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Thread: In Need (completed) Pg13

  1. #1
    Fic Tease Senior Member Blaire023's Avatar
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    In Need (completed) Pg13

    Title: In Need
    Author: Blaire
    Disclaimer: No I don't own the characters of SV or the WB. Also, this seems to be a touchy subject to some. be forwarned
    A/N: How many people actually read the author's notes anyways? Anywho, if you are reading this I should tell you I posted it at TBT and well, it didn't go so well over there. Not that I don't mind negative feedback. Also, you may say the characters are OOC, and I say that is farthest from the truth in my eyes. So there ya go. And no, no sequel to this, sorry. <bats lashes>


    Chloe watched from across the Talon as Lex stood and vacated his seat. He returned a moment later with a refill. His eyes glued to one spot on the table. 'Okay, enough sulking Luthor.' True she didn't know him, rarely ever talked to him, but she hated the fact that he sat there brooding to himself and nobody was making an advance on him. Like he was transparent, like they couldn't see him sitting there. Chloe made her way to his table, throwing caution to the wind.

    "Hey." She greeted with a large smile and Lex didn't even look up at her. She looked down in front of her at the spot that his eyes were stuck on. She slammed her open palm against the waterstained spot of wood and calmly he turned his gaze up to her.

    "Miss Sullivan."

    Chloe stifled a groan of laughter daring to escape. "You're kidding me, right?"

    Lex's eyes turned confused as she slid into a seat across from him. "I'm afraid I don't follow."

    "Well no shit, what planet are you on anyways?" She threw back at him and he ran a hand over his bald head. "What the hell." she muttered and grabbed his hand in hers she turned his wrist to face up and try as he might to pull it back away from her her grip tightened and she pushed up his sleeve to reveal the tiny slashes of pink flesh. "Lex." She sighed and felt tears spring up in her eyes.

    "I don't need your sympathy." he growled and stood up, yanking his hand from her. "I don't need your sympathy or anyone else's." He stalked out of the Talon leaving a teary eyed blonde teenager behind. Little did he know, he did need her. He was just like her three years ago. Blinking, a tear ran down her face and she exited the Talon. It was time Lex made a friend.


    Chloe walked into the mansion, not feeling the need to knock, she was too busy preparing how to bare her soul to a complete stranger. Well almost complete.

    Knocking on the door to his office she heard him groan. "Go away." papers shuffled on his desk and she threw open the door.

    "Miss Sullivan, I already..."

    "Shut the hell up, Lex." He was shocked at her tone of voice, yet alone her use of his name. "You need someone, and I'm that someone. So just shut up and let me tell you something about me." Lex closed his mouth tightly deciding he'd let her rant, and then he could have her thrown out.

    She hiked up her skirt as she sat down on his desk and parted her legs. His eyes fell immediately from her face at the action and landed on not what he was first drawn to, but the scars running along the inside of her thigh. "I was just a bit more discreet than you." She took his hand and placed it on the scars. Some burn marks, some just cuts, some deeper than his own. Lex's fingers stroked her inner thigh, he looked deep in thought. Chloe's mind threatened to stray at the fact that she was blatantly enjoying the attention, but refocused her mind on what was at stake. Her soul she was stripping down and shoving at him.

    "I remember each one I did." She looked at him and his eyes met hers in wonder.

    "Why?" His voice barely a whisper. What would ever happen to her to make her do this to herself?

    "My mom, mostly. When she left I just cried. And then eventually the crying became pointless. Did nothing but numb my other senses. One day I was smoking a cigarette, dropped it in my lap, it rolled down my leg and the path of the pain stayed. The scar traced the pain, showed me that crying wasn't the only way to prove to myself that I could still feel." She left her legs open and moved her hands to rest on her knees as his hand stilled on her inner thigh.

    "Why are you doing this?" His voice whispering still. Staring at the hand resting on her thigh.

    "Lex. I stopped hurting myself because I learned how to feel again. All the emotions I never thought I had resurfaced and one day, I was magically better. I don't know how it happened. But only one person was there for me."

    "Clark?" Chloe scoffed at his assumption.

    "Not even close." She sighed and put a hand over his, rubbing it against her thigh. "My dad." His eyes shot to hers and searched as if trying to find truth in the statement.

    "Gabe?" His eyes narrowed.

    "We had become distant for the last few years, and we decided that he'd be my best friend. he still is, you know?" She let her hand fall from his, making no movement to remove his own. "Clark, Pete, Lana, none of them come close to the friendship I have with my own father."

    She leaned forward and her hands rested on his shoulders. "But for you. For you, I'm here. I can be that person, Lex. I know it sounds petty and stupid, but if you need me, I won't judge you. I won't tell you not to hurt yourself. But I can make you feel again. I can make you human." She leaned forward and placed a kiss on his forehead as she saw the tears forming in his eyes. His eyes pleaded with hers.

    She stood and his hand fell from her, moving to straddle him she hugged him tightly. His arms immediately wrapped around her. "I can be your friend, Lex. Let me in." He nodded against her shoulder and openly sobbed. Helen didn't matter anymore. Her betrayal and his father's betrayal. None of it mattered. The only thing that mattered now, was that he wasn't alone.


  2. #2
    bored and dangerous Senior Member sabby's Avatar
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    Sittin by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere...
    Well since I last read it, I admit I have changed my opinion. Now I can see the reasons for both of them using the cutting as a means to get control.

    Really good story,


  3. #3
    Luthor's Power Senior Member Sab_Luthor's Avatar
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    :crygreen: it&#39;s beatiful :crygreen:
    can i be friend with Lex too? please please. i&#39;m so sad for him. he deserve to be with someone who cares about him. :worship2: :worship2:

  4. #4
    NS Full Member
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    02 Mar 2003

    I already reviewed this one, but I just want to tell ya again, I really like it. I thought it totally fits with both of their characters. And, I won&#39;t ask for a sequel, I&#39;ll just use my mind control ray to push you to write one.


  5. #5
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    I loved it the first time and I still love it.

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  6. #6
    NS Full Member
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    I guess I&#39;m a wierdo : because I read A/N all the time&#33;

    Thanks for the warning but it was not necessary (at least for me). It was not that bad at all. I like the fic. And even if you did not mention about not writing a sequel, I don&#39;t think this one needs it. Everything&#39;s there :worship2:

    Good job,

  7. #7
    NS Full Member Val's Avatar
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    Originally posted by kidkarmina@Jun 28 2003, 02:14 PM
    I guess I&#39;m a wierdo : because I read A/N all the time&#33;
    I second that
    And I&#39;ve read this before, somewhere I think at malu&#39;s site and I like it, its not OOC, they both hide so much inside, it makes sence IMO. It&#39;s a very good and emotional fic Blaire&#33;

  8. #8
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    :crygreen: So sweet&#33; :crygreen: It was very beautiful&#33;

    Originally posted by Val@Aug 11 2003, 08:01 PM
    I second that

    :biggrin: Me three&#33;


  9. #9
    Just a Guest!
    I loved it the first time and I still do :biggrin:

  10. #10
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    06 Oct 2003
    Great story&#33; I love how Chloe tells Lex that she will be the friend he needs and shows him her pain&#33; I just know her love and understanding will help him through his&#33; Thanks so much for writing&#33;&#33; :chlexsign3:

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