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Thread: Season four: Chlex style (PG-13) complete

  1. #1
    Join Date
    10 Jul 2005

    Season four: Chlex style (PG-13) complete

    Title: Season four: Chlex style
    Summary: What if Chlex hooked up over the summer, during Chloe’s presumed death? Here’s what it would look like. Read on and find out.
    Rating: PG-13
    Pairing: Chlex
    Genre: Romance/Angst
    Disclaimers: I don’t own Smallville
    A/n: I thought about this idea for a couple days and it’s been bugging me. I wanted to know Chloe’s reaction to Lex, and vise versa. If you're used to my heart felted Lex, well...


    “Chloe, I’m going on a business trip tomorrow. I don’t know when I’ll be back.” Lex hated lying to his girlfriend, but it was the only way not to tell her about the stone myth. They started dating during Chloe’s presumed death. Lex visited her whenever he got a chance. Lex was only Chloe’s outside source of freedom. Lex felt bad. He wanted to her the truth, he really did. He couldn’t tell her of his new obsession with the stones.

    “Can I come?” Chloe asked. She was on his lap. It was rather comfy. Her hands were wrapped around his neck. Lex declined her invite.
    “I’m sorry Chlo. You’d be bored anyway.”
    “Not when you got back to the penthouse.” She winked. She was so persistent. I don’t blame her. How would you like it if you were "dead", and your boyfriend left for a “business trip”? Depressed that’s what! Every time Lex lied he felt a bad after taste. Chloe did not want him to leave. She enjoyed his frequent visits.
    “Chloe, the world thinks your dead.” He reminded her. Chloe sighed annoyingly. She was mad at that.
    “Only because you thought it was best!” Chloe snapped angrily. She moved her hands on his shoulders. Lex glanced to the side then back at the angered blonde.
    “I was the one who was saving you Chloe!”
    “Well obviously you didn’t do a very good job! I almost got killed!” She didn't make sense. She pointed to herself when she said the last part. Lex put her hand down with his and held it firmly.
    “Chlo, I was worried about you.” Lex began pressing his thumb softly on her palm. She looked in his eyes. She could get lost in them. They looked like a never ending ocean. They were so beautiful to her.

    “Does that feel good?” Lex asked above a whisper.
    “Yeah.” Chloe said while nodding her head.
    “I’m going to miss you.” A tear rolled down her cheek. Lex wiped her tears.
    “I’ll miss you too.” He kissed her forehead. Chloe put her hands on his cheeks and kissed his lips.
    “Lex, hold me.” Lex brought her legs up cradled held her in his arms. Chloe enjoyed the warmth of his body, as she leaned against him.
    “I bet it must be hard pretending you’re dead.”
    “You should try it sometime.” Chloe joked sounding a little ticked at the idea. Lex smirked. Chloe thought about her father. He didn’t make it in time.
    “Dad.” She whispered sadly. She sobbed into his chest.
    “Shhh. I’m here for you Chloe.”
    “You know that works both ways.” Chloe said.

    The next morning Lex hugged Chloe good bye.
    “I’ll see you later Chloe.” Lex kissed her once more.

    After Lex left Chloe went back into her house. It was out in the middle of nowhere. Chloe quickly became bored. Lex was her poker buddy. They often gambled.
    Chloe sighed as she tapped her finger on her desk she was sitting at. An idea popped in her head. She began typing gibberish on her lap top. She was hacking into Lex’s computer. She’s never done that before, but once she got into his Luthorcorp data base. He was pissed at her for days. After an hour or so she got in.

    “At least I’m his wallpaper.” Lex had a picture of Chloe smiling at the Metropolis Gardens. She saw a file that looked interesting so she clicked on it.
    “This must be his journal.” Chloe began skimming.
    “Egypt huh? I don’t blame you Lex. I hate it when you lie to me too, even worse when I lie. What stone myth?” That peeked her curiosity a hundred percent. Something else caught Chloe’s eye when she read a certain word.
    “I wonder if Chloe has ever thought about sex? I hope not because I don’t think I could do that to her.’ Huh he doesn’t say why though.” I’ve thought about it but I’m not sure I want to do it right now. Chloe thought. She saw another file. She clicked it open and it looked like poetry.
    “That’s so sad.” Chloe read something about his mother.

