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Thread: Remember Me (PG-13) ch 6 is up now (completed)

  1. #1
    Captain Lexy's wench hickchick's Avatar
    Join Date
    05 Sep 2003
    Title: Remember Me

    Disclaimer: I don’t own Smallville or any of it’s characters blah blah blah…… but if I did own Smallville Chloe and Lex would be the main characters and everyone would be walking around going ‘Clark and Lana who?’

    Summary: This takes place right after the epi ‘Magnetic.’ Chloe loses her memory. Can her friends help her to remember?

    A/N: Reviews would be nice. I like lots and lots of reviews.

    Ch 1

    Chloe is at school late one night working on things for the Torch. Lana is also there. She is in the in the swimming pool. Chloe enters the gym. She watches Lana swim laps until she finally surfaces.

    "Hey girl! You having fun?" Chloe asks.

    "Hey Chloe" Lana replies breathlessly. "I didn’t hear you come in."

    "What are you doing here so late?" asks the snarky reporter.

    "I should ask you the same question." Lana replies.

    "Point taken" says Chloe jokingly.

    Lana swims over to where Chloe is standing at the edge of the pool.

    "Are you about to go home?" questions Lana.

    "Yeah, I was just heading out the door. How about you?" Chloe asks.

    "I think I’m stick around for a little while. The quiet is very peaceful and relaxing."

    "Yeah I know what you mean." answers Chloe. "Ok, well I see you at home."

    "Ok, see ya!"

    As Chloe is about to turn and leave she suddenly cries out in pain and grabs her arm. She passes out and falls forward into the pool.

    "Chloe!!" Lana screams.

    Lana dives in after her friend. She grabs hold of the blonde pulls her to the surface. She swims her over to the stairs and drags her out of the pool. Lana notices that there is some kind of tranquilizer dart sticking out of Chloe’s arm. Lana pulls out the dart.

    "Chloe?! Can you hear me?"

    Lana lowers an ear to the blonde’s chest. She doesn’t hear any air moving through her lungs. Lana begins to do CPR on her friend.

    "Come on Chloe!"

    She breathes into her mouth. She pumps her stomach. It doesn’t seem to help. Her tears begin to mix with the water dripping from her hair as she tries to bring her friend back to life.

    "Breathe for me Chloe, come on!" she says with a shaky yet powerful voice.

    Finally after a few more tries Chloe begins to cough up the water that she had swallowed.

    "Oh Chloe! Thank God you’re all right!"

    Chloe’s green eyes focus on Lana’s brown ones.

    "Who’s Chloe?" asks the blonde with a very confused look on her face.

    Later the two are sitting in a hospital room. They are both wrapped in towels. Lana is holding Chloe’s hand trying to calm her down. Chloe is shaking all over.

    "So you don’t remember anything?" Lana inquires.

    "No" whispers Chloe as she begins to cry.

    "Shh, it’s ok, I’m sure it’s just a temporary thing." Lana wraps her arm around Chloe. Gabe Sullivan walks in the door.

    "Chloe? Sweetheart are you ok?"

    Chloe looks at Lana "Who is that?"

    "That’s your father Chloe."

    Chloe hugs him even though she is unsure about it.

    The doctor walks in the door.

    "Are you Chloe’s father?" she asks.

    "Yes, What’s wrong with her?"

    "Let’s speak outside."

    Gabe follows the doctor into the hallway.

    "Chloe fell in the pool at the high school. Her friend saved her. She was shot with some sort of poisonous dart that affects her memory. It is inconclusive at this time as to how long she will be affected by this. But we have every reason to believe that this is only temporary."

    "Do you need to keep her here over night?" Gabe questions.

    "That won’t be necessary. Your daughter appears to be fine physically. But just keep an eye on her and bring her back in if you need to. If you have any questions then you can call the hospital."

    "Thank you Doctor." Gabe shakes her hand.

    They are now at the Sullivan’s house.

