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Thread: Lex and Teddies (R)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    10 Jul 2005

    Lex and Teddies (R) Complete

    Lex and Teddies
    Summary: Chloe helps Lex get over his obsession with teddy bears. How will he cope?
    Disclaimers: I do not own Smallville
    Rating: PG
    Spoilers: None

    Chapter One:
    Lex Luthor was staring endlessly at a teddy bear in the toy store. He was admiring its shape and he kept touching its soft fuzzy fur. A small kid pointed to it.

    "That's the one I want mommy!" Lex saw that it was the last one and the mother grabbed it and gave it to the young boy. Lex with all the fury in the world he pulled the teddy and the boy tugged it back.

    "Mine!" Lex shouted like a little boy.
    "Mommy! This mean ol bald guy is being mean!" The young boy shouted and Chloe came and pulled Lex off of the teddy bear, leaving the young boy to cry to his mother.
    "Well I never!" The mother said rudely to Lex and she hurriedly payed for the teddy and walked out. Lex watched the teddy leave and he could've had it for himself.

    "Lex Luthor!" Chloe scolded and Lex gave a pouty face.
    "That was my teddy Chloe!" He shouted in her face and she jerked her head back from that.
    "Lex how old are you?" Chloe said and she was yelling a bit.
    "I don't care Chloe." Lex said pouting and he stomped out of the toy store and Chloe followed him. She was shocked at his behavior in there. She knew of his obsession with teddies, but she didn't know it was this bad.
    "Lex you have a thousand teddies at home. You don't need anymore." Chloe said and she tried to calm him down. She rubbed his arm. Lex still felt mad about that teddy being ripped out of his arms. He needed that teddy so bad.

    "Let's go home." Chloe said as she grabbed his hand and started to walk, only to find herself being pulled back.
    "I don't want to go home." Lex said in a pouty stern tone. He wasn't going anywhere.
    "If I buy you a teddy will you come home?" Chloe said and Lex nodded his head yes. Lex and Chloe went back into the store and Lex went to another aisle. Chloe had picked out a teddy and when she saw him standing by the care bears, she shook her head no. Lex's eyes were widden with amazement. He had no idea they existed until now.

    "Chloe, I must have all of them!" Lex said seriously and amazed. Chloe put her hand on her forehead. 'Why did I ever buy him his first teddy?' She groaned in her thoughts.
    "I'll buy you one." Chloe said while throwing her teddy on the shelf. Lex glared at her evilly for treating a teddy that way.
    "How dare you treat the teddies that way!" He said angrilly while picking up the teddy and stroking its fur.

    "Don't listen to the mean ol lady." Lex said cutely. Chloe scoffed.
    "Which one do you want?" Chloe said annoyingly. There was no bargoning with this guy.
    "I told you all of them." Chloe couldn't believe his behavior.
    "I only have the money for one."
    "Fine, then I'll buy them all."
    "Lex Luthor! You need to get a grip on yourself!"
    "You need to give up your obsession with teddy bears." Lex didn't like the sound of that.

    Ok that's all I have so far. What do you think? I think it's cheesey.. lol Lex and teddy bears. Haha..

  2. #2
    Lex's Devoted Love Slave darkangel's Avatar
    Join Date
    11 Jun 2005

    Re: Lex and Teddies (PG)

    It's an interesting start......Lex and teddies.......when I read that I wasn't thinking about teddy bears but anyways great start. Please update soon. .

  3. #3
    NS Full Member meg20's Avatar
    Join Date
    11 Nov 2004

    Re: Lex and Teddies (PG)

    cool story and I want more!

  4. #4
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002

    Re: Lex and Teddies (PG) (1/2)

    Its cheesy but funny. LOL!
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  5. #5
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    29 Mar 2004

    Re: Lex and Teddies (PG) (1/2)

    maybe she could wean him off with an introduction to another type of teddy


  6. #6
    Join Date
    10 Jul 2005

    Re: Lex and Teddies (PG) (1/2)

    Chapter Two: Getting over his obsession

    The next day Chloe and Lex went in to the counceling center, and Lex was being fussy about going in. He didn't want to get over his obsession. He liked teddies way too much to give them up. When he was visiting Chloe he had withdraws and Chloe had packed her stuffed animals away. The two walked into the counceling office and they sat down on the chairs, facing the doctor's desk. He was getting out some pieces of paper to take notes. He sighed.

