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Thread: Chatting (PG- 13)

  1. #1
    bored and dangerous Senior Member sabby's Avatar
    Join Date
    19 Feb 2003
    Sittin by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere...

    Chatting (PG- 13)

    Disclaimer: I do not own Smallville or it's Characters, so don't sue me,
    I have nothing worth taking from me anyway.

    A/N: This has been done before and I am not sure if I made it interesting
    enough to read through the whole thing. But somehow I just had that
    thought going through my mind, what it would be like if Chloe and Lex ended
    up chatting with eachother and well...here it goes. Send me your thoughts please.

    ************************************************** *

    Sidekickchick: Hello, there

    ResidentEvil_1980: Hello back

    Sidekickchick: interesting IM you got there…

    ResidentEvil_1980: Same goes for yours, why did you plop up on another screen?

    Sidekickchick: picked the most interesting name and opened a
    private chat, do you mind?

    ResidentEvil_1980: No, not really, but what’s the purpose?

    Sidekickchick: I was bored out of my mind, the chatroom was getting too full and I thought I could find someone for a chat that doesn’t revolve around Christina Aguilera and her fake tits.

    ResidentEvil_1980: get’s rather dull after a while, doesn’t it?

    Sidekickchick: Yeah, after about two minutes. I’d rather listen to my room mate drone on about her infatuation with the color pink.

    ResidentEvil_1980: That sounds like a fun way to spend the evening.

    Sidekickchick: LOL, yeah sure

    ResidentEvil_1980: What does that mean LOL?

    Sidekickchick: *snickers* so you’re new to the whole chat thing eh? It means laugh out loud

    ResidentEvil_1980: Ah got it and yeah. I usually don’t have much time for playing around with the computer. I was searching for some information and somehow the chat room ended up being in the top ten of the result list.

    Sidekickchick: *g* so you decided to give it a shot?

    ResidentEvil_1980: Yeah, and that *g* means grinning, right?

    Sidekickchick: Yepp, you’re a fast learner, you’ll have the whole netiquette down in no time flat.

    ResidentEvil_1980: *smirks* I hope so. It gets confusing with all these abbreviations being thrown at you. I was less confused in my first year of learning Chinese script.

    Sidekickchick: Oh wow, sure not a common thing to study.

    ResidentEvil_1980: It mattered for the business and well it’s a way to impress women, especially when you can read the menu in a native Chinese restaurant fluently. *smirks*

    Sidkickchick: *rolls eyes* It sure takes more to impress me than speaking Chinese. I could learn it myself if I wanted to. You got anything else to impress me with?

    ResidentEvil_1980: Oh usually, if my intellect doesn’t do it, my money does…

    Sidekickchick: LOL yeah I bet that helps with the pickup line.
    ‘Hey, want to see my account statement’ *waggles eyebrows suggestively*

    ResidentEvil_1980: LOL I actually skip that and jump right to the invitation to dinner in a fancy restaurant. Limousine drive included, of course.

    Sidekickchick: course *g*. So you’re a rich spoiled brat?

    ResidentEvil_1980: Rich, yes. Spoiled brat. Not really.

    Sidekickchick: So richboy, should I have heard of you?

    ResidentEvil_1980: You probably have, the press seems to have an infatuation with me… So what about you? Sidekick for anyone important?

    Sidekickchick: Smooth change of topic *g*

    ResidentEvil_180: Thanks, I try. So?

    Sidekickchick: Not really important. I usually end up being the living search engine for one of my friends. I think the guy has a hero complex or something.

    ResidentEvil_1980: *chuckles* I know that kind of guy. A friend of mine always seems to always end up saving the day.

    Sidekickchick: Yepp, and mine has a tendency to vanish into thin air when you turn your back for a second and leave you standing in the middle of a room wondering where the hell he’s been off to.

    ResidentEvil_1980: Must be hell on the relationship to never know when he’ll be running out on you in the middle of a sentence.

    Sidekickchick: *shrugs* that’s just the way he is. I kinda got used to it. Doesn’t mean I don’t give him hell for doing it *evil grin*

    ResidentEvil_1980: LOL you’re not taking shit from anyone, right?

    Sidekickchick: I wouldn’t be me if I did. My dad told me to always stand up for myself. I try and live that attitude whenever I can.

    ResidentEvil_1980: Your dad seems to be an intelligent guy.