    "Lana, why don’t you take Chloe up to her room." Gabe instructs.

    "Sure" Lana replies.

    Chloe wanders over to the fireplace and begins to look at the pictures on the mantel. Gabe follows her. She points to one picture of her five year old self with a blonde lady.

    "Is that my mother and me?"

    "Yes, do you remember her?"

    Chloe shakes her head no.

    "What happened to her?" Chloe questions.

    "She left when you were little."


    "Um, Chloe why don’t you go upstairs and get ready for bed."

    "I’m sorry." says Chloe realizing that she had hurt him with her question.

    "It’s ok Chloe. Just get some rest." He kisses her on the forehead and leaves the room.

    "Come on Chloe. I’ll show you your room."

    Chloe follows the brunette up the stairs. Lana stops at the first room at the top of the stairs and flips on the light. She drops the purse on the floor.

    "Is this my room?" Chloe asks.

    "No, this is my room."

    "Oh, you live here too? What happened to your parents?"

    Lana avoids the question and points across the hall.

    "Here’s your room."

    Chloe enters the room and flips on the light. She looks around for a moment.

    "Remember anything?" asks Lana as she walks into Chloe’s room.

    "No." Chloe heads over to the dresser and picks up one of the pictures.

    "That’s you, me, Pete and Clark." Lana points to each person as she says their name. "They’re your friends."

    Chloe sets the picture back down.

    "Well I’ll let you get some sleep. The bathroom is down the hall on the right." Says Lana as she walks out the door.

    "Lana" Chloe stops her. "Thanks for everything."

    "You bet. Goodnight Chloe."

    The brunette leaves the room and Chloe is alone. She turns and stares into the mirror at a face she did not recognize. She walks over to the bed that she doesn’t ever remember sleeping in. She collapses onto it and begins to cry. She cries herself to sleep. She wonders if she will ever be Chloe Sullivan again.

  2. #2
    Ummm.. .Chlex jaded-swan's Avatar
    Join Date
    13 Jun 2003
    That's so sad! Chloe lost her identity... maybe Lex can help her regain it or help her get another one.. hmm

  3. #3
    Captain Lexy's wench hickchick's Avatar
    Join Date
    05 Sep 2003
    Ch 2

    It’s the next morning. Chloe comes downstairs wearing a pink shirt of Lana’s and a pair of jeans rather than her usual attire. He hair is flat to her head as opposed to her regular flared hair do.

    "Good morning Chloe" greets Gabe.

    "Morning" Lana says as she sits down at the table to eat breakfast.

    "Hi" replies Chloe.

    Gabe and Lana stare at her outfit and her hair.

    "What?" questions Chloe as they continue to stare.

    "Oh nothing" replies Lana "You just look diff-

    Gabe clears his throat.

    "-good. You look really pretty today. In my pretty shirt." Lana jokes.

    "Oh, this is your shirt? It was the only thing that looked…..well…normal."

    "Ok, whatever works for you." Lana states.

    "Chloe, Lana is going to take you to school and show you where your classes are. Just call me if you don’t want to stay the rest of the day and I’ll come sign you out."

    "I’m sure I’ll be fine." Chloe replies to her father’s statement.

    When Lana and Chloe get to school they run into Clark and Pete.

    "Hey Lana. Hey Chloe. I’m Clark by the way. I’m your friend. We met each other back in the-

    "I know, Lana told me."

    "Well I guess she also told you that I’m Pete."

    Chloe nodded. Pete tried to wrap his arm around Chloe’s shoulders like he used to but she jerked away from him.

    "I’m sorry Chloe, I didn’t mean to-

    "Are we dating or something?" Chloe asks?

    "No" replies Pete.

    "Then why did you just try to-

    "I’m sorry Chloe. It was just a habit. It’s just something that I used to do, you know."


    The school bell rings.

    "I guess we had better get to class" says Clark as he and Pete walk towards the building.

    "I miss the old Chloe." retorts Pete as soon as he was out of earshot of the girls.

