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Thread: Here In My Room (NC-17)

  1. #1
    Miss Innocent-Or? 2005 Senior Member ColumbiaBlue's Avatar
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    17 Sep 2003

    Here In My Room (NC-17)

    Title: Here In My Room
    Author: ColumbiaBlue
    Rating: NC-17
    Disclaimer: If you really think I own them... you need serious medical attention.
    Summary: Bad at them. Read and you’ll see.
    Feedback: Do I want feedback? Does a one legged duck swim in a circle? Hmm, I think so!

    AN: Okie dokie artichokie, here is my very first attempt at smut. Please, be gentle. The song “Here In My Room” is by Incubus. I wrote this in three parts cause it’s kinda long. The first two parts are up and the third one will be up later tonight. So read, hopefully you’ll enjoy it, and as always, feedback is appreciated!
    Here In My Room

    This party is old and uninviting
    Participants all in black and white.
    You enter in full blown technicolor
    Nothing is the same after tonight...

    Blah. Blah. Blah. Pointless conversations. Lex resisted the urge to gag as he nodded his head to whomever was talking now. Lex felt like his life was stuck on repeat. Everything was always the same. Same conversations, same people, same boring parties. Kiss ass. Hollow compliments. Empty promises. And there he was entangled in it, his busty brunette trophy date stuck to his side.

    What was her name again? Angela? Annie? Not that it mattered anyway. Tomorrow, after she had fulfilled her purpose, she’d just be one more nameless face added to Lex’s long list of conquests.

    “Lex... can we go back to your place soon?” His date all but whined.

    “No,” he replied shortly, lifting up his champagne glass and taking a sip. He froze. He saw her through the bottom of his glass. Standing no more than ten feet away from him in a black silk dress. Blonde hair swept up elegantly, green eyes sparkling as she smiled, coloring the entire room.


    It had been so long since he’d seen her. Four years. Four years since he’d stupidly walked away from her. She had been a senior at Metropolis University when it ended. They’d been dating since the summer after her senior year of high school and he had never been so... content. They’d had the perfect relationship. It started slow, neither wanting to rush whatever was going on. The sex was... amazing, to say the least. Both were independent, not needing to see each other everyday, not needing the commitment. It went undefined for the longest time.

    A couple weeks after their one year “anniversary,” Lex asked Chloe if he could see her exclusively and they became “official.” Lex began taking Chloe to social events. When asked who she was he’d answer, “my girlfriend.” The paparazzi went nuts. Word got out that Chloe was a journalism major and the paparazzi had a field day. Lex Luthor dating a reporter? It was front page news. Everyone wanted to know everything Lex’s newest fling. Was she the daughter of a business tycoon? A European royal? A model? Actress? Imagine everyone’s surprise when they learned that the snarky little blonde who had seemingly come out of nowhere and snatched up the cities most eligible bachelor, was actually from Smallville and was the daughter of Lex’s former plant manager.

    A year turned into two, and then three. Chloe and Lex were blissfully happy and their relationship was going strong. They were serious, but not overly so. Chloe had her own apartment and Lex had his. But as the weeks and months wore wore on, Chloe spent less time at her place, and more time at Lex’s. She had a residential toothbrush. A couple pairs of panties in the dresser. And two or three outfits in Lex’s closet. When Lex was called away on business trips, he insisted that Chloe stay in his penthouse during his absence. Then, one night after Lex had returned from a two week trip to Japan, he lay in his bed with Chloe snuggled up to him, he brought up the idea of living together.

    Two weeks later Chloe had moved in with Lex.

    Word got out about the move and the speculation began. Lex and Chloe’s relationship was swiftly bumped from ‘semi-serious’ to ‘very serious.’ New rumors popped up every time the couple was seen in public. And then they disappeared without a trace. A month came and went without so much as a sighting. The rumors spread like wildfire and the paparazzi combed the city looking for ‘Metropolis’ Favorite Couple.’

    Meanwhile... Lex and Chloe were enjoying a much needed vacation in St. Thomas, a small island of the Virgin Islands. Their days were spent taking in all that the secluded island had to offer. Their nights, making love, over and over again. After a month, the two returned rested, tan and with a secret. Forty-eight hours after their return, someone noticed something different about Chloe. On a certain hand on a particular finger, that had been bare before, now rested a very particular type of ring. And their secret was revealed. Lex and Chloe were engaged.

    The wedding date was announced, the planning started, the invitations went out. Then a month before the wedding, it all came to an abrupt stop. The couple were the only two that knew the reason why. It ended because of three little words. During an emotional round of love making, Chloe breathed out ‘I love you’ to Lex. For the first time. Three and a half years together and they’d never said those words. They’d never needed too. And Chloe’s confession scared the crap out of Lex. He’d never consciously though about whether or not he ‘loved’ Chloe. He liked spending time with her, he liked who he was around her, he liked the way she made him feel, and those were the extent of his thoughts.

