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Thread: Our Blessings (Completed: 15/07)(R)

  1. #1
    Sexified ChLex Addict Senior Member Blackberry's Avatar
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    26 Oct 2003

    Our Blessings (Completed: 15/07)(R)

    Our Blessings

    First set two years after second season ends... Some themes, language, and situations may offend some... topics that are touched upon are the following:

    Foul Language
    Self-inflicted pain

    Spoilers: Season 2 and some of the beginning of Season 3

    Rated: R for reasons above (might occasionally change to NC-17, but you'll be warned beforehand...)

    Summary: How a four year old boy helped bring together a broken man and a struggling woman... Yes people, it's a Chlex fic... *go figure.. mehehehe*

    Disclaimer: I don't own Smallville, or any of the characters from that series (damn!); I don't own any characters from the Japanese Animated Series: Rurouni Kenshin (a.k.a. Vagabond Kenshin/Samurai X). This piece is merely for the entertainment of others - as well as myself.

    Author's Note:

    Thanks to Jem, my beta-reader for finding time in her busy sched to help with this fic.
    Also to kinipela92, who helped with the 'Age Factor' hehehe

    ******** End of Author's Ramblings ********

    Chapter 1

    Oto-san would be so angry, she thought with tears flooding her ebony eyes. She stood outside the towering manor at the outskirts of Metropolis, hugging her used body as she looked up at the ominous building. She could not go back to her father like this – not while she was carrying his baby. She had hoped so hard for it not to be so – waiting out a week; not attending her job, before she took the test. The results were as she had suspected and dreaded: positive. She had been impregnated by a powerful insane man.

    It was not her fault, though! The man was not himself at all. When her father first assigned her to keep a tab on him and his dealings, he hadn’t made it a point to tell her that her employer was partially crazed already. She had heard a bit of what his past ordeals were, but it told nothing of how he had reacted to these occurrences. It was Oto-san’s fault, too, for not telling her! But even as she thought it, she shook her head. She knew how to defend herself and Kami-sama knew she tried when he forced himself on her. It was her own weakness that brought about this unwanted outcome. But now what? Was she really going to return to her father as she was?

    No, Oto-san would surely disown her – never look at her again with love and pride in his aging eyes – if she went back to him with a bad man’s baby in her body. But Kami-sama, where would she go now? She had returned here, thinking that perhaps she could demand his support, but there was a strange pride in her. She was not going to crawl back to the man who violated her body. She could feel the desperation rising in her as she took a step back. It was destroying her from the inside, this guilt; shame; the anger. Her heart and mind were in conflict.

    Should she abort the child? But it was a precious life that she would throw away – a small innocent soul that did not deserve such an injustice. She could not decide on whether to throw away her maternal instincts and be gone with the spawn of a crazy man, or to follow the mother in her and give birth to the child. She hung her head in humiliation. Her reputation – her father’s reputation, when he finds out of this – would be in ruins. Her long, black hair slipped from behind her shoulders and covered her face. She turned away from the house where she lost her virtue and ran towards the gates never to return again.

    ~~ o0o ~~

    He was in no condition to see anyone – as it had been over two years since he had been brought back from the island to the world of corporate monsters and sixteen months since he had found out that his wife had been the one to send him spiralling down the path of insanity. His father’s intervention by putting him in Belle Reve didn’t help either. Remembering all the betrayals and deceit in his – family – was a painful ordeal. And it all started with one woman.

    It was Helen’s fault. Yes there was his father who had a hand in this, as well, but he was used to having the man screw him over. It was the person he had actually trusted with his life, however, who had very near killed him and he blamed her for this betrayal wholly. It was all her fault that everything happened the way it did. She was guilty for his ending up on the path he was on now – where his destiny became his transformation into the spitting image of his father: scheming, cynical and always backstabbing others.

    Over the years, he had brought it upon himself to swallow all the other companies, and laugh at the faces of those who had lost their integrity, wealth and power to his growing one. And all of this was done in the recesses of his manor just outside Metropolis. Insanity, anger, and indifference to other people’s welfare were a potent mix for ultimate power in the business world.

    Still, as his business thrived, he was always haunted by her… The reasons for him doing something – killing someone for betrayal, taking someone’s business, bankrupting another – they were all because of her. It was all her damned fault that he was ruining everyone. With bringing about their downfall – it temporarily satisfied his hunger to cause hers… squash her; hoping it would allow him to lose the sinister feelings inside him.

    Stupid fuck, she was merely avenging herself for the betrayal you did unto her. Don’t think you are blameless. Always, that annoying voice lingered in his mind, nagging him, pointing out his faults. Even after a long period of time had passed, it was there just as loud as it had been that first moment it began. As he sat in the soft armchair, he squeezed his eyes tightly and hit his head against the palm of his hand, hoping it would dispel all thoughts in his mind.

