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Thread: The Gatehouse (NC-17)

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    The Gatehouse (NC-17)

    Title: The Gatehouse
    Author: scifichick774
    Rating: NC-17
    Category: Hmm… Angst, Drama, Horror, Humor, Romance, and I think that just about covers it. Chloe/Lex (of course)
    Spoilers: Anything through Nocturne is fair game.
    Summary: Challenge fic. Halloween time. A costume party at a haunted house brings about surprising results.
    Disclaimer: Not mine, no infringement intended, please don’t sue.
    Feedback: Yes please.
    Archival: Go ahead, just let me know where.
    Author’s Note: Response to V’s challenge. The Smallville group must get stuck in a haunted house, whose doors are actually gates to alternate realities.


    “What the hell was I thinking?” Chloe mumbled as she looked at herself in the mirror. Alison, Pete’s girlfriend du jour, had invited them all to her Halloween party, and Chloe shook her head as she gazed at her costumed reflection. ‘Oh, right. Clark,’ she thought. “Not that I’ll be able to tear his attention away from Lana,” she said bitterly.

    “Chlo! Come on! Hurry up!” Pete yelled from the other room. She sighed. Pete, Clark, and Lana were all waiting in her living room for her.

    “Hold on!” She yelled back. If she couldn’t get Clark’s attention, at least she could get a story for the Torch. Alison talked her parents into letting her have the party at the abandoned Victorian-style house on their property. The family had moved into a newer home a couple generations ago, but the rumor was that the old house was haunted. Chloe didn’t know whether to believe it or not. On one hand, a haunted house? Whatever. On the other hand, they did live in Smallville, the capital of weird. Chloe opened the door and made her way to the living room. Pete whistled as he looked at her body with appreciation. Lana’s eyes grew wide.

    “You’re wearing that?!” She squeaked. Clark stood there with a stunned expression on his face.

    “It’s not that bad,” Chloe argued and looked down at her costume. She was wearing a skintight dark red latex catsuit with an attached devil’s tail and a headband with horns. She wore four-inch high spiked heels to complete the look. “Okay, the heels aren’t really functional, but I can live with that.” Lana’s mouth gaped open and she shook her head. She quickly ran to the closet and grabbed the longest coat she could find to cover Chloe up. Chloe laughed and they made their way to the cars. “And your costume is any better?” She asked pointedly. Lana looked down at her princess costume.

    “My costume isn’t hugging my curves like that,” Lana shot back. ‘Thank God,’ Chloe thought and laughed again.

    “Great costume Pete,” Chloe commented in a somewhat sarcastic manner. Pete spun around for her to have a look at the whole thing. Both girls giggled. “I’ve seen you in your football uniform before you know.” Chloe looked over at Clark. “What are you supposed to be?” Lana smiled brightly and took his arm.

    “He’s a superhero,” she answered cheerfully. Chloe smiled and nodded. Clark was wearing what could only be called a body hugging spandex suit with an ‘S’ on the front of it, complete with a cape in back. Chloe tried to look at Lana instead of Clark so she wouldn’t get flustered at the site of his muscles showing through the material.

    “What’s the ‘S’ stand for?” She asked. Lana smiled again.

    “Smallville of course,” Lana answered. Chloe rolled her eyes.

    “So whom are you riding with?” Lana asked. Clark brought his parents’ truck and Pete brought his car.

    “As tempting as it is to ride in the back of Clark’s truck,” Chloe said sarcastically, “I think I’ll ride with Pete.” Clark frowned.

    “You wouldn’t have to ride in back,” he said. Chloe raised an eyebrow. ‘Yeah, right,’ she thought.

    “Well I’m not going to be squished between Lana and the door either,” Chloe said pointedly. “Now are we going to this party or not?” Pete opened the door for her and she climbed in. As they drove, Pete looked at her through the corner of his eye. “What?” She finally asked in a somewhat irritated tone.

    “You’re in a mood,” he observed. He grinned at him apologetically.

    “I’m sorry. You’re right, it’s just,” she started.

    “Clark,” he finished. She nodded. He smiled. “At least he noticed you.” She sighed.

    “I can’t wear this outfit all the time Pete,” she said. “And anyway, that’s not what I wanted tonight to be about.”

    “Oh, right.” Pete gave her a look of understanding. “The haunted house thing.” She laughed.

    “That too,” she agreed. “But I was hoping that I might find a guy to talk to who’s not a candidate for my wall of weird too.” Pete smiled broadly.

    “You’re going to be doing a lot more than talking in that outfit,” he said suggestively. She hit him playfully. “If it’s any consolation, I heard Luthor’s going solo too.” Chloe looked surprised.

    “Lex is going to be there?” She asked. “Why is he going to be at a high school party?” Pete smiled again.

    “There will be some college students there too. Alison invited her cousins and their friends. But to answer your question, Clark talked him into it, said he needed more of a social life,” he explained. Chloe laughed.

    “Yeah, because screwing playmates can’t be doing anything for him,” she said sarcastically. Pete laughed and shook his head.

    “I know. Sometimes I think Clark doesn’t have his head screwed on straight,” he said.

    “Only sometimes?” She teased. They laughed together as they pulled up to the house. Chloe gave it a good look as she stepped out of the car. “Well, she certainly went all out for the creepy aspect.” Pete shrugged.

    “It always looks like that,” he said. “You know, except for the balloons and lights and stuff.” Chloe nodded. They were supposed to be there early, but there were already a few cars there. Clark and Lana walked up to them as they walked toward the front door to the house. Lana placed a hand on Chloe’s shoulder and Chloe arched her neck to look at her.

    “If any of the guys get out of hand,” Lana started. Chloe smiled.

    “I know,” she nodded. “Use my pepper spray or my whistle to call for Clark or Pete.” Lana smiled and nodded. Chloe and Pete walked ahead of them and into the house. Lana turned to Clark.

    “I have a feeling you’re going to be hearing that whistle a lot tonight,” she said. Clark got a bemused smile on his face and nodded.

    “I think so too,” he agreed.

    “You think what too?” A voice came from behind them. Clark turned around.

    “Hey Lex. Nice costume,” Clark said. Lex was wearing an old-fashioned baseball uniform. Lex nodded once.

    “Thanks,” he responded. He arched a questioning eyebrow at what Clark was wearing.

    “Superhero,” Lana answered his unspoken question. Lex smiled.

    “You’re a braver man than I,” he said. Lana grinned. They heard a loud squeal of delight come from inside and they walked in. Pete and Chloe were standing with Alison, who was wearing a fairy costume. She seemed to be gushing over Chloe’s outfit.

    “Oh my God! You look so awesome! You are so totally going to get lucky tonight,” Alison said, a smile beaming across her face. Chloe laughed. Lex took in her appearance and his mouth dropped open for a small moment. He turned to Clark and Lana.

    “You let her wear that?” He asked. The accusing tone didn’t escape Lana’s attention and she looked thoughtful. Clark smiled and shrugged.

    “I like it,” he said. Lana laughed as she clung to his arm.

    “Yeah, and so will every other guy here. I think that was Lex’s point,” she said. Lex frowned and turned his attention back to Chloe, Pete, and Alison’s conversation.

    “Do you mind if I look around a little before the party really gets started?” Chloe asked. Pete snickered.

    “Chloe Sullivan, ghost hunter extraordinaire,” he said. Alison laughed and Chloe rolled her eyes.

    “Sure, no problem. But you should probably take somebody with you, because,” Alison trailed off when she noticed Clark in his outfit. Her eyes grew wide. “Is that Clark Kent?” Chloe bit her lip when she noticed that Alison was practically drooling. Pete looked at Chloe.

    “I knew I should have worn spandex,” he commented. Chloe laughed. Alison turned to him, grabbed his arm, and pulled her to him. She whispered in his ear.

    “You’re not going to be wearing anything,” she said. Chloe didn’t catch what she said, but from the expression on Pete’s face, she guessed it was something sexual. She chuckled to herself and backed away from the couple to go snoop around. Lex eyed her suspiciously as she headed up the stairs.

    “Don’t worry Lex,” Lana said when she saw who he was looking at. “She has a whistle and a small can of pepper spray in case some guy makes unwanted advances.” Lex frowned, but didn’t look over at her when she spoke. From the things he had heard about the house, a couple of teenage boys making passes at her wasn’t what she needed to worry about.

    Ch. 2

    Chloe walked down the long hallway at the top of the stairs. She noticed that there were only a couple of shabby pieces of furniture lining the hall and figured that Alison’s family had probably removed all of the good stuff. Chloe finally saw a door near the end of the hallway that seemed to call to her. She smiled.

    “Okay ghosts, ready or not, here I come,” she said as she opened the door. She stepped inside the room and the door closed behind her. Her eyes grew wide in shock. There was another hallway, but it was well lit, and ornately furnished. “What the hell?” She said to herself. She heard voices coming from one of the rooms further down the new hall and decided to find out what was going on. She heard a familiar voice start yelling.

    “I don’t care how much it costs! Just find her!” He sounded angry and Chloe looked into the room. A small group of men dressed in 1920’s gangster garb were sitting and standing. And behind the desk, Lex Luthor. ‘With hair?’ She thought to herself as she noticed his shortly trimmed red hair. ‘Interesting. What’s going on?’

    “Find who?” She asked. All of the men looked over at her and their eyes grew wide, along with a few mouths dropping open.

    “Whoa,” one of the men said.

    “Good Lord,” said another. Lex eyed her with obvious appreciation and she furrowed her brow.

    “You’re having a business meeting?” She asked. ‘Why is Lex having a meeting in Alison’s house?’ She thought. ‘Nice hairpiece though.’ Lex stood up from his chair.

    “Out!” He ordered. She held up her hands in mock surrender and turned to leave from the room. Chloe felt a hand grab her arm and stopped to look at who had touched her. Lex stood inches away from her, his hand grasping onto her arm, and she felt her heart beating faster. “Not you,” he said in a quieter voice. The men who were in the room with him were filing out past her through the door. A few of them dared to look at her, but only for a fleeting glimpse before Lex growled at them. He slammed the door after they left. “Where have you been?” He asked. She crossed her arms at his angry tone.

    “What do you mean?” She asked. “And by the way, I must compliment you on your Halloween costume. The early mob look really works for you.” It was an obvious attempt at a change in topic, but Chloe couldn’t help thinking that it was true. ‘Okay, not thinking bad thoughts about Lex Luthor,’ she mentally chided herself. He ran his hand down her latex covered arm and then smoothly slid it down her hip. “Uh, Lex?” He pulled her to him and smashed his mouth against hers. Her eyes grew wide and she opened her mouth in surprise, a fact that he took full advantage of. Lex plunged his tongue into her, exploring the warm recesses of her mouth. She tried to push him away, but his arms were locked around her. She finally gave into the sensation and ran her hands up his chest and around his neck. They finally pulled apart to breathe and she rested her forehead against his chest.

    “What was that?” She asked. He moved a hand through her hair and spoke into her ear.

    “I thought you left me,” he said in sorrowful tone. Chloe scrunched her face up in thought. “But you didn’t.”

    “I, um, no,” she managed to get out. She looked up at him. “Are you feeling okay?” He nodded and leaned in to kiss her again. She returned the kiss, but the back of her mind was starting to ask a nagging question. ‘What the hell is going on?’


    “I wonder where Chloe is?” Lana said out loud. “It’s been a long time.” Clark nodded in agreement.

    “We should go look for her,” he said. Lana smiled and touched his arm.

    “I think I can handle it,” she said. “You don’t have to come. Stay and enjoy the party.” Clark shook his head.

    “No way,” he said. “Besides, we can cover more ground if I go with you.” She nodded.

    “Good idea,” she replied. That was the answer she had been hoping for. “Did you see her come down the stairs?”

    “No, she’s probably still up there somewhere,” he said. Clark saw Lex coming over to them. A girl who had too much to drink was following him around, and Lana and Clark gave him sympathetic looks. “Lex,” Clark greeted. “Chloe hasn’t come down yet, so Lana and I are going to look for her.” Lex gave a sigh of relief. The girl hadn’t gotten the hint, even when he had brutally rebuffed her advances.

