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Thread: It's the Great Pumpkin, Lex Luthor (Pg13) - Complete

  1. #1
    NS Full Member
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    It's the Great Pumpkin, Lex Luthor (Pg13) - Complete

    A/N: I really need to actually get around to updating all of my fics instead of working on more ficlets like this one. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy. It's just more mindless fluff. Non-beta'd since, well, it's just fluff. *grin*

    Title: It’s the Great Pumpkin, Lex Luthor
    Author: Jinni (jinni@tthfanfic.com)
    Rated: Pg13
    Pairing: Chloe/Lex
    Disclaimer: All things Smallville belong to DC Comics, the WB, et al.
    Distribution: The normal places.
    Notes: A fluffy idea that ran up and smacked me in the forehead after seeing a Charlie Brown commercial the other night.
    Spoilers: Season 4.
    Summary: Chloe shows Lex that magic –can- happen in a pumpkin patch.


    Chloe dodged an over-exuberant child dressed as a cartoon character of some sort, clutching her precious thermos full of coffee to her chest. She threw Martha Kent a smile.

    ”Thanks, Mrs. Kent.”

    “Stay warm, Chloe.”

    The blonde grinned and turned in the direction of the door. Just a few steps and she’d be out of this Halloween induced chaos. Whoever had come up with the “good” idea of The Talon, of all places, opening its doors on Halloween night to distribute candy to the town’s populace of rugrats seriously needed to have their head checked.

    Considering that person was, most likely, Martha Kent, she stood by that conviction for psychiatric help. A woman that could play mother to Clark Kent had to be slightly mental.

    She weaved her way through the milling pre-teens, thanking her lucky stars that she’d be back outside and free of their clamor in three…two…

    “Miss Sullivan.”

    Well, damn. Damn-da-da-damn-damn. Just the man she didn’t want to see tonight. Or, well, any night, for that matter.

    “Luthor,” she nodded her head in greeting. Had things been this awkward between them before her forced exile? No, of course not. She would have noticed long before now if being in his presence brought about a loss in her own bantering ability. If anything, before her stay in the safe house, being around Lex Luthor brought out the best in her.

    Sadly, not now.

    He hadn’t gone out of his way to avoid her, but given that she’d only ran into him a handful of times since his father was put away, she had to assume that there was at least some conscious effort to ensure that he wasn’t around her that often. Moments like this, standing just inside The Talon’s doors, were precious few and far between. It was for that reason she held such animosity for him, even though her heart yearned for those times they’d shared as, if not friends, acquaintances.

    “I would have expected you to be dressed already.”

    Chloe arched an eyebrow, sure she’d heard him wrong. “Dressed for what?”

    “That party in Metropolis that the teenage population of this quiet little burb has flocked to.”

    Ah, that ‘what’. The ‘what’ that Clark was taking Lois to. The one that Lana had mentioned off hand during one of the rare times they’d seen each other in the hallway at school.

    The ‘what’ that she had no desire to attend.

    “I’ve got more important plans than dancing with sweaty, overly hormonal high schoolers tonight, Luthor.” She tapped her thermos in emphasis.

    “Drinking coffee is more important than going to a party?” He frowned. “You could have taken the coffee with you, you realize.”

    She snorted and rolled her eyes. “The coffee cannot go to Metropolis because the coffee is going with me to wait for the Great Pumpkin.”

    It was a tradition that she’d started the year she moved to this quaint, if not overly boring, little town. Inspired by a Charlie Brown television special, she’d grabbed some coffee and a blanket and had gone out to one of the town’s pumpkin patches, laying out to look at the stars. She hadn’t seen the Great Pumpkin, or anything supernatural for that matter, but nevertheless she had enjoyed that peaceful time just staring into the endlessness of space.

    Going out to ‘wait for the Great Pumpkin’ was one of the only rituals she had in her life and was, therefore, more precious than any party with her fellow students could ever be.

    “The Great Pumpkin?” Amusement sparkled in his eyes. “A little cold to be waiting in a pumpkin patch for a cartoon character’s fantasy, don’t you think?”

    Hiding her surprise that he even knew the Great Pumpkin reference, she shrugged. “I’ve got blankets and –“ She held up her thermos. “- Coffee.”

    “You don’t worry about laying out in the middle of a field by yourself in –this- town of all places?”

    “No, daddy, I don’t.” Sarcasm laced her tone. The night was a-wasting as she stood here, hip deep in scrambling kids, chit-chatting with Lex Luthor. Time that she could be spending just…relaxing. “I’m leaving now. If you’re that worried you’re welcome to come with me.”

    She nearly slapped a hand over her mouth as the words came out, calming only when she realized that there was no need to berate herself. There was no way that Lex Luthor would –

    “All right.”


    “… and you just lay here?”

    “Uh huh.”

    Lex’s brow furrowed, but he bit back any negative statements. She was obviously happy to be out here, just laying on her back under a pile of blankets she’d pulled out of her car, staring up into the stars. Who was he to diminish her joy with some careless words?

    Especially when he was enjoying that happy glow on her face so much.