    When I think of a rose I think of my mother. She was just as sweet as the noon day. The thorns of the rose are like the constant aching of my heart. (a/n: I suck at poetry so that’s all your getting. Sorry.)

    Night came all too fast and Chloe was getting tired. She crawled into bed and wished that Lex was beside her. They always slept together. She couldn’t sleep with out his constant breathing. She tossed and turned for a while then finally went to sleep. A few hours later Chloe awoke to her cell phone. She looked at her clock.

    “Who calls at 4 am?” She complained groggily.

    “Hello?” She said in a grumpy tone.
    “Hey Ms. Cheerful.”
    “Wouldn’t you sound grumpy if someone woke you up at four am?” She bit his head off.
    “I guess so.”
    “Why are you calling so late?” Crap! Lex thought quickly. He forgot about the time zones.
    “I couldn’t sleep. Listen I should be at the house tomorrow.” Chloe smiled and felt relieved.
    “Great! It’s lonely sleeping with out you.” Lex smirked and Chloe could hear it. She knew about Egypt, but she would nail it on him when he came over.
    “Well I should get to sleep.”
    “Yeah, it’s a long flight.” Chloe hinted.
    “Chloe, Metropolis isn’t that long by chopper.” He corrected her.
    “I know.” She said quickly.
    “Good night Chlo.”
    “Good night Lex.”

    Chloe sighed disappointedly. Lex lied right in front of her, well over the phone. Chloe was angry and frustrated at him. She laid back in bed, pulled up the covers, and went to sleep.

    The next afternoon Chloe went to Lex’s mansion, aware that she could get caught but she didn’t care. She made sure to keep her face hidden. When she entered his office Lex was just putting his brief case on his desk.

    “Egypt huh?” Chloe said bitterly and Lex turned around startled.
    “Chloe! What the hell are you doing here?!” Lex said angrily.
    “Gee Lex, I’m here because you lied to me!” Her nose was barely touching his.
    “How did you know?”
    “I hacked into your computer.” Lex looked at her coldly.
    “Haven’t I taught you nothing about hacking into my private stuff?!” He roared.
    “Don’t get all bent out of shape, just because your still pissed that I hacked into Luthorcorp.” Chloe hissed.
    “Chloe!” He said annoyingly.
    “You’re so obsessive you know that?” Lex ignored her comment.

    “Did you come here to insult me, or to yell at me?” Lex said angrily. Chloe took a step back. She wasn’t used to his temper yet but she could muster up enough courage, to take him down.
    “I came here for an apology!”

    End Crusade

    What did you think? I think I might do something different for Facade. Maybe a trip somewhere.... Yeah, I'll let Clark and Lois figure out the case in Facade.

  2. #2
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
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    09 May 2005

    Re: Season four: Chlex style *11/4*(PG-13)

    I really like it. Can't wait to read what you do with "Facade".

  3. #3
    Join Date
    10 Jul 2005

    Re: Season four: Chlex style *11/4*(PG-13)


    Lex looked at her hesitantly before replying. Chloe looked at him angrily.

    “You know what? Forget it. I forgot that Luthor’s don’t apologize.” She started to leave but he grabbed her arm. She whirled her head around sternly and gave him her death look.
    “Chloe,” He began but it was like she didn’t want his apology. She pulled away from him and walked out the doors. It was like she was becoming a version of him. Lex sighed and went to go back to his work.

    When Chloe got to her house out in the middle of nowhere, she noticed that two people were dead. There was blood smeared on the floor. She gasped. Whoever was there the person must still be near by. Chloe quickly went to run out the door but she was stopped dead in her tracks.

    Clark Kent entered Lex’s office. He didn’t want to talk to him, but this was the only way to uncover Chloe’s presumed death. He was so sure that Lex knew something. Clark and Lois could use any information at all.

    “Lex.” Clark said sternly. Lex looked up from his papers.
    “Clark. So you’re talking to me again?” He said with a smirk.
    “Only because I have no choice. I need you to help me find Chloe.” Clark said. Lex knew that she wasn’t dead, but he couldn’t tell Clark that. Lex smirked again.
    “Clark, it’s kind of hard to resurrect someone from the dead.”
    “Don’t lie to me!” Clark said more sternly while taking a step forward.
    “That’s a pretty bold accusation Clark.” Clark was annoyed.
    “Lex, Chloe wasn’t in her casket!” Lex looked at him stunned.