    “Stop it,” he growled to the voice his hand pounding more forcefully into his head.

    I won’t until you admit that you’re just being an ass and blaming someone of your own faults. The voice sounded a lot like his father’s, but it could not have been him speaking into his ear for physically, the man was away in Russia, making arrangements to search for oil there. Lex gritted his teeth and hit himself all the more harder, but less frequently, muttering to himself, “You’re wrong. She was a bitch who was merely marrying me for my money.”

    So are you saying that she was the one who stole the blood from her own damned office? You made her that way, Lex. She is blameless. Only you are guilty…

    Fuck OFF!” he roared and shot out of his chair in his rage. He stumbled over himself and with a feral growl, fell down.

    He hit the ground hard – found pleasure in the painful sensation – curled tightly into himself and began to claw at his arms over the long, dark purple sweater he wore. His mind was chanting and chanting how wrong he was and he let out animalistic screams as he writhed on the marble floor as the tips of his fingers pushed into his forearms through the clothe covering him. Damn it, he wanted to rip it all out of him! His nails struggled to pierce through the clothing, his teeth bared and his face scrunched in the internal war he was facing. He was too caught up in this that he didn’t hear the quick footsteps over to him; nor did he hear the alarmed cry of his loyal butler. But he did notice when he was suddenly yanked up to stand, his wild stormy blue eyes suddenly coming to rest on the flustered old man, who probably didn’t know what to do with him.

    “Sir?” he questioned hesitantly in his reserved tone. “Are – are you alright, sir?”

    Lex blinked, feeling the fury in him subside. Mechanically, he nodded and felt the pressure of clamped hands ease off his arms. The young multi-billionaire looked around him in a daze. This was the fourth time this week that he lost himself to his thoughts. Was he that much of a threat? He didn’t know. He was aware that he had hurt someone before, and whoever it was had left. Was that why most of the women in the household hurried off when he passed by? It had been a year. He did have more self-control… just a bit.

    “Very sorry, Malcolm,” he apologized stiffly.

    The old man shook his head then stood straight again, hesitating as if he needed to tell him something. “Sir, there is a couple here to see you; a Mr. Shinomori of the Honshu Industries. He says it’s urgent.”

    Lex frowned. He was in not in the proper disposition or mind to be entertaining guests. Neither was he properly dressed for company. Still, there was something to be said about those who turned big corporate holders down. He gave a curt nod and his butler left as composed as possible to bring his guests in. Closing his eyes, Lex took a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to gain some semblance of calmness. What he thought was merely a minute changed to five and finally the clearing of another’s throat caught his attention.

    His haunted blue eyes glanced at the old Japanese man and someone that Lex presumed was his assistant standing just inside the living room. Mr. Shinomori’s companion was holding a basket – large and covered with a heavy blanket… an offering of some sort? Lex was not sure. However, he was very sure that whatever was in there was making him feel uneasy.

    Remembering his manners he bowed respectfully, bending from the waist, and greeted, “Mr. Shinomori, I was never aware that I had a meeting with you. Is there something of great urgency that must be discussed?”

    Small obsidian eyes, behind wrinkled eyelids stared intensely back at him. “Kisama,” the old man growled after a small tense moment.

    Lex was taken aback. Bastard… that was what the man had called him. But what the hell did he do? He could feel the irritation bubbling just below the surface… first tremors detected. This might be a big blow, Hoblitt. “I’m sorry but I don’t see what the hostility your displaying is for,” he commented with his eyes narrowed on his visitor.

    “You Luthors are all the same,” he said in a thickly accented voice. Lex almost couldn’t understand the jumble of words he was saying. “Doing things without thinking of the consequences of your actions seems to be genetically imprinted in your blood.”

    “I don’t understand what you’re talking about,” the younger bald man replied coldly.

    The old man began to let out a string of foreign expletives and turned to pace the room. In his place, the younger man spoke. He was tall – towering over Lex, in fact, with a slim body, black hair and exotic, icy blue eyes. “Ne-chan –” he was swiftly cut off by the old man, who spat something in Japanese – don’t you dare claim her as family, Aoshi – so he began again. “A girl named Megumi came to work for you here as your secretary. One day – a few months after she was employed – she came back to our household with a baby growing inside her. Do you remember any such thing happening?”

    Lex searched his memory for any recollection of such a time. Then came the snippets of moments – a woman with long raven hair crying; his hands bruising creamy flesh. Bitch, you’ll pay for this. The words rang in his ears, roaring painfully as he recalled the insane episode. He thought it was Helen. Holy shit, he thought it was Helen!

    “I see your memory has finally come to you,” the young Japanese man said frostily.

    Lex searched for some reason – some idea that would justify himself. He narrowed his eyes on Mr. Shinomori’s son. “What the hell was she doing as my employee when she was from such a powerful international family as yours?”

