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Thread: My Valentine (PG-13)

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    My Valentine (PG-13)

    Title: "My Valentine"-1/3

    Author: PMD and Scifichick774

    e-mail: mary.davidson@sympatico.ca and scifichick774@yahoo.com

    Rating: PG-13 (for situations and language)

    Category: Friendship, Chlex, angst, humor, Valentine's Fic, Futurefic, Lex's and Chloe's POV, AU

    Spoilers: Various slight mentions.

    Summary: All he needs is her and all she needs is him, they're both just too stubborn to admit it.

    Disclaimer: To whomever owns Smallville and the characters, we're just borrowing, will give them back, not making any money with their use in this story, so don't sue us. To whomever owns the lyrics to My Valentine, Set The Night To Music, Love of My Life and Jim Brickman, we're just borrowing, will give them back, not making any money with their use in the story or as the title of the story, so don't sue us.

    Archive: At BtS, SPP, TBT, SFF, Intrepid, Wwomb, Verbal Judo, FF.net, Naughty-Seduction, Malu's site and my page on Wendy's site. If anybody else wants it, all they have to do is ask us.

    Feedback: Yes we would love feedback.

    Author Notes: First off, we would both like to thank David for giving this the once over. Thanks, dude. It's much appreciated. Beyond that:

    PMD: I had so much fun writing this piece with Kris. She really brought my writing up a notch, as I knew it would. A friend told me once that collaborating with somebody gets you writing so much better. And I have to agree---through Jay, Piper, Rebel and now Kris, I find that I can do other things I never thought I could do---I've even written a murder mystery. And I never would have taken the chance, without doing collaborations. And without Kris, throwing those curve balls and surprising the heck out of me. In particular, doing this piece in PG-13. Believe me, we could have very well gone the other way. Trust me---while you read this---you'll see what I mean. So, Kris, from one Chlex writer to another, oh man, did I have fun. And I am so looking forward to our next collaboration. You brought me up a notch and I thank you for that.

    Kris: I think Peggy covered just about everything I had to say, but I had loads of fun working on this with her. This fic is definitely sappier than I'm used to writing, but that's a good thing in this case. She's an amazing writer to work with and I think that you'll really get a kick out of what we came up with.

    "My Valentine" - by PMD and Kris - 1/3

    Lex's POV

    "Hey Lex."

    I look up from the paperwork on my desk. "Mr. Sullivan?"

    "Ah---Lex--hmmmmm---I don't know how to say this."

    "Say what?" I ask, a little harried.

    "The workers and I are worried about you."

    "Worried about me? Why?"

    I watch him close the door and walk over to sit on the chair in front of my desk.

    "Why are we worried about you? Because you're our friend and benefactor, that's why."


    "Yes, friend."

    "Why are you worried about me? I'm okay."

    "No you're not, Lex. You're exhausted and irritable. Your secretary didn't get a file to you fast enough today, and you almost bit her head off. You've been working 16 hour days and it's got to stop."

    "Excuse me?" I ask, angry.

    "Now you're about to turn on me---just for caring about you. Lex, listen to me. I know you've been brought up to work and never have a vacation but you need one---badly. If not for your sanity, then for ours."

    I let out a sigh. He's right; I do need to cut back---but a vacation? I look into his eyes and see something my fathers never showed---he really does care about me---it's not an act.

    "I guess you're right. I do need to cut back but---a vacation?"

    "Yes---you need to get away from it all---the castle, Smallville, everything that will lead you back to work."

    "But I haven't taken a vacation in years. Where would I go?"

    "Doesn't your family own a villa or a cabin at a ski lodge?"

    "Yes we do at Whispering Winds."

    "Well, there you go. Take a week and go up to do some skiing. Or maybe bunny chasing," he says, with a wink.


    "What? I may be older than you but I remember what it was like to be young."

    "You mean the days when they used to have ice boxes," I say with a smile on my face.

    "Chloe's right," he replies.

    I'm startled by this comment and then catch myself. "About what?"

    "You really can verbal judo with anybody."

    "Tell her thanks. And tell her---I miss doing it with her the most. By the way, how is your intrepid daughter doing?"

    "Working like a dog at the Ledger. I swear she's the female version of you."

    "Maybe you should give her a vacation for Christmas, Gabe."

    "Maybe I should---but would I have to hog tie her to get her there."

    "Nope---just bet her and make sure you win the bet. She never welches on those."

    "You may have something there. So, you are going to go, right? I don't have to hog tie you too?"

    "No, I'll go. And tell the staff, I'm sorry I've been such a bear."

    He gets up and leans over. "A bear we can handle. You, on the other hand, were starting to turn into your father."

    I smile at him. "Yeah, me neither. Thanks for caring enough about me to bring this to my attention, Gabe. Now---back to work."

    "Yes sir," he says, just before he opens the door and walks out.

    Two Months Later

    I find myself humming to the music on my car radio. I'm on vacation--I can't believe it. And it's going to be fun---keep telling yourself that, Luthor, and you might even start believing it.

    I think back to the comment Gabe made about going up there and having fun, with a young lady. Just walk up to one and ask her for a date. This isn't hard to do. I used to do that in my sleep, but for some reason, when I close my eyes and think about doing it, I see her. Chloe is standing there and I'm asking her out. Why? Oh you know the answer to that, Luthor. Face it---you don't want to go out with any snow bunny---you want to go out with her---with the snarkiest, sassiest, sexiest reporter on the Ledger. And you know why. It's because, somewhere down the years of knowing her and counting on her help, you fell for her, hard and fast. And how do you know this---you are too scared to ask her out because she might turn you down. And that would kill you. God, I wish that I had the ability to read her mind---it would make things easier.

    I pull into parking lot and get out, breathing in the clear air up there. I smile---I missed this place. The last time I was up here was with my mother. She used to sit by the fire, watching me drink cocoa. While I was outside, she would watch through the window, and I would smile at her and throw a snowball at it. I miss her so much.

    I walk up to the entrance to the lodge and open the door. I'm accosted by red and white streamers and the smell of cinnamon. Oh dear lord, I forgot this week has a holiday in it---Valentines Day. The one time one is truly the loneliest number. I let out a sigh, watching a couple walk by.

    I walk towards the front desk, my nose picking up the scent of vanilla and cinnamon. God, that reminds me of Chloe's scent. I let out another sigh.

    "What the hell do you mean you lost my reservation? How could you lose it? I got here on time. What is it because I'm alone and you needed it for a couple? What?"

    I walk up to the woman ranting and raving. I touch her arm and she turns around.

    She's about to verbally accost me when she sees who I am. "Lex?"


    "What the hell are you doing here?" we both say.


    Chloe's POV

    'This isn't happening, this isn't happening,' Chloe recites to herself. For once my dad actually gives me a present I can use for Christmas, a nice ski package for a whole week at Whispering Winds Resort, and they lose my reservation! Argh! To make things substantially worse, Lex Luthor is standing in front of me with luggage and ski equipment, which certainly makes it look like he intends to stay. I bet they haven't lost his reservation.

    "My dad got me this trip as a Christmas present," I say, snapping out of my astonishment that Lex is here too. He groans. Why is he groaning?

    "I forgot about that," Lex mumbles. I can feel my eyebrow shooting up as we speak and I see him smirk. Why does he have to do that? It's incredibly sexy. Okay Sullivan, not thinking those kinds of thoughts about Lex. But he knows it sets me off guard --- or maybe he doesn't. Geez, I hope I'm not blushing.

    "But if you must know, I needed to get away from Smallville for a while. The atmosphere there was getting---" I hear him pause as he searches for the right word.

    "Stifling?" I suggest.

    I see his smirk turn into a small smile and I can't help but return it. Oh no. I will not do this. I will not let him see that I care about him as something other than a friend. He goes through society bimbos like a fish goes through water; and there's no way that I will put myself in a position to get hurt like that. Not that I would ever be in that position anyway, because he doesn't like me as anything more than a friend, but that's not the point.

    "Chloe?" He's waving his hand in front of my face. Great. I must have zoned out.

    "I'm here," I say. The clerk behind the counter is looking at us with some amusement and I scowl at him. "Have you found my reservation yet?" He's grimacing. Good. Right now I don't care if it's because he's intimidated by Lex's presence or not.

    "I'm sorry, Ma'am," the young man says. "But it must have gotten pushed aside because of the Valentine's Day rush. We would be more than happy to extend your vacation package to a different time and reimburse you for your travel expenses here."