    Sidekickchick: *smiles* Yeah, he’s the best dad in the world. But he really needs to learn how to do the household himself. I can’t always be there to pull the red socks from the laundry before it ends up in the machine with his white shirts. *shakes head sadly*

    ResidentEvil_1980: *g* well doesn’t your mom do the laundry?

    Sidekickchick: My mom doesn’t live with us. She left when I was five.

    ResidentEvil_1980: Oh, sorry. Hope I didn’t poke in old wounds.

    Sidekickchick: No, it’s ok, you couldn’t know…

    Sidekickchick: Shit I forgot something brb

    ResidentEvil_1980: ?

    Sidekickchick: Back

    ResidentEvil_1980: So the brb means?

    Sidekickchick: Oh sorry, it means be right back

    ResidentEvil_1980: Ah okay. So what happened that had you run off like that?

    Sidekickchick: Ah my room mate asked me to tape a show for her tonight. She has to work so she can’t see it. It’s one of these lame soaps, but she gets really prissy when she misses an episode.

    ResidentEvil_1980: So you’re not the soap type?

    Sidekickchick: Nah, too far from reality. And it’s always the same stuff anyway.

    ResidentEvil_1980: Like what?

    Sidekickchick: Oh come on! You can’t be that deprived. You’re a rich guy you must have satellite tv, which in turn means soaps in at least five different languages *G*

    ResidentEvil_1980: I told you I don’t have much free time…

    Sidekickchick: Ah it’s usually the same five or six plot devices. Triangle relationships, some angst, star-crossed lovers, an unwanted or unexpected pregnancy that of course won’t be brought to the end, someone turning gay, someone finding a long lost relative… that sort of stuff.

    ResidentEvil_1980: And people really waste their time on this?

    Sidekickchick: My room mate sure does. She digs the male lead actor.

    ResidentEvil_1980: And what makes him so interesting?

    Sidekickchick: I wouldn’t know. *shrugs* He’s this tall brooding guy with the glassy eyes, shaggy hair and so on. Sure he has a nice body, but his teeth need a work over, badly.

    ResidentEvil_1980: *chuckles* So, nice teeth are mandatory for a guy to peek your interest?

    Sidekickchick: Definitely. If the guy’s smile wants to make you run for the hills, not a chance in hell I’m gonna let him kiss me!

    ResidentEvil_1980: So I didn’t invest my money in caps for nothing *flashes grin*

    Sidekickchick: *pulls on sunglasses* Hey watch it were you beam those shiny teeth.

    ResidentEvil_1980: LOL. Sorry, didn’t mean to blind you.

    Sidekickchick: Yeah, sure. *places sunglasses within reach*

    ResidentEvil_1980: Come on don’t you trust me. *slowly starts to smile*

    Sidekickchick: LMAO umm. Nope *g*

    ResidentEvil_1980: Again with the abbreviations ?

    Sidekickchick: Oh that means laugh my ass off

    ResidentEvil_1980: Ah kay. But you better not. I’m sure it looks much better where it is right now. *g*

    Sidekickchick: Are you trying to flirt with me, richboy?

    ResidentEvil_1980: Maybe, a little. Here’s hoping you’re not a fourteen year old with piggy tails and braces.

    Sidekickchick: LOL no, you’re safe. I’m a little older than that, and definitely neither braces nor pigtails *shudders*

    ResidentEvil_1980: phew, that would have made for bad publicity.

    Sidekickchick: *G* Oh I’m sure you’d have found a way to spin it for the media

    ResidentEvil_1980: Not even my dad’s publicity managers could twist that in a positive way.

    Sidekickchick: Well than be glad I’m not 14 *g*

    ResidentEvil_1980: Oh I am. So no pigtails, hm? What’s your look then?

    Sidekickchick: Subtle, richboy *g* Blonde, shoulder length hair,
    kinda bouncy. Hazel eyes and my friends tell my I dress kinda flippy. Not really into that hicktown style here. I’d rather kill myself than assimilate. I’m a big city girl at heart.

    ResidentEvil_1980: Oh, so you come from the big city? How did you end up in a cowtown?

    Sidekickchick: My dad moved us here when he got promoted at work. I like my friends, and this town sure has it’s interesting traits, but all in all I want to go back to Metropolis. I miss the city noises, weird as it sounds.

    ResidentEvil_1980: Oh, you’re from Met? Funny, me too.

    Sidekickchick: Really? Are you there now?

