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Thread: Keep 'em Coming (complete) NC17

  1. #1
    Fic Tease Senior Member Blaire023's Avatar
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    Keep 'em Coming (complete) NC17

    Title: Keep 'em Coming
    Author: Blaire
    Disclaimer: I don't own SV and if I did, well, we all know who would be teaching world domination 101 and who teachers pet would be.
    A/N: This is for Catheryne's Birthday! YAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
    Also! Lana may be a little....okay A LOT OOC, but it's only because I don't really pay attention to her when I watch the show.

    Chapter 1: Cruel Cruel Joke

    "Wow." Chloe's eyes wandered around the room. The King Size Penthouse Suite had to be the biggest if not the second biggest room in the hotel.

    "Whoa, look at this." Lana moved past Chloe stepping into the bathroom. In the center, a jacquizzi awaited them. Lana nodded and flashed a grin at Chloe. "This is going to be so cool." Practically frolicking out of the bathroom, Chloe laughed as Lana plopped onto one of the beds.

    "This place is-" Chloe stopped midsentence. She could have sworn she heard something. But where was it coming from? She inched closer and closer to the bed that Lana lay sprawled across, her brown eyes curiously boring into hazel ones.

    "What's wrong?"

    Chloe held her index finger up to her pursed lips. "Don't you hear that?" Her whisper was soft and Lana sat up on the bed, listening careful to whatever it might be. "It sounds like...." Chloe pressed her ear to the wall and stood still for a few seconds before the sounds started again. Slapping a hand over her mouth to contain her laughter she motioned with the other one for Lana to come listen.

    Lana crawled on the bed over to the wall, pressing her ear up against it as Chloe had.

    "Unnnnh, Oh, yeah, give it to me, baby." A woman's voice on the other side of the wall was accompanied by a male grunting.

    Lana's mouth opened and just as she was about to let out a gurgle of laughter Chloe slapped a pillow over her mouth. Lana hung on to it for dear life. Her body shook as a wail of laughter left her body, one cheek still pressed to the wallpaper and tears slipped from her eyes.

    Chloe bit her knuckle, her grin plastered across her face. She was holding everything back she had. Both jumped back from the wall as a 'thud...thud...thud...thud' came from the active room. The high pitched wailing of a woman's voice had both of them startled, eyes open wide, and Chloe let her curiosty get the better of her. Kneeling on the bed just as Lana was she pressed her ear to the wall just as the headboard on the other side of it smacked into it and Lana followed suit.

    "Oh, baby, harder, harder, fuck me, Lex." Chloe's jaw dropped as she caught the name and Lana's face paled considerably.

    All at once, their eyes met and overcome with a burst of laughter they both held pillows to their faces.

    The thudding picked up a quicker pace and Chloe's mind flashed an evil little idea in her head. She slowly lowered her pillow as Lana had arched a brow at the wall when the thudding slowed down and then hit harder and harder. The wall sconce above the bed shook slightly and a giggle emitted from the brunette's throat.
    Chloe's eyes met Lana and she smiled, throwing the pillow to the floor. Licking her lips quickly she grabbed the top edges of the headboard and shoved it back at the wall, counteracting with the headboard on the other side. Matching it thud for thud just as the other stopped. Lana watched in amusement, oblivious to what was about to happen. Chloe opened her mouth and a high pitched keening noise escaped her. "Fuck, harder, Lana."

    Lana's mouth dropped as Chloe worked the headboard and screamed her name. Chloe's head tilted to the side, motioning for Lana to come help her and with a little giggle she grabbed the headboard and picked up Chloe's pace, kneeling beside eachother on the bed. Lana cleared her throat silently before adding to Chloe's low moans. "Fuck Chloe, so tight, so good, all mine." Chloe's head whipped around to look at Lana who only shrugged in return and had to bite her lip to protest a laugh rising in her chest.

    "I want to feel your tongue, baby, fuck me, Lana. Eat me."

    Lana narrowed her eyes for a second and smiled. She started moaning and Chloe banged the headboard harder, screaming Lana's name. "Right there, ooooh, yeah!"

    Meanwhile the headboard on the other side of the wall had abruptly stopped and Lex hovered over the petite brunette beneath him. He couldn't have heard that right. Chloe and Lana? His eyes stared at the wall where a headboard smacked against it over and over again. Pants and moans shocked their way through the airwaves and Lex's eyes glazed over, imagining the blone writhing beneath the brunette.