    He settled onto the blanket next to her, drawing his knees up to his chest.

    “You’ll get a crick in your neck if you look up like that for too long,” she commented quietly. “Believe me, I tried. Lay down.”

    He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, unsurprised to see that she wasn’t even looking his way as she spoke. Her entire gaze was fixed on the stars in the heavens above.

    She looked beautiful with the moonlight playing over her skin, eyes sparkling in the faint light the orb overhead gave off. He clenched his lips together, refusing to sigh like a love struck schoolboy, and eased down onto his back.

    She was right. It was easier to look at them from this angle.

    In the silence he lay beside her, trying his best not to dwell on how close she was to him after so many months spent avoiding her. He’d done it for her own good, of course. It would never do for her to get entangled with another Luthor after she’d so nearly lost her life in dealings with his family before. He’d distanced himself from her because he could no longer trust himself not to reach out and kiss her the next time she got too close.

    Right now would definitely count as ‘too close’.

    “You’re shivering.”

    “I’m –“ He bit off the protest as her blankets lifted, her body moving until she was pressed against his side, the covers falling over the both of them.


    He nodded, not trusting his voice. Still she stared at the stars –

    But the only heavenly body –he- could see was her.

    Great, the meteorites were finally starting to affect him, he supposed. He was laying in the middle of a pumpkin patch, at night, waxing poetic.

    Just great.

    They might as well haul him back to the asylum now.

    “There is no Great Pumpkin, you know,” she murmured. “Just in case you’d gotten your hopes up on seeing it tonight. All there is out here are leftover pumpkins that no one wanted to carve and a whole lotta stars.”

    Lex chuckled, hoping it didn’t sound as shaky as he was feeling. With her body up against him it was all he could do to reign in the desires that he’d spent months trying to squelch entirely. “I’ll try not to be too disappointed. Then again, we are in Smallville –there’s no telling what might pop up when we least expect it.”

    Her soft laughter filled the air.

    She rolled over onto her side, propping her head up on her hand so that she was looking down at him, eyes sparkling. “You’ll protect me if a pumpkin-headed meteor mutant shows up, right?”

    “I’ll protect you from anything.’

    The words were a whisper and not what he’d meant to say at all. It was as if, in that split second before he opened his mouth, his mind decided to betray him entirely. With one little phrase he threw away all those months of distancing himself from her, damning both of them with one fell swoop.

    “You already have.”

    The urge to kiss those lips that had just spoken with such absolute trust, something that no other person on this planet dared to give him, was stronger than it had ever been before.

    “Chloe… Forgive me?”

    “For wh--?

    He cut off her words with a kiss. Her lips were cool beneath his, touched by the chilly air that surrounded both of them, but they heated quickly as their mouths pressed together, slowly opening to admit one another. It was a dance that couldn’t have been choreographed better had they planned it ahead of time.

    Turning so that he, too, was now on his side, he reached one hand up to cup the back of her head. She tasted like coffee. Vanilla something or other. One of those complicated blends that she liked so well. The slightest hint of cinnamon lingered, teasing his taste buds as he explored her mouth with his tongue.

    “This could end badly,” he warned her between kisses, his free hand roaming over her back, daring to dip low enough to brush the gentle curve of her buttocks.

    “It could not end at all,” she corrected, daring to tease his half-parted lips with the tip of her tongue.

    Well, she did have a point there, he supposed.

    ~*~End Ficlet~*~

  2. #2
    see spot snark Senior Member happy bunny's Avatar
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    20 Apr 2003
    New Jersey
    That was just... Aaaaw

    Beyond cute :biggrin: Great job

  3. #3
    Escapeism Artist Senior Member asharnanae's Avatar
    Join Date
    15 Sep 2003
    Cambridgeshire, England.
    Awweeeeee! thats so sweet!! I ove the whole great pumpkin thang, great fic!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    09 Mar 2009
    Caught in the RAAAAAAAAAIN

    Give in Lex, you'll like this kind of crazy. Great story!
    Her soul is senstive like a finely made tuning fork. It vibrates and resonates with every little hint of trauma, evil and monstrosity that might be humming in the air, and channels it into expressions of fiction... or recomended websites - somethingeasy

  5. #5
    ~Hell On Wheels~ buddyfozzy's Avatar
    Join Date
    03 Jun 2003
    Aww, how cute!

  6. #6
    NS Full Member Val's Avatar
    Join Date
    07 May 2003
    That was lovely!

  7. #7
    NS Senior Member Senior Member sydsvaughn's Avatar
    Join Date
    04 Mar 2003
    Loved it! These stories are easing a night of study stress... so thank you!!


  8. #8
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    23 Nov 2002
    Aww that was so cute. I love that special.

    Hope :chlexsign4:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  9. #9
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    29 Mar 2004
    so damn cute, i don't get the great pumpkin reference was i deprived as a child? i watched playdays does that count?

    i loved that, sequal?

    love lea

  10. #10
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    30 Jan 2004
    United States
    Aw! I'm all gooey now, wonderful story.

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