    ResidentEvil_1980: Yeah, but only for a few days before I head home… and I can’t believe I just called the place I live now my home *frowns*

    Sidekickchick: *snorts* got shipped to the outskirts, too?

    ResidentEvil_1980: Yeah, pretty much. But at least it puts some distance between me and my father. Most times anyway.

    Sidekickchick: Gee, you sure must have a loving family.

    ResidentEvil_1980: *shrugs* I like to describe it as a shark tank.
    If you’re not fast enough you’ll get eaten alive.

    Sidekickchick: Woah, Not something you want to get yourself into.

    ResidentEvil_1980: Not really, no.

    Sidekickchick: So what do you do when you are not working your ass off or hiding from your dad?

    ResidentEvil_1980: I get kidnapped or threatened or on occasion beaten to a pulp

    Sidekickchick: You’re kidding, right?

    ResidentEvil_1980: Sadly, no. My ex- wife tried to kill me for my money, she almost managed it, but I was saved last minute.

    Sidekickchick: Oh

    ResidentEvil_1980: Yeah, not a happy marriage. Thank God it only lasted a few days.

    Sidekickchick: Oh

    ResidentEvil_1980: I’m sorry, did I scare you off.

    Sidekickchick: umm no

    ResidentEvil_1980: Everything ok?

    Sidekickchick: yeah, I guess.

    ResidentEvil_1980: Come on, what’s wrong, you’re being awfully quiet there.

    Sidekickchick: Oh it’s nothing, just um trying to process the information.

    ResidentEvil_1980: Ok, I know it’s a little incredible. I’m sure you’ve had better experiences in the relationship department.

    Sidekickchick: *snorts* not really. The guys I dated turned out to be freaks in every case. And if I say freaks, I mean it literally.

    ResidentEvil_1980: Wow, that sounds bad.

    Sidekickchick: Yeah, it was. Some of them even tried to kill me… as if I didn’t have enough problems in my profession; I have to fear for my life in private, too. Even the one guy that I thought would be ‘the one’ was a major let down.

    ResidentEvil_1980: Woah, and what about that guy. What did he do to let you down?

    Sidekickchick: Left me at a dance to go after his object of desire, which of course wasn’t me. I stood there like a forgotten coat or something.

    ResidentEvil_1980: I’m sorry. That guy obviously has no manners.

    Sidekickchick: *snorts* I’m sure you wouldn’t say that if you knew who I was talking about. He is the resident hero of the town and a golden boy in general. Everybody likes him. Even the people who can’t stand him like him, cause he is bound to save their life sooner or later.

    ResidentEvil_1980: Wow that sounds like a lot of pent up frustration you have there.

    Sidekickchick: Well you try living in the same house with the girl that the guy you crushed on has a crush on. And did that make any sense?

    ResidentEvil_1980: I understand what you mean. And don’t kill me, but that sounds a lot like the soaps you told me about.

    Sidekickchick: LOL, yeah I know. Sometimes I wish I could switch the channel or at least fastforward to the moment where I get out of here and go to college.

    ResidentEvil_1980: Oh, so you’re still in high school?

    Sidekickchick: Yeah, you want to run now? Feel free. *g*

    ResidentEvil_1980: No, why would I? This conversation is one of
    the more interesting I had in a while. Plus I try to find an excuse to take a break from working, but don’t tell. *smiles*

    Sidekickchick: LOL, only a very lonely person would work at 9 pm on a Friday night.

    ResidentEvil_1980: Oh really? So what have you been doing on your computer before you came to the chat.

    Sidekickchick: *winces* you got me there. I was working on an article.

    ResidentEvil_1980: Oh, so you’re a reporter, maybe I should run now, before you start asking uncomfortable questions.

    Sidekickchick: No, please don’t. I promise this is off the record.

    ResidentEvil_1980: Don’t worry, I was just kidding *g*

    Sidekickchick: Phew, thank god. My only other option for tonight would have been popcorn and Keanu Reeves in Sweet November… Come to think of it …maybe I should…*g*

    ResidentEvil_1980: Hey, are you saying you prefer a bad actor in a sappy movie over our conversation *frowns*

    Sidekickchick: Well, he might not be the best actor, but he sure as hell is eyecandy. *G*

    ResidentEvil_1980: And who says I’m not?

    Sidekickchick: LOL you got a point there. But who says you are?

    ResidentEvil_1980: I’ll let my shiny teeth speak for me *flashes big grin*

    Sidekickchick: Woah, I told you to be careful where you beam that *g*

    ResidentEvil_1980: heh, well you shouldn’t have tried to dump me for a brooding guy with shaggy hair.

