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Thread: More than Meets the Eye (R) Update: 5/1/08 (Alternate S7)

  1. #81
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    Re: More than Meets the Eye (R) Update: 2/13/08, Ch.11 (Alternate S7)

    Of course, Clark could sneak in if he wanted, but it would have to be an emergency and he’d have to be quick about it if he didn’t want security to kick him out. This left no time for bitch sessions.

    She hadn’t heard from him since the newest enemy turned hero left town. More than likely he and Lana had made up. Probably chose to do a quick repair of their problems instead of really questioning the reason for those problems’ existence. At this point, she was just thankful to be out of it, and prayed for a long break before the return.
    That was an apt observation about the Clana relationship, www. It’s annoying and true… all of Lana’s relationships, whenever they hit a time of complications, difficulty and trouble usually only get ‘quick fix’ solutions that will not last in the long run. It’s interesting that Chloe’s contempt for Clark is growing… I am still holding onto the hope that the boy would somehow grow up, realize that he is losing Chloe’s and somehow try to modify his behaviour towards her so that he earns back her trust and respect. LOL! too much to ask for huh?

    Lana’s huge senseless, pointless ranting session was hilarious, and also pitiful. LOL! It was enjoyable seeing this (slightly) exaggerated version of the kind of personality she presents on the show. I highly approved of the fact that Chloe felt nothing but contempt, irritation and impatience for Lana’s ridiculous histrionics. It’s good to know that Chloe didn’t allow herself to be sucked into whatever ‘plan’ Lana had in mind.

    I giggled at Chloe’s remark about how the Talon holds more memories of near-death experiences rather than recollections of pleasant cups of coffee, LOL! I think this was probably the same reason that Lex also wanted to cut himself away from the Talon…Why would HE also want to hang onto something that brought back memories of blood and concussions?

    “I’m not serious. I’ll just let him think he will get me back. Then I’ll ditch him as soon as the deed is in my hands.” Lana smiled as if her plan was pure genius.
    This just… shocked me! It’s appalling behaviour, even for Lana. LOL! I can tell you had a lot of fun with the Lana-bashing in this chapter, www. LOL!

    Reaching for the door, she said, “I thought I made it clear Lana that we were done talking.”

    “I’ve been called a slew of different derogatory names but that has got to be the worse.” The visitor said with a smirk.

    Chloe laughed at his joke but couldn’t let him win the round so easily. “Hello Lex, are you here to bug my new place?”
    I giggled at Lex’s amused, drawling answer to Chloe’s remark. LOL! it’s nice seeing him relaxed and amused. And it was also interesting to see that Chloe greeted him without the slightest hint of animosity. She snarked at him, of course, but there was no malice in her tone. She was just playing. Does this mean she’s forgiven him?

    Noticing her staring at the orange and brown package, he said, “Store bought. I actually had to fight one lady off for the last bag. I can see why you like them so much.”

    “I’ll write to Hershey’s telling them not to bother with the campaign about the chocolate and peanut buttery goodness. Just say it’s worth the fight. I’m sure they’ll double their profits if you’d reenact the scene for their next commercial.”

    “I think I’d prefer ‘Lex Luthor, how do you eat your Reese’s? ...I’d take them all so I could rule the world.’”

    “And to think you wasted your life in business when advertising was clearly your niche in life.” She ended with a smile.
    I appreciated that Lex actually went shopping for Chloe’s housewarming gift personally. He actually went to a grocery store and bought cheap candy for her. LOL! It must have made him squirm to buy something that didn’t come in a luxurious, velvet box with a ribbon around it, ROTFL! I really enjoyed their banter over here. They are getting along really well together.

    She went back to the basket surprised to find: Bactine, Neosporin, Band-Aid adhesive bandages in different sizes, Ace bandages, ThermaCare HeatWraps, sterile gauze pads, adhesive hypoallergenic tape, trauma shears, tweezers, disposable non-latex gloves, swabs, alcohol wipes, saline solution, Hydrocortisone cream, Antihistamine cream, Calamine lotion, Advil, Tylenol, Bayer aspirin, Benadryl, Aloe vera lotion, burn gel, several Epipens, ipecac, and frighteningly what she was sure were military style QuikClots and high volume bandages and gauze.