    My hands are clenching into fists, and it's all I can do not to punch this guy.

    The only thing stopping me is the fact that Lex would tease me about it endlessly for the next few years. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look around, as if I don't already know who it is. A nice, not so subtle gesture telling me to calm down is what he's giving me. Well screw him! He has a place to stay, not to mention someone who's probably staying with him, and I'm stuck in this *winter wonderland* by myself with no hotel room. "What?!" I ask him. Okay, that came out kind of bitter. So why is he smirking at me again? He turns to face the incompetent clerk.

    "She'll be staying with me," Lex says.

    Oh, my mouth just dropped open. That can't be good.

    "I most certainly will not!" I answer. God! The nerve of him! Lex is leaning down to speak into my ear, and I'm immediately thankful for the cold weather that I can blame my goose bumps on.

    "Don't be so stubborn," he says. I can feel his warm breath cooing against my ear and barely resist the urge to close my eyes. "You're my friend, Chloe." He's pulling back a little now to look at me. "You're also my plant manager's daughter, and he'll give me hell if I don't let you stay with me under the circumstances." I'm about to speak when he smirks again. "Don't worry. My cabin has two bedrooms, if that's what you were worried about, and I'll be a perfect gentleman."

    I'm staring at him. I shouldn't be, but I am. He's being nice for no other discernable reason than to be nice. I let out a sigh and shake my head.

    "No, that's okay, Lex," I hear myself saying. "I don't want to interrupt your Valentine's plans. I'll just reschedule."

    Okay, so I'm conceding defeat. There's a reason for it though. It would be hell to stay at this place and risk bumping into Lex and his fling of the moment at any given time. Lex, I can handle. We've been doing our verbal judo for years and everything's fine on that front. Lex with a girlfriend, if you could even call her that, is substantially different. I would end up sounding more like a jealous and resentful ex-girlfriend, which is essentially true except for the ex-girlfriend part. He's grinning at me again and I see him look at the clerk.

    "Have her things brought to my place please," Lex says.

    The man nods and hurriedly calls a couple of bellhops over.

    "I thought I told you that I wasn't staying with you," I remind Lex.

    "So you did," he says casually. He's smiling softly at me and I can feel my heart start to thump a little harder against my chest.

    "So?" I ask expectantly.

    "So," he repeats. "I forgot that Valentine's Day was this week. I only made my plans for this vacation to get away from Smallville, and I would rather not be alone in the midst of happy couples due to momentary stupidity on my part." The corners of my lips are turning upward.

    "And you figure that helping me out and having a friend here is better than nothing at all?" I fill in for him with an understanding smile. He's smirking again. I wonder if he knows how sexy that is?

    "Something like that."


    Lex's POV

    I watch her thinking, trying to figure out if she's going to be there as just a friend or maybe something more. Am I not hiding my feelings for her well enough or is it my reputation rearing it's ugly head again? It's been a few years since I've been that wild and reckless---can't people forget about the past. Well, not in Smallville since the past is part of their tradition---especially when it comes to 'Not So Daddy Dearest'. I let out a sigh and almost don't hear her answer.

    "What did you say?" I ask, just in case I heard wrong.

    "I said I accept!"

    I smirk at her. "I knew you would!"

    She blushes slightly and turns back to the clerk, who is smiling, probably happy to be able to keep his job. "What are you grinning about, laughing boy? I'm not finished with you yet. For losing my reservation, for---hey!" she says, as I pull her away. "I wasn't finished with him!"

    "Yes you are!"

    She pulls away from me. "Hey, who died and made you God, Luthor? I'm not finished with that weasel."

    I lean into her ear and whisper, "Chloe, don't make more of a spectacle of yourself than you already have. The clerk knows he's on your naughty list already---let it go."

    I back away, noticing a slight shiver coming from her. She gives me my classic smirk and nods. She turns back to the clerk. "All right, I'll let you off easy this time. But next time, the kid gloves come off, Buster. And I've got my eyes on you."

    I have to turn around to hide my smile. That's my girl! Acquiesce but not before having the last word. I'm so glad she's on our side. I feel a tap on the shoulder and turn around.

    "So, where's this cabin of yours, Luthor. It better be nice, or I'm going home."

    I give her another smirk. "It's got running water. That's all that counts, right?"

    "Yeah and maybe two bathrooms, instead of one," she verbal judos back. God, I missed this. I missed her.

    "Well, you're in luck. We've got two bathrooms and a big bedroom too. But that's mine---you get the smaller one. But you should be used to it---you do come from Smallville."

    "Funny, Luthor," she states.

    "The truth, Sullivan," I retort.

    She gives me an evil grin. "We'll see who gets the bigger bedroom. Now where's the cabin?"

    "Outside." I notice two bellhops, in their ski jackets, waiting for us at the door, with our bags.

    We walk out, the cold not as cold anymore for me. We walk along the path---snowflakes falling down. She looks up, opens her mouth, and a few alight on her tongue. She closes it and makes an hmmm sound, before turning to me and smiling. This is going to be an interesting week.

    We arrive at the cabin and watch as one of the bellhops unlocks the door for us. He turns on the light and I hear her gasp. "Oh, Lex. This is so beautiful!"


    Chloe's POV

    Oh my God! I don't know what I was expecting when Lex said he had a cabin here, but this sure wasn't it. I was thinking an oversized place with some nice furnishings, and if I was really lucky, that I would get hot water too. But the sight in front of my eyes is completely different. It looks like the inside of an expensive hotel room.

    The colors are various shades of rich browns and reds and---oh man! Who the hell has leather couches in a ski cabin? I suppose I should have expected as much, seeing as how he is Lex Luthor, but to tell the truth, I stopped thinking of him like that a long time ago. I'm not sure when that changed. When did I stop thinking of Lex as a billionaire who I could write about and start thinking about him in, um, other contexts?

    "It's beautiful," I repeat, purposely turning my face away from his on the pretext of looking around the room, when in actuality it's to hide the blush I feel rising to my cheeks as I think of him.

    "I'm so glad you approve," Lex says.

    Hmm. It's hard to tell whether that's sarcasm or not.

    "Would you like me to show you to your bedroom?"

    I turn around and smile at him. "Depends," I say. "Which one is the big bedroom?"

    He laughs. He has a nice laugh. No, no, no, Chloe. You can't think that way about him.

    "The one that's mine," he replies.

    I roll my eyes. "Fine," I say.

    He looks surprised. "You're giving in that easily?" he asks. Ooh, damn him. I can't keep eye contact for more than a couple of minutes when he looks like that.

    "Well," I start and glance around the spacious cabin once again, "This place is really amazing. I'm sure even the smaller bedroom is nice." I let out a small sigh and then look at him again. "Thanks for doing this, Lex." I can see the corner of his mouth start to twitch, and he smiles at me. Not a smirk, but a smile. That's nice too.

    "Of course, Chloe," he says. He emphasizes my first name, which means that he's probably happy that I called him by his first name. I'm glad. You can only know someone so long before using his or her title gets tedious.

    It looks like he wants to say something else as he takes a step closer to me, but he closes his mouth. Why is he looking at me like that? I must be imagining things. There's no way he would ever consider me as anything more than a friend, if he even considers me as that.

    "Let me show you to your room." I follow him up the stairs and try not to let my surprise show, but it doesn't work.

    "I thought the smaller bedroom would have been downstairs," I comment. He shakes his head slightly.

    "Both bedrooms are upstairs," he says. Great. That won't make the situation any more uncomfortable. And yes, that's sarcasm.

    We walk pass the first door and continue to the second, where he opens it for me. Wow.

    "I---wow," is all I can get out. I'm a reporter, someone who works with words for a living, and I can't come up with anything better than 'wow' to describe the room. Way to go, Chloe.

    I walk inside and take note of the decorative theme. It's rustic meets wealthy apparently, if there is indeed such a style. The room is about the size of the first floor of my house and I shake my head. He's obviously teasing me by showing me his room first. "So this is your room?" He smirks at me again.

    "This is your room," he clarifies. I see him lean against the doorframe and can't help thinking about how good he looks. I turn around to face him completely.

    "May I ask you a question?"

    "Depends," he says. "A normal question, or an interview type question?" I can't help but chuckle.

    "Just a normal one," I say. He gives me a curt nod and I take that as a sign to continue. "Why didn't you bring anyone with you? I mean, I know that you said you forgot it was Valentine's Day this week, but this type of vacation isn't really the sort of thing you spend alone." His face doesn't give away whatever emotion he's feeling.