    “That is nothing that truly concerns you. We have not intervened in any of your dealings, if that is what you believe. But you have caused a tint in our clean name and for that you must pay.” Then he held out the basket to Lex. “This is yours. We have no reason to keep this illegitimate child. We shall not press charges, Luthor, as we are not ready to ruin our name in the process. Just take this child. What you do afterwards is of no concern to us.”

    “Where is the girl now?” Lex asked in a low voice.

    Kanojo wa shindeiru,” Aoshi answered in a deadpan tone. Reverting to his native tongue made what he said all the more piercing. “She performed jumonji giri when she handed the child to us. She told us she had endured a life of shame for two long years. Now we give this burden to you.”

    “You can’t –”

    “We will not take refusals, Luthor-san,” the older Shinomori interjected forcefully. “You will take this child as your own. Aoshi, leave it there. Ikuzo.” Having said this, he turned and walked out. The young man reluctantly put the basket down and followed his father.

    Lex was too stunned to move for a moment. How could he let this happen? How could he be so irresponsible of his actions? What was he going to do with the child? His mind was overflowing with questions that he did not know the answer to. He could feel his heart speeding as he realized that his father could hear about this incident. A sudden keening came from the basket and his eyes snapped onto the parcel on the floor. He took an unsteady step away from it. He needed to get rid of it… before anyone found out about it.

    ~~ o0o ~~

    Gabe Sullivan stared out the window of his kitchen in Smallville on a Saturday morning as he idly sipped his coffee. It was quiet in his household so much more so than he liked it to be. Chloe had left about a year and a half back, and had visited, called and emailed as much as she could – which was now so rarely considering she was so hung up with her studies and was also in another country. She was probably busy exploring. After all, her emails did include pictures of her previous escapades with friends.

    No, the communication was not as much as he would have wanted. And because it was so lacking, his days were strangely vacant as he liked to be called upon often by a daughter who had a knack for getting into trouble. Now she was miles away, and he was stuck in his little house all by himself. It was a sad feeling – a lonely feeling. Perhaps he should date, he thought, but he shook his head at the idea. He wasn’t in any position to start a new relationship with the opposite sex in that way. He just wanted pure and platonic companionship… one that would depend on him as Chloe had for the past eighteen years of her life.

    Sighing he put down his cup of bitter brew and picked up the newspaper, flipping through it lazily, barely making it a point to read anything. As he got to the back pages, a small ad caught his attention, causing his breath to catch in his throat. It was almost like fate. There it was, right in front of him. It would make a wonderful addition, too.

    But how would he tell Chloe? He shrugged. He would tell her in due time. She was too busy with her classes. She would eventually be told. It had to be a surprise, though. He wanted everything to be prepared so that she would see that it was such a good idea for him to do exactly as the ad said. He could feel his nerves jump in his stomach and he got out of his chair to answer the request he saw on the newspaper.


    ******** Author's Note ********

    Some update on the vocabulary and unfamiliar phrases:

    Oto-san - Father

    Kami-sama - God

    Ne-chan - little sister

    Kanojo wa shindeiru - she is dead

    jumonji giri - a more extreme form of Seppuku, or disembowelment. A individual would take a tanto - or dagger - and cut his lower abdomen quickly from left to right. This action is believed to bring a faster death. Afterwards, the individual would then re-insert the tanto into his body and cut upwards, creating a cross on the torso. This action allowed their guts to literally spill out of their bodies; in a figurative way, it also shows that the person admits their fault (spill your guts)

    Ikuzo - Let's go

    Other notables:

    Reference to Hoblitt - US scientist that went to the Philippines in 1991 to monitor the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo...

  2. #2
    NS Full Member flower's Avatar
    Join Date
    19 Apr 2003
    :huh: wow.... :huh:
    I love it....

    Please update soon


  3. #3
    Join Date
    16 Nov 2003
    OOOO I'm really intrigued, that could be really interessant and strange, update soon, please

  4. #4
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    Wow this is scary but interesting... more...

    Hope hmy:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  5. #5
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
    Join Date
    06 Oct 2003
    Gabe is so sweet!! Please let him and Chloe help Lex through this dark time!! I can't wait for your next update!! :chlexsign3:

  6. #6
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    08 Apr 2003
    Australia desu!
    Aoshi? Megumi??? Where's Misao????

    Can't wait for more

  7. #7
    Sexified ChLex Addict Senior Member Blackberry's Avatar
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    26 Oct 2003
    AN: I know it's kind of intense as a beginning, but these events are required to have everything fall into place. This chapter, too, is pretty... angsty... but don't worry, ít'll lift up after a while! -_-; I didn't put this story in the Angst section because it will end happily... okay that kind of gave things away... -_-;

    Btw, feedback is welcome!