    Upon her questioning glance, he informed her, “This is just my way of saying that I encourage your need to risk your life while investigating. I wanted to buy you full coverage medical benefits but I’d figure you’d just yell at me and I wanted this to be a somewhat nice visit, so I held off. But if you ever need life saving surgery, I will be paying the bill and you can argue with me once you are feeling better.” He finished with a soft smile. “I want you to enjoy your life whether it’s helping Clark or Queen. Or does he prefer you call him Green Arrow.”

    ROTFLMAO! This was hilarious and brilliant, www! I’ve never thought about it, but it makes SENSE that one of the best ways Lex could think of protecting Chloe would be to set up a fail-safe medical coverage and insurance for her. So that, even if HE wasn’t around to look after her personally, at least he would know that she was being looked at by competent doctors.

    But he was right that Chloe would NOT have appreciated even the slightest hint of him starting to control her life again. I loved, LOVED the idea of him compromising by buying her a medical emergency kit as a housewarming present. Not only will it help her, but it’s presence ‘might’ also remind her about his concern, and encourage her to be a ‘little’ more cautious in her investigations. Clever, cunning Lex, LOL!

    Lex moved toward the door not wanting to overstay his welcome but not wanting to leave either. “I’ll see you around.”

    “See you and thanks for the medical center in a basket.” This time he was rewarded with one of her genuine, bright smiles. He nodded with a smile of his own and a soft look in his eyes before leaving. She shut the door and leaned against it, closing her eyes. With all the emotions Lex stirring within her and confusing her, she was most grateful for that bottle of wine right now.
    I didn’t watch Siren, so I can’t comment about how you interpreted the happening in the latest episode and spun them in Chlexy favour. But it sounded good

    It’s interesting seeing Lex and Chloe reforming a connection. I’d say that she’s completely over being mad at him. In fact, I’d say it seems like she’s even begun to trust him now? So why is she holding herself back from following her emotions with regards to Lex. I could have understood that she still needed time to learn to trust him, but it seems like she DOES already… where’s the obstacle?

    This was a fun chapter, www. I’m sure all your fans appreciate you taking time to re-write every episode to make it more tolerable. I look forward to reading more. Good luck and Best Regards.

  2. #82
    NS Full Member tatie87's Avatar
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    Re: More than Meets the Eye (R) Update: 2/8/08, Ch.10 (Alternate S7)

    The Lex and Chloe relatioship is finally going somewhere. God I hate Lana!!! Hope u update soon.
    Last edited by tatie87; 24th March 2008 at 15:03.

  3. #83
    storie girl Senior Member starmoon's Avatar
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    Re: More than Meets the Eye (R) Update: 2/13/08, Ch.11 (Alternate S7)

    please update soon i can't wait for more. i want lana to go away she is so anoying and selfish. i hope chloe and lex work thing out they are ment to be happy together forever.

  4. #84
    NS Senior Member Senior Member letia84's Avatar
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    Re: More than Meets the Eye (R) Update: 2/13/08, Ch.11 (Alternate S7)

    Lana you truly crack me up. She thinks she going to seduce Lex in to keep something she doesn't even want anymore. She has 10million dollars she could always but the Talon but I guess she spent way to much money on those computers. I wish Chloe could just shut her up.

    Great update. Lex is super sweet for bring the first aid kit. Update soon. I want some freak powers please.

  5. #85
    'Single and Sassy' OddEvens's Avatar
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    'Hotel California' is a great song. ;)

    Re: More than Meets the Eye (R) Update: 2/13/08, Ch.11 (Alternate S7)

    Oh my gosh.. I've fallen in love.. with this story.. so please don't break my hart and update soon..

