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Thread: Love Potion No.9 [PG-13/R maybe] (23rd Nov 2008)

  1. #1
    Wannabe Superhero Ultra's Avatar
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    Love Potion No.9 [PG-13/R maybe] (23rd Nov 2008)

    A/N : So, I needed to write something with humour and lots of Chlexy fun after the emotional torture I put myself an everybody else through with 'Such Good Times'. Trouble is, humour isn't easy to write, at least not for me, and I tend not to go in for the really smutty stuff either. I started, I stopped, I went back and forth, I made plans and abandoned them, and started all over again! Finally, I think I have a plan, and this is the first chapter of the story that will be my big attempt at humour and sexy Chlexiness. I have rated it 'PG-13/R maybe' because it might get a little racy, but I'm not so sure it'll really be R-rated, because I don't really write that kind of thing... Anywho, enough rambling! Please forgive the very short, teaser-type beginning. More will follow soon, but please bear with me as I'm also writing two Veronica Mars fics and a series of That 70s Show fics at the same time as this one, and I also have a life... kind of

    Chapter 1

    “Okay, not to be picky, but I’m pretty sure I asked for just water...” Chloe said, as she held her glass up to the light and eyed it suspiciously.

    Since it was both unlikely and obvious that it wasn’t the glass that was pink in colour, that suggested the liquid inside had the rosy hue that was making the blonde a little nervous. Not that she thought her friend, Lex, was trying to ply her with anything dangerous. There were many who would accuse the billionaire of such a thing, but not Chloe. The unlikely pair had become pretty good friends as they stood side by side against the common foe of his father, Lionel, to the point where Daddy Dearest was now in jail and Lex had pretty much saved Chloe’s life by faking her death and keeping her in a safe house over what could easily have been a very dangerous Summer.

    Now, back in Smallville, Chloe had got into the habit of returning the favour of regularly visiting Lex at the mansion, the way he had been her constant reminder of home each weekend at the safe house. Heaven only knew how they found so much to talk about, or what it was that held the two together as good friends, but something did, and Chloe wasn’t about to start questioning it. She did however have more than one question about the drink she currently held in her hand.

    “I have to say I was a little sceptical when I agreed to purchase the product” Lex smirked as he sat down in the chair opposite her, his own glass in his hand, “but given that the water is from a local source, and I’m all for supporting the local businesses...”

    “Lex Luthor, friend to the common man” Chloe said, sarcasm lacing every word, which rather more amused Lex than offended him, as was her intention.

    “I promise you, Chloe, it’s just water” he told her, “I’m guessing the pink is some kind of marketing ploy, even if it is far too early for Valentines Day” he said, reaching behind the couch for the bottle the water had come in, “Here, see for yourself if you don’t believe me” he said as he handed it to her.

    Chloe looked quickly at the label that proclaimed the water was indeed locally sourced and completely natural. She felt a little silly as Lex stared at her with a smirk on his lips that she’d happily wipe off given half the chance. Putting the bottle on the table, she held her glass out to him as if to make a toast.

    “I’m brave enough if you are” she said, returning his smile as he clinked his glass against hers.

    “Cheers” he said as they both drank at last, and found that the substance they swallowed really must be just water, it certainly didn’t taste any different to the regular kind.

    Of course, these things could be deceiving in a town like Smallville, and they both should’ve known it. Chloe and Lex had both experienced enough strange happenings in the leafy little hamlet to know better than to trust anything or anyone that looked a little unusual. Of course, Chloe thought to herself, that was highly unfair. Lex himself didn’t exactly look normal in the traditional sense, as there were very few young men his age with no hair at all. ‘Not that he looks bad’ she said to herself as he excused himself to go and take a call, and Chloe watched him walk out of the room, finding her eyes drawn to how good his butt looked in his tailored pants.

    Realising what she was doing, Chloe turned her eyes away and concentrated on drinking her water, that seemed to be a much safer option. Of course her head just did a full circuit back around to weird things in Smallville, people affected by the meteors, Lex’s baldness, and how damn sexy he really was. Chloe found herself a little taken aback by her own thoughts as she found herself wondering if Lex lost all his hair in the meteor shower...

    With her mind taking a trip down a very naked road, Chloe felt herself coming over hot and downed the rest of her water, getting up to fetch more immediately. She found her hands were shaking as she tried to pour herself another drink and felt stupid for it. How she’d come to get so hot and bothered over Lex Luthor when he wasn’t even in the room was beyond her. Sure, they’d been spending a lot of time together lately, but for the most part it had all been very business-like. They could be considered friends of a kind, she supposed, but never more than that. Not that Chloe hadn’t thought about it.

    Despite the fact she was alone in the room, Chloe blushed as she recalled a couple of choice dreams she’d had lately about the young Mr Luthor. Still, she’d just put that down to her vivid imagination, needing a man more desperately than she thought, and not being blind or gay because, hell, you’d have to be one or the other to not notice how hot the bald billionaire was.

    “Sorry about that” the man himself apologised as he returned to the room, finishing off the glass of water he’d taken with him before, “Now, where were we?” he asked, trying to recall as he came to stand beside Chloe and reached for the bottle to pour himself another drink.

    He didn’t notice she was making the same move he was, perhaps because he was oddly distracted by her eyes that hadn’t left him since he entered the room. The result was that his fingers landed on hers rather than the glass of the water bottle, and the two of them reacted as if they’d been burnt, pulling their hands away at the same moment and sending the bottle crashing onto the hard floor, where it smashed into pieces.