    ******** End of Author's Note ********

    Chapter 2

    Two Years Later…

    Chloe was close to being late for her first class of the day – not a very good way to keep herself in good standing with the teacher, who seemed so determined to watch her fail. The blonde college senior was hurrying down the hallway, flipping through her notes as she tried to memorize all that she could before the routinely-given test they were given every time they learned a new topic. She had been so busy doing two things at one time that she didn’t bother to put some attention to watching what was in front of her – causing her to fail to notice the person stationed directly in front of her a few meters away.

    “Miss Sullivan,” the man before her said.

    Just in time, Chloe jolted back and stopped, her bewildered hazel eyes looking up at the Dean of Students at Metropolis University. He was a relatively old man, with eyes that were starting to wrinkle on the sides and a pair of glasses seated upon the bridge of his nose. Chloe didn’t need to crane her neck to far up as he was not all that tall; his stature in the educational ladder, however, was quite daunting and caused a lump to form in her throat. “Um, Mr. Passamonte… is there something wrong?” The man rarely made it a point to seek out a student – much less her, who didn’t hold any outstanding academic record to be picked out from the 10,000 student population.

    She noticed his grave look and felt her heart jump. Was she failing a class? Was she going to be expelled for her past record of being a notorious writer for the Daily Planet? Why did he look so serious? The panic was growing to a point it felt like she would go insane with it.

    “It’s your father,” he finally answered, his voice heavy.

    She froze. “Wha – what about him?” Her mouth stumbled in speech, her body not functioning properly at the prospect of something bad happening to her dad.

    “Will you please come with me? Don’t worry about your classes… you have been properly excused from them until further notice.”

    Having said that, Mr. Passamonte turned around and headed down towards his office. It took Chloe a moment to register what was happening before she tightened her hold on her notes and books in her hand and followed him. As they walked, Chloe’s head began to fill with fear. She had been so busy with her studies that she failed to call or contact him oftentimes. She remembered that the last time she had called was a month ago and it was quite short as she was on a tight schedule between classes and work.

    ~~ o0o ~~

    Good afternoon; Gabe speaking.

    Hey, Dad! It’s me, Chloe.

    Wow! *rustling in the background* Hey, honey! It’s so nice to finally hear from you! *pauses* Oh, can you hold on for a sec – *more rustling and muffled voices and laughter* - okay, sorry about that, sweetie. So what has been keeping you so busy that you have had no time in the past two months to call your old man, eh?

    I’m really sorry about that… I just rarely have time in between my double major and my part-time job to really do much but work!

    Oh and how have your – shoot, will you hold on again? *barely audible voices and a thump* Okay, that’ll be the last time that will happen. Now, where were we?

    Um… you were going to ask me something… ’how have I…?’

    Yes… yes, that’s right, how have your grades been so far?

    They’ve been okay… it’s all been tiring – trying to keep up with everything while shouldering the responsibility of work, but what can you expect, right? *hesitancy* Say, Dad, is everything fine there? You seem to be quite busy with… someone?

    Oh, no, I know that tone. Don’t you dare even think that I’m having a date right now, young lady!

    *laughs* Yeah, well, it sounds like you’re getting kind of… physical… *laughs again*

    Get your mind out of the gutter, will you? *humph* It’s – it’s nothing that big really… definitely not a date, though…

    Hmm… okay, if you say so, Dad. *chuckles a little upon hearing grumbles on the other end of the line* Damn, I gotta go now… I have a class in fifteen and I need to go across campus. Sorry for cutting this short.

    It’s alright, Hon, you just take care! Love you loads!

    Love you, too, Dad! Bye!

    Bye… *click*

    ~~ o0o ~~

    When they were seated – Mr. Passamonte behind the expanse of his oak desk and Chloe in front in a chair that practically swallowed her small form – he leaned back and pulled off his glasses, rubbing his eyes tiredly. “This is very hard to tell you, Miss Sullivan.” Sighing, he pursed his lips and looked determinedly at her. “Something has happened to your father.”

    “Yes, you told me as much, sir,” she replied slowly, feeling the fear grow stronger inside her. “What has happened?”

    “Well, the thing is…”

    ~~ o0o ~~

    Gabe pulled up to the grocery and parked before leaning back in his seat, taking a deep breath. He had just emailed Chloe about the big subject that he had been avoiding to tell her for the past two years. It was time that she found out about it. He felt so guilty when she called – but was partially relieved that she thought he was merely seeing a woman. Still, this was a big thing to keep from one’s daughter. Yes, now was the time.

    Feeling less nervous than he did previously, he stepped out of his car and locked it. Inside, he fell into the routine of going through the sections – cleaning agents, bathing items, packaged food, vegetables, meats, then the dairy products. He made sure to buy a little present for the tyke the Ross couple was taking care of for the time-being. It felt good to do something like that. It was normal, gave him something to distract him. It was soothing to his senses. He stopped every now and then to greet the other people shopping, chat about little things happening – how are you? You’re looking very well as usual! How is the child? He’s doing great, actually – before returning to his search for the needed items at home.

