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Thread: The Myth (NC-17) Updated 7th November 2015

  1. #1
    NS Senior Member Senior Member HotCrossedBunny's Avatar
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    The Myth (NC-17) Updated 7th November 2015

    The Myth

    Rating: NC-17
    Disclaimer: I don’t own Smallville, hence the lack of Chlex action in the series.
    Spoilers: Possibly throughout all of the series although it is set in the first two.
    Warning: I changed this story completely because it wasn’t working, the prologue is similar but after that it gets a little ‘different’. Whilst it will be Chlex it will also contain other Chloe and other characters and be a little uncomfortable at times. So, you have been warned.
    Summary: Chloe and Lex meet under unusual circumstances.


    “My God you’re gorgeous”.

    His voice was thick with emotion as he stood, transfixed in the door way.

    He had had an awful day, only made worse by his returning to the family home. The dark dreary mansion flanked by gargoyles and crowded with dusty relics, bad memories and resentment was enough to suck the joy out of the sunniest soul, and his was already murky. But then, there was her: a gleaming ray of light. She would make it better, she always did.

    There, reclining in the roll top bath, lay a vision of loveliness to put his father’s stolen art collection to shame. Her golden tresses were pulled back into a messy bun, several tendrils framing her angelic face. Her head was laid against the side of the tub, her eyelids closed and an expression of complete and utter peace on her sweet, captivating features.

    A soft, sleepy sigh escaped her lips as her head rolled slightly to the side, drawing his attention to her soft, pliant mouth where he detected the briefest hint of a smile. He smirked; she had heard him, she knew that he was there and exactly what she was doing to him.

    “Good evening, my dear”, he drawled.

    She acknowledged his greeting, fluttering her eyes open and revealing her brilliant green eyes to him as if she had just been stirred from sleep. She smiled coyly as she sank a little lower into the water so that only a few inches of her swan like neck were revealed.

    Her meek actions and expression were at odds with the sparkle in her eyes, which travelled up his suave figure before resting on his classically handsome features. The tip of her link tongue pocked out, as if unbidden, and licked her lips.

    He got the distinct impression that she wanted to eat him up and groaned.

    She blushed and lowered her eyes meekly as she began to wash herself slowly and deliberately, apparently unaware of the image she was presenting or the effect she was having on him.

    He watched as the ivory bar slid along the warm, wet skin of her arms, across her neck and down between the valley between her breasts as she leant back. Her innocent act was ruined when she couldn’t resist glancing up at him. She swallowed as she caught the look, pure, predatory hunger.

    With the grace of a jungle cat, and the same amount of barely leashed power, he moved across the room, the door closing behind him, to stand over her. He stared down at her. Straining against his desire he sank down to perch on the side of the tub and took his time, allowing his fingers to sink into the steaming hot water and part the bubbles enough to tease himself with a glimpse of her sumptuous flesh. His digits skimmed back across the surface of the water, until they could wind around the back of her neck.

    Her head titled back eagerly as his descended. He teased her, pressing first one gentle, annoyingly chaste, kiss to her mouth then another one, before nibbling the licking her full, lower lip. She groaned, grasping the back of his neck and almost pulling him down into the water with her, so desperate was she to taste him.

    With a rich, warm laugh he released her and braced himself against the tub, kissing her passionately once more only to pull away at the last second before she could yank him into the soapy water.

    “Tease”, she pouted.

    “You’re one to talk”, he smirked down at her, trying to keep his ardour in check. “Tell me, am I invited to join you in my bathtub?”

    “Certainly … if you promise to make it worth my while”, she smiled seductively up at him.

    A slow, sly smirk took hold of his features as he began to strip off.

    She giggled, as she rested her head on her arms on the side of the tub so that she could enjoy the show properly. He was beyond perfect, sleek bald head, lithe well-muscled body with feline grace and not a trace of body hair. Unable to resist, she began to hum some strip tease music for him and to her surprise he actually played along, swinging his pants around once before tossing them into the hamper. She loved it when he was like this. But then again, she always loved it and everything about him – even his neat freak tendencies.

    Before another thought could enter her hazy mind, his was naked and climbing into the tub. Resisting the urge she always felt to blush and hide her face like a school girl, she reached around for the soap.

