
    04 Mar 2003
    More please, please, please. :chlexsign1: *pretty please with whipped cream on the top*

  4. #4
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    01 Jan 2003
    This was a great beginning. Poor Chloe, she seems to have gotten a raw deal from Pete, Clark and Lana. But I'm sure that Lex will lift her spirits


  5. #5
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    What an amazing start! Sounds like it's going to be a great fic. Please post more soon!

    Tandy :chlexsign3:

  6. #6
    odd duck
    Join Date
    01 Dec 2002
    That was a really good begining. More soon please. :chlexsign2:

  7. #7
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    26 Feb 2003
    loving this story!!! you *have* to update soon.

  8. #8
    NS Senior Member Senior Member malugargula's Avatar
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    25 Feb 2003
    Greeeeeat start...
    Please post more soon... I'm really anxious to know what will happen in their night...

  9. #9
    NS Senior Member Senior Member sydsvaughn's Avatar
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    04 Mar 2003
    Chapter 2


    Chloe refused to examine why her hand was still entwined with Lex's as they entered the mansion he called home. She hadn't been surprised when he'd offered it to help her from the car, after all in most cases, Lex was a gentleman. What had surprised her was the electric tingle that shot up her arm and through her body as their hands touched. It wasn't so much a shock as it was a pleasurable sensation that was fast spreading through her body.

    Getting ready to enter his "castle" … which didn't exactly contain great memories for her… was also making her a little unsure. Which must be why she was still holding tightly onto his hand. Of course it had nothing to do with the fact that she liked the feeling of his warm skin against hers. Not a thing.

    Of course, he hadn't yet made a move to pull away, so he must not be adverse to the sensation either. She wondered if the great Lex Luthor even realized he was engaged in a very public display of hand-holding. Not that there was anyone but the servants to see.

    And Lex wasn't a man to do anything he didn't want to, as she well knew. Which probably said more than anything.

    She gave herself a mental whack as she realized she sounded like she was back in junior high, analyzing her latest crush. Which more often than not had happened to be Clark. But this was Lex, Clark's good friend and her somewhat less good friend. Her very handsome, brooding and looking more and more like she wanted him to be a more than good friend in the dim light of the mansion's halls.

    "You're quiet Chloe, something on your mind?"

    She knew she blushed at his amused words, and could only hope he didn't notice in the dim lighting. She really, really didn't want to try and judo with him over what she was thinking at the moment.

    "No, just absorbing the surroundings. Surprisingly, I don't feel any bad vibes from my previous visits here."

    She had no idea where she found a coherent sentence in the morass of her confusing emotions, but obviously he understood.

    "I'm glad. I don't want you to be frightened by being in my home. I intend to make sure you are always safe here. I won't be caught by surprise again."

    The simple, heartfelt words, and their steely undertone conveyed more than he could say, and she knew it. They meant more than he would ever know. But she figured it was time to lighten things up again.

    "That's okay, I'm still trying to accept the fact that my white knight lives in a castle… befitting his rescued damsel of course."

    The sound of his low laughter sent a flush of desire that she really shouldn't be feeling over her body. There was something extremely sensual about the way his lips curved as he laughed, giving his normally serious face a wickedly charming expression. And she had to fight back the sudden urge to trail her fingers over his scalp, absorbing the texture and warmth of the gleaming skin as she watched his eyes darken with desire.

    She came back to herself with a start. What the hell was she thinking? Since when had brooding bald billionaires done anything for her?

    Since now, obviously.

    "Well, every white knight needs a place… and a fair lady to escape his responsibilities with. Want to join me in my fantasy for a bit?"

    She started at his words, sure he couldn't have meant them the way they sounded. A quick look in his eyes showed amusement, and perhaps a spark of something more. It sent another tingle down her spine and only strengthened her determination to try and put all thoughts of Lex and fantasies from her head.

    Smiling, she nodded and let him tug on their still linked hands as she followed him into his study. Now this was familiar territory. And surprisingly, there were no bad memories, or thoughts of falling here. The warm fire looked extremely inviting and she quickly made her way over to it. She tried not to think about the sense of loss she suddenly felt at losing his warm grip. The welcoming warmth of the flames however soon had her feeling a bit better.

    "Something to drink?"

    Chloe turned back to him with a smile, feeling a little more daring now that she wasn't so close to him. She wondered if he'd actually humor her tonight. She figured it was worth a try.

    "Whatever you're having."

    She smiled at the way his eyebrow quirked.

    "You're sure? I don't want it said that Lex Luthor corrupts young women. Unless they ask nicely."

    She smiled in amusement even as her heart skipped a beat at the image his teasing words invoked.

    "Lex, I'm not the innocent Chloe everyone seems to think. Trust me, there's not much anyone could do to corrupt me."

    She hadn't meant it to be a challenge, but as she saw his lips twist up into an amused grin and his eyebrow once again rise, she realized he'd taken it as one. Upon closer inspection, maybe some part of her subconscious had wanted him too.

    "Fascinating Miss Sullivan. I look forward to finding out exactly what it is that has made you so … uncorruptable. I find most people have at least one vice. The fun is in discovering… and then indulging in it."

    She shivered at the intent in his words, eyes locked on his in a round of silent judo. She breathed a sigh of relief as he suddenly turned and walked over to the bar and after a few moments, pulled out a bottle of wine.

