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Thread: The Great Deception (NC17) Updated 6th November 2015

  1. #81
    NS Full Member
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    Re: The Great Deception (NC17) Posted 18th October 2014

    can't wait to see what happens next.

  2. #82
    NS Senior Member Senior Member HotCrossedBunny's Avatar
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    Re: The Great Deception (NC17) Posted 31st December 2014

    A/N: Thanks for the review!

    Chapter Twenty-Six

    Lex reclined in his chair, surveying his computer screen with a scowl. It was five o’clock and has per Chloe’s demands he had become accustomed to stopping work at this time whatever was going on in order to relax and spend time with her. That thought had been the light at the end of the tunnel of an exceptionally, boring and stressful day. Everyone appeared to have taken their entire year’s worth stupid tablets all in one large dose and now, instead of getting to go and hang out with Chloe all evening, he had to muck around with Clark and Lana. What made things even worse was the fact that Chloe still hadn’t given him her word that she would stay.

    This had been a fucking awful couple of days. Damn Lana. If she hadn’t been so difficult Chloe would never have found out about the cameras and wouldn’t even be thinking about leaving him. He wondered if he could talk to Gabe about it and see what pressure her father could exert to get her to stay.

    “No”, he thought with a sigh. That wouldn’t work. Gabe would just tell Chloe and then she definitely would leave, after giving him a piece of her mind and a swift kick in the shin.

    He let out another sigh which was slightly more reminiscent of a growl. Sometimes life sucked!


    “Sometimes life rocks”, Chloe thought to herself as she entered the Talon cheerfully.

    She had woken up feeling refreshed, had demanded that Lex join her father and her for a delicious breakfast - her Daddy really did make the best Ready Brek in the world! - and had gone back to work. She had had an incredibly productive and interesting day.

    The only black spot on the horizon was having to move out of the guest house but she was sure that her relationship with Lex would survive it and maybe - she tried to convince herself - this would help their friendship. Besides she was going to stick her friends back together before that; that would give her something else to think about until then.

    As she made her way through the typical 5pm Talon crowd she made a mental check-list:
    1.Buy some coffee.
    2.Get her friends back together
    3.Solve any other problems they might be having
    4.Three organise her sock draw
    5.Think of anything else she could use to procrastinate
    6.Talk to Lex about her moving out
    7.Cheer Lex up
    8.If she managed all of that then maybe she would work on solving world hunger

    Yeah, that all sounded completely doable. Fortunately her Dad was visiting the Kents so she would have all evening to work on her list and Lex would see that it was for the best ... Probably. Eventually. Maybe. She would have to give him lots of cuddles. Even if he protested.

    “Hey Clark”, Chloe grinned as she saw her friend’s very distinctive back, waiting for a coffee.

    “Hi Chloe, how are you?” Clark turned and smiled at her.

    “Great, just coming to get a coffee”, that was the great thing about everyone knowing about her coffee addition. She had a built in (not to mention believable) excuse to be anywhere that was close to a coffee shop and in modern America there was always a coffee shop.

    “Me too”, he smiled, almost nervously.

    Chloe understood. He was here to see Lana as he was everyday at that time. It was a little pathetic but that was love. She patted him on the back. Soon she would have solved that problem for him.

    “Oh hi Lana”, she called and waived the brunette over, not allowing her to slip off as she normally did when Clark was in the vicinity.

    “Hi you guys”, she smiled awkwardly, this was her job after all. “Are you both being served?”

    “I’m not”, Chloe acknowledged, “Clark?”

    “Um no, not yet, I mean yes but ...” He was starting to go pink around the ears. Chloe knew that that would start to spread to his cheeks and then down his neck and then ... Well she had never had the opportunity to discover just how far that delicious colouration could travel.

    Chloe smiled and decided to give him a break. “He is saying that he ordered a coffee but has decided that he would like a muffin too, right Clark?”

    “Right”, he smiled at her gratefully.

    “And I will have”, Chloe pretended to think, “something ridiculously sweet that will rot my teeth. Something that Lex would turn his nose up at”. There was no reason why she couldn’t indulge in her hobby of winding Lex up while she was saving people’s futures.

    This got a slight chuckle from the duo and Lana headed off to fulfil their orders. Chloe was just turning her attentions back to Clark when she jumped out of her seat with an embarrassingly high pitched yelp.

    “Chloe, are you alright?” Clark jumped up, ready for action.