    "You sure you want to do this Chloe?" Lana asks.

    "I’m sure."

    Later that day Lana enters the Torch office to see Chloe staring at a blank computer screen.

    "Hey girl. What ya doing?" Lana asks.

    "Well I was going to open up some of my files and I thought that maybe they would help me remember. But I… I ah….i can’t remember my password." Says Chloe on the brink of tears. "Do you know what it is?" asks the blonde.

    "No, but we can try some things. Ok let’s try your birthday." Lana types the numbers in. It doesn’t work.

    "Ok, let me try this" Lana types in some words. They don’t work either.

    "Huh, what else could it be? Maybe it’s….. nah! It couldn’t be that. Could it?" asks Lana, more to herself than Chloe.

    "I’ll try it anyways." Lana types in something to the keyboard and it works.

    "Oh my God, Lana you got it! What did you type in?"

    "Clark Kent" replies Lana quietly.

    "You like him don’t you?" Chloe questions.

    Lana nods.

    "Why aren’t you two together?" inquires Chloe.

    Lana is silent.

    "Is it because of me?"

    "No Chloe! You sacrificed everything for us. It’s totally not you."

    "What is it then?" Chloe asks.

    "Well I’ve sort of fallen for someone else."

    "Oh really, who?"

    Pete walks in the door and smiles at Lana and she begins to blush. Pete doesn’t even notice.

    "Oh, I see" Chloe says with a grin on her face.

    "Hey guys, what’s going on?"

    "Nothing" Lana and Chloe say at the same time. They start to giggle.

    "Ok, whatever" says Pete as he shakes his head.

    After school Lana and Chloe are at the Talon. Lana is working while Chloe sits at a table. Clark and Pete come in. Clark walks up to Chloe.

    "Hi! I’m Clark Kent." he extends his hand to her. She gives him a weird look but shakes his hand anyways.

    "I know, I just saw you at school. I’m Chloe, I think."

    Clark gives her a blank stare.

    "That was a joke." Retorts Chloe.

    "Oh yeah! I get it. Ha ha! That was funny. She’s really funny."

    Pete and Chloe exchange confused glances as Lana walks over to them. Lana rolls her eyes at Clark. Sometimes he can be so dense.

    Clark takes out his math book and holds it up for Chloe to see. He speaks really slowly "This_is_a_math_book." Chloe can’t help but laugh.

    "She’s not special ed Clark, she just lost her memory." Lana laughs.

    As Lana heads back over to the counter Lex enters the Talon.

    "Hi Lex" greets Lana.

    "Hi Lana."

    Lex points to Chloe. "How’s she doing?"

    "I don’t know. She was so out of it last night but she seems to be doing better today."

    Lex walks over to their table.

    "Hi guys, hi Chloe. I heard you had quite an encounter last night. I’m relieved to see that you’re all right."

    "Thanks, you’re Lex right?" Chloe questions.

    "Oh my gosh! Do you remember him?" Clark asks.

    "No, Lana told me that I might run into a bald guy named Lex, and since he’s the first bald guy I’ve seen all day then I figured he must be Lex."

    "I am Lex indeed." He sits down next to Chloe. Chloe catches a whiff of his cologne and it seems very familiar to her. The smell reminds her of peace and safety, and love. If love has a scent then this must be it.

    Lex smiles at Chloe. She smiles back at him. She doesn’t hear a word anyone else says. She is in her own little world.

    Later that day Lex comes to visit Chloe at the Torch office.

    "Hi Chloe"

    "Hi Lex"

    "How are you doing?"

    "I’m fine. I just keep wondering why someone would want to do this to me. Do you know of anyone who is angry with me about something?"

    "Well actually I know one person who is not too found of you."


    "My father" replies Lex.

    "What did I do to him that caused me to deserve this?"

    "Chloe you didn’t deserve this. You just got mixed up in one of my father’s dirty dealings. But don’t worry about that Chloe." He places his hands on hers.