    "You came up here alone as well," he points out. "I could ask you the same question."

    Oh. I can't have this conversation with him. Not yet anyway, and maybe not ever. I'd better lie. I walk over to the bed and sit down on the plush comforter. Ooh, this is going to be heaven to sleep on. I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and grin at him.

    "I'm not in a relationship right now," I say. There. It wasn't a lie. Good for me. He pushes himself off of the doorframe and starts to walk toward me.

    "Neither am I," he retorts. I have an overwhelming urge to bring up the fact that in the past he has been known to have several women hanging all over him, despite the fact that he wasn't in a relationship with any of them, but I don't.

    "Ah," is all I can say.

    "Any prospects?" he asks. My eyes grow wide. Don't answer that.

    "Not exactly," I answer. "There's someone I like, but he doesn't like me like that."

    He nods in understanding. "Clark," he says. I smile at him and shake my head.

    "Nope. Way over that," I say. He looks intrigued, but if he thinks he's going to get me to tell him, then he has another thing coming.

    "Interesting," he says. "And who is the man currently receiving your attention?" I push myself off of the bed and walk over to the fireplace. It's gas and has a remote to switch it on, so I do. "Do I know him?" You could say that.

    "Yes," I find myself answering. Crap. Why did I say that? Change the topic and quick. I turn to him and flash him a big smile. "So are you ready to hit the slopes?"

    He's eyeing me suspiciously, but I think he's going to let it slide. Please, please, please. Lex is smirking at me. Again. And now I'm convinced that he knows what that does to me.

    "Do you even know how to ski, Chloe?" he asks. I notice that I'm biting my bottom lip and quickly put a stop to it.

    "Uh, well, no," I say. "But how hard can it be?" His smile turns into a smirk and he offers me his hand. "You're going to give me lessons?"

    "Unless you'd prefer to be surrounded by loving couples who already know how to ski," he says. Ugh. My stomach just turned over. That's not an appealing thought at all. "Besides, if you're with me, it will look like neither one of us is alone for this vacation." I smile at that.

    "So this is just some elaborate scam to make us not appear completely pathetic?" I ask. He chuckles and I nod. "I can do that."

    "Good," he says with a grin. I walk by him into the hallway and he grabs my arm lightly. "Oh, and Chloe?" I turn my head to look at him. He smirks at me. Bad timing. We're so close to each other, it's all I can do not to grip his head with my hands and bring his mouth down to mine. "I expect full details on your crush when we get back."


    Lex's POV

    I can't believe I grabbed her arm, as she walked out into the hall. It was all I could do to not grip her head with my hands and bring my mouth down to hers. And it wasn't only the nearness to her that was causing this reaction. As I watch her walk away, I know, I want her in my life, and not only for a day, but for always. For the first time in my life, I want to marry for love.

    God, is it this holiday having an affect on me? Has Cupid's arrow found it's way through the steel wall surrounding the heart of one Lex Luthor?

    No, I know this is love, not a holiday illusion. I felt the jealousy as she mentioned she had a crush on somebody and he didn't know about it. I heaved a sigh of relief inside, when she mentioned it wasn't Clark. I never want to hurt that man ever. Besides, I would hate to tell her that I saw him with her cousin a few weeks ago and they looked pretty chummy. But who is my rival for her heart? I must find out so I can---what, destroy him? No, that was the old me. I must find out so I can convince her he's not right for her. That's the new Luthor way. Mom would be so proud of me, I think, as I walk into my smaller bedroom. What? So I lied---but it did make her happy. I must remember not to bring her in here, if I do get lucky enough to be with her, at night, sans clothes.

    I walk over to the window and look outside. She's standing out there, in her jacket. I watch as she walks over to the bank of snow and sits down on it, smiling. What an idiot? But she seems to be having fun---maybe I should be an idiot for once in my life.

    I walk downstairs, the bellhops still there. "Sir, shall we put your bags in the big bedroom?"

    "No, put them in the smaller one. And put hers in the big one. Oh, here's something for your trouble," I say, giving them both a $100 tip. They smile at me.

    "Thank you, sir," they answer, as they go to work. I take the keys off the table and walk outside.

    "Didn't your father ever tell you that only gets you a cold butt," I yell at her.

    "That's why they made fires, Luthor," she states. She gets up and goes over to the flat part of the land, flopping down once again.

    "Now, what are you doing?"

    "Making a snow angel. Want to make one too?" she asks me.

    "Not on your life---this is pure virgin wool."

    "The only virgin that's been near you for years, right?" she states, smiling.

    "Funny, Sullivan."

    "You think?"

    I turn around and see what I need---ammunition. Now, we're going to have some fun.

    "What are you doing?" I hear her ask.

    "Nothing!" I state, as I lean down to pick something up.

    I hear her get up and walk over. "Doesn't look like nothing."

    "Well, you're right," I state, as I turn around and throw the snowball at her.

    "What the---? I can't believe you did such a childish thing, Luthor!"

    "Childish? You have the guts to call that childish when you were just making a snow angel?"

    "Well, at least my snow fun didn't fly onto your person. Well, turn about is fair play. You're virgin coat is about to be pummeled by the expert snowball thrower from Smallville, Billionaire Boy."

    "Only if you can throw at a moving target, Reporter Girl," I state, chuckling. I run for the door and throw it open, closing it just as the snowball hits the glass in the door. 'Missed me!' I mouth at her, as I lock the door.

    'Not fair,' I see her mouth at me.

    Life's not fair, Chloe, I think. But I'll make it up to you---I hope. I walk towards the stairs and watch as the bellhops walk down. "Do me a favor? Wait till I'm upstairs and than let the angry blonde in, okay?"

    "Yes, sir," they say together.

    "Thanks and here's an extra $50 for the both of you," I chuckle as I walk up the stairs, hearing the banging behind me.

    I'm about to enter my bedroom when I hear, "Luthor, you are in so much trouble, Mister!"

    I turn around and look down at her. "What for? Getting the upper hand, for once?"

    She sputters and smiles an evil grin. "Well, I guess somebody won't be finding out who I have a crush on tonight."

    Damn, I forgot about that. Better suck up to the girl.

    "Chloe, if I take you out for a nice dinner---all the trimmings---might you rethink that?"

    "I don't know---maybe, maybe not. It'll depend?"

    "On what?"

    "On how good the meal is and how convincingly you can apologize to me."

    I let out a sigh. "All right. I'll pick you up at 8. And be prepared to bare your soul, Chloe." I walk into my bedroom, heaving another sigh. A Luthor doesn't apologize but to find out who my rival is and to win the hand of the fair maiden, I would walk a thousand miles and apologize till the cows come home.

  2. #2
    Just a Guest!
    Kris and Peggy - Wow! This was an awesome start. You guys are truly talented. Write more soon, or post more soon.

    Incase you've forgotten - :chlexsign3:

  3. #3
    Just a Guest!
    Ch. 2

    Chloe's POV

    This was a bad idea. Sure, I get a free meal out of it, not to mention the company. But my stomach feels like there are a zillion butterflies in it.

    One last look in the mirror. Why did I bring a dress and heels anyway? Who does that when they go on a ski vacation? Even as I'm thinking it, I remember packing it just in case I met someone who could take my mind off of Lex. Wow. That didn't work out anywhere near like I planned.

    There's a knock on the door and I turn my head at the sound. Here goes nothing. I open the door and see him standing there. Why is his mouth hanging open? Oh, right.

    "Apparently I overdressed," I say to him.

    He looks at me and I can barely contain my excitement with the way that he seems to be appreciative of the effort. No, no. I'm imagining things. I really need to get my head checked out when I get home.

    "No," Lex says. "You look beautiful."

    "Thanks. You look nice too." Nice doesn't adequately describe the way he looks, but it will have to do. I smile at him and he holds out his arm for me.

    "Shall we?"

    Oh, dilemma. Should I take his arm? We are supposed to be pretending to be together, or sort of anyway; but I have this sinking feeling that if I place my hand on his arm, that I'm never going to want to let go. What the hell? You only live once, right? I place my hand on his arm and I can swear his breath just hitched. Maybe he's just cold.

    "So, where are you taking me?" I ask.

    He leads me down the stairs and then I notice it. The main room of the bottom floor is decked out in candles and now has a table and chairs sitting in the middle of it. The table is covered with a deep red tablecloth and set with nice china and silverware.