    “Stand at ease, soldier”, Chloe teased him reaching into her back pocket as she did so. “It’s nothing. Or rather, it’s nothing terrible that you need to protect me from. It’s just my phone. I put it on vibrate earlier”, she brought out the tiny machine and showed it to her. It gave another burst of life, causing her to jump again and drop the phone.

    Clark laughed and retrieved it for her. He knew that she had always detested things that shocked her like that. He had Pete had teased her fairly mercilessly about it when they had been playing with Pete’s brand new PS2 and the shockwave function had almost caused Chloe to have a heart-attack. “Would you like me to open it for you?”

    “Please”, she answered knowing that it wasn’t turned off so didn’t need the password. It gave another angry burst as Clark clicked a few buttons, he didn’t seem bothered by it as she was. Lex neither. Something a bit like this had happened to her a few weeks ago and he hadn’t understood why it made her jump so much. Thankfully as she was in Clark’s presence this time rather than the billionaire playboy she wouldn’t be subjected to hours of jokes at her expense nor inquiries as to why vibrations had such an effect on her.

    “There you go”, Clark handed it over, noticing without meaning to the number. “It’s from Lex”.

    “Really?” She feigned surprise, “That’s odd. I mentioned that I might be coming here. Maybe he wants a coffee too”. She didn’t mention the fact that Lex thought that The Talon’s coffee was terrible and had said that if it weren’t populated solely by ‘moronic mid-Western teens with the IQs of turnips who wanted to feign sophistication’ then it would never have made a cent. When Chloe reminded him that she had made up one of their band he had pointed out that: 1) she had turned her nose up at Lana’s coffee more than once; 2) had mostly gone there only to moon over Clark, and 3) that she had hated most of the people who went there during High School. None of which she could deny.

    Still she felt slightly bad that she was not a fan of Lana’s coffee when the sweet girl dashed back out with a look of concern on her angelic features. “Is everything alright, I thought that I heard Chloe scream?”

    “Yes thank-you Lana, I’m fine”, she smiled but felt no need to expand on the point until she had ‘read’ Lex’s text.

    “The vibration on Chloe’s phone was a little strong for her”, Clark explained, a little too loudly.

    “Yes thank-you, that was just what I wanted to share with the rest of the class Clark”, Chloe rolled her eyes.

    The large, sweet farm boy looked at her in befuddlement. Chloe felt her heart soften towards him. It wasn’t his fault that he was so innocent. Really it was her fault for spending so much time around Lex, she was starting to forget what it was like to be around a real gentleman and what to expect.

    “Was it something important Chloe?” Lana wondered, probably so that she wasn’t just standing there staring at them.

    “I’m not sure yet. It’s probably nothing. I wonder if he wants a muffin or ... Oh God”, she broke off as she stared at the screen of her phone. She knew what it would say - they had planned the text together - but it still wasn’t difficult to pale as she read the words. She just imagined that this was real.

    “Chloe, what’s wrong?” Her friends asked in unison.

    “I ... I have to go”, she declared grabbing her bag, hoping that Clark would play true to form.

    “Chloe”, Clark stopped her, his hand on her arm. “Tell me what’s wrong?”

    “It’s Lex”, she said, thanking God for how well Clark had been raised. With a shake hand she held out the phone to him, the screen displaying the text.

    With one hand Clark took the phone and read, the other automatically rubbed Chloe’s arm in a soothing friendly gesture. When, after a few seconds, he looked up at her she was reminded once more why it was that she loved him. The concern in his eyes was amazing, even for someone with whom he was no longer friends. She felt guilty for lying to him.

    “Alright”, Clark snapped into action in a way which reminded her forcibly of Lex. “Lex says that something had gone wrong and he needs Chloe’s help urgently. Well we might not be as smart as Chloe”, he shot her a smile, “but three heads are better than one”. He gave Chloe back her phone before reaching into his pocket and grabbing some money. “Here Lana get our coffees to go, please, and one for yourself and Lex too. Chloe come on, you are nervous leave your car here. Dad and I are coming into town tomorrow so I will drive it back for you. Come on”.

    With that Clark started towards the door with Chloe only to stop and turn back when he noticed that Lana was still standing stock still. He gave her a look which clearly said: “Well, what are you waiting for?” It was another thing that she loved around him, he just couldn’t comprehend anyone not wanting to help someone else - even if they weren’t actually friends.

    “I’m coming?” Lana wondered aloud.

    “Aren’t you?” Clark seemed confused by the notion, “Lex needs help”.

