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Thread: The Bachelor (R)

  1. #41
    NS Full Member Lulucifer's Avatar
    Join Date
    04 Mar 2003
    Yay, an update. So where the heck is Chloe?? Did she get into some kinda trouble??? knowing how she is with that sorta thing.
    Write more soon.

  2. #42
    Just a Guest!
    This story is awesome! And although I love Deserted I am very happy that you updated this one instead!
    I would love to hear what some of the other girls had to say about the attention Chloe is getting from Lex.


  3. #43
    NS Full Member jem's Avatar
    Join Date
    24 Jun 2003
    i alternate from nc17 fanfiction forum to la la land...
    oh yay update.......

    please do it again soon
    i do so like green eggs and ham
    i do so like them...sam i am
    –Dr Seuss “Green Eggs And Ham”--

  4. #44
    PHD in Procrastination Senior Member vardaquareien's Avatar
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    03 Jul 2003
    Sydney, Australia.
    crazy naked moonlit beach sex

    crazy naked moonlit beach sex

    crazy naked moonlit beach sex

    :blush: Sorry, I just read the words crazy naked moonlit beach sex and all other thought went flying out of my head

    So....add my vote for crazy naked moonlit beach sex!!! :yay3:

    ...oh and great update! :hehe: - want more!!!

  5. #45
    Just a Guest!
    Get her back, now!!

    Love the story and you can add me to list of people-who-want-crazy-moonlight-sex!!!

  6. #46
    NS Full Member drina's Avatar
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    I'm surprised that cynthia didn't go gaga over him. after all, he's LEx!

  7. #47
    Luthor's Power Senior Member Sab_Luthor's Avatar
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    Luthor's manor
    Originally posted by ColumbiaBlue@Dec 4 2003, 10:17 PM
    Why'd you stop it theeerrreee?? :crygreen: We're dying for more, don't cha know!

    I SO agree with you! Lots of it too! Damn that Chris guy or whatever his name was for making Lex mingle with the other airheads. Can't he recgonize chemistry when he sees it? Update update update soon!!!

    ~Manda :
    i totaly agree with you
    this chris is so stupid
    update soon

  8. #48
    Pirate At Heart
    Join Date
    27 May 2003
    Woo! Nice update, as always. Can't wait for more!

  9. #49
    Just a Guest!
    The next morning…

    Lex groaned when he saw the cameras already filming him as he slipped out of his bed.

    “I don’t think the viewers are going to care about *my* morning routine, guys. How about you take your cameras over to the house where the women are staying?”

    “There are plenty of guys over there,” one of the cameramen said in a reassuring tone.

    “Lucky bastards,” the other man added.

    “Yeah. You see that blonde that straggled in after dinner? They reamed her bad, but man – hot!”

    Lex cleared his throat to bring their full attention back to him and was about to ask about ‘the blonde’ when the first cameraman spoke again.

    “Anyway, we’re the ones assigned to you for the first part of the day.”

    “Great,” Lex mumbled with heavy sarcasm.

    He left the room to take a shower and get dressed, scenarios of Chloe ‘straggling in’ flitting through his head. Surely she wasn’t so upset over having to be there that she would have gone and gotten drunk, but Lex could think of little else that the cameraman had meant other than just using the word as a general term. He made a mental note to ask him about it later.

    That thought in his mind, he walked into the dining room to get breakfast, practically running straight into Chris and the cameras following his every move.

    “So, what do you think?” Chris asked.

    “Other than the fact that this is a monumental invasion of privacy?” Lex retorted.

    “No – I meant about the girls,” Chris clarified. “Tough call or do you have a pretty good idea of who you want to get rid of?”

    “I don’t suppose ‘all of them’ is an option?”

    Chris resisted groaning in exasperation, but just barely. The people in editing were going to have their work cut out this time around.

    “What about Chloe?” he finally asked, slipping into his television persona with frightening ease. “She managed to slip by our cameras and got reprimanded for sneaking away from the ‘get to know you’ party to go sunbathe, but for the small amount of time you were talking to her yesterday, there seemed to be some spark-age.”

