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Thread: Sequel To Betrayal (PG)

  1. #1
    Just a Guest!

    Sequel To Betrayal (PG)

    There it is !
    Disclaimer ; nothing is mine
    Thanks to hope and carmen for their help !

    Sequel to Betrayal

    Chloe was sitting in the barn, next to Clark. She was looking at the stars. She was thinking about Lex.

    One year later, she still dreamt of him. She loved him. She was with Clark, but she wanted the man who left because of her. The man who cheated on her, the man she forgave because she loved him.

    Clark looked at her sadly. He knew what she was thinking about. He loved Chloe, but he was seeing her heart belonged to someone else. He sighed quietly, and leaned forward to kiss her. She responded, of course: he was her boyfriend.

    Suddenly, he kneeled in front of her. Surprised, Chloe said:

    - Clark ? What are you doing ?

    He didn’t answer but instead gave her a little box. She opened it, and opened her mouth in shock. It was a beautiful two karat sapphire ring with diamonds surrounding it. She looked at Clark, and he smiled shyly.

    - Chloe, he whispered. Will you ... will you marry me ?

    Chloe didn’t say anything. She was speechless. She hadn’t expect this at all. Clark looked at her, and said :

    - I know you love him but you will forget him. I love you so much. My love will make you forget him.

    - Clark, I don’t know what to say, she whispered.

    - Say yes, he answered quietly.

    A tear fell down Chloe’s cheek, and Clark understood. He took the box, and Chloe said :

    - Clark I’m sorry.

    - It’s okay, Clark said, but he didn’t sound like he meant the words. I knew since the beginning. I know you’d never get over him.

    - Clark ...

    - No. I understand.

    He stood up and looked away to hide the look of pain in his eyes. Chloe bit her lip with guilt. Clark started to leave. Suddeny he stopped and said :

    - He is coming back.

    - What ?

    - Lex is coming back. He called me yesterday. He will be in town for three days next week. It will be your chance then.

    - Clark,I don’t want to go back to Lex, Chloe whispered. I’m with you.

    - Not anymore.

    Chloe looked up at him. He turned around and left.

    Back in Smallville. Lex couldn’t believe he asked himself to go back for this business trip. What did he expect ? That she would run in his arms and tell him she loved him forever ?
    He was supposed to meet Clark at the Talon. The Talon ... he hoped she wouldn’t be there, though he wanted her to be ... He didn’t know exactly what he wanted.
    When he entered the Talon, he saw Clark sitting alone. He had a weird look on his face. Lex remebered his tone when he called him. He sounded upset. Was it possible that he and Chloe had broken up ? “God I hope so, Lex thought. No, don’t think that. Clark is your friend. “
    He walked towards Clark. The younger boy smiled sadly,at Lex . Lex sat in front of him and said :
    - It’s good to see you.

    - Yes you to. How are you ?

    - Fine. And you ?

    Clark sighed and said :

    - I asked Chloe to marry me.

    Inside Lex felt like his jaw dropped. Wow. This was unexpected he said to himself.

    - And ... what did she say ?

    - She said no.

    - Oh.

    Lex felt releaved even though he felt guilty about that feeling. He sighed and said :

    - Well maybe she’s not ready. You’re still young.

    - It’s not because we’re young. She’s in love with you.

    “ Oh my god, Lex thought. “

    - Clark, what are you talking about ?

    - She loves you , Clark answered straightly. And you still love her. That’s why you came back I guess.

    “He’s right. I wanted to see her ... But I can’t. I cannot hurt my best friend. Can I ?”
    - Clark, I think you ...

    - No I know I’m right. And ...

    - Hey guys.

    Lana walked towards them. She looked at Lex and said :

    - Clark told me you were back.

    - For a while.

    Suddenly, Lex remembered the things he told her, and the way she was angry at him even if he apologised. He tried a thin smile and said :

    - We’ll take two coffees thanks.

    - Okay. Lex ... it’s kinda good to see you I guess.

    - Thanks Lana.

    The brunette walked away and Clark sighed :

    - Did you know she was dating Pete ?

    - Really ?

    - Yes. Kinda surprising. But they are happy together, so I guess I am too.

