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Thread: Sequel To I Don't Want To Wait (PG-13)

  1. #1
    NS Full Member
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    Sequel To I Don't Want To Wait (PG-13)

    This is dedicated to Julie who helped me learn something today. : ) Enjoy, everybody. PMD.

    Title: Sequel to 'I Don't Want To Wait' - "Open Up Your Morning Light"

    Author: PMD

    e-mail: mary.davidson@sympatico.ca

    Rating: PG-13

    Category: Chlex, angst, slight humor, Songfic, Lex's POV, AU

    Spoilers: Anything up to year 2.

    Summary: Lex gets the greatest gift of all from an unexpected source. Or is it an expected source?

    Disclaimer: To whomever owns Smallville and the characters, Dawson's Creek and the characters, CNN, The Weather Channel, Murder She Wrote, The Playboy Channel, and the song lyrics for I Don't Want To Wait, found in the story and used as the story title, I'm just borrowing, will give them back, not making any money with their use in this story, so don't sue me.

    Archive: To TBT, BtS, SPP, N-S, Intrepid, Wwomb, Verbal Judo, Malu's site, and my page on my friend Wendy's site for the time being. If anybody else wants it, all they have to do is ask.

    Feedback: Yes I would love feedback.

    Author Notes: First off, Kleenex Warning&#33; Trust me on this one. There is one moment that I would love to see on the show and that we do see, at certain times but it&#39;s sometimes taken away. This is the scene that might leave you a bit teary eyed. I want to dedicate this piece once again to MR and his wonderful portrayal of Lex---you inspire us all, dude. And to Adeylan, that got me started on this train of thought. And Elizabeth and Jay, who had no small part in this creation---pardon the pun. <g> Also, to Kris, my collaborator and David, my beta and good friend. Without you in my corner, well, I&#39;ve improved, because of you two. And to Dawson&#39;s Creek, which I&#39;ve learned to love to watch once again. We will miss you guys, when you leave the air at the end of May. : ( Oh, in regards to CNN and the Weather Channel---no disrespect against them, they are very inportant to this world and knowing what&#39;s going on. I was just trying to show that Lionel might be a little too focused on the world outside and not enough in the world inside---his family. And Chloe doesn&#39;t want that to happen to Lex, ever. Enjoy, everybody.

    "Open Up Your Morning Light" - by PMD

    "So, open up your morning light

    And say a little prayer for I

    You know that if we are to stay alive

    Then see the peace in every eye"

    "So, what did you think? Is it a mediocre show, as your father thought?"

    I smile at her as we walk out of the TV room, guiding her to the study. "My father thinks Murder She Wrote is mediocre---don&#39;t take offense for him saying that about Dawson&#39;s Creek. It&#39;s nothing personal---CNN is his channel of choice, along with the Weather Channel."

    "Yeah, but you watch those channels too---should I be worried?" she asks me, with a slight grin.

    "No---I&#39;m more well-rounded with my watching."

    "Oh---do tell?" she asks, as we stop walking. "What does Mr. Lex Luthor like to watch on his off-time?"

    I lean into her ear and whisper, "Do you really want to know, Chloe?"

    I see her shiver and smile---knowing that it&#39;s my voice that&#39;s causing this.

    "Yes---yes, I do," she says, confidently. Hmmm---maybe it&#39;s just the cold causing this reaction?

    I back away. "Well, I like a lot of things---like to watch a lot of channels." Then I think---hmmmmm---let&#39;s see if I can shock her. "Especially---the Playboy Channel."

    She stands there, slightly flustered. Then she smiles. "Well, you won&#39;t need that channel anymore with me around."

    Now it&#39;s my turn to be slightly flustered. But my customary smirk overtakes this reaction. "Oh---do tell," I say, as I move towards her.

    She finds herself against the wall and smiles at me. "You really want to know, Luthor?"

    "I really want to know&#33;"

    We turn to look at Lucas standing there. Damn it---I should tell the staff not to let family in after nine. "What are you doing here, Lucas?"

    "Hey, can&#39;t a baby brother come and visit his older sibling?"