  6. #86
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    Re: More than Meets the Eye (R) Update: 2/13/08, Ch.11 (Alternate S7)

    AN: I’ve changed some of the aspects of Clark’s time in the Lex’s mind. For the most part, the summaries of the memories with Kara and of young Alexander are what were seen in the episode.

    The Memory
    Episode: Fracture

    The rain was pouring down as Chloe and Clark searched for Lex and Kara. Well, Chloe was searching for both of them. As far as Clark knew, they were only looking for Kara. Lex had sent Chloe a package with a locating device, two plane tickets to Detroit, Michigan and a letter saying he had found Kara and she had amnesia. Chloe was certain that the reason he had done so was to make Clark think Lex had plans for Kara. She didn’t want to engage another battle between them, but if Lex had truly found Kara then she owed it to Clark to give it a try. She explained that she had found Kara through some of her own digging and the device was from a friend who had discovered her and placed a tracking device on her so Clark could retrieve her.

    Not all of it was a lie. In his letter, Lex had said that he had put a tracking device on her, but the locator that he’d sent to Chloe would lead them to him, undoubtedly done so that Lex’s plan would go off without a hitch. Chloe figured she explained that later. First, she had to get Clark to Detroit.

    That explained while they were frantically searching the streets following the beeps on the screen. What it didn’t explain, was that when their searched ended, Kara was no where to be found. Lying in a ditch was Lex shot in the head.

    Chloe slid into the trench, and felt for a pulse. By some miracle it was there, but extremely faint. Resisting the urge not to cry, panic, or vomit; Chloe took charge and told Clark that she had to use her power to save Lex.

    Clark was confused. “I don’t understand. Where’s Kara? What is Lex doing here?”

    Chloe looked at him from where she was on the ground, surprised to see that he hadn’t moved from his spot above to help. “Lex is going to die, if we don’t help him now!”

    “Where’s Kara?”

    “I don’t know. Lex is the only one who does. I’ll explain later, but if you want to find her, you have to let me help Lex.”

    “No, I’m not going to let you risk your life for him.” With that Clark took Lex’s body and sped off.

    Left behind, Chloe prayed that Clark was going to see reason and at least take Lex to a hospital. She returned to her rental car and thought of how to convince Clark to let her do what was necessary for everyone.
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    Sitting in one the waiting rooms of the neurosurgery wing in the DMC Harper University Hospital, Chloe and Clark waited for information about Lex’s surgery. Chloe had called Lionel as soon as she had reached the Detroit Receiving Hospital where Clark had brought Lex. He had arrived by helicopter and immediately went to get information from Lex’s surgery staff. At the moment, he was watching from the balcony of the operating theatre.

    While waiting for Lionel, Clark had already berated Chloe for not informing him that the information came from Lex. To which she had asked would he had gone with her if he knew the truth. Unable to answer in a way that didn’t make him out to be a jerk, he dropped the subject. Then he once again refused to allow her to heal Lex. Not wanting to bother with arguing any longer, she told him that he had until Lex’s surgery was over to find a new way to save Kara or else she would take matters into her own hands.

    Now she was spending her time trying not to drive herself crazy with worry over Lex. She wasn’t stupid. She knew people rarely survived head injuries, and those who did were never the same. In the end, she would save Lex, and Clark could just deal with his issues later.

    In an effort to distract herself, she made noticed of how different Detroit’s medical facilities were to those of Smallville’s. Reasonable, given that it was a larger city. Definitely better than anything a small town could ever hope to achieve. Hopefully, Lionel wouldn’t be crazy enough to move Lex once the surgery was done. Not that she’d let him. Lex would be walking out of this hospital.

    Chloe paced the hallways. Watched as the lights on the elevator changed as different people entered and exited. Visited the gift shop five times. Each time, she just looked up and down the aisles and bought none of the silly bears, balloons, or cards with ‘Get Well Soon’ messages. As if any of those gifts could make a person with a gun shot wound to the head better. She oddly became angry with every doctor that entered the room to tell other families that their wait was over. Families that arrived long after she had. As if ‘first come, first served’ mattered in this situation. She pretended to read the health magazines in the waiting room. None of the words made sense, and she wondered who would care about the latest medical advances as their loved ones were fighting for their lives.

