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Thread: Remembering Chloe Sullivan (R) Chapter 6 08/29/2019

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    NS Senior Member Senior Member letia84's Avatar
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    Remembering Chloe Sullivan (R) Chapter 6 08/29/2019

    Title: Remembering Chloe Sullivan
    Author: Letia84
    Rating: R/NC-17 Adult language, Sexual content, and Some Violence
    Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. Own by DC, Warner Brothers and The CW
    Summary: Chloe awakens after saving Lois’ life but she has no idea what she’s done or where she is. Waiting at her bed side is a bald headed stranger. He’s her only link to remembering Chloe Sullivan.

    Notes: I can’t hold it in anymore. I know I have three fics going but one of them is almost done so I can start another one. One of the best ideas DeKnight has ever had and I’m stealing it.

    That’s right Chloe is losing her memory and Lex is going to help her remember who she really is. Chloe doesn’t wake up in the morgue that’s silly. She wakes up with Lex that’s good.

    For this to work I’m fixing some stuff. Lex wasn’t saved by Kara because I don’t want to write about her so that means no Bizarro and no ruined dam. Lana didn’t die in the fake explosion or marry Lex! As with many a fic there is some smutty Chlex history. On with chapter.

    Chapter 1 Chloe Sullivan’s Awakening

    When you wake up there is a moment where you don’t know anything; who you are, where you are or if you’re in a safe place. The moment is fleeting and passes in an instant.

    But it wasn’t passing for Chloe Sullivan.

    She woke up into a world that may have been familiar at one time but now she only felt panic.

    “Chloe?” A concerned voice called out to her left and it most certainly wasn’t a familiar one.

    Lex was pleased with the outcome of Chloe’s awaking. The sedative she was given had finally worn off and she came to in a state of panic. There was no telling the side effects of using her ability but if he wasn’t mistaken it looked like she had no idea who he was once she laid eyes on him.

    Chloe’s body was found with a frantic Lois inside the dam. After viewing the footage Lois had gotten in way over her head. She was stabbed and rightful Lex consider for trespassing on his property. He was thankful Lois called Chloe.

    It was hard to watch but Lex wouldn’t have to worry about explaining Lois Lane’s death to anyone thanks to Chloe. While he watched the scene Lex got to see how much Chloe cared for her cousin. Even if Lois was rude, overbearing and slowly trying to weasel her way into Chloe’s profession she was her family.

    Seeing her bring her lifeless body back let him see the lengths to which Chloe would go to save someone she loved. It looked as if she didn’t know she was doing it but the thought had to make it happen.

    Chloe had Lois wrapped in her arms and suddenly the camera was blinded by white light. When the scene had returned Lois was no longer in peril but Chloe was.

    Since learning Chloe was infected he knew something was going to happen. He told his staff to watch her and if anything happened to her then she should be brought in for observation. For once his staff did as they were told.

    The facility was now comprised and had to be moved but Lex had something in return. His staff intervened as if they were the police and Smallville pandemics. Lois was taken in one car to Smallville Medical Center while Chloe was taken to another facility of his own in Metropolis.

    “I’m Chloe?” Once she spoke her hand rubbed over vocal chords. She sounded so helpless and the idea didn’t sit well with her.

    “Yes your Chloe.” Lex was hesitant to get any closer to her seeing her squirm in the bed trying to get away from him.

    “That makes you?” She questioned him hoping he was the person with all the answers because she had none.

    “I’m someone you trust…” Lex started. This was amnesia and anything he said right now was going to make this worth his wild or be a big mistake. “I’m someone that knows you very well.” He added for good measure.

    The fear in her eyes settled a little as she surveyed her surrounding. She had a name and now she needed to know the place she was in. “Where are we?”

    “You’re in Metropolis, Kansas.” Lex started moving towards the window to show off the city. “Come and have a look.” He pulled back the blinds and waited for her to respond.

    Chloe took his hint to come closer and shoved back the covers from the bed. When she looked down at her self she was in a hospital gown. It made little since because they clearly were not in a hospital. For some reason she knew a hospital well. The place she was in didn’t smell like any hospital and it didn’t have the ultra soft bed she was lying in.