    Finally looking at his cart and seeing that it had all that he had noted on his list, he headed towards the cash register. He had just begun to put his items on the moving counter when a man behind him put a gun to the attendants face. “Give me the fucking cash, lady,” growled a sinister voice. “And make it quick.”

    The young woman behind the counter stared in terror at the pistol at her face. Immediately, she opened the cash register, taking out the money. Gabe was frozen to his spot on the floor. He could feel a strange power emanate from the man’s body beside him and felt no desire to really move – even if it was away from him. There was something strange about the man.

    “Don’t make any sudden movements or I’ll kill you.” He wasn’t kidding. There was the threat evident in his voice.

    Dear God, how was he going to get out of this? Gabe could feel the fright inside him. What was going to happen? How was he going to give the toy to Remy? Please let me get out of here… Once the money was inside a little bag, the robber grabbed the bag, then seized Gabe, wrapping his arm in a vise-like grip and pulling him along. The gun was poking his back – oh, shit, it was right there! As they got out the sirens of incoming police cars filled his ears. No, not now! Let him go! Let the robber go! Gabe felt like screaming it out loud but he couldn’t. He could get himself to. They were surrounded. Damn it, don’t! I need to get home! God, Chloe might not even know and she won’t even get the chance to hear it straight from me!

    “This is the police! Put down the gun and let go of the hostage! I repeat! Put down the gun and let go of the hostage, now!” Loud speakers – the police – his senses were swirling.

    “Sorry, man,” the man muttered under his breath.

    Gabe heard him – almost felt his heart go into overdrive. No apology in his voice… Then the shot rang out; the piercing pain in his lower back. His expression went wide and he opened his mouth to cry out. He felt himself falling. The sky was blue – crystal blue; the sun was shining, beating down on him. He saw people running – chaos in his eyes and in his mind. The robber was getting away; people in black police suits went running to him. Then the muffled voices – angry shouts, fearful screams from bystanders. Then everything went dark as he lost consciousness.

    ~~ o0o ~~

    “… he’s in the hospital right now, Miss Sullivan,” the Dean informed her gravely. “He isn’t in very good conditions, but he’s still alive.”

    “I – I –” she couldn’t speak. Her eyes looked strangely void of any emotion. She was in shock. Her father was so much stronger than that, though. She knew he was always fine. He could never die. No, he couldn’t. He was fine; sitting at his home in Smallville, or at the plant, with a pile of work on his desk –

    “Miss Sullivan, I am excusing you from class for the time being. I don’t usually do this for people, but…”

    “I need to go,” she mumbled. “I – I need to see for myself. He can’t be hurt. He –”

    “This isn’t easy; I know… I don’t go saying this to people, but this has happened to me before… And I know that you need to see that we’re wrong but… we were just informed of it from –”

    “Then I need to leave now, sir,” she interrupted suddenly jumping out of her seat and running to the door.

    Mr. Passamonte didn’t stop the girl. He leaned back in his chair and let out a tired sigh. It would be hard for her. They had told him that he had only hours – perhaps a day at the most – to live. How could she cope with losing him? And gaining a new responsibility that apparently she knew nothing about?

    ~~ o0o ~~

    Beep… beep… beep… beep… beep…

    Chloe watched with heavy eyes as her father struggled to breath – struggled to live. The IV was in his arm – his face pasty-looking – and the machines kept making that quiet beeping sound. Heart-rate – fine; but a bit slow… he seems okay… Chloe had cried at the sight of him – big salty tears streaming down her face; nearly fainted. He looked okay… yet he still looked so fragile… His usually vibrant face was sunken – unnaturally pale and she wondered if it was really him.

    She took hold of his hand – limp against hers and abnormally cold – rubbing it between her two. “Daddy…” she choked out. Her head hung against her chest as the tears came again. She stayed like this, praying a bit for him to live. Screw the sympathetic looks the doctors and nurses gave her; telling her silently that he was hopeless case. There was no reason for her not to have hope. So she stayed… and waited…

    It was hours later before she decided she needed a drink – good, strong coffee. Hesitantly, she got up and left the room, looking back once more as her father’s chest rose and fell with a weak breath. Upon stepping out, someone called to her. She turned to look who it was.

    “Oh, hello, Mrs. Ross,” she greeted none too enthusiastically.

    She noted the dark-skinned woman was holding a small child in her arms. Cocking her head to the side, she approached the two with curiosity. The child was oriental – jet-black hair, cropped short and almond-shaped eyes. The color of those eyes, however, was different – a strange hue of bluish-grey. She felt herself drawn to him, knowing that she had seen those eyes somewhere before. She didn’t know where, though.

    “How are you doing, Chloe?” the older woman asked solemnly, interrupting her internal musings.

    “As good as anyone can be in this sort of situation, I guess,” she said sullenly.