    "Mr. Luthor why do you like teddy bears so much?" The doctor asked and Lex fidgeted in his chair. He looked away from the doctor and Chloe.
    "Lex if you cooroperate I'll buy you another teddy."
    "Ms. Sullivan I don't think bribing him with teddies is going to help. He's trying to get over his obsession, not influence it."
    "Shoot! So that's what I've been doing wrong." Chloe fessed up.
    "Lex did she always bribe you with teddies?" The doctor asked.
    "Yes. She's the one that got me addicted and now she's trying to get off of them. I can't just throw them all away, I love them so much. I like the feeling of their fur against my skin. It makes me feel all tingly inside." Chloe felt embarrassed and put her hand on her forehead and lowered her head, to hide her red cheeks.
    "I suggest you try to live a day with out seeing and touching any teddy bears." Lex didn't like the sound to that.
    "What?! You know I can't live with out those teddy bears! I just descovered Care Bears for crying out loud!" Lex about shouted. He was angry and he couldn't live with out those teddies.
    "Darn those stupid care bears." Chloe muttered.
    "Mr. Luthor please do this for your own sake." The doctor pleaded.
    "Yes Lex. If you do I'll sleep with you." Chloe would do anything to get him off of those teddies. Lex gave a smile when he heard that.
    "I'll do my best doctor."

    Chloe and Lex were in his "teddy room" in his mansion, and Chloe was packing away his teddies. He watched in horror as they went into boxes. He didn't even get a care bear. He was disappointed about that.

    "It's for your own good Lex. There are plenty of other things you could do." Chloe had one thing in mind.
    "Like what?" Lex snapped.
    "We could kiss. You've always liked kissing me." Chloe said as she began packing the teddies.
    "I did miss that. Let me see if it works." Chloe stopped packing the teddies and Lex went to kiss her. Lex still felt his teddy crave. He pulled from her lips.

    "Nope it didn't work." Chloe was frusterated and she was desprate to get him off of those stupid teddies. She began packing up his teddies and Lex grabbed a small one and held it in his hand. He smiled at it and he would miss it. Chloe was finished packing.
    "Lex, please." Chloe begged. Lex reluctantly gave her the teddy and she put it in the box, with the rest of the teddies. He was having withdraws already. He kept envisioning teddies in his mind and he missed them so much.

    "Are you ok?" Chloe asked and Lex shook his head no. He looked so sad and he needed his teddies.
    "You really like those teddies don't you? Why?" She asked.
    "They remind me of you and that's why I like them so much."
    "Lex I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere."
    "I know. I guess I was a fool to love them so much." Lex said disappointedly.
    "No you weren't. I was the one who started this, and I'm going to help you get over this. You can do this Lex you can break your teddy crave." Chloe said encouragely and Lex felt a little better.
    "Let's do something to get your mind off of those teddies." Chloe suggested.
    "Like what?" Lex asked wondering what she was up too.
    "We could make out. I missed doing that."

    They spent several hours in Lex's bedroom and he never thought about those teddies durring their intense make out session. Chloe and Lex lay beside each other in the bed under the covers.

    "Lex the day is almost over and you made it with out those teddies." Chloe said proudly.
    "That's because I have you to thank for. You cured me Chloe." Lex said seriously and they both smiled at each other. Chloe was relieved and thanked God.

    The End!

    Thanks for the feed back guys. This story should've been in the short stories section. It only has two chaps. *hints to mods*

  7. #7
    Lex's Devoted Love Slave darkangel's Avatar
    Join Date
    11 Jun 2005

    Re: Lex and Teddies (R)

    This is so sweet.

  8. #8
    NS Full Member ggdoll18's Avatar
    Join Date
    30 Apr 2005

    Re: Lex and Teddies (R)

    so weird but i loved it

  9. #9
    Join Date
    10 Jul 2005

    Re: Lex and Teddies (R)

    I know I thought it was cheesey too. I had this idea about Lex and teddy bears lol.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    01 Dec 2004
    Ontario, Canada

    Re: Lex and Teddies (R)

    It's a cheesy fic and while I normally love cheesy fics like this I think that this one could have been executed a lot better. You really need to invest in a spellchecker, plenty of free programs like Wordtabs and Open Office (I personally adore OO) come complete with spell check. I counted many instances where words were not spelled properly, and they weren't simple typos.

    The plot could have been fleshed out a bit more but still contained within two-three chapters.

    You might want to look into getting a beta, or if you already have one ditching her/him because they aren't doing their job and finding a better one.

    Like I said, I like the story, I think it's actually quite cute and rather sweet. Of course when I read the title I didn't think Teddy Bears *wink* *wink* But I was pleasantly surprised to find out that they were Teddy Bears

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