    "O-kay. Not exactly what I had in mind." He grins at me and then pulls out a chair at the table for me. He pushes the chair in and then sits down in the chair, across from mine.

    "I figured this would be more intimate," Lex says. I arch an eyebrow at him.

    "Intimate?" I question.

    He doesn't look fazed at all by his comment and motions for a waiter he obviously hired, to come over to the table with a bottle of wine. The waiter quickly shuffles away, knowing, or at the very least sensing, that he isn't needed for anything else at this point. Even from just looking at the label, I can tell that it's old and probably quite expensive. He grins at me as he pours a glass of wine into a crystal goblet and then places it in my waiting hand.

    "I wanted to be able to talk to you without you feeling like we had to keep up an act in front of all of the couples at this resort," Lex says.

    Oh. That makes sense. And it would actually be kind of thoughtful if I didn't want to be one of those couples. Better not say that to him though. I pick up my glass and hold it out in front of me.

    "What should we toast to?" I ask, changing the subject.

    I can't decipher the _expression on his face. He looks like he's trying to get inside my head for some reason. He holds up his own glass.

    "To lost reservations," he replies with a smirk. I chuckle and we clink our glasses together.

    I bring the glass up to my lips to take a sip and then place it back on the table. He's looking at me rather intently. Now I'm the one wishing I could get inside his head. What could he possibly be thinking about?

    "You were going to tell me about your crush," he reminds me. I grin at him.

    "And you were going to apologize for locking me outside, you coward," I say.

    "Indeed," he agrees. He's leaning over the very small table now. Why does he have to do that? I'm sure he's doing it to intimidate me so he won't have to apologize, but it's having a completely different effect. It's a good thing that I've only had a sip of the wine or I would be pressing my lips to his at this very moment.

    "So?" I manage to squeak out.

    He sighs, moving away from me. "I'm very sorry for behaving so poorly towards you, Lex says.

    I smile at him. "Wow," I say sarcastically. "That almost sounded sincere."

    He smiles. "It was completely sincere," he says seriously.

    He reaches over and picks up my hand. What the hell is he doing? Okay Chloe, remember to breathe. Ignore the little shock of electricity that just went racing through your body. Everything is going to be okay. Or not.

    He brings my hand up to his lips and plants a soft kiss on it. "Forgive me?" he asks.

    I'm staring at him with my mouth slightly open. I can't help it. I manage to close my mouth and force a grin onto my lips. I'm tempted to reach over and gulp down the wine, just to give me the nerve to deal with this different side to him.

    "I suppose," I say.

    He smiles at this and I see him turning his head in the direction of the absentee waiter to let him know that it's time to bring in the food. A few minutes later, the waiter walks in with a large tray with several different kinds of food on it.

    "Just leave it there," Lex tells him. The waiter nods once and then leaves the room. Lex flashes me an apologetic smile. "I wasn't sure what you were in the mood for," he explains.

    "Thanks," I reply with a smile. Wow. He really is being considerate, kind of sweet even. Why is he doing that?

    "What would you like to eat?" he asks. I shrug and take a look at some of the food on the tray.

    "It all looks good," I say. "I'll just eat a little bit of everything." Lex smiles as he gets up and proceeds to put some of the items onto the plate in front of me. "I could have done it." He shakes his head and then serves himself.

    "I said that I would take you to a nice dinner," he says, sitting down. "You would never have to serve yourself if we were in a restaurant." I smirk at him.

    "You could have let the waiter do it," I say.

    He sloughs off the comment and I take a bite of one of the entrees in front of me. Yum. We're engulfed in what seems like an uncomfortable silence as we take the first few bites of our food. "You know, Lex, we never did go skiing today," I remind him.

    He takes a sip of his wine and then shakes his head. "No we didn't," he agrees. "But we have all week. Better to get used to your surroundings on the first day."

    I nod and take another bite of food.

    He smirks at me. "Don't fill up on that. There's still dessert you know?"

    I lick my top lip and notice that his eyes seem to be following the action. I really, really need to get my head examined if I think Lex is attracted to me.

    "So---" he says.

    I look at him, questioningly.

    "So," he repeats.

    He pours another glass of wine for each of us. Thank God I had food with the first glass, because it's helping to dispel me from getting drunk and throwing myself at the man beside me. "You were going to tell me about the man you have a secret longing for." I smile and lean toward him.

    "Actually, I believe you stated that I should be prepared to bare my soul," I say. "I'm not sure that includes telling you about the man I like."

    "On the contrary," he says with a smirk. "Who you like greatly reflects who you are." Damn. "You said that I know him?"

    I find my head nodding of its own accord. "Yes," I reply. He reaches over and starts running his fingertips along the top of my hand. Don't shiver Sullivan; he'll be able to see that in this dress.

    "Is he a good man?" Lex asks. I smile.

    "Why is this so important to you?" I ask.

    "I don't want you to get hurt," he says in a completely serious tone.

    "He won't hurt me," I say. "He doesn't see me as anything more than a friend." He raises a skeptical eyebrow.

    "I sincerely doubt that," he says. I look at him questioningly.

    "Why?" I ask. "Clark never liked me as more than a friend." Neither do you, I add silently.

    "Not every man in the world is as blind as Clark Kent," Lex says. "In fact, I'd be willing to wager that most of them aren't."

    "And that's why I'm up here alone for Valentine's Day," I say with heavy sarcasm. "Because most guys would jump at a chance with me. Please."

    "Chloe---" Lex says. I can see him struggling with something, but he doesn't seem to be able to say it.

    "What?" I ask. He tilts his head at me.

    "I don't know who this guy is that you're interested in, but I know you, and I know you deserve better," he says.

    Hmm. I can't come up with a good rebuttal to that unless I tell him the truth, and he's one of the only 'sort of' friends I have left in Smallville. I let out a labored sigh.

    "I think I need to tell you something," I say. I'm fidgeting with my napkin, hoping that he doesn't notice how nervous I am.


    Lex's POV

    She's toying with her napkin. She's trying not to reveal it but the nervousness is showing like a neon lighted sign, over a dance club. She's scared---scared that I might do something big brotherly to the guy---like tell him to take a hike. I did say she deserved better. That does sound like a big brotherly thing, right?

    Who do I know that she might be going out with? Not Clark---that's been established. Is it---Pete? No---Pete would never hesitate to tell her how he felt. Could it---could lady luck be smiling on me---could it be me? And how can I get her to tell me? I know---she's the reporter but I'll switch roles---I'll be the reporter tonight. I'll ask the questions. Okay here goes.

    "Chloe, if it'll make you less anxious---I'll ask you some questions about him and you answer, if you can?"

    She looks up and gives me a slight smile. "Okay. But I can't promise I will answer them."

    "Don't worry; as I said, answer what you can. Okay, first question---is he available?"


    "Is he good looking?"

    "I guess you might say that."

    "Is he blind as a bat?"

    "No, Lex, he's not your Dad!"

    "Chloe! I didn't mean it that way. I meant is he so blind that he can't see what's in front of him?"

    "Oh---no he's not blind; he's occupied, I guess."

    "So, he works hard."

    "Yes---too much. He needs to take a vacation more often. His workers are worried about him."

    "Ahhhh---so he's upper management?"


    "So, is he sane?"

    "What the hell type of question is that?"

    "Well, is he?"

    "Well, right now, I'm not so sure."

    "What the hell does that mean?"

    "Nothing----go on."

    "No, answer my question."

    "Lex, you said I didn't have to give a full answer or answer some of them. I take the fifth with this one."

    I let out a sigh. "Okay---is he taller than you?"


    "Smarter than you?"

    "Just as smart but not smart enough to notice me, because he's busy or maybe---"

    "Maybe what?"

    "As I said, he sees me as only a friend, Lex. I can't change that, as much as I want too. Unless he comes forward, there's nothing I can do. And to answer your last question---he had red hair."

    She lets out a sigh and gets up. "I'm sorry, I've lost my appetite. Thank you for the wonderful dinner, Lex. Good night."

    She's at the bottom of the stairs, when I speak up. "Hold on! I've got one more question."

    She turns around. "All right, what is it?"

    I get up and walk over to her, taking her hand. "Chloe---is this idiot you love---me?"


    Chloe's POV

    Oh crap! Think of something quick. I smile at him as I try to think of something to say.

    "Do you have red hair?" I ask. Hopefully he won't catch the fact that I used the past tense before. Lex smirks at me, squeezing my hand.

