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Thread: Declaring Our Hearts (PG-13)

  1. #1
    NS Full Member
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    Declaring Our Hearts (PG-13)

    This is dedicated to three good friends who, along with you guys, have kept me writing, long after the show has ended for me. Enjoy.

    Title: For Yasmine, Shane, and Esther - "Declaring Our Hearts"

    Author: PMD

    e-mail: mary.davidson@sympatico.ca

    Rating: PG-13

    Category: Chlex, Clana married, Friendship, Lex's POV, AU

    Spoilers: Anything is fair game in Smallville.

    Summary: It's their special day.

    Disclaimer: To whomever owns Smallville, its characters, mention of a scene in The Runaway Bride, and the mention of a character from Veronica Mars, I'm just borrowing them, will give them back, not making any money with their use in this piece, so don't sue me.

    Archive: To BAFsFF, BtS, BT2, Electricchlex, MD, N.S. Forums, SPP, and fan_fic_central. If anybody else wants it, all they have to do is ask.

    Feedback: Yes I would love feedback.

    Author Notes: This is dedicated to three very special people. To Yasmine---who is a wonderful writer in her own right and graciously consented to do a piece with me. You can find it on ff.net---it's called The Idiots Guide to IMing From The Heart. You are my north star, sweetie. And I'm honored to have you as a friend. Also, I dedicate this to Shane who has been one heck of a male cheerleader when it comes to my stories. And is pretty affluent in writing himself, I might add. Thanks, dude. And to Esther, who's always there to inspire me and others, with her wonderful banners, banter, and bold ways of thinking. You are a peach, sweetie. Enjoy.

    For Yasmine, Shane, and Esther - "Declaring Our Hearts" - by PMD

    The Big Day

    I stand at the front of the church, hearing mumblings behind me. I sense some are happy; some are a little surprised. Some are:


    I turn to look at my best man.

    "Yes, Clark?"

    "I'm happy for you."

    "Do I deserve to be happy?"

    "We all do."

    "I never thought I would hear that from you, Clark."

    "You declared your heart to her---now I'm declaring my wish for you both---a happy life."

    "The same to you, my friend," I state, gesturing behind us.

    Lana sits there with little Jon. She smiles at Clark when we turn to look at her.

    She couldn't be in the bridal party---she's pregnant again. But Chloe's cousin came forward to do it and we were eternally grateful for that fact.

    All of a sudden I feel this dark doubt in my mind. Do I deserve her love---really do I? Maybe not, but I'll take it.

    I hear the bridal march and turn to watch Lois walk up the aisle, a smile on her face. She then moves off to the side, after giving me the patented stare of 'you hurt my cousin, I kill you'. I smile at that and then gasp as I turn to watch her walking up the aisle.

    She's dressed in a gown of gossamer, all light and film---silk and taffeta.

    I smirk, remembering how she used to say 'I will never wear anything that frilly in my life'. But she is now and she looks gorgeous in it.

    She's standing close to me now and her father lifts the veil to kiss her gently. Then gives her to me and gives me that 'you hurt my daughter and I will kill you' look.

    I look towards the minister and nod. Then she squeezes my hand and I glance at her.


    I chuckle. "Hi, yourself."

    "You okay? Any cold feet---you're not wearing your runners are you?"

    "Shouldn't I be asking you that question?"

    "Oh, right---no, just some shoes that feel really tight. Can I take them off at the reception?"

    We hear a clearing of the throat and both look at the minister:

    "Wedding first, then we eat," he states.

    We aim twin smirks at him but only get one back at us.

    "All right, let's get this show on the road, shall we," he states.

    We smile our approval and:

    "We are gathered here today to join Alex and Chloe in marriage."

    I look at her, my eyebrow quirked in surprise. "Alex?"

    "She asked for that name because Alexander brings back terrible memories," the minister answers for her.

    She nods, a tear flowing from her eyes and I lean over to brush it away.

    "Then Alex it is."

    She smiles and we look back at the minister again.

