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Thread: To the real you - (R) *Competed, 17/3/06*

  1. #1
    Fairy Dust Bitch welshy's Avatar
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    To the real you - (R) *Competed, 17/3/06*

    Author: Welshy
    Title: To the real you (still working on it, I'm crap with titles)
    Rating: R for the naughty language
    Summary: After seeing an article about him, Lex visits Chloe at the Daily Planet and has a few words to share with her but the conversation ends up getting changed to something more personal
    Disclaimer: I unfortunately own nothing, not even the lyrics which belong to Staind

    I can see through you
    See your true colors
    'Cause inside your ugly
    Your ugly like me
    I can see through you
    See to the real you

    He barely paid notice to the attention that he was recieving, as he made way through the darkened hallway and down to the basement of the newspaper. He barely noticed as people opened gawked at him, nothing was important than getting the answers that he needed but first he had to find the blonde reporter that was slandering his name across the Daily Planet newspaper.

    She was too engrossed with the computer, her fingers quickly speeding over the key board that she wasn't even looking at. Her entire focus was on what she was writing, she didn't even realise that someone had walked into the room. He didn't bother trying to get her attention, he took a quick look around the room and noted that she didn't even put the light on, the only source was coming from the computer and that was barely. He noted the paper clippings hanging on the walls and plastered on the desks, she fitted in here. This was where she probably wrote that article to. His Armani shoes barely made a sound, as he stalked towards her, a smirk crawled across his face as he stood behind her. But she still didn't move, so engrossed in what she was doing.
    "Spreading more lies?"
    He whispered in her ear, as he leaned over. Pressing his face into the corner of her's, his breath against her flesh. She quickly pushed herself away, and moved herself away from him.
    "What are you doing here Lex?"
    She asked angrily, as she quickly backed away from him, trying to distance herself. She tried to control herself, but he could see her tremble and the more she tried to stop it, the worse it got.
    "You know why Chloe, its about a certain article that was printed in your rag tag newspaper."
    He calmly uttered, as he moved towards her. He put his hands down on the desk that was standing between them, and looked down at her.
    "There shouldn't be a problem, I only told the truth Lex. And if there's a problem maybe you should take it up with the editor."
    He let himself smile when he heard this, Chloe was always thinking on her feet. Her way with words was something he admired about her, but when it was aimed at him it was something different all together.
    "Truth Chloe, there's so many meanings behind that word. You actually expect me to believe that you used it for the purpose of showing my dastardly ways to the world. Someone could believe that, but I know you Chloe. I know you better than you think I do, I know you better than Clark."
    He left it there, as he circled around the table, he came here for only one thing and that was to rattle her up a little. What she printed in that article bother him more more than he believe it to be and But her here, just being in the same room as her it was something he didn't expect.

    "You don't know me Lex, you think you can come into my office and try to scare me? I'm not one of your lackeys or bimbos, so just leave."
    She let out angrily, her breathing was heavy as it was dragged from her lungs. She quickly sweeped away the strands of blonde hair that was falling across her eyes. She didn't have time to deal with these, not with Lex. Too many memories of him, too many that hurt. That kept her awake at night, and just looking at him brought them all back. Chloe was too lost in thought, she didn't notice him reaching her, pressing against her, leaning over her. His breathe in her hair, his hands tightly on her arms and his chest against her back. Noticing an oppurtunity, Lex did what was natural to him.
    "So naive Chloe, you've haven't changed. Still closing yourself off from the real truth, trying to ingore the pain from it all. Still the same girl who shuts herself off the moment it gets to much, too busy trying to find the search behind everyone's secret apart from your own."
    Lex run his fingers further down her arms, the more he talked. He felt the shivers go through her body, as he reached her fingers and clasped her hands.
    "I know you better than you know yourself."
    He whispered heavily in her ear, sliding his face into the crook of her neck. Pressing his lips into her flesh, spreading along as she stopped moving.
    "Does he know?"

    Chloe's body completed stilled as he uttered those words, she knew what he was talking about. The summer she wanted to forget, the time she spent with Lex, what turned her against him and why she stopped trusting him. She could barely shake her head no, as the memories flooded her. Pictures flashed through her mind, her with him. Touching him, being in his arms, crying, sobbing. Breaking down, he was there and he used it. Used it for his own means, to make himself feel better. To make himself forget what his father put him through and the life he felt was being dstroyed around him. So he went to her, took her in ways that only he knew how and when it was all over, he left.
    "He doesn't."
    She finally whispered, knowing he was talking about Clark. The only person in their lives that had such a big impact on both of them, the one who meant the most to them.
    "I'm not surprised, why would you tell him? All the sordid things that happened between us, the dirty things that we did? Why would you tell him, why tell him that you wanted it that you even begged for it. Your body ached for it, the moment I walked through the doors, I was the only one there for you. I put you there in that safe house and kept you safe. Kept you alive, and I ended up giving you so much more."

  2. #2
    NS Full Member persephone47's Avatar
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    Re: To the real you - (R) 1/2

    Great job, you must continue!
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "The only way to get ideas for stories is to drink way too much coffee and buy a desk that doesn't collapse when you beat your head against it..."
    -- Douglas Noel Adams

  3. #3
    NS Senior Member Senior Member letia84's Avatar
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    In the lab.

    Re: To the real you - (R) 1/2

    HUH WOW! Is there going to be another part to this?
    I want CHhoe making Lex get all hot and bothered too. Great Short Story

  4. #4
    NS Full Member kimmie's Avatar
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    Re: To the real you - (R) 1/2

    Oh come back, finish it, I wanna know more!

    Please say you'll be back with more soon, i got goosebumps reading it...


  5. #5
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: To the real you - (R) 1/2

    That was good but you need to come back and finish. I want more...

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  6. #6

    Re: To the real you - (R) 1/2

    This has so much potential, so well done, like each word was chosen carefully. Its a shame you ended it so soon.

  7. #7
    Members angelines's Avatar
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    Re: To the real you - (R) 1/2

    keep going it was just getting good

  8. #8
    NS Full Member Louie's Avatar
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    Re: To the real you - (R) 1/2

    I hope she hits him. next part soon please.

  9. #9
    NS Full Member gecko's Avatar
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    Re: To the real you - (R) 1/2

    i can't wait for the next part, to see how it all ends, great work

  10. #10
    NS Full Member campbti's Avatar
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    13 Feb 2004

    Re: To the real you - (R) 1/2

    I really like it, you can feel the tension the heat. I hope he realizes how much he wants her too. Can't wait for more....

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