    After Clark and Lex argued for a while, Clark left. Lex thought he would check up on Chloe just incase. When he got to her room, he saw Clark. They looked at each other like they were both suspects.

    “I thought you said she was dead.” Clark said disappointed. He was angry at Lex.
    “Sometimes you have to protect the ones you love at all costs.” Then Lex explained what happen when the safe house exploded. Lex’s phone went off and in a few seconds later, they located Chloe.
    “Clark, she’s at the old foundry. Don’t worry Clark, will have the police there in seconds.” Lex said while looking at his palm pilot. Clark dashed off when he wasn’t look. Lex looked up and he was gone. How does he do that?

    Chloe was tied to a conveyor belt and wiggled herself free. She ran into Trent who was chasing her. Chloe backed up on a bridge. Under the bridge there was this hot red stuff like lava. Trent knocked Chloe to the ground, then he gets zapped to the floor by Lois. Clark comes up from behind Chloe, and uses his heat vision to vaporize him. He exploded and little pieces of him fell to the ground.

    “I guess the shock was a little much for him.” Lois retorted.
    “Lois? What are you doing here?” Chloe asked shocked as Lois helped her up.
    “Saving my cousin.” Chloe turned around and saw Clark. She gasped and quickly embraced him. Clark and Lois wrapped their arms around Chloe carrying her out.

    Chloe saw Lex by a police car and raced to him, embracing him with open arms. They shared a kiss, and clung to each other. Clark and Lois saw the whole thing. They were kind of shocked by the whole idea, of them dating. Clark thought that Chloe knew better.

    “So, you two are uh together?” Lois said like it was a bad thing. Chloe and Lex looked at them blankly.
    “Oh you don’t have to hide anything from me.” Lois said and continued walking. However Clark wanted to know more. He didn’t like the idea of them dating.
    “How long have you guys been dating?” Clark asked trying not to sound bitter.
    “A few months.” Lex said. Clark nodded his head and started to walk to his truck. Lois had already gotten in the passenger side. Chloe sighed and ran after Clark. Chloe knew what he was thinking.

    “Clark, wait!” Chloe said. She grabbed his arm turning him around.
    “Why are you with him?” Clark asked. He was concerned. Chloe stuttered for a bit finding the right words, but none came to mind.
    “You can’t even answer a simple question.” He started to leave but Chloe stopped him again.
    “I know Lex isn’t exactly what you want him to be Clark. But I, I…” She stopped herself again. What was going on with her? Was she developing feelings for him, that she couldn’t comprehend? Clark didn’t want her to say those three words to his face, so he left quickly. He hated the fact that they were together.

    Lex walked up to Chloe and took her hand in his.

    “Chloe, I’m sorry.” He said as he started to stroke her arm. Chloe heard him but she was thinking about those three words. I love you.

    -End Gone-

  4. #4
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Season four: Chlex style *11/17*(PG-13)

    Ok I want more.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  5. #5
    NS Full Member gecko's Avatar
    Join Date
    14 Sep 2005

    Re: Season four: Chlex style *11/17*(PG-13)

    great work, can't wait to see what you have install for the rest of the season, hope you update soon

  6. #6
    Fairy Dust Bitch welshy's Avatar
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    United Kingdom

    Re: Season four: Chlex style *11/17*(PG-13)

    That was a great chapter, I hope there's going to be more

  7. #7
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
    Join Date
    09 May 2005

    Re: Season four: Chlex style *11/17*(PG-13)

    Great job with Gone. More please.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    10 Jul 2005

    Re: Season four: Chlex style *11/17*(PG-13)

    Here's the next update! Enjoy!

    This takes place of Façade bc I thought it wasn’t that great. Oh yeah, some of the story plot of season four will be changed too. Spell never happens. And I’m creating two plots in my version of season four.

    Lex looked at his girlfriend wondering what she was thinking about.