    "As is the time honored tradition---both Alex and Chloe have written their vows. And I hope they are worthy of both of you and the crowd behind you. For love is unselfish and wise, and often hard to find. So---Alex?"

    "I---" I stop, looking at her.

    How do I say it---say I love her when I don't even know what it means to love or be loved until I met her. It's hard to think of a way adequate to express this newness---this love that has saved me, as it has many others---but I'll try.

    I fade for a bit, remembering how it was for me before her.

    My father never loved me---he tried to make me strong and hurt me in the long run because I covered for my mother.

    I had my mothers love but what is it worth, when she never really was all there.

    I come back to myself and see her. How she stands, looking at me---waiting for me to utter the words---the whole congregation waiting and I stare into her eyes and am left speechless.

    "Alex, you okay?"

    "I do," I blurt out.

    She laughs and leans in, whispering, "Wait till the minister asks. This is the time to say our vows."

    I smile and turn to him. "Sorry."

    "Well, at least you didn't kiss her before I told you too," he laughs.

    "Don't give him any ideas," she snarks.

    I turn to Chloe and smile. "Maybe I won't kiss you now."

    "And maybe I'll kick your butt if you don't."

    "Maybe you'll try and fail."

    "People, please, I have another wedding at four"

    We turn to him and smile. Then look at each other and I take a deep breath.

    "Chloe, the first day I met you, I knew you would change my life. I felt afraid of you---because of that fact. I was taught to keep within myself and not without and you helped me gain the strength to break out and come alive. I will always love you for that and so much more. And you blessed me the day you said yes."

    I stop and look, expectantly at her.

    "That it?" she smirks.

    There is laughter from the pews and I chuckle.

    "Yes---your turn."

    She smiles at me and then:

    "Alex----the first time I saw you, I thought you were obnoxious and a pain in the butt. I was right."

    There is laughter from the pews again and I snort at that. "Is that all?"

    "You want more?"

    "I did say some nice things about you."

    "True---okay, I didn't mention that you were a good judge of character and had great taste in blonde fiancée’s, did I."

    "I'm beginning to think that maybe I didn't."

    "Ha ha."

    I glare at her and she grins. "I got more."

    "Alex, after I got to know you---well, beyond the horseshoe flowers, you were---adequate. But then I really got to know you and the day you told me the truth, I wanted to hug you so badly---but you looked so uncomfortable, I couldn't. However, we got along better and then there was that night when you saved not only my body but my heart too. Alex, you are a billionaire in money but are so much richer in friends and I hope, my love. You are my sunrise, my sunset, my morning and night. You are my first and last thought and I will always be here, as you best friend, your lover, and your wife. And someday, mother of your children."

    I feel a tear slide down my face and find her hand there, sweeping it away.

    She leans over, whispering, "And they worry about women losing it at weddings. I knew you were a man with a marshmallow heart, Alex."

    She backs away and I smirk. "Aren't you talking about your friend out West, Chloe?"


    We both look at the minister again. "Sorry, Padre," we both state.

    "Ahhhh---young love---they forget where they are. It's okay---so, ready to finish this so you can kiss the young lady, young man?"

    I nod eagerly and look at her, frowning.

    "What?" I ask her.

    "I'm sorry."

    "About what?"

    "That it took me so long to figure out I loved you, Alex."

    "Don't be. You figured it out, that's what counts."

    "But all those years of not trusting you---it must have hurt."

    "I was used to it."

    She places her hands on her hips and growls at me. "Well, you shouldn't have, Mr. Luthor."

    "What? Why are you angry at me?"

    "She's not angry at you, Lex. She's angry at me."

    I turn to look at Clark. "Why?"

    "Because I was one of the people who stopped trusting you---and I shouldn't have. After all, I remembered how you reacted the first time you know what I was," he whispers to me.

    "Yes, I guess crazy people are more understanding," I whisper back.