    At first, Chloe was understanding, thinking the reason he wouldn’t say it because of everything he’d been through in Smallville. So she didn’t say it again. But after a couple of weeks, when she said it again and all did Lex was shoot her an uncomfortable half smile, she called it into question, which resulted in a huge fight and ultimately, the end of them. When Chloe had asked why he couldn’t say it, or at least acknowledge that she did, Lex answered, “Because I don’t know if I love you.” Chloe told him through tears that she couldn’t marry a man who didn’t love her and that was it. He walked out of his penthouse to take a drive and when he came back three hours later, Chloe and the majority of her stuff was gone. Movers came a few days later to collect the rest of her stuff.


  2. #2
    Miss Innocent-Or? 2005 Senior Member ColumbiaBlue's Avatar
    Join Date
    17 Sep 2003
    AN: This kind of changes perspectives and it might be kind of weird.
    Here In My Room: Part 2

    Lex closed his eyes and this time, didn’t catch his sigh. That had been the biggest mistake he’d ever made. If he were given the power to go back and change one thing in his life, his answer to Chloe’s question would be the thing he changed. Because he had loved her. He was just to afraid of admitting it to himself and all that would come by admitting it to her.

    Movement brought him out of his thoughts and he watched as Chloe made her way through the room and out into the cool February night.

    “Excuse me,” he mumbled, not taking his eyes away from the door Chloe had just gone through, and he walked away from his date and business associates. He squeezed through the mingling people and finally made it to the door. Exiting the building, he shivered as the bitter air hit him. Then he spotted her. Leaning against the stone railing, arms wrapped around herself.

    Lex silently crept over to her. “You’ll catch your death out here in just that dress,” he said softly from behind her.

    Chloe whipped around at the familiar voice. Her eyes widened once she saw him and a slow smile crept onto her face. “Lex,” she breathed softly, eyes not leaving his. He had such beautiful eyes.

    If the world were to fall apart
    In a fiction worthy wind
    I wouldn’t change a thing
    Now that you’re here.

    He smiled gently at her, at a loss for words. She was even more beautiful up close. She’d matured, but in the best way. Gone were the soft curves of a teenaged body. Her figure was now the shape of a perfect hourglass, accentuated by the clinging silk of her dress.

    “You look surprised.” Chloe said, fully turning to face him, surprised herself at the display of emotion on his handsome face, Age had been kind to him, defining his features. She took in the res tof his appearance. Imaculate black suit, clean white shirt, top button un-buttoned, no tie. He looked all to delicious.

    “Well, I am surprised.” Lex paused and leaned against the railing next to her. “I’m surprised you haven’t smacked me and walked away yet.”

    Chloe nodded in response, understanding what he meant. “Honestly, I’m taking this better than I thought I would. But it’s in the past. No use getting upset about it now. It happened. I moved on, you moved on.”

    This time it was Lex’s turn to nod. ‘If only you knew Chloe...’ He thought to himself. He knew he had never fully gotten over her. Never really moved on. There had always been that thought in the back of his mind to pick up the phone and call her. To apologize for being such an asshole and beg for her to take him back. But he’d always pushed the thoughts away. Now, with her standing so close he could smell the scent that was only ‘Chloe,’ the thoughts of apologizing and begging came flooding back.

    “So... how have you been? You look great.” Chloe said, not being able to stand the silence any longer. She was twenty-five years old, she could handle this.

    “I’ve been good. Business is good...” Lex trailed off.

    “I saw you with in there with a pretty brunette. Girlfriend?” Chloe asked, trying to sound as light as possible. It’d been four years but it still hurt like a bitch everytime she saw Lex with another woman.

    “No. No girlfriend.” Lex shook his head and looked at her again. “God, you look beautiful Chloe.”

    And there was that mega-watt smile he loved so much. God he’d missed her smile. He’d missed her scent on his pillows and bed. And the way her hair stuck up in the morning. He missed *her.*

    “Thank you,” she beamed, smoothing out her dress and then wrapping her arms around herself again to attempt to stay warm.

    Lex noticed the action and shrugged off his jacket, offering it to her.

    “I couldn’t, you’d freeze,” she protested.

    Lex rolled his eyes. “Nice to see you’re still stuborn as all hell. And not as much as you’re freezing in that slip of a dress. Not that it doesn’t look amazing.” He draped the coat over her shoulders, fingers lightly brushing her neck.

    Chloe closed her eyes as Lex wrapped his jacket around her, his scent invading her nose. She shivered slightly when his fingers brushed her neck.

    “Better?” Lex asked softly.

    She stared up at him and suddenly the situation was too much for her. He was too close. She needed to put space between then. Because if he kept looking at her like that, she was going to cave and do something she’d regret in the morning. “Um... actually I should be heading back in. My date’s probably wondering where I disappeared too.” She slipped off his coat and handed it back to him, smiling gently.

    “It was nice seeing you Lex,” she stood on her toes and gave him a chaste kiss on his cheek, then quickly turned to go back inside.

    “Chloe...” Lex called.

    She froze in her spot when she heard him call her name. She turned around slowly. “Yes?”

    “About that day... the day of our break-up...” Lex trailed off and stuck his hands in his pockets.