    ‘Sunbathe?’ Lex thought, frowning when he had to forcefully push away mental pictures of Chloe lying on a towel on the beach clad in nothing but a bikini. “You’re mistaking chemistry with the comfort of seeing a familiar face in an uncomfortable situation. As I told you yesterday, Chloe and I already know each other, so of course our conversation seemed more at ease than the other ones.”

    “Right,” Chris said almost dismissively. “So…did you try the dating thing and it just didn’t work out? Or…”

    “We were friends of a friend,” Lex interrupted shortly.

    “Ahh,” Chris strung out. “And you didn’t want to go out because you thought that the mutual friend might get hurt. Interesting.”

    “I didn’t say that,” Lex objected.

    “But now you’re both here,” Chris cut in, trying to get *some* good clips for the show. “Maybe it’s fate.” Lex squared his jaw with impatience. “Any hints as to else might make the cut?”


    Chris paled a little at Lex’s menacing tone, but tried not to let it phase his onscreen persona too much.

    “Secretive – hmm – well, some women like that,” he said. Turning away from Lex, he placed a cheesy game-show host smile onto his face as he stared into the camera. “And we’ll see what our bachelor likes – and doesn’t like - in a woman when we come back from commercial break for our first set of eliminations.”

    The cameras stopped rolling and Chris sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.

    “I know you’re not here by choice, but you’re killing me here. Can’t you work with the guidelines of the show a *little* bit?”

    Ignoring Chris, Lex frowned down at the food that was set out on the table. Whatever little appetite he had died the second he saw Chris and the camera crew, so he lifted his eyes and gave Chris a dry expression before motioning to the door with his head.

    “Let’s just get this over with.”


    The selection of who was to stay and who was to leave went by with incredible speed and Chris cursed under his breath as Lex showed no emotional reaction whatsoever to letting any of the women go. They were going to have to put some sort of suspenseful music in the background or people would stop watching the show after the first episode.

    After considerable pleading on Chris’s part, Lex managed to only whittle down the number of women to fifteen instead of zero. And much to her surprise, Chloe was one of the women remaining.

    She pulled him to the side when the cameras seemed to be focused on the women’s reactions to the news – be it good or bad – and glared at him.

    “What do you think you’re doing?” she hissed quietly so she wouldn’t gain the cameramen’s attention.

    “What do you mean?” Lex asked with false innocence and a tiny smirk.

    Chloe looked at him pointedly.

    “You know what I mean.”

    Lex grinned.

    “Our conversation yesterday was cut short and since you chose to go get a tan rather than stick around for the excruciating four hours that I was forced to endure with the rest of those women, I thought you might have more to say.”

    “So, this is your way of punishing me because I didn’t stick around to watch you *not* make a love connection?”

    “It’s sounds petty and mean-spirited when you say it that way,” Lex said. “Just look at it as a couple more days of vacation.”

    Chloe grumbled something under her breath, but then released a sigh and a small smile slid across her lips.

    “Yeah, okay. Thanks.”

    “No problem. Of course, it *does* come with the condition that you tell me how you managed to sneak out of here with your swimsuit for sunbathing yesterday.”

    “I…uh…didn’t,” Chloe said. Lex arched an eyebrow and Chloe tried to push down the blush that she could feel rising to her cheeks. “But the beaches around here are pretty secluded because of the shoot and ---”

    “You lay out *naked*?”

    “Shh,” Chloe scorned when Lex’s voice rose too high and she got a couple of looks from the women who were waiting in thrown-together lines to have their one-on-one time with the cameras in the other room. “Do you mind? I already got bitched out in front of everybody yesterday. They don’t need to know all the details too.”

    “Since when did you start caring about what other people thought or said about you?”

    “Since you sentenced me to another two or three days here,” Chloe retorted. “Or did you not know that I have to share a room with four other women?”

    “I’m sure that will change now that ten of them are leaving,” Lex said, his tone a mixture of consolation and teasing.

    “Somehow I doubt it,” Chloe grumbled. “They’ll probably use the extra rooms for storage space or something.”