    "You said 'had'," he reminds me. Damn. I should have known that I couldn't get that past him. I smile again.

    "Did you?"


    "Huh," I say thoughtfully and then turn to walk up the stairs again. "Night, Lex."

    I know I didn't answer his question; I'm just not ready to. Not until I know that there's at least a small possibility that he could ever reciprocate my feelings. I've had enough unrequited love to last me a lifetime.

    I don't turn around to face him because I don't want to see his reaction. I don't think I could handle it if he was smirking at me.

    "Night, Chloe," I hear as I continue up the stairs.

    I grin to myself. There---that wasn't so bad. We're still friends and I didn't have to lie to him---or not exactly anyway. I go to my bedroom, which I'm still not convinced isn't the big one, and begin to change into the warm flannel pajamas I brought with me. I snicker. Okay, they're not sexy, but they're warm, and that was the reason I packed them.

    I hear a knock on the door and I barely keep myself from cursing under my breath. Of course it's him; nobody else in this cabin but me and I'm here. I walk over and open the door. He's standing in front of me in---flannel pajamas? I smile. I can't say that I've ever pictured him in flannel, but he doesn't look half-bad in them.

    "Great minds think alike," he says as he looks at what I'm wearing.

    "Apparently," I agree. "Did you need something?"

    He sighs and gives me a concerned look.

    "I wanted to apologize," he says. My eyes grow wide.

    "Wow. Two apologies in one night," I comment.

    He chuckles and his lips turn into a soft grin.

    "I didn't mean to---" he says and then pauses. "I didn't mean to upset you. I know we don't get to see each other that often, but I value your friendship. Are you still mad at me?"

    I shake my head lightly and grin at him.

    "I was never mad at you, Lex. It's just a sensitive subject."

    "I understand." An awkward silence surrounds us and then Lex grins at me. "Still up for learning how to ski tomorrow?"

    "Absolutely," I confirm.

    He's leaning toward me and I can't help but feel confused.

    Lex gives me a sweet kiss on the cheek and pulls away. "Good night Chloe." He turns on his heel and walks down to the other bedroom.

    I only close my door after I hear his open and close his. Then I touch the part of my cheek that he kissed. Maybe there was still hope. Maybe tomorrow I'll be ready to tell him how I feel.


    Lex's POV

    God, Luthor. Missed a golden opportunity when she mentioned he had red hair. Hello! Neon sign flashing again---it's you, you idiot! But she backed down---scared. Scared of what?

    I walk over to my bed, my thoughts straying for a moment. Flannel pajamas---I knew we were perfect together but I never expected that. I don't think she did either. I probably beat her to the punch with 'great minds think alike'. I chuckle. Now, it's onto serious things. Why is she scared of telling me, she loves me?

    It hits me---abandonment issues. Not her own as much as her fathers---she never had a marriage to look up to---hell, I didn't either. As I told Clark once, my father probably had his own chapter in the annals of adultery. I let out a sigh---no wonder I'm afraid of commitment. As to her, she mentioned about her mother once and how she left them both. So, that's a major reason.

    The other; never showing the other person how we felt, because we were afraid to be told:
    'What? Do you think I'm in love with you? Are you crazy? We have nothing in common'. Course that theory goes out the window---we have a lot in common---including denial or having problems showing our feelings for each other. I let out a sigh and flop down on the bed.

    Well, I'll sleep on this and figure out the problem. Chloe Sullivan, by hook or by crook, tomorrow, I'm going to tell you how I feel and this will be the best Valentine's Day holiday ever. I smile again. Well, it was a start that I kissed her cheek---would have loved to have kissed those beautiful ruby lips though. I sigh again, closing my eyes to dream about the wonderful woman in the other room. So near and yet so far.

    Next Day

    "You did that on purpose!"

    "What? No I didn't, Chloe. I was shoved into you!"

    "Yeah---you probably paid the guy to do it!"

    "You think I don't want to teach you to ski so I paid somebody to push me into you? Why would I do that?"

    She walks up the stairs, making a sloshing sound. She doesn't turn around until at the top of them, and glares at me. "So, I wouldn't embarrass the teacher, maybe!"

    More than likely that I don't want her to get hurt and that---I wanted her inside, away from people, so I could tell her how I feel. I really didn't pay the guy---it was an accident. But a fortuitous one

    "Chloe, that's not true. You have potential to be the best skier I've ever seen---eye coordination is great. And all of us fall down on our butts when learning."

    She lets out a sigh. "Okay, I guess I just overreacted. So, should I get changed and we'll try this again?"

    "It's too late, Chlo. Maybe we can do it tomorrow?"

    "Tomorrow is Valentine's Day---all the couples will be out there, smooching. I don't think so. Lex, how about we forget about it---I don't mind waiting another year to learn how to ski. Hey, we could make this an annual event---the 'going up to the ski lodge and not learning how to ski' event."

    I smile at her. "Okay---maybe we will. But for now---go get changed before you catch something."

    "Okay," she answers, walking into her room.

    A Few Hours Later

    I'm lying on the couch, almost asleep, when I feel a presence before me and hear, "Lex, are you asleep?"

    I pretend to be asleep.

    "I guess you are. Well, this will make it easier. Lex, I'm sorry I'm being such a hard ass. It's just that this is virgin territory for me---I've never had a real romantic relationship in my life or something to look at from others to know how to handle this. Well, I guess I should just say it straight out, as my Grandpa used to say. Sort of, I guess---since you are asleep. I'll see if I have the courage to tell you face to face, later. Call this a dress rehearsal."

    I keep my breath steady---although it's hard to do.

    "Lex, I love you."

    There it is---out there for all to hear. And I can't respond to it. But---I've got too, even if it makes her angry that I faked being asleep. Okay, boy, before you loose your nerve, tell her.

    "I love you too, Chloe."

    She sits back, staring at me, as I open my eyes. "You little faker!" she yells at me, hitting me in the arm. She gets up, fuming mad. "I hate you, Lex Luthor!" she states, as she heads for the stairs.

    Before she even makes it halfway, I get up, grab her arm---effectively turning her around---and pull her towards me, hoping this kiss will quench the anger in her.


    Chloe's POV

    He's kissing me! Oh my God! This isn't happening. Mmm, he has soft lips. I can feel myself melting into his arms as they wrap around me, and I think if I were to die right now that I'd be happy. Wait a second! I abruptly push myself away from him and he slowly opens his eyes.

    "What the hell was that?!" I'm yelling, but he definitely deserves it.

    He smirks at me, and with his nearness, my knees are going a little bit weak. Despite the fact that I pushed away from him, his arms are still around me. I guess it's a good thing, since I don't know whether I'd be able to stand otherwise. He's moving his mouth to my ear and I can feel his warm breath against my skin. Oh God.

    "You love me," he says.

    My face turns into a grimace and I bite my lip. "Well---" I start and then pause.

    He kisses my earlobe and I can feel his tongue darting out to taste me. I don't think I can handle much more of this.

    "Yeah," I admit.

    Lex pulls away and looks at me.

    I grin ever so slightly. "But you weren't supposed to be awake to hear that."

    He smiles and leans down to kiss me again. I run my hands up his chest and around his neck as we deepen the kiss. A thought occurs to me and I pull my lips away from his and give him a questioning look. "You said you love me." He grins and kisses me again.

    "I was wondering when that would finally reach your brain," he says with a smirk, as he pulls back. I hit him lightly on the arm and he laughs.

    "So you love me?" I ask.

    He moves his mouth toward mine and captures my lips with his. Our tongues intertwine and I let out a small moan.

    "Yes," he finally answers, when we come up for breath. "But I'll have to prove it to you another time. It's getting late and if you still want to try skiing tomorrow---" I interrupt him with a groan and he chuckles. "You'll love it once you get used to it." I arch an eyebrow at him.

    "So it's kind of like you then?" I quip. He tightens his grip on me and kisses me again. We pull our mouths apart and he grins at me as we rest our foreheads against each other.

    He leads me upstairs.

    "Goodnight, Chloe," Lex says, as we come to my room.

    I smile at him and walk back into his arms. "Goodnight, Lex," I say.

    We've said goodnight, but we're still standing here, holding each other, just enough distance apart to be able to look into each other's eyes. He has beautiful eyes. I find myself not wanting to go back to my own room, but I know it's too soon for that.

    I smile. "For me to be able to go to sleep and get some rest, I'll need you to let go of me." He smirks. Oh, don't do that. You're going to make me turn to mush all over again.