    Needing the distraction, she gave a little smile to the boy in Mrs. Ross’s arms and gave a little wave. “Whose boy is this?”

    Mrs. Ross froze and looked at the blonde in front of her, a hesitant look on her face. “Dear child… didn’t you get Gabe’s email?”

    “What email?”

    “Lord, help me… Chloe…” she trailed off, not knowing how to put it. “This boy… Remy is his name… Actually, it’s Jeremy Sullivan.” She put emphasis on the last name.

    “My nephew? I didn’t know one of my cousins married someone from Asia,” she said in a bit of surprise. “That rocks.” Even as she said it, it sounded like a hollow comment.

    “No, dear, he’s not your nephew,” Mrs. Ross said, shaking her head. Pausing she waited for the idea to register in the young woman’s head, but only found a blank look. She sighed, feeling remorseful that she would have to be the one to inform her. “Remy – Remy is your… adopted brother.”

    That was as far as Chloe heard. Her eyes widened and blood pounded in her ears. Remy is your adopted brother… it was at that point that everything fell into place – her father’s preoccupied attitude when she made her irregular calls and the off-handed way he answered her emails when she asked what has been happening. The conversation they had a month before made more sense. Of course it wasn’t a date… the little boy – Remy… his name is Remy… he’s my brother – was who was with her father at the time. Her breath came out staggered and she took a fearful step back, looking incredulously at the oriental boy in Mrs. Ross’s arms. Chloe saw the woman move her mouth – noted the worry upon the older African-American woman’s face, but she couldn’t register what she was saying.

    Just then a loud squeal of machines went off… and Chloe’s gaze flew behind her as it broke through the thick haze muddling her senses. Someone’s heart had stopped. No, not him; please not him… She was suddenly overtaken by a flurry of another more severe situation. The doctors and nurses hurried past her, panicked looks upon all their faces; evident in their tone of voice as the spoke urgently to one another and went to Gabe Sullivan’s room. It was too much to take in at one time… Chloe gave into the urge to faint.


    Yey to Jem, my quick beta-reader! hehe.. I wonder if I can keep up with her! o_0

    Joy - hehehe... I just thought I'd add a few familiar characters here... I'm not sure whether I'm adding all of the RK crew...

  8. #8
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    23 Nov 2002
    Hmmmmmm..... more

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  9. #9
    Sexified ChLex Addict Senior Member Blackberry's Avatar
    Join Date
    26 Oct 2003
    Feedback is always great! ^_^

    Chapter 3


    Was that a voice? Her eyes refused to open, even when the sweet voice was filled with worry. Who was that? Where was she? Why was it so dark?

    “Chloe… are you awake?” The voice grew louder; a bit more insistent.

    She turned her head to the side and let out a little sound of protest. What happened to her? She felt so groggy and weak. There were too many unanswered questions. Perhaps the person with her would help dispel them. Slowly, her eyelids moved apart, revealing a blurred world. She blinked, forcing her eyes to adjust. When everything was in focus, she noticed she was lying in a hospital bed. Still feeling disoriented, she shakily turned her head to the other side and found Mrs. Ross, holding a small body in her arms.

    The black head lifted from the older woman’s shoulder and swivelled to look at her – those piercing exotic blue eyes stared back at her with a child’s curiosity. Chloe’s hazel ones dilated and everything came rushing back to her – Remy, an adoptive brother; Dad at a shootout – she sucked in a quick breath.

    “Where’s Dad?” she demanded in a hoarse voice.

    Mrs. Ross smiled weakly. “He’s in his room. Don’t worry. He’s a stubborn man and isn’t giving his life up just yet.”

    She let out a shaky breath. “How is he?” She attempted to sit up and winced. Damn being weak. Pete’s mother used her relatively free arm to assist her.

    “He’s… trying…” came the answer, the voice that older woman spoke in was dripping in worry. Needing the comfort, she pulled the boy tighter to her body.

    Chloe glanced down at the boy who eyes hadn’t strayed from her. She couldn’t help but think just how beautiful the child was. The couple that had created such an extraordinary offspring had to be quite attractive as well. Her eyes welled with unshed tears. How could her father keep something as big as this from her? Didn’t she have the right to know that he had adopted? Then a little hope spawned from her inner ramblings. Maybe he was just recently adopted. Maybe then her body wouldn’t hurt as much from the betrayal she felt from her father’s dishonesty.

    “Chloe.” It was a child-like voice – so innocent and hesitant as if questioning whether the name was correct.

    The blonde blinked. Remy spoke. “Hi Chloe,” Remy said solemnly unhooking his hand from around Mrs. Ross’s neck and opening and closing his hand in a childish wave.

    “Hey… Remy,” she greeted back, feeling awkward about it. She attempted to give a little smile and was grateful it came out – despite the shaky nature of it. The little boy’s eyes were trained intently on her, unwavering and most piercing. She could feel herself squirm under it. “How old are you?”

