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Thread: How We Never Met Series - Part 2 - Hot And Cold (PG-13/T)

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    How We Never Met Series - Part 2 - Hot And Cold (PG-13/T)

    Once more, the ratings are the same but the newer ratings style has changed. Enjoy this next look into how Chloe and Lex could have met.

    Title: "How We Never Met Part 2 - Hot And Cold"

    Author: PMD

    e-mail: mary.davidson@sympatico.ca

    Rating: PG-13/T (for language)

    Category: Bruce/Chloe/Lex Friendship, Chlex, Futurefic, AU, Chloe's POV

    Spoilers: No spoilers for this one.

    Summary: Lex and Chloe meet while Chloe is hot and then cold.

    Disclaimer: To whomever owns Smallville, the characters, the Sandman, the Arctic, Bruce Wayne and the mention of the bat, I'm just borrowing them, will give them back, not making any money with their use in this piece, so don't sue me.

    Archive: At BtS, BT2, Electricchlex, MD, N.S. Forums, SFF_2005, SPP, WBFFZ, and Malu's site. If anybody else wants it, all they have to do is ask.

    Feedback: Yes I would love feedback.

    Author Notes: This is dedicated to NewBatgirl and her encouragement of my writing. And her writing too. And to Jay, David, and Charlie, three of the best guy friends a girl can have. And last but not the least---to MR and AM, who breathe life into the characters we love to watch---thanks from the bottom of everybody's hearts, dude and dudette. Enjoy.

    "How We Never Met Part 2 - Hot And Cold" - by PMD


    Who knew that three days and hot and cold temperatures would lead me to the love I've always wanted.


    The Wayne Condo - Metropolis

    Cousin Bruce and Alfred had to go away for a few days so he suggested his travel weary journalistic cousin stay at his condo to watch over it and rest. Ah, that would be me. And it's not like he needs someone to watch over it---got security in the building with all the billionaires and millionaires here. I think it's for rest and something else. Although, not getting much rest at the moment.

    "God, it's so hot in here," I complain.

    I let out a groan. I brighten up when I remember, the condo building has a pool. What better way to cool yourself off and get some exercise that will allow you to fall asleep, even in the daytime desert?

    I put on my suit, cover-up, and grab my towel and keys. Then I make my way upstairs and to salvation.


    The Pool

    I drop my towel and push my keys into the pocket of my cover-up. Then I take it off and turn towards the pool, sensing where it is, even in the darkened room.

    I take a running leap into the pool and collide with another body. "Ouch!" I state, touching my side.

    Then I look over at the hardened body I hit. "I'm---"

    I can't say anymore because, even in the darkened room, I can sense his eyes are piercing.

    "Lights," he growls.

    Sudden illumination allows me to see more of him. His eyes are blue in color and filled with amusement. He smirks at me and I have to look away, not only because of the light bouncing off his bald head but because I have this urge to kiss a man I just met. Course, I do know who he is; you'd have to have lived under a rock not to know this was Lex Luthor. The Lex Luthor. My cousins' friend, Lex Luthor. Still, I had never met him before; why is that?

    "Dim," he states.

    The lights dim and I look back. He's smirking still and I feel this need to take him down a peg or two now.

    "Gee, are girls just as obedient to a man who can probably bounce off radio waves, as well as light, off his head."

    He gives me an evil grin. "No, usually they come begging for it."

    "Yeah, right, whatever," I retort.

    "So, who are you?"

    "You know who I am, Mr. Luthor."

    "I do?"

    "Yes you do."

    "Well, all I see is a drowned rat right now."

    "Takes one to know one!" Man, Chloe, how can this guy reduce you to such drivel that you haven't used since you were high school.

    I mean, you're a celebrated journalist---you write books and papers are clamoring for you to write an advice column, like Ann Landers.

    I'm so lost in thought that I don't notice he's out of the pool and looking down at me, offering his hand.

    I take one and then the other, as he pulls me out. I end up in a sitting position and take the time to get rid of the excess water, like a dog does. Then I get up and walk over to get my towel. As I dry myself off further, I sense his eyes on me. I turn around.

    "Chloe Sullivan, as I live and breathe."

    "So, you have seen my picture."

    "And read your articles. You're---okay," he states, with a smirk. "But I didn't know you were this beautiful. Your picture doesn't do you justice."

    "Beauty fades; passion and talent lasts forever," I reply, turning around and dropping my towel. I pick up my cover-up and the keys fall out.

    He walks over, picking them up, as I put on the cover-up.

    "Here," he breathes out, handing me the keys. I gasp, feeling an electric shock that starts my cold heart pumping. I look at him, seeing something animalistic in them. No---I won't be a comfort fuck or a one time one either. I've just been in one bad relationship---do I want to fall into another uncertain one, so soon?