    Hospitals certainly didn’t have the view she saw when her eyes settled out the window. The sky was clear and they were up very high. She assumed they were at the top of a building and down below was a busy city.

    She looked at the man that seemed to have the answers and he was calm. His eyes were fixed on her looking just as concerned as his voice. “Who are you?” She asked looking away from the window right into his eye ready to catch any signs of a lie.

    “I’m Alexander Luthor but you refer to me as Lex.” These questions were easy it was the why she was there with him that would be hard to explain.

    When his staff told him Chloe was dead he didn’t believe them. He had to know why and order her body be examined at once to find out what happen but as soon as his order went out a miracle happen. A weak pulse appeared and she was coming back. This was Lex’s chance so he seized it.

    Chloe was to be drugged and taken to the penthouse. He needed to isolate her. He had no intentions of putting her in with the rest of population of meteor infected. Chloe’s power was so unique it had to be hidden for now.

    He needed to make her see that he was the one with the answers to keeping her alive. Bringing her into his home was suppose show her he trusted her and she could trust him.

    What was happening now wasn’t what he expected. Lex thought she would awake and remember that she hated him. He thought she would know his people kidnapped her and ran experiments on her. He thought she would know about the tracking device that was placed inside her body that was some how found then removed.

    Worst of all he thought she would remember what he had done to her mother Moria. Lex only wanted Moria’s help. His plan was always was to reunite them.

    Last year was all a blur of bad choices with his father, business and of course with Lana Lang. This year was not going to be the same. Lex was going to get back the things that matter to him.

    He was going to help the meteor infected. He was going to expand Luthor Corp instead of watching it flap in the wind by first buying the Daily Plant. He was going to rid him self of his father.

    He was going to find out Clark’s secret and he didn’t need Lana Lang for that. All last year he learned he didn’t need Lana for that. Lex was thankful he learned this truth. Lana’s ultimatum over her or the box remnants from his alien visitor was and easy choice.

    Lex chose the box.

    He was going to get back what he lost all those years ago. Chloe was in his penthouse to convince her he could help with her powers and in doing so earning her trust again then maybe something more he lost long ago.

    Right now as she stared at him looking for more information. Everything could come from him and she would believe him. He could make it as if their separation never happened.

    “Is that all?” Chloe asked him thinking he would say more. He was watching over her. They were in some sort of penthouse apartment alone together and he kept looking at her with longing eyes. For some reason she felt like there was more for him to say.

    “I’m someone that cares for you.” Lex started thinking of the right way to put the rest of the lie. It wasn’t a lie that he cared for but to what extent he couldn’t give away just yet.

    At one time being with Chloe was very clear to him then something happen four years ago. When Chloe returned to her life in Smallville after being away for a summer she didn’t want him part of it. She knew no one would understand and instead of fighting for what they both wanted she walked away.

    It wasn’t rejection it was fear.

    Over the years things got worse and soon they weren’t even acquaintances. Lex moved on with his plans and that left Chloe behind. Now it was time to bring her back to where she belonged. Chloe had to know it too but at the moment she knew nothing.

    “You care for me?” She questioned. “Like a brother?” Her eyes looked to him searching for any signs of family but she didn’t know what she looked like so her search halted. It was the strangest thing to know what a brother was but not know if the person standing in front you was your brother.

    “No, not like a brother.” Lex moved in on her just a little. She didn’t back away but keep studying him. “We are…” For a second Lex wasn’t going to say it.

    This lie would have to be followed by so many others. He could tell Chloe how she once felt about him but to explain why there were apart now would be lies.

    He studied her for a moment before making his choice. Since the last time they were close she had changed so much. Chloe wasn’t seventeen any more. She had become an accomplished woman. The only thing keeping him from not being able to separate her now from her then was the look in her eyes.

    Clark could say he knew a lot of things about Chloe but he didn’t know it all. He didn’t know that Lex could tell every emotion she had just by looking into her eyes. If Clark knew he didn’t appreciate the calming effect Chloe’s eyes had.