    The thought that she considered Lex to be a loved one had sent her into a frenzy of what he meant to her after all of their history. In the end, she couldn’t ignore the fact that she did love him. It wasn’t ever going to be fairytale love. It might never be the kind where ‘love triumphs all’, but it was love. And that made her more determined than ever to get her way. Because even if she and Lex couldn’t be together now, she still wanted that option that they could be together later.

    Hours later, Lionel returned to say that Lex was in a coma and might never recover. Chloe had used that knowledge to insist that Clark back down. However, when Lionel discovered that Lex was their only hope for Kara, he told them of an experimental LuthorCorp project that would allow Clark to search Lex’s brain. Chloe wasn’t thrilled with the idea. Moving Lex at this stage could be dangerous. There was no certainty that Clark could find what he was looking for and may cause himself harm in the meantime. She thought about how wrong it was to probe into someone else’s thoughts but didn’t bother to mention this to Clark, as he would just ignore Lex’s feelings in order to get what he wanted.

    She was outvoted by Clark and Lionel, and once Lex was stable he was transported from the hospital to the LuthorCorp facility. During the return trip to Metropolis, Chloe spilt her time worrying for Lex, cursing Clark’s insensitivity, and wondering why Lionel was so eager to help find Kara.
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    As Clark walked through Lex’s memory he noticed an angelic figure that seemed vaguely familiar but he couldn’t say for certain who the woman was supposed to represent.

    Continuing down the hall, he approached a door and found himself immersed in nervousness at what he might find on the other side. Checking to make sure the red exit door was still in his eyesight; he opened the other door and walked into Lex’s memory. The setting was a diner and he noticed Kara talking to a young man he’d never seen before. Eventually she went to pour some coffee to a gentleman he immediately recognized as Lex. They talked some and Clark heard Kara herself say that she had amnesia. Lex offered her help, but before Clark could hear anymore he was pulled out of the memory.

    Lex stood behind him questioning his presence. Clearly angry that Clark was trespassing in his brain, Lex made a move to attack Clark. However, Clark was able to escape into another memory.

    This time he took notice of a young red headed child playing with toy models of Alexander the Great. He knew that this was a young Lex, and he find it strange that Lex seemed so content to be left alone to his toys. The mood changed as soon as Lionel entered the memory and began beating young Lex. Interrogating him about searching Lionel’s briefcase so cruelly that Clark couldn’t blame him for admitting that Lillian was the real culprit; Lex himself seemed so disappointed that he couldn’t stand up for his mother. Then Lillian had entered the room and the parents fought over something called Veritas. After Lionel had left, Lillian had told Lex to leave her alone and admonished him by saying he had done enough damage. Once again Lex was filled with failure.

    Clark was surprised to sympathize with Lex. He had never known his own parents to appear disgusted with his behavior even when he was in the wrong. Lex had done nothing and was taking all of the blame. He remembered how much Lex had idolized his mother and this was obviously one of his more difficult memories to rationalize. He backed out of the door conflicted with his feelings of once again caring for Lex.

    Through another door, he once again appeared in the diner, this time seeing Lex place a necklace on Kara. He once again offered his help to return her memories to her. He stared at her with a soft look that he had seen Lex share with Lana a few times. The sadness for Lex’s life was quickly replaced with being scared about Lex’s intentions for his cousin. Kara left the counter to return to the kitchen and Lex pulled out his cell phone to text a message. Clark zeroed in to see the message read: I hope you received my package. I trust you will be in Detroit soon.

    Clark never knew if Lex had received a reply because at that moment Kara had screamed from the back room, and Lex had raced after her. Clark followed and saw the scene of Lex’s shooting. He picked up the tracking device that Lex had dropped and made note of the location before pulling out of the memory.