    Sidekickchick: LOL, ok I’ll think about the consequences next time.

    ResidentEvil_1980: Uhoh, what does it mean when your laptop starts growling at you?

    Sidekickchick: Huh?

    ResidentEvil_1980 has logged out

    ResidentEvil_1980 has logged in

    Sidekickchick: heh, I think now you know what it means, eh?

    ResidentEvil_1980: Yes, and I think I’ll have to get me a new one soon. *frowns* Damn technology

    Sidekickchick: Hey, without that damn technology we wouldn’t be talking here.

    ResidentEvil_1980: You got a point there. Now where were we?

    Sidekickchick: You were just trying to pick up flirting with me I think *g*

    ResidentEvil_1980: Ah yeah, I remember. So does it work or am I running into a brick wall?

    Sidekickchick: *snickers* depends

    ResidentEvil_1980: Depends on what? *smirks*

    Sidekickchick: Depends if you know how to make the right compliments without sounding like a cheesy teenage novel.

    ResidentEvil_1980: LOL I’ll try my best. Though it might be a little hard since I can’t see you. On the other hand, that keeps me from giving you a mushy line of how beautiful your eyes are or how your smile makes my heart stop *g*

    Sidekickchick: LMAO yes, that’s definitely out of the game.

    ResidentEvil_1980: Well, it’s not easy to turn on my usual charm, since you can’t see it. So I’ll have to resort to the truth *frowns* Let me think

    Sidekickchick: I bet that’s not easy. Don’t hurt yourself *g*

    ResidentEvil_1980: *chuckles* and you just gave me the first thing yourself. I like your humor. You got spunk girl, and you sure know how to use it to keep a man on his toes.

    Sidekickchick: See, that wasn’t too hard, was it?

    ResidentEvil_1980: So it worked?

    Sidekickchick: Yeah, I think it did.

    ResidentEvil_1980: Good to know I haven’t lost my touch *g*

    Sidekickchick: Good to know the thinking didn’t damage your ego *g*

    ResidentEvil_1980: LOL, you’re cute

    Sidecickchick: Hey, I don’t do cute! I have you know I am a tough, intrepid journalist and I can probably wrangle out the answers I need from about anyone.

    ResidentEvil_1980: heh, you do realize that your defending yourself makes you look even cuter. *evil grin*

    Sidekickchick: Stop it, richboy!

    ResidentEvil_1980: Awww, I bet you are blushing a bright shade of red all the way up to your cute little ears now.

    Sidekickchick: *narrows eyes* If you don’t stop it now, I’ll be gone and you can see how you find a decent conversation with one of those Christina Aguilera fans all on your lonesome.

    ResidentEvil_1980: Hey, you know I was just teasing. What’s wrong with being cute anyway?

    Sidekickchick: Teddy bears are cute, stuffed hearts with a ‘I love you’ stitched in are cute, Furbies are cute. Do I look like a stuffed furry, fluffy, thing?

    ResidentEvil_1980: *chuckles* I guess not

    Sidekickchick: See, I close my case. I am not cute.

    ResidentEvil_1980: Ok, ok. Maybe cute wasn’t the right word for you. How about, exceptional, or intriguing, challenging in any case *g*

    Sidekickchick: Now that sounds more like it *g*

    ResidentEvil_1980: You sure don’t suffer from self-consciousness either. *g*

    Sidekickchick: *shrugs* maybe not, but the ego needs a good stroking now and then when you have to live with the perfect princess. She even sorts her underwear by weekdays. *shakes head*

    ResidentEvil_1980: *chuckles* And how do you sort your panties?

    Sidekickchick: *gasps* are you trying to get into dirty talk with me?

    ResidentEvil_1980: What if I did? *smirks*

    Sidekickchick: Then you better prepare to be shocked. I am pretty demanding and blunt in these things.

    ResidentEvil_1980: Oh, so you do that a lot?

    Sidekickchick: Not really, but once in a while….

    ResidentEvil_1980: Interesting

    Sidekickchick: So, do you really want to get into this or are you
    backing out already?

    ResidentEvil_1980: Oh I am definitely not backing out. I assume it works the same as phone sex, but I hope you won’t charge fees as soon as we get into it.

    Sidekickchick: *snorts* Are you admitting to calling sex-lines?