    Chloe looked between them.This is why hew as a leader. Lana caved. She shook her head, “Of course. But keep your money. I’ll get the drinks and some muffins and meet you outside”.

    “Great”, he flashed her a smile and Lana blushed.

    Yes, Chloe was quite convinced that they would be together by the end of the night.


    “You have your own key?” Lana wondered aloud as they reached the castle..

    “Yeah, I have to now that I have made Lex beef up security”, Chloe replied as she entered. “Hey Ricky were is Lex?” She asked of the long suffering but wholly devoted butler who had been ‘pacing’ close to the entrance just to make things more convincing.

    “In the office miss. I’m so glad that you are here”, he played his part very well.

    “Don’t worry, we’ll work it out”, she assured him and ushered the others through. Lana looked apprehensive while Clark remained stoically determined. Chloe wasn’t sure whether she adored him for who he was in that second or the fact that he was now carrying all of the coffee and muffins.

    Chloe put these thoughts out of her mind. Clark was for Lana not for her. She had to get back into character. “Lex”, she called out as she hurried ahead into his office, without knocking. “What’s wrong?”

    “Chloe, he looked up in completely feigned surprise. “And Clark, Lana. What are you all doing here?”

    “We’re here to help. You said that something was wrong”, Clark strode over and placed his burden on the desk.

    Lana hovered just behind them, clearly out of place.


    Lex tried to hide a smile as they worked, there had been plenty of times like this in the old days. It was funny that he had never thought of them as ‘bonding’ activities before but Chloe was right, it was definitely working.

    From the second that he had mentioned that there had been some odd movements on his father’s accounts and that he didn’t have anyone else he trusted enough to help track down the crucial piece of information they had jumped into action. Clark and Lana were sitting next to each other highlighting every transaction of over a certain amount.

    Lex found his eyes bring discreetly drawn up from his documents every few minutes to watch Chloe, who was watching the other couple’s interactions. He didn’t see any signs of love or reconciliation between them but at least they were sitting together without arguing which was an enormous improvement as far as he was concerned.

    His eyes were just falling back to his own paper as Chloe announced, “Lex, I think that I might have found something”.

    As they had arranged to he took the parchment from her and pretended to examine it carefully. “It might be a lead”, he agreed, “we should look into it.” He looked up at the duo opposite him and Chloe.

    “Go”, Clark urged. “We will stay here and keep highlighting.

    Lex smiled and thanked them - feeling a little guilty for using them like this, but it was making Chloe happy. He was powerless where that woman was concerned.


    A few seconds after Lex and Chloe’s departure Lana excused herself to “powder her nose”, which Clark thought was code for ‘get out of the room with my on again off again boyfriend’ but was too relieved to object as it gave him the chance that he had been waiting for all evening. As quick as a flash he went through the papers, getting through a stack of thousands in a few short minutes highlighting and noting everything that he had found. He hoped that Chloe’s lead worked out because there was nothing worthwhile in those documents.

    He was just filing them when Lana returned. “How did you get through those so fast?”

    “Um ... Just luck”, he hedged.

    “Right”, she said, too used to the mystery that was Clark Kent to pursue the matter. “So what’s next?” She wondered.

    Clark stared over at her hopefully, thinking that she might finally be ready to talk about their relationship until he realised that she was talking about helping Lex. “I don’t know until Lex gets back”, he admitted.

    “Oh, right”, she sat down at the table anyway. Basically because she didn’t have anything else to do.

    Clark swallowed as he stared at her. She was ever bit as beautiful as she had been when they were in High School, he still couldn’t believe how lucky he was just to be in the same room with her. He was desperate for more and yet afraid that if he uttered one wrong word that he could lose her forever.

    “Lose her”, a voice in the back of his head, which sounded suspiciously like Lex, snorted, “you don’t have her now”.

    He sighed as he acknowledged the truth of this statement. “Why can’t we make this work?” Okay, so that had been a little more direct than even if he had planned but it was out there now.

    “At a guess I would say that it si because Miss Lang wants two men”, a familiar drawl came from the open doorway. Both heads snapped around to see Lionel Luthor standing, leading against the door jam, surveying him with calm amusement. “The biddable farm boy with the big blue eyes and incredible physic and the billionaire with the power to give her everything she has ever wanted. Am I right?”


    “Hmm how odd. I’m not normally wrong. Where is that son of mine?”

    A/N: So, what do you think?