    “I’ll go with you,” he said. Lana gave Clark a look out of the corner of her eye, but he missed it. She wanted to find Chloe, but she also wanted to spend some time away from the crowd with Clark so they could talk. Things were getting better between them, but she still felt like he was keeping something from her. Lex turned to the girl and took her hand off of his arm. “My girlfriend is missing and I have to find her, so if you’ll excuse me?” She looked surprised.

    “Oh yeah, of course, I didn’t know,” she stammered. He nodded and she weaved her way back through the crowd. He rubbed his face.

    “God. I thought she would never leave,” he said. Lana smiled.

    “Your girlfriend?” She asked in a teasing tone. He gave her a wince of a grin.

    “It worked didn’t it?” He commented. “Now, where’s the last place you saw Chloe?” Lex asked, changing the subject.

    “She was going upstairs,” Clark answered. Lex frowned.

    “That was over an hour ago,” he said. “You haven’t seen her since then?” Lana and Clark shook their heads and Lex resisted the urge to scowl at them. They had probably just been too wrapped up in each other’s company to notice that their friend hadn’t come back down, which meant that his plan to get them together was working. He couldn’t fault them for something that was of his own design. He sighed. “Let’s go then.” They made their way up the stairs and looked down both sides of the hall.

    “I think I saw her go this way,” Lana said, pointing to the right. Clark used his x-ray vision to quickly scan through the rooms, but there was no sign of her.

    “I don’t see her,” Clark said. Lana rolled her eyes.

    “Because we haven’t checked in any of the rooms yet Clark,” she said with a smile. He blushed a little.

    “I’ll take this side, you two take that one,” Lex said and pointed in the direction that they should go. Lana and Clark nodded. Lex looked at his watch. “Meet back here in a half an hour if we can’t find her,” he said. Clark checked his watch as well and nodded.

    “Okay,” he agreed. Clark and Lana started off in the direction they had agreed upon, and Lana looked at Clark.

    “I’ll check the first three rooms and you can take the next three? We can go quicker that way,” she suggested. He smiled.

    “Good idea,” he said and began to walk down the hallway. ‘Well this is pointless,’ he thought. I already scanned the rooms and nobody’s in them.’ But, he decided to humor Lana anyway, because he couldn’t very well tell her that he had the ability to see through walls. Clark saw Lana enter one of the rooms and the door closed behind her. Clark shrugged. Maybe she didn’t want Alison to know that they were looking around. He opened the door in front of him and walked in. The door closed behind him and he spun around to look at it, but it was no longer there. ‘This is bad,’ he thought. He looked around the room. It was light and decorated ornately in the fashion of the early 1800s. He frowned and turned around to see if maybe the door just wasn’t visible on his side of it. Clark tried to use his x-ray vision, but it didn’t work. ‘This is really bad.’

    An older woman dressed in the same clothing of the era that the room was decorated for, came into the room and let out a scream when she saw Clark. His face flushed with embarrassment. The woman looked familiar, but Clark was having trouble placing her. Then it struck him.

    “Grandma?” He asked. The woman clenched her hand at her heart.

    “Clark. Goodness. You put a scare into me,” she said. He looked at her in complete surprise. He had only ever seen pictures of the woman, as she had died before his ship had crashed. So how did she know his name? And why did she look like she was very much alive? The sound of her voice snapped him back to attention. “Good heavens! What is that you’re dressed in?” The costume. He had forgotten about it. He blushed.

    “I’m supposed to be a superhero for Halloween,” he explained. She stared at him blankly and then shook her head in a manner that indicated she didn’t approve.

    “You’re entirely too old for that sort of nonsense,” she said and walked over to him. “Now go put on some decent attire. Lunch is to be served in less than a half hour.” Clark cringed at the thought that her words brought up. He was supposed to rejoin Lana and Lex in a half hour and he had no idea how to get out of there.


    Lana looked around the room she just entered. It looked like the inside of a castle. Its walls were made of stone and it was very cold. There was a door on the opposite side of the room, but when she tried to open it, it was locked. She frowned. Something really weird was going on. Maybe Chloe hadn’t been too off when she said that the house might really be haunted. She saw a small slit of a window and walked over to it. There was daylight outside and her mouth dropped open. She saw people in medieval looking outfits walking around and there was a stench in the air that was just awful. She had to find a way out of there.


    Lex opened and entered one of the rooms on his side of the hallway. The door closed behind him. When he looked back, the door was gone.

    “This can’t be good,” he said out loud to himself. The room was almost space age in design. There were large windows and the sun appeared to just be rising. There was minimal furniture and lots of technical toys built into the walls. He shook his head at the site. Surely he was seeing things. He never could have prepared himself for what he saw next though. Chloe came out with only a small silk robe wrapped around her.

    “What are you doing up so early?” She asked. His eyes were large, taking in her form, and she laughed. “If you’re looking at me like that, you need coffee more than I do.”

    “I imagine most men look at you like that,” he replied. He didn’t know what was going on, but she seemed completely at ease with him. ‘May as well play along,’ he thought. ‘This could be fun.’

    Ch. 3

    Chloe closed her eyes as Lex nuzzled his mouth against her neck. She shouldn’t be doing this. She certainly shouldn’t like this. He blew in her ear and she let out a small whimper as she felt a shiver run down her spine. She ran her fingers up through his hair. ‘Okay, not a hairpiece. It’s like I’m in an alternate, uh oh.’ She gathered her strength and pushed against him.

    “I can’t do this,” she said. Lex looked confused. “I’m,” she shook her head, “I’m not your Chloe.” Lex arched an eyebrow and pulled her back into his arms. “No, no. I mean it,” she insisted. Then something came to her. “Have you ever seen this kind of material before?” She pinched up a bit of the latex on her costume. He partially released her and frowned.

    “No,” he answered, running his fingers along the costume. “But it doesn’t matter.” Chloe could tell from the look in his eye that he was being driven completely by his hormones now. He kissed her again with a passion that made her knees threaten to buckle under her. She moaned a little in protest when it finally ended. He moved his lips against her ear and licked along the shell. Chloe closed her eyes as she felt his hands run along her body. “How do you get this thing off?” He murmured.

    “Zipper,” she answered as her eyes flitted open. He kissed her again, but only briefly.

    “Show me,” he whispered against her lips. Chloe wondered if he could hear her heart beating. She placed his hand on the zipper and he slowly pulled it down while he kissed her. His mouth moved to her earlobe and he took it between his teeth and gently nibbled on it. “What do you mean you’re not my Chloe?” She looked up at him with surprise.

    “Do you believe me?” She asked. He shrugged off his jacket and began to unbutton his shirt. He smirked at her.

    “No, but I’d still like to hear it,” he said. She glared at him.

    “Well I’m not going to tell you if you’re not going to believe me,” she said. She reached her hand around to the back of her costume and started to pull the zipper back up. His hand reached out and grabbed her wrist as he gave her a warning look. He pulled her to his body again and began running his tongue and teeth along her neck. Her fingernails gripped into his skin and she unconsciously started to rub against him. “Mmm.” Lex reached up and started to peel her costume off of her. “Lex,” she half moaned.

    “Tell me,” he said. She was almost completely stripped of her costume, and he had somehow managed to remove his own clothing as well. ‘Quite a talent,’ she thought. “Tell me that you’re not my Chloe when you respond to my touch like this.” He slid the costume, along with her thong, off her legs. She felt his fingers along her silken folds and she gasped.

    “Lex, I,” she said. Her speech cut off by the feeling of his tongue darting out and circling her clit. “Oh God.” She gripped his head with her hands. He stood up and picked her up, only to lie her down on the desk. His mouth moved between her legs again and she closed her eyes. ‘I shouldn’t be doing this,’ she thought. He moved one finger into her and her hips bucked. Soon, he had two fingers inside her, pumping furiously and rubbing her clit with his thumb with the rhythm. She was panting for air and moaning loudly. “Lex!” She screamed as she came.

    Lex removed his fingers and quickly replaced them with his throbbing cock. She gasped at the sensation and he began to slowly move within her. She bit her lip as he went progressively faster and she came close to orgasm again. Chloe felt an amazing shudder throughout her body as her climax rolled over her. A few more thrusts and Lex lay down on top of her. They were both breathing heavily, but he started to kiss her cheek and then her neck again.

    “Have I ever told you how much I love you?” He asked. Chloe said nothing. “I love you Chloe.” The amazing afterglow that Chloe had been feeling suddenly turned into substantial guilt. She wasn’t his Chloe. She should never have allowed things to progress even to the kissing stage. Her eyes started to well up with tears and he raised his head when he heard her sniffle. “What’s wrong?”

    “I’m so sorry,” she said as she let her tears start rolling down her cheeks. “I’m not your Chloe.” She tried to push him away from her. “I should never have done this.” He wiped her tears away with his thumb.

    “Sweetheart, what are you talking about?” He asked.

    “One minute I was at Alison’s Halloween party, exploring the so-called haunted house, and the next minute I was in this different hallway and came down to this room,” she said. Saying it out loud only made her feel crazier than she did already. She sighed. “In my, um, where I’m from,” she stammered, “Lex and I aren’t involved.” Lex stared blankly at her. “I mean it.” She paused. The sexual energy between them was almost unbearable. She wondered why it was like that here and not back home. Of course, she hadn’t given Lex much of a chance back home, or let him get that close to her. She sat up to try and clear her mind. “Isn’t there something that only your Chloe would know?” Lex brought his right hand up to caress her cheek and she leaned into his touch. He frowned. His Chloe never did that. His left hand rose and she saw a ring on his wedding finger as he held the hand in front of her. ‘Oh God, he’s married. This is bad.’

    “What does the inscription say?” He asked. She looked at him with a confused and panicked expression and then she shook her head.

    “How should I know?” She asked.

    “It’s the same as yours,” he said a little angrily and picked up her left hand, but there was no ring on her hand. He gazed at her hand in disbelief. “How did you get it off?” She looked up at him.

    “I didn’t,” she said. “I’m not your Chloe.”

    “You broke your knuckle when you slugged Bobby,” he said and then took a closer look at her hand. There was no swollen knuckle that would have kept the ring on her finger. She sighed again. Her eyes were starting to water with unshed tears.

    “I’m not your Chloe,” she repeated in a choked voice.


    After an embarrassing run in with a maid, Clark was pointed toward his room. He took off his costume and put on the clothing that was so foreign to him. He hoped he put everything on right, his grandma didn’t seem like she would be very forgiving about that sort of thing. The worst part though, in his estimation, was that he didn’t seem to be able to use any of his enhanced abilities here. His x-ray and heat vision didn’t work, nor did what he called his super speed. He looked at his reflection in the mirror and groaned. ‘I look like the biggest dork in the universe.’

    He walked downstairs and saw his father, dressed in similar apparel to his own, standing in a parlor room. His dad caught his eye and smiled at him.

    “Son!” He said excitedly and held out his hand for Clark to shake. Clark looked at him like he was crazy, but he shook his hand. “Your mother tells me you’ve been thinking about courting someone.” Clark opened his mouth to talk but Jonathan cut him off. “Well, all I can say is, it’s about time. You’re not getting any younger you know.” Clark furrowed his brow.

    “I’m only sixteen,” Clark argued. Jonathan nodded with a stern face.

    “Indeed. And you should have started wooing this young woman you have your eye on months ago. If it is who I think it is, then I’m surprised she hasn’t given in to Alexander Luthor’s proposals of marriage already,” Jonathan said. Clark frowned.

    “Who do you think it is?” He asked hesitantly. His father smiled.

    “Chloe Sullivan of course,” he said and patted his son on the back. “She’s a fine choice son. She comes from a good people and her personality doesn’t seem to have been affected by her family’s money.” Clark swallowed. ‘Chloe?’