    Almost immediately the image was replaced with the blonde writhing beneath his own body. It was no secret the Chloe Sullivan sparked his interest. In ways she would never know. But this...just added a completely new dynamic to the snarky blonde. Lex inhaled sharply as he heard Chloe scream Lana's name and moan, a sure sign of an orgasm. The brunette stretched out below him looked into his eyes. "Lex? Why'd you stop?"

    Chloe's eyes grew wide on the other side of the wall after hearing what Lex's bedroom mate said and she bit back a laugh. 'I guess the shock factor has been served.'

    The loud clearing of a voice behind her had Chloe's head whip around to see Gabe standing there. His hands on his hips, watching his daughter and her roommate scream out eachother's names, obviously tormenting whoever the other side of the wall belonged to. Chloe smiled at him innocently as her hands continued to push the wood into the wall and with a loud wail of Lana's name she stopped and turned around on the bed, facing her father.

    Gabe's voice maintained a low tone as he spoke to Chloe. Lana sat by with her hands covering her mouth and her face as close to crimson as she could get. "What the hell were you doing?" Gabe shook his head as he kept his voice down. It was near 10pm when they arrived at the hotel for the crap convention. He didn't want to wake up anymore people than his daughter had already.

    "We were just having some fun dad." Chloe smiled and tilted her head back to the wall. "Just like them."

    "And who's them?" His arms crossed over his chest as Chloe got up and laughed a little.

    "Lex and his little fuck bunny."

    It took a second for his brain to materialize what she had said and his eyes returned to the wall as the headboard on the other side slapped incoherently with it. Gabe's face turned a bright red as the woman on the receiving end screamed his boss' name.

    Chloe slapped her dad on the shoulders as she passed him. "Sweet dreams." Lana hurriedly followed Chloe out of the room and made their way to their own room a few doors down the hall.


  2. #2
    7 comes on too strong
    Join Date
    15 May 2003
    clol: My God! You never fail to AMAZE me! This is HILARIOUS (and damn sexy&#33. I'd never thought I'd actually like the character Lana, but your portrayal of her can't help but allow me to love her. Having Lana in on it makes it ten times better! And Chloe! She's a Genius for coming up with that idea. There is NO WAY a man would not stop to listen to it. Heehee. This is excellent...please more!! MORE!

    Lucky Catheryne :biggrin: Happy Birthday btw.

  3. #3
    NS Full Member jem's Avatar
    Join Date
    24 Jun 2003
    i alternate from nc17 fanfiction forum to la la land...
    WOW>.. lucky catheryne.......

    more please... its so funny, loved lana OOC....

    heehee and gabe too,

    *absolutely fabulous dahling*

    i do so like green eggs and ham
    i do so like them...sam i am
    –Dr Seuss “Green Eggs And Ham”--

  4. #4
    bored and dangerous Senior Member sabby's Avatar
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    19 Feb 2003
    Sittin by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere...
    ROTFLMAO, that was soo cool! Love it already and can't wait for the next chap. 'Eat me Lana' *snorts* I'm not sure if the real Lana would even know what that means *g*


  5. #5
    PHD in Procrastination Senior Member vardaquareien's Avatar
    Join Date
    03 Jul 2003
    Sydney, Australia.
    OH LORD!!! This is beyond funny...this is...I have no words to describe how hilarious this is!!!

    I'll have you know that you were very nearly responsibble for my death. I nearly choked when Chloe began her diabolical plan. I want more!!!

  6. #6
    Just a Guest!
    *snort* Lex and... *snort* and he thought that Chloe and Lana were...*snort* :yay: :worship2:

    It's like a regular little Chloe/Lana fake love-fest in here today. So funny, and I loved both Lana and Gabe.

    For some strange reason Chloe pretend begging Lana to eat her has brightened my day. As the title says, keep 'em coming please. And did I forget to mention that I LOVE this fic?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    25 Jun 2003
    This is hilarious!! :hehe: :hehe: :hehe:

    Can't wait for the next update :yay: :yay:

  8. #8
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    :biggrin: :yay: I laughed outloud! This is great, hilarious! YOu must continue soon!


  9. #9
    Just a Guest!
    what a beginning can't wait to read more so don't be shy and update update update :yay:

  10. #10
    NS Full Member drina's Avatar
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    LOL What a way to start this story! clol: I'm trying to stifle my laughter with much effort here, as I picture Chloe and Lana 'doing it'...oh boy :lol:

    more please, and as your title said it the best...keep 'em coming :biggrin:

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