  3. #83
    NS Full Member
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    Re: The Great Deception (NC17) Posted 31st December 2014

    i like lionel's line about lana wanting both clark and lex.and the part where he says i'm normally not wrong.

  4. #84
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    Re: The Great Deception (NC17) Posted 31st December 2014

    I think Lionel hits is right on. Lana wants too much and she does not deserve either one of them.

  5. #85
    NS Senior Member Senior Member HotCrossedBunny's Avatar
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    Re: The Great Deception (NC17) Posted 31st December 2014

    Trckyrcky: Thanks for reading and reviewing, it made my day. I think that you are right, she doesn't deserve them.

    Cbrunberg: Thank-you.

  6. #86
    NS Senior Member Senior Member HotCrossedBunny's Avatar
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    Re: The Great Deception (NC17) Posted 31st December 2014

    Chapter Twenty-Seven

    “Come here” Chloe instructed Lex as they made their way into his second office. She wrapped her arms around him for a second before reaching up on her tip toes to plant a kiss on his cheek.

    He returned the embrace easily but couldn’t help asking, “What did I do to deserve this?”

    “You looked like you could use it. Besides, I know that this isn’t your preferred way to spend an evening”, she gave him a good squeeze before letting him go. She would have happily continued their embrace but she knew that Lex was still uncomfortable with that sort of display of affection.

    He shrugged, but didn’t deny it. He sauntered over to the decanter of scotch but then, remembering Chloe’s feelings on the matter, opted for the orange juice right beside it. He poured a glass for himself and Chloe and handed her on, briefly wondering when Chloe had acquired so much influence over his staff that they were sneaking orange juice into rooms of his house..

    “Do you think that it is going to work?” Chloe wondered.


    “Are you ever anything less than honest with me?” She inquired.

    He didn’t answer that and instead continued, “No. I know that that’s not what you want to hear and that they are making progress but I just can’t get over the fact that they refuse to fight for each other. If it were meant to work out then they would have worked it out by now”.

    Chloe sighed and sipped her drink thoughtfully, “You aren’t very romantic are you?”

    “You mean do I believe that people can be idiots for 80 minutes of a movie and then make up in the last two seconds because of something stupid?” He inquired as he sipped his juice.

    “I suppose”.

    “No, I don’t”.

    “Oh well, we might as well see what is happening at least”, Chloe said, as she moved over to Lex’s desk. He seated himself on his chair and turned on the laptop while Chloe perched on his knee. She didn’t pause to think that this was in some way odd, it seemed perfectly natural to her now.

    Clark and Lana came into view on the screen.

    “Does this one have audio?” She wondered.

    “Nope, sorry.” Lex didn’t bother to point out that she was fast becoming as bad as he was at not respecting people’s privacy.

    “And I don’t suppose that lip reading is one of your freakishly long list of skills?” She wondered.

    “Not well enough from this angle no. Can’t you?” He wouldn’t have put it passed her.

    “Same problem”, lip reading and excellent hearing were part and parcel of any good former want to be reporter’s repertoire but, like Lex, she wasn’t that good.

    “They seem to be ...” Lex was cut off by a knock at the door. “Who is it?” He called out in annoyance.

    “Benson”, his butler replied.

    “Come in”, Lex didn’t bother to hide his screen or the fact that Chloe was sitting on his lap. “What’s the matter?” He asked immediately.

    “I just thought that you might like to know, Sir, that your father has arrived”, Benson announced gravely.

    “What?” Chloe and Lex exclaimed at precisely the same moment, their eyes whirling back around to view the screen only to see him standing there.

    “Fuck!” Lex swore, “what does he want?”

    “He did not confide in me”, Benson, Henry or Ricky (to Chloe) replied gravely.

    “Damn it”, Lex hissed, his father’s arrival never boded well.

    “Well he is going to ‘confide’ in me and tell me exactly what he means by barging into Lex’s home whenever he bloody well feels like it”, Chloe announced downing her OJ as if it had been whiskey and hopping off Lex’s knee before he could stop her.

    “Quite Miss”, Benson moved to the side to allow her to pass, wondering where would be best to watch the spitfire take on the old tyrannical git. Although he was obviously extremely sober and proper being a butler and all, he had to have some fun in life.

    Lex was not so amused by the idea; the last thing that he wanted was for Chloe to end up on Lionel’s radar. He hurried after her reaching her just as she was about to descend the stairs.

    “Chloe”, he grabbed her arm.

