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Thread: Toute la vérité (rated: PG13) (completed)

  1. #1
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    04 Nov 2003
    TITLE: Toute la vérité.
    RATING: PG13
    DISCLAIMER: If they were mine, I’d be writing a scenario instead of a fic.
    SUMMARY: I was thinking (who said “for once”? lol) and I decided that since the green meteors affect people physically, the red ones must affect them psychologically. So... what happens when Chloe is affected by them and everytime she asks a question, people can’t help but tell her the truth? I’ll tell you what happens: Chlex!
    A/N: ok, since so many of you asked, here it is, the sequel to “les gens que j’ai aimés”. Which means that Lex is already in love with Chloe and has admitted it to himself, but doesn’t want to do anything about it (if you wanna know why, I recommend that you read the first one) and that Lana knows.
    This probably belongs more to the romance or general categorie than to the angst one, but since the first part was in this one, I figured I'd post the sequel here as well
    The title is the french for “the whole truth”
    Also, I don’t really know where I’m going with this since I hadn’t intended to write a sequel, so please tell me what you think about it so I can decide if I should continue...

    “And he just… agreed?”
    Chloe nodded. She had thought it was unbelievable, and apparently Clark thought so too. Lana came, bringing Chloe her latte.
    “What are you guys talking about?”
    “Did you know that Lex had agreed to grant Chloe another interview?”
    Lana suddenly seemed ill at ease and avoided eye contact with them.
    She just shrugged, trying to look casual.
    “That’s great. I mean... it’ll make a good piece for the Torch, right?”
    “Lana, we’re roommates... you wouldn’t hide anything from me, would you?”
    “Of course I wouldn’t. So, when do you interview him?”
    “In about an hour. We were just talking, I told him that after how our first interview turned out he had to make it up to me. I was just joking, but he asked when I could do it and next thing I know, we were arranging a meeting at the manor.”
    Chloe finished her latte, looked at her watch and stood up.
    “Gotta go. See you later.”
    She left, leaving them alone. They stayed silent for a while before Clark finally asked the question he wanted to ask since the moment Lana had heard about the interview.
    “Lana, is everything ok?”
    “Yeah. Why do you ask?”
    “Just wondering. Don’t you think it’s strange that Lex agreed just like that? I mean... he hates reporters and it’s not like he had to do it.”
    Lana shrugged and went back to work.