    Chloe smiled softly to herself at this. Something she had discovered rather quickly about Lex was when he was uncomfortable, his hands would automatically go to his pockets.

    “Are we going to do this?” She asked softly, not able to meet his eyes.

    “Shouldn’t we?” He replied, stepping closer to her.

    “Lex don’t do this,” she half pleaded. “It took me so long to get over you... and now I finally am. I don’t hurt anymore. So, let’s just say goodbye and part on decent terms. Okay?”

    Lex bowed his head and heard the retreat of her heals again. “No,” he suddenly said.

    She froze once again and turned around, confusion on her face. “No?”

    “I don’t want to part on good terms Chloe.”

    “Would you rather me smack you and walk away?” She joked, trying to lighten the mood. But Lex didn’t smile.

    “Don’t joke Chloe. I’m being serious,” he sighed and ran a hand over his head. “I had convinced myself that I was over you... but seeing you tonight, I know it’s not ture. I’m not over you Chloe. I never was.”


    “Just let me get this out, please,” he interrupted, taking a few steps until he was standing in front of her. “There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t think of you. Think of what I gave up when I pushed you away. Leaving you is the biggest mistake I’ve ever made and I’d do anything to take it back. To have the life I had with you back.” Unable to resist, he reached up and caressed her cheek with the back of his hand.

    Chloe’s breath caught in her throat and she could feel the tears threatning to spill over onto her cheeks. For the longest time after theyd broken up, she’d dreamed of this happening. Dreamed that Lex would realize how stupid he’d been and come running back to her.

    “It figures,” she mumbled.

    “What does?” Lex asked softly, tracing the curves of her face.

    “It figures that you’d tell me this now that I’m over you. Dammit Lex, I’m *over* you. Don’t you get it?” Tears escaped her eyelids and trailed down her cheeks.

    “No, I don’t get it Chloe.” Lex replied in a stern voice. “How can you get over what we had together?”

    Chloe scoffed, pulling away from his touch. “And what did we have together Lex? A *month* before our fucking *wedding* you tell me that you don’t love me. What is that? Is there something I don’t know about? Some reason why you ripped out my heart, hammered it into a billion pieces and then threw it in the blender? Cause if there is, by all means, tell me cause I’m dying to know!” She exclaimed, tears falling freely now. “Tell me why, after three and a half years, you didn’t love me?”

    “But I did,” Lex whispered.

    “Bullshit Lex. You flat out told me you didn’t love me.”

    “Because I was scared shitless!” He yelled out suddenly, surprising even himself. “I was scared of admitting it to myself and I was scared of what came along with admitting it to you.”

    Admitting what Lex? That you loved me? Even now you can’t even admit it.”

    “Not loved, Chloe. Love.”

    Chloe thought her heart stopped. Her blood ran cold. Love? As in present tense. Not loved, but love. “What?”

    “I love you Chloe.” Lex whispered, taking her face in his hands again. “I loved you then and I haven’t stopped loving you. And I don’t think I ever will.” He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips. Then another. And another. Until they were heavily kissing and clinging on to each other. When the need for air became to great, he pulled away and stared at his little spit fire in his arms. “Are you really over me Chloe? There’s still something there. I felt it and I know you had to of felt it,” he paused and took a deep breath. “I’m going to walk away now... and if you’re still my smart little Chloe, you’ll realize what was behind that kiss and what it meant... and follow me home.” With that, he released her and walked back through the door, disappearing from her sight.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    14 Nov 2003
    And let the smut begin! :biggrin:

    Seriously though, this was a beautiful story. I loved your first two parts. The way you described Lex and Chloe's relationship was very them-two strong, independent personalities. I'm anxiously awaiting the third part of your story. Wonderful.

  4. #4
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    26 Mar 2003
    oh that was lovely *claps hands happily*

    I hope you continue it soon, and to quote Jenmar 'let the smut begin!'


  5. #5
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    Oh wow this is good. Please smut I want smut :biggrin:

    Hope :chlexsign2:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  6. #6
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    Chloe! Go with him! She can't be over him! She just can't! Great job can't wait for the smut.

  7. #7
    Escapeism Artist Senior Member asharnanae's Avatar
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    Cambridgeshire, England.
    :biggrin: yay! this one great!! :yay: :worship2:

  8. #8
    Join Date
    18 Nov 2003
    Oh I'm almost in tears, this soooo sweet I love it. Lex would seem the type to freeze up when the 'L' word comes up, like most men would. *scoffs loudly* And Chloe being all strong and stuuf, gotta love a strong woman. And hopefully with the next chapter, you'll bring the smut on! Please update soon, this is the best. *virtual high five*

  9. #9
    Just a Guest!
    ~rubs hands together gleefully~ Bring on the smut!


  10. #10
    Hopelessly Addicted georgee5's Avatar
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    14 Sep 2003
    Hudson Bay, SK, CANADA!!!
    Oh my! Are you sure this shouldn't be in the angst category? You got my heart all a pitter-patter wondering what's going to happen next.

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