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Thread: Can't Stop Loving You (PG-13 Completed)

  1. #1
    bored and dangerous Senior Member sabby's Avatar
    Join Date
    19 Feb 2003
    Sittin by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere...

    Can't Stop Loving You (PG-13 Completed)

    Disclaimer: You know I don't own them. The show would be much better if I did ;P

    so you're leaving
    in the morning
    on the early train

    He watched her pack up without saying a word. Leaning in the doorway to the bedroom, their bedroom, Lex watched pullovers, skirts and t-shirts dissapear in a suitcase. He observed nimble fingers shoving the garments into the open plastic container, hard enough to dishevel everything until the contents of the suitcase became a jumble of undistinguished fabrics and colors.

    His gaze followed her around the room, drinking up her appearance and movements, knowing that this was the end.

    Her blonde hair whipped around her face as she ripped another pair of slacks from the hanger in their closet.

    Spinning violently on her heels, Chloe turned back in the direction of their bed, slamming the garment into her
    already stuffed suitcase, slamming the lid shut with finality. There was no going back. They knew their days were limited when this had started and both had agreed it would only last until she went of to college. Their relationship never stood a chance out there.

    When she had managed to buckle the stupid plastic snaps, Chloe heaved the overly large plastic suitcase from the
    mattress and turned around to face Lex. Probably for the last time. They didn't have much time left, her train was
    going in an hour. She had picked the morning train on purpose, knowing that the longer they drew this out, the
    harder it would be, at least for her.

    She looked at her lover once more, trying to read his expression. His face was a calm nonchalant mask, no sign of any emotion.

    Lex looked back at Chloe, her face an open book to him like always. She was gauging his reaction, trying to read
    him. She was waiting for him to give her a reason to stay.

    He couldn't. They had made a deal and he would make sure they stuck to it. It was for the better. Lex knew he
    wasn't what she needed. She had so much waiting for her out there and being in a relationship with him would only hinder her. She wouldn't be able to live life the normal way. Constantly hounded by reporters and her life in danger, not only because of the people out there trying to get something out of him, but also from his own family. That was a risk Lex was not willing to take.

    He must have been zoning out for a moment, since his focus came back to her only when he heard her voice

    breaking through the heavy silence.

    "Lex, are you ok?"

    I could say everything's alright
    I could pretend and say good bye

    Snapping back to attention, Lex shot her a casual smirk before replying, "Yeah, everything's alright. Let me take
    that, the taxi should be waiting downstairs." Chloe nodded.

    Lex had offered to take her to the station with a limo, but Chloe had refused, reminding him that they didn't want any attention. For the world out there, she had already been in Metropolis the last three weeks, getting reacquainted to the city life. He had reluctantly agreed. Chloe had also adamantly refused to let him accompany her on the drive to the station, insisting they say their goodbyes on the mansion grounds.

    So here they stood, next to the yellow cab, her suitcase already placed in the trunk and the driver waiting patiently
    for the couple to finish their business.

    "Thanks, Lex. For everything." Chloe leaned up, closing her arms around his neck and placing a soft kiss on his cheek.

    "Goodbye, Chloe. Take care in the big bad city." Lex smirked at her, the mask feeling straining on his own face.

    He pulled her closer once more, not wanting to release her ever. But those where silly notions, so he forced his arms to leave her waist and fall to his sides.

    got your ticket
    got your suitcase
    got your leaving smile

    "You sure you got everything?" He looked down into her eyes, seeing that she was fighting with tears, but willing
    herself to be strong.

    She gave him a brave little smile, holding up her ticket for him to see. "Yeah, I think I have everything."

    Lex nodded and was about to step back when a flurry of blonde soon to be college girl tackled him once more,
    holding on to him for dear life "God I hate goodbyes," she mumbled into his chest.

    I could say that's the way it goes

    Lex swallowed the lump in his throat and willed his hands to grip onto her upper arms and push her slightly away
    from him.

    Keeping his hands where they were he looked her straight in the eyes. "That's the way things go. You have to go, you say goodbye and then you leave. Now, go, you don't want to miss your train. You know it's for the best."

    Her voice was small when she spoke again. "Aren't you going to miss me?"

    I could pretend and you won't know
    that I was lying

    "I'm sure neither of us will have time to miss the other. You'll see, in a few months from now, you'll be so emersed in college life and your new newspaper and I'll be so caught up with my business that we won't even remember." That was the first time Lex felt like shit for lying to someone else.

    He could see her expression crumble in hurt, before it turned into steely resolve. She looked defiantly up into his eyes, her mouth set in a grim line. 'That's my girl'

    His expression almost wavered with the next thought that crossed his mind. 'Not anymore.'

