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Thread: End Game 1/1 (Completed) PG15-R

  1. #1
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
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    Australia desu!
    End Game pg 15-R
    End of a trilogy.
    Standard disclaimers Apply
    Archive: Go for it
    Spoilers: None. You may want to read Who Wins and Through the Looking Glass to get this…
    Summary: Who wins? Lex or Bruce. You decide.
    Warning: EVIL LEX!!

    End Game 1/1

    “He’ll come for me.”

    Those were her very words to him when he brought her to his island fortress two months ago. Taking her was quite simple, all that was needed was a group of people being held hostage by a mad bomber in Gotham University, and Batman came to the rescue, leaving his very pregnant wife vulnerable. Even his butler didn’t stand a chance when his men raided the Wayne mansion, with strict instruction from Lex that the woman was not to be harmed.

    He remembered the way Chloe looked when she looked up at him, proud and defiant, her hands protecting her belly. “You’ll never get away with this, Lex.”

    He smiled as he walked closer to her. “I already have, Chloe.”

    Chloe stepped away from him as he moved forward. “Why?”

    Lex shrugged as Chloe’s back hit a wall, and he tucked a stray lock of blond hair behind her ears. “Because you’re mine.”

    “I don’t belong to you.”

    Lex smirked as he moved closer, never loosing eye contact with Chloe. “That can change.”

    “I don’t love you.”

    “That’s not really important to me. As long as you’re not with Wayne, this is good enough for me.”

    Chloe narrowed her eyes as she looked at him in disbelief. “What happened to you, Lex? You just can’t take me away from my life!”

    “I can and I did.”

    “You’re crazy! Just what are you planning to do? Lock me up in a dungeon?”

    Lex moved away to the mini bar and poured himself a scotch before replying. “On the contrary, Chloe. You’re free to roam wherever you like. Just be careful, we wouldn’t want anything to happen to that little bundle of joy, do we?”

    For the first time since her abduction, Chloe’s face revealed a hint of fear. “What are you planning, Lex? Don’t you dare touch my baby!”

    The memory ended as another explosion rocked the outside perimeter, and Lex watched as Superman, Batman and Spiderman storm the entrance, their other allies outside to face his henchmen. He smirked as he watched the Dark Knight call out Chloe’s name. He was very welcome to find Chloe, but he knew that there was no way he would ever take Chloe away.


    “Chloe!” Bruce called out as he looked at one room to another. While Superman has the advantage of X-ray vision, he had to rely on simpler and more time consuming methods to find his wife. His cape flowed behind him as he opened one door, and another, until he reached the end of the corridor. He gripped the knob tight and pushed it open.


    The woman turned around, pale and a tear-streaked face stared back at him. “Bruce?”

    Bruce wasted no time as he rushed to his wife and held her in his arms. She sobbed as he held her, and a feeling of dread came to him when he realised that Chloe would have given birth by now. “Chloe?”

    “He took my baby, Bruce. I tried to stop him, I swear I did… I..”

    “Shhh.” Bruce silenced Chloe with a simple kiss as he held her tighter. When he gets his hand on Luthor, he’d make sure that the bastard would pay.

    “I knew you’d come for me.”

    Despite his costume, he could feel the warmth of her body as she circled her arms around him. “Take me home, Bruce. Just take me home.”

    Bruce didn’t say anything as he scooped her frail form in his arms and walked out of the room, just in time to see Superman landing before him. “Oh god, Chloe…”

    “I’m taking her away from here…”

    Superman nodded. “We’ll take care of everything here.” Clark finished. “Take her home.”

    “She is home.”

    Both men turned to see Lex walking towards them so casually, as if he hasn’t committed a crime.

    “Luthor.” Bruce said the name with cold venom as he held Chloe tighter. “Where’s our baby?”

    “The baby is fine. I’m sure the family that adopted him will treat him quite well.” Lex replied.
    “He’s the perfect image of Chloe.”

    “You had no right to take our son away from us.”

    Lex ignored Bruce as he looked at Chloe. “I hope you’re not planning on taking Chloe away from here. I wouldn’t recommend it.”

    Clark looked at Lex and stepped in front of Bruce, to take Chloe away from Lex’s line of sight. “You have to be kidding if you think we’re going to leave Chloe with you!”

    Lex looked at Clark for a moment and compared him with Bruce. “She always had the thing for tall, dark haired heroes.” He commented out loud and Clark narrowed his eyes at Lex.

    “Is this what this is about? You were the one that cheated on her, Lex.”

    Lex looked Clark coldly. “I could have made it work.”

    “You were the one that ended the relationship…”

    “No, I wanted to cool off. She was the one that walked away from me.”

    Clark shook his head at Lex. “If you love her, you should just let her go.”

    Lex smirked. “That’s your motto, Superman. Not mine.”

    Bruce adjusted his hold on Chloe as he passed by Clark. “I’m not staying any longer. I need to take my wife home.”