    Jumping back to avoid being hit by flying glass, Chloe found her back up against Lex who hadn’t felt the need to move. His hands shot out to her arms to stop her falling and suddenly Chloe found herself in a position she didn’t want to get out of. Lex was scarcely less eager to let go of the girl in his arms, feeling he’d waited too long to have her there somehow.

    He wasn’t so blind he’d never noticed what an attractive young woman she was. Clark may be immune to her beauty and brains, so caught up was he by the apparent wonder that was Lana Lang. Lex himself found the raven-haired girl to be little more than above-average in looks, and certainly lacking in too many other areas for him to have any serious interest in her. Chloe on the other hand was one young woman he found himself drawn too, at this moment more than any other, as she turned in his arms and gazed up at him with wide innocent eyes that held a fire the like of which he hadn’t seen there or anywhere before.

    “Lex...” she said softly, as his hands slid down her arms and landed at her waist, holding her body close to his own.

    She licked her lips, anticipating his next move and was not disappointed as he dipped his head and covered her mouth with his own in a searing kiss.

    * * * * *

    Clark wasn’t really all that worried when Chloe didn’t answer her cell. There were a hundred reasonable explanations, of course. The phone could be in her purse on the other side of the room or even in a different room where she wouldn’t hear it. She might have it on silent, or there might be some reason why she was ignoring the call. What worried Clark much more than Chloe not answering her cell was that Lex wasn’t answering his either, and when he called the landline at the mansion he was told that Mr Luthor was ‘currently unavailable’ by some butler type with a stuffy tone of voice.

    Clark checked his watch and realised it was now over half an hour since he first called Chloe. She had specified that time for him to call to see if she needed picking up from Lex’s place yet. With her car in the shop, Clark had become her unofficial chauffeur, and though Lex had offered to ensure she got home safely in one of his many cars, she had insisted on arrival that Clark would come get her when she was ready to leave, since they had plans for later anyway.

    Knowing the worse was prone to happening in Smallville, Clark decided to head over to the mansion anyway and see what was going on. Slipping past security without too much trouble using his super-speed, Clark was soon in the house and headed for Lex’s office.

    Ducking around a corner to avoid the staff, the farm boy checked the coast was clear and continued on down the hall. He felt better when he reached the door to Lex’s office and heard laughter he knew to be Chloe’s own. Feeling it unnecessary to x-ray through into room before entering, since all must be fine, Clark swung open the doors, and immediately wished he hadn’t.

    The sight that met young Clark Kent’s eyes burnt far more than his heat vision ever had. Never had he imagined he would walk in on such a scene, and he almost would have preferred to find violence and carnage awaited him - at least he knew how to deal with that! This had him stuck to the spot and speechless as he stared across the room at his two friends who were, as far as he could tell, making out on the pool table?!

    To Be Continued...
    Last edited by Ultra; 23rd November 2008 at 19:35.

  2. #2
    Dealing w/ a Ship Change Senior Member
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    Re: Love Potion No.9 [PG-13/R maybe] (22/06/08)

    Cool! That pheromone finally got put in the right drinks! Clark, just shut the door quietly and walk away. I have a feeling Chloe is going to be there awhile longer. YAY! New Happy Fic!

  3. #3
    NS Full Member dagney's Avatar
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    Re: Love Potion No.9 [PG-13/R maybe] (22/06/08)

    giggle drinks all round. Poor Clark lol dagney

  4. #4
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Love Potion No.9 [PG-13/R maybe] (22/06/08)

    Yeah new fic and it is good. I loved it. Go Chloe and Lex and Clark walk away please.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  5. #5
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: Love Potion No.9 [PG-13/R maybe] (22/06/08)

    This is an awesome beginning!

    So I guess the pink colored drink was a little more then water

    Can't wait to see what happens next.

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  6. #6
    Members Starangel148's Avatar
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    Re: Love Potion No.9 [PG-13/R maybe] (22/06/08)

    Great start! Can't wait for the next chapter to see how this turns out.

  7. #7
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    Re: Love Potion No.9 [PG-13/R maybe] (22/06/08)

    Despite the fact that Chloe and Lex should have known better than to drink something local, I'm very happy they did anyway. Of course, Chloe had a lot more to drink than Lex, so will Lex snap out of it first? Or is what happened based more on their own feelings than on the drink? And can Clark please not interupt and let them finish what they started on the pool table?

  8. #8
    NS Full Member itsjustXchar's Avatar
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    Re: Love Potion No.9 [PG-13/R maybe] (22/06/08)

    Where can I purchase some of this water? Or do I have to live in Smallville??
    Hehe I love that damn pool table =P

  9. #9
    NS Full Member Sunflower's Avatar
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    Re: Love Potion No.9 [PG-13/R maybe] (22/06/08)

    Yeah another fanfic!! This is a great chapter! RedK water? I thought Lex was smarter than that. But since it brings him 'closer' to Chloe, I'm all for it!
    And I agree, poor Clark!

  10. #10
    NS Full Member SVfan1286's Avatar
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    Re: Love Potion No.9 [PG-13/R maybe] (22/06/08)

    Chloe and Lex should both know not to drink or eat anything from Smallville! But I love that they did. *grins* And poor Clark walking in on the Chlex making out on the pool table... but that's what you get for not knocking. Lol

    Great start, to what seems to be another awesome story. I look forward to reading more!!

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