    "Ah, one of our own specially bottled vintages. I think you'll enjoy it. You do like wine?"

    Chloe simply nodded, watching the way the flickering firelight gave his skin a pearly glow while his elegant hands skillfully pulled out two wine glasses. For some reason, she became fascinated by the way his hands slid around the wine bottle as he worked the cork lose. His long fingers almost seemed to caress the neck of the bottle as he twisted it back and forth until the cork emerged with a low pop. She wondered if his hands would be as gentle against her neck, stroking and caressing the skin with the care he showed the wine bottle.

    The image suddenly brought her back to the present and she had to stifle a gasp at the warmth she could feel gathering between her thighs at the thought of Lex's hands anywhere on her body.

    This was not good.

    Innuendo and challenges were all well and good when engaging in verbal judo … but when she actually found herself fantasizing about carrying through on the taunts … things were getting way out of hand. What scared her more was that she was afraid things had already gotten there. Forcing her conflicting emotions down, she managed a smile as he came towards her.

    "Now drink this slowly Chloe. Savor the taste. Let it seep into your taste buds before the flavor explodes on your tongue."

    She swallowed hard, hoping her hands didn't tremble as she took the glass and let his sensual words wash over her body.

    What had she gotten herself into … and more importantly … why didn't she want to get herself out?


    Lex knew he was teasing her … letting things get more and more out of control … but he couldn't seem to stop. There was just something irresistible about the way she looked standing there, the firelight painting rosy patterns across the peach skin bared by the spaghetti straps of her dress, her eyes dark pools of mystery as she gazed at him in fascination.

    There was no doubt about it, Chloe Sullivan was definitely not the young girl he'd persisted in seeing her as for the past few years. This was a young woman standing before him, who could hold her own against him in both word and deed. And for the first time ever, he found himself well and truly fascinated by a woman.

    It was a disturbing realization. One he was not sure he was entirely comfortable with. But at the same time, he found himself irresistibly drawn to her, like the proverbial moth to the flame. Not to mention he was finding himself getting aroused at the definite sensual slant their verbal judo had taken so far this evening. And being the risk taker he was, he found himself fascinated with pushing things to see just how far they could go.

    The easiest way he knew to do that with this woman was through words. Actions would follow, but only if he won the war of words. There was something to be said for sensual verbal judo. And from her reaction to his direction on how to savor her wine, he was already ahead in this battle.

    He watched her closely as she did as directed and took a small sip of the wine. He found his heart pounding a little faster as her eyes fluttered closed and he could sense her savoring the flavor. He knew the exact instant the full taste hit her by the way her eyes flew open in wide surprise as she swallowed reflexively. What he hadn't expected was her soft moan. The sensual sound sent what felt like a bolt of electricity through his body and straight to his groin.

    "Wow. How come no one ever explained to me that this was the way to drink wine?"

    He had to stifle a groan at the look of bliss that crossed her face as she fully opened her eyes to stare dreamily into his.

    "The flavor, it's exquisite. I can't quite make out what it is, something fruity but not too sweet. But the taste, it's like liquid heaven. You're sure you didn't put something else in this?"

    He couldn't help but laugh at her words, even as he fought his rising desire. His mind was conjuring up a very different image of "liquid heaven" at the moment and he was sure she wouldn't exactly appreciate it.

    Not yet at least.

    "You wound me Chloe. I don't need artificial stimulants to show a woman a good time. The Luthor charm usually works just fine. I've often been told I'm irresistible."

    He laughed as she raised an eyebrow at him.

    "And I don't suppose a good bottle of wine helps."

    He shrugged his shoulders and gave her a sensual smile as he raised his own glass to his lips.

    "It doesn't hurt."

    Her soft laughter sent a shiver down his spine. His breathing slowed as he watched her full lips purse as she lifted her glass to her lips and took another sip. As she closed her eyes and savored the taste, he knew he was headed down a slippery slope at an almost out of control pace as he heard her emit another satisfied moan.

    He took a huge gulp from his glass, trying to remain calm. Not an easy task when he suddenly found himself wanting nothing more than to lean over and taste the wine on her lips. He almost gave into temptation and turned his fantasy into reality. But even as he leaned forward, he found himself pulling back. The anticipation had only begun to build and he realized he was not quite ready to end it yet.

    Lex Luthor always enjoyed a challenge, and he had a feeling Chloe Sullivan would prove to be his greatest. He could only hope she wouldn't prove his downfall in the process. Although he had to admit, there were worse ways to go. He was saved from the intensity of the moment by a throat being cleared.

    "Dinner is served, sir."

    He turned and nodded to his butler.

    "Thank you, we'll be right there."

    He smiled seductively as he once again held out his hand to Chloe. He tried not to think about how tempting she looked as she bit her lip before reaching to take his hand. He wasn't surprised at the jolt of skin meeting skin. What surprised him was that it was even stronger than it had been earlier. The surprise in her eyes told him she'd noticed the same thing. With another smile, he led her unresistingly from the room.

    Oh yes, the games had just begun.


    So.. how'm I doing so far?

  10. #10
    Sugar&Spice of the gutter Senior Member Queen Of Tact's Avatar
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    Oh that was a great ch... Full of yummy chlexy goodness... I can't wait to read more....

    "I am scared that I'm always going to be somebody's friend or sister or confidant, but never quite somebody's everything."

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