    "For now, I'll let you go," he says.

    He places a light kiss on my forehead as he releases me from his embrace. I watch him walk to his room and then I shake my head and walk to mine. I smile to myself, after I shut the door. I knew he gave me the bigger room.


    Lex's POV

    I let out a heavy sigh, after I close the door. I got off easy---Hurricane Chloe could have very well shown up---slapped me across the face and walked out of my life forever. As it is---I'm hoping she'll stay with me forever and a day. I chuckle. She even forgot that she didn't want to ski tomorrow---I guess being a couple, she wouldn't feel as much out of place as before. Of course, there's the added bonus if she falls, she'll fall into me and we don't have to get up as quick. I smile----letting my mind wander for a minute into the large cavernous gutter before me. Down, Lex! There'll be plenty of time to think about things like that---you've got all your life ahead of you. Let's curb the hormones tonight, shall we?

    A half an hour later, I'm in bed, after taking a very cold shower. I turn off the light and wait for sleep to over take me---but it doesn't. And it doesn't help that I try to count sheep and they all have Chloe's face. Ugh. Okay, this is not working---maybe some warm milk. I get up and put on my robe and slippers. I open the door and hear faint music below. I look over the railing and see I'm not the only one who can't sleep. I smile as I watch her dance, drifting across the floor, like a swan, gliding along the water. She's so beautiful, her golden hair, shining in the moonlight. She's an angel, with a devil's temper at times. But right now, her angelic side is showing, as she dances around the room to 'Set The Night To Music'.

    I hear her voice softly sing, "Set the night to music, we could, set the night to music, we could, do what we want to do, it'll only take me and you, to set the night to music."

    I revel in her sweet angelic voice but remember how angry she had been when I had played at sleeping and don't want to know how she would react to me spying on her. I want to live to see my next birthday. I smile at that and turn to my door.

    After that sweet impromptu lullaby of sorts from her, I'm fast asleep, dreaming about the woman I love.

    The Next Morning

    "Chloe---come on. Time to get up and spend the first of many Valentine's Days with the man who loves you!"

    No answer. I open the door slightly and notice the bed is made. "Wow, didn't know you were such an early riser."

    I walk in. "Chloe? Are you here?" Deafening silence meets my ears. Where the hell is she?

    I walk out of the room and make my way downstairs. I notice a note on the table near the door and walk over to retrieve it. I open it up and it says:

    Hey Sexy Lexy:

    Didn't want to wake you since you seemed to be restless last night. Gotta get some sleep, buddy, or I'll tucker you out so fast, I might have to let you go and find a better model. Oh don't frown---I was just kidding. Well, I'm off to find the perfect gift for my new boyfriend. Wish me luck---I'm going to need it. After all, he seems to own everything in this world already. Sigh----thought I might be enough but I think I'll try to find him a little trinket to go with me. I should be back in the early afternoon. I'll see you then. Oh, one more thing---I love you, Sexy Lexy.

    Coy Chloe

    I chuckle at our nicknames---mine seems to be dead bang on, but hers---that'll be the day. Oh My God----I better go buy her a present too.

    I grab my boots and coat and rush out of the cabin, my mission----find a gift for my girlfriend, worthy of her. Talk about a near impossible thing to do. But I'll do my damnedest.

    Early Afternoon

    "Chloe, I'm back!"

    Good! She's not back yet. In my haste I forgot to leave her a note and I didn't want her to be worried. I put my gift-wrapped package gently down and take my coat and boots off. I walk over to the couch and lie down, exhausted. In a matter of minutes, I'm fast asleep.

    I'm awakened by a slight tickling. I open my eyes and see her smile. "Hi!"

    "Hi, yourself. Wake up, sleepy head. We have to get ready for the St. Valentine's Day Dance over at the lodge."

    "Can't we stay in and have some fun that would get us arrested out in public?" I ask, giving her my best grin.

    "No! We're going dancing and that's final."

    "All right, but you owe me big time for doing this," I state, sitting up, and pulling her into my lap. "Sure I can't change your mind?" I ask, before I kiss her on the lips.

    "Ah---Lex---you're not playing fair. Please---I promise we'll have fun afterwards if we go dancing."

    "All right, we'll go dancing," I sigh, letting her get up. She offers her hand and we walk up the stairs. I give her an Eskimo kiss and leave her at the door.



    "Thanks for the big bedroom."

    "How'd you---okay, I know I'll never pull a fast one on you ever. You're welcome, Chloe."

    She gives me a smile and disappears into her room, as I do mine.

  4. #4
    Just a Guest!
    Ch. 3

    Chloe's POV

    I smile to myself as I hook the clasp on my necklace. He'll definitely want to go to the dance once he sees me in the dress that I bought today. I smooth it out, as I run my hands down my hips. The material is a dark red rust color and hugs my curves quite nicely if I do say so myself. I really hope this will work. Lex seemed so against going to the dance, but I couldn't very well tell him why he had to be there. Okay, this is it.

    I walk over and open my bedroom door. Even from here I can hear him moving around in his room. I take a deep breath, walk over to his room, and knock on his door.

    "Be right out," he calls from inside.

    I smile. Never did I think I'd see the day when I could get ready faster than he could. I'll have to tease him about that.

    I see the knob turning and I smile a little wider. "Sorry, I couldn't find my---" He trails off, his mouth hanging open as he lets his eyes wander up and down my frame. I barely can contain the giggle that's threatening to pour from my mouth.

    "Couldn't find your what?" I ask. He raises his eyes to look in mine again.

    "I---uh," he shakes his head. "Doesn't matter." He's smiling at me but then he frowns. Why is he frowning?

    "What's wrong?" I ask in a concerned voice.

    "You're wearing *that*?" he asks. My mouth drops open for a split second and I glare at him.

    "Excuse me?! There is nothing wrong with this dress, Alexander Luthor!" I yell.

    Geez! I went to all the trouble of picking out something that I thought he would love me in and he's acting like it's the most horrible thing he's ever seen in his life. Wait a second. A minute ago he was practically drooling over me.

    "Okay, what gives?" He looks confused. "You didn't seem to mind what I was wearing when you opened the door, so what gives?" He smirks at me.

    "I don't mind what you're wearing now," he says. "But I do mind you wearing it to a large gathering where other men will be watching you all night."

    I raise an eyebrow and cross my arms. "You're joking, right?" I ask.

    He shakes his head. "I'm not," he says. "And I doubt their girlfriends would be too pleased with it either."

    I roll my eyes. "You're overreacting," I say. "Once they see who I'm with, nobody will dare look at me." I smirk as well as I can, but I know it's nothing compared to one of his.

    Lex looks thoughtful and then nods. "True," he agrees. I smile at him and take his hand.

    "Good." I'm practically dragging him down the stairs and he's laughing at me, but I don't care. I have to get there by the time I arranged for his present. We throw on our coats and leave for the lodge. God, I'm nervous. I hope he likes this. I want him to see how much he means to me.

    We get there and it's already crowded. I hadn't expected half the resort to show up at the very beginning of the dance. Who does that? Haven't they ever heard of being fashionably late? Lex is looking at me and I give him a nervous smile.

    "Problem?" he asks as he notices my hesitation to go in with so many people there. I shake my head.

    "No---I just didn't expect so many people to be here so soon," I admit.

    He wraps his arm around my back and leans his head down to my ear.

    "We can still leave," he says suggestively. I close my eyes as I let his warm breath caress my skin, and I barely manage to say no.

    "Can't," I say. "Your present's in there." He seems surprised.

    "Oh," he says. I see a boyish grin light up his face. "What are we waiting out here for then?" I can't help but laugh.

    He grabs my hand and leads me into the lodge with incredible impatience. I take a quick glance around and then I notice the man I came here to see. Lex sees me waving at him and he narrows his eyes.

    "Something I should know?" he asks with suspicion. I smile and nod as I start walking towards him, Lex following closely behind.

    "He's a part of your present," I say as I turn around to face him. He arches an eyebrow.

    "You got me a---" he glances back over to the man, who sitting at the piano bench near the rest of the band, and then back to me. "---piano player?" He tilts his head. "Gee honey, you shouldn't have," he says sarcastically.

    I roll my eyes and release his hand.

    "If this goes badly, just remember that it's the thought that counts," I say before kissing him and walking toward the piano.