    Lana tried yelling to the people that she saw down below, but they just waved to her. She grumbled and sat down against one of the walls. How was she supposed to get out of there? How did she get there in the first place? She heard the sound of metal against metal and the scraping of stone against stone and turned to face the door. She rose as a servant woman was let in with a tray of food.

    “Oh, thank goodness! You have no idea how worried I was getting!” Lana exclaimed with a bright smile. The woman seemed nervous, but smiled in return.

    “You should eat,” she replied in a heavy eastern European accent. Lana shook her head.

    “No, no,” she argued. “I need to get out of here.” The woman looked at her like she was crazy.

    “I don’t believe that the prince will allow you to leave until you are wed mistress,” she said. Lana frowned.


    “Only because of what happened the last time,” the woman explained. “Don’t worry though, your wedding is only three days hence.” Lana looked horrified.

    “You don’t understand,” Lana started, but the woman cut her off.

    “Eat,” she said and turned on her heel to leave through the door. Lana ran to the door, but it closed before she could get to it.



    Lex observed the strange expression that Chloe was giving him.

    “Why are you looking at me like that?” She asked. Lex smirked and took a step closer to her.

    “Like what?” He asked, feigning innocence. She put her hands on her hips.

    “Like I’m on the menu,” she answered. She shook her head. “What’s gotten into you? You know this whole arranged marriage thing is just a big sham,” she said. He furrowed his brow.

    “Arranged marriage thing?” He repeated. She glared at him.

    “I’m not having this conversation with you again. It was bad enough to have my parents force me into this ‘marriage’ with you, but I’m not going to pretend to be your wife behind closed doors.” She stood her ground as he continued to move closer. “I’m not attracted to you. Remember?” He quickly brought her body to his and moved his lips to seal with her own. Her eyes were wide for a moment, but she relinquished to the sensation and began to return his kiss. He pulled back when he needed to breathe and took in her appearance with masculine satisfaction. Her lips were swollen and her eyes were half shut.

    “I think you are,” he whispered in her ear.


    I know, not much for now, but hopefully I’ll get more time to write tomorrow. I’m sorry if everything is so confusing because of the format. I’m trying to go in the same order I did for the first part of when they all selected rooms, so if you go by that you should be fine.

    Ch. 4

    Alison clung to Pete’s arm as they talked with what seemed like an endless stream of people. At first she thought having a Halloween party in a haunted house would be a kick, but now she wasn’t so sure. Every once and a while, she would catch something out of the corner of her eye, but when she turned, it wouldn’t be there. The house was starting to scare her, and although she was usually a social butterfly, she couldn’t think of anything she’d rather do now than just kick everyone out and leave with her date. Pete looked over at her.

    “You okay?” He asked when he noticed the jittery expression on her face. She tried to smile, but it came out as more of a wince.

    “Guess I just haven’t had enough to drink, because this place is kind of giving me the creeps,” she admitted. Pete laughed and wrapped his arm around her.

    “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you,” he said in his best valiant sounding voice. She rolled her eyes.

    “Whatever.” Alison looked around the room again and frowned. “Where did your friends go?” Pete took a quick glance and then shrugged.

    “Maybe they’re in one of the other rooms,” he suggested. “The party has pretty much taken over all of the lower level of this house.” She nodded and warily looked to the stairs.

    “You don’t think they went upstairs do you?” She asked. That’s where most of the ‘sightings’ and ‘weird experiences’ were rumored to take place. Pete got an evil grin on his face.

    “Not unless Clark finally got lucky,” he responded, waggling his eyebrows. Alison smiled, but her mind was reacting differently. ‘If they went upstairs, then he’s not going to be lucky,’ she thought.


    Lex had some of ‘his Chloe’s’ clothes brought in for Chloe to change into. Even if she wasn’t his wife, she looked like it, and he didn’t want her walking around in the skintight devil costume she had been wearing. They sat together in a dining room while their dinner was brought in. It was an incredibly uncomfortable atmosphere for both of them. After all, she looked just like his missing wife, and they had slept together. Chloe refused to look up from her meal, but he stared intensely at her.

    “May I ask you a question?” He asked. Her eyes peeked upward, but quickly looked down at her plate again when she saw his determined gaze. She nodded.


    “Why aren’t you married to,” he paused and frowned. The entire thing sounded ridiculous. “Why aren’t you married to the Lex in your ‘reality’?” The last word came out disdainful, as if he was still having trouble believing her. She looked up and grinned. This was good. She could do the whole talking thing, just as long as she didn’t have to be so close to him again, everything should be fine.

    “Well, for starters, I’m only sixteen,” she answered, as if it were perfectly obvious. He nodded.

    “And?” He asked. She glared at him.

    “And, that’s not really an age that people get married at anymore,” she explained. He frowned, but nodded.

    “I see. But you’re lovers?” He asked pointedly. She choked a little on some of her food and took a drink of water to clear her throat.

    “Um, no,” she replied. This conversation could get incredibly uncomfortable if they started talking about that. “I doubt Lex has ever even seen me as a woman to be honest with you.” He raised his eyebrows in surprise and ran his eyes down her sitting form with a lustful gleam.

    “I find that difficult to believe,” he said. She smiled.

    “You can believe what you want,” Chloe answered. “But my Lex is more prone to dating supermodels and centerfolds, society bimbos and the like.” Lex smirked at her and she narrowed her eyes at him. “What?”

    “You said ‘my Lex’,” he observed.

    “That’s not what I meant,” she argued. He smiled.

    “It’s what you said,” he replied and leaned forward. “Maybe you like him more than you think you do. Have you thought about that?” She smiled glibly and pushed herself away from the table. He stood up as he saw her doing the same.

    “Okay, this dinner is over,” she announced. “And I’m not discussing you, er, him, anymore. Got it?” He chuckled.

    “Are you sure you’re not ‘my’ Chloe?” He smirked as he watched her stomp out of the dining room.


    Clark sat at the table and picked at his food. His mother and grandmother had already reprimanded him for not using the correct silverware three times, and the food was, well, not what he was used to.

    “You’re being awfully quiet,” Martha observed and smiled at Clark. “Is your mind on a certain young lady?” Jonathan grinned and looked over at his wife.

    “Stop teasing the boy,” he said. “He’s probably trying to come up with a plan to woo her.” His eyes shot directly to Clark with a serious look. “And you’re going to need one. Your good looks and upbringing will only go so far.” Clark frowned as he looked back and forth between his parents.

    “Um, what about Lana?” He asked with hesitation. Martha and Jonathan exchanged a look with Clark’s grandmother, and then his mother looked at him with pity.

    “I thought we talked about this son,” Jonathan said. Clark gave him a blank expression, because he honestly didn’t know what they were talking about. Martha sighed.

    “Your sister would have wanted you to be happy Clark, and she was fond of Chloe. If she were alive then I have no doubt that she would want you to court her,” Martha said. Clark looked confused.

    “My sister?” He asked. His grandmother offered him a small grin and reached over to pat him on the hand.

    “If it makes you feel better, we’ll go visit Lana’s grave this afternoon.” She paused and her face seemed to soften. “Some people find it comforting to speak to the dead.” ‘Like I’m doing right now?’ Clark thought. He cleared his throat and nodded.

    “That would be great. Thanks,” he responded. Maybe if he could get out of the house, he could determine why his powers weren’t working, and possibly find a way to get back home.


    Lana was ecstatic when a man opened the door. She rushed over to it and smiled at him.

    “Please tell me I can leave now,” she said. He didn’t return her smile, but he nodded.

    “Prince Whitney requests your presence,” he said. She stared at the man.

    “Whitney?” She asked in confusion. Lana figured that she was either having a really bad dream, or she hit her head and was hallucinating or something. The possibility of another reality hadn’t struck her yet. If Whitney really were the prince, then he would help her get out of there. Despite the fact that she broke up with him, she knew in her heart that he would never deny her anything she asked for. She smiled again and nodded. “Lead the way.”

    She followed him down a winding stone staircase. Her fantasies about being a princess had never been like this. This was much more real. It was cold, drafty, and it smelled like mold. She shook her head. ‘It’s just a bad dream, just go along with it until you wake up,’ she thought. The guard led her to an impressive room that had weapons and colorful banners hanging on the walls. She saw Whitney sitting in a chair and smiled brightly at him. He furrowed his brow.

    “Why are you cheerful?” He asked in a suspicious voice. She noticed that he was speaking in the heavy accent too, but decided it would be best not to say anything about it. She shrugged.

    “Just glad to be out of that room,” she said. He nodded once to indicate that he accepted her answer.

    “Sit,” he said. She arched an eyebrow at the ordering tone his statement had to it, but she sat down in the chair across from him. He looked over her. “Where did you get that dress?” She looked down at it and then smiled up at him.

    “Nice huh? They’re making Halloween costumes better and better,” she answered. He looked at her like she was crazy.

    “Halloween?” He asked. She looked at Whitney like he was an idiot.

    “Ye-ah,” she strung out. “Halloween. You know, trick or treating, candy, parties?” She responded. Whitney frowned at her.

    “I may have sentenced you to too much time in isolation,” he pondered. He reached across the table and took her hand. “I apologize.” He let go of her hand and stood up, and then he started to walk to her side of the table. “Your behavior angered me, but I shouldn’t have forced you to insanity. Please forgive me.” She stared questioningly at him. ‘Should I ask?’ She thought.

    “Behavior?” She asked. Whitney glared at her and grabbed her arm, forcing her to stand up. He leaned in to speak close to her ear.

    “If I ever catch you with him again, I’ll kill both of you.”


    Chloe pushed herself away from Lex and glared at him. Then she took a good look at his costume and crossed her arms.

    “What are you wearing?” She asked. He briefly glanced at his apparel and then looked up at her.

    “My Halloween costume,” he said dryly. “Like it?” She shook her head and started to walk away from him.

    “You’ve lost your mind,” she commented. He saw her go over to a machine built into the wall that looked like it was straight off one of the Star Trek sets. She punched a few buttons and two cups of coffee appeared. He stared at the contraption in disbelief. Chloe walked over to him and handed him one of the cups of coffee. “You think I can use the whole ‘you going crazy’ thing to annul the marriage?” She smiled as she took a sip from her cup.

    “I’m not crazy,” he responded. “And if you were indeed forced to marry me,” she cut him off.

    “You know I was,” she said angrily. “You were there.” He stood in front of her with a stone-like expression on his face.

    “Actually, I wasn’t,” he replied. She looked at him with confusion marring her features and he sighed.

    “I’m not the Lex you know,” he said.

    “Uh huh,” she said, indicating that she clearly didn’t believe him.

    “I was at a Halloween party, one of my friends went missing, I went through a door and I ended up here,” he said. ‘You do sound crazy,’ he thought to himself. Chloe grinned and arched an eyebrow.

    “So what are you saying?” She asked in a bemused tone.

    “You and I aren’t married,” he said. A smile beamed across her lips. A bedroom door opened and Lex saw himself, or rather that reality’s version of himself, walking out into the hallway. He motioned to him with his head. “You and he are.”

  2. #2
    Just a Guest!
    Ch. 5

    Chloe paced in the hallway. She kept looking back to the spot on the wall where she was sure she had come through. There was nothing to indicate that a door had ever been there. She wondered briefly whether Lex would let her go outside and have a look around, but she guessed he would probably go to great lengths to prevent her from doing that. After all, ‘his Chloe’ had left him. She was certainly beginning to figure out why. Granted, he was fantastic in bed, but he seemed kind of possessive. A door chime shook her out of her thoughts. She practically ran down the hall, but a servant answered the door before she could get there. She saw him take a neatly wrapped box from a deliveryman and close the door behind him. ‘Well that’s not useful,’ she thought to herself. ‘But I am bored,’ she reasoned.

    She walked over to Lex’s office and saw him working behind the desk. He looked up at her as if he sensed her presence there.

    “Do you need something?” He asked. ‘Yes. To get the hell out of here,’ she thought.