    ResidentEvil_1980: LOL Never needed that kind of service, but I don’t live that far beyond the moon to not know how it works. *g*

    Sidekickchick: Yeah sure *smirks*

    ResidentEvil_1980: Now how do we go about it in here, since I am the rookie in this.

    Sidekickchick: Well then let me show you how it’s done, richboy.
    *steps behind you and places hands on your shoulder*

    ResidentEvil_1980: Oh I see, and what are you planning on doing back there?

    Sidkickchick: Oh just wait and see. *starts to massage your neck* lean back and let me have my way.

    ResidentEvil_1980: Oh so you like to be in control? *leans back into your hands*

    Sidekickchik: I like to make others lose their control.
    *bends forward to nibble on your ear*

    ResidentEvil_1980: Do you think you can manage that with someone like me? *tilts head up to look at you*

    Sidekickchick: Oh I don’t know yet, but I am anxious to find out.
    *trails down to your neck biting on the pulse point there*

    ResidentEvil_1980: Mmmm that sure feels nice *pulls you forward and into my lap* So let’s see who will lose control first, shall we? *runs hand under your shirt and up your back*

    Sidekickchick: Ah a fast learner in everything. *reaches for the lapels of your shirt pulling you in for a kiss*

    ResidentEvil_1980: I aim to please *g* *closes arms around your waist drawing you closer*

    Sidekickchick: *moans* yepp your doing pretty good so far.
    *starts to pull your shirt from your pants*

    ResidentEvil_1980: *arches eyebrow* eager are we? *unfastens the cufflinks*

    Sidekickchick: Yeah, a little, do you mind? *suggestive grin*

    ResidentEvil_1980: Not really

    Sidekickchick: Oh fuck!

    ResidentEvil_1980: What? Problem with the buttons? *g*

    Sidekickchick: No, doofus. My room mate just came home and she’s in bitchy mode *rolls eyes*

    ResidentEvil_1980: Oh sorry.

    Sidekickchick: Yeah, apparently she needs to talk about it, *winces* She just yelled ‘Move your ass down here’. I gotta go

    ResidentEvil_1980: Too bad. I really started enjoying this *smirks*

    Sidekickchick: Oh we’ll get to it another time, no worries *g*

    ResidentEvil_1980: I’ll hold you to that

    Sidekickchick: Ok, gotta run now, bye

    ResidentEvil_1980: Bye, Chloe *smirks*

    Sidekickchick: *groans* bye Lex

    Sidekickchick has logged out

    ResidentEvil_1980 has logged out

    The End

    So, what do ya think? *ducks*
    Last edited by sabby; 2nd September 2008 at 20:59.

  2. #2
    Just a Guest!
    Heh heh, very interesting, wouldnt mind seeing more of the same, and them haveing inside jokes when they talk for real in front of the others!! Lex and Chloe Netsex, all to the good, all to the good!


  3. #3
    Just a Guest!
    Hee hee hee. Of course, now that you've pointed out that they know who they are you'll need to remove the "the end" from the last line and move this to the nc-17 forum...

  4. #4
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    Sabbby that was great. You dont need to duck. What you need is to give us another chapter of this story. You cant leave us hanging like this.

    Hope :biggrin:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  5. #5
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    25 Nov 2002
    That was awesome :lol: I demand another chapter... or you know, I could beg, whatever. :yay:

  6. #6
    odd duck
    Join Date
    01 Dec 2002
    Hee hee hee. Of course, now that you've pointed out that they know who they are you'll need to remove the "the end" from the last line and move this to the nc-17 forum...
    See, I have to agree with this. And being the mod of both forums, I could do this very thing... *evil grin*

  7. #7
    Sugar&Spice of the gutter Senior Member Queen Of Tact's Avatar
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    LMAO!!! I so loved this..... It was so cute.... Your going to have to do another one.... I can't wait to see what there next chat would be like....

    "I am scared that I'm always going to be somebody's friend or sister or confidant, but never quite somebody's everything."

  8. #8
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    Sabster, wonderful chica! I loved the teeth line...hee.


  9. #9
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    28 Feb 2003
    I loved it! :biggrin: It definitely needs a sequel. Soon. So, get to work.

  10. #10
    mina murray
    Just a Guest!
    Great fic! :biggrin: I'm still not sure if they knew who they were beforehand, or if they figured it out over the course of the chat.
    If there's a sequel, I'd like to see them around other people and see how they carry it (smut is a given, of course).

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