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Thread: Puppets 1/1 Pg 15 (Completed)

  1. #1
    NS Full Member
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    Standard Disclaimers Apply.

    Spoliers: Season two... Witness. A note: I don't know yet, and I don't care about Helen Bryce. Whatever happens in season two to her, I really don't know. Because I want Chloe and Lex to end up together, for this fic, Dr. Bryce dumps Lex and moves far, far away....

    Puppets 1/1
    By: Joy

    "Miss Sullivan?"

    Chloe turned around in surprise to see Lex Luthor walking inside the brand new Torch office. She gave him a small smile before closing the document on her computer.

    "Mr Luthor."

    "Shouldn't you be at the Talon?" He asked, immediately regretting his question at the slight scowl on her face.

    "No, not really." She replied, motioning for Lex to take a seat.

    Lex took the seat, and looked around the office. "I'm assuming you're pleased with what my father has done to the Torch."

    At his statement, Chloe's eyes narrowed slightly before nodding, now watching Lex carefully. "Yes. I am."

    "My father never gives without taking, Miss Sullivan."

    Chloe tucked a strand of hair behind her ears as she looked at Lex. "I'm aware of that. Is that why you're here?"

    "You could have asked me for help."

    "I'd rather not." Chloe rolled her eyes. "However, I know that there are things that I would need help with, and rebuilding the Torch is one of them. Your father didn't exactly offer. He just went and donated the money for the Torch."

    "You should watch your back, Miss Sullivan. You don't know what my father wants, what he could do to you."

    "Maybe it's your father that should watch his back, I'm not naïve, Mr. Luthor."

    Lex looked at Chloe straight in the eye. "Don't trust him, whatever he tells you, don't trust him."

    Chloe sighed. She was getting tired of this. "Does it really bother you that much that I may become your step mother?"

    Lex stood frozen as he watched Chloe's serious expression, which suddenly turned mischievous when she started laughing. "You should have seen your face!"

    When Lex remained standing, Chloe started to get worried. "It was just a joke!"

    "That wasn't funny..."

    "But that was what you were warning me about. You think that your father will actually even think of..."

    Lex cut her off. "Like I said, you don't know what my father is capable of, Chloe."

    Chloe stood up. "So now it's Chloe. What happened to Miss Sullivan?"

    "The formality is getting a bit tiring, especially after that joke you pulled."

    Chloe crossed her arms across her chest. "I know what I'm getting into, Lex…"

    The older man said nothing at Chloe's use of his name and simply smiled. "Somehow, I don't think you do."

    There was something in his eyes that made Chloe shiver, but she pushed it down. "I still have work to do, so if you don't mind..."

    "What exactly does my father want with you?"

    Chloe sat again before answering Lex. "It's really none of your business."

    Lex sat back again, and pulled his chair closer to Chloe's. "I think it is."

    She could smell his cologne, and her cousin's voice filled her head, when she explained the whole attraction to someone you've always known, someone you think was attractive, but was just another guy, then out of nowhere... boom!

    His face was so close, and Chloe found herself seeing Lex, almost as if for the first time. His eyes, challenging her to back away, and those lips...

    Lex on the other hand, was enjoying the close proximity. Her eyes were locked with his, and only a very, very, few people could do the same without flinching. Her perfume was nothing like he'd smelled before. He moved closer, intending to intimidate Chloe to tell him what his father was up to.

    "It's none of your business." Chloe repeated, and Lex watched her lips move, wondering what it would take to break Chloe Sullivan's defenses down. "Is there anything else you'd like?"

    A smirk formed on his lips as he moved closer. "Perhaps we should talk about it over lunch tomorrow."

    Chloe smiled and didn't move away. "I'd love to, but I'm already having one with your dad."

    If Lex was surprised, he didn't show it. "This thing, whatever it is that's going on between you and my father, it's not a g ame you can win."

    "Just because you can't win against your dad, Lex... doesn't mean that I can't either."

    "Men twice your age and three times wiser than you have fallen. What makes you think whatever you plan is going to work.

    Chloe smiled and moved even closer to Lex. "That's for me to know, and you to find out."

    They were so close, yet Lex couldn't see or sense even the smallest of fear or doubt in Chloe. "That's what I intend to do, Chloe. I intend to find out exactly what you could possibly want with my father."

    "I like to keeps my friends close,"

    "And my enemies closer." Lex finished as he stood up. "You should know, it's too late for you to back off…"

    "What's is it to you? Why do you care?" Chloe asked, and Lex smirked as he leaned towards her, placing his hands on the desk behind her, and between his arms.

    "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." He replied, and Chloe laughed.

    "We should really stop with all these quotes."

    His lips almost brushed against hers. "That's what makes our verbal judo more interesting," Before they could do anything else, a phone rang. Lex moved away from Chloe and left his card on the table while Chloe picked up the phone.


    Lex left, leaving Chloe to talk to her father. But before he walked out, he looked back at Chloe, who met his gaze. She nodded and he left, both aknowledging that they have started something that needed an ending.

    In an office in Metropolis, Lionel Luthor watched the scene before him. He chuckled as he Lex left the view of the camera. "Let the games begin."

    End fic

  2. #2
    Just a Guest!
    Loved this fic when I read it on TBT. So glad you posted it here. Although, that's hardly a place to end it. Again, I demand a sequel - or a continuation - or something.

  3. #3
    Banned roslyn's Avatar
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    New jersey
    i'm sorry, i think you made a typo...at the end you wrote 'the end' i think you meant TBC... :biggrin:

    now, sit back down and write that sequel because i really really really really need one. this was really (times 4) good. :yay: :yay:

    ok, i'll leave you too it.


  4. #4
    NS Full Member
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    04 Mar 2003
    In a house on a street, in a city in a state, in a country on a continent, on a planet in a universe
    What?! That's not an end! There's unresolved sexual tension to be RESOLVED! And...and...and...mischief to be mischiefed! So I just woke up.... :huh: Please...write a sequel....pleeeaseee :worship2: :worship2: :worship2:

  5. #5
    Members lexpixie's Avatar
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    i agree with every one else ...there should be a sequel!!!please! :chlexsign4:

  6. #6
    NS Full Member
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    02 Mar 2003
    You are aware that you HAVE to write more, right? Cause, yeah, I demand it. Like, now would be good.


  7. #7
    NS Full Member
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    26 Feb 2003
    no honey, no. see, when you say 'let the games begin' you have to let them. you can't go upsetting us all bye saying the end. its like... having chocolate cake in a glass display - wrong.

    so, please... sequel??? this was too great to go without one!!

  8. #8
    NS Full Member Sunny's Avatar
    Join Date
    03 May 2003
    I agree with the others!!! You can't stop here!!
    I want more!!!!
    So, please, continue!


  9. #9
    Imperial Dragon Senior Member Impress's Avatar
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    Imperial Palace
    I just wanted to add my vote to those wanting a sequel.
    So when should we expect it? :biggrin:

  10. #10
    Just a Guest!
    Are we protesting? Do we demand a sequel, long *not PG-15* sequel?
    Where do I sign?

    You. Simply. Must. Write. What. Happens. Next.
    No other option, sorry ;P


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