    She whirled around, her eyes already shooting daggers.

    “Don’t”, he warned her simply.

    “You must be kidding if you think that I am just going to let him walk all over you, then you have another thing coming”, she hurled at him. She had enough crap on Lionel to bury him and she would if he tried to hurt Lex again.

    “There is nothing that you can do”, he tried to reason with her.

    “Oh isn’t there?” She always already plotting her first plan of attack. First the love notes he had written to Martha but never sent would miraculously reappear. Shredders were not as infallible as they often seemed.

    “My father is a powerful man, I don’t want you involved in any way”, the mere thought made his blood run cold. What Lionel could do to Chloe if he were displeased. No, that wouldn’t happen. It wouldn’t be over Lex’s dead body, but Lionel’s.

    “Well tough”, he was going to get his first full dose of Chloe Sullivan.

    “Chloe, I’m not letting you go down there”, he said sternly.

    “Aww, Lex really?” She almost swooned.

    He blinked.

    In equally dulcet tones she continued, “Do you really think that that Lord and Master stuff is going to work on me? A clue: no. Now you have two choices, you can: 1) let me go and deal with him, or 2) I will scream until he comes to see what it is and then I will deal with him”. Compromise and options, that was what was going to ensure that their friendship lasted a lifetime. Well, two, as there were two of them.

    “Chloe”, he growled.

    She opened her mouth in warning and he let her arm go.

    “Oh shit”, he thought to himself as he followed her down the staircase. This was going to be a blood bath. And that was if his father was in a good mood.


    Lana was staring, appalled and open mouthed, at Lionel while Clark was stonily silent. Neither of these reactions bothered the head of the Luthor family though, judging by the smirk on his face and the devilish twinkle in his eye.

    “My son?” Lionel repeated his question and, upon seeing their mute stares shift sideways slightly, he turned and smiled.

    Chloe was stomping her way towards him. She looked a lot better than she had in High School; her curves were more compact and highlighted in an expensive work suit which fit her like a glove but she had the same fire that he remembered. She was a feisty little thing and seemed to be having a good effect on his son. Lex prowled in after, a strength and anger radiating off him that Lionel had not witnessed in his weak willed son before.

    “Miss Sullivan”, he greeted, almost pleasantly. It was most off-putting.

    “Lionel”, she replied coolly.

    He raised an eyebrow at her impertinence. “Is see that your manners have not been improved by your time in what was it? The Ivy League?” It was an unfair comment; she had never been anything but civil with him and every other person that he had heard of her interacting with but she had always lacked the veneer Lana cultivated and it was obvious that she had craved that as much as her willowy figure and dark, shiny locks.

    “Some creatures are unworthy of good manners”, she said unfazed.

    “You wound me”, he said with a mock pout, his eyes surreptitiously travelling to his son every few seconds just to see how he was taking it all. Not well if the tension in his jaw and his stiff stance were anything to go by. He looked as if he wanted to grab Chloe and run away with her. Lionel smirked.

    “Not yet”.

    His eyes immediately snapped back to his tiny adversary and found her only a few inches away from him. Her eyes were crackling with anger. It was rather amusing. Still, he found his head lowering to hear was she was about to say.

    “But I could”, the words came out of her in a low purr, loud enough only for him to hear. A low, intimate, dangerous purr. Almost sexual. He didn’t know where she had learnt that trick but it was a good one. He was more impressed with her by the second.

    It was unwillingly that he forced himself to pull away from her, returning to his full height. He stared down at her, trying to intimidate her but clearly unable to. The look she gave him was daring. He would have thought that she wanted him, if she hadn’t clearly hated him so much.

    “I think”, he began thoughtfully, “that we might be discovering why you aren’t in a relationship yet, Miss Sullivan”. He had two options: 1) to call her bluff. To get in her face, reach out and touch her and remind her that she was no way near as scary as she clearly thought. A.k.a. the fun option. Or 2) do something to knock her confidence. The second one seemed like the safest choice. Although he hadn’t taken his eyes off her - he was only human - he knew how close his son was. He could feel the waves of fury rippling off him and he would rather not get punched in the face.

    “You do a lot of research”, Chloe noted, not bothered in the slightest by his snub.

    “The new woman in my son’s life bears examination”, he allowed his eyes to wander down her body once more.

    “I think that you have examined enough of the women in your son’s life”, she said with a bite to her tone.

    “Touché Miss Sullivan”, he said magnanimously.

    “Why are you here?” She demanded as she folded her arms.