    Lex was certain Clark didn’t know what Chloe’s eyes looked like while she came like a fountain during sex. He knew he had that one over the wonder boy.

    “What were going to say?” Chloe wanted to shake the answer out of him. She was standing there without any memories and he seemed to be daydreaming while looking into her eyes. “If you haven’t noticed I don’t know who I am and if you care about me so much then tell me what you know.”

    This was the Chloe he knew putting him in his place but she didn’t even know it. It took her biting wit and humor to make his choice.

    He placed his hands on her shoulders for comfort as he spoke. “We are in love.” Lex was going to start with a lie then wait for it to become the truth.

    Chloe couldn’t see her face but she felt her jaw drop. She loved this man and had no clue why but if he loved her then he’d have to help her. “Okay. I have a name, a location and someone that loves me.” She started getting her bearings by sitting back on the bed. “The next thing is a doctor.”

    There were so many things she knew but nothing was concrete. Being in love certainly wasn’t something she remembered. A doctor would have to help sort out the messing links because who ever Lex Luthor was he was easy on the eyes to be in love with.

    Lex need to know the extent of her amnesia from his doctors just as much as she did. “I have one on call. I’ll get him right away.”

    He moved for the door to leave but looked back one last time to check on her. She buried her face in her hands. This wasn’t going to be easy for either of them.

    As she heard the door close Chloe was on the verge of tears. Some how she had to remember who she was and for now Lex was the only help she had.


    Chloe realized quickly she hated doctors. The doctor speaking to her kept asking her questions she had no answers to. He said that the question would help him sort out what type of amnesia she had.

    She could really care less what type it was. It was more important that she learn how to remember who she was.

    The man she was now calling Lex as he stood by watching her squirm. After Lex went to get the doctor Chloe snooped about the room she was in. It was pretty empty and appeared to be a guest room. Once she realized it was a guest room the weirdness set in then the questions came.

    The reason she was in a hospital gown, alone with Lex Luthor and in a guest room in his penthouse apartment had to be answered.

    “Okay Ms. Sullivan one last question.” The doctor checked off something on a notepad before going on. “Do you remember the last place you were in before waking up here?”

    Of course she didn’t know the answer to that but Chloe thought about it anyway. The best way it seemed to connect her past was to look at her present. She was in love with a rich and handsome man. She was possibly in a coma and he watched over her until she woke up.

    She mulled it over then something hit her. “I was in hiding in a little house.” Chloe answered.

    The interview was going fine until Lex heard Chloe’s last answer. The doctor asked a series of questions and she knew none of the answer until now. She connected her past with her present that at the moment only included him.

    “What kind of house did you say it was Chloe?” Lex wanted to see were this could go and moved in next to the doctor. If her memories started out in the safe house then that put him in good favor with her.

    The safe house was where she let him in. It was the place he let him self love her. The isolation of the place allowed them to both let ago and enjoy each other for a few fleeting weeks.

    Chloe closed her eyes and tried to see what Lex asked. If there was some scrap of it in her mind she had to see it. “It was small and well hidden. “ She closed her eyes tighter trying to see it but nothing was coming.

    Lex could see she was straining her self and moved to sit next to her. “Its alright you don’t have to force it.” He placed his hand over hers. When she opened her eyes he read the disappointment.

    When he touched her hand it reminded her of something. “You use to see me while I was in the house.” It came to her when he touched her hand that this wasn’t the first time. She looked at him and saw the memory she thought was lost.

    “I was hiding from someone and you knew about it. You kept me hidden in the little house. We would spend time together talking, watching movies and just enjoying each others company.”

    As Chloe spoke Lex knew his plan was going to work. She was going remember him first and that would lead to her trust lying solely with him. “That’s right.” Lex looked to the doctor now for the diagnoses. “So this means she will remember everything?”

    The doctor nodded once before going on. “Ms. Sullivan you have dissociative amnesia.”

    “What does that mean?” Chloe questioned letting her other hand move on top of Lex’s. For some reason she felt safer the closer she was to him at the moment. It let her know she wasn’t alone.