    "Yes---but what are you doing here, Lucas?" I ask again, with a smirk.

    "You wound me, Lex. I&#39;m just here to say---well, hi. And hello to Chloe--hey Beautiful&#33;"

    I look back at her and see the rolling eyes. "Hey, Mr. Interruptus."

    I chuckle at that. Then I turn to my brother. "You need money, Lucas?"

    "No---I don&#39;t need money. But if you don&#39;t need the Playboy Channel anymore, can I have your subscription for the rest of the month?"

    I look back at her and see the answer to my prayers. I turn back to him. "Sure---now what else can I get you, before I toss you out of the mansion?"

    "Well---now that I think of it---maybe I could use a bit of cash," he answers, walking up to us.

    "Okay, Lucas," I say.

    I walk away from Chloe, thinking, may as well get this over and done with so I can do more pleasurable things sooner.

    I turn to look at them, still standing there. "Well, are you two coming?"

    She walks up to me and takes my hand. "Lead on, MacDuff&#33;" She offers her other to Lucas.

    "Yeah, lead on MacDuff," he says, taking her offered hand and giving me a wink. What is going on here?

    "Lucas, are you feeling all right?" I ask.

    "Yeah, why do you ask?"

    "You just don&#39;t seem yourself tonight. You&#39;re not hitting on Chloe."

    "I would never hit on a girlfriend of yours, brother dearest."

    "Oh&#33;" I state. How the hell does he know she&#39;s my girlfriend now? Then my thought processes take a different turn as I hear a sniffle. I look at her. She&#39;s misty eyed. "What&#39;s wrong?"

    "I&#39;m----I&#39;m just so happy you have family that cares about you, Lex---even though he is a pest at times---ouch, Lucas---watch it with that hand. I&#39;m a writer and they&#39;re my bread and butter."

    "Watch it with the remarks then--Chloester."

    I chuckle at the two of them, not the least bit jealous that they&#39;re verbal judoing---it&#39;s more like a brother and sister sort of thing---whereas Chloe and mine is more mature.

    We&#39;re at the door when Lucas comes forward. "Let me get that Lex, since it is your---" He opens the door.


    What the---I&#39;m stunned---that&#39;s all I can think. My birthday? Oh My God, I forgot all about it.

    I look at all the smiling faces. Then I look at her.

    "We really surprised you, didn&#39;t we Lex? Lex?" I hear her say, as I walk out of the room.

    I don&#39;t mean to be rude but I don&#39;t know what to do in this situation---for so many years those people in the room either slightly liked, tolerated, or hated me. How did I change this? What did I do to change this? And how can I deal with the happiness before me, when I feel I don&#39;t deserve it?

    "Lex?" I turn to see Mr. Kent there.

    He looks worried---the one man who never fully trusted me---looks worried. Why? And why does he like me now?

    "Are you okay?" he asks, as he walks up to me.

    "Yes---no---I don&#39;t know," I answer.

    "Finally something a Luthor isn&#39;t sure about," he surmises, with a slight smirk.

    I give him one back. And then I become very solemn. "Why are you here? Why do you like me now?"

    "Hmmmmm--asking the tough questions tonight, Lex?"

    "If they&#39;re too tough, I&#39;ll understand," I say, feeling a little vulnerable now.

    "That&#39;s why I like you."


    He&#39;s right in front of me. "The vulnerable look in your eyes---shows that you&#39;re human, like the rest of us. The last time I saw it was when I helped another father get his son to the hospital."

    "When I lost my hair?"

    "Yes---you know, your father was disgusted with how you looked but me---I was just worried you might die. He wouldn&#39;t even touch you---I had to carry you to the truck. Lex, I&#39;m so sorry that I misjudged you when you first became Clark&#39;s friend. I guess it&#39;s because I saw a shadow of that look in your eyes that your father had for you that day. But it&#39;s changed---it&#39;s gone for the people you care about but still there for your father. I know that&#39;s why I&#39;ve stopped fighting my heart and went with the realization that Luthor is just a name---the real person is Lex and I like him. In fact, I like to think of him as the older son I always wanted for Clark."