    “Chloe?” Lex jerked her thoughts out of her head. She brushed them off and looked at him in the eyes. She did love him, but she was too afraid to admit it.
    “Yeah?” She said as she was gazing at him. He had the most beautiful face. His eyes were just amazing, she could look at them all day.
    “Sorry I must’ve zoned out.” She said above a whisper.
    “Apparently. Listen, I wanted to make it up to you. I think we should go to Metropolis for the day tomorrow.” Chloe smiled at the idea, but she was lost in him. Lex kept looking at her funny.
    “What is it?” He asked. Chloe shook her head no, and put her hand on his cheek, taking in his touch.
    “Nothing. I just have the greatest boyfriend in the world.” Lex knew that Chloe was thinking something, he just didn’t know what. Lex took her hand off his face.
    “Chloe, are you sure there isn’t something you want to tell me?” He asked. Chloe kept her feelings hidden.
    “I have school tomorrow, but I’m sure I could take the day off.” She reminded him that she was still in school. Lex nodded his head.
    “What about after school? I wouldn’t want our trip to get in the way of your studies.” Chloe smirked.
    “I guess that’ll be alright.” Chloe said. The two walked to Lex’s car hand in hand. Chloe felt relieved to be alive again to the world. Lex felt the same way. Finally they could make their relationship known.

    After school Chloe and Lex went to Metropolis. They shopped around for a bit, and when they got hungry they ate at a small café. Chloe studied Lex’s wine glass. She wondered what it tasted like.

    “May I have a sip?” Chloe said that as nonchalant as possible. Lex blinked once or twice. He smirked.
    “I’m sorry Chloe, I don’t serve alcohol to minors.” Lex gave a devious grin. Chloe complained a bit.
    “Are you scared Lex? That I might actually like it?” Chloe did her best to persuade him. She gave him those wide eyes that she usually used on him, when she wanted to get her way.
    “Oh not those eyes.” Lex looked away and Chloe had a huge grin on her face. Chloe kept looking at him to get her way. Lex looked to the side. When he couldn’t take it anymore he gave in. Lex sighed.
    “Fine. When we get to the mansion.” Chloe slapped her hands together excitedly.
    “Yes! Ha! You can’t resist me can you?” Chloe sneered happily. Lex looked at her with his death look.
    “You don’t frighten me Luthor.”
    “Sullivan.” Chloe hesitated for a bit to think of a comeback.
    “Ohhhh great comeback Sullivan. I thought you were chock full of ‘em.” He had a huge grin on his face, that Chloe wanted to slap off him.
    “I am baldy…. Oops!” Chloe put her hand to her mouth of what she said. She did not mean it at all. Lex didn’t look hurt at all.
    “Lex, I’m,” He cut her off.
    “It’s ok Chloe. You’re not the only one who has made fun of my head.” Lex rubbed his head. Chloe felt bad for what she said. She put her hand on Lex’s on the table.
    “I didn’t mean it at all.” Lex smiled at her and Chloe’s heart melted.

    “I love you Chloe. Whenever I came to visit you over the summer, I felt like I was happy for the first time.” Chloe didn’t know how to respond to that. She was afraid of her feelings for him. She loved him as well but she could never admit to him, because she couldn’t admit to herself. Chloe smiled and she was saved by the bell because the server came by with their food. Chloe sighed a sigh of relief in her head. What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I say “I love you” back? What am I so afraid of? Lex has just shared his inner most feelings for me, and I can’t even respond. Chloe didn’t feel like eating anymore. She just looked at him while he was preparing his food. Lex stopped pouring salt, and looked at her.
    “Chloe, what’s wrong?” Lex asked with concern in his voice. Chloe open her mouth but nothing came out. Chloe sighed roughly and left the table. Her mind was blank. Lex Luthor just confessed his feelings for her. What was she supposed to do? Chloe went to the bathroom and sat on the toilet.

    Ok Chloe get a hold of yourself. You’ve been through something like this before, only Clark didn’t like you how he liked Lana. Oh great… I think I’m in love with Lex Luthor. So why can’t I say I love you back?

    Chloe sighed, put her hands on her face, and put her head down. Meanwhile out in the restaurant Lex was getting worried. He put his fork down and went to find Chloe. He knew that going in the girls bathroom was wrong, but this was an emergency. Lex knocked on the door.

    “Man coming in.” He said as he open the door. Chloe was groaning to herself.
    “Chloe? Chloe are you alright?” Chloe lifted her head up startled with a gasp.
    “Lex! What’re you doing in here? This is the forbidden room!” She blurted out. Chloe refused to come out of her stall.
    “I’m aware of that Chloe, but I’m concerned about you. Are you ok?” Lex asked as he looked under the stalls, and saw one set of legs. They were Chloe’s, because he recognized her shoes. Lex went into the stall beside her, got on the toilet and peered over. He saw her and smiled.
    “Hey.” Chloe gasped and looked up.
    “What?” Chloe groaned and got out of her stall, and Lex joined her.