    He was set to exit through the red door before he noticed another door that appeared different from all the others in Lex’s memory. Instead of solid steel, this door looked like a normal wooden door. The craftsmanship was of the best quality, strong and sturdy; he ventured to guess from the dark color that it was made from mahogany. From beneath the door, he saw a soft light blue glow. Clark knew that he should be leaving now that he had the necessary information, but the intrigue of what could be behind this door made it impossible for him to turn away.

    Turning the brass knob, he entered a room that looked oddly familiar. He felt as though he had not seen this room in years. Just ahead of him was a couch and he easily recognized the back of Lex’s head. Lex appeared to be facing a television which accounted for the glow. He recognized the movie as one Chloe had tried to get him to watch before but he had complained from the beginning because it was clearly a chick flick. He agreed with Pete that no self-respecting hockey player would agree to become a figure skater even if meant an Olympic gold medal. He also couldn’t believe that the characters were supposed to be love interests when all they did was argue. Chloe mentioned something about banter, chemistry, and foreplay but he chalked it up to the crazy thoughts of certain females. Lana had agreed with him and said that she never liked the movie because if the two leads couldn’t be nice from the beginning then they would never be truly in love.

    Moving closer he noticed that Lex was looking more at something off to the side than at the screen. Something that was on the couch next to him. That was when he noticed that the something was actually someone. And the someone...was Chloe. Her head was leaning against Lex’s chest and the rest of her body was lying across the couch. Lex had only taken a small portion and had his feet propped up on the coffee table.

    The sight of Chloe had shocked Clark enough to register that this place was Chloe’s safe house he had seen for a few moments three years ago. Several factors about Lex’s presence surprised and scared him. For one, Lex seemed so comfortable with his feet up and shoes off. For another, his arm was resting over Chloe’s body and his hand ended curled over Chloe’s hip. Neither of them seemed to be too unsettled by their positions as if they had been seated like this many times before. But perhaps the aspect that frightened Clark the most was the look on Lex’s face. Different than the looks he had seen Lex give Lana, and the ones he just saw in the last memories with Kara. The smile on his face hadn’t seemed practice and the softness in his eyes didn’t look forced. And Chloe wasn’t even able to see Lex because her eyes were watching the action on the screen.

    Before he was able to stare at the pair any further, he was violently pulled from the memory. This time Lex had thrown Clark against a wall in his office and was crushing Clark’s neck with an unprecedented strength.

    Clark looked down from where Lex’s grip was holding him. Lex stared menacingly before voicing, “What in the hell to you think you are doing in there? That place isn’t for you.”

    Clark pleaded for Lex to let him go but couldn’t manage to say much with the damage Lex was doing to his wind pipes. Lex continued, “You had no right to watch that. If I wanted to, I could create some horrible vision for you to see. Something to destroy all of your precious ideals about your silly so called true love. How would you like that?” Lex added more pressure to Clark’s throat before throwing him down on the floor and starting to beat him. Punch. “Leave.” Punch. “Us.” Punch. “Alone.” Punch. “You.” Punch. “Don’t.” Punch. “Deserve.” Punch. “Her.” He ended his speech with a kick to Clark’s stomach before turning to pull a sword from his collection.
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    Meanwhile, Lex’s medical alert alarms had gone off back at the lab. Lionel asked the technician what was happening. The man said, “Something has raised the adrenaline in his heart. He’s having a heart attack. In a few minutes, he’ll be brain dead. We have to stop that or Mr. Kent will die with him.”

    Chloe had heard the alarm go off and walked in to see that Lionel’s man was trying to shock Lex back to life. “What happened?”

    Lionel turned to her. “Ms. Sullivan, you shouldn’t be in here.” He took put his hand on her shoulder and tried lead her out of the room. She violently shrugged off his hand and demanded, “What’s happening to Lex?”

    Lionel sadly admitted, “He’s dying. If they can’t bring him back, Clark will die with him.” Just then the technician dropped the paddles and told them that it was too late.