    "You're right. Goodbye Lex." Chloe pulled away and got into the backseat of her taxi, letting Lex close the door for
    her. She willed herself not to look back as the yellow cab pulled out of the mansion driveway.

    cause I can't stop loving you
    I can't stop loving you
    no, I can't stop loving you
    though I try

    took a taxi
    to the station
    not a word was said

    Chloe spent the ride to the station in silence, forcing her mind to stay blank. She wasn't ready to deal with all this
    yet. They had made a decision and they had stood by it. And obviously Lex's feelings for her hadn't been what she
    had hoped they were. He hadn't made one move to keep her from leaving, hadn't said a single word to give her a
    reason to stay. She should have known better than to expect a man like him to fall in love with her. The only problem was that she had been stupid enough to fall for him.


    It had taken exactly twenty minutes to break his resolve. Before he knew it, Lex was sitting inside one of his fastest
    cars, speeding down the streets to the trainstation. He had no idea what he was going to do once he got there, but he had to see her at least one more time. He felt miserable for lying to her and even more so for sending her away.

    All his good reasons had taken a backseat to the feeling of utter emptiness he felt when thinking about the future.

    The future without Chloe.

    Coming to a screeching halt in front of the trainstation, Lex jumped out of his seat and scanned the area for the familiar blonde head.

    I saw you walk across the road
    maybe the last time, I don't know

    Behind the glass doors, on the other side of the trails, he saw her. She was crossing the road from the other side to
    get into the station, hurrying down the long aisle to get to the right train. He wanted to call out to her, to run over and take her in his arms, tell her he didn't mean it. But his feet staid rooted to the spot. Staring through the glass he
    watched her enter the train.

    feeling humble
    I heard a rumble
    on the railway track

    When he heard the huffing and rumbling sounds of the train engines coming to life, Lex was knocked out of his
    stupor and his feet started to push him forward.

    He broke into a run, heading straight for the track half way through the hall, where he knew Chloe's train was already departing. When he finally reached the right aisle, the train was already a good way out of the station and gaining speed.

    Lex stopped dead, watching the tail end of the train becoming smaller and finally disappear in the distance.

    and when I hear the whistle blow
    I walk away and you don't know
    that I was lying

    The last sign he heard of the train was the high sound of a whistle. His eyes closed in acceptence and resignance.

    Turning around and away from the empty track, he slowly made his way back to his car outside of the station. 'I'm
    sorry, Chloe.' He knew she'd probably never get to hear him say that.

    Lex wasn't a fool. He knew it wouldn't take him long to figure out where she was and to get a hold on her, if he
    wanted to. But he also knew that it wouldn't help either of them. She wouldn't believe him if he ever got to tell her he
    had lied and that he was sorry. And there was no chance she would ever believe him now that he loved her. 'I'm

    Cause I can't stop loving you
    no, I can't stop loving you
    I can't stop loving you
    though I try

    Last edited by sabby; 2nd September 2008 at 20:53.

  2. #2
    Yes, I am that Fabulous Senior Member tigerbaby's Avatar
    Join Date
    01 May 2003
    In bed, where it's nice and warm
    That was just so sad. But it really fit in with my mood.

  3. #3
    Fic Tease Senior Member Blaire023's Avatar
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    05 Mar 2003
    Chesapeake, Va

    *takes a deep breath and blinks away the tears*

    you have to make it better. Please make it better. *starts crying again.*

    That's so unfair, Sab.


  4. #4
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    08 Apr 2003
    Australia desu!

    Lex, Lex... too little too late.

    I can really feel the angst here. Why can't he be a man and just admitted what he really feels. Damn Luhtor pride.
    I enjoyed reading this fic, feel sorry for both of them.

    *cough* sequel please *cough*


  5. #5
    odd duck
    Join Date
    01 Dec 2002
    That was so sad. And I agree with everyone who wants a sequel.

  6. #6
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Béatrice's Avatar
    Join Date
    26 Jul 2003
    Paris, FRANCE
    it quite sad. Stupid Lex. Why didn't say her to stay with him?

    Good story!!!

  7. #7
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    Oh wow :huh: that was :crygreen:

    Hope :crygreen:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  8. #8
    Just a Guest!

    No fair. I know you said it was going to be angsty, but you didn't say heartbreaking! Damn it!

    Get back here and write a nice happy sequel!

  9. #9
    Just a Guest!
    oh my gosh that fic was great.. sad and sweet. :crygreen:

  10. #10
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    Gah! That's just not nice! So horribly, heartbreakingly good. Dumbass Lex! I won't *beg* for a sequel, I'll just prod at you till you give us one.


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