    Lex let out a low chuckle.

    “So, may I assume that Lana will be facing some sort of horrible death after we get back?”


    ‘Damn,’ Lex thought, not even noticing his slip of the tongue until Chloe caught it. “You weren’t going to wait for me so I could watch? I’m hurt, Chloe,” he quickly covered, earning an amused smile from the woman he was talking to.

    “Well, it’s not like you were planning to make a tape for me of you getting even with Bruce.”

    “You live in Gotham,” Lex said with a shrug. “You could probably catch it on the news.”

    “I could,” Chloe agreed. “If I watched the news.”

    Lex arched an eyebrow at her.

    “You’re a journalist.”

    “A *print* journalist.”

    “Only because you turned down the anchor job at KLAB.”

    “I’m not even going to ask how you know about that, but I turned it down for a *reason*.”

    “Ahh – the snobbery finally shows through.”

    “It’s not snobbery – it’s self preservation. I’m already being stalked by some weirdo who calls himself ‘the Scarecrow’. And like you’re one to talk anyway,” Chloe pointed out.

    Lex’s expression fell serious.

    “You’re being stalked?”

    “By a guy who calls himself *the Scarecrow* – or weren’t you listening?”

    “From what I’ve heard, lots of villains in Gotham give themselves nicknames.”

    “No,” Chloe corrected. “The papers give them nicknames – all except Scarecrow, who comes on the scene decked out as a *scarecrow* and declares who he is as he’s pulling off a gem heist. What happened to the good old days of the bad guys not wanting to get caught by the police?”

    Lex snickered.

    “Did he get caught?”

    “Sadly no,” Chloe said. “But only because most of the members of Gotham’s finest are either paid off or incompetent.”

    “And what about Batman?” Lex asked jokingly.

    Chloe smiled.

    “In the middle of a hostage situation at the Gotham Museum of Art at the time,” she said, continuing on in a generally patronizing tone. “It was almost as if the Scarecrow and the Joker had it planned.”

    Lex smirked.

    “Which is what you hinted to in your article,” he said knowingly.

    “Somebody has to point out the obvious – even if it does only earn the admiration of the criminals who plotted out the crimes.”

    “Hey! Great!” Chris said, clapping his hands once loudly as he seemingly appeared out of nowhere. “I talked to legal and everything’s cool – no problem having you on the show.”

    “You thought there would be?” Chloe asked in surprise.

    “Only because you already knew each other,” Chris said in his defense. “But everything’s fine. For some reason, they just said to do whatever you said,” he told Lex with confusion.

    Lex gave him a tight, but humored grin.

    “Great. Let’s start by sending everyone else home too.”

    Chris laughed.

    “Pretty sure they didn’t mean that much – but nice try,” he said, slapping Lex on the back and earning a scathing look from the bachelor. “Right. Okay. Group dates are the next thing on the agenda and the production crew has set up primarily beach related activities given our location…”

    “Can’t say they don’t know how to get ratings,” Chloe mumbled, causing Chris to look at her questioningly. “Girls in bikinis,” she provided with a condescending smile.

    “Oh. Right. Yeah,” Chris said before clearing his throat. “But there’s some other stuff too – sailing, shopping, dining out…”

    “Sunbathing naked,” Lex said with a smirk and a teasing, pointed look at Chloe.

    Chloe rolled her eyes but Chris looked horrified by the suggestion.

    “No, no!” he objected. “They’d have to use those little black censor strips – and this is supposed to be a family show.”

    “It is?” Chloe asked mockingly, earning a snicker from Lex’s lips.

    “Yes! So no,” Chris said, “no naked anything.”

    Lex frowned petulantly and then looked at Chloe.

    “So, you want me to tape that segment on the news for you?”


  10. #50
    see spot snark Senior Member happy bunny's Avatar
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    New Jersey
    :lol: This is so great so far. So funny. But *frowns* no naked anything, does that mean no crazy naked moonlit beach sex? Then again, Chloe and Lex were never much for following rules. *g*

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