    I back away from him and end up sitting on the lounge. "Please."

    "Please what?" he asks, getting down to my level.

    "Please, I don't want to do this now. It's too soon."

    His eyes change to a deeper blue I've ever seen--a calming blue. "I understand. Let me show you home, though."

    I nod my head and he helps me up. We make our way over to his stuff and then we're gone.

    He sees me to the door, putting his hand out. "Nice to bump into you, Ms. Sullivan. Hope to do it again soon, without getting hurt."

    I shake his hand and then watch him leave. "Lex?"

    He turns around. "Yes?"

    "Nice bumping into you too."

    He nods his head and then is gone.

    I walk into the condo, knowing now, that the heat in the rooms is nothing compared to the heat I felt in the pool. But---it's too soon, after my disastrous fling with another journalist. I'm not ready to jump into another relationship yet.

    I let out a sigh---knowing that I'm lying. I know what this man is about. He goes from woman to woman, without blinking an eye. He can give my cousin a run for his money. Liar! Okay, I'm scared--afraid to be hurt again. One of these days I will step forward and open my heart to another. Maybe it's already happening with what happened in the pool. Face it, Chloe, you're falling for him---but is he falling for me?

    I walk into the bedroom and plop on my bed, not even bothering to undress---the heat of the condo is just sapping my strength so I don't have even that much to get undressed. Besides the bathing suit is much cooler than my pajama's.


    The Next Day

    This heat is too much---I'm just too uncomfortable here---sticky like honey, is the order of the day, until I have my shower that is.

    After that, I make the call to the maintenance crew again and finally get a hold of them, after trying all of yesterday afternoon. They're coming to fix it this afternoon around 4 o'clock, thank God. But it's morning and---I've got to get out of here.

    I open the door and close it behind me, letting out a sigh of relief. Out of the sauna, into the almost clear air.

    I am in the elevator and entering the lobby in a matter of minutes. I push the door open, the sun greeting my eyes and it's not the only thing.

    I watch as Lex opens the door to a taxi and allows a brunette to enter it. He closes the door and leans in. Then he backs away and the taxi is off, down the road. He straightens up and then tenses, sensing something. He turns around and gives me a smile.

    "Ms. Sullivan, nice to see you again."

    "Mr. Luthor---I see you weren't alone last night. Have fun?"

    He walks over to me. "Oh, you mean Lana. She's my friend Clark's fiancee. She wanted to know of a place to find the perfect gift for him and I helped her. Jealous?"

    "No, I've been finding the perfect gift for people for years," I reply.

    "So, what would you buy me as a gift?" he asks, standing in front of me now.

    "Hmmmmm---let me see. An electronic notebook to keep your dating straight, maybe? Or, maybe, a fun day with no work?"

    "A fun day with no work? I like that. You're hired."


    "Well, I need somebody to lead me around. So, you have to come with me."

    "Ah---but I gave you the gift of taking a day off, not to be there with you."

    "But how do you know if I take the day off if you're not there," he replies, putting his arm around my shoulder.

    "That's true. So, where to, Luthor?"

    "Breakfast and then the arcade."

    "So, you want to fortify your body and then fortify your childish spirit---lead on, McDuff."


    Later in the Afternoon

    "I can't believe that time went by so fast, Chloe. I don't think I've had so much fun since I---I've never had that much fun."

    "Oh, fun is losing at a game rather than losing at work, I take it, Lex."

    "Much more fun losing a game than losing a business I'm trying to obtain. Unlike my father, I don't like playing with people's lives but I love playing games."

    "And you didn't lose that much."

    "Only when you tried to distract me."

    "And I did that admirably."

    He lets out a sigh. "Yes, you did. And now---"

    "---now it's back to the real world. I have some maintenance people to let in and you have some work to do back at your place, I guess."

    He nods his head and looks up at the building before us. "We're home," he sighs out, sadly.

    "Hey, we can play tomorrow. How about in the afternoon we go feed the pigeons and tell them to go poop on your father?"

    He chuckles at that, as he opens the door. "You have a deal, Sullivan."

    We head towards the elevator and ride up it, looking at each other, intently. Like we don't want to forget any moment of our day together. The fun, the laughter, the food, the getting to know each other, and the joy felt by both of us.

    I lean back against the elevator wall and remember one older lady who came up to me, when Lex had to use the facilities.

    'He doesn't have much fun, does he?'

    'No, he doesn't.'

    'Nice to know that he has you in his life.'

    'Nice to know that I have him in my life.'

    'Well, I've got to be going. Hope you and your husband have fun for the rest of your lives.'

    'We're not married.'

    'Really?' was the last word she said, before she walked away.

    I let out a sigh and smile, coming back to the present.

    "What?" he asks me, as the door opens.

