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Thread: Hovering On The Edge (18/R)

  1. #1

    Hovering On The Edge (18/R)

    Title: Hovering on the Edge
    Author: HumbugGirl
    Email: humbuggirl@hotmail.com
    URL: http://www.geocities.com/peacefulempress/home.html or http://www.geocities.com/oddfiction
    Pairing: Chloe/Lex
    Rating: 18/R
    Summary: Short fic. A blossoming relationship.
    Spoilers: None.
    Disclaimer: *So* not mine. None of them are. *weeps*
    Author’s Notes: 1) just a little something to break the monotony of the next series fic I’m working on.
    Feedback: I’d love some!


    Dim light emanated from the Tiffany lamp beside his bed and from its matching cousin that stood on over his desk, casting a slightly greenish colour about the room along with the golden warmth that it provided. The light however could not penetrate the darkness of the wood that made up the great majority of the furniture, becoming lost in it and disappearing as it did so. It danced across smooth, shiny silk sheets as they shifted ever so slightly with the movements of the petite girl who lay in amongst them, her pale flesh standing out in brilliant contrast to their dark green colour.

    Sitting as still as he could manage Lex felt his breath catch in his throat as the movement of the girl, her natural rhythmic breathing caused the sheets to slip and uncovered a wealth of the skin he had glimpsed to be revealed. As he watched she trembled slightly and a rapid tightening of her nipple made them erect in the cool air and somehow to him they suddenly seemed darker. To Lex’s disappointment the girl on the bed gave a quiet little sigh and curled herself into a foetal position, almost as if she were nesting in the sheets surrounding her seeking warmth in them when there was very little to be had.

    With his eyes he traced the lines of her body, devouring it appreciatively. Slight shoulders, bird-like and delicate ran down to a somewhat buoyant chest with a perky set of breasts that he knew spilled wonderfully over his hands if he should try to cup them. A flat stomach followed with a slim waist that was drawn out over womanly hips that promised children to him and a firm ass that he loved to grab when pulling her closer to him. Lex knew that there was a spot just beneath the join of her leg to her bottom that if he touched it with just the right degree of pleasure would made her delicious little body ache against his and a long, shuddering sigh escape her. Legs with just the right amount of length and muscle to them for wrapping around his hips as he fucks her follow next and then there is the wonderful apex between her legs that had brought him so much pleasure.

    Looking at her laying there like an angel with her slightly wavy blonde hair tousled in sleep and the way in which her eyelashes fluttered gently against her cheeks Lex tried to decide exactly what it was he was doing. It was a week since she’d first turned up at the house, her eyes all ablaze with righteous indignation at whatever something it was that Clark had done recently to hurt her and in a wild moment of what Lex was now sure was going to turn out to be recklessness he had turned to the small blonde girl and said, “Its your own fault for going back from more.”

    Chloe had stopped in the middle of the tirade of ranting that she had happily been indulging in and turned to face him, eyes wide and curious. Taking a step towards him she said, “Excuse me?”

    There was anger in her voice and it made him smile ever so slightly. “If you want Clark to stop treating you so badly, if you want him to stop taking advantage of you then you really need to stop going back for more every time he does it.”

    A mixture of emotions flooded across her face making it even more expressive than usual. “You don’t think I know that?” she asked suddenly surprising him. “I think I have a sadomasochistic streak in me somewhere because trust me; I know that.” She paused a moment and then added, “And I think that’s part of the reason I’m here.”

    At that Lex had raised an eyebrow at her. “Oh?”

    Instead of answering the blonde girl took a step forwards, forcing confidence into her movements and laid her hands on his chest side by side. She was close enough now that he had been able to breathe in a scent that was uniquely Chloe, a mixture of critic shampoo and coffee and something else than made his heart take an extra beat and a sudden heat flare throughout his body.

    “I was thinking,” she said quietly, pressing her fingers into him with slightly more force and then running one hand up his body until it was resting on his shoulder and she was forced to take yet another step closer so that the heat of her body was now increased by the finger’s width of space between them. “That maybe you could help me.”

    “And why would I want to do that?” he had replied, his voice coming out breathy and more than a little shaky to his annoyance.

    At that moment she had looked up at him and a sudden lust had flashed into her eyes so quickly that Lex felt his body respond in kind. “Because,” she said. “I’ve seen the way you look at me sometimes. I’ve felt what its like to be under that wonderfully powerful gaze of yours and I’ve wondered what it would like to be closer to it and to feel what other responses you’d be able to elicit from me and finally I suppose, because we both know how to keep a secret. If we want to that is.”

    A resounding kiss had followed her words and Lex had found a small hand cupping his so innocently through his pants that an almost animalistic desire had coursed through him. Within moments he had laid them both on the floor and was gleefully striping her clothes from her small frame while littering kisses across the newly exposed flesh.


    The voice, though quiet, seemed booming in the silence of the room. Green eyes seemed to shine at him through the dimness, surprisingly awake considering the hour and Lex found himself caught in her gaze. His breath was stuck in his throat as quickly as he realised the girl was awake.

    “What are you doing?” Chloe asked as she pushed herself into a sitting position and pulling the sheets around her body to guard against the cold.

    “Just watching you,” Lex said after a moment.

    With a yawn Chloe ran a hand back through her hair, pushing it from her face entirely and revealing the keen angular lines of her bone structure. The action was oddly erotic. “Why?”

    He barely shifted though his eyes darkened and a rush of desire ran through him. Chloe seemed to sense the change in him and she slid around on the bed, stepping off it and letting the sheets fall around her to the ground, rustling slightly as they did. With light catlike footsteps and swaying movements that accentuated every beautiful inch of her naked body she moved towards him. There was something innately elegant about her but more importantly and overwhelmingly her movements were seductive and before long Lex found himself holding out his hands to her in an inviting manner.

    Fingertips lightly touched his own and then danced away again before resting on his wrists and smoothing their way up his arms and she came to sit on his lap. Lex slipped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him, letting himself be surrounded by her. So overwhelming was she in her presence that for a startling moment Lex was shocked to find himself fighting back tears of both joy and frustration.

    This, whatever this was that had happened between them, was something that was bound to have disastrous consequences but at the moment, as she sighed and leaned in against him even further Lex found he just didn’t care. If she ran away tomorrow and never spoke to him again, fearful of what the result of her actions might be then, he thought, at least there would be the memory of the night before to hold on to.

    “Because you’re beautiful,” he murmured.


  2. #2
    Chlex VAMP Writer ruafair's Avatar
    Join Date
    24 Nov 2002
    Dublin, Ireland
    Oh wow Carmen, that was...that was just beautiful. As always your writing is amazing and tugs at all the right emotions... Brillient... hmy:

  3. #3
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    I reviewed you somewhere else. But I want to say once again this is good.

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  4. #4
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    25 Nov 2002
    Woah! *applauds* Very very well written! :yay:

  5. #5
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    Beautiful and emotional. Well done, as usual.


  6. #6
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    26 Dec 2002
    Wow, that was amazing. You are the queen of angst. It's nice to see Lex losing a bit of his composure around Chloe. Beautifully written. :biggrin:

  7. #7
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    26 Feb 2003
    ooooooooooooooooh. that was a really nice story. i loved it.

    : Sway

  8. #8
    NS Full Member drina's Avatar
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    Great, great story. Very heart-warming and heart-wrenching at the same time.

  9. #9
    odd duck
    Join Date
    01 Dec 2002
    That was just beautiful. Amazing job!

  10. #10
    i just had to read this again. Fantastic descriptions ^_^

    encore mon ami!!!

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