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Thread: Chloe's Funeral: The Most Joyous Day Of His Life PG

  1. #1
    Addicted to Baby Luthors bluengreenswmer's Avatar
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    03 Dec 2004

    Chloe's Funeral: The Most Joyous Day Of His Life PG

    AN: Yes, I know, title's a little bit weird, but trust me, it all works out. This is not in the no chlex or angst board for a very specific reason.


    “When I was twenty-five, my father had just died a year ago, and I was not disappointed, to say the least. Those of you who knew him won’t blame me. It did leave me at the top of a rather large business empire and, at the top office in one of the tallest buildings in Metropolis. One day, I was in my office, going over notes from a recent board meeting, when a blonde woman came hurtling into my office demanding an interview. I knew who she was, and thought that she’d have to be a fool not to know me, but I asked anyway. She replied, and I quote, ‘Yes I know who you are, you pompous ass, and I want an interview.’

    “I remember agreeing to dinner just to get her to leave. She left eventually, and we went on the aforementioned dinner/date/interview. We got the interview out of the way, and I found that she was actually a very enjoyable person to be around. I found myself actually caring whether or not she had a nice night. Maybe it was my self-conscious aware that she was writing an article about me, but maybe it was aware that she was different from any girl I had ever met.

    “After that night, we went our separate ways and I watched the newspapers with bated breath to see what trash she would write about me. But the article never came out. After a while, I stopped noticing her name in the papers at all. A few weeks later, I saw her on the street walking towards me and stopped her. I asked her why the interview had never been published and she told me that her editor had assigned her to write a damaging article about him, and apparently, after being in my company for a night, couldn’t. I was surprised to say the least. She then went on to tell me, over coffee that she and her editor had gotten into a fight over her ability to produce objective journalism, and she had been fired because she refused to write the article. I stared at her for a minute, and I felt so stupid because I was thinking, ‘God, I hope she marries me.’

    “I took a very large leap and asked her if she’d like to have dinner with me that night, but it wasn’t the dinner that I remember. It was the fact that afterwards, I invited her to my apartment, and she agreed, only after telling me that she wasn’t going to have sex with me. I surprised even myself by nodding and saying, ‘That’s fine.’

    “As promised, nothing happened that night. Yes, we did share a bed, but the activities consisted of me holding her until we fell asleep. At that point, I knew that if the world ended right now, I would be happy. And that scared me shitless.

    “The same thing happened every night that week. In the actual reality of it, we were more like close friends with the potential for something more than an actual couple.

    “After three months of the exact same thing, I asked her to officially move in with me. She still had an apartment, and still paid rent, and however redundant, considering she was almost never there, paid for housekeeping. She agreed to move in on two conditions.
    One, that the no sex thing still stood, and two, that she didn’t have to move her stuff. I was so happy that I picked her up off the ground and spun her around. I told her later that I would wait as long as she wanted for us to have any kind of physical intimacy, and she told me that she was lucky she’d found a guy like me.

    “Nine months went by and September 3 marked our one year anniversary. She came home from work furious as hell, and after showing some genuine, but obviously not solicited, concern, she rounded on me. She was yelling and screaming, and after she had calmed down, she rationally asked me how the hell that I could be with her for a year and not love her.

    “The only sensible thing that I could think of to do was to prove I did love her. The only way I knew how to was what I did. I looked her straight in the eye, let her stare into the depths of my soul for a few moments before saying, ‘I do love you, with all of my heart.’

    “And then I kissed her. Our friends always nag on us about this, but yes. I did tell her I loved her before I kissed her for the first time. Some people think that’s out of order, but for us, it was just right. A week after confessing our love, I asked her to marry me, and she said yes. We were married on the twenty-third of August 2009, exactly one year ago. It was the happiest day of my life. It was also the day that I got the opportunity, for the first time, to show her exactly how much I loved her. To worship and please her body like it deserved to be worshiped and pleased. We lived for six months in peaceful bliss.

    “And then the unthinkable happened. She just found out she was pregnant, and in the same day, was kidnapped, and buried alive, or so I thought. I employed every means I could to find her, but it was too late. Her kidnapper had raped and killed her, and our unborn child, burned alive. Just the thought horrifies me. Her body was-”

    All of the sudden, the church doors creaked open and a woman walked in, her face identical to the pictures that were placed around the coffin at the altar. Then entire room gasped.

    “Chloe? You’re…you’re alive? But, but how?”

    “Burned beyond recognition, right? That’s because it’s not my body that’s in that coffin. I’ve been underground in a 4x4 cell since he kidnapped me. He caused me to lose our baby-”

    “Chloe, I don’t care about the baby, well, I do, but all that matters is that you’re safe, and alive. Oh, Chloe, I love you. More than anything in this world, this galaxy, this universe.”

    “And I love you too, Lex.”

    The room awed at the sight of the reuniting of a happy couple.

    She rose to her tiptoes and placed her hands on his shoulders for support. She whispered in his ear, “Now, what’d say to getting out of here and making up for lost time? Maybe we can even start on another baby.”

    “I say,” He straightened back up and announced to the church, “My wife and I have some lost time to account for, and we’ll need to be leaving right about now. Excuse us.”

    Lex picked up his wife and carried her all the way to the penthouse, and then procceded to worship and please her body once again, but certainly not for the last time.

    The End
    Last edited by bluengreenswmer; 29th March 2005 at 23:12. Reason: Edited for rating. (My apologies, at 4 AM things like ratings tend to slip your mind.)

  2. #2
    Administrator Senior Member Julie's Avatar
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    Re: Chloe's Funeral: The Most Joyous Day Of His Life

    Edit the topic title to include a rating of the fanfiction as this is requested in the forum rules... I suggest you stop by and read them...
    Be sure to follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook for latest updates and news!

  3. #3
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    Re: Chloe's Funeral: The Most Joyous Day Of His Life

    Thank you so much for the happy ending to your story, but I feel so sad about Chloe losing their baby!! I'm glad that they're back together again though!!

  4. #4
    NS Full Member teejei's Avatar
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    Re: Chloe's Funeral: The Most Joyous Day Of His Life PG

    the title's definitely weird...but the ending surely makes up for it...great story!

  5. #5
    storie girl Senior Member starmoon's Avatar
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    Re: Chloe's Funeral: The Most Joyous Day Of His Life PG

    that was so sad about the baby but they are moving on and hopefuly making another. even if they make another i know they will never forget there first child. the title had me a little weired out but the story is good, and the title is also interesting. loved the ending chlex forever.

  6. #6
    NS Full Member meg20's Avatar
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    Re: Chloe's Funeral: The Most Joyous Day Of His Life PG

    So sweet and sad at the same time in the end. Liked it very much.

  7. #7
    NS Full Member arkakitty's Avatar
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    Re: Chloe's Funeral: The Most Joyous Day Of His Life PG

    Awww that was great!

  8. #8
    NS Full Member
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    Re: Chloe's Funeral: The Most Joyous Day Of His Life PG

    Great story. I'm really, really sad that she missed her baby, but I'm glad that in the end they're together again...
    And don't you forget to keep writting these great stories, ok!?!?

  9. #9
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Ami Rose's Avatar
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    Re: Chloe's Funeral: The Most Joyous Day Of His Life PG

    Tittle was deffinitly wierd... But the story I loved.
    Ami Rose
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