    “Four,” he answered almost immediately, smiling a toothy grin and holding up his hand to wave a four fingers in the air. Under other circumstances she would have given a genuine smile. Her upturned lips were frozen with falseness to it.

    “Mrs. Ross, how long has – Remy – been with Dad?” She needed answers. Even if they would hurt, she needed them to fill the gaps that seemed many light-years wide.

    At first, the woman didn’t answer; not knowing if it was really in her place to be revealing such a big family issue to her. But considering the inability of Gabe doing it, she had to take on the responsibility of telling her. “Dear child… Remy has been with your father since – well, it's been around two years, Chloe.” She felt herself flinch as the girl’s face grew cold and dispassionate. It was a lot to digest… and all in one day. The girl was going through such an ordeal. Mrs. Ross felt her stomach churn as the girl struggled hard to keep composed. “He did it only for your benefit, Chloe.”

    “Do you really think so?” she asked dryly. “And you would keep something as big as adoption from your kids?”

    The older woman sighed. How stubborn this girl was. Got it from her dad, she did. “He did it for fear that you wouldn’t accept. He was suffering, Chloe. He was so lonely. You took something from him when you left. Anyone could see how much he missed you. He would have gone and stayed in Metropolis, but you had been so intent on being as independent as one could possibly be that he respected the distance. Chloe, he needed companionship,” Mrs. Ross explained. “He wanted it and you couldn’t provide it because you were in Metropolis and he was in Smallville. So he adopted a child.”

    “He still could have told me then instead of my finding out just now,” she muttered, staring down at fiddling hands.

    “He wanted you to think Remy was the most perfect child, you know. He didn’t want to show you a screaming baby, but a well-behaved, happy child – the boy that Remy is now,” she pointed out, looking down in admiration at the toddler in her arms before returning a wary look back to Chloe. “Sometimes fear can make you do things that hurt others, Chloe. Gabe is just a man – not a god to look up to. He has faults. His fears are one of them. You need to accept this.”

    Remy looked up at her and smiled toothily and let out a short giggle. Chloe glanced back at him, really mulling over it as she watched his movements. The boy shifted his gaze to her again and blinked. Silence settled upon them as they seemed to analyse each other, memorize each other’s faces. Suddenly, Remy began to squirm in Mrs. Ross’s hold. Reluctantly, she let go and the boy slipped from her lap and walked slowly towards the blonde girl.

    Her eyes never left his small little body; staying as he looked up at her from his short height. Blue met hazel; examining almost lazily, then melted under their shared look. Hesitantly, Chloe held out her arms, a gesture that Remy seemed to understand. He clambered up onto the mattress of the bed and sat promptly on her lap, cocking his head to the side as his piercing blue eyes stayed on her face.

    Chloe regarded the boy on her lap, held steadily by her arms. “I see why Dad likes you,” she whispered in a tentative manner. “Do you like him, too?”

    The boy nodded in answer. “He’s funny,” he said in a matter-of-factly way. “Also he has smelly breath… in the morning.”

    She let out a genuine chuckle at that, feeling the muscles loosen in her stomach for the first time that day and tears flow from her eyes once again. Mrs. Ross, who had been holding her breath as this happened, finally let it out in a long quiet stream and smiled warmly at the lovely image the two created: an only child and an orphan, brought together by one man: Gabe. Her lips fell at the thought of him again as she remembered what condition he was in. Please let him live.

    ~~ o0o ~~

    Memories flitted through his mind. Chloe was still a little girl – small enough for him to be able to lift her up in his arms and twirl her in a circle as he watched her laugh out loud with her legs swinging around. The child in his grasp suddenly changed to Remy, his childish giggles and shouts ring in his ears as the boy’s short black hair flew with the wind created by their movement.

    Then it changed to Chloe – older and smiling at him as she held her ceremonial morning coffee in her hand. The thought came unexpectedly to him at that point: I wonder what Remy would look like when he was 18. The pain came rushing back to him; flashes of a gun and the fearful attendant; the police screaming through loudspeakers for the robber to let go of his hostage. He felt a raspy breath leave his throat as he struggled against the aching in his body; his lower back. When the throbbing lessened and was at a level that he could stand it somewhat, he focused on one thing: trying to open his eyes.

    He had barely just lifted his eyelids when someone walked into the room. As he breathed in, he noted that it was not a familiar scent. It must have been a doctor or nurse checking up on him. He stayed relaxed, though fearful that they would notice that he was awake.

    Konnichiwa, Sullivan-san,” a low male voice greeted in a soft foreign accent. “I know you are awake, but cannot speak or move. Near-death experiences can cause that, you know.”

    Gabe thought he ought to laugh, but he was unable to do so. There was too much pain in just attempting. Instead, he resorted to just listening.