    Without a second thought Chloe told Lionel that she could save him. She had a fleeting thought that Lionel probably thought that she meant Clark. He could believe whatever he wanted. As she placed her hand against Lex’s chest, she made a prayer that she would get the opportunity to do so again when they were both conscious.

    She felt a jolt as all her energy seemed to travel from the rest of her body through her hand and into Lex’s heart. The room filled with a blinding light and all she saw was Lex’s face before she blacked out.
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    Clark looked up to see that Lex was going to impale the sword through Clark’s heart, but then Lex seemed to experience some kind of jolt and stumbled back. When Lex lost his footing and clutched his own heart, Clark took the opportunity to run for the exit door.

    He awoke in the machine to see that Lionel was holding an unconscious Chloe. He told Lionel to get Chloe back to her apartment while he went to rescue Kara.
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    Chloe had finally convinced Clark that she would be fine and could be left alone for the evening. She had listened as he voiced his concerns about her health. She admitted that spending eighteen hours teetering on the edge of life scared her, but she knew there was a good reason for her to have this power. She wouldn’t stop just because Clark asked her.

    She had noticed that he seemed worried about her decision to save Lex. She had managed to alleviate his concerns about her opinion of Lex. She didn’t like having to lie about her feelings but knew Clark wouldn’t understand. He would never accept her feelings for Lex but if he could one day understand that loving someone meant that you loved them despite their faults then there might be hope for her and Clark’s friendship to remain intact.

    For some reason, Clark didn’t feel open to talking about what he had seen while in Lex’s mind. That was fine with her, if Lex ever wanted to discuss his memories with her, then he would.

    Not long after Clark had left, she heard a knock at her door. She wasn’t surprised to see Lex standing on the other side. “You know most people who just come out a coma like to stay in the hospital for another day or two. What happened? They run out of your favorite flavor of Jell-O?” She let him in the apartment before closing the door.

    For once in his life, Lex wasn’t in the mood to banter with Chloe. Instead he wrapped his arms around her and buried his head between her neck and shoulder. Chloe was a bit stunned by his reaction but recovered quickly in order return his hug. She lost track of how long they held on to each other before Lex lifted his head. He used both of his hands to push the hair out or her eyes and just stared into them for another few seconds before closing his own eyes and leaning his forehead against hers.

    Chloe closed her own eyes taken in the comfort Lex was giving her and tried to return it by rubbing her hands up and down his arms. She heard him softly whisper, “Don’t ever do that again.”

    She took a deep breath and leaned backed a little. She didn’t leave his embrace, mainly because she didn’t want to and because he refused to let her. She was about to tell him the same reason about her power that she told Clark, but he opened his eyes to stare her once again.

    Lex knew his eyes were pleading as much as his voice when he said, “I don’t want to lose you. And I wouldn’t have much of a life if I did, especially if I were the reason.”

    Chloe lifted her right hand to wipe away a tear that had escaped down Lex’s cheek when he spoke. Not able to stop her own tears, she rhetorically asked him “And how do you think I would have felt if I was the reason that you died?”

    Knowing that she felt the same about him warmed him from the inside out. But he couldn’t let her get away with acting so cautiously. “That’s different. You weren’t the one who shot me.”

    Chloe made a mental note to question later how the two of them could be so tender and argumentative at the same time. She replied, “No, but I knew I could save you. Knowing that and not doing anything when I easily could, would be the same as if I saw you bleeding on the side of the road and did nothing to help. Why does no one understand that if I can help someone I will?” She finally stepped out of his embrace and stared him down to let him know that he wouldn’t be able to change her mind.

    Lex relented and gave her a smile as he took her hand. “I love that you want to risk your life to help others. You are a true hero. I just wish that you wouldn’t give so much of yourself when you use your powers.”

    “What do you mean?”

    “I think you can help people and not have to play Juliet for a several hours if you learn to control your powers.” He said playfully as he took her other hand in his and started to massage soothing circles on the back of her hands.

    She pushed out a puff of air as she explained, “I’ve been working with my powers. I just haven’t found that right balance yet.”