    Clark saw Lex’s eyes darken at Bruce’s words. “Go ahead and take her home, Batman… if you want to kill her, that is.”

    Bruce stopped in his tracks. The smirk of Lex grew wider. “Did I forget to mention that Chloe can’t leave the island?”

    “What have you done to her?” Bruce demanded as he faced Lex. His jaw was squared, his anger radiating in waves.

    “She was sick. The pregnancy was hard on her, as well as the labour. The only medicine that keeps her alive is found in this island. The leaves and the sap needs to be fresh from the trees if they were to work.” Lex explained. “I did what I have to do to save her. Those medicines are the only thing that’s keeping her alive. If you take her, you take her life.”

    Bruce wanted nothing more than to kill Lex Luthor. “I don’t believe you.”

    Lex shrugged. “Then don’t.”

    “Take me home, Bruce.”

    Bruce looked away from Lex as he moved further away from the other men . “Chloe?”

    “Take me home. Just take me home.”

    “Is it true? Is what he said true?”

    Chloe nodded as she reached out and traced his lips with her fingers. “I’m dying.”

    “We’ll get the best doctors when we get back…”

    Chloe shook his head. “Bruce, that medicine keeps me alive, but I’m still dying.”

    Bruce didn’t say anything as Chloe continued to trace his lips with her fingers. He used his other hand to take the mask off, and Chloe smiled at him. “My hero.”

    “I’m no hero.”

    Chloe closed her eyes and opened them again. “I love you…”

    “We’ll find a way, Chloe.”

    Chloe just shook her head. “We never did get to make-out in your Batmobile.”

    Bruce didn’t know if he should laugh or cry. “I won’t loose you, Chloe…”

    “You’ll never loose me, Bruce.” Chloe said softly as she closed her eyes. “I want to go home. Please.”

    In that moment, Bruce knew that he would deny her nothing. He stood up and started walking away.

    “You’re willing to kill her?”

    Bruce didn’t turn around. “I’m setting her free. You’ll never be able to hurt her again, Luthor.” He knew he didn’t have to turn around. Superman can take care of Lex Luthor, but one day, he would make the bastard pay.

    He continued to walk back to his boat, his comrades making way for him, making sure no harm come to him or his sleeping wife. He promised her father that he would give Chloe everything she could ever want. He wasn’t going to break that promise now. He was going to let Chloe go, because he loves her and knowing she’ll be in pain and in danger outweighs his own selfish needs. As Bruce sped away from the island, he glanced at the woman that stole his heart.

    “We’re going home.”

    End Fic

    Hmmm. I’m not sure if I mentioned this here, but I actually don’t remember Lex Luthor in Lois and Clark. My friend told me about certain episodes, but I just can’t remember. One of the episodes she told me about was when Lois and Clark got married, and a few episodes down, we find out that it wasn’t exactly Lois that Clark married. So I thought, why not… he is *evil* by this point in time.

    Love it or hate it, please tell me… but please be nice!!!

  2. #2
    bored and dangerous Senior Member sabby's Avatar
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    Sittin by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere...
    So if you mean what I think you mean, does this mean there will be a next part? That would be interesting, and well I like the idea that I have now, if it is the same idea that you have. So what I actually wanted to say was...

    Great piece, sequel please?`


  3. #3
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    Ok that was interesting and scary good job. :huh:

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  4. #4
    odd duck
    Join Date
    01 Dec 2002
    That was really well done. Lex can be very scary when he is evil/insane. Poor Chloe and Bruce though.

  5. #5
    Angel undercover!
    Join Date
    04 Mar 2003
    Yes, that was some pretty hard stuff that you threw at us. Still, I can't wait to read some more of your work, so hurry up and write some. :biggrin:

  6. #6
    NS Full Member
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    02 Mar 2003
    I can't help it, I still love psycho Lex. I know, he's evil and wrong and stuff. I've got issues, what can I say?


  7. #7
    NS Full Member arkakitty's Avatar
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    Re: End Game 1/1 (Completed) PG15-R

    Oh evil :]

    But he always had that dark side, so who cares?

    Loved the three parts because of the style and the plot anyway

  8. #8
    storie girl Senior Member starmoon's Avatar
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    Re: End Game 1/1 (Completed) PG15-R

    that was so sad i wish lex was good and i am happy that chloe will be free even if she dies everyone deserves freedom no matter what.

  9. #9
    Lex's Devoted Love Slave darkangel's Avatar
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    11 Jun 2005

    Re: End Game 1/1 (Completed) PG15-R

    I am sorry that she is dying but at least she will be free and that is the most important thing.

  10. #10

    Re: End Game 1/1 (Completed) PG15-R

    Thank you for this amazing story! I loved the fact that so many superheros came to rescue Chloe. I'm sorry that she's dying, and that Lex kidnapped her.

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