    “So are you going to tell me what’s wrong?” Lex asked. A lady came in the bathroom.
    “Oh my!” She said startled. Chloe face turned red, and she glared at Lex.
    “We weren’t doing anything ma’am. In fact we were just leaving, right Chloe?” Lex took her hand tightly, and dragged her out of the bathroom.

    “Ow! Lex your hurting me!” Chloe complained as she pried her hand away from his.
    “I’m sorry. Will you please tell me what’s wrong?” Lex pleaded. Chloe fidgeted for a bit.
    “It was nothing. I just had to go to the bathroom.”
    “You’re pants weren’t down.” He said bitterly.
    “So, I went before you came in.” She lied. Lex was getting frustrated and pinched the bridge of his nose.
    “You’re upset aren’t you?” Chloe said and started to walk back to their table. Lex followed. They both took their seats. Chloe popped a French fry in her mouth. It was like this whole thing never happen. Lex kept looking at her.

    “What!” Chloe snapped.
    “Are you going to tell me what happen or not?” Lex said sternly.
    “Lex, it was nothing.”
    “Then why don’t I believe you?”
    “Because you’re paranoid!” Chloe said that a little too loudly.
    “Anything else?” He said bitterly.
    “You’re obsessed.” Lex smirked. He didn’t take that too kindly.
    “Just because you have the ability to hack into my computer, that doesn’t mean you can read my journal whenever you please.” He hissed.
    “Boohoo.” Chloe looked directly at his eyes. They were piercing yet somehow she felt like making out with him. She was more then tempted to go over there and kiss him to her hearts desire. She couldn’t take the silence anymore, and so she went to go sit beside him in the booth.

    “What’re you doing?” He was still being bitter about this whole thing. Chloe looked at him and her eyes went from side to side. She put her lips on his.

    “Chloe.” He whispered.
    “You always interrupt me.”
    “Because you always do this at the wrong place, and the wrong time.” Chloe stared at Lex disapointedly.
    "Aren't you going to eat?" Lex asked as he continued to eat his food. Chloe went to her side of the booth.
    "I'm not hungry." She complained. Lex looked at her oddly.
    "Don't tell me that this costs money because I know that. Luthor." Chloe said stubbornly and crossed her arms over her chest, and slumped in her seat.

    "Sullivan." Chloe stuck her tongue out at him. Lex chuckled at himself. He didn't seem bemused at all. Lex felt a foot or shoe rather, on his leg. He cleared his throat.
    "What! How come whenever I'm turned on it's bad!" She said a little loud. People from different booths turned their heads in Chloe and Lex's direction. Chloe slid farther in her seat, and her cheeks turned red. Lex composed himself.
    "Because we're in a public place."
    "I know that much Lex. Can we go?" She begged. "I'm bored, and my boyfriend isn't cooperating." Lex smirked and glanced at his plate.
    "Girls are so complicated." He whispered to himself. Chloe heard him and she didn't like it one bit.
    "Guys are the worst." Chloe said and got up to leave. She waited for him outside. Lex paid the bill and met Chloe outside. Lex went to take Chloe's hand in his, but she jerked hers away.

    "Complicated huh? You haven't even SEEN complicated Mr. Luthor." Chloe stormed off to the limo. Lex was a little frighten of his girlfriend. Is she always like this when she hangs out with Clark? Lex made a mental note to check on it.
    "I wonder if she has her period?" Lex shrugged it off and walked to the limo.

    The couple sat in silence as the limo proceeded to the helicopter landing. Chloe was slumped in her seat, and her arms were folded over her stomach. Lex couldn't take her attitude anymore.

    "You're like a little child you know that?" He said annoyingly.
    "Hmph." Chloe looked out her window facing away from Lex. Lex was growing annoyed with this girl. Maybe if he would've cooperated in the first place, then they wouldn't be like this.
    "Chloe." Silence. Lex touched her arm sending chills over her. His touch was amazing. Just even a tap and she gets all mushy and weak inside. It was like he had power over her. Chloe looked his way and met his baby blue eyes. Those eyes that she could gaze at forever. Those eyes that seemed endless. Lex rubbed her arm gently and smiled slightly. He had no idea what he was doing to her inside. He was driving her crazy.
    "Lex, I'm sorry." Chloe said. Lex smiled. They shared a kiss.