    “You got a package,” she replied. “I saw the delivery.” He nodded and leaned back in his chair.

    “Is that all?” He asked. She stepped closer and smiled at him. It was worth a shot.

    “I’d like to go for a walk,” she said. “It’s kind of stuffy in here.” He glared at her.

    “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” he said. She rolled her eyes.

    “I care,” she said sarcastically. “I’m not your wife and you can’t make me stay here.” Chloe knew she had made a mistake when he got up from his chair and stalked over to her. She saw the angry gleam in his eye and she cringed. “Sorry,” she mumbled. “It’s just,” she sighed. “I’m not adjusting well to the situation.” His expression softened a little and he nodded.

    “I understand,” he said. “If you really want to go for a walk that desperately, then I’ll go with you.” She arched an eyebrow.

    “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” She asked. “I’ve gotten the impression that you’re not exactly popular around here.” Lex smirked.

    “You catch on quick,” he replied. “But you’ll be safer with me than if you went out alone.” He paused and his voice grew quiet. “I hated it when she went out alone.” She gave him a sympathetic grin and touched his arm.

    “I’m sure she’ll be home soon,” she commented. Lex stared down at the hand on his arm. Chloe followed his gaze and released her hand. “Sorry.” He nodded and offered her his arm to walk with him. “I’d better not, you know,” she said. He gave her a sad grin.

    “People think you’re my wife Chloe, they’ll expect it,” he said. She frowned and placed her hand on his arm. This was going to be more difficult than she imagined. They walked down to the front door where the doorman stopped them. He promptly held out the box that was delivered earlier. Lex took it over to a decorative wall table and set it down.

    He took a knife out of his inner jacket pocket and began to cut the strings that were tied around it. ‘He keeps a knife with him? Bad sign Chloe, bad sign,’ she told herself. Lex opened the box and his face went pale. The smell was enough to make Chloe want to gag, but she was curious as to the box’s contents. She tried to nudge him out of the way so she could look, but he wrapped his arm around her stomach and pulled her away from it.

    “Hey!” She protested. “It can’t be that bad,” she paused when she saw the horrified expression on his face. “I’ve been exposed to a lot of stuff. Trust me, I can handle it.” She pushed his arm off of her and quickly moved to see what was in the box before he could stop her. Chloe screamed and she felt ill. She passed out and Lex caught her before her body hit the floor.

    She awoke a short time later and realized that she was lying down in a bed she wasn’t familiar with. The situation came flooding back to her and sat up to see Lex sitting by her bedside with his hands covering his face. Chloe reached her arm out to him and he lowered his hands. She could see that he had been crying.

    “Please tell me I didn’t see what I think I saw,” she said. He closed his eyes, the sorrow sweeping over him again.

    “I can’t do that,” he replied in a choked voice.

    “But,” she paused, “it was, it was.”

    “Her head,” Lex filled in for her. She nodded and tried not to let her nausea consume her. Her face went pale and she brought her knees in toward her chest and wrapped her arms around them.

    “Who would do something like that?” She asked. He closed his eyes again and she could tell from the expression that he knew exactly who was responsible. “Who?” Her question became more insistent. He let his eyes open and look upon her.

    “He was sending a message,” he said quietly.


    “It doesn’t matter, you won’t know his name anyway,” he reasoned.

    “Please,” she begged. The image of her own severed head in a box was more than a little unsettling. If she even felt a little bit safe in this place before, she certainly didn’t now.

    “Kent,” Lex answered. Chloe’s eyes grew wide.

    “Clark?” She asked. He narrowed his eyes at her.

    “You know him?” He asked accusingly. She nodded.

    “But the Clark I know would never be capable of something like this,” she said. ‘Breaking my heart, yes. Breaking my neck, no,’ she thought to herself. She could hear Lex’s breathing and it became erratic.

    “Do you love him?” He asked in a quiet voice. She seemed surprised by the question.

    “Yes, as a friend,” she said. He nodded.

    “My wife,” he paused and tried to think of words to say that wouldn’t make his tears spill forth again. “He was in love with her. He couldn’t accept that she wouldn’t leave me. She was supposed to call things off with him.” He paused again. “Before you came, she went missing. I thought maybe he had finally convinced her to choose him.” Chloe was overcome with emotion and she felt her own eyes start to well up with tears.

    “I’m sorry,” she said. He shook his head.

    “She didn’t leave me,” he said. “She wouldn’t.” Chloe nodded dumbly at his feeble words. From everything she had heard, ‘his Chloe’ had probably gone to break off her affair with Clark and had gotten killed because of it.

    “I know,” she said and offered him her hand again. “He probably just couldn’t accept that things were over.” Lex nodded and bravely held back his tears.

    “Would you have?” He asked. She stared blankly at him. “Would you have cheated on me?” Her face wore an expression of understanding.

    “I’m not with Lex where I’m from, and I’m not with Clark either, so I can’t answer that,” she said, trying to phrase it as delicately as she could.

    “If you were,” he prodded. She looked into his eyes. He looked heartbroken and she shook her head.

    “I would never cheat on anyone I was involved with. I’m into the monogamy thing,” she answered. He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it gently.

    “He’s lucky,” he said. She smiled slightly and shook her head.

    “He’s not. He has a really messed up life,” she said. He moved to sit on the edge of the bed and leaned down to stroke her hair. The intimacy of the moment bothered her a little, but she didn’t stop him.

    “And your life?” He asked. “Are you happy with it?” She looked thoughtful.

    “Depends on the day,” she answered truthfully. She tilted her head at him when she realized what he was hinting at. “I can’t stay here. I don’t belong here.”

    “I can make you happy,” he said. “All you have to do is give me a chance.”


    Clark stared down at the grave in front of him. He felt like he was in some horrible nightmare, which, he reasoned was entirely possible. He stared down at the grave in front of him and let the red sun beat its rays against his face. Lana had been his sister here, and she had died just a few months earlier. He shook his head at the thought. ‘It’s a bad dream, she’s not really dead, and she’s definitely not my sister,’ he told himself. He felt his grandmother’s hand on his arm.

    “Are you alright Clark?” She asked. He felt like his entire body was numb, but aching in pain at the same time.

    “No,” he admitted. She nodded.

    “You can speak to her if you’d like, I won’t think you’ve lost your mind,” she said. He looked over at her and gave a wince of a grin.

    “It’s okay,” he said. “Can I ask you a question?”

    “You ‘may’,” she said, emphasizing the appropriate grammar.

    “Why is Lex proposing to Chloe? They can barely stand each other,” he said. She chuckled.

    “I think that’s what most people see as foreplay Clark,” she answered. She immediately straightened her face to a serious expression when she saw him wrinkle his brow. “Not that I don’t think she’d make a lovely wife for you,” she added. “I know you’ve always liked her, but what will be, will be.” She paused. “You should always strive for your dreams, but destiny sometimes gets in the way son. Some day soon, you may have to accept that.”

    Ch. 6

    Lana was in shock. She was being forced to marry Whitney, but she was in love with Clark? She found out from one of the handmaidens that she was found kissing Clark, and that’s why she was sentenced to spend time alone in the tower. To make things worse, she was beginning to think that it wasn’t just a dream. Everything seemed so real, so horrible, but so real. The worst thing of all was that Whitney had moved up their wedding day to tomorrow, which meant that she had less than a day to try and find a way out of there. She was back in her room now and it seemed hopeless. She could hear the door being unlocked and it started to slide open. She smiled brightly and ran over to greet her guest.

    “Chloe!” She screamed and wrapped her arms around her in a big hug. Chloe stood there motionless for a moment, but gave her a quick pat on the back as a consolation. Lana pulled back. “I’m so glad to see you! You have no idea what’s going on! It’s like I’m trapped in the Twilight Zone!” She noticed that Chloe’s clothes were different from what everyone else was wearing. They were made of fine, colored silks, but seemed different in style. Chloe smirked at her.

    “An alternate reality actually,” she answered. Lana looked at her with a confused expression and Chloe chuckled. “I already helped the Lana from our world leave this prison. I can help you leave too, but I don’t know if my powers are strong enough to send you back where you came from.” Lana ran her hands through her hair and then narrowed her eyes a little.

    “You have powers?” She asked. Chloe smiled and held out her hand. A swirling of blue light came up from it and Lana watched it spin and sparkle. As suddenly as it was there, it was taken away.

    “I ‘am’ the sorceress,” Chloe replied. Lana looked at her with astonishment.

    “Sooo, alternate reality huh?” She asked. Chloe nodded.

    “I could explain the physics to you, but I doubt you want to spend what little time we have trying to contemplate such a thing,” Chloe said and then smiled. Lana let out a deep breath of relief and smiled too.

    “Just get me out of here.”


    Alexander stared at the image in front of him. A man who looked exactly like him, only wearing a really old baseball uniform, was talking next to his wife. He rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn’t seeing things, but it didn’t work.

    “I don’t suppose someone could fill me in?” He asked. Chloe turned around and her mouth dropped open as she looked back and forth between them.

    “What did you do?” She asked her husband accusingly. “You cloned yourself? You know that’s illegal!” He held up his hands to signify his innocence and raised an eyebrow when Lex sighed.

    “He didn’t clone himself,” Lex said. “My best guess is that this has something to do with that stupid haunted house I went into.” He shook his head. “Most likely I’m in some parallel universe or something.” Chloe crossed her arms and glared at him.

    “That’s totally science fiction. There’s no such thing as parallel universes,” she said.

    “This coming from the woman who keeps a ‘wall of weird’?” He asked. “I think I’m offended.” They both looked at Lex like he was crazy.

    “Wall of weird?” Chloe asked. Lex frowned.

    “I guess you don’t do that here huh?” He asked. She shook her head. “Right. Well, as charming as it has been to meet both of you, I’d like to get home now.” Alexander stepped over next to his wife.

    “Should we call the police?” He half whispered to her. She shrugged.

    “I don’t know,” she admitted. “He doesn’t seem dangerous.” She paused. “Well, except for that whole kissing thing.” Alexander looked at her.

    “He kissed you?” He asked. Chloe nodded and Alexander turned to Lex. “You kissed my wife?”

    “I didn’t know she was your wife,” Lex said. “And, while we’re on the topic, did you really force her to marry you?” Alexander shrugged.

    “Technically no. I merely used the fact that I own the bank that her parents’ mortgage is through as leverage,” he answered. Lex shook his head. ‘I’m a jerk,’ he thought to himself.

    “Why?” Lex asked.

    “I wanted her to marry me,” Alexander replied. Lex gave him a dull stare.

    “I got that much, thanks,” he said sarcastically. “I meant, why didn’t you just go about it the normal way? Dating, wooing, flowers, candy, that sort of stuff?” Lex asked. Alexander arched an eyebrow and crossed his arms.

    “Is that how you got your Chloe to marry you?” Alexander asked. Lex looked uncomfortable.

    “You believe me then,” Lex observed. “That’s good news.”

    “You haven’t answered the question,” Chloe said. Alexander grinned down at her but she didn’t look at him to see it. Lex sighed.

    “Chloe and I aren’t married where I’m from,” he admitted.

    “But you’re sleeping together,” Chloe said to clarify. “Why else would you have kissed me if you didn’t think I was her?”

    “Good question,” Alexander added. Lex ran a hand over his smooth head.

    “I’m not sleeping with her,” Lex said. “And the second part to your question, well, that’s a more complicated question than you realize.” He noticed the two standing so close together and he smirked. “My turn,” he said and directed his attention at Chloe. “Why do you deny your attraction to your husband?” Chloe’s eyes grew wide and her mouth dropped open to speak, but no words came out. Alexander was intrigued by her reaction and he tilted his head at her, waiting for her answer.

    “I, I’m not attracted to him,” she said. Lex smiled.

    “It’s okay,” he said. “You can lie to me. I’m pretty sure I already know the truth.” Chloe looked panicked and Alexander eyed her.

    “What’s the truth?” Alexander asked. She had a deer caught in the headlights expression and she desperately wanted to flee the room, but she knew she was out numbered.