    “I am sure you are wondering who I am.” There was a dramatic pause. “I – am your adopted boy’s uncle.” The monitors picked up the quickening of Gabe’s heart rate. “It’s a strange occurrence, I know. You are not accustomed to being tracked. But you have been… by me.” Gabe’s ears picked up a slight rustling of clothes. “I have been monitoring you, Sullivan-san. I have been making sure that you have been taking care of my nephew. I am glad that you have. He – seems to be growing into a good boy. Arigatou gozaimasu… for taking him in and treating him with respect.”

    Gabe let out a raspy sound, trying to say a coherent question – or at least one word.

    “I decided to come out now to tell you that I am willing to help you. I know that you are in no position to be able to take care of the boy alone.”

    Gabe tried wetting his throat and scrunched up his eyes when the walls stuck together instead. He fought to open the air passage and was relieved when it grew moist, allowing him to breathe again. He tried speaking again. The sound came out clearer but it was inarticulate. He forgot to move his mouth.

    “I cannot help directly as my father –” the words were said with a great bitterness to it “- refuses to have me interfere in the illegitimate boy’s life. But we are bound by blood, the boy and I… my sister shall always be my sister, despite the shame she has caused our family.” Light footsteps and the rustling of clothes moved closer came closer to Gabe’s ears. He felt a cool hand touch his forehead; almost endearing in manner. “I shall send for a –”

    “Chlo – e,” Gabe finally rasped out.

    “Your daughter…” he trailed off, thinking about it, then sighed. “Yes, she can take responsibility, I suppose.” The man said it quite begrudgingly, indicating his plans were different from what the injured man wanted. “Very well, I shall allow her to handle the situation. However, if she gets into any trouble, I will make it a point to interfere significantly.”

    As Gabe’s eyes finally cooperated and opened to a point that he could see blurred shapes, the man was walking off, his tall form hunched in a brooding manner – much like a Lex Luthor would, he thought offhandedly – to him. Before he could tell him to wait, the door was closed.

    ~~ o0o ~~

    Lex rubbed his tired eyes before frowning at the screen of his computer. He had been working all night and most of the morning and he was just about done with looking over the figures and documents for LexCorp. There were still a few quirks here and there…

    The door to his office opened abruptly and he lost his train of thought as his eyes focused on his visitor. His eyes widened as his father stepped in a lazy smirk on his lips. “Son, is there something that you haven’t told me yet?”

    Lex in return, raised a brow. “Is there something you know about?”

    The older Luthor chuckled. “Lex, Lex, Lex… are you skirting around the subject like a little pansy? Come, now, you know what I’m talking about.” He began to saunter nearer, making Lex shift slightly in discomfort. Lionel always liked pushing people out of their comfort zones. “Won’t you tell me about a woman… a Japanese woman who was employed here just a few years ago and had a little… affair with you… if you could even call it such…”

    The bald man struggled not to react. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” His voice was as deadpan as he could make it, but he heard the waver – knew that his father heard it, too – and cursed himself inwardly for it.

    “I’m so proud of you son,” Lionel announced with a grin. “You have finally come to your senses and decided to give up fighting the inevitable end of being who you are: a Luthor.”

    “I’m not, under any circumstances, turning out like you,” Lex seethed, narrowing his stormy grey eyes at his father.

    “Oh, but you already are; you just took the first step to succumbing to the darkness that is your destiny: created a spawn – and an illegitimate one at that. I’ve done that; your grandfather has, too. It is what is expected of a Luthor. You are no different from the rest of us.” The smirk upon Lionel’s face grew into a full-fledged sneer. “You are my son and will take my place – in every aspect of life.”

    “No!” Lex screamed out and catapulted upwards.

    He was surrounded by darkness, save the light filtering through the windows. There was cold sweat covering his entire body. A dream… only a dream. Lex could feel his heart slow and his breath even out of its erratic state. Groaning covered his face with one hand as the other clenched a fist of his bed sheets. Damn it, it’s been two years since it happened. And in that time, he had forgotten the child had existed. What had prompted his mind to suddenly dig up old problems?

    Falling back onto the pillows he sighed heavily, then took a look at his bedside clock. It blinked three a.m. in bold red lettering. He’d only been asleep for two hours. Damn it. Taking in a deep breath and slowly letting it out, he turned to his side and closed his eyes, willing himself to just rest, but telling himself not to dream. It took him a full half hour for that to happen, but he finally went back to sleep with no more dark memories coming back to haunt him.




    Konnichiwa - Good Afternoon or Good Day in general

    Arigatou gozaimasu - Thank you (formal)

    Author's Note

    Please bear with me on this! I know that there is no Chlex yet, but there will be... There are just a few things that I have to work on before I push the Chlex through. Anyway, I hope that so far it's kept you intrigued... And I hope you actually want me to continue....?

  10. #10
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    More please.....

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

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