    When they got to the mansion Chloe was starving. She didn't eat dinner because of their argument. Chloe flung her purse on the chair and sat on the leather sofa.

    "I'm hungry." Chloe looked at Lex. He laughed at her.
    "You skipped dinner because you were angry with me. I'll call the cook." Lex got out his cell phone and told the cook to make something for Chloe.
    "I want pizza." Chloe demanded. Lex mention the pizza and then hanged up.
    "So where's my wine?" Chloe asked and Lex nodded his head and went to pour her a glass of red wine. (a/n: I think red wine is icky.)

    "I don't think you're going to like it." He assured her and handed her the glass.
    "I'll be the judge of that." Chloe took a sip and made a harsh face.
    "It tastes a little bitter. How do you drink this stuff all day?" Lex sat beside her, and Chloe put the glass on the table in front of them. Lex took a sip of Chloe's drink.
    "You have to developed a taste for it." Lex leaned back, and Chloe rested her head on his shoulder.
    "I don't mind tasting it on your lips, but it tastes awful in a glass." Lex began stroking Chloe's hair. Lex smirked and wrapped his arm around her.

    After dinner the two decided to call it a night and went to bed.

    "Lex," Chloe began.
    "Yes Chloe?" Chloe smiled at him and ran her index finger down his cheek.
    "If you turn off my alarm,"
    "I'll kill you. Good night." Chloe said the last part as nonchalant as possible. Chloe hated it when she didn't have enough time to get ready for school. Lex smirked. He held Chloe close to him and the two went to sleep.

    -End Interlude-

  9. #9
    Join Date
    10 Jul 2005

    Re: Season four: Chlex style *11/17*(PG-13)

    Here's the next update! Enjoy!

    This takes place of Façade bc I thought it wasn’t that great. Oh yeah, some of the story plot of season four will be changed too. Spell never happens. And I’m creating two plots in my version of season four.

    Lex looked at his girlfriend wondering what she was thinking about.

    “Chloe?” Lex jerked her thoughts out of her head. She brushed them off and looked at him in the eyes. She did love him, but she was too afraid to admit it.
    “Yeah?” She said as she was gazing at him. He had the most beautiful face. His eyes were just amazing, she could look at them all day.
    “Sorry I must’ve zoned out.” She said above a whisper.
    “Apparently. Listen, I wanted to make it up to you. I think we should go to Metropolis for the day tomorrow.” Chloe smiled at the idea, but she was lost in him. Lex kept looking at her funny.
    “What is it?” He asked. Chloe shook her head no, and put her hand on his cheek, taking in his touch.
    “Nothing. I just have the greatest boyfriend in the world.” Lex knew that Chloe was thinking something, he just didn’t know what. Lex took her hand off his face.
    “Chloe, are you sure there isn’t something you want to tell me?” He asked. Chloe kept her feelings hidden.
    “I have school tomorrow, but I’m sure I could take the day off.” She reminded him that she was still in school. Lex nodded his head.
    “What about after school? I wouldn’t want our trip to get in the way of your studies.” Chloe smirked.
    “I guess that’ll be alright.” Chloe said. The two walked to Lex’s car hand in hand. Chloe felt relieved to be alive again to the world. Lex felt the same way. Finally they could make their relationship known.

    After school Chloe and Lex went to Metropolis. They shopped around for a bit, and when they got hungry they ate at a small café. Chloe studied Lex’s wine glass. She wondered what it tasted like.

    “May I have a sip?” Chloe said that as nonchalant as possible. Lex blinked once or twice. He smirked.
    “I’m sorry Chloe, I don’t serve alcohol to minors.” Lex gave a devious grin. Chloe complained a bit.
    “Are you scared Lex? That I might actually like it?” Chloe did her best to persuade him. She gave him those wide eyes that she usually used on him, when she wanted to get her way.
    “Oh not those eyes.” Lex looked away and Chloe had a huge grin on her face. Chloe kept looking at him to get her way. Lex looked to the side. When he couldn’t take it anymore he gave in. Lex sighed.
    “Fine. When we get to the mansion.” Chloe slapped her hands together excitedly.
    “Yes! Ha! You can’t resist me can you?” Chloe sneered happily. Lex looked at her with his death look.
    “You don’t frighten me Luthor.”
    “Sullivan.” Chloe hesitated for a bit to think of a comeback.
    “Ohhhh great comeback Sullivan. I thought you were chock full of ‘em.” He had a huge grin on his face, that Chloe wanted to slap off him.
    “I am baldy…. Oops!” Chloe put her hand to her mouth of what she said. She did not mean it at all. Lex didn’t look hurt at all.
    “Lex, I’m,” He cut her off.
    “It’s ok Chloe. You’re not the only one who has made fun of my head.” Lex rubbed his head. Chloe felt bad for what she said. She put her hand on Lex’s on the table.
    “I didn’t mean it at all.” Lex smiled at her and Chloe’s heart melted.