    "Nothing. I'll talk to you later, Lex. Have a good evening," I reply, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek.

    I get out and the door closes on a very satisfied man. And I did this. I have a brand new friend and---who am I kidding. I always scoffed when people said that sometimes love happens out of nowhere. That you can be struck by lightning. That love at first sight is possible. I was too jaded to believe that---unless---I was waiting for the right someone to show me that they were right. I wonder still, does he feel this way too?


    The Next Day

    The maintenance people did fix the heating problem but too well----now I'm shivering. I can't even get out of bed---I'm so cold. And wouldn't you know it, I never thought to bring a sweater with me. And Bruce---he spends his winters at Wayne Manor---why have sweaters here if he doesn't need them.

    I pull the comforter close to me again and I pick up my coffee---thank goodness Bruce put a coffee maker in my room---he knows me so well.

    The phone rings and I pick it up. "Heeeello?" I chatter out.

    "Chloe, you sound strange. Are you okay?"


    "What happened---I thought---"

    "Lexxxx---coooold. Can't talllkkk. Byyyye."

    I put the phone down and snuggle once more into the semi-warmth of the comforter. Three blankets and a comforter and yet, not that warm yet.

    A few minutes of this and I move them away, to call the maintenance people again; I get their answering machine. After another message is left, I snuggle once more into the depths of my blankets.

    A half an hour later, I hear the front door bell. I reluctantly get out of bed, pulling the comforter off of it and wrapping it around my body. Then I put on my bunny slippers and walk out of the bedroom---my breath leaving wisps of smoke in their wake. Damn---having windows that don't open isn't good.

    I open the door and see him standing there. He looks me up and down, smiling at my feet. "Nice slippers."

    "Thaaaanks," I state, making my way back to the bedroom and relative warmth.

    I sense him closing the door and following me back. I kick off the slippers and get into bed. He stops at the door.

    "May I come in?"

    "Sure you can stay---if you want to freeze to death. I would offer you a sweater but there's not one in the condo."

    "A coffee would be fine."

    "Over there."

    He walks in. "You have a coffee maker in your room?"

    "Yes, my one addiction in life is coffee."

    "One of mine, too. Besides---"

    "---fast cars and fast women," I finish, finally noticing the chattering is gone. "I'm not chattering anymore---why?"

    "Maybe because me being here makes the place hotter?" he questions, with a wide grin.

    I finally notice the package in his hands too. "Is that for me or for Bruce?"

    "Nope, for you."


    He walks over and places the package on the bed. Then he makes his way to the coffee machine and fills up a cup. He turns around and looks at me looking at the package.

    "You can open it---it won't bite."

    I give him a smirk and then do just that. I look into it, seeing an aqua and black sweater there. "Lex, please tell me this isn't one of the sweaters belonging to an ex or current girlfriend."

    He looks hurt as he sits on the chair beside my bed. "No, it's not. It was my mothers---her favorite. And it's the one thing my father never found to take away from me."

    "Oh, God," I reply, feeling the tear ducts unfreeze and a tear making it's way down my cheek. "I'm sorry, Lex. I---thank you for the sweater and I'm so---"

    "It's okay. I'm used to people thinking the worst of me, when it comes to women and stuff. Maybe I should---"

    "---stay," I finish for him.


    "Please---Lex, I have to explain something to you."

    "All right," he replies, sipping on his coffee.

    I put on the sweater as I gather my thoughts; perfect fit. Then I start to talk:

    "At the pool two nights ago, well, I had just gotten off a pretty rough relationship and when you came onto me I thought---"

    "You thought I wanted you in my bed for casual sex? Its okay---part of the mystic that is Lex Luthor I guess," he shrugs.

    "Well, it's a wrong assumption. Or I hope it was, wasn't it?"

    He puts his coffee down on the night table and gestures I move slightly, which I do. Then he's sitting on the bed holding onto my hand that’s above the covers.

    "Chloe, do you believe in love at first sight?"

    "Do you?"

    "Not until that night when I was hit by it full force."

    I look away for a second, wondering if this is real or not.

    "It's real," he states. "At least, it is for me---what about you?"

    I look back. "Oh God."

    "What?" he asks, worried.

    "My father once said that when you find that one person, no matter how long you've known him or her, it's like you've known them long before---that they can literally read your mind or your moods."

    "Like an old married couple who---"

    "---can finish each other's thoughts. Yes."


    I smile at him, a tear falling down. He leans forward and kisses it away, before he kisses me on the lips. He backs away, gets up, and I pull back the covers to allow him to lie beside me. As he's about to pull off his shirt, we hear a clearing of the throat.

    Lex turns around, ready to protect me until he sees who it is. "Wayne--trying to give me a heart attack?" he smirks.

    "No, just coming in to see if my plan worked."