    "I promised that I would protect you, and I will."

    "Thanks Lex."

    He smiles at her then gets up to leave.



    "You and I, we’re just……. I mean are we……… we are just friends right and nothing more?"

    "Yeah." Lex whispers. "Just friends."

    "I just…… you know, every time I’m around you I just feel like…..you know, all…. You know….." She suddenly finds it very hard to express herself with words. She feels herself start to blush.

    Lex can’t help but laugh at the girl standing in front of him. She’s so different from Chloe. Chloe was well spoken and just had a way with words and expressing herself. But the girl standing in front of him is so much like Chloe. There is just this energy that radiates from her that has the ability to light even the darkest room.

    "I know what you mean" he replies.

    He smiles at her. Chloe can’t help but smile back.

    "I like your mouth." Chloe states. "I mean! Oh my God! Did I just say that out loud?!

    They both begin to laugh as Chloe turns three different shades of crimson.

    "I like being around you Lex. You make me feel safe."

    "I’m glad to hear that Chloe."

    "I like the way you say my name. I know that sounds weird but I don’t remember any faces or names, not even my own. But when you say my name it makes me feel like it’s mine. I’m probably not making any sense to you am I?"

    "No, I understand what you are saying."

    "This is just so scary Lex. What if they never find a cure for me? What if I’m stuck like this forever?" Chloe begins to cry. "What if I never remember anything?"

    Lex pulls her into his arms. She can smell his cologne again. The feelings of peace, safety, and love rush over her once more.

    "Shh, it’s ok Chloe. We’re going to find a cure. You’ll be back to normal self in no time."

    "I hope so. It’s just so frustrating Lex! I remember all this stuff that doesn’t even matter. I remember all this stuff that I’ve learned in school. But I can’t remember names and faces and the places I’ve been. I can’t even remember how to do my hair!"

    "I like your hair the way it is now."


    "Yes" he smiles at her.

    Lex is still holding her in his arms. They stare at each other for a moment. Chloe leans forward and kisses Lex on the lips. She pulls back almost immanently.

    "Lex, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to-

    Lex captures her mouth with his. The kiss is passionate and soft at first. Lex runs his tongue over Chloe’s lower lip. She opens her mouth and he slips his tongue over hers. His hands are cupping her face. Her hands are at his side. Lex pulls back suddenly.

    "Chloe, we shouldn’t be doing this."

    "Yeah" Chloe agrees, out of breath.

    "I have to go Chloe."

    "Bye Lex"

    "I’ll see you soon. Bye Chloe."

    Lex leaves and Chloe is alone again. But this time does not feel very alone. It’s like a void inside of her has been filled. Lex is the one that filled it.

    Look for ch 3 soon!

    And thanks for all the reviews. And I would love to hear anything you have to say about the fic. I’m even open to suggestions.

  4. #4
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
    Join Date
    06 Oct 2003
    Oh, please don't let Lex feel guilty or try to stay away from Chloe!! I just love how she instinctively feels safe and secure around Lex!! Your story is really great! I can't wait for the next chapter! (Your description of Clark is hilarious :biggrin: ) :chlexsign4:

  5. #5
    Luthor's Power Senior Member Sab_Luthor's Avatar
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    Luthor's manor
    umm very interesting
    more soon please

  6. #6
    Escapeism Artist Senior Member asharnanae's Avatar
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    15 Sep 2003
    Cambridgeshire, England.
    :biggrin: oh intreaging!!! this plot has so may possible reasons, I love it already! More soon please!! :worship2:

  7. #7
    Join Date
    26 Mar 2003
    Good start. Please, update soon with more Chlex goodness. :

  8. #8
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    Great start please more....

    Hope :biggrin:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  9. #9
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Béatrice's Avatar
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    Paris, FRANCE
    You made a good job!
    Please update soon. :yay:

  10. #10
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    15 Oct 2003
    Really good start... :biggrin: Can't wait for the next chapter... By the way good job!!!


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