    He swam over to her, his large hands tangling with her delicate ones before bringing them up to his lips. He kissed each taper finger making her squirm and flush slightly.

    “Shy all of a sudden?”

    “Don’t count on it”, she bit back, although honestly she was a little. She always got like that with him in the beginning. The excitement, the anticipation, the adrenaline, the fluttery feelings in the base of her stomach, every time was like their first time.

    “I thought that you weren’t into water sports”, he referred to the set up.

    “What’s the matter Luthor, not up to it?” She chose to provoke him rather than divulging her motives.

    He arched an eyebrow at her. She was hiding something from him, he knew that he should pursue it rather than allowing it to fester but he couldn’t bear to lose this opportunity with her. “I’m up to anything you can do”.

    “Glad to hear it”, they slid back until he was pressed against the tub and tried to position her in his lap as they began to caress each other, both anxious for the warmth of human affection after the days that they had had, ready to forget everything around them for this time together. It wasn’t healthy, it sure as hell wasn’t sane, but neither of them could stop.

    “God I’ve missed you”, he growled, holding onto her tightly, desperately, crushing her body against his.

    “I missed you too”, she wrapped her arms around his neck, desperate to remain as close as possible as she slid onto him. Their limbs locked around each other, their lips caressed and they rocked together, relishing in the closeness.

    “As much as I am an enjoying this”, he spoke after a while, interrupting the sound of the gentle waves breaking against the sides, “do you need …”

    She nodded, cutting him off. She loved being so close to him and the feel of him inside her, but she really needed to come now. With a groan she slid away from him and tried to position herself on her knees only to realise that she would probably end up either cracking her skull open or drowning.

    “No”, he agreed, seeing what she was trying to do and the potential difficulties. “That’s not going to work”. He leapt out of the bath and helped her to do the same, steadying her when she almost slipped.

    He felt his breath catch his in his throat as he saw her standing there, naked and glistening. He grabbed a stack of towel and threw them on the floor, unable to hold off for long enough to get her to the bedroom.

    “How romantic”, she quipped, as he wrapped his arms around her, caressing her bottom as he nuzzled her neck, his hard member pressing hard against her stomach.

    “We can always go to the …”

    “No, we can’t!” She couldn’t wait. They were on the floor in seconds, grinding together in a fit of animal passion. Their flesh slapping against each of their, their blood pounding in their veins, the heat rising until they thought that they might explode. Everything forgotten in their delight and burning desire to be together until their saw fireworks. Finally they both collapsed onto the floor, still panting and drenched with sweat but both sated and grinning like fools.

    For several long minutes the only sound was their erratic breathing and their heart thumping, as they cooled down and regrouped.

    “Well, that was”, a slow smile spread across the blonde beauty’s face, “relaxing”.

    “I’ll say”, he pulled himself onto his side and placed his hand on her stomach. A few seconds before he had thought that he was spent, but observing her glowing face and delicious body he felt himself stir again. “Want to relax a little more?”

    He wasn’t doing anything special. His hand was just lying there, warm and substantial against her skin, yet she was powerless to refuse him. “Yes!” They scrambled to their feet, their fingers intertwining as they dashed to the bedroom, until he came to a stop, pulling her back with him.

    “This isn’t right”.

    “It isn’t?” She asked nervously, trying not to let her pain or panic show. It was always hanging over their heads, the fact that their relationship simply shouldn’t be. Half of the time she was convinced that she had to break it off, but then she saw him and she couldn’t do it. She knew that one day and one day soon it would have to end, but not this night. Not now.

    “No”, he swooped down and lifted her into his arms so that he could carry her bridal style through the doorway, “you deserve some romance for once”.

    “Yes, I do”, she agreed with a cheeky smile as she stroked his cheek. She didn’t say that she loved him. She never did. He couldn’t complain, he had never said the words either but sometimes he longed to more than he wanted to keep breathing. He wished that he had the courage to utter that one sentence which could change both of their lives.

    He lay her down on the bed and took a step back to admire her. She was taking her hair down, allowing the golden strands to spill out across the pillows, her alabaster skin glowing in the pale moonlight, her pupils so far dilated that he could barely make out the bands of green surrounding them. He could feel his body instantly responding to her.