    “Well, if you allow my scientists to run some tests, they may be able to help you. I told you I’ve had them working on your case.” His eyes begged her to finally take his offer.

    Chloe gave some thought to what Lex was suggesting. She knew that he just wanted to help her. And he was the only one that probably could. “You’ll be there with me?”

    “Not even your temper could scare me away.” He smiled at her brightly and she rewarded him by initiating the hug this time.

    She pulled back slowly as Lex leaned his face against hers. When they were staring into each other’s eyes with less than inch between them, the two both moved inward. Their lips met and they held each other tighter. Their mouths parted and their tongues joined in the kiss. Lex’s fists grabbed a few inches of the back of Chloe’s shirt while her hands were at the back of his neck. A few moments later, they parted only slightly to catch their breath.

    Neither wanted to leave the other’s embrace.


    AN2: For those who didn’t recognize the movie that Chloe and Lex were watching, it was The Cutting Edge. If you haven’t seen it, then I suggest you remedy that mistake by watching it as soon as possible. But don’t watch the two sequels of the movie because you will only incur my pity. Shame on those who have, and further shame on those who may have liked them.

  7. #87
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: More than Meets the Eye (R) Update: 2/28/08, Ch.12 (Alternate S7)

    Oh my goodness that was great. I am so happy that Chloe was able to save them. But I am afraid that she used it in front of Lionel. Isn't that a big no no? I don't want him to use her against Lex. Clark needs to take a jump off a short pier. I can't stand his holier than though attitude.

    The kiss that Chloe and Lex shared yum. I can't wait to see where you take them next.

    I love the Cutting Edge. That movie was the bomb and I never even bothered with the sequels. I just rolled my eyes and moved on. They look sucky and I had no problem not watching them.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  8. #88
    NS Full Member marcy2401's Avatar
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    Smile Re: More than Meets the Eye (R) Update: 2/28/08, Ch.12 (Alternate S7)

    I just love this story. I was wondering when you were going to post again. It was worth the wait. I loved how Lex got mad when Clark was in his memory of him and Chloe.

  9. #89
    NS Full Member lkedino's Avatar
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    Re: More than Meets the Eye (R) Update: 2/28/08, Ch.12 (Alternate S7)

    I love this and can't wait for next chapter

  10. #90
    NS Senior Member Senior Member letia84's Avatar
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    Re: More than Meets the Eye (R) Update: 2/28/08, Ch.12 (Alternate S7)

    Alright there was kissing.

    I never understood why the heck Lois was looking for Kara anyway. I wish they would stop trying to include someone that is irrelevant to Clark's current development.

    But back to Chlex. Lex is right on getting Chloe to let him help. She shouldn't be dying all the time if she doesn't have to in order to help people.
    The sight of Chloe had shocked Clark enough to register that this place was Chloe’s safe house he had seen for a few moments three years ago. Several factors about Lex’s presence surprised and scared him. For one, Lex seemed so comfortable with his feet up and shoes off. For another, his arm was resting over Chloe’s body and his hand ended curled over Chloe’s hip. Neither of them seemed to be too unsettled by their positions as if they had been seated like this many times before. But perhaps the aspect that frightened Clark the most was the look on Lex’s face. Different than the looks he had seen Lex give Lana, and the ones he just saw in the last memories with Kara. The smile on his face hadn’t seemed practice and the softness in his eyes didn’t look forced. And Chloe wasn’t even able to see Lex because her eyes were watching the action on the screen.
    Before he was able to stare at the pair any further, he was violently pulled from the memory. This time Lex had thrown Clark against a wall in his office and was crushing Clark’s neck with an unprecedented strength.

    Clark looked down from where Lex’s grip was holding him. Lex stared menacingly before voicing, “What in the hell to you think you are doing in there? That place isn’t for you.”
    This warmed my Chlex loving heart. I would love to think Lex is thinking of his time with Chloe and holding on to those memories in a safe place where Clark doesn't belong.

    Are you going to mention Pete as well because I see this story branching off out of season in to place with actual plot and interesting storytelling.

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