    “I don’t know what he’s talking about,” she said. Unfortunately for her, the lie came out more like a question. Alexander cornered her against the back of the couch and swiftly wrapped his arms around her back. He leaned down and kissed her. She tried to remain still and not return his kiss, but he was persistent, and she couldn’t help feeling the passion that swept through her. She began to reciprocate and her arms moved up around his back. Lex cleared his throat and they pulled apart.

    “As much as I hate to interrupt your foreplay, I need to find a way home,” he said. Neither of them looked over at Lex, but kept their gazes focused on each other.

    “Don’t let us stop you,” Alexander said.

    “Yeah, knock yourself out,” Chloe added. Lex frowned. They weren’t going to be any help at all. He saw them start kissing again and then they started heading toward one of the bedrooms. He sighed.

    “So if I get involved with Chloe, I’m going to turn into a pile of mush,” he said to himself. The image of them together was too erotic to ignore though, and when he had kissed her it felt like nothing he had ever experienced before. He silently wondered if his Chloe would ever feel that way about him. “My Chloe,” he mused out loud. ‘I like the sound of that way too much,’ he thought.


    Lex pulled Chloe’s mouth to his and kissed her until she returned it. She pulled away quickly though and gave him a sad expression.

    “I can’t do this,” she said. He ignored her and began to pepper her jaw line and then her neck with kisses. “You just lost your wife. You’re using me as a replacement for her.” She whimpered when he hit a nerve on her neck. He ran his tongue over the spot and then gently suckled on it. She pulled his head closer to her without even realizing that she was doing it. “God, Lex,” she moaned. He sealed her lips with a kiss again. This time it went deeper and their tongues ran against each other as they explored each other’s mouths. He pulled away and was breathing heavily.

    “I’m sorry,” he said. “You’re right, it’s just,” he paused to collect his thoughts. “I always wanted her to love me.” Chloe frowned and touched his cheek.

    “I’m sure she did,” she said reassuringly. He shook his head.

    “She loved him,” he said. “The only reason she didn’t leave me for him was because, on some level I think she was afraid of me.” Chloe frowned. “And then, you come here, and you look like her, you have her attitude, but you’re not malicious toward me. And you say that you only want to be in a monogamous relationship.” He shook his head. “It’s like I got what I had been wishing for.” Chloe almost started to cry. She felt so bad for this man on her bed, but she didn’t want to be used as a replacement.

    “I’m not sure what to say,” she admitted. He nodded and gave her a sweet kiss.

    “Tell me you’ll think about it,” he said. “I’ll get to know you for you, and you can get to know me for me. We can decide along the way.” Chloe furrowed her brow. She had no intention of staying there longer than she needed to if she could find a way home.

    “I don’t belong here,” she repeated. His hand cupped the side of her head and brought her to him to kiss again.

    “Maybe you do,” he said. “Maybe you were brought here for a reason.”

    Ch. 7

    Chloe was speechless at what Lex just said. She hadn’t considered that possibility. She just thought that the house had somehow allowed her to travel to that reality, she hadn’t thought that it was for a reason. If she was honest with herself, she didn’t want to think at all. Having him so close to her was intoxicating, and she knew that if she went home, she wouldn’t have that anymore. ‘Tempting, very tempting,’ she thought to herself. Lex tilted his head as he watched her mull the decision through in her mind.

    “You’re considering it,” he observed. She nodded once.

    “I don’t want to be a substitute for the woman you really love, but,” she reached out and touched his lips with her fingers, “it’s strange being around you.” Lex arched an eyebrow.


    “Nobody feels like this about me at home,” she paused. “But then I guess you don’t either.” He moved his lips so they touched hers. Lex ran his tongue along her bottom lip and she opened her mouth for him. Her arms wrapped around him and she felt him unbuttoning her dress from behind. Against her mind’s better judgment, she found her own fingers helping to remove his clothing as well. “We shouldn’t be doing this,” she whispered.

    “Yes we should,” he argued. Lex’s hand found her breast and he gently rolled the nipple between his finger and thumb. Chloe arched toward his touch and he kissed her again. She felt desire stir through her body and she returned the kiss with fervor. He gently pushed against her and moved both of them so they were lying down on the bed. Lex looked at her briefly before lowering his mouth to her breast. Chloe gasped and her eyes fluttered closed. Lex teased her other nipple with his fingers while she let out small moans that only spurred him on. He switched breasts and her hips started to rub against him, seeking release. He groaned and slid his free hand down her body until it reached her curls. Lex brushed his thumb over her clitoris and her hips bucked up toward him. He felt that she was already wet and he couldn’t hold in his own desire much longer. He raised his head and gave her another kiss before positioning his shaft at her entrance.

    Chloe bit down on her lip as her lip as he thrust into her. Lex watched the pleasure play upon her face and he started pumping faster and harder. She screamed and her body shook around him. He collapsed on top of her, sweating and breathing heavy. She absently ran her hands over his back, and he rolled to his side to look at her. This was the second time in less than a day that she had slept with this man who she barely knew. A bad thought struck her and he saw her expression turn from sedation to panic.

    “What’s wrong?” He asked.

    “Please, please, tell me that you used protection,” she begged. His look of confusion did little to placate her. “You know, so I don’t get pregnant or catch any diseases.” He raised an eyebrow.

    “I’m clean,” he responded. “And you can’t have children.” She glared at him.

    “She couldn’t have children,” Chloe corrected him. “My doctor says that I’m like ultra fertile. She wanted to put me on the pill, but I wasn’t having sex with anybody so I didn’t see the point.” He looked at her in astonishment and his eyes moved to her stomach. He gently placed his palm down on it and she gritted her teeth when she saw the look on his face. “I need to find a way to get home right now,” she said. “They have morning after pills there and I can.” Lex stopped her speech with a long and passionate kiss. He finally pulled away so she could breath.

    “You can’t leave now,” he said.

    “Did you not hear what I just said? If I stay here then I could get pregnant, or stay pregnant, whatever,” she stammered.

    “I heard you,” he said in a serious tone. “Did you hear me?” He paused to let her think about it. “I had given up hope of ever having kids. She couldn’t have them and she didn’t want to adopt, probably because she was in love with Kent. And now,” he looked at her stomach again and grinned. “There could already be a little one in there.” She tried to pull away from him, but he grabbed her arm and gave her a warning look.

    “Calm down,” she said. “I just need to go to the bathroom. Okay?” He relaxed his grip on her and rubbed her arm.

    “I’m sorry,” he said. “I just.”

    “I know,” she cut him off. “It’s kind of a moot point since I don’t know how to get home anyway,” she mumbled. He grinned and pulled her back to kiss her.

    “Do you still want to go for a walk later?” He asked. It was an obvious ploy to try and lessen her anger at the situation, but it partially worked. Chloe nodded and smiled.

    “That would be great.”


    “So what are you saying son?” Jonathan asked. Clark had asked to go back to the house after the cemetery visit, and was in the process of telling his parents that he wasn’t going to pursue a relationship with Chloe. Clark shook his head.

    “I don’t think I’m the right guy for her,” Clark said. “She deserves better.” Jonathan and Martha both frowned and Martha cast a suspicious glance at Clark’s grandmother.

    “You didn’t happen to talk him into this decision did you?” Martha asked. Clark’s grandmother feigned innocence.

    “He’s a grown boy, he’s capable of making his own decisions,” she replied. Jonathan stood up.

    “Yes,” he agreed, “but you’ve been wanting Miss Sullivan to marry Mr. Luthor for a while now. Your views on the subject are readily known.” Clark’s grandmother shrugged.

    “I can’t help what I believe Jonathan. Their families are better suited to each other and their demeanors when they’re around each other,” she paused and gave Jonathan a sympathetic grin. “Any fool can see that they’re in love.”

    “Are you calling yourself a fool?” He asked with a smirk. She glared at him.

    “Certainly not,” she responded in a proper tone. “Which only means that I can see it better than most.” Jonathan sighed and turned to Clark.

    “Are you sure you want to do this Clark? You realize you’re under no obligation to take your grandmother’s advice?” He asked. Clark gave a half smile and nodded. He figured that since he didn’t belong there, that it wouldn’t matter what he did or didn’t do; he couldn’t waste his time pursuing anyone, because he needed to spend it finding a way to get home.


    “Are you sure this is going to work?” Lana asked Chloe again. Chloe looked up at her from the floor where she was placing a mixture of herbs.

    “Yes, I’m sure this is going to work,” Chloe responded in an impatient voice. Lana had already asked the same question several times before, and Chloe was beginning to wonder if she shouldn’t just let this version of Lana stay in her predicament. “But, like I said, this is only going to get you away from this room. I sincerely doubt that it will get you back to your own reality.” Lana frowned.

    “Is there any way that I can get back home?” She asked. Chloe sighed and rubbed her temples.

    “From what I’ve been able to gather, you’re here because of an enchantment on the house that you were in. Most likely, the spell will end at midnight in your time. Unfortunately, time isn’t linear,” Chloe explained. Lana looked at her with a confused expression. “While it could only be a couple of hours away there, it could be days, weeks, months, or even years here.” Lana grimaced.

    “Okay, that’s bad,” she said. Chloe nodded.

    “So unless you want to end up marrying the prince, then.” Chloe stopped talking when Lana interrupted her.

    “Well, that wouldn’t be so bad. I mean, it’s just Whitney, and it’s not like it would be forever,” Lana said. Chloe stared at her.

    “You hate Whitney, or, at least the Lana from here does,” Chloe said. Lana’s mouth dropped open a little in surprise and she shook her head.

    “No,” she objected. “Whitney and I went out for almost two years before he joined the military.”

    “Oh,” Chloe said. She was clearly stunned by this revelation. “Maybe I should just leave you here then. You might have a better chance of getting back home if you’re where you arrived when the enchantment breaks.” Lana smiled unsurely.

    “Okay.” Lana threw her arms up in a surrendering motion. “Thanks for your help though.” Chloe looked at her in disbelief and shook her head. She went over to Lana and gave her a small hug.

    “Good luck.”


    Lex stood by one of the large windows and looked out over the city. He couldn’t help thinking that it looked like how many science fiction movies had portrayed the future. Small flying ships and strange looking buildings. He wouldn’t have minded changing clothes and taking a look around outside, but they had agreed that it would be better that he didn’t, since his double was fairly well known there.

    Lex’s attention was drawn away from the window when he heard the sound of Chloe screaming in pleasure. He turned his head slightly in that direction and then he ran a hand over his face. Playing cupid to his other reality self hadn’t exactly been what he had in mind when he thought about making the most of the experience. And now, listening to their lovemaking…it was almost unbearable. Lex had a strong desire to return home and profess his undying love for his Chloe. He chuckled. ‘She’d slap me,’ he thought to himself.

    And where had all of these feelings for Chloe come from? He knew he liked her before he ended up wherever he was now, but he primarily saw her as Clark’s pretty and snarky friend, not as…oh right. The Halloween costume. He growled. Lana had been right. Every other guy at the party would like Chloe’s outfit. For all he knew, she had gone home with one of them. He shook his head. She wouldn’t do that. It wasn’t her style. Most likely, she was probably stuck in an alternate reality of her own. He sighed and looked back at the wall where the door had been. Again, the question posed itself. How was he going to get home?

    Ch. 8

    Lex watched Chloe as they walked and she took in their surroundings. The scenery was the same period as the inside of the house had been. The only cars were ones that she had seen in pictures and museums, and there were even a couple of horse drawn carriages on the roads. She shook her head and Lex let go of her hand and wrapped his arm around her back.

    “Are you alright?” He asked. Chloe seemed to be in a daze ever since they left the house and he was beginning to worry about her. In a corner of her mind, she had been hoping that it had all been a dream, but even she couldn’t manufacture something as real as the outside world that was now staring her in the face. Chloe sighed.

    “I guess,” she said. “I’m not used to it.” Lex looked at her questioningly.