    I don't dare look back at him because I would lose my nerve. The man at the microphone gives a quick introduction. Something about this being a special song for a special guy, but honestly, I'm drowning everything out. I've never gotten nervous about singing before, I don't know why it's happening now. Okay, I do, but I'm not ready to admit how deeply I care for Lex, not even to myself. I told him that I loved him, but that doesn't even begin to describe what I feel, and I can only hope that his feelings for me go just as deep. I hear the music start to play and I start to sing.

    'If there were no words, no way to speak'

    I make eye contact with him and I can't read the _expression on his face. Love, astonishment?

    'I would still hear you
    If there were no tears, no way to feel inside
    I'd still feel for you'

    Suddenly, I hear my Dad's words echoing in my head, telling me that things have a way of working out, even if it's not what we're planning or expecting. I wonder if he knew my feelings for Lex before I admitted them.

    'And even if the sun refused to shine
    Even if romance ran out of rhyme
    You would still have my heart until the end time
    You're all I need, my love, my valentine'

    'All of my life
    I have been waiting for all you give to me
    You've opened my eyes, and shown me how to love unselfishly'

    My heart is still running a mile a minute as I look at Lex. Is it the nervousness of being in front of all of these people, or just what I feel for him? I wish I knew what he was thinking.


    Lex's POV

    When she said she had a gift for me---I never expected this. At first, I was jealous when she waved at another man. Completely normal for most but something I had never felt before in my life. This told me, without a shadow of a doubt, that I loved her more than anything in this world.

    She led me over and said he was a part of my present. I said something sarcastic to her and then sat down, waiting.

    I lose my train of thought when she starts to sing. I'm stunned to say the least but inside, I'm so damn happy. She really loves me, the same way I love her. Like there was any doubt in that regards, Luthor.

    As I listen to her lilting voice, the words hit me like a ton of bricks---but she got one thing wrong. It wasn't I who showed her how to love unselfishly; it was she who did that---many times over. Whether it be love for a friend, or a love that went deeper---she taught me how to profess and project it.

    While my father was of the ilk to leave emotions at the doorstep of the castle, she believed in letting it all hang out, damn the consequences. I loved that about her and I always will. And will love her forever for showing me how to do it myself. She taught me so much more than I have ever taught her.

    Oh God, her singing is so beautiful. I hope my present pleases her as much as hers is pleasing me.

    She's nervous. As she continues to sing, I see a slight uncertainty in her eyes:

    'I've dreamed of this a thousand times before
    In my dreams I couldn't love you more
    I will give you my heart until the end of time
    Your all I need my love my valentine'

    Not as many times as I've dreamed about you, sweetheart, I think, giving her a slight smile. She catches it and it gives her the confidence she needs to give a strong finish to the song. I smile, inwardly, knowing she didn't really need it, even though she thinks she did. And she definitely has my heart until the end of time---and beyond.

    'And even if the sun refused to shine
    Even if romance ran out of rhyme
    You would still have my heart until the end of time
    Cause all I need is you my valentine
    Oh, your all I need my love my valentine'

    The clapping and the hurray's are loud but not heard or acknowledged by her. I watch as Jim gets up and takes a bow but Chloe, she runs to my open arms and snuggles in. I feel her smile and kiss the top of her head.

    "This is the best gift I have ever gotten in my entire life."

    She backs away and smiles at me. "Really? I thought I was off-key?"

    "Off-key? You sang like an angel. You are an angel. Chloe, I love you so much," I reply, hearing a slight hitch in my voice. Oh God, I do---the last time I loved somebody or cared for somebody this much was my mother.

    "Oh God, I love you too, Lex," she replies, tears glistening in her eyes.

    We kiss, forgetting about the crowd---barely hearing the wolf whistles until we back away, slightly embarrassed. But not for long; she takes a bow and I join her. "Let's get out of here," she states, as she gets back up.

    "No argument from me. I'm anxious to see what you think of my gift."

    She smiles once more and turns around to mouth 'thank you' to the piano player. Then she takes my hand and we're at the cabin, in 3 minutes flat.

    We enter the cabin and she turns on the light. "Where's my gift?" she asks, smiling at me.

    "I'm not enough?"

    "No!" she states.

    "You wound me, dear lady!"

    "I'll do more than wound you, Luthor--- I'll drop kick you into the next millennium."

    "Now that's a hollow threat," I say, chuckling at her look of dismay. "Honey, honey, it's okay. I got you something---don't worry."

    "Well, where is it?"

    "Right over there," I say, pointing to the long box I brought in this afternoon.

    She rushes over and unwraps the gift, wrapping paper spraying all over the place. When she gets to the box she sits on the couch and pats the cushion. "Come sit, Lex."

    "Thought you would never ask." I walk over and sit beside her. "Well?"

    "Oh yeah. Sorry, was distracted by my handsome boyfriend," she states, smiling. "Okay, here goes something."

    She opens it and gasps. "Oh, Lex, it's beautiful!" Her hand gently takes the perfect rose out of the box. "It's---"

    "---spun glass."

    "Yes, it's---where did you get it?"

    "Nearby at a local artisan. I asked for a rose that would last as long as our love would. I know that glass can be fragile but this one isn't. It's very---"

    "---heavy. Oh, it's so---God, I don't think anybody has come up for a word for this present, Lex. Thank you----and I love you."

    I smile as she places the rose back into the box and hugs me. "And I'm not finished yet," I state, pulling back.


    "More," I reply, getting up and offering my hand to her. She looks at me, mystified.

    "We're not going outside again? No snowball fights, right?"

    "Not tonight---however, I might let you have a rematch tomorrow," I reply, smiling at the look on her face. "For now, I want to dance with the woman I love."

    "Oh---so where is she?" she asks. I give her a smirk. "You know, Lex, I have to tell you something."


    "That smirk of yours---it melts me into a puddle of goo every time you turn it on me."

    "Want me to stop?"

    "Never!" she replies, giving me a quick kiss.

    I lead her over to the stereo and turn it on, placing a CD in the player. The strains of "Set The Night To Music" comes over the stereo and she looks at me.

    "You---you saw me dancing to that song, didn't you?"

    "Yes. So---are you going to get mad at me?"


    Chloe's POV

    Am I going to get mad at him? I shake my head and smile as I run my hands up his chest.

    "I guess not," I say playfully. I laugh when a look of pure relief crosses his face. "You were really worried weren't you?"

    He tilts his head and smiles.

    "I never know what to expect with you, Chloe Sullivan," he says and wraps his arms around me. I raise an eyebrow.

    "That's a good thing, right?" I ask.

    He nods and kisses me. My hands go up around his neck to allow him to deepen the kiss and we start swaying back and forth to the music in the background. We finally pull our mouths apart and I rest my forehead against his chest.

    "I love you," I murmur, as I look up at him. He kisses me again.

    "I love you too Chloe," he says, as we snuggle. "More than you'll ever know."

    The last part comes out as a whisper, but I still hear it. I take a deep breath and pull away from him slightly. I bite my lower lip as I look up at him.

    "I have another present for you," I say. I know my nervousness comes through in my voice, but the words are out there and it's too late to take them back. He furrows his brow and shakes his head.

    "Chloe," he says. "You've already given me what I didn't think I'd ever have. I never thought that you could love me back, and you do, and---"

    I silence him by pressing my lips to his. The kiss quickly becomes more passionate and our tongues are dancing as our bodies are pressed together. Oh God. If I don't push away from him now, then I'll never be able to. Reluctantly I let my lips slide off of his again. He's frowning. Poor guy. I should really tell him what his second present is, but then it wouldn't be a surprise.

    "I'll be right back," I say. "I promise."

    He lets me go and I run up the stairs. I can hear the phone ringing downstairs as I begin to change into his second, er, present. Thank God they had a lingerie section at the store. It's a silk and lace baby doll teddy, almost the same color as the dress I wore this evening. Glad he likes this color on me.

    I take a quick glance in the mirror and bite my lip again. A wave of apprehension hits me. Is he going to think that I'm moving too fast? We've known each other for years, but we've only entered into the relationship thing in the last couple of days. I take a deep breath. If he rejects me, then he rejects me. There's no turning back now. I throw the matching robe on, but leave it untied. I open the bedroom door and walk out.

    I can see that he's talking on the phone to someone, facing the other direction, and he doesn't notice that I've even come out of my room. I walk down the stairs and listen to part of his conversation. I know, it's eavesdropping, but I'm curious. It goes along with being a reporter. And besides, he still owes me for spying on me the other night.

    "I can't believe you set this whole thing up, Gabe," Lex says.