    He moved up the bed, crawling to her, pausing as something caught his eye. His throat tightened, he saw her rings lying on the bedside table where they always were so that she didn’t forget them, he couldn’t help but look down at his own bare hands and be reminded that she wasn’t his. Not really. This was just a distraction for her and he would never allow her to know that this was so much more for him. His hands clenched into fists as he reminded himself that he should just let her go, this wasn’t healthy for either of them but then he looked at her again. He couldn’t let her go. It would kill him.

    He crawled up her body, hovered over her for a second, staring deep into her eyes before devouring her.

    She had come to him that night, she wanted to be with him that night, so she was his … for that night.
    Last edited by HotCrossedBunny; 28th April 2015 at 22:17.

  2. #2

    Re: The Myth (NC-17) Posted 29th October 2013

    More. All I can say. I want more! But really, I accidentally took a peak at the last line and saw that it had her last name as Luthor. So I automatically thought of Lex, didn't even think of Lionel! You have me hooked now, please continue!

  3. #3
    NS Full Member tatie87's Avatar
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    Re: The Myth (NC-17) Posted 29th October 2013

    I'm already hooked. I've always been really interested in the weird Lionel/Chloe/Lex triangle. There is just something about those three sharing space. I can't wait to read more!!!
    Last edited by tatie87; 30th October 2013 at 21:47.

  4. #4
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    26 Jun 2013

    Re: The Myth (NC-17) Posted 29th October 2013

    A new story! Can you hear me squeaking with excitement! And a lex/chloe/lionel mix which is my fav! Please please continue!

  5. #5
    NS Full Member TrinityR's Avatar
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    Re: The Myth (NC-17) Posted 29th October 2013

    What? What?!
    Chloe and Lionel?! Please, tell me there is some reason for this. He must've forced her through blackmail. He must've.
    But I loved the naughty description.

    After all, I've already read through Lionel/Chloe sex in Terza Roma written by Zannie, so nothing will shock me
    Last edited by TrinityR; 4th November 2013 at 19:18.

  6. #6
    NS Senior Member Senior Member HotCrossedBunny's Avatar
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    Re: The Myth (NC-17) Posted 29th October 2013

    TrinityR: Hello! *waves* There is a reason for this but you will have to figure out what it is for yourself ... until it is revealed in a chapter or two. Glad that you liked it and thank-you for reading.

    Kaw: Yes, I can hear you. I hope that you like it. Thanks for reading and commenting.

    Tatie87: Yay, my first reader! Glad to hear it.

  7. #7
    NS Full Member tatie87's Avatar
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    Re: The Myth (NC-17) Posted 29th October 2013

    Loved this chapter!! There was a heck of a lot going on. I don't think Chloe is going to be able to stall Lionel for long. Due to him wanting to impregnate her and all.

  8. #8
    NS Full Member TrinityR's Avatar
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    Re: The Myth (NC-17) Posted 29th October 2013

    Chloe, Chloe, if you have heavy periods just start taking birth control pills and there would be no actual period, just a little bleeding once in 28 days!

    Ok, one thing: Lionel is definitely NOT handsome, so why the heck would Chloe say that?
    Just thinking about pregnancy is making me nauseaus, because I , sorry, don;t want to have a child and... possibly being pregnant with Lionel? Disgusting!

    Don't get me wrong, I don't mean that this is a bad story, I just comment on Chloe's thoughtsP and others

    The story is good and I am curious to see how long Chloe will be able to resist and please, please, make her and Lex get closer in that few days she has the period and then make Lionel come on to her with force and Lex saving her!!
    (and possibly hitting his father in the jaw!!!)

    I'm currently writing like 5 stories, but one if Chlex, called Zombie. You can check it out if you want. Nothing disgusting, zombie just mentioned, it's more a romance during the apocalypse. It;s also fine if you don't. I just thought I should say I write something after my big break

  9. #9
    NS Full Member
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    Re: The Myth (NC-17) Posted 29th October 2013

    i looking forward to see how long chloe can hold out.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Re: The Myth (NC-17) Posted 29th October 2013

    Brilliant chapter! I may be weird but I find lionel to be rather attractive I an evil kind of way! Can't wait for chapter 2!

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