    “Used to what?” He asked. “Your home can’t be that much different.” Chloe gave him a blank expression. “Can it?” She stopped walking and allowed him to wrap his arms around her waist.

    “This is like my world was eighty years ago,” she admitted. “And since I obviously wasn’t alive back then,” she trailed off and looked down. “I don’t know if I can get used to this,” she admitted. Lex rubbed his hands on her back affectionately.

    “You may not have a choice,” he reminded her.

    “Because I might not find a way home or because you won’t let me leave?” She asked. Chloe was amazed at the confidence that came through in her voice and she looked up at him. Lex clearly wasn’t happy and the look in his eyes was almost…dangerous. Chloe stood her ground and didn’t let him see that she was intimidated. After all, she may very well be stuck for the rest of her life in this reality, and she was going to be damned if she gave into his attitude this early. He brought a hand up and ran it through her hair.

    “I don’t want you to go back,” he said. Chloe barely resisted rolling her eyes.

    “I’m aware of that, thanks,” she said sarcastically. He grinned.

    “And if you’re carrying our baby, then.” She brought his head down to hers and kissed him. He was a little taken aback by the action, since he was expecting to have to lecture her. When they finally pulled apart he looked at her with surprise.

    “Tell you what, I’ll make you a deal,” she said. He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head slightly.

    “What kind of deal?” He asked.

    “If I’m pregnant, then I’ll stay, regardless of whether I find a way home or not,” she paused while he thought about it. “But if I’m not, and I do find a way, you’ll let me leave.” Lex frowned.

    “If you’re not pregnant, we could always keep trying,” he said suggestively. She playfully hit him on the shoulder.

    “Don’t be a jerk,” she said. “So do we have a deal or not?” Lex’s eyes had a spark in them that Chloe didn’t recognize, but she had a feeling it wasn’t good.



    Clark kept searching along the wall for a door, a secret passageway, anything that could get him home. He sighed and leaned his forehead up against it. ‘I’m never going to get out of here,’ he thought. Not that the people here weren’t nice, but it wasn’t home. A feminine voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

    “You’re going to ruin the wallpaper if you keep that up,” Chloe said. Clark whipped his head around and smiled. Chloe with long hair, but obviously tied up in a bun, and nicer clothes from the era.

    “Hey,” Clark said. Chloe raised an eyebrow.

    “Hey?” She asked with amusement. Clark blushed.

    “Hello,” he corrected himself. Chloe shook her head and extended a hand to him.

    “Come sit with me,” she said. He nodded and sat down on the couch opposite the chair she chose. “So I hear you’re not going to court me,” she said. Clark was unable to cover the groan that came from his throat and covered his face.

    “Sorry,” he mumbled. He looked up from the floor when he heard her laughing.

    “It’s alright, I expected as much. Quite honestly, I was surprised your parents were able to talk you into it in the first place,” she said in a comforting tone. He furrowed his brow.

    “How’d you know about that?” He asked.

    “You told me,” she answered. “So you’re losing your mind now as well? Interesting.” Clark smiled. Obviously the Clark of this reality, or whatever, was good friends with this Chloe. He momentarily wondered where the Clark of this reality was, but quickly pushed it out of his head.

    “I forgot,” he lied. “So what about you and Lex?” He asked.

    “Alexander,” she mused. “I don’t know Clark.” Clark thought for a minute about what to ask her, but still ended up fumbling with his words.

    “Are you, do you?” He sighed. “My grandmother thinks that you’re in love with him.” Chloe narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

    “Interesting theory,” she responded.

    “Are you?” Clark asked. Chloe looked at the floor and frowned.

    “If I say yes, will you not be friend anymore?” She asked. Clark seemed surprised.

    “Chloe, I’ll always be your friend,” he said. She shook her head.

    “That’s not what you said before,” Chloe replied. Clark could see the tears beginning to well up in her eyes. “You said you would desert me if I married him. I love him Clark, but I won’t risk losing my friendship with you.” Clark felt a lump building in his throat. How could his other self have been so callous with her feelings? Okay, he wouldn’t be pleased if his Chloe and Lex decided to hook up, but he would accept it, or at least liked to think that he would. ‘But of course, that’s ridiculous because they would never do that,’ he thought. He reached his hands out for hers and she took them.

    “You’re my friend Chloe. I’m not going to try and keep you from being happy. And I won’t stop being your friend just because you choose to marry Lex, even if I’ve said otherwise before,” he said. Clark could see the relief wash over her face and she allowed a couple of tears to roll down her cheeks as she jumped out of her chair and practically tackled him. She gave him a big hug and pulled back with a smile.

    “Thank you Clark, you have no idea how much this means to me,” she said. He grinned and nodded.

    “No problem,” he said. With her marrying Lex, it would free up his time to look for a way home, a search that was becoming more and more desperate as every hour went by.


    Lana awoke in the morning in a room she wasn’t familiar with. It was still in the castle, but was lavishly furnished with fine fabrics. There were several servants already bustling about and she remembered what was going on. She was to be married to Prince Whitney today. She ran a hand through her hair and sheepishly smiled at one of the ladies in waiting.

    “Wake up, we have a lot to get done before your vows,” an older woman said. Lana nodded and saw her wedding gown draped over a couple of chairs.

    “It’s beautiful,” Lana commented.

    “Mmm,” the older woman grunted. “Now get to the bathing pool, we don’t have much time.”


    Alexander stumbled out of the bedroom in pajama pants hours later and found Lex sprawled out on the couch, his baseball hat on the coffee table. He could see him staring out the window and he smirked.

    “I’m surprised you didn’t go against my advice and go out,” Alexander mused.

    “I thought about it,” Lex admitted. “I don’t suppose you’ve given any thought to how I’m supposed to get home?” Alexander chuckled and walked over to him.

    “I’ve been a little preoccupied,” he said. Lex glanced at him.

    “I heard,” he said dryly. Alexander sat down in a nearby chair and observed Lex with thought. “What?” Lex asked in an irritated voice and sat up.

    “You miss her,” Alexander responded. Lex sloughed off the comment and Alexander smirked and leaned forward. “I might even go so far as to say you love her.” That earned him a hard glare, but the smirk stayed in place. ‘God, that’s annoying,’ Lex thought. Lex didn’t speak, but Alexander continued, knowing that he had struck a nerve with the look Lex gave him. “We’re not so different you and I.” Lex let out a humorless half laugh at the absurdity of that statement.

    “Despite the fact that we seem to be the same person physically, I would say we’re very different,” Lex argued.

    “You love your Chloe,” Alexander pointed out. “And I love mine.”

    “I didn’t force mine to marry me,” Lex said in a bitter tone.

    “You still could,” Alexander answered with a bemused smile. Lex tilted his head at him.

    “Somehow I doubt she’d appreciate that,” he answered. Alexander nodded with understanding.

    “You don’t think she returns your feelings,” Alexander commented. Lex sighed and rubbed his face.

    “I know she doesn’t.”

  3. #3
    Just a Guest!
    Ch. 9

    Chloe and Lex decided to go back to the house and were walking in that direction when something caught Chloe’s eye.

    “Lex?” She asked.

    “Hmm?” He still had his arm wrapped around her back and he nuzzled his face into her hair. She squinted a little to make sure she wasn’t seeing things.

    “Isn’t that Clark?” She asked. Lex snapped to attention and growled. It was Clark, dressed in a suit that fit perfectly on him. Clark noticed her too and came running toward her. ‘I knew I should have brought my bodyguards along,’ Lex thought. Clark’s smile beamed at Chloe, and he seemed oblivious to the fact that Lex was even there.

    “You’re alive!” He proclaimed. He moved to hug her, but she clung to Lex’s arm. If the Clark of this reality was responsible for killing her other self, she sure as hell wasn’t going to hug him. He seemed so happy to see her though. “I, I should have known that you would be able to talk your way out of it. I told them to call it off, that I couldn’t live without you, but they said it was too late.” He shook his head as tears formed in his eyes. “I’m so sorry Chloe,” Clark said in a choked voice. Chloe gripped Lex’s arm tighter, but tried to stay calm.

    “I’m only going to say this once,” she said. “I’m not your Chloe and I don’t want anything to do with the person responsible for her death.” Her voice was shaky, but confident. Clark furrowed his brow.

    “What are you talking about sweetheart?” He asked in confusion. Then Clark noticed Lex and anger marred his features. “You’re not going back to him,” he growled and ripped her away from Lex’s embrace.

    “Ouch!” Chloe yelped. Now she was angry. She hit Clark’s chest hard, but pulled back her hand when she felt like she had broken every bone in it. “Damn it!” Clark pulled her closer so their bodies were flush against each other. She couldn’t help thinking that not long ago, in her reality; she would have loved to be in Clark’s arms. And now she was just struggling to get away from him.

    “Let her go!” Lex demanded. Clark didn’t even look at him; he kept his intense gaze on Chloe.

    “I love you Chloe.” Clark stroked her hair. “And you love me. Why are you trying to get away from me?” Chloe fumed.

    “I’m not your Chloe!” She repeated. “And the Clark Kent I know would have never ordered my death, let alone sleep with a married woman. Now let me go!” Clark was confused, but he figured that Lex had done something to her to make her forget the love they shared. He leaned down to kiss her. She turned her head to avoid his lips and he squared his jaw. Clark released her for a moment.

    “This ends now,” he said to Lex. Chloe’s eyes widened at the tone of his voice and she grabbed his arm as he stalked toward him.

    “Don’t hurt him,” she said. Clark got a determined, evil look on his face.

    “I’m not going to hurt him,” he replied. “I’m going to kill him.” They both drew their guns at the same time and Chloe stepped back in horror.

    “Don’t do this!” Chloe screamed. She covered her ears when the guns went off and rushed to Lex’s side when he fell to the ground. “No, no, no,” she repeated, watching the blood pool from his body. He was still barely alive and he looked at her while she held his hand and kissed his face. “Don’t die. I’ll get you help, just don’t die.”

    “Promise me,” Lex said in a raspy whisper.

    “What? Promise you what?” She asked. Her tears were flowing freely now.

    “Stay with me,” he choked out. She nodded and kissed him.

    “I promise,” she said. She pulled back to look in his eyes, but they had closed. “No!” She checked for a pulse, but it was gone, and she had a bad feeling that no amount of CPR would bring him back with the amount of blood loss he had sustained, and no ambulance with the right equipment to keep him alive nearby. Chloe began to sob. Clark came over and placed his hand on her shoulder.

    “You didn’t belong with him,” he said. She turned her tear stained face to look at him. “You never did.” She was so upset and angry that she couldn’t even form words. He crouched down next to her and placed the bullet Lex had shot at him on the ground. “You belong with me Chloe, and now we can be together.” She shook her head and turned to Lex again. CPR was worth a shot right? She breathed into his mouth and then started chest compressions in a futile attempt to bring him back. Chloe started crying again and everything went dark around her.


    Clark flopped onto his bed and stared at the ceiling. There was no way out. He was never going home. Lana was his sister in this reality, and she was dead. And the only other girl that he thought he might have had feelings for was in love with Lex Luthor. He closed his eyes and sighed. This was bad. He forced himself to get off the bed. It was almost time for dinner and he was starved, even if he did have to eat strange food. He ran into his mother downstairs and she smiled at him.

    “I saw that Miss Sullivan paid a visit earlier,” she said, the hint evident in her voice. “Did she convince you to change your mind?” Clark sighed and smiled hesitantly.

    “Actually, she’s going to marry Lex,” he said. Martha frowned and crossed her arms.

    “She’s been turning him down for ages now, probably only with the hopes that you would ask her to marry you, and now she’s forced to marry him. Why are you doing this Clark?” She rambled. Clark shook his head.

    “It’s not like that Mom,” he said. She raised an eyebrow at him. “Er, mother. Chloe is in love with Lex. She just didn’t want to agree to marry him because she thought that I would cut off our friendship.” Martha tsked at him in displeasure at the situation.