    “I love you Chloe. Whenever I came to visit you over the summer, I felt like I was happy for the first time.” Chloe didn’t know how to respond to that. She was afraid of her feelings for him. She loved him as well but she could never admit to him, because she couldn’t admit to herself. Chloe smiled and she was saved by the bell because the server came by with their food. Chloe sighed a sigh of relief in her head. What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I say “I love you” back? What am I so afraid of? Lex has just shared his inner most feelings for me, and I can’t even respond. Chloe didn’t feel like eating anymore. She just looked at him while he was preparing his food. Lex stopped pouring salt, and looked at her.
    “Chloe, what’s wrong?” Lex asked with concern in his voice. Chloe open her mouth but nothing came out. Chloe sighed roughly and left the table. Her mind was blank. Lex Luthor just confessed his feelings for her. What was she supposed to do? Chloe went to the bathroom and sat on the toilet.

    Ok Chloe get a hold of yourself. You’ve been through something like this before, only Clark didn’t like you how he liked Lana. Oh great… I think I’m in love with Lex Luthor. So why can’t I say I love you back?

    Chloe sighed, put her hands on her face, and put her head down. Meanwhile out in the restaurant Lex was getting worried. He put his fork down and went to find Chloe. He knew that going in the girls bathroom was wrong, but this was an emergency. Lex knocked on the door.

    “Man coming in.” He said as he open the door. Chloe was groaning to herself.
    “Chloe? Chloe are you alright?” Chloe lifted her head up startled with a gasp.
    “Lex! What’re you doing in here? This is the forbidden room!” She blurted out. Chloe refused to come out of her stall.
    “I’m aware of that Chloe, but I’m concerned about you. Are you ok?” Lex asked as he looked under the stalls, and saw one set of legs. They were Chloe’s, because he recognized her shoes. Lex went into the stall beside her, got on the toilet and peered over. He saw her and smiled.
    “Hey.” Chloe gasped and looked up.
    “What?” Chloe groaned and got out of her stall, and Lex joined her.

    “So are you going to tell me what’s wrong?” Lex asked. A lady came in the bathroom.
    “Oh my!” She said startled. Chloe face turned red, and she glared at Lex.
    “We weren’t doing anything ma’am. In fact we were just leaving, right Chloe?” Lex took her hand tightly, and dragged her out of the bathroom.

    “Ow! Lex your hurting me!” Chloe complained as she pried her hand away from his.
    “I’m sorry. Will you please tell me what’s wrong?” Lex pleaded. Chloe fidgeted for a bit.
    “It was nothing. I just had to go to the bathroom.”
    “You’re pants weren’t down.” He said bitterly.
    “So, I went before you came in.” She lied. Lex was getting frustrated and pinched the bridge of his nose.
    “You’re upset aren’t you?” Chloe said and started to walk back to their table. Lex followed. They both took their seats. Chloe popped a French fry in her mouth. It was like this whole thing never happen. Lex kept looking at her.

    “What!” Chloe snapped.
    “Are you going to tell me what happen or not?” Lex said sternly.
    “Lex, it was nothing.”
    “Then why don’t I believe you?”
    “Because you’re paranoid!” Chloe said that a little too loudly.
    “Anything else?” He said bitterly.
    “You’re obsessed.” Lex smirked. He didn’t take that too kindly.
    “Just because you have the ability to hack into my computer, that doesn’t mean you can read my journal whenever you please.” He hissed.
    “Boohoo.” Chloe looked directly at his eyes. They were piercing yet somehow she felt like making out with him. She was more then tempted to go over there and kiss him to her hearts desire. She couldn’t take the silence anymore, and so she went to go sit beside him in the booth.