    “Memories about your life have been repressed due to trauma. As time goes on and the more contact you have with your life your mind will work it all out.”

    “It’s possible she will remember everything.” This was something Lex didn’t want. If he could pick and choose Chloe would never remember some of things that happen the past few years.

    “Yes, Mr. Luthor it will all come back.” The doctor confirmed his fear.

    Lex knew now it was all about spin. If she would remember then he would have to make it all seem as if it was meant for the greater good of them both. He turned to look at her to see some sort of relief but all he saw was fear.

    “Thank you doctor.” When she replied her voice was a little shaky. The way to get to know her self was to live a life she didn’t remember. It was life that Lex knew and she looked to him for help. “Can you help?” The question was simple but it scared her. She was putting all her faith into someone she didn’t know.

    He grinned slightly as he answered. “Of course I’m going to help you.” He thought the grin would comfort her some.

    She nodded once and returned his smile. “Its time for me to remember Chloe Sullivan.”


    Chapter 2 Chloe Sullivan’s Past

    Notes: So you want more? Let me know.
    Last edited by letia84; 29th August 2019 at 22:12. Reason: add image, title change

  2. #2
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
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    Re: Remembering Chloe Sullivan (R) Chapter 1 06/15/08

    Excellent start letia...definitely want more.

  3. #3
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    Re: Remembering Chloe Sullivan (R) Chapter 1 06/15/08

    I love the idea of Chloe remembering nothing from season 4 and on. I want to hear more about her history with Lex during the time in the safe house. I also like that Lex chose the box over Lana, smart choice. So this means it might take a while for Chloe to remember about Clark's powers, and by the sound of it Lex doesn't want her to remember, so this is more about his second chance with Chloe then trying to figure out Clark's secret. I wonder what everyone else thinks happened to Chloe and if they will ever see her again. Damn Smallville for not letting Season 7 happen like this, that storyline was so wasted on Kara.

  4. #4
    NS Full Member SVfan1286's Avatar
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    Re: Remembering Chloe Sullivan (R) Chapter 1 06/15/08

    Fantastic beginning! Chloe with amnesia is a great plot, and was totally wasted on Kara on SV. Stupid AlMiles!

    I love that Chloe didn't remember anything in the beginning after waking up, but then the first thing she remembers is Lex and their time together in the safe house... Awesome. I wonder how fast she will start to remember, and of what? Also what really happened between them in the safe house? I need more info...

    I loved that Lex never married Lana, and picked the alien box instead of her... Why didn't that happen on the show? *whines*

    I look forward to reading the next chapter!!

  5. #5
    NS Full Member dagney's Avatar
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    Re: Remembering Chloe Sullivan (R) Chapter 1 06/15/08

    I adore your Chlex fics and am jumping for joy you've started another. I'm hooked already. Dagney

  6. #6
    NS Full Member marcy2401's Avatar
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    Re: Remembering Chloe Sullivan (R) Chapter 1 06/15/08

    More Please! Can't wait to see how Lex is going to spin it in his favor. Hope Clark doesn't get in the way. Post More Soon!

  7. #7
    NS Full Member tatie87's Avatar
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    Re: Remembering Chloe Sullivan (R) Chapter 1 06/15/08

    Great start. This is a very interesting twist in Smallville world. I love the tidbit that Chloe and Lex had a past relationship while she was in hiding. I can't wait to see what Lex does with Chloe in her current state. Can't wait for the next update.

  8. #8
    Members Starangel148's Avatar
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    Re: Remembering Chloe Sullivan (R) Chapter 1 06/15/08

    That was a great beginning! I hope you continue this story and update soon. I am super interested in this plot line.

  9. #9
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Remembering Chloe Sullivan (R) Chapter 1 06/15/08

    Please continue I want more....
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  10. #10
    NS Full Member purplemoon123's Avatar
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    Re: Remembering Chloe Sullivan (R) Chapter 1 06/15/08

    In total agreement that this how season 7 should of happened and that the amnesia storyline was completly wasted on Kara.

    What does everyone else think happened to Chloe??? What else will Chloe remember??? And how will Lex deal with it???

    And yes I want more!!!!!


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