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Thread: 4th Down and a Longshot (NC-17) finished 4/6/08

  1. #1
    Dealing w/ a Ship Change Senior Member
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    4th Down and a Longshot (NC-17) finished 4/6/08

    Title: 4th Down and a Longshot
    Author: superag
    Rating: NC-17
    Disclaimer: Smallville or any of its characters are not owned by me and I make no money off anything that I write. Those people that own DC, WB have all the luck and all the ownership. I just do this for fun.

    Spoilers: Some liberties through season 4

    Synopsis: Senior Class charity project leads to interesting results. Pretty much PWP except for some details

    A/N – I’m probably one of the only romantics that turns into a beer guzzling, screaming football fan during the fall, but my muse wanted me to write about it. So, this will be a useless combo of football and smut.

    Finding a Sponsor – Ch 1

    Chloe walked through the Talon and sat down in the back corner table next to the door. An errant waitress brought Chloe’s favorite latte to the table and smiled politely. Chloe dug through her bag and pulled out a bright yellow sheet of paper and stared at it. Her lip wrinkled up and she sighed to herself as she pulled out a pad and a pencil. She knew that this moment would actually come someday since it was a routine fundraiser for every senior class every year. And once again her news editor position required her to write a riveting article about a lame fundraiser.

    She knew that she was just bitter, but the fundraiser was a neat idea. She looked over at the couple reaching across the counter to each other. Of course Lana would drag her old cheerleader outfit out for this occasion since she was sponsoring Clark no doubt with her small profits from the Talon. She watched as they giggled and ran their fingers over each other at the counter in disgust. Sighing again, Chloe realized that she in her own senior year would end up writing the senior sports event article by herself with no personal attachment to it.

    Leaning back and putting his feet up on the small coffee table, Lex flipped through the paper annoyed. Lowering the paper, he realized the annoying little snorts and laughter came from the front counter where Lana was fawning over Clark as usual. As happy as he was that Clark finally landed the woman who he had wanted for so long, Clark needed to learn how to be cool in public. Drooling quarterbacks are not very attractive. He watched as Lana continued to giggle, and Lex rolled his eyes. Folding his paper up, he finished off his drink and headed for the door.

    Walking through the bright foyer, he noticed the long off gaze of Chloe Sullivan. He stopped in front of her table and watched her push her pencil around her pad and marveled at how accurate her halfhearted attempt at a football was. He watched her stare off into space and occasionally sigh to what she thought was herself when she looked in the direction of Lana and Clark.

    “Makes it hard to concentrate, doesn’t it?” Chloe startled back to reality and noticed the slick pants and spotless shoes that stood in front of her. Rolling her eyes, she looked back down to the picture that she had drawn, ripped the page off, and threw it across the table.

    Rolling her eyes, she looked at the bright yellow paper again and started figuring out what she was going to write. “You know I just thought that my senior year might be a little different.” She glanced once more up toward Lex and then back to her paper. Lex twisted his head around to the side and read.

    Pulling the seat across from her out, he sat down and twisted the paper around to read it aloud. “It’s time for the Senior Class Charity Flag Football Game. Gals, sponsor your man for a place on either the red or the gold team. This year we’re playing for the Metropolis Children’s Home.” Lex turned the sheet back to Chloe and halfway smiled. “Let me guess, the former cheerleader is sponsoring the current quarterback.”

    “I haven’t asked, but I have that distinct feeling.” Chloe turned up her lip again as she looked over in their direction. “I don’t know why that I thought this year would be any different.” Chloe looked at the fundraising paper again and started shoving her stuff in her bag. Getting up from the table, she somewhat smiled at Lex and walked out the door. Lex looked at the fundraising paper again that she left there and nodded to himself.

    He remembered back to the summer before when he had poorly hidden her and her father away from his father. He admitted he was still learning to play his father’s games but never meant to put her and her father into that kind of danger. Ever since Clark had found her instead of himself, he had kept his distance. He didn’t understand his reasons. He figured he was just afraid to make another mistake with her.