    “Getting a little above yourself, aren’t you? I wasn’t aware that you were the lady of the house, unless there is something that my son has forgotten to tell me”, he looked at his son who was standing one step behind Chloe and to the side. When he received no answer from him he returned his attention to Chloe. So he would take that as a ‘no comment’.

    “Fine”, he huffed, not accustomed to giving people explanations for his actions, “I am here to see my son. To talk about business. If that is quite alright with you, Miss Sullivan”, he added cuttingly.

    “If I remember correctly - and I always do”, Chloe replied, earning a huff of laughter from both Luthors.

    “You and Lex are no longer in business together. Not after the creation of LexCorp. He even owns this house now”, she rubbed it in, just because she could.

    Lionel smirked. “Luthor and LexCorp are separate but we have a non-competitive clause and”, he paused for effect, “an understanding. As I’m sure you know”.

    Chloe’s only response was to narrow her eyes at him. “You have no reason to be here other than to try to muck Lex about. You never do”.

    “I see that time has not softened your sharp mind or rough edges”, he tisked.

    “Nor that crusty old piece of rock you call a heart”, Chloe shot back.

    “After all I’ve done for him”, Lionel half joked.

    “Oh please, this isn’t a Lifetime Movie. No one is gong to fall for that ‘tough love’, ‘bad childhood’, ‘strengthening the poor little creature’ crap! You don’t love your son “, she spat at him.

    Lionel paused, genuinely shocked for a minute. “I wasn’t aware that I had ever done anything to annoy you Miss Sullivan. Except for refusing an interview”. Really, that was a little far even for a girl defending her ‘friend’. Of course he loved his son and heir. Everything that he had ever done had been for his own good and he had had hardly any interactions with the girl. “I”, he took a menacing step towards her, ready to correct her.

    “Don’t you dare threaten her”, Lex snarled, moving in front of Chloe so that he was only inches away from his pater.

    Lionel raised an eyebrow and not just because he was impressed by his son’s choice in cologne. “Can’t a man come home once every few years? To relax and spend some time with his son?”

    “That might be rather difficult”, two surprised sets of male eyes turned to look at her, “I’m moving in so you are going to have to stay in the guest house, if Lex allows it. Do you have a problem with that?” Chloe challenged Lionel.

    “Most decidedly not”. He looked her up and down once more, this time searching for moxie inducing medication.

    “Chloe”, Lex turned on her. He grasped her arm gently and moved her out of the way, “You don’t have to do this. You don’t have to get involved”.

    “Oh don’t worry Lex”, she said loudly enough for everyone to hear - including Benson who she was sure was loitering just around the door jam - your team is good, they should be able to swap all of the stuff over lickety split. Isn’t that right, Benson?”

    “Quite Miss”, his voice wafted into the room.

    “Great. And make sure that you get rid of all of the Victorian pornography”, she added, shooting Lionel a scathing look. Her hand going to Lex’s arm.

    Lionel grinned from ear to ear.

    A/N: So, Lionel's back and Chloe's staying. What do you think?

  7. #87
    NS Full Member
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    Re: The Great Deception (NC17) Posted 31st December 2014

    can't wait to see what happens next. love that chloe is staying but i don't know if its a good thing & a bad thing that lionel grinned from ear to ear when chloe took lex's arm & she was staying. but lionel is up to something if its good or bad he have to wait to see what happens.

  8. #88
    NS Senior Member Senior Member malugargula's Avatar
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    Re: The Great Deception (NC17) Posted 31st December 2014

    My holidays were great too, thanks

    Ohhhh the MB is back!!! Lionel always makes things more interesting (even when he's a bastard lol)
    Can't wait for more
    Thanks for sharing

  9. #89
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Ami Rose's Avatar
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    Re: The Great Deception (NC17) Posted 18th October 2014

    I am absolutely in love with this fic! I really hope you up date soon!
    *Coffee Break 9:00 to 5:00 Daily.
    *Heaven doesn't want me and hell is afraid I'll take over.
    *Are you crazy?
    *From zero to insane in 1.5 seconds!
    *If I agree with you, then we'd both be wrong!

  10. #90
    NS Senior Member Senior Member HotCrossedBunny's Avatar
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    Re: The Great Deception (NC17) Posted 18th October 2014

    Ami Rose: Thank-you. Sorry that it has taken me so long.

    Malugargula: That's great. Yes he is.

    Cbrunberg: Yes he is.

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