    Clark looked Lex in the eyes and said seriously :

    - Lex Chloe loves you. And I love her, and I want her to be happy.

    - Clark ...

    - She only can be happy with you Lex. I tried to replace you but I just ... couldn’t.
    He sounded hurt and Lex felt sorry for him. He truely loved Chloe. “So do I, Lex thought.”

    - But ... Lex said. I left because I realized that I can’t make her happy. I cheated on her, I made her cry Clark. When she went to you I was mad at myself and wanted her back but then ... I realised she isn’t for me.

    - You’re right, Clark said coldly. She isn’t for you. But she wants you.

    - I can’t take the risk just to hurt her again. No, I just can’t ...

    - Lex, Clark said seriously. That’s what you’re doing . When you’re away from her you hurt her. I love her. And I don’t want to hurt anymore.

    - Why are you doing this Clark ? You love her. And now you want me to ... steal her from you.
    Clark gave him a thin smile and said :

    - You didn't steal her.I never had her to begin with.You always had her heart. I want her to be happy. I will feel better if I knew she was with someone she loves. And she does Lex. You cheated on her yet she is still in love with you. I am not happy about it but I know it is you she wants and I love her too much to not give her what she truly wants.
    Lex smiled. Suddenly he saw Lana waving behind the counter :

    - Hey Chloe !

    Lex turned out and saw her. “Wow, he thought. “ She was just wearing a plain black sweater and grey pants, but he found her gorgeous though. She saw him.
    She knew he was in town, but she hadn’t expected to see him there. Lex smiled at her, and the world outside seemed to disappear. She returned his smile, and he stood up, forgetting Clark who was watching with a hurt look on his face. He walked towards her and said softly :

    - Chloe I’m sorry.

    - Lex, she whispered, breathless. It’s good to ... to see you.

    Suddenly she realised that Clark was here. She bit her lip and looked at Lex :

    - I ...

    He interrupted her by pressing his lip softly against hers. Then she felt totally happy. The one year she’s been missing him seemed to be forgotten. She pulled away, and stared at him, tears in her eyes. Lex smiled, and hugged her powerfully :

    - Oh Chloe ...

    She wrapped her arms around his neck and he whispered :

    - I missed you.

    She didn’t answer and they pulled away slowly. Clark stood up then, and Chloe saw the tears in his blue eyes . She felt guilty, and said :

    - Clark ...

    - I’m glad you two are finally together, Clark said quickly, with a thin sad smile.

    - Really ?

    - Yes. My best friends are happy, so am I.

    Chloe smiled sadly, and hugged him. He pulled away, and forced a smile again.

    - I’ll see you later guys, he said.

    - Yeah.

    He nodded and walked out of the Talon. Then Lex looked at Chloe, and smiled :

    - You forgive me ?

    - I do, she said. And you ?

    - There’s nothing to forgive Chloe.

    - I hope he’s gonna be okay.

    - He will be. Thanks Chloe.

    - For what ?

    - For being the woman of my life.

    The end.

    I know the end is not very angsty ...

  2. #2
    bored and dangerous Senior Member sabby's Avatar
    Join Date
    19 Feb 2003
    Sittin by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere...
    Hmmm, ok so you got them back together. Good thing. But still, I'm not sure what to make of all this. The internal stuff was missing again. The reasons for their behavior. Except for Clark, there you have that internal motivation stuff that I was talking about. I liked it muchly but give me some well some more depth, you know what I mean. What motivates their decisions, why do they do the things they do. Your writing got a lot better tho! Your style is developing.

    On an off note, could you maybe do the dialoges different, cuz it throws me off sometimes. I am a well you know the saying about old dogs and new tricks. *shrugs* It would help me and maybe a few others a lot if you could do dialogue like "I still love you," Chloe said, instead of - I still love you Chloe said.

    And keep in mind, I don't want to be mean here! I totally liked both stories, it's just that I think that some critique can help improve the style immensly, so please don't take this the wrong way. kay?


  3. #3
    Just a Guest!
    I really felt for Clark. You actually gave his character some depth, some inner ramblings, and that was good. I think I would have felt more for the Chlex situation if I could have seen where each of them was coming from - like what drove Lex to cheat on the woman that he loves and all that.

    Glad you got them back together though.

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