    My eyebrows rise. He's talking to my Dad? And my Dad---he set this whole thing up? What the---?

    "Yes. All I can say is that everything is going---" Lex says and then turns around. His eyes grow wide and his mouth drops open. "---perfect." He gapes at me for a second longer, and I honestly think he's forgotten that he's even on the phone.

    "Gabe, I have to go now. I'll talk to you later." He hangs up the phone and I cross my arms.

    "My Dad set this whole thing up?" I ask.

    He's still staring at me. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. It kind of looks like he's in shock. "Are you okay?"

    My words break him out of the spell he seems to be under. Lex walks over and envelopes me in his arms, swiftly moving his mouth to mine. My knees are going weak. Wow. I'm stuck in a romance novel. But---oh my God! I've never felt like this before.

    We finally pull apart to breathe. I'm taking large gulps of air and have a giddy smile on my face. "And here I thought you might reject me," I say in a hushed voice full of amusement.

    He looks at me like I'm crazy. "Chloe," he says, taking a large breath and shaking his head. "How could you ever think that?"

    I look down. "I just didn't know if you would think that I was moving things along too fast or not," I answer.

    He wraps his arms around me in a comforting hug and kisses the top of my head. "We could use a little speed with how slow we took admitting our feelings about each other to ourselves," he says.

    I smile. Good point. "That's what I was thinking."

    We kiss again. His hands are moving over my body, but I'm not paying too much attention to them. The sensations are just overwhelming me. He picks me up and my eyes grow wide as I rip my lips away from his.

    "You're going to carry me up the stairs?" I ask with surprise.

    He smirks at me. Ooh. Good thing he's going to carry me because I don't think I could walk.

    "I have another present for you as well," he says huskily.

    I arch an eyebrow. "Oh, do you really?" I reply teasingly. He gives me a curt nod and begins to carry me up the stairs.

    He pauses when we reach the top of the stairs and looks at the door to his room. He gives me a questioning glance. "The bed in your room is bigger," he explains.

    I smile and nod. "Okay," I agree. To my surprise, he sets me down. I furrow my brow at him.

    "I'll meet you in there," he says. "I need to get something."

    Oh yeah, of course. Good thing he remembered, because I can't guarantee that I would have with the feelings that he stirs in me.

    I give him a quick kiss on the cheek and then walk down the hall. I enter my bedroom, closing the door behind me. I would leave it open for him, but keeping the door closed helps keep the heat in, and this outfit isn't anywhere near as warm as my flannel pajamas.

    I hear a knock at the door and shake my head. He should know that he could just come in. I go over to open it and my mouth drops open at the sight before me.

    My heart is pounding hard against my chest. Lex is in black silk pajama pants and down on one knee with what looks like a very expensive ring in his hand. I think I've lost the power of speech. This can't be happening. My breathing becomes more rapid and I can barely even hear him as he begins to speak.

    "Chloe Sullivan, I love you with all my heart, with all my soul. Please---" He actually sounds like he's pleading with me, like he believes there's a chance of rejection. "---will you marry me?"

    I find my head nodding of its own accord and he sweeps me up into his arms and kisses me. My arms wind around his neck and my tongue runs along his lips asking for entrance, which is quickly granted. He sets me down and smiles lovingly at me. His hands are shaky, as he picks up the spectacular diamond that had fallen out of his hand, when he swooped me into his arms. He places the ring on my finger.

    "I can't believe this is happening," I muse aloud. He chuckles.

    "What did you think your other present was?" Lex asks.

    I blush and look down to try and hide it, which only makes him laugh harder. "Oh," he finally says and kisses me again. "Well I think that can be arranged too," he states, after we come up for air. He takes my hand and leads me to our bed.


    Lex's POV


    "Yes?" I ask her, as I revel in her snuggling with me.

    "I wanted to know---do you always carry a diamond ring around with you?"

    I chuckle at her. She looks up. "Too personal?"

    "Chloe, after what we just did, nothing is too personal."

    "That's true. So, do you always carry a diamond ring around with you?" she asks, smiling.


    "Good. So, how did you come across this diamond ring? And how the heck did you know my ring size?"

    "Serendipity!" I state.

    "Serendipity? Doesn't that mean---?"

    "---making a pleasant discovery by accident. Yes--that's what happened. I was walking along the street one day and came across this ring in an antique store. It just spoke out my feelings for you---how much I wanted to tell you that I loved you. So, I went in and bought it. And I've been carrying it around with me, hoping eventually it would give me the courage to tell you I loved you and to ask you to marry me. I even showed it to your dad, once. Course, just to show---not to say I was going to ask you."

    "Ah---but my father can be very perceptive. This explains why he set us up---he wants grand children before he's to old to pick them up," she states, giggling.

    "He thought I was moving too slow, you think?" I ask her, smiling.

    "Both of us were moving too slow. After all, I had the same feelings and yet---didn't tell you."

    "That's true."



    "About the ring size?"


    "Again with that word. Since when have you believed in serendipity?"

    "Since that day I met a very spunky wanna-be reporter, several years ago."

    "Since you met Clark, eh?"

    I look down at her. "Him too---but I was thinking of you, sweetheart."

    "Awwww---you know, I like this side of you, Lex."

    "What side is that?"

    "The sappy, mushy, romantic side of you. Not many people get to see it."

    "Only you, Chloe. Only you," I state before we kiss once more and snuggle back into the bed."



    "I can't sleep."

    "You want me to sing you to sleep?"

    She looks up. "You can sing?"

    "Yes, I can."

    "How serendipitous that is."

    I chuckle at her. "Yes, it is. So, what do you want to hear?"

    "You know, I love Jim Brickman's Love of My Life. Can you---?"

    "I most certainly can," I answer, giving her a smile.

    She snuggles back into me as I start to sing:

    'I am amazed
    When I look at you
    I see you smiling back at me
    It's like all my dreams come true
    I am afraid
    If I lost you girl
    I'd fall through the cracks
    And lose my track in this crazy lonely world'

    I hear a slight sigh and look down. "Asleep yet?"

    "Nope---continue, please."

    'Sometimes it's so hard to believe
    When the nights can be so long
    And faith gave me the strength
    And kept me going on

    You are the love of my life
    And I'm so glad you found me
    You are the love of my life
    Baby put your arms around me
    I guess this is how it feels
    When you finally find something real
    My angel in the night
    You are my love
    Love of my life'

    I hear another sigh. "More?"

    "More, please," she answers, sleepily.

    'Now here you are
    With midnight closing in
    You take my hand as our shadows dance
    With moonlite on your skin

    I look in your eyes
    I'm lost inside your kiss
    I think if I'd never met you
    About all the things I'd missed

    Sometimes it's so hard to believe
    When a love can be so strong
    And faith gave me the strength
    And kept me going on'

    I hear a slight snore and look down. She's fallen asleep but something inside me says I've got to finish this. And even asleep, I'm betting she can hear me. So, softly I whisper:

    'You are the love of my life
    And I'm so glad you found me
    You are the love of my life
    Baby put your arms around me
    I guess this is how it feels
    When you finally find something real
    My angel in the night
    You are my love
    Love of my life'

    I yawn once and find myself, drifting off to sleep, my arm around the love of my life---joining her in blissful slumber.

    The End

  5. #5
    Just a Guest!
    Oh my! *reading reading reading reading*

    What fluffy lovely ending! I love Jim Brickman, and that song - *sighs* *turns up her speaker*

    Anyway, what a fantastic piece of work. It was aaaamazing!



  6. #6
    Just a Guest!
    aww I loved it, that was sooo sweet, and okay I was going to say aww again but that's probably getting irratating!
    but it was great :-)


  7. #7
    Luthor's Power Senior Member Sab_Luthor's Avatar
    Join Date
    10 Jun 2003
    Luthor's manor
    ohhhhhhhhh you are a beast man. yours fics are all splendid. i'm mad about them
    i'm so glad that you made it. thanks. thanks a lot :love:

    :chlexsign4: yes that's true and congratulation again

  8. #8
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 May 2003
    Heart fluttering !

    Very sweet and nicely done :biggrin: !!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. Stuff like this is truly making me relax after a hard long day (@ work) :


  9. #9
    Just a Guest!
    aaaaawwwwwwwww, so sweet

    great story.

  10. #10
    storie girl Senior Member starmoon's Avatar
    Join Date
    16 Jan 2004
    A, A

    Re: My Valentine (PG-13)

    i love this story i think it is sooooooooooooooooooo cute and sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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