    “Mister Luthor...”
    He raised an eyebrow.
    “You haven’t called me that since our last interview.”
    “I don’t like being too familiar with people I’m about to interview.”
    “Why is that? Afraid it could cloud up your judgement?”
    “More like afraid they could think I’m friendly. It would kinda hurt my reputation. So, shall we start?”
    Lex nodded and watched as she took her pen and notebook out of her bag. He knew he shouldn’t have agreed. He was a Luthor and Luthor hated all things related to newspapers. But he had two reasons for agreeing: first he felt guilty about what had happened to her last time and he wanted to do something for her, and secondly... well, secondly, it meant he could spend time alone with her, and even though he had decided not to act on his feelings toward her, it was always a pleasure to speak with her. Contrary to what one could have thought, he loved it when she was in reporter mode. It meant that this spark in her eyes would be there, as well as the serious and irritated expression when he decided he didn’t want to answer one of her questions... and he had to admit, she had made an habit of asking questions he didn’t want to answer to. That’s what made her an excellent reporter.
    “So, Mister Luthor, has any plan been made in order to re-open level -3?”
    He smirked. He sould have known this would be her first question.
    “Not that I know of.”
    She waited for him to elaborate, but when he didn’t, she wrote something down on her notebook and went on.
    “Could you tell me something about the deal you want to conclude with EntNash?”
    Easily hidding his surprise at the fact that she knew about that, he answered:
    “How can I tell you something about a deal that doesn’t, nor is going to, exist?”
    Chloe smiled. She knew he was going to say something like that.
    “Are you denying it because of your father? Do you think he might want to steal this market from you?”
    “As I said, LexCorp has nothing to do with EntNash, and it’s not going to change.”
    “Is that why you have a team investigating on them as we speak?”
    Lex was taken aback for a moment. How the hell did she know? It was not as if it was a public matter... Hell, it was one of the most secret matters of his corporation! Lex nodded.
    “Alright, Miss Sullivan, I have to admit I’m impressed, but that’s the only thing I’ll say about that, you’ll have to...”
    Lex never finished his sentence: the door suddenly burst open and a very furious looking man stormed inside, Lex’s secretary running after him and screaming that Mister Luthor wasn’t to be disturbed. Lex and Chloe stood up at the same time, trying to understand what was happening. The man looked totally crazy, and Chloe knew there would be no point in trying to reason him.
    “Can I help you?”
    Chloe was amazed that Lex managed to keep his voice calm. He walked to Chloe’s side, wanting to be closer to her, just in case. When the man didn’t answer, Lex decided to try something else.
    “What’s your name? And what do you want?”
    “Your death.”
    He was too focused on Lex to notice the secretary had gotten out of the room in order to call the security. Chloe took a step in his direction, and he hit her, so hard that she hit the wall, fell to the ground and couldn’t stand up anymore. She felt a sharp pain in her head and absently thought that next time she wanted to interview Lex, they’d do it at the Torch office, or at the Talon, or at her home, anywhere but at the manor. She was fed up with being attacked everytime she came here. She heard Lex call her name and she tried to tell him she was alright, but her mouth refused to work. She saw the man attack Lex and Lex trying to defend himself, but the man’s strenght was inhuman and he couldn’t do anything. Suddenly, two guards came in and the distraction was enough for Lex to get away from the man’s grip and he ran to her, but the attacker ran faster and got to her first. He put her to her feet and held her tight, her back against him, his right hand around her neck. Lex instantly stopped.
    “Tell them to put the guns down, Luthor, or I’ll kill her.”
    Knowing he meant it, but also knowing that he’d kill her anyway, Lex hesitated. He suddenly remembered what he had thought a few days earlier at the Talon... if she died, he didn’t know what he’d do. He couldn’t bear another loss, especially not her. Chloe gasped as she felt his nails dug into her throat harder and wondered if his strenght had anything to do with the meteor rocks, but she soon wasn’t able to think clearly anymore as the pain in her head intensified and her body became deprived of oxygen. She heard a gunshot, fell to the ground as the man released his grip, realised he was dead and struggled to find her breath. She saw Lex’s face and his worried expression, and she tried to smile, but it made her head hurt more and she renounced.
    She knew he was trying to prevent her from sinking into inconsciousness, but she cursed him for screaming when all she wanted to do was let the blackness surround her. She glanced at the dead man next to her. His eyes were still open, and she wondered if the red spark she saw in his pupils for less than a second was real or if it was just her imagination. Then everything went black.


  2. #2
    NS Senior Member Senior Member carebear72884's Avatar
    Join Date
    13 Nov 2003
    wow, that was great, i love where this story is going. all i have to say is that you have to update, or make a sequal again or something, you cant just leave it like that. i repeat, YOU. CANT. LEAVE. IT. LIKE. THAT. lol, good job, i am looking forward to more.

  3. #3
    NS Full Member Lulucifer's Avatar
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    04 Mar 2003
    Yay!!! A Sequel!!! Hehe... :biggrin: ...so Chloe will be affect by red meteorites and everyone has to tell her the truth?? That means Lex will have to tell her how he feels about her! If she asks that is. :chlexsign1: Can't wait to see where u go with this. Great fic.

  4. #4
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    More now please you cant stop.... :worship2:

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  5. #5
    * gina's Avatar
    Join Date
    11 Dec 2002
    Oh, this is great. I can't wait till Chloe starts asking Lex some questions, hehe. More soon please!

  6. #6
    Just a Guest!
    :yay: :yay: :yay: more more more PLEASE, don't leave us waiting....

  7. #7
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
    Join Date
    06 Oct 2003
    I'm so excited about your new story!! I can't believe how great your first chapter is! I can't wait to find out Lex's reaction to Chloe's new power! I hope he has to tell her how he feels!! Please update soon!! :chlexsign3:

  8. #8
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
    Join Date
    24 Oct 2003
    Good start =D Can't wait for the next update!

  9. #9
    Duchess Gonzo
    Join Date
    22 Jun 2003
    Over there, no there
    you did a sequel!!!!!!!

    :applause: :worship2: :yay: and if i could i would give you a great big shiny gold star.

    great story i it and well you can't just leave it there. please update!!!!

  10. #10
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    24 Jun 2003
    Chicago, Illinois, USA
    Hooray for sequels! I love this ‘whole truth’ idea involving the red K. Let’s hope Chloe asks all the “interesting” questions. *rubs hands together eagerly* Can’t wait for the update! :yay2:

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