    He wished she could realize that she was special too. He understood being the more sophisticated, the more responsible of the group. He understood her and her position in the Smallville High crowd. There was no reason why she shouldn’t enjoy her senior year just because her friends had evidently forgotten her. His father was a non issue, she was now eighteen, and it was the perfect opening for him to finally get to where he wanted to be months ago when everything went wrong. He ordered up two more coffees to go and headed out the door.


    Chloe sat at the computer in the living room and stared at the blinking cursor. She knew that Lana had already pocketed most of the Talon’s clientele to sponsor Clark as the quarterback for the Red team. Most all the cheerleaders had divided up the rest of the football team among the two colors, so she could write on the need for a few more players in choice positions. With Clark as quarterback, not many were giving the gold team much of a chance.

    Chloe looked up as she heard the doorbell ring. Lana had called earlier and said that she was closing late and Clark was sticking around with her. Chloe could have guessed the last part. Crossing across the floor, she pulled the front door open and backed up seeing the man she left sitting in the Talon at her table. “Lex?”

    “I bet you are wondering why in the world I’m here?” He crossed his arms in front of him and leaned on the doorjamb, holding the bright yellow paper in his hand.

    “The thought is actually crossing my mind right now.” Chloe paused and slightly smiled at his aloofness. “Come in.”

    “So, where’s your dad tonight?”

    “He went to see Sam Lane with Lois at Ft. Polk for the weekend. My idea of hanging out on an army post is not my idea of fun. Anyway.”

    Lex entered the small house that her father and her now lived in. Taking off his overcoat, he threw it over the back of the rocking chair and sat down on the couch comfortably.

    “Make yourself comfortable. You want anything to drink?” Lex nodded and Chloe sat down next to him, looking over her article once more before closing the computer.

    “Not getting very far?”

    “I don’t think two complex sentences counts as an article. More like a blurb. Anyway, what can I do you for?” Chloe leaned back on the couch and grabbed a throw pillow to hold onto as she fell into the other corner of the couch.

    Lex thrust his hip up in the air to the pleasure of Chloe to pull something out of his pocket. Unfolding the small sheet of paper, he handed her the paper. “I figure you should enjoy your senior festivities and have something to write about.”

    Chloe opened the check and gaped at the enormous amount written on the check. “Umm, I don’t think you quite understand. I’m supposed to find a guy to sponsor and then get people to pay for him to play.” Lex silently questioned her confusion. “Lex, this is $5000, and if you haven’t noticed I still don’t have a person to play. So, as much as I appreciate the charity, maybe you donating directly would be a bigger boon to your PR.”

    Refusing to take the check back, he leaned over closer to her. “I don’t think you get it. I want to play. So, what positions are left?”

    Chloe looked at the check again and then at Lex. “Umm, wow. It’s a pretty even split right now except that most of the jocks are choosing the red team because of Clark. This is what’s left.” Chloe handed the list to Lex and watched as his eyes scanned the list.

    He sat so casually on the couch, with his dark blue shirt now undone at the neck, obviously losing the tie on the way to her house. She missed being able to see him so casual this year. After spending so much time together the year before, she had hoped that they could have reconnected when she returned and wondered why he never made the effort. This, she supposed, was the best effort she would get.

    He watched her expression change from confusion to excitement as he took the list from her. He felt her almost jump when his fingers ran over hers briefly taking the list from her. Looking over the list, he eyed Chloe over the top of the paper. Her eyes floated back and forth from looking at him almost giddy and staring at the ceiling in impatience.

    “How about tight end for the gold team?”

    Chloe tried to hold herself together to keep from pointing out that was appropriate for him. “Tight end? Can you outrun very large high school boys?” Lex saw the concern on Chloe’s face as she asked the question.

    Scooting across the couch closer to her, he wrapped his arm around the back of the couch where she sat and leaned into her, looking at the list once more. “I think I can hold my own. Besides, my personal cheerleader and fundraiser will be there in case I get hurt.” Chloe looked up at Lex and noticed he was only inches from where she was sitting. She hadn’t even noticed his change in demeanor as she was more worried about his health. She giggled nervously.

    “Ok, thanks!” Throwing the paper on the floor and laying the check on the table, she tossed the pillow aside and leaned over and hugged him instinctively. “I don’t know how to thank you.”