    “Which proves that she loves you more than him,” she stated. “You should have courted her. She would have married you.” Clark ran a hand through his hair.

    “I don’t really want to talk about this anymore,” he said. She looked stern.

    “She has made no such announcement regarding an engagement to Mr. Luthor. You will pursue her until then,” she said confidently. Clark looked appalled.

    “I’m not going to try and keep her away from Lex,” Clark said. Suddenly, his surroundings faded into black.


    Lana walked up the small aisle to where Whitney was standing. He was surprised to see her smiling. ‘Maybe she’s finally accepted her future with me,’ he thought. A small man in an oversized robe joined their hands. Lana smiled nervously at Whitney. ‘It’s not forever, just until I go home,’ she thought.

    “We are here to bring about the union of Prince Whitney and Princess Lana in holy matrimony,” the monk started. Lana noticed that there weren’t any guests other than servants standing near the walls. ‘He probably thinks someone would object,’ she thought. The monk went on to recite prayers and psalms, warnings and blessings, and then he reached their vows. “Do you, Whitney, take Lana to be your wife?” Whitney stood tall and grinned.

    “I do,” he said. The monk nodded and turned to Lana.

    “Do you, Lana, take Whitney to be your husband?” He asked. Lana grinned.

    “I…” She stopped talking when everything and everyone around her seemed to disappear and she was encompassed by darkness.


    “How do you know?” Alexander prodded. Lex stood up. He was tired of talking about this, but at least he didn’t have to listen to them making love in the other room for the time being.

    “Where’s Chloe?” Lex changed the subject and looked back toward the bedroom.

    “She’s sleeping,” Alexander answered with more than a hint of masculine pride. Lex chuckled.

    “I see. You had a lot of lost time to make up for. Is that it?” He mused. Alexander nodded.

    “Still do,” Alexander responded and then paused. “You never answered my question.”

    “Which question would that be?” Lex asked, knowing exactly what Alexander meant, but not wanting to give him an answer. Alexander sighed and rubbed his face, and then he stood up.

    “God, you’re stubborn,” he said and started to walk back to the bedroom. “No wonder she doesn’t like you.” Lex frowned at what Alexander said and decided to finally answer him.

    “That’s not why,” Lex said. Alexander turned around, suddenly interested. His expression pressed Lex to continue. “She’s in love with someone else.” Alexander raised an eyebrow.

    “I see,” he said, walking closer to Lex again. “And this other man is so wonderful that you don’t think you could woo her affections away from him?” Lex sighed.

    “Clark Kent,” Lex said. A look of surprise fell upon Alexander’s face.

    “Superman,” Alexander said in a quiet voice. “Tough act to follow.” Lex tilted his head at Alexander.

    “Clark’s a good guy, but he has his flaws. I would hardly call him a super man,” he commented. Alexander grinned. Apparently the Clark from Lex’s world hadn’t gotten to that point in his life yet.

    “If he’s flawed, then you should have no trouble getting Chloe away from him,” Alexander stated. Lex shrugged.

    “I believe that she considers me considerably more flawed than he,” Lex replied.

    “I think you need to ask her instead of just making assumptions,” Alexander said. Lex nodded.

    “If I ever get home,” he said. The room turned to night around him and suddenly he only saw black.

    Ch. 10

    Clark tried to use his x-ray vision to see in the dark, and when it worked, he was overwhelmed with relief. He made his way to the door and opened it. When he got out into the light of the hallway, he saw that he was back in his superhero costume and shook his head.

    “See? There he is. I told you they were fine,” he heard Pete’s voice say. Clark waved at Pete and Alison and the couple finished walking up the stairs. Pete strolled over to Clark.
    “We were almost starting to worry about you,” he said with a smile. Clark let out a deep breath.

    “You guys are never going to believe what happened to me,” Clark said. “It was like I went back in time, but not really.” He had a bewildered look on his face. “More like an alternate reality.” Alison frowned.

    “That’s entirely possible given the legends surrounding this gatehouse,” she said. Clark shook it off.

    “At least it’s over now and that’s what matters,” Clark replied. He stopped talking when he heard Lana’s voice asking if anyone was there. “Do you hear that?” He asked.

    “It sounds like it’s coming from in here,” Alison said and opened the door to the room that Lana had gone into earlier that evening. Lana’s eyes grew wide when the light filtered into the room and she ran to Clark. She quickly wrapped her arms around him and buried her head in his chest. It took a second for Clark to snap out of the surprise and embrace her.

    “I guess you had a strange experience too huh?” Clark asked. Lana pulled back slightly and looked down at what was now her Halloween costume again.

    “You could definitely say that,” she agreed. “I wonder if Chloe and Lex went through the same kind of thing we did?” Clark shook his head.

    “I don’t know,” he answered. He said the next part of his statement hesitantly. “But in the place where I was, they were, um, in love with each other.” Lana and Pete looked at each other and then back to Clark.

    “Chloe and Lex?” Pete asked in surprise. “No way! You must have gone to the Twilight Zone.” Lana grinned.

    “It’s not that implausible,” she said. Pete tilted his head at her.

    “Ch-loe and Le-x,” Pete strung out their names. “Come on Lana! Can you really see those two getting together?”

    “So it’s the prevailing theme of our experiences I gather?” Lex’s voice came from behind them. Clark looked over and saw Lex walking toward them from the other part of the hallway and he nodded at him.

    “You made it out okay,” Clark said with a smile and ignored Lex’s comment. Lana shook her head at the man in the old baseball uniform. How could he manage to wear something like that and still seem imposing? Lex grinned.

    “I’m fine,” he assured him. “Where’s Chloe?” Lana frowned.

    “We just got out. We haven’t found her yet,” she said. Clark heard someone crying further down the hall in the direction Lex had just come from.

    “I think I hear something,” Clark said and started to walk that way. Lana, Lex, and Alison said they didn’t hear anything, but Pete said he thought Clark was right. Pete didn’t hear anything either, but he figured Clark’s senses were enhanced with his abilities. When they finally reached the door, Chloe’s sobbing was audible to everyone. Clark and Lana shared a look of distress when they opened the door and saw Chloe on the floor crying. Clark walked over to her and crouched beside her. He tentatively placed a hand on her back. “Are you okay Chlo?” She swatted his arm away and stood up, but she wasn’t able to see clearly through her tears.

    “Get the hell away from me!” She screamed. “You killed him! I promised I’d stay with Lex and you killed him!” Lana looked at Clark, the worry she felt for Chloe was very evident. Lana took a tentative step toward her.

    “Chloe?” She asked. “It’s okay, you’re home now.” Chloe fell to the floor again and buried her face in her hands. Lex frowned and pushed his way past Clark and Lana.

    “Let me,” he said. Clark gave him an inquisitive look and Lex gave him a half grin. “Prevailing theme, remember?” Lex sat down next to Chloe on the floor and wrapped an arm around her back. He pulled her closer and lovingly stroked her hair. “Shhh,” he whispered and kissed her head. “You’re home now.” Chloe shook her head.

    “I promised him I’d stay,” she mumbled.

    “He had no right to have you make a promise you didn’t know if you could keep,” Lex said.

    “And Clark killed him, I know he wasn’t the real Clark, but it seemed so real, and there wasn’t anything I could do,” Chloe rambled. Lex frowned. Chloe was having a harder time with this than the rest of them. He wondered why she was so attached to the alternate reality version of himself and how far things had gone between them. If his doppelganger had asked her to stay, neigh; made her promise to stay with him, he guessed it had gone much further than he wanted to believe.

    “Chloe,” Lex turned her face toward him. Her eyes grew a little wider and her expression seemed… joyous? She flung herself at him and wrapped her arms around his neck, crashing them both down to a lying position on the floor. She leaned down and kissed him passionately, taking everyone by surprise. Chloe finally pulled away to breathe and stared down at him with love in her eyes. “Chloe?”

    “I thought I lost you,” she murmured and then began peppering his face with small kisses. Their group of friends looked at the scene, mouths agape in shock. Lex groaned. He shouldn’t be angry at the Lex from Chloe’s experience, but he was. He wanted Chloe for himself, and now she was all but professing her love for a similar version. He would be lying if he said he didn’t want to take advantage of the situation, but he knew that she would never accept him, never love him, unless he was honest with her.

    “Chloe,” he repeated. “You’re home.” She eyed him strangely and he motioned to her costume. Chloe practically jumped off him.

    “Oh my God! I’m so sorry!” She exclaimed. Chloe stood up and brushed herself off. She glanced over at her friends, who all seemed to be trying to get over what they had just witnessed. “I have to go back. I promised I would stay with him.” That made Lex angry and he stood up.

    “Would he want you to stay there without him?” Lex asked, trying to get her to come to her senses. “Because that’s how it would be. You said Clark killed him, remember?” Chloe sniffled and looked up at Lex with wet eyes.

    “I,” she paused when she everything clicked for her. “I,” she repeated. “I’m sorry.” “I need to go home. Something happened to me and,” she shook her head slightly, “I think I need some rest.” Without asking, Lex placed his hand on the small of her back.

    “I’ll give you a ride,” he stated. She gave him an odd expression.

    “I don’t think that would be a very good idea,” Chloe rasped. Lex stood his ground and Chloe knew from the look on his face that he wasn’t going to let her leave with anyone else. She took in a deep breath and nodded once. “Okay.” Pete looked at her like she had gone crazy.

    “You’re joking right?” He asked. “You just kissed him and, and,” Pete stammered. “And he didn’t try to stop you. There’s no way that you should give in and let Luthor drive you home.” Chloe walked over and gave Pete a small hug.

    “I’ll be fine,” Chloe said. “It’s just a ride home, and this way you don’t have to leave the party.”

    “I don’t mind,” Pete insisted. Chloe sighed.

    “As much as I appreciate the offer, I don’t want you to drive since you’ve been drinking,” she said. “Thanks anyway though.” Pete frowned and nodded. He didn’t like the fact that Lex was giving her a ride home, but if Luthor tried anything then he would seek revenge. Chloe looked over at Lex. “Ready?” He gave her a half grin and nodded. Clark and Lana watched them walk down the stairs and the corners of Lana’s mouth curled upward. Pete eyed her.

    “What?” He asked Lana.

    “Just thinking about what Lex said. The ‘prevailing theme’ of the evening comment,” Lana said and then she turned to Clark with a newfound confidence and tilted her head. “Apparently we were lovers in the reality I was in,” she said with a Cheshire-like smile. Clark’s eyes grew large and he couldn’t stop the blush from rising to his cheeks.

    “Uh, r-really?” He stuttered. She stepped closer to him and placed her hand on his chest.

    “Uh huh,” she affirmed. “And in yours?” She asked. Clark ducked his head.

    “You were my dead sister,” he said in a half horrified, half ashamed voice. Lana, Pete, and Alison all burst out in laughter. Pete slapped him on the back.

    “Man, that sucks. Sorry Clark,” he said. Clark rolled his eyes.

    “Yeah, I can tell you’re heartbroken,” he said sarcastically. Lana took Clark by surprise and stood on her tiptoes to bring his head down to hers. She gave him a sweet, feather light kiss on his mouth and pulled back. He looked at her questioningly.

    “I like my reality’s version of us better,” she said suggestively. Clark opened his mouth to speak but no words came out, so he just smiled and nodded.

    “Me too.”


    Lex and Chloe drove in silence for not more than five minutes before Chloe started getting jittery and bouncing her leg up and down. Lex glanced over at her.

    “Caffeine withdrawal?” He half teased. She looked down. “I’m sorry. I guess humor wasn’t the right way to go.” She shook her head.

    “You know all that stuff that happened to us?” She started and looked over at him. He nodded. “Was it all just some big mind fuck or do you think it actually happened?” She asked. Lex was surprised by the question, partially because he had been wondering the same thing.

    “I’m not sure,” he said honestly. “Why?” Chloe averted her eyes from his face and looked out the window again.

    “I was just wondering if I’ll be able to get in to see my doctor tomorrow,” she mumbled. He caught what she said and arched an eyebrow.