    “What’re you doing?” He was still being bitter about this whole thing. Chloe looked at him and her eyes went from side to side. She put her lips on his.

    “Chloe.” He whispered.
    “You always interrupt me.”
    “Because you always do this at the wrong place, and the wrong time.” Chloe stared at Lex disapointedly.
    "Aren't you going to eat?" Lex asked as he continued to eat his food. Chloe went to her side of the booth.
    "I'm not hungry." She complained. Lex looked at her oddly.
    "Don't tell me that this costs money because I know that. Luthor." Chloe said stubbornly and crossed her arms over her chest, and slumped in her seat.

    "Sullivan." Chloe stuck her tongue out at him. Lex chuckled at himself. He didn't seem bemused at all. Lex felt a foot or shoe rather, on his leg. He cleared his throat.
    "What! How come whenever I'm turned on it's bad!" She said a little loud. People from different booths turned their heads in Chloe and Lex's direction. Chloe slid farther in her seat, and her cheeks turned red. Lex composed himself.
    "Because we're in a public place."
    "I know that much Lex. Can we go?" She begged. "I'm bored, and my boyfriend isn't cooperating." Lex smirked and glanced at his plate.
    "Girls are so complicated." He whispered to himself. Chloe heard him and she didn't like it one bit.
    "Guys are the worst." Chloe said and got up to leave. She waited for him outside. Lex paid the bill and met Chloe outside. Lex went to take Chloe's hand in his, but she jerked hers away.

    "Complicated huh? You haven't even SEEN complicated Mr. Luthor." Chloe stormed off to the limo. Lex was a little frighten of his girlfriend. Is she always like this when she hangs out with Clark? Lex made a mental note to check on it.
    "I wonder if she has her period?" Lex shrugged it off and walked to the limo.

    The couple sat in silence as the limo proceeded to the helicopter landing. Chloe was slumped in her seat, and her arms were folded over her stomach. Lex couldn't take her attitude anymore.

    "You're like a little child you know that?" He said annoyingly.
    "Hmph." Chloe looked out her window facing away from Lex. Lex was growing annoyed with this girl. Maybe if he would've cooperated in the first place, then they wouldn't be like this.
    "Chloe." Silence. Lex touched her arm sending chills over her. His touch was amazing. Just even a tap and she gets all mushy and weak inside. It was like he had power over her. Chloe looked his way and met his baby blue eyes. Those eyes that she could gaze at forever. Those eyes that seemed endless. Lex rubbed her arm gently and smiled slightly. He had no idea what he was doing to her inside. He was driving her crazy.
    "Lex, I'm sorry." Chloe said. Lex smiled. They shared a kiss.

    When they got to the mansion Chloe was starving. She didn't eat dinner because of their argument. Chloe flung her purse on the chair and sat on the leather sofa.

    "I'm hungry." Chloe looked at Lex. He laughed at her.
    "You skipped dinner because you were angry with me. I'll call the cook." Lex got out his cell phone and told the cook to make something for Chloe.
    "I want pizza." Chloe demanded. Lex mention the pizza and then hanged up.
    "So where's my wine?" Chloe asked and Lex nodded his head and went to pour her a glass of red wine. (a/n: I think red wine is icky.)

    "I don't think you're going to like it." He assured her and handed her the glass.
    "I'll be the judge of that." Chloe took a sip and made a harsh face.
    "It tastes a little bitter. How do you drink this stuff all day?" Lex sat beside her, and Chloe put the glass on the table in front of them. Lex took a sip of Chloe's drink.
    "You have to developed a taste for it." Lex leaned back, and Chloe rested her head on his shoulder.
    "I don't mind tasting it on your lips, but it tastes awful in a glass." Lex began stroking Chloe's hair. Lex smirked and wrapped his arm around her.

    After dinner the two decided to call it a night and went to bed.

    "Lex," Chloe began.
    "Yes Chloe?" Chloe smiled at him and ran her index finger down his cheek.
    "If you turn off my alarm,"
    "I'll kill you. Good night." Chloe said the last part as nonchalant as possible. Chloe hated it when she didn't have enough time to get ready for school. Lex smirked. He held Chloe close to him and the two went to sleep.

    -End Interlude-

  10. #10
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002

    Re: Season four: Chlex style *11/18*(PG-13)

    That was good.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

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