    Bringing his hand off the couch, he rubbed her back and through her hair. He watched as she leaned her head back into the pressure of his palm. Opening her eyes, she looked into his steel blue eyes and gulped. Biting her lip, she pulled further away and started rubbing her hands up and down his silk shirt.

    Lex continued to run his hand through her hair and watched her eyes. Her breathing increased and he could see her cheeks becoming more flushed. Leaning into her neck, he breathed, “I can think of a couple of ways.” He felt her shiver as he placed a small kiss on the curve of her neck. Coming back up, he concentrated on her face and waited for her eyes to respond.

    “Lex,” she whispered as she felt her the wave of her old emotions for him return. They had never done anything the whole summer they were able to be alone together, but she thought about it constantly. She saw Clark and Lana together and hoped someone someday would be like that with her, fawning for her. Lex wasn’t like that but she didn’t care. She just wanted to feel appreciated, but she didn’t want to be charity. “You don’t have to do this for me – any of this.”

    Lex looked at her sadness that overtook her face. He rubbed his hand down the side of her cheek and smiled. “I’m not doing this for you.” He wrapped his hand around the back of her neck and took a chance. "I'm doing this for me."

    He pressed his lips into hers and felt her mouth open up to his. Closing his eyes, he put his other hand behind her body and adjusted her to lean further back into the couch. He ran his tongue inside her lips and felt her quietly moan as her hands started exploring his back. He could feel her teeth nip at the small scar on his top lip. He crushed his mouth deeper onto hers and felt the heat build up between them as he balanced over her, careful not to lean directly on her without her permission.

    Chloe couldn’t tell how long she had quit breathing but pushed Lex back off of her. “We can’t do this…”

    Lex immediately sat up and straightened out his shirt, trying to compose himself. “You’re right. I’m so sorry.” He watched as Chloe jumped off the couch and headed to the front foyer. “I should be going.” Lex started to pick up his coat and Chloe took his hand.

    “I meant we can’t do this on the couch. Come on.” Lex smiled and bit his lip as she led him up the stairs.


  2. #2
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
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    Re: 4th Down and a Longshot (NC-17)

    HA!!! OMG, I love it!!!!!! Excellent start & I want more...please.

  3. #3
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    Re: 4th Down and a Longshot (NC-17)

    Woo Hoo to the idea of Lex playing football! Half way through this I got the image of MR playing the powder puff game in Sorority Boys and then I had to get myself back on track.

    I'm so glad both of them obviously want this to happen. I'm also glad that Chloe is not mooning over Clark, but it's more of her feeling left out. I think Lex's plan works well in so many ways.

    Now, if you actually plan on showing the game, can the football get accidently doused in kryptonite so Lex's team has a chance to beat Clark?

    Of course, if you don't show the game and all you plan on writing is the moment you are writing for the next chapter, that is perectly fine with me. In fact, you don't have to write anything but what happens in Chloe's bedroom or you can also write what happens in Lex's bedroom for a change of pace.

  4. #4
    NS Full Member dagney's Avatar
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    Re: 4th Down and a Longshot (NC-17)

    Go LEX ! You give new meaning to touchdown. I love this. Dagney

  5. #5
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: 4th Down and a Longshot (NC-17)

    Go Lex and Chloe do it!!!
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  6. #6
    storie girl Senior Member starmoon's Avatar
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    Re: 4th Down and a Longshot (NC-17) 3rd September 2007

    love the start please update soon i want more chlex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. #7
    NS Junior Member
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    Re: 4th Down and a Longshot (NC-17) 3rd September 2007

    great start I like it. Lex playing football sounds very interesting. update soon!

  8. #8
    NS Full Member
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    Re: 4th Down and a Longshot (NC-17) 3rd September 2007

    great start. sounds interesting. post soon

  9. #9
    NS Full Member
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    Re: 4th Down and a Longshot (NC-17) 3rd September 2007

    I'm loving the begining... but where is the next chapter. Please update soon. This sounds like the beginigns of a fun fic.

  10. #10
    NS Full Member
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    Talking Re: 4th Down and a Longshot (NC-17) 3rd September 2007

    A new story!!! I love it!! Lex and football. What a combo. Can't wait for what's next.

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