    “Why would you need to?” He asked suspiciously. Chloe tried to force down the blush that was rising to her face.

    “Um, no reason,” she said quickly. Lex slammed on the brakes and stopped the car. He turned to face her, but she refused to look in his direction.

    “Chloe?” He asked.

    “No reason,” she repeated. “Can you just take me home now?” He reached out and turned her face to look at him. The answer he was searching for was found the second she made eye contact with him.

    “You slept with him,” he said. Lex was surprised. He knew her feelings had run deep for his counterpart, but he hadn’t imagined what he saw next. “You loved him.” His words came out wounded and he looked away. She nodded. “Why?” Chloe scrunched up her face in confusion.

    “What do you mean?” She asked. He closed his eyes for a second.

    “I mean why?” He said. “You’ve never shown any interest in me.”

    “He wasn’t you,” she replied. She may as well have stuck a knife through his heart and twisted it. “And, that’s not entirely true,” she pushed her words together and mumbled them. He tilted his head at her.

    “What?” He asked. Chloe took a deep breath and looked over at him again.

    “I said, that’s not entirely true,” she repeated. Lex raised his eyebrows in surprise.

    “I see,” he said in a stunned voice. Chloe cleared her throat.

    “Yeah. So can you take me home now?” She asked.


    Ch. 11 - The End

    Chloe arched an eyebrow at him and crossed her arms.

    “Why not?” She asked. It came out a little more irritated than she actually was, but being this close in proximity to Lex was starting to make her feel the same way she had with the other one, and that could be dangerous. He unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned toward her. ‘Oh God, please don’t do this,’ she thought. He touched her cheek with the back of his hand and she felt herself melt into the feel of his skin against hers. Lex unlatched her safety belt as well and he felt her arms move to his shoulders as he testingly brushed his lips against hers. She let out a small whimper and began to reciprocate. The kiss deepened quickly, her tongue darting out to lick along his bottom lip, craving the touch she had grown accustomed to. Lex pulled back when he needed to breathe and gazed upon her with lust-laden eyes. “We shouldn’t,” she said, still taking in gulps of air.

    Lex’s hand ran up her thigh, and although the costume was attractive, it wasn’t very conducive to a quick romp in the back of his car. He didn’t want that anyway, but he sadly thought that he would take it if that were all she would offer him.

    “Do you think that you can ever love me Chloe?” He asked. She looked away from his intense eye contact. Chloe let out a sad, humorless chuckle.

    “Do you think you could ever love me?” She retorted. His hand moved through her hair to the back of her head.

    “It’s not really the same question, is it?” He mused. Chloe eyed him with confusion. “Because I already love you,” he said. Chloe’s mouth dropped open a little and the expression on her face was pure surprise.

    “I – that’s not possible,” she argued. Lex brought his mouth to hers and sealed their lips together. He pushed on the back of her head to keep her from pulling away from him, and deftly moved his tongue inside her warm mouth to explore it. When he finally broke the kiss, they were both breathing heavily. Lex traced his thumb along her swollen lips and placed a light kiss on them. “I don’t understand,” Chloe said. “I mean, I get the whole physical attraction thing, but how can you say you love me?”

    “I remember every word you’ve ever said to me. I remember what you’ve worn every time I’ve seen you, how you’ve smelled when I get close enough to you.” Lex paused for a second and made her make eye contact with him. “In the world I went to, we were married. Seeing someone who looked just like me being with someone who looked just like you,” he shook his head, “it was almost too much. I just wanted to get back to you and let you know how I felt.” The words felt so strange coming from his mouth. He had never professed his love for anyone like this. And yet, it felt so right. There wasn’t even a little doubt or hesitation behind what he was saying. Chloe was in shock. He continued.

    “Clark said that our duplicates in his world were in love. And you obviously had a connection with the me in the world you went to.” He stroked her cheek affectionately. “Are you seeing a pattern?”

    “Are you saying that we belong together because our other selves were together in other worlds?” She asked, a slight bit of disbelief lining her tone. Lex grinned.

    “That’s the general idea,” he said. “So the question remains. Do you think you can ever love me?”

    Chloe looked thoughtful. True, he wasn’t the man she had fallen in love, or lust, with, but her version actually seemed to care about her. And it seemed to be almost, if not as much as the other Lex had cared about his wife. Chloe quickly pulled Lex’s mouth to hers and began to kiss him. Lex seemed surprised by the action, but quickly allowed the sensations to take over. They kissed passionately and his hands started to travel over her body. He loved that she arched into him when he reached her breast. She moved away from the kiss and looked at him. Lex smirked.

    “Is that my answer?” He asked. Chloe kissed him again, but only briefly this time, leaving his lips wanting more.

    “Are you taking me home?” She asked.

    “Yes,” he answered. He smiled and started the car again. She smiled and leaned her elbow against the door to rest on. Chloe furrowed her brow as she took in the dark landscape.


    “Hmm?” He responded.

    “This isn’t the way to my house,” she said. He smirked.

    “You asked if I was taking you home,” he said. She arched an eyebrow at him. “You didn’t say your home.” Chloe’s jaw dropped open and then shut.

    “You can’t just take me to your house,” she protested. He looked at her through the corner of his eye.

    “Your father’s at your house,” he said. Chloe smiled smugly.

    “Your father’s at your house too,” she reminded him. He smirked again.

    “Actually, he’s not,” he said. “He’s in Metropolis currently.” Chloe raised her eyebrows and looked straight ahead out the window.

    “Oh,” she said in surprise. His hand moved over to her leg.

    “Where did you tell your dad you were going to be staying tonight?” He asked.

    “What makes you think I didn’t tell him that I was coming home?”

    “Because he let you out of the house knowing that you were going to a party, looking like that,” he said. Chloe laughed.

    “He didn’t,” she said. “He’s not home. He’s visiting my grandparents in Coast City.” Lex glanced over at her.

    “You’re joking,” he stated. She shook her head.

    “No,” she said.

    “You could have mentioned that before we were half way to my house you know,” Lex commented. Chloe started laughing.

    “Sorry,” she said in a completely unapologetic voice. He pulled his car up to the front of the house and got out to open her door for her. She already had her door open and was half way out of it before he got to her side of the car.

    “You were supposed to let me help you with that,” he said. Chloe was in a much better mood now than she had been when she first got back from her other worldly experience. She rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue playfully. Lex gripped her at her hips and pulled her toward him forcefully, slamming his lips against hers, plunging his tongue into the wet recesses of her mouth. Chloe let out a small moan and ran her hands up his chest and around his neck. Before she knew it, Lex picked her up and carried her inside. They made it up to his bedroom and Chloe pulled away from him. “What’s wrong?” He asked.

    “Please tell me you have protection,” she said. He smirked and walked over to a drawer in his nightstand, pulling out a condom. She nodded. “Good,” she mumbled. The realization of the situation suddenly dawned on Lex and he furrowed his brow.

    “He didn’t use protection?” He asked, stalking toward her. She backed up a couple of steps when she saw the dangerous glint in his eye.

    “Uh, well, no,” she admitted. “It was kind of like early 1920s world there though, add that to the fact that his Chloe had been barren and.” She stopped talking when his arms entwined around her and she felt him pulling down the zipper to her costume. “Lex?”
    He leaned down and kissed her, moving his hands to pull down her outfit at the same time.

    “Is that why you needed to see the doctor tomorrow? Because he may have gotten you pregnant?” He asked in a half threatening, half territorial voice. She nodded. “And what were you going to do?”

    “I was going to see if she could give me a morning after pill,” she admitted. Lex looked at her strangely. “What?”

    “You would kill our child?” He asked. She shook her head.

    “It wouldn’t have been ‘our’ child Lex,” she said. Chloe started to get more emotional talking about this again. “And I told you that I promised him that I’d stay with him.” She shook her head and allowed the unshed tears to well up in her eyes. Too many thoughts were running through her head and none of them were good. Chloe pulled her costume back up her arms and Lex frowned. “I think I should go.” She tried to push her way past him, but he grabbed her arm and turned her back around. He pulled her flush with him and kissed her hair.

    “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I wasn’t thinking, I’m sorry.” She closed her eyes and a few tears streamed down her cheeks.

    “This is just always going to get in the way Lex. It’s not going to work,” she said. Her voice was weepy and she was trying not to think about how good it felt to be in his arms. He held her a little tighter and she sighed.

    “Do you think you’ll ever be able to love me without thinking of him?” Lex asked. Chloe sniffled.

    “I wasn’t the one thinking of him,” she retorted.

    “Touché,” he said dryly.

    “Can you ever have a relationship with me without thinking of me with him?” She asked. Lex looked thoughtful. At least it had been him, just a different version of him, whom she had fallen for. At least she hadn’t slept with Clark or some other man. He leaned down and kissed her. Her sadness momentarily washed away with the pleasure beginning to course through her. “Is that my answer?” She quipped. Lex grinned and lifted her up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He backed them up toward the bed. After laying them down he ran his hand down her costume-clad body.

    “Now, how do you get this thing off?” He asked, referring to the fact that it was more difficult in that position. Chloe didn’t mention that his other self had asked the same question. She sat up and let him unzip it. He tugged at the fabric with his teeth while intermittedly kissing his way down each section of naked flesh that was exposed. She swiftly removed the clothing from his body as well. Her body shivered with delight. She seemed to have such a connection with this man whom she had barely known, other than as Clark’s friend and as an acquaintance.

    Lex kissed her passionately, their unclothed bodies intertwined. He had wanted this for so long, longer than he cared to admit. He loved her. And she could love him. His hand slid along her body until it reached her core. Lex let out a small moan when he realized she was already wet for him. He brushed over her clit with his thumb and she arched her hips to sustain the contact.

    “I love you Chloe,” he murmured in her ear, and then he positioned himself to enter her. In one swift movement, he thrust into her. Although he had admittedly slept with many women before, this was like nothing he had ever experienced. Tiny sparks of electricity seemed to shoot through his body and he pumped into her with an unparalleled rhythm. They spoke each other’s names over and over again and Chloe screamed when she climaxed. He collapsed on top of her, almost gasping for air. After a few minutes, Chloe tried to squirm out from underneath him to get more comfortable. He stilled her and whispered in her ear. “Don’t leave me,” he said in a pleading voice. Chloe grinned and kissed him.

    “I won’t,” she said. “I’m where I belong.”

    The End

  4. #4
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 May 2003
    I have always loved the phenomenon type of stories. I know I've already told you how I felt about this story but I had re-read this one and it never fails; still entertaining :worship2: :worship2: .

  5. #5
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 Sep 2003
    This ff is very beautiful, but is Chloe pregnant?
    Anyways even if other baby is by Lex, I would prefer that he was of *this* Lex

  6. #6
    Luthor's Power Senior Member Sab_Luthor's Avatar
    Join Date
    10 Jun 2003
    Luthor's manor
    *sigh* i love this
    each time i read it i always in admiration
    you are an amazing writer
    :worship2: :worship2: :worship2:

  7. #7
    ...sleep all day. Senior Member Ainur's Avatar
    Join Date
    21 Oct 2004
    Great story! I love how they are together even in other worlds. It was very entertaining. Lovely.

  8. #8
    Zannie's video bee-yatch Senior Member becky's Avatar
    Join Date
    06 Mar 2004
    Yorkshire, England
    :biggrin: that was so good!!! totally and at the same time!

    It was fab how you managed to communicate so clearly which reality we were in, without spelling it out... it was so well thought out.. great stuff!!


  9. #9
    storie girl Senior Member starmoon's Avatar
    Join Date
    16 Jan 2004
    A, A

    Re: The Gatehouse (complete)

    That was good. I hope Chloe is not pregant with the other world's Lex because it would make things a lot harder.

  10. #10
    Summer1 summer_enchanted's Avatar
    Join Date
    11 Dec 2004

    Talking Re: The Gatehouse (NC-17)

    Love this fic so much, and the sequel to this too. I really hope you carry it on...

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