    I&#39;m stunned into silence. My eyes speak for me now---I really do like this man before me and now he&#39;s told me he likes me too---sees me as a son.

    "Come here, son," he states, opening his arms to me and I walk in---finally knowing how Clark felt, when he and the others were taken hostage. I remembered standing there, envious of the hug he had with his Mom and Dad---a hug I&#39;m enjoying now.

    "Hey---the party’s in here, guys&#33;"

    We turn to see Chloe walking towards us. "I&#39;ll see you two in a second."

    "Okay, Mr. Kent."



    I watch him walk away and then turn my attention to Chloe.

    "Okay, I think I missed a page or two in your life story. When did you become Clark&#39;s older brother?"

    "From the moment I met him but I think for his father---just a short time ago," I answer.

    She gives me a smile, as she walks into my waiting arms.

    "Chloe, thank you."

    She backs away. "For what?"

    "For surprising me with this party. For liking me---just for being my best friend."

    "Lex, I hate to burst your bubble but the party wasn&#39;t my idea---it was the people inside. As for me liking you---well, it goes way beyond that. And your best friend is Clark, not me."

    "No---you are my best friend. Clark always was a good friend and believed in me but you---you had to build on this relationship of ours---taking chances that Clark never had to take. And I will always love you for that fact."

    She looks at me, startled. "Did you just say you loved me?"

    I smile. "I believe I did---so what are you going to do about it, Sullivan?"

    "This," she says, leaning up and kissing me, senseless.

    She backs away and I take her hand---not unlike the time I took Helen&#39;s, months ago. Only difference this time---through her time with me---slowly but surely, Chloe has helped me find my way---allowing me to make mistakes along the way. Not telling me that you can look at this but not at that. Not giving me a harsh look when I did something wrong---but an understanding one, because we are all human and make mistakes. And yet, when needed, giving me a kick in the butt and telling me, I can do better, if I try. She&#39;s the reason I am who I am now. And always will be.

    We walk back into the room, me knowing I do deserve these friends. And I will always open up my morning light and say a prayer for the others and myself---because of her and the people in this room.

    "So open up your morning light,

    And say a little prayer for I

    You know that if we are to stay alive,

    Then see the love in every eye."

    The End.

  2. #2
    bored and dangerous Senior Member sabby's Avatar
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    Sittin by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere...
    Aaaawww sweet. A tadbit on the sappy side *g* but sweet non the less. Gotta love a happy ending or beginning *smiles*

    can&#39;t wait to read your next story


  3. #3
    NS Full Member
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    **sigh**very sweet ending : &#33; I really luv happy ending &#33; And the conversation between Mr. Kent and Lex: Priceless&#33; You weren&#39;t kidding about the Kleenex.......

  4. #4
    Just a Guest!
    Mr. Interuptus lol
    great sequel hey and apologise about beeing sappy I like sappy
    and you could make a series out of it :yay: :yay2: :yay: :yay:

  5. #5
    storie girl Senior Member starmoon's Avatar
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    Re: Sequel To I Don't Want To Wait (PG-13)

    love it sooooo much it was just great.

  6. #6
    NS Full Member arkakitty's Avatar
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    Re: Sequel To I Don't Want To Wait (PG-13)

    Awww. That was nice ^^

  7. #7
    NS Full Member
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    Re: Sequel To I Don't Want To Wait (PG-13)

    Awww---guys. Glad you enjoyed this piece. I certainly have fun writing these two snarky soulmates.

  8. #8
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Ami Rose's Avatar
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    Re: Sequel To I Don't Want To Wait (PG-13)

    That was sweet!

    Lots of Love,
    Ami Rose
    *Coffee Break 9:00 to 5:00 Daily.
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    *Are you crazy?
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    *If I agree with you, then we'd both be wrong!

  9. #9
    NS Full Member meg20's Avatar
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    Re: Sequel To I Don't Want To Wait (PG-13)

    Sweet goodness, I liked the Mr. Kentand Lex bonding part!

  10. #10
    Lex's Devoted Love Slave darkangel's Avatar
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    Re: Sequel To I Don't Want To Wait (PG-13)

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