    "What plan, Cousin?" I ask him.

    "Getting the two people I love the most to meet each other and fall in love. So---did it work?"

    "Yes, I believe it did," Lex states, looking down at me, as I nod.

    "Good. Well, I'll leave you two alone. Oh, and Chloe?"


    "Maintenance will be up in the afternoon to fix the cooling system. No more hot and cold for you to deal with."

    "You had them do this, didn't you?" I ask him.

    "Yes, it pays to have the maintenance crew as friends. Mad?"

    "No---happy, very happy. Now leave, Bruce, before I throw a ball at your bat."

    "Goodbye--and don't do anything I wouldn't do, you two."

    We watch as he closes the door. Lex turns around, and does a strip tease to melt my heart. Then I grin.

    "So, that's why you weren't cold when you walked in---thermal underwear."

    "Well, you never know when you'll end up in the Arctic or with a cold date. Scoot over, Sullivan. I'm coming in."

    He gets into the bed, his body warming me up and sending me into the heavens and back again, as we snuggle close and begin to fall asleep.

    My last thought, before I give myself over to the Sandman is forever, we will remember our hot and cold days of summer and how this lead to a love that all seek and few find.

    The End.

  2. #2
    NS Full Member teejei's Avatar
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    Re: How We Never Met Series - Part 2 - Hot And Cold (PG-13/T)

    Bruce Wayne, Matchmaker. thought i'd never see the day he turns into one.

    'Well, I've got to be going. Hope you and your husband have fun for the rest of your lives.'

    'We're not married.'

    aaaaand that's how you give CHLEX a frickin' clue, ladies and gents.

    great job, Peggy. this sure is a treat for the sweet tooth.

  3. #3
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    Re: How We Never Met Series - Part 2 - Hot And Cold (PG-13/T)

    Hey Teejei:

    Heehee---I used Bruce in a piece or two as a matchmaker. Kinda funny to use a character who hasn't exactly found the right person yet---although, I usually put him with Selena.

    Glad you enjoyed it, sweetie. Next up---skipping one piece because it's not really my best effort---Lex, as an artist? Chloe as an artist? Yep, another meeting and this time, a change in jobs too. And Lex does have to find a way to let off some steam---besides the obvious. <bg>

  4. #4
    NS Full Member Krysia's Avatar
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    Re: How We Never Met Series - Part 2 - Hot And Cold (PG-13/T)

    Owww, that was SO sweet. Who knew Bruce could be such a helpfull cousin and friend. And I loved the little twist with Lana, for a moment there you had me going that she was one of Lexe's "close friends".

  5. #5
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    Re: How We Never Met Series - Part 2 - Hot And Cold (PG-13/T)

    Hey Krysia:

    Awww---thanks, sweetie. I'm glad you enjoyed the piece. And Lana was in there for a good friend who taught me how to write Chlex better and take a chance, once in a while, with Clana. So, never with Lex, always with Clark.

  6. #6
    NS Full Member teejei's Avatar
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    Re: How We Never Met Series - Part 2 - Hot And Cold (PG-13/T)

    So, never with Lex, always with Clark.
    and Lana better stay that way. *hee* sorry. just couldn't help it.

    and as usual...looking forward to more of series.

  7. #7
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    Re: How We Never Met Series - Part 2 - Hot And Cold (PG-13/T)

    hey teejei:

    Don't worry it always will be that way---I'm a Chlex/Clana writer. Thanks for the feedback and more to come, real soon.

  8. #8
    Escapeism Artist Senior Member asharnanae's Avatar
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    Re: How We Never Met Series - Part 2 - Hot And Cold (PG-13/T)

    are, so happy, just what I need at the moment!!! wonderful work!

  9. #9
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    Re: How We Never Met Series - Part 2 - Hot And Cold (PG-13/T)

    I'm so glad that the Chlex was Bruce's idea!! I love him!! He comes a close second behind Lex!! I like how you show how perfect Lex and Chloe are together!! Thanks for the great story!!

  10. #10
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    Re: How We Never Met Series - Part 2 - Hot And Cold (PG-13/T)

    Hey Guys:

    I am on such a happy high right now. Another favorite show of mine has been renewed. Go to crossover to find out which one it is. Okay, on with the show:

    Asharnanae: Awww---glad you enjoyed it, sweetie.

    Autumn: Oh, Bruce is a favorite of mine too, behind Lex of course. I usually put him with Selena---Bruce, not Lex. <g> Glad you enjoyed this story, sweetie. More to come. Next up---Lex as an artist? Chloe as an artist? Lionel married to who? <g> Perfection is sometimes overrated but I think in this case, they are perfect together---both compliment each other. And as some have said to me; you put Chloe and Lex together, there would be a major explosion but then, I like fireworks. <g>

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