    We both smile. And then, I turn to her. I move close and lean in, whispering:

    "Don't be angry at him. I wouldn't have trusted myself either. After all, I went after Lana to get to his secret. The odd thing is---"

    She whispers softly now:

    "I knew the secret. Alex, I'm---"

    "No, never be sorry about that. At least I know you can keep a secret."

    I grimace as she punches my arm and then rubs is softly.


    We turn to look at the minister, pointing at his watch.

    "Okay, Padre---we're ready," I state.

    The rest of the ceremony goes along swimmingly. We did hold our breathes at the objection part but since my father was miles away, Helen was dead, Desiree was in prison, and Victoria----a continent away, everything was okay. Although we did wonder about Lana---Chloe and I looked behind and she just smiled, as the baby gurgled at his father, Clark.


    I turn to look at her. "Yes?"

    "He said you could kiss me."

    "Oh, really. When?"

    "Son, please kiss her so we can get you out of here and towards a happy life."

    "If you insist, Padre."

    I turn to look at her. "You look beautiful today, Chloe."

    She smiles. "You don't look half bad yourself, Lexy."


    "Okay---kiss me then and I won't call you that again."

    I give her a classic smirk and make my way to her lips.

    Life will always be interesting with her---her ups and downs, as well as mine will keep it fascinating and exciting. But the most exciting thing at the moment is declaring our hearts to each other. To us, the most precious things we own are the truth, justice, and the hearts that help us strive to find the truth, justice, and love we so richly need, although sometimes we feel we don't deserve.

    As the kiss ends and the minister announces us to the people out there, I feel her squeeze my hand.

    "Thank you for declaring your heart to me, Alex."

    "Thank you for the same, Chloe. I don't know what I would do without you."

    "Be a sad, lonely, evil man, plotting the demise of your father, I bet."

    "Now I can be a happy, not lonely, good man, plotting retribution against my father, with everybody's help."

    "It's all in the perspective," she states, as we walk up the aisle.

    And it's all because of declaring our hearts, to each other.

    The End.

  2. #2
    NS Full Member persephone47's Avatar
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    Re: Declaring Our Hearts (PG-13)

    Cute, funny, a bit OOC, but amusing none the less...
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

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  3. #3
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Declaring Our Hearts (PG-13)

    That was cute.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  4. #4
    Ooh! Shiny! MaskedGrace's Avatar
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    Re: Declaring Our Hearts (PG-13)

    Quote Originally Posted by PMD
    "Be a sad, lonely, evil man, plotting the demise of your father, I bet."
    Did you add that in, or did I miss that when you sent it to me? Lol. Anyways, I thought it was good. A marshmellow heart, indeed... Mmmm. Marshmellows sound good right about now. You know... like when you roast them over the fire, and then they catch on fire and you peel off the burnt stuff and the inside is all squishy and melted? Yum. That kind of reminds me of Lex in a way..... Tee hee!

  5. #5
    NS Full Member
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    Re: Declaring Our Hearts (PG-13)


    yeah that pretty much sums it up.

  6. #6
    NS Full Member
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    Re: Declaring Our Hearts (PG-13)

    Hey Guys:

    Persephone: Glad you enjoyed it, sweetie.

    Hope: Glad you found it so cute, honey.

    Masked Grace: Yep, it was an added on to what I sent you of the story so far. And the only marshmallow I know---or has been said to be one---is Veronica Mars. Glad you enjoyed it, sweetie.

    Leik2: Awwww----thanks, sweetie. Glad you enjoyed it.

  7. #7
    NS Full Member meg20's Avatar
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    Re: Declaring Our Hearts (PG-13)

    Very sweet and fun!!!

  8. #8
    storie girl Senior Member starmoon's Avatar
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    Re: Declaring Our Hearts (PG-13)

    loved it. the story was so cute and sweet.

  9. #9
    NS Full Member Nonhalema's Avatar
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    Re: Declaring Our Hearts (PG-13)

    Man what a wedding...would love to see one like that in reality

  10. #10
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Ami Rose's Avatar
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    Re: Declaring Our